
How To Use Surly In A Sentence

  • There's a photo shoot going on in the poolside bar as I arrive, and the parking valets are even more surly than downtown.
  • They would all see her go mental, and she would slowly but surly lose her popularity.
  • Since the police station was bombed and someone offed his wife, Tom has been mighty surly.
  • The elderly male (for anthropoids, like anthropoi, wax fierce and surly with increasing years) will fight, but only from fear, when suddenly startled, or with rage when slightly wounded. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • The company found itself employing increasingly unresponsive and at times surly sales staff and poor in-store managers. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Presently a sheepdog in the valley below gave a surly, growling bark. THE LEGEND OF CAPTAIN SPACE
  • The surly bonds of print do tend to detain new tech. Times, Sunday Times
  • Below the jump: Spiderman lassoing a surly Wolverine with Christmas lights, and two shots of Santa packing heat. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » 2009 » January
  • The sullen-faced Xavier glowered in surly silence, but the malignant, beady eyes of Du Mont regarded the officer keenly. The Gun-Brand
  • I thought a Fuck Nut was some type of chain tensioner made by Surly. Mallrats: Where Trends Go To Die
  • Oh, do you think so, you seclusive wretch," the headman said, as other villagers closed in around them, each looking more surly than the others. Demons Don't Dream
  • I would have made a few comments, and requested a short history of the place from the surly owner; but his attitude at the door appeared to demand my speedy entrance, or complete departure, and I had no desire to aggravate his impatience previous to inspecting the penetralium. Wuthering Heights
  • Kids today are rude, surly and churlish - but not ours any more.
  • It may be that this surly electoral mood is too settled to be remediable by anything short of an economic crisis.
  • I. Annakindt surly petunia is now available at Lulu. com, click on image. The Writer's Desk Book and How to Organize One
  • It just so happened that for many months, when I rocked my son to sleep each night he would gaze up at his ceiling and his eyes would slowly wander across his sightline as though he was watching something leisurly moving around. The 12 most important things to know about angels
  • Luggage that went astray every time (then being expected to tip the delivery guy when it was dropped off the next day) and yes - just like you, some of the surly announcements over the tannoy, by jaded, well-past-there-useby staff. Unexpected
  • Would you approach a society you knew to worship angst ridden doctors, corrupt lawyers and various subgenuses of surly private detectives?
  • It's as if your formative years have passed and you've turned into a surly teenager, sulking in your fizzing sack, staring at your yeasty sock, explaining your version of the world to anyone who will listen.
  • Marjorie Campbell plays a sour and surly chambermaid that scores laughs galore.
  • We have been met in the past with surly and indifferent service at many retail outlets.
  • Mr. Smith (also a choirman) owned the Clewer Nursery Gardens in Surly Hall Road (now Maidenhead Rd.) and was responsible for the grave-digging and churchyard upkeep.
  • They are gruff and surly beings, generally compared in nature to humans.
  • This "line of control" is surly meant to contain a remerging Russia and not as the official Pentagon claptrap expounds to protect Europe from incoming Iranian missiles. Ohmynews International
  • When I get back to my hotel the surly doorman, who has never been known to stray from his fully enclosed cubicle, grunts at me.
  • Handkerchief was overawed, and with surly looks he led three of his men aboard the Reindeer. White and Yellow
  • Still, he is impressive as the surly, enigmatic intellectual who offers Jane a glimmer of hope for a better life.
  • Surly it must have been scared off by something, but what can frighten an animal that size?
  • Jason is still surly, ill and suspicious, as any quiet genius might be.
  • The surly bonds of national identity may be slipping. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was for ever putting his arm round surly Arthur and inquiring after the score with a beam on his face.
  • There are certain forms of weather we get here that are foul - pointlessly mean, surly for no reason, vindictive.
  • I rent one for an hour - 50 dirhams, complete with surly pilot.
  • Tommy is surly and incommunicative; his only meaningful conversations are with Jordan's mourning girlfriend.
  • He is a dark, strange-looking man -- strong and large -- of the brigand stamp, with fine eyes and lowering brows -- blunt and sarcastic in his manners, with a kind of misanthropical frankness, which seems based upon utter contempt for his fellow-creatures and a surly truthfulness which is more rudeness than honesty. Famous Reviews
  • However, in court, Erin's surly manner and profane vocabulary do not endear her to the jury, which finds in the defendant's favor.
  • Every feature was strong and rugged, which gave his countenance an expression masterful to the point of being almost surly when it was in repose; but it was a face which caused most men -- and women over thirty -- to turn for a second glance. 'Smiles' A Rose of the Cumberlands
  • The kids shout out the surly, angst-ridden lyrics.
  • She was plain, spiteful, and surly.
  • Tonight the surly bonds of earth seemed more surly than usual.
  • a loan, whereby the 'barrer' was replenished and the surly husband set to work; but if all efforts at peacemaking were useless, this new apostle had methods beyond the reach of the ordinary missionary -- he would (the case deserving it) drop his mild, insinuating, persuasive tones, and not only threaten to pulp the incorrigible blackguard into Side Lights
  • While in this new valuation he still retains the character of a disputatious, puritanical polemist, erratic in conduct, surly in manner, irascible in temper, biting in speech, it invests him with a shrinking reluctance to adopt any action however radical without the approval of the congregation or its accredited representatives. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • * I hadn't spent a considerable amount of time around this team since the summer of 2007, when a certain surly left fielder was taking aim at the all-time home run record, and let's suffice it to say the clubhouse is very different now. The surprising San Francisco Giants
  • The new airport is a surly chaos of duffel bags and boxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A great big place, apparently unlet and empty, surrounded by an enormous wall, with one surly man to guard the place - and he has a lot of letters! Separate
  • a surly waiter
  • a surly unforgiving old woman
  • Whenever he was feeling surly, which was often, Bo liked to ask his wife what the hell she thought she was doing, wasting her time with all this airy-fairy, futuristic crap. The Rotation of the Earth
  • The surly behaviour of the United camp to the foreign media has hardly qualified as a charm offensive on either front.
