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How To Use Surplus In A Sentence

  • Gradually coffee came to replace maize as the main agricultural produce of the community and foodstuffs were bought with surplus cash.
  • He'd borrowed the Chamberlains ' army-surplus Humvee on the off chance that Cyberdyne could identify him, and Sarah, by their vehicle. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • The problem is that their remarkable efficiency allows them to overproduce almost any commodity, so agriculture tends to lurch from surplus to surplus.
  • The recovery is on track, the current-account surplus is healthy, capital flows are strong, companies are restructuring and the recapitalization of banks is almost complete.
  • * The Minister of Agriculture to review the use of surplus funds carried from levies on the 1994 crop, and to make levies available to stabilize the price of maize for human consumption in the coming season, rather than paying levies to commercial farmers as an "agterskot" as has been suggested in a press statement by ANC Daily News Briefing
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  • The book's title alludes to an anti-Semitic law legislated by Frederick II of Prussia that every Jew at marriage had to purchase a surplus of goods from the royal china factory.
  • That surplus is being unexpectedly whittled away as the income tax cut and the economic slowdown lower federal tax receipts.
  • We can now evaluate the effects of this change in terms of the alteration in surplus.
  • But if some of the organic carbon is taken out, some of the oxygen is surplus to requirements. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • Fortunately the school's bank account is currently in surplus.
  • Some European policymakers mock the argument that any adjustment is necessary in the surplus countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the favorable trade surplus, China has continuously suffered from a huge "deficit" in terms of cultural products, which doesn't match the extensiveness and intensiveness of Chinese culture.
  • From a sector perspective, this means that the government's running a deficit on goods and services axiomatically translates into the rest of the economy's running a surplus. Home Page
  • Because when you add up the total tax packages that the Republicans passed last year and this year, it literally consumes the entire surplus, and the winners turn out to be the wealthiest people.
  • This can be done by rubbing away surplus metal with a grindstone, whetstone, oilstone, steel, ceramic rod, leather strop or the palm of your hand.
  • The paper gives a detailed discussion on the determination of surplus behavior from the classification of organized offender, executor, accessory and abettor.
  • Walking across a carpeted floor is enough to release surplus electrons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surplus credit funds can be transferred automatically to a savings account.
  • If export and import demand is elastic, then the change in trade volumes will operate to remove the surplus.
  • While they generate a return, financial assets are not themselves productive capital engaged in the actual extraction of surplus value from the working class.
  • Consumers' surplus in the perfectly competitive industry equals areas. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Most collectives meet their expenses by selling their surplus pot to dispensaries or directly to other patients.
  • Furthermore, if the moneymen in Beijing, Tokyo, Berlin, and the other nations currently running trade surpluses against the U.S. start to ponder exaggerated retaliation against the U.S., they will soon discover the advantage is with us, not them. Ian Fletcher: Why Donald Trump Is Right on Trade
  • After a hearty breakfast consuming our surplus food, we embussed to Lake Rotoroa.
  • After all the prizes have been met, the surplus is spent on things which will benefit all staff members, such as creating picnic and leisure areas.
  • In order to maintain efficiency, we have had to close the surplus production capacity.
  • It could then export the surplus of this commodity in exchange for imports produced by other countries with respective comparative cost advantages.
  • In future it will be necessary to pump this effluent, to aerate it and de-water surplus sludge from the treatment process.
  • The statement said the loan would be serviced from surplus cash derived principally from hotel operations.
  • He added that any surplus cash is reclaimed by Westminster and given to other organisations that are short of money.
  • Whew there is a Social Security surplus, the extra money is put in the general fund, and in exchange SS is given a non-marketable security for that amount (basically an IOU from the government to itself). Matthew Yglesias » Saving Money vs Spending Less Money
  • Current and capital accounts are in surplus and Asia's growth is outpacing the rest of the world, it said.
  • “In the name of almighty God, there will be no surplus and prices will not fall,” intoned the Iranian oil minister. The Prize
  • Shire has little surplus cash in its balance sheet, so a paper-based reverse takeover via a share exchange would be the most probable route to a takeover.
