How To Use Survive In A Sentence

  • What do a few lives matter now if we can find new, unpolluted territories and new ways to survive? THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • The residents are mostly impoverished families who survive by collecting recyclable garbage.
  • The baby was born with a heart problem and only survived for a few hours.
  • I love the way Sarajevans express themselves; it's a kind of world-weary, mordant wit overlying an amazing ability to absorb and survive great suffering. A Conversation with Geraldine Brooks about People of the Book
  • Here, however, they are unlikely to survive the frosts although both impatiens and pelagoniums can be kept for next year in a heated greenhouse or brought indoors and used as house plants.
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  • She is also survived by her sons, daughters and sister-in-law.
  • It still perplexes Kross that he survived while the firefighter on the other side of Josephine, Sergeant Bacco, did not. Humble 9/11 hero relives tale of the twin towers for tourists
  • A dried-out horseshoe crab is a delicate thing and there's no way it would survive the flight in my checked baggage. Horseshoe Crabs and the TSA
  • Cultural practices have survived or fallen only in part because of their effect on the strength of the group, and those which have survived are usually burdened with unnecessary impedimenta.
  • Of those who survive, about another 20% will end up in institutional care who weren't in that before the stroke.
  • Lawrence survived a devastating accident at work with months of painful recovery in the hospital and at home.
  • At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted, an effect known as organic overload, allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to survive.
  • While price pressure is a huge factor in who can and cannot survive on the land, it behoves us to take the longer-term view, if at all possible, to ensure that we maintain a balance between rural and urban living.
  • Consequently, the young pig must be provided a large amount of energy from fat or carbohydrate in the colostrum in order to survive.
  • Were the families of those who did not survive captivity fairly compensated?
  • Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) has the ability to survive in a highly acidic environment, which is what makes it such a nasty tooth-decayer: remember, it’s the acid bacteria produce as they consume carbohydrates that eats away at tooth enamel. Paging all you "Face on Mars" believers...
  • Its interest is that within it survive all the elements of a medieval forest: great timber trees, coppice woods, pollards, scrub, grassland and fen, deer and cattle, and a rabbit warren.
  • The other group migrated into South America, where it survives today as wild guanacos and vicunas and domesticated llamas and alpacas.
  • One night I asked how they could survive under such insufferable conditions.
  • Here and there amid the chaos, delicate things have survived by chance.
  • She goes from being a Southern belle, who's never been able to do anything practical, to someone who learns to survive under the most terrible circumstances of war and deprivation.
  • survivor guilt was first noted in those who survived the Holocaust
  • If this age is to survive, it must follow the way of love and non-violence that he so nobly illustrated in his life.
  • A statue, for instance, is a kind of object which, unlike a lump of bronze, cannot survive much change to its shape.
  • It's survived in a very peculiar form, with the so-called monks are actually married and have their hair long, unlike in the South where they're tonsured, and they wear civilian clothes but with the robes just over the tops of them.
  • If he survived being arrested that is, which given the circs is debatable. Kingsnorth, Battlecat and A Distinct Lack Of Leadership. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Who has the material to survive, people have a dream only talk about life. You have to understand life and life different Animal survival, while others life.
  • In a market economy it is as easy to fall as to rise, but in periods of scarcity and famine, easier to survive within such a system than outside it.
  • He is as slippery as they come; a quality that has doubtless helped him to survive the controversies that have dogged his political career. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 88-year-old coble, a flat-bottomed fishing boat, had survived a direct hit by a stick bomb in 1943, which went right through her hull.
  • These birds only survive in temperate latitudes.
  • I’ve also read mesopotamian myths that have survived including the Avesta from the Zoroastrians which serves as a foundation of Judaism combined of course with the cult of Amun (the egyptian cult of the one god). Think Progress » As New Orleans Drowned, Chertoff Was Focused On Avian Flu and Immigration
  • As we put them into high-octane situations, they need each other to survive. CSI: Miami Producer: "You're Going to Meet a New Horatio Caine"
  • Bacteria in this group lack cell walls and cannot survive outside the cells of the organisms they parasitize.
  • The islanders could barely survive without an export crop.
  • Practically any archaeological in exceptional circumstances. inorganic materials survive far ones.
  • The will, probated in Sweden, survived the predictable contest from unhappy relatives, but there were other problems.
  • His stunt mimics magician David Blaine's attempt to survive 72 days in a glass box above London but Michael decided he would use the idea to raise cash for charity.
  • Did anyone survive the explosion?
  • In 1746 a gristmill was established on the site, which survived in use until 1866, when it was moved and continued to grind for many more years.
  • His robust strength made him survive the disaster.
  • Sold in garden centers as bulbs, or potted in the grocery store, Narcissus tazetta papyraceous may survive the winter when planted in D. C.-area gardens but not the colder parts of the region. Use these fragrant plants to freshen the indoors
  • Because he's been chronically underweight since before hitting puberty, his body is used to having to survive on unnaturally low weights, but there's a limit to how much it can take.
  • The vast majority die in the womb and many that survive have defects and deformities.
  • A business that is the wrong size is a business which does not have the right ecological niche to survive and prosper. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • The tam is thought to have evolved to survive passage through the gullet of the island's biggest, flightless bird, the dodo.
  • A small random gene which survived all, to become successful and clever and procreate a chromosome of me in her turn, that I might live on? SEA MUSIC
  • The failure of such simple-minded thinking has also been proven by its total failure for Cuba, which has survived under American sanctions for more than four decades.
  • From the outset, she is not sure she will survive this touchy encounter with a legendary fisherman who taught her everything she knows and is one tough, crusty character.
  • As the Kirkwood tutor, young David seemed as anxious as his employer-friends that the estate should survive.
  • He was "mourned," by those who "survived" him, as people are not mourned in cities, that is, frankly, in a manner undisguised. Walking-Stick Papers
  • The carefully studied hands reveal the graphic origin of his designing, confirmed from the few drawings that have survived.
  • Warmer temperatures may allow species with a low rate of infection, such as brucellosis in caribou or echinococcus in voles, to survive in larger numbers increasing the number of susceptible hosts and infected animals. Potential impacts of indirect mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • Labour, having survived this year's election, has been left with a heavy crop of marginal seats to defend.
  • He survived a near fatal heart attack and subsequent cardiac surgery, only to succumb to motor neurone disease.
  • There is talk of a massive fall in profits and a slump in turnover - talk that some outposts of the empire were simply not performing well enough to survive.
  • While the Cimento did not survive, it appeared at a crucial moment in the development of early modern science.
  • The urge to survive drove them on.
  • He is survived by his father Jimmy, brothers Paddy, Liam and John, sisters Eileen and Mary, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.
  • It may sound totally infeasible but something has to be done to help the lower League clubs to survive.
  • The emphasis there is not on staying indoors, but on learning how to enjoy a sunny, beautiful country and survive.
  • Discredited, Wovoka survived to die in the midst of the Great Depression.
  • While everyone hopes she will be found safe and well, the likelihood now is that she may not have survived.
  • All of the artillerists survived the leap into the water. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The Trial Chamber heard testimony from about 30 witnesses who survived the brutality, and who reported the frequent killings and torture.
  • Will the historian of the future be adequately served if only the internal reports profiling donors survive?
  • Although slavery in its traditional form survives in many parts of the world, debt slavery of this kind, with varia - tions, is the most common form of servitude today ... The " S " Words-- Serfdom and Slavery
  • Pockets of strong rural traditionalism and community life survived, not least because of the lack of modern services.
  • Having been reduced to penury, struggling to survive, they no longer serve as an effective political opposition.
  • Can democracy survive a system in which politicians and political parties are dependent on the support of big business?
  • The memorials of the saint's activity in Paris have thus survived, but even the date of his apostolate is a matter of controversy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • You need to be tough to survive in the jungle.
  • Of anomalies of the head the first to be considered will be the anencephalous monsters who, strange to say, have been known to survive birth. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • As commonly interpreted, Darwinian evolution is a process by which the individuals less fit to survive the challenges of the environment are genetically weeded out.
  • Our future response to these and other threats will determine whether most cetacean species survive.
  • Yet it still survives as a flowery way of telling your spouse that there's more than one way of peeling spuds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some items have survived in zoological institutes and natural history museums in Saint Petersburg, Stockholm, and Amsterdam, as well as in the British Museum in London.
  • After succeeding in the lab, he began a test in a greenhouse to see if the genetically modified cotton plant would survive and pass on its new trait.
  • Baroness Thatcher survived by taking 20-minute catnaps - a 'zizz', she called it - in the day and catching up on sleep at weekends at Chequers. Home | Mail Online
  • So far, though, the Wharton kids look as if they'd be content just to survive the daylong workshop unbruised.
  • The hoard had been buried in a lead chest, fragments of which survive, and the presence of small bone pins suggests that some of the coins or bullion had been parcelled up into separate bags or parcels, secured by these pins.
  • For a time he did not indeed know whether he was going to survive from one day to the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were left scavenging for food to survive. Times, Sunday Times
  • But given half a chance, life will survive and continue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eclecticism flourished in the 19th century and survived, though much debased, in gated communities and suburban tract housing.
  • Those who survive the three weeks will share a 20,000 prize. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now people can live and survive on what may as well be the surface of another planet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Animals need to adapt their bodies to survive and prosper in extreme conditions, as do cricketers their skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • That sense of humour has helped the group survive many an erroneous rumour.
  • he survived the great test of battle
  • They wore chaps criss-crossed with scars from needle sharp cactus, their hats were badly weathered, having survived many suns, winds and rains.
  • Why Should We Care: Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have long said that Vincent is the only character that was guaranteed to survive until the end of the series, so his future participation seems like a certainty. LOST IN NUMBERS: Sixteen Recurring Characters We Hope To See Again In The Final Season » MTV Movies Blog
  • Stubborn had survived one of the worst attacks of the war, despite the loss of her aft hydroplanes and rudder, and had carried out the deepest-ever dive at the time, to an estimated 165m!
  • That's the vital element, and whilst it remains the human body can survive the most amazing injuries.
  • YET I remained basically sceptical when it came to the idea that the spirit survives death.
  • Rural spinners could not compete with cheap, factory-spun thread, and country weavers could rarely survive far from eastern supplies of yarn and the industry's principal markets.
  • The most senior of all the Soviet defectors to the west, Orlov survived into his old age.
  • Most of those that remain survive on barely a bowl of sadza - mealie-meal porridge - a day. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an art form, it has survived the dynasties, the warlords, the Japanese occupation of Shanghai, the Communist Revolution, and has just about survived the restless nature of the Other Festival's unappreciative audience.
  • The Chinese character refers to a kind of plant that can survive in harsh conditions and it also sounds the same as ‘difficult’ in Chinese.
  • We seem to have survived the cannonade of illegal fireworks. Entry #2,205
  • We'll lose some big cats such as cheetahs because they have insufficient genetic diversity to survive a nasty disease. Threats to our Future
  • Stepped pyramids known as ziggurats survive from the 3rd millennium BC in Mesopotamia.
  • Two crews bailed out and lived, while two airmen survived from a third plane. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bags that did survive inflation were installed on pickup trucks for further testing.
  • Jean-Paul Grard, president of the UPR truckers' association, told a press conference, that the government had to do something to ensure that French haulier companies survived in business. French truckers on the move again ... or not
  • It survived the epidemic grape phylloxera in the second half of the 19th century, which destroyed much of Europe's vineyards.
  • Dole survived with a tactic that haunts him to this day: He used the abortion issue to defeat his opponent.
  • No other examples survive, although it is conceivable that the paradoxes of motion originally took the form of antinomies.
  • They survive by selling ice lollies on the streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • He chose Sazanka because, in Japan, the plant represents the ideal of “never giving up”—a designation earned by the way that the flower survives the cold, even after snowfalls. First Contact
  • This plant can tolerate neglect and survive in difficult conditions, such as cool rooms and hallways.
  • In the end, the fear of ideas strangles the drama, because it renders the film's protagonists' struggle to survive devoid of larger meaning.
  • It must be waterproof, vermin-proof and able to survive a 100-foot drop without a parachute.
  • Andrew Bridge is on a mission: To fix the foster care system that he barely survived.
  • As the years passed, historians and journalists sought out the dwindling band of those who had survived the earthquake. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overwintering herbaceous plants or evergreen trees can only survive the winter seasons of cold climates when they are able to acclimate.
  • Lipton survived the affair and told shareholders the incident had happened years before and the practice had been given up.
  • We assume that agents can only live safely for the first two periods and face uncertainty as to whether they will survive to the third period.
  • Somehow the language endures and continues to survive.
  • IR19 survived the French cannister and charged home and put all of the French artillerists to the bayonet. BAR Napoleon Playtest
  • All of us will struggle fairly hard to survive if we are in danger.
  • Our discussion has already made apparent a great paucity of large-scale bronzes compared to what survives in marble.
  • An odd, amorous fragment from a letter written in Rome in June 1819 has survived. Thomas Lawrence: The new romantic – review
  • Some turned to prostitution in order to survive.
  • I also thought it implied judgment on those who didn't survive or left them out--though the term victim is certainly loaded to. The Terry Fox run/walk/wheel: I AM a survivor
  •  All plants produce their own toxins or they wouldn't survive predators, and as noted by eminent University of California biologist Bruce Ames, a high proportion – about half – of these toxins tested in animal cancer bioassays are carcinogenic. Turning gene science into a fishy business
  • However, this does not explain how the Sumatran orang-utan survived. On the trail of the orang pendek, Sumatra's mystery ape | Richard Freeman
  • It's unfortunate, however, that he has to rely on jaded Irish clichés of booze and blarney to enliven a story that is powerful enough to survive on its own merits.
  • at least he survived
  • Nor, of course, can individuals, families, and communities, survive if the order of the natural world or the ecosphere is destroyed, as even the most extreme adept of the cult of selfishness will soon realise.
  • But those that come together for mutual support can and do survive.
  • Some of the smaller trees and shrubs had survived the destruction, and their branches were budding. GALILEE
  • Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, the priapic bishop of Autun who became France's diplomat for all seasons he served and survived both the Revolution and Napoleon, famously remarked that no one who had not lived during the ancien régime could have any idea of how sweet life could be. Why They All Came to Versailles
  • A small dog had somehow managed to survive the fire.
  • Another victim of the changing fortunes of war was Nedeltcho Bontchev, best remembered as the flier who miraculously survived a collision between his aircraft and an Allied bomber.
  • This talented orchestra can only survive if the people of Merseyside continue to support it.
  • He is survived by his wife and a stepson from his second marriage and by a son and daughter from his first. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eight and a half years ago, when the oncological bookmakers gave my father three years to live, we sat together in his hospital room and vowed that, if he survived, the two of us would take a trip each year to celebrate his outliving his expiration date by another twelvemonth. Joshuah Bearman: Travels with Wells Tower, or Another Reason Why Magazines Should Hire More Fiction Writers
  • In a kind of reversal of the paedomorphosis hypothesis, the hallucinated gods disappeared from adult minds first, then were pulled back earlier and earlier into childhood, until today they survive only in the Binker or little purple man phenomenon. The God Delusion
  • If the industry doesn't modernize it will not survive.
  • There's only a slim chance that anyone survived the crash.
  • One thing is clear to me: If biblical studies is to survive in academia, it must move beyond its still religionist, Euroamerican, and bibliolatrous orientation and offer us a more convincing rationale for how it will benefit our broader world and not just faith communities.
  • It has survived enclosure and modernisation and strips have been passed down through generations.
  • Maverick groups which imitate and model the dominant paradigm may be more likely to survive than those that do not.
  • These were the new readers the Irish Times had to attract in order to survive, and Gageby set out on a subtle course to achieve it.
  • She is survived by her husband, sons, mother, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and other relations.
  • The crew survived, but the aircraft exploded when its payload of munitions blew up breaking the windows of many local houses in the blast.
  • Its adaptability means that it can survive at high altitudes, in semi-arid areas, and in rocky areas as well as in forests.
  • A homeless guy who had to survive winter in the streets crushed up paper and stuffed his clothes with them for insulation.
  • The increasing burden of legislation, designed by well meaning but desk-bound bureaucrats, ensured that only the very large could survive, unless they found a niche.
  • Onwards and upwards we go, kiddo... Don't cry, Isobel, we'll survive. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • About fifty murals depicting Narcissus survive from Pompeii alone.
  • The bug spread by mosquitoes needs a key protein to survive in the blood when victims are bitten, it has been found. The Sun
  • An early Iron Age deposit survived intact, with an excellent accumulation of cultural deposits.
  • You've survived all the filthy names she called you in hospital when you mopped her brow wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will he survive the accident? The Sun
  • After a century of suspicion, ridicule, character assassination and scientific debunking, Freud has not only survived, but grown into a figure of mythic proportions.
  • The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.
  • If Nixon had survived the "third-rate burglary" at the Watergate, how long would his enemies list have grown, and how emboldened would he have become in spying on political rivals? News industry's depression has spillover implications
  • In 1955 he also isolated the virus which causes cytomegalic inclusion disease in infants and, after working for five years on these diseases, he was able to show that the human foetus, while it is in the uterus, is particularly susceptible to attack by these viruses and that, if the foetus survives attack by them, the infant is often born with severe damage to its brain which causes mental retardation and cerebral palsy. Thomas H. Weller - Biography
  • On this later-day Earth, drowsing through the late afternoon of its existence, only a few families of the old orders of hymenoptera and diptera survived in mutated form: most dreadful of these were the tigerflies. HOTHOUSE
  • Surely Langlands & Bell could not survive this far from a place that starches shirts?
  • Very few survive outside of natural parks and reserves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ministrations of Dr. Stickney had not been available, and the two mothers had survived because they had the constitutions of frontierswomen rather than because they had the benefit of the nursing of the termagant who was Jerry Tompkins's wife. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • He was lionized by aristocratic and literary London, survived a hectic love affair with Lady Caroline Lamb, and became the constant companion of Augusta.
