How To Use Swaggering In A Sentence

  • A society based on the shoot-out attitudes of the Wild West where winnners are swaggering kings who rule by intimidation and losers are rotting corpses in the gutter is an unhealthy one indeed, even in a world not bristling with nuclear weapons. The wait
  • Between Healey and Dawn Porter, they've covered every aspect of the journey, from tufty teen to swaggering adult. What have Cherry Healey and Dawn Porter taught us?
  • Escamillo became a swaggering prize fighter named Husky Miller.
  • They're confident, swaggering and ready to crush opposition with a casual flick of the tongue. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was, altogether, as roystering and swaggering a young gentleman as ever stood four feet six, or something less, in the bluchers. Oliver Twist
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  • In her eyes, Yemen was the poor and guileless cousin of the swaggering petro-monarchies of the Persian Gulf.
  • As they mooched off, one straggler swaggering along behind the others tried to do an oh-so-cool spit onto the grass.
  • She defies all convention by playing the character not as some swaggering voluptuary but as a gracious, humane woman whose mission is to prevent her daughter repeating her mistakes.
  • You know that at best Billy will be crushed by pit life and at worst he will eventually turn into a version of his swaggering, beer-swilling elder brother.
  • J.D. Borthwick, an English visitor, was amused at the swaggering style of the forty-niners.
  • A flashily dressed man comes swaggering down the street, talking loudly into a mobile phone.
  • During imperial times, that archetypal native, John Bull, was swaggeringly sure of himself: common sense told this true-born Englishman that he was also a Briton and as such the representative of an empire that straddled the globe.
  • His swaggering bravado has endeared him to the other rising strongmen. Times, Sunday Times
  • His cocksure attitude and swaggering womanizing make him ripe for a smack in the face.
  • So set your body clock for Fast Freddie, the Widow and Me, the redemptive tale of a swaggering cock of a drink-driving luxury car dealer forced to do community service at a drop-in centre for teenagers with behavioural and social problems. Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
  • Come hither, and I will show thee in this platterful of fair fountain-water thy future wife lechering and sercroupierizing it with two swaggering ruffians, one after another. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Ian Storey is a wonderfully swaggering Pinkerton and his powerful baritone proves the perfect counterpoint to Butterfly's swooning.
  • As the proportion of homicides committed with firearms surged, even the swaggering ruffians of local bars may have thought twice before challenging any and all onlookers.
  • There is no better way to relax than to watch a cat - sleeping, stretching, or swaggering along.
  • But these last two points are faults of the plays, not the production, which at its best is a breathlessly pell-mell, swaggeringly epic dose of theatre.
  • He cocked his hat at me, as if I had been to blame for this partiality; then changed again into his usual swaggering civility, shook me by the hand, and set off down to the boat, with the money under his arms, and whistling as he went the pathetic air of shule aroon. Persecutions Endured
  • Does this swaggering rock front man suffer from the same moment of unease? Times, Sunday Times
  • They're confident, swaggering and ready to crush opposition with a casual flick of the tongue. Times, Sunday Times
  • His swaggering bravado has turned me and a number of people I know way off.
  • They remembered him as aggressive and tireless, the swaggering menace of his run-up, the India ink mop of Brylcreemed hair ruffled by the breeze and those shoulders broadening to Superman dimensions when he delivered the ball in a fluid, side-on action of textbook beauty. Fred Trueman: the good, the bad and the grouchy | Rob Bagchi
  • What English people of nearly all classes loathe from the bottom of their hearts is the swaggering officer type, the jingle of spurs and the crash of boots. The Lion and the Unicorn
  • Think swaggering verses, an uplifting chorus and a mighty brass crescendo perfect for ringing in the great British summer. The Sun
  • What English people of nearly all classes loathe from the bottom of their hearts is the swaggering officer type, the jingle of spurs and the crash of boots. The Lion and the Unicorn
  • But the picture built up in the media of a swaggering and callous man, was wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • From one of the village lanes came swaggering towards the visitors a figure of aggressive fashion, -- a very buckish young fellow, with a heavy black mustache and black eyes, who wore a jaunty round hat, blue checked trousers, a white vest, and a morning-coat of blue diagonals, buttoned across his breast; in his hand he swung a light cane. A Chance Acquaintance
  • Which damaged though swaggering man will come out on top? Times, Sunday Times
  • Which damaged though swaggering man will come out on top? Times, Sunday Times
  • In turn, the state, blustering about the end of civilization like the swaggering capitano of the commedia dell'arte, plays the villainous authority who thwarts the inamorati.
  • Does this swaggering rock front man suffer from the same moment of unease? Times, Sunday Times
  • (Laughter) All the little Italian generals came in swaggering around, and finally came Count Ciano looking very much like Prince Danilo of the "Merry Widow". The World From Westminster
  • There is no false modesty here, no subtle, indirect swaggering; the author's honesty rings true.
  • Or if anyone could contrive to return in beggarly disguise after ten years' maritime battering and see off all his swaggering rivals with a deliciously unexpected volte-face, Vick would be your man.
  • At the suggestion of my friend, the Rev.Mr. Hunt, I have restored the original readings, as in truer consonancy with the vainglorious, insolent, and swaggering ballad spirit. Lyra Heroica A Book of Verse for Boys
  • Think swaggering verses, an uplifting chorus and a mighty brass crescendo perfect for ringing in the great British summer. The Sun
  • They live for getting their kecks off and swaggering around 'chongs at the ready'. Times, Sunday Times
  • a swaggering peremptory manner
  • Good god Mike Skinner's affected cheeky chappy swaggering is annoying. The Streets wants to tell you something... (Music (For Robots))
  • Middle-aged merchants have a great fancy for such horses; their action recalls the swaggering gait of a smart waiter; they do well in single harness for an after-dinner drive; with mincing paces and curved neck they zealously draw a clumsy droshky laden with an overfed coachman, a depressed, dyspeptic merchant, and his lymphatic wife, in a blue silk mantle, with a lilac handkerchief over her head. A Sportsman's Sketches
  • Do you paint it as high farce, or just go for a swaggering thrill ride? Christianity Today
  • On his big military map of that region (it is on the western edge of the Argonne) Foch would show his students how the Prussians, Hessians and some Austrian troops; under the Duke of Brunswick, crossed the French frontier on August 19 and came swaggering toward Paris, braggartly announcing their intentions of “celebrating” in Paris in September. Foch the Man
  • But the picture built up in the media of a swaggering and callous man, was wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mezzo Marie Lenormand was sweetly swaggering as the Fox, who woos and wins the Vixen; baritone Joshua Bloom was pure testosterone as Harašta; and mezzo Melissa Parks was imposing as the Forester's impatient wife and the Owl for which she wore a cagelike garment flecked with feathers. The Beauty of the Beasts
  • They're confident, swaggering and ready to crush opposition with a casual flick of the tongue. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is often accompanied, in drink, by a strutting, swaggering bumptiousness.
  • He was swaggering, they told me, about the town in his old regimentals, every pomp of the foreign soldier assumed again as if they had never been relaxed in all those yean of peace and commerce. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Australian TV executives were wary of such a project and its unabashed depiction of such swaggering women but Riley and Turner persevered and eventually won the day, delivering a classy, confident spoof of suburban sybarites.
  • “Why, well,” said the youth, “if the abbot is a man of respectability becoming his vocation, and not one of those swaggering churchmen, who stretch out the sword, and bear themselves like rank soldiers in these troublous times.” Castle Dangerous
  • Do you paint it as high farce, or just go for a swaggering thrill ride? Christianity Today
  • From the barmily romantic ‘Just Like Fred Astaire’ to the anthemic ‘We're Going To Miss You ’, this is indulgent, swaggering and even survives Sinead O'Connor on ‘Vervaceous’.
  • As the world prospered behind their backs, this insular strain of American metastasized into swaggering jingoes full of Cold War machismo, content to wave the flag and "Go for the gold. Mike Farrell: The Ugly America
  • He came in swaggering, but, by George, he went out scratching! Three Times and Out: A Canadian Boy's Experience in Germany
  • a more swaggering mood than usual
  • Bells you gave me, bells of victory, bells of merriment, yellow and green; cloches clashing, swaggering braggarts, helmets agleam coppery red.
  • Does this swaggering rock front man suffer from the same moment of unease? Times, Sunday Times
  • Our swaggering demon is resolute until agile Laksman climbs on his foe's bent thigh to deliver a walloping strike that sends Intorachit reeling.
  • Can this city survive without its traditional battalions of colorful characters swaggering through saloons and newspaper columns?
  • They evidently mistook this brandy-bibbing as a swaggering habit of mine; whereas I was honestly prescribing for myself what had been recommended to me as the best preventive of cholera.
  • Swaggering along in their check suits, gold chains, lumpy rings and billycocks, they were pointed out by name or exploit.
  • A half-admiring, half-nervous public quickly dubbed his swaggering and very personal style of government the Dadis Show, which was the name of a television programme in which the captain himself questioned and berated miscreants. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • His intense, swaggering stage presence and masterful violin playing has won him both fans and critical acclaim all over the world.
  • The result is a setting that’s clearly modelled on an American high school but is populated almost entirely by kids and teachers with decidedly European accents — even when they have names like Brad and are swaggering around in letterman sweaters like an extra in Grease. The Curiosity of Chance
  • But the picture built up in the media of a swaggering and callous man, was wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • The same bed-wetting Dem Senator – Harry Reid – who accused Bush of swaggering is swaggering about how the President isn’t doing enough to lead the way on Iran. Think Progress » Harry Reid: No Good Military Options in Iran
  • For example, if you know an arrogant person, don't just write him off as a swaggering braggart.
  • Lippy Kids is the story I think of Garvey reminiscing about gobby youngsters swaggering around a northwestern estate with "simian strolls" as the ghost of Garvey past implores them to remember that these are the days of their lives. From Help! to Build A Rocket Boys!, exclamation marks rock!
  • A recruiting officer might have "conscripted" nearly a brigade of the swaggering blusterers. The Narrative of a Blockade-Runner
  • 'The Master of Ballantrae' shouldered 'The Queen's Regulations,' one would fancy with a swaggering hint of scorn; a battered copy of the The Great Amulet
  • They're confident, swaggering and ready to crush opposition with a casual flick of the tongue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does this swaggering rock front man suffer from the same moment of unease? Times, Sunday Times
  • He's swaggering, which is odd given how low is approval is. 10/17/2007
  • Which damaged though swaggering man will come out on top? Times, Sunday Times
  • Until the day that the sword-swaggering patriarchies on both sides get hip to the fact that their day has come and gone, the battle will continue. Michael Lutin: The Manhattan Mosque: A Solution
  • With that all the neighbors thought he was cracked, and faith the poor wife herself thought the same, when he kem home in the evenin ', after shpendin' every rap he had in dhrink, and swaggering about the place, and lookin 'at his hand every minit. Half-Hours with Great Story-Tellers
  • Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate.
  • In addition to my impressions of the theatre and of Prague, now came those of the so-called swaggering undergraduate. My Life — Volume 1
  • Think swaggering verses, an uplifting chorus and a mighty brass crescendo perfect for ringing in the great British summer. The Sun
  • It reflected the cocky, swaggering, rough-tough cowboy image of someone who likes to playact at being a "real man. Robert S. McElvaine: "Bring 'Em On!" - The Fifth Anniversary of Bush's Declaration of Indecency
  • But the picture built up in the media of a swaggering and callous man, was wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was, altogether, as roystering and swaggering a young gentleman as ever stood four feet six, or something less, in his bluchers.
  • Swaggering and hostile, the Italians announce their intent: We're spreadin 'polio .... Philip Roth's "Nemesis," reviewed by Roxana Robinson
  • The theme for Michael Caine's gangster film Get Carter, written at the age of 23, lays ricocheting trains, chilling harpsichord and funky tablas over a swaggering bass line.
  • Ansari, who is best known as the swaggering Tom Haverford on NBC's CLOSE Slate Magazine
  • Oliver at last relieved his host by swaggering off, imitating as well as he could the sturdy step and outward gesture of his redoubted companion, and whistling a pibroch composed on the rout of the Danes at The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Which damaged though swaggering man will come out on top? Times, Sunday Times

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