  • In short, the market is divided into real surplus, ersatz surplus, and newly manufactured ammunition and components.
  • Nevertheless, in a Nov. 22 report Fitch noted that Mexico has used its oil bounty less productively than Russia, which is running a fiscal surplus even as it spends many of its petrodollars to pay down the country's debt.
  • At 2 percent the surplus would be increased to 53 man-days per man-day. Energy and Society~ Chapter 5~ Steam~ Key to the Industrial Revolution
  • You now know where to invest your surplus cash. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Brush away surplus after application, using a big, soft powder brush.
  • The surplus is stored away in the honeycomb to sustain the bees throughout the flowerless months of autumn and winter.
  • Wrong; they include charities, trade unions, trade associations and a whole array of organizations that fall within the rubric of not-for-profit organizations because, among other things, they don't issue stock shares or distribute their surplus funds to owners and shareholders, but instead use their funds to help achieve their social goals. Joel Cohen: Challenging Not-for-Profit Executive Compensation
  • Not only did the goat provide the family with more nourishing food but the surplus milk was sold to make a small income, which allowed the children to attend school.
  • He further said the narrowing surplus in the current account resulted from a narrowing surplus in the investment income account.
  • Profits were boosted by lower costs and the money it earned on the surplus cash.
  • In determining the actuarial surplus in a pension fund, actuaries make key assumptions.
  • He said the distribution of the surplus basically amounted to a political and democratic choice.
  • A series of deductions is made from it that tends to turn the surplus into a deficit.
  • the marketable surplus
  • When there is a surplus of the people resource it becomes a drain on profits. Personnel Management: A New Approach
  • Under mercantilism, everyone sought the advantages of being an exporter, because having a trade surplus meant that wealth was accumulating.
  • In China, a huge surplus and high savings are raising the specter of inflation.
  • This alludes to the idea that the government has been carefully stashing surpluses, but households and businesses haven't.
  • ROST) is an opportunistic merchandiser, meaning that it scoops up surplus clothing from manufacturers and other stores and sells it cheaply.
  • They had a surplus of raw power and an excess of drive.
  • At present there is surplus silage on many farms and the advice is to use up the bales by early summer and to seal up any silage left in the clamps.
  • Fortunately the school's bank account is currently in surplus.
  • State enterprises were first ‘restructured, ‘- i.e., surplus personnel removed - and then denationalised, which was accompanied by mass redundancies.’
  • Japan's annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars.
  • A city directory would have been a surplusage, and we flattered the "garcon" by seeming to believe everything he said, exclaiming "Oh my! Shakspere, Personal Recollections
  • Recent research has indicated that the technologically efficient British agriculture was producing, at least in grain, a large surplus over the subsistence needs of its people.
  • His absurd plan to deliver a surplus entirely through cuts to unprotected departments is tantamount to a proposal to abolish the police. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pre-election survey that could result in budget surplus refund cheques creates "brilliant" political optics that could be unbeatable.
  • The association of AQP11 with the residual cytoplasm of elongated spermatids and the distal tail of spermatozoa supports the hypothesis of more than just a role in conferring water permeability and also in the turnover and recycling of surplus cellular components made redundant during spermiogenesis and spermiation. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Price measures of value provide a proxy for the particular form that the extraction of surplus value takes in particular contexts.
  • As global demand for vehicles grows and emissions standards tighten further, so the surpluses of rhodium built up in recent years should be worked off. Rhodium's Rare Opportunity
  • That strong spring trading means that there is little surplus stock left in the shops before the winter selling season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hinting at the soulful surplus of house music, Melchior works with tiny elements: a burble of a bassline, a snippet of singing, and hi-hat drums that point toward the heavens without lifting their arms.
  • The same effect occurs in cattle, though cattle belch out surplus methane.
  • The increase in gas-fired power stations means traditional coal ones are becoming surplus to requirements.
  • The surplus of others allowance is also available. The Volokh Conspiracy » Destroying the Constitution’s Structure is not Constitutional
  • The problem is that Congress has been “borrowing” the surplus, and currently owes SSI somewhere around 2-3 trillion in monies! Think Progress » Rep. Blackburn touts Social Security privatization.
  • Social enterprise organisations are established to pursue social aims and reinvest any financial surpluses to promote those aims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surplus bagasse is used as bedding for premium beef cattle on Ie Island, and as fertilizer after being mixed with animal excrement. Brewery Growing ‘Monster Cane’ | Impact Lab
  • Peasants with a minimal surplus of food could barter it for vital equipment.
  • In China, a huge surplus and high savings are raising the specter of inflation.
  • Because of its remedial fiscal action, Canada managed to record budget surpluses for more than a decade till the most recent global banking crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • a small surplus
  • To retain four uncapped spinners could be regarded as unnecessary and Ellison may already have been considered surplus to requirements along with Ripon-born opening batsman John Inglis and reserve wicketkeeper Matthew Thewlis.
  • As global tobacco production increases and consumption falls in the developed countries, the production surplus will aggressively seek developing country markets.
  • Turn the bag inside out, shake off the surplus moisture and replace the bag inside-out on the canes.
  • The Northern Plains is a net surplus supplier of grain and soybeans, meaning it has more grain and soybeans than it consumes and stores within the region.
  • Hidden away in the English countryside, these simple shelters, made of coppiced hazel and willow covered in army-surplus canvas and other easily sourced natural materials, are part of a fine tradition of independent and ecologically savvy homemaking. Junkitecture and the Jellyfish theatre
  • The most important actor in the development and expansion of this global food regime has been the US, which, at the end of the Second World War, was producing large food surpluses.
  • So now they're powering their mill for nothing, selling off the surplus energy to the grid, and condensing the steam to make hot water they can pipe into the locals' homes.
  • Rather than dumping its stock of surplus Jeeps into Manila Bay, the American authorities released them to civilians.
  • In ths current phase of low-level buyers' market, the situation of product surplus is prominent.
  • Anway … Wouldn’t statewide school districts alleviate some of the problems current school districts have with either a shortage of classrooms (in newish suburbs) or a surplus (central cities, older suburbs)? Matthew Yglesias » School Construction Stimulus
  • Gore wanted to put the surplus in a "lockbox" - sort of like those savings accounts that average Americans are supposed to build up for themselves, but, to the enduring consternation of sages such as Greenspan, they never seem to build. Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
  • The recession shaved another $929 billion from the surplus projection, or about one-quarter of the loss.
  • Those are assets that can only be used as a shelter or as business tools, but not as a means to obtain collateral for a loan, to generate investment or to create additional functions to obtain surplus value.
  • The import will decelerate will cause the trade surplus expansion quickly.
  • Remember it is pointless keeping too much surplus money in a savings account if you are also servicing debt at a higher rate of interest.
  • Military surplus gear, from camouflage clothing to boots and whatnots, make up a large part of his non-gun-related sales.
  • They possessed surpluses of grain and food, but these bulky products were expensive to transport over long distances. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • With national budget positions close to balance or in surplus, countries have ample room for manoeuvre to cope with adverse economic developments.
  • Historically pension fund surpluses have been a wonderful honeypot with which to finance rationalisation and early retirement without hitting earnings per share.
  • The monopolist is normally considered to exploit consumers by charging a high price and thereby destroying some consumer surplus.
  • A council spokesman said the proposal was part of plans to cut more than 2,000 surplus school places.
  • Gradually coffee came to replace maize as the main agricultural produce of the community and foodstuffs were bought with surplus cash.
  • Out of the surplus-value which is unproductively consumed there will obviously be a portion which goes on personal consumption.
  • The pact required European Union members to balance their budgets over a four-year period - meaning a deficit in one year has to be balanced by a surplus in another.
  • We are being just as bad as schools who have surplus cash if we're not going to use it.
  • The old, round, ungovernable army-surplus chutes - the ones that sent people drifting into trees and breaking both legs - are gone.
  • The reasons there is such a problem now is that we removed government regulations causing a finical crises; and the GOP spent away our surplus on wars, and tax cuts to wealthy people who thn in turn speculated in assets expanding the bubble. Matthew Yglesias » Regulating Bubbles Away
  • He has also showed that when there's surplus to requirements at the club, no mercy will be shown.
  • You see, by taking the trust fund surplus - almost $151 billion in the last fiscal year - away from those wanton spendthrifts in Congress, the administration will enforce that discipline.
  • And that agro-animal combine of farmer household's cropland's nitrogen surplus ratio was 66.04%, being the obvious problem of high plough into but low yield.
  • There was an old brass double bed with a mattress that had seen better days, army surplus blankets stacked on top of it. CONFESSIONAL
  • The EU pays 2.7 billion euros a year to farmers to grow sugar beet, and then offloads the resulting surpluses on the world market.
  • It seemed to Peter that every time he fell asleep it was to the music of proletariat and surplus value and unearned increment, possibilism and impossibilism, political action, direct action, mass action, and the perpetual circle of Syndicalist-Anarchist, Anarchist-Communist, 100\%: the Story of a Patriot
  • Keeping any part of the surplus is simply theft and thus violates the moral principle of justice.
  • The budget surplus of A$8,107 million was the fourth consecutive surplus, and would be used to reduce overseas debt.
  • And he blamed the Conservatives for what he characterized as frittering away the $12-billion surplus they inherited from Martin's administration in 2006. Top Stories - Google News
  • The English financial policy in this period sought to achieve financial independence and realize a balance between royal financial revenue and expenditure, if not a surplus.
  • A governor whose state is essentially an oil company and whose major problem in the two mintes she has been in office has been what to do with a $5 billion oil surplus! What the Palin choice tells us about McCain
  • If a page becomes surplus to requirements then the paper version can be torn from the pad and the digital version erased from the notepad by using the X key.
  • Making efficient use of space by subletting or mothballing surplus building space. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some have had surpluses at the end of each year.
  • While affluent regions and social classes struggle with surplus production and surplus consumption, close to one fifth of the global population lives in constant under-nourishment.
  • The youth, one of whose names was Robin, finally drew from his pocket the half of a little province bill of five shillings, which, in the depreciation in that sort of currency, did but satisfy the ferryman's demand, with the surplus of a sexangular piece of parchment, valued at three pence. My Kinsman, Major Molineux
  • The app connects people who have surplus food with their hungry neighbours. The Sun
  • In the final analysis, the source of all profit is the surplus value extracted from the employment of wage labour by capital.
  • Hence such costly survivals as the high-speed rail line, London's Crossrail and the grand-daddy of them all, the Olympics, whose organisers have so much surplus money they disclosed this week that they were giving their overpaid executives six-figure bonuses "to perform inspirationally". The maths of coalition has opened the door to lobbyists | Simon Jenkins
  • If you need to trim away surplus material or cut portions of the edging strip you can use a fine-tooth backsaw, a router or a file.
  • First, the very notion of a budget surplus would have been considered a bizarre "X-Files" plot when President Clinton took office, let alone a $1 trillion mid-session re-estimate. Press Briefing
  • Suppose the United States disposes of its surplus to a country with undeveloped resources like, say, Brazil. Chapter 9: The Mathematics of a Dream
  • A very small revaluation of the renminbi will not correct China's large balance-of-payments surplus.
  • This can be done by rubbing away surplus metal with a grindstone, whetstone, oilstone, steel, ceramic rod, leather strop or the palm of your hand.
  • The United States tried to dispose of its grain surpluses.
  • The flipside is that China is running stonking trade surpluses with the US, Britain and the eurozone, worth $361bn £223bn in the year to April. Glencore could dynamite the commodity boom
  • They could sell their surplus to local stalls and shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trade balance reached equilibrium or surplus only under conditions of deep recession.