  • A surly cholerick Fellow generally makes Choice of a Bear; as Men of milder Spectator, April 2, 1711
  • The beer [Darkness] will be purchased from Surly Brewing Co., delivered to the leased space and sold in special 750 centiliter MNBeer - Beer from the Twin Cities, Minnesota, Minneapolis, St. Paul and beyond
  • The luscious passion of the seraglio is the only one almost that is gratified here to the full; but it is blended so with the surly spirit of despotism in one of the parties, and with the dejection and anxiety which this spirit produces in the other, that, to one of my way of thinking, it cannot appear otherwise than as a very mixed kind of enjoyment. Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W--y M--e
  • My failure to appear on that specific date seemed to fluster the rather surly man who had to search for the card.
  • What other reason can there possibly be for the number of surly, bad-mannered ignoramuses I stumble across when I'm looking to use, order or buy anything?
  • Still, he is impressive as the surly, enigmatic intellectual who offers Jane a glimmer of hope for a better life.
  • Customer service on this flight was indifferent rather than the usual surly.
  • The day-time guard at the entrance to our village is the most grumpy and surly man.
  • Once considered painfully shy, he is now notorious for being surly and unwilling to suffer fools.
  • They brushed past merchants and traders and came to the bridge, where a surly-looking guard with a grey-tipped beard stood.
  • Or maybe Britain's reputation for politeness is long gone, replaced by a surly jobsworth attitude that slowly sours every day in this city.
  • He walks around being very surly and is very much a figure of hate.
  • You are foul, surly, nasty, unhelpful, unpleasant and clearly you have a lot of issues.
  • I know that the secret dream of every infanteer is to slip the surly bonds of earth and dance the skies on laughter silver wings. Military humour
  • And then, I felt harassed teaching a seminar in prosody — teaching form — at the graduate school level to unwilling, even surly students who were only taking it because they needed the credit. The Art of Living
  • I'll give you all the drum - since the police station was bombed and someone offed his wife, Tom Croydon has been mighty surly.
  • Surly his own mother would have told her, his stepsister, about him.
  • They were somewhere between surly and arrogant, always. The Sun
  • In Engineering I find a surly Varese supervising two men cleaning the guts of a junction box with what smells like car-bolic. Passage at Arms
  • Fire was speedily obtained from one of their guns, and Hobbie was already advancing to the pile with a kindled brand, when the surly face of the robber, and the muzzle of a musquetoon, were partially shown at a shot-hole which flanked the entrance. The Black Dwarf
  • Instead of the often surly and obsessed golfer with a dodgy sense of humour a more humble and accessible golfer came to light.
  • Railing the final descent at high speed I'm amped up and take the crowd's advice and drive the Surly right into the reservoir for a cool down.
  • The point of low fantasy is to watch clean-limbed fighting men from Virginia clash flashing blades against surly yet brawny barbarians from Cimmeria during the last days of Rome on Mars or something, and maybe rescue a half-naked space princess from eldritch evil priests, eldritch chthonic demons, eldritch undead, eldritch pirates, eldritch highwaymen, eldritch encyclopedia salesmen of darkness. MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
  • The surly insolence of the waiters drove him into a rage, and he flung his serviette to the floor and stalked out of the restaurant.
  • By the simple expedient of renting a lovely French aristocrat, the froideur turns to fun, and the surly city becomes all smiles and elegance.
  • The second half, led by Brando, was serious, surly, studiously indifferent to giving pleasure or generating affection.
  • At meal times surly British canteen staff allegedly refused to give the Indian marksmen second helpings of food.
  • Once settled into this one, in tune with its surly, unsociable central character, columnist and freelance reporter Frank Corso, the reader will be reluctant to set the book aside, even for meals.
  • Poet Isaac Rosenfeld played the surly butler.
  • Known as a 'Ty Cobb wannabe' for his flashing spikes and surly manner, this slugger always swings for the fences.
  • A surly teenage chick with a sidekick boyfriend stopped me and started babbling.
  • Swallowing the lump that comes into my throat at this thought, I climb on board, nod to the surly looking bus driver with the white comb-over and poorly trimmed goatee, and try to scope out a place to sit.
  • In just scorne of such unsightly and ill-Pleasing surly sluts, who imagine none to be faire or well-Favoured, but themselves The Decameron
  • The day-time guard at the entrance to our village is the most grumpy and surly man.
  • The man who shared her apartment was surly, unfriendly, and always complaining about the lifts and the garbage disposal.
  • Sure your followers will surly vote for you those disfranchise republicans. Palin: 'My heart goes out to Huckabee'
  • Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher made a surly appearance when picking up an award for the best Brits album of the past 30 years, and was branded a '' knobhead '' last week by host Peter Kay. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Possibly affected by the adulation, he became more surly and confused.
  • 'Noa,' he said in a surly tone, smiling oddly on the winkers, but, recollecting his politeness, he added, 'Noa, thankee, misses, it's what they calls a picnic; we'll be takin' the road now. ' Uncle Silas A Tale of Bