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How To Use Suspiciously In A Sentence

  • I clicked the 'Live Chat' button, and lo and behold, I was deposited in a chat room with what sounded suspiciously like a chatbot.
  • Few human pursuits can conjure up such overblown expectations, fanned by holiday brochure photo-spreads showing impossibly white beaches domed by suspiciously azure skies.
  • The only hint of fear in the company was the presence of two tall gorilla bodyguards clasping small automatic fire-arms, who glared at us suspiciously as we approached, but made no attempt to stop us.
  • The watch was suspiciously cheap; it was probably a fake.
  • He said people who see someone acting suspiciously near a home should call the police straightaway.
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  • Another lawsuit is pending in Germany against the Opel division of General Motors, this one for a version of the Brahms 'Lullaby' performed in what he calls a suspiciously Waitsian voice. Archive 2006-01-01
  • And then there were the bones-a bear's digit, with the great curved claw still attached; the complete vertebrae of a small snake, articulated and strung on a leather thong, so the whole string flexed in a lifelike manner; an assortment of teeth, ranging from a string of round, peglike things that Jamie said came from a seal, through the high-crowned, scythe-cusped teeth of deer, to something that looked suspiciously like a human molar. Dragonfly in Amber
  • We do not want to watch his ‘out of control’ yet suspiciously manipulative antics nor listen to his condescending, holier-than-thou judgments.
  • He looked at it suspiciously, and as he grabbed for it, the thunder only began to clamor loudly, sending more rain to beat down on the mansion.
  • She also has suspiciously total recall of extended conversations. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Residents had reported two youths acting suspiciously in the area and trying to open doors and windows.
  • I peer suspiciously at my co-workers lunches to see what they’re shoveling in there that comes out so malodorously. The Bog Report « XUP
  • Flying on the wings of an ubiquitous electric slide guitar, a distinctive if quavering voice, and her acerbically accurate songwriting, the Ottawa songwriter has crafted what sounds suspiciously like a Canadian roots rock classic.
  • The chassis combines a lightweight aluminium frame with what look suspiciously like cycle parts. Times, Sunday Times
  • This sounded suspiciously like an attempt to get rid of me.
  • He giggled, then sobered quickly and looked suspiciously out the window.
  • A drizzling rain was still falling; great hairy-legged spiders skated over the water, making things grewsome; the large lily-pad leaves moved suspiciously, so Kali gave the orders to camp for the rest of the night. The Adventures of Piang the Moro Jungle Boy A Book for Young and Old
  • Said paladin is only absent a few moments before returning to the bar and his suspiciously empty cider, which the bartender quickly refills without comment. Session 2.1: Arborvale « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • The reply came hesitantly and in exactly the manner Tiff had expected: dispassionately and unsuspiciously. Parlor Games
  • In fact it was rigged with what looked suspiciously like 10 year old and totally knackered Oxford gear!
  • Here, women of a certain age parade improbably large and pert bosoms encased in lime-green body suits, suspiciously taut, unwrinkled, expressionless faces, and very aged, very rich husbands on the terrace.
  • After professing enthusiastic support for reform of the present scorned system, ministers have gone suspiciously quiet. Times, Sunday Times
  • It looked suspiciously like a pact for maintaining the competitiveness of the German economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • She says when she was in the shop they looked at her suspiciously. The Glasgow Girls
  • Subject to the suggested immunity from losses, the claim for 25% looks suspiciously like the presentation of a fourth partner.
  • Always thought it was a bit odd on Cribs that the homes looked suspiciously unlived - in…
  • Your bow tie looked suspiciously of the made-up variety. Times, Sunday Times
  • He saw West follow with the eight, which looked suspiciously like a singleton. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, all these wannabe startups fall suspiciously silent when you start talking about stuff like latent semantic indexing and polysemic hierarchies. Quintura Visual Search Engine Relaunches
  • The king's eyes narrowed suspiciously as he waited for the faun to answer.
  • She looked at him suspiciously, then suddenly gave him the full force of her gap-toothed smile. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • They sat together, looking on a little suspiciously as the tools and materials were gathered together.
  • I dunno if this carries in the transcript, but this guy hesitated suspiciously after every single fact.
  • Residents should keep an eye out for strangers acting suspiciously in their areas.
  • People should not hesitate to contact the police if they've noticed anyone acting suspiciously.
  • London, he looked at _me_, then at _it_, suspiciously, as if doubting whether the possessor of such a little wayworn portmanteau could he the _bonâ fide_ owner of such a sum as the figures represented. The Englishwoman in America
  • The woman regarded her suspiciously, arms akimbo.
  • It's a killer little shirt - it says, "I'm one of them!" and it's got a funny little design that looks suspiciously like a "personal massager" in larvae form. Needley Needley Needley
  • The Prince eyed me suspiciously from a sideways glance.
  • Today, it turns out that the surveillance team had concluded that de Menezes was not a threat - that he was not about to detonate a bomb, was not armed and was not acting suspiciously.
  • 'Who was that?' asked my mother unsuspiciously, watching through the window as the fleeting back view of cropped light brown hair, loose jacket, rolled up jeans and too-big trainers made a fast sloppy shuffle out of sight. They didn’t read Pitchfork or Stereogum or Gorilla vs. Bear or Hipster Runoff
  • Washington's motives are widely distrusted and its various foreign policy postures are viewed suspiciously, even by long-standing allies.
  • And also the one from the Green Cross Code adverts that looked suspiciously like R2D2 although admittedly he's perhaps not quirte so internationally recognised
  • The chassis combines a lightweight aluminium frame with what look suspiciously like cycle parts. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in fact the similarities between you and Sybil are quite incredible - suspiciously so.
  • She donned a feather boa and not much else for the photos, which look suspiciously airbrushed. The Sun
  • The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like an American pit bull terrier.
  • It offers a wide range of fashion, homeware, electricals and toiletries and looks suspiciously like a discount store. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless it is a hip new combination of "sussing out" and "suspicion" in which the susicious person suspiciously reconnoiters a location, probably an ex girlfriend's new place of residence. No Getting Around It: Cycling and Religion Clash Again
  • After professing enthusiastic support for reform of the present scorned system, ministers have gone suspiciously quiet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, the rookie analyst sounded suspiciously like a veteran house man.
  • Wiping his mouth and letting out a rich burp, he snatched up the silver and bundled it roughly into the pocket of his jerkin, glancing around suspiciously as he did so.
  • "What are you talking about?" Jason asked suspiciously.
  • More ominously, in both starts they have knocked Olajuwon from Mount Olympus, making him appear suspiciously mortal.
  • However, this "ritzy" apartment looked suspiciously like a normal apartment. NAN MOMENT OF THE DAY
  • The serving platter was piled high with big chunks of pork bone - I couldn't figure out exactly where on the pig they came from, though some of the pieces looked suspiciously like vertebrae.
  • Another lawsuit is pending in Germany against the Opel division of General Motors, this one for a version of the Brahms "Lullaby" performed in what he calls a suspiciously Waitsian voice. Archive 2006-01-01
  • People should not hesitate to contact the police if they've noticed anyone acting suspiciously.
  • I asked, suspiciously eyeing the few drops of oil on the pavement under the rear axle of an old gray Ford tractor.
  • The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like an American pit bull terrier.
  • And that sounds suspiciously like daylight robbery to us. The Sun
  • I then heard a sound that was suspiciously like a sniffle.
  • I picked one up suspiciously, squeezed it, and then flung it back on the tray in disgust.
  • I had been appointed ex-officio by the British Consul to take charge of her after a man who had died suddenly, leaving for the guidance of his successor some suspiciously unreceipted bills, a few dry-dock estimates hinting at bribery, and a quantity of vouchers for three years 'extravagant expenditure; all these mixed up together in a dusty old violin-case lined with ruby velvet. Falk; Amy Foster; To-Morrow
  • THREE went in, two came out - and one of them looked suspiciously like he was suffering from indigestion. The Sun
  • It sounded suspiciously similar to the phrase legion of demons that his superiors in the IDF often used to refer to the secret fail-safe he had buried beneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. THE PROMISED WAR
  • The aquilegia looks suspiciously like one we used to have in our garden ... but I promise we didn't smuggle it back from Italy! A Walk in the Hills
  • Fortunately, Fay saves me from answering by handing me a scalding hot mug, filled with suspiciously dark looking tea.
  • The two countries, ostensibly allies, too often view each other suspiciously and lovelessly.
  • Police swooped after a neighbour alerted them to two men acting suspiciously in a car nearby. The Sun
  • The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.
  • she regarded the food suspiciously
  • What you are describing sounds suspiciously like a reaction to the preservative sulfite.
  • If people with suspiciously orange tans are to be looked at askance, so, too, are suspiciously orange fish.
  • Earlier in the day, a mere block from our casita, my husband had seen a "butcher" setting up shop, peddling from the tailgate of his truck what looked suspiciously like butchered goat meat. The lady is a tramp - an excerpt from the book: Agave Marias
  • Good-bye, my cockbird," said he, wringing my hand with a grip that made it wince again, a tremble the while in his voice and something suspiciously like a tear in his eye. On Board the Esmeralda Martin Leigh's Log - A Sea Story
  • That sounds suspiciously like a done deal. Times, Sunday Times
  • I see Samantha get up, eyes looking suspiciously watery.
  • The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like an American pit bull terrier.
  • During waking hours she bejewels herself with the shiny plastic silver purse, bangle bracelets, clip-on earrings and necklace she received over the holidays and prances around in the accompanying "glass slippers" which look suspiciously like plastic stripper shoes while yelling, "Wait, don't go! Meredith C. Carroll: Bidding A Sad Adieu To A Big Purple Friend
  • He was arrested after behaving suspiciously and apparently assaulting an ambulance crew trying to help him.
  • The video's description says the "alien," which looks suspiciously like a "rubber doll," was found in the town of Irkutsk, not far from an alleged UFO sighting one month ago in Siberia. 'Dead Alien' Hoax In Russia Goes Viral (VIDEO)
  • Then again, being attacking by a blonde, blue-eyed native we could have unsuspiciously grown up along side, seems just as chilling. Eirik Bergesen: Norway is Passing the Test of Terror
  • The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like an American pit bull terrier.
  • People should not hesitate to contact the police if they've noticed anyone acting suspiciously.
  • Farther along the wharf we find a small fleet of fishing boats bobbing in a slick of diesel, their grizzled crews eyeing us suspiciously.
  • What you are describing sounds suspiciously like a reaction to the preservative sulfite.
  • He lay with his legs on his king-sized bed and his body folded forward off the edge, toward the floor, in what looked suspiciously like a cockamamy approximation of a Downward-Facing Dog. The Ex Games
  • His father has been suspiciously missing since the accident.
  • Yamoto, who speaks with a suspiciously western Canadian accent, laments the unfortunate set of circumstances that stranded the group in Canada.
  • But Clem, after looking round suspiciously among the litter of waterproofs, walking-sticks, nets, rods, and golf-clubs, took down Vin's fishing haversack from a hook on the wall. Mrs. Miniver
  • These include keeping an eye out for suspect bags, packages or vehicles, or people acting suspiciously in airports or stations.
  • Although his 42 per cent win was far from the suspiciously large majorities secured by some leaders, opposition figures claim that the result was fixed. Times, Sunday Times
  • A witness had seen a youth, perhaps aged as young as ten or 11, acting suspiciously.
  • And, quite suspiciously, he and his assigns have repeatedly refused to hand those documents over to independent investigative authorities to authenticate them.
  • His mother passed him a cup of tea, which he sniffed at suspiciously.
  • Her pale eyes darkened as she narrowed them suspiciously.
  • Police were told to arrest voters found with suspiciously large sums of money in their pockets.
  • He looked at it suspiciously, and as he grabbed for it, the thunder only began to clamor loudly, sending more rain to beat down on the mansion.
  • It has the advantage of avoiding being unsuspiciously linked to cesspools and sinkholes. Keep cool.
  • It was suggested by some readers that the matrix for the featured diamond crystal from the Jagersfontein mine looked suspiciously like the rock eclogite rather than kimberlite.
  • Mr. Wagg, the celebrated wit, and a led captain and trencher-man of my Lord Steyne, was caused by the ladies to charge her; and the worthy fellow, leering at his patronesses and giving them a wink, as much as to say, “Now look out for sport,” one evening began an assault upon Becky, who was unsuspiciously eating her dinner. Vanity Fair
  • This sounded suspiciously like an attempt to get rid of me.
  • Other than the fact that I've paid $30 to be teased by this speck of beef you call a filet and three-quarters of my plate is taken up by a cheesy dish that smells suspiciously like a dead horse's yeast-infected cooter ... everything's hunky dory, Ace. Unclebob Diary Entry
  • Despite whatever her soft words were, he glared at me suspiciously before escorting her to her chambers. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The store detective had his eye on a group of boys who were acting suspiciously.
  • You know, from this angle it looks suspiciously like a glass of coke…
  • I walked quickly and (I hoped) unsuspiciously, to the bathroom.
  • The dog sniffed suspiciously at the stranger.
  • The water had a suspiciously transparent colour and a slight trace of brackishness, but the latter was scarcely perceptible. Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia
  • He is viewed suspiciously by his superior.
  • Outright batsmen joined the queue, and the supposedly slow bowlers were marking out what looked like suspiciously long run-ups.
  • I hunted down some own brands that look suspiciously like household favourites and put them to the test. The Sun
  • Luck, so far, had been suspiciously benevolent; all the more reason to suspect that it would presently forsake her altogether. LAST SHOT
  • The question is presumably designed to give us an indication of the artist's earliest formative influences, and so the answers given are invariably - suspiciously - classics.
  • He lives alone in a suspiciously tidy flat in Notting Hill Gate.
  • The owner of a local gun shop pokes his head out of the door suspiciously as I take a photograph of his frontage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ‘winning’ quote came from a firm whose phone number was suspiciously similar to the agents' London office. We binned it, and opted to do the work ourselves.
  • He was caught after cops were alerted to a suspiciously large bag. The Sun
  • Even more suspiciously the word shirk and shark around this time held this same identical meaning-though there's no indication why someone might apply a word meaning "cheat" to a huge weird fish. Podictionary - for word lovers - dictionary etymology, trivia & history
  • Don't be moody now, I can't stand it,’ she pleaded, looking suspiciously bright-eyed.
  • The owner of a local gun shop pokes his head out of the door suspiciously as I take a photograph of his frontage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since then, it's been suspiciously quiet. The Sun
  • A parliament of rooks skulks around the far side, eyeing us suspiciously.
  • An impressive collection of books stood on a shelf on one wall, another shelf held what looked suspiciously like a dripstone, the bed was sheeted with Alexander-issue blankets, and a very nice table and two chairs stood in the middle of the floor. Morgan’s Run
  • He could barely hear anything above the roars of what sounded suspiciously like car engines. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like an American pit bull terrier.
  • If your exfoliant is suspiciously cheap, it's probably for a reason. Times, Sunday Times
  • For those of you still staring suspiciously at the plain brown envelope from Canada Customs and Revenue, too fearful to open it up and find out how much they want from you - relax.
  • Police swooped after a neighbour alerted them to two men acting suspiciously in a car nearby. The Sun
  • The dog at his feet, who'd been sniffing at me suspiciously and tugging at its leash, gave a sudden gambol and licked my hand, barking enthusiastically.
  • A woman aged about 50 was seen acting suspiciously with a large bag before the blast, which caused minor damage. The Sun
  • The store detective had his eye on a group of boys who were acting suspiciously.
  • I'm trying to convince her to come and stay during the holidays but she has been suspiciously quiet on the subject. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the repast he levelled one or two jokes against Pitt Crawley: he drank as much wine as upon the previous day; and going quite unsuspiciously to the drawing-room, began to entertain the ladies there with some choice Oxford stories. Vanity Fair
  • His repeated errors of judgement make him look suspiciously like he'll mortally offend other leaders by failing to do his homework.
  • There is no shortage of examples of share prices leaping suspiciously before a bid.
  • Something that looks suspiciously like half a cat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was vaguely aware of a young man beyond her, a swarthy, slim specimen who watched me suspiciously. ANTI-ICE
  • She also has suspiciously total recall of extended conversations. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Effusiveness of the praise which was given him made it look suspiciously as if he was being eased out, and given credit as a face-saver.
  • Everything seemed to go on as usual in the quiet, opulent house; the good-natured mistress pursuing, quite unsuspiciously, her bustling idleness, and daily easy avocations; the daughter absorbed still in one selfish, tender thought, and quite regardless of all the world besides, when that final crash came, under which the worthy family fell. Vanity Fair
  • But, on first sight, it was suspiciously short of tsardom. BBC Blog Network
  • It looked suspiciously like cramming for a particularly important exam. Times, Sunday Times
  • She felt herself needing to get out of bed and slip back into Annabelle's room to finish the rest of slumber, unsuspiciously.
  • When I located the store, it looked suspiciously bare, numerous empty displays, etc.
  • Farther along the wharf we find a small fleet of fishing boats bobbing in a slick of diesel, their grizzled crews eyeing us suspiciously.
  • Add the complexities and foibles that come between ambition and despair and stir into the apprehended but uncomprehended All Thing known as god (or the gods) and untangling what is from what seems to be had to wait until someone came along crazy or brave enough to say "You know, this looks suspiciously like a made up explanation based on our own Self. A Dark And Hidden God
  • Maurice eyed me suspiciously, then realised who I was and grinned.
  • You don't have to eye up drinks I serve you suspiciously.
  • This all seems incredibly frivolous and sounds suspiciously like a waste of time. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am of grumpy because my ankle is still munted—aching, swollen, and looking suspiciously like it might have been installed backwards.
  • He is drinking from a bottle of Indian beer, and eating a samosa, and grinning a suspiciously wide grin at Rebecca: THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • She eyed her lovely young hostess suspiciously.
  • But when he opened the book, the paper looked an even, suspiciously pale cream colour that was free of brown spots and stains.
  • I have to listen to it to be inspired to write about the French monastery.:: whistles unsuspiciously:: Raaaawr!!!!!
  • Coats were dirty, with patches that looked suspiciously like mange; hocks were poulticed, and looked swollen; several of the wise old mares were ostentatiously practicing their limps, and there wasn't a hide of an attractive color among them. Fiddler Fair
  • Later, however, it was learned that the shoeprint wasn't discovered at the Ryen home, but suspiciously in the SBDSD Crime Lab. Kevin Cooper: Victimized by American Injustice
  • This suspiciously resembles the city technology colleges, a Conservative initiative that tried to introduce business methods into areas of educational disadvantage.
  • Chief Reilly lifted the bun of his pastrami and mayo on a kaiser roll, sniffing at it suspiciously.
  • The guard hesitated, eying her suspiciously, taking in her filthiness and the peasant clothes she was wearing.
  • `I never ` eard of no Barn owls telling stories," he said suspiciously. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • He lives alone in a suspiciously tidy flat in Notting Hill Gate.
  • He was de-icing his car at about 7.30 am when he noticed four men in a red Rover 214 acting suspiciously.