  • Plus, their lifestyle decisions are defiantly made under the army surplus banner we cleverly call Crusty.
  • The so-called rediscount rate—the rate the central bank pays commercial banks on their surplus funds—has been raised to 12% from 7%, the State Bank of Vietnam said in a statement posted on its website. Vietnam Raises Key Interest Rates
  • Total revenues, which includes all taxes as well as nontax items such as the surplus on the national lottery, rose to €16.74 billion compared with €15.29 billion during the same period last year. Irish Budget Deficit Widens on Payment to Banks
  • Plus, their lifestyle decisions are defiantly made under the army surplus banner we cleverly call Crusty.
  • Whenever I do have a little surplus cash - not very often may I add - my inclination would be to invest in art.
  • We'd never encourage people to keep surplus funds in their current account.
  • Wartime was a period of massive fiscal deficits and huge current account surpluses.
  • Both unions are in a trading surplus, although Amicus will disclose a bottom line loss for last year after a voluntary redundancy programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • Global surpluses can likewise be meaningless to the dozens of poor nations that have overwhelming demands placed on slim foreign exchange reserves.
  • State schools have suffered budget cuts as the surpluses in many state treasuries have quickly turned into nasty deficits.
  • Prices of unhusked rice have plunged to a low of Rp 700 per kilogram, compared to a government-target floor price of Rp 1,020, because the cooperatives did not have enough money to absorb the huge surplus.
  • Anyhow, I give the Clinton Admin props for leaving office with a surplus. Think Progress » Hatch Warns Tea Party Activists: Work With The GOP…Or Else
  • Given massive inventory surpluses, the last thing the market needs is an infusion of newly-built dwellings, according to Diane Swonk, Chief Economist at Chicago-based Mesirow Financial.
  • So long as the Egyptian surplus was under the control of the Commission of the Debt, and Baring and the sirdar could guarantee the Suez Canal and the India Route, Salisbury would permit no military operations. Three Empires on the Nile
  • In an era of budget surpluses, advocates argue, the federal government could ante up money for purchase of open space and farmland.
  • This surplus made it possible to sustain urban populations that were not primarily engaged in farming. Sociology
  • Yesterday I wrote an entry about the mysterious piece of equipment Todd Lappin bought from a Navy surplus sale. - Boing Boing
  • These developments all contributed to massive surplus extractions from subsistence producers confined to the reserves.
  • The majority of serfs worked on the land, and after rendering their dues could dispose of any surplus as they wished.
  • Some banks with surplus cash distribute money to their neighbours.
  • Global surpluses can likewise be meaningless to the dozens of poor nations that have overwhelming demands placed on slim foreign exchange reserves.
  • At the same time, the US working day is becoming more intense as surplus labor grows.
  • He added that any surplus cash is reclaimed by Westminster and given to other organisations that are short of money.
  • If the cow has not got enough colostrum, surplus could be taken from the better milkers at calving and stored in the freezer for emergencies.
  • It is focused on its internal capital surplus ratio. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, US executive/administrative actions have prohibited importation of Steyr and Norinco firearms, some Chinese/Russian military surplus longarms/ammunition, and any arms deemed “nonsporting”. The Volokh Conspiracy » The most important right to arms vote of 2009
  • His first civilian living had been eked out on the legitimate edge of the army surplus trade. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • They could sell their surplus to local stalls and shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • This amount would decrease the surplus to slightly more than $100,000.
  • However, the euro-zone's 12-month cumulated current account deficit widened significantly to €56.5 billion in September from €26.2 billion a year earlier, largely due to a decline in the surplus of goods. Euro Zone in Account Surplus
  • Ireland is now running a current account surplus – so the foreign balance is not a drag on its economy and the government is able to finance its budget deficit domestically.
  • German wages are in fact too low, they argue, for if they were not, the country would not have a visible trade surplus year in, year out.
  • This amounted in effect to a diktat by finance capital that new measures had to be adopted to increase the extraction of surplus value from the working class.