  • His style was good and the author's liveliness of spirit survives the rather rigid framework of his subjects.
  • Today, only a few hundred individuals of the Persian wild ass subpsecies (E.h. onager) persist in Bahram-e-Goor in the Iranian portion of the hotspot, while another subspecies of wild ass, known as the kulan or Turkmenian wild ass (E.h. kulan, CR), survives only in a single population in and around the Badkhyz Nature Reserve in south Turkmenistan, just marginally outside the hotspot. Biological diversity in the Irano-Anatolian
  • With the state industrial sector largely idle, many citizens reportedly rely on state asset stripping, hoarding, trading and personal farm plots to survive.
  • Plants like cattails, bulrushes, jewelweed, and the lovely cardinal flower do best with alternating wet and dry periods, and survive flooding as long as most of the leaves are out of the water.
  • I am optimistic - I think we have a fifty-fifty chance to be here, to survive.
  • The reason he had survived so long was he had always studied his own Dow Jones index of fear and dealt in futures. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • We investigate the adaptive value of cannibalism in this orb-web spider, where 60 percent of males do not survive copulation.
  • This new dispensation is likely to strike many of us as chaotic -- Grossman is being disingenuous when he writes that "None of this is good or bad," since he surely knows most of his readers judge it to be bad indeed -- especially those of us who want some of those "conventional criteria for literary value" to survive. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • With stronger economic policies and stricter financial discipline, the euro can survive and prosper. Times, Sunday Times
  • Too often the unemployed blamed themselves rather than society for what they saw as their failures, for the shifts and stratagems by which they were forced to survive.
  • He had always been lucky, and he did survive the storm, just as he had survived the war.
  • The truth that men seek there to evade is that this small planet cannot survive a nuclear exchange ... The Nobel Peace Prize 1982 - Presentation Speech
  • I think the only way we will survive is if we live apart, the main reason is because he is constantly blaming the fact that I am a model, for the problems I am having.
  • He did not survive and there will have been enough irony to fill the old warhorse's veins in what his new side produced. Times, Sunday Times
  • They include a whetstone from Norway, a bronze ringpin from Ireland, his sword with beautifully decorated hilt, a spear and a shield which survive only as metal fittings, and pottery. Viking chieftain's burial ship excavated in Scotland after 1,000 years
  • Think how a real rockface looks, with little crevices in which even the elusive edelweiss might survive. Times, Sunday Times
  • She and his sons and daughter by the previous marriages all survive him. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have to complete and defend my dissertation and survive teaching undergrads between now and then.
  • Some rights, perhaps in an attenuated or qualified form, survived the making of the order.
  • Can this city survive without its traditional battalions of colorful characters swaggering through saloons and newspaper columns?
  • The Health Service has become a dinosaur. It needs radical reform if it is to survive.
  • His reserve might by the ill-natured have been termed dissimulation, inasmuch as when asked by the ladies of the embassy what had become of the young person who had amused them that day so cleverly he gave it out that her whereabouts was uncertain and her destiny probably obscure; he let it be supposed in a word that his benevolence had scarcely survived an accidental, a charitable occasion. The Tragic Muse
  • For nearly two decades we thought he was the answer to those who believed that international athletics, if not Olympic sport as a whole, survived only because of dope.
  • The episode looks at unusual traits animals use to survive - including ground squirrels that eat the discarded skins of snakes to mask their scent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traffic noise, pollution, huge concrete buildings - how can people survive in the urban jungle?
  • The great lycopod and cordaite trees of the Carboniferous and Permian were long gone, although smaller lycopods survived.
  • Good old Mark also proclaimed ‘that you may honestly feel grateful that the homeopath survived attempts of the allopathists to destroy it.’
  • Sadly, the remains of the mill itself were demolished on safety grounds in the late 1950s, but the mill lades, complete with sluice gate, survive and form an attractive feature of the gardens.
  • The deep pessimism which infects the classic Cold War novel gives way to a complacence born of the hero's capacity to survive.
  • You can make other tax-free gifts, called potentially exempt transfers, and they will be free from IHT if you survive another seven years.
  • The Edwardian circular sunken garden survives with the original topiary. Times, Sunday Times
  • The failure of such simple-minded thinking has also been proven by its total failure for Cuba, which has survived under American sanctions for more than four decades.
  • These pieces amount to two anthems which survive complete, and some Anglican liturgical music which survives fragmentarily in Durham Cathedral Library and cannot be reconstructed.
  • CHURCH: While a baby polar bear called Knut survives to warm hearts all across Germany. CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2007

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