  • Curious officials halted her because of her suspiciously large hairdo. The Sun
  • We also spotted a SUSPICIOUSLY PALE young lady applying for employment, but she MYSTERIOUSLY VANISHED before we could accost her! Stuff We Did On Our Vacation, Part One; Or, A Pictorial Essay on Vampire Habitats
  • She looked at Amadeo suspiciously, but was disarmed by the apologetic shrug he gave her.
  • She also has suspiciously total recall of extended conversations. The Times Literary Supplement
  • From time to time she glanced suspiciously around as if afraid some one might try to grab it off her.
  • He ‘heard’ Tina thinking as she gazed as unsuspiciously as possible at Luke.
  • I shrugged my shoulders as unsuspiciously as I could, but waited until he stopped looking at me to go back to my thoughts.
  • She eyed it furtively, then sniffed it suspiciously, but finally discovered that it bore some relation to her native "shucks," when she fell to eagerly. Birds and Poets : with Other Papers
  • His priest makes an unrelaxed figure — ramrod-spined, peering suspiciously over his moustache. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chicken curry, mutton dopiaza and shahi qorma are used by restaurateurs specialising in Indian food, with glorious abandon, so that one man's curry tastes suspiciously like another's dopiaza.
  • Which sounded suspiciously like always to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this looks suspiciously like renationalisation by stealth, then at least this represents a positive move, considering the industry's poor record since privatisation.
  • Aidan launched himself at me, squeaking, and covered me in flour and something that looked suspiciously like wall-paper paste.
  • Police were alerted to men acting suspiciously around a parked lorry. The Sun
  • Watching people sniff suspiciously at our currency has become, in this household at any rate, a family sport.
  • The blue fescue, festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’, is looking suspiciously large as is the dianthus and mondo grass. The Knot Garden « Fairegarden
  • But a slight terror of unadorned organ meat lingered, and each time I encountered a lamb's heart, menacing like an angry little fist, or a suspiciously stinky andouillette sausage, I recoiled. Not For the Lily-Livered
  • She answered innocently enough but Devin's eyes just slitted suspiciously at her.
  • President Obama plays it safe and wears dad jeans; they look suspiciously stone-washed. Ermenegildo Zegna menswear celebrates 100 years of subtlety
  • It appears my daughter and I might have it, or a weak regular flu suspiciously like it, and my wife hasn't or has recovered depending on what last week's "bleah" for her really was ... Planet Atheism
  • Watching a neighbour put up a suspiciously large extension for which he supposedly has permission.
  • Luck, so far, had been suspiciously benevolent; all the more reason to suspect that it would presently forsake her altogether. LAST SHOT
  • She looked suspiciously at them, until she saw Adrin's rounded stomach, and she calmed down a bit.
  • The old man sat down again and glared suspiciously at the frightened boy.
  • Prosecutors fear that if they can only show he was acting suspiciously, the jury may be swayed by the defence into convicting him of a lesser offence, preventing a death sentence.
  • If someone close by the cash machine is behaving suspiciously or makes you feel uncomfortable, go to another machine.
  • A tall, lugubrious man wearing what looked suspiciously like a parka, he at first spoke so quietly nobody could hear.
  • But this was a drama hobbled by what looked suspiciously like a lack of cash. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could barely hear anything above the roars of what sounded suspiciously like car engines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now the first account is suspiciously like a book-story of Oriental hashish-taking. -- the second has no implication of smoking at all, while the third describes nothing but the process of taking a sternutatory. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 5, 1920
  • The smaller one picked them up, sniffed at them, and then glanced around suspiciously.
  • Then, about 30 minutes later, I hit a bump and heard a loud clatter that sounded suspiciously like a cell phone hitting the ground.
  • It looks suspiciously like a freezer, only very, very large; like the trailer of a semi.
  • He found Duke, alright — playing jazz sax to a barful of ladies and looking suspiciously like Ron Swanson in a fedora. 'Parks and Recreation' recap: Dirty little secrets |
  • If the plane is acting suspiciously, fighter jets could scramble to intercept.
  • He was pink-eyed, with thinning red hair, and had suspiciously scrofulous looking skin. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY

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