  • As a result the cash surpluses that would normally occur around now are very low or non-existent.
  • Likewise Europe's Insurance Group Directive, which governs capital levels, shows that almost every big firm enjoys a capital surplus.
  • With its full automatic capability, the M14 was never offered for military surplus sale.
  • They were very happy to trouser the surplus when things were good, now when the markets are unstable, you take the risk with your defined contribution payment.
  • Equality-pushing, nonequal elites have found new ways to collect and redistribute this surplus in ways that satisfy their moral vanity while perpetuating their hold on power. Gates of Vienna
  • But once he has got them there he has always been deemed surplus to requirements. The Sun
  • As more service jobs are offshored, however, that surplus is shrinking rapidly too, declining from $90 billion to $60 billion over the past seven years.
  • By my calcs, it will take 8 years of real-terms freezes (i.e. inflation matching increases) for receipts to catch up to TME and get to a surplus. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • The surplus for each property is calculated by deducting from the gross rent receivable the following allowable deductions.
  • The trade went in both directions: there was already a surplus of cordage and sailcloth that was traded on to Constantinople while there was a booming import-export business to Riga.
  • The world is now producing large food surpluses.
  • Because they had no refrigeration, leftover meat was fed to the dogs, while surplus milk was dished up to the pigs.
  • Retail and wholesale banks alike raise large sums of money on this market, and lend their surpluses there.
  • Japan's annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars.
  • Based on trends to end August, tax receipts could undershoot the target by up to £2bn, putting an enormous hole in the £2.5 bn surplus target.
  • At this time, civilians could not buy and operate surplus military aircraft in Australia.
  • It has been suggested that a central authority should construct huge reservoirs on the Ganga and Brahmaputra and link these two mighty rivers with canals, thereby diverting surplus waters south-eastwards into the Mahanadi.
  • A final and vital flaw in a market-basket dollar is that Gresham's law would result in perpetual shortages and surpluses of different commodities within the market basket.
  • It seemed to Peter that every time he fell asleep it was to the music of proletariat and surplus value and unearned increment, possibilism and impossibilism, political action, direct action, mass action, and the perpetual circle of Syndicalist-Anarchist, Anarchist-Communist, Communist-Socialist and Socialist-Syndicalist. 100% : The Story of a Patriot
  • This paper offers a framework to humanely reduce the current surplus of companion-animals and prevent further overpopulation.
  • The transition from budget surpluses to budget deficits was a major factor in this shift to dissavings. Think Progress » The Straight Truth About the Bush Economy
  • It's an essay heavy with surplus phrasing.
  • The boom was much bigger than Berlin bargained for, which means the country is now saddled with a huge supply surplus. Times, Sunday Times
  • surplus cheese distributed to the needy
  • Overtaxing the people. - and overtaxing poor workers, in order to achieve that $5.6 billion surplus.
  • Efficiency: Powerfully purify pores, dissolve oil and propionibacterium, remove surplus oil, and quickly recover skin to pure, comfortable and refreshing state.
  • However, the first use for surplus cash must be to reduce any outstanding debts.
  • It even produces superlight, supersoft clothes from surplus milk protein. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vital calorie factor By including sufficient high-fibre foods in your diet you will actually help your body to shed surplus fat.
  • Grenade pouches that are sold at military surplus stores work, too.
  • Japan's annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars.
  • Are sneakers inessential - if so, does that mean it is okay for firms pursuing market share and surplus in sneakers to run sweat shops?
  • However, the full benefit only applies to surpluses in excess of €100,000.
  • Gold mining is capable of absorbing thousands of surplus workers, reviving numerous trades and industries dependent upon mining activity, and assisting in decentralising excessive populations in capital cities. Our Economic Dependence on Mining
  • Authorities, like Rudy Penner, head of the CBO, who said spending exploded in 1998 because of the surplus (which was all SS then) and Moynihan, who knew both SS and government spending first-hand, and said Congress "embezzled" the SS surplus to spend it as free money. Social Security Transition Cost, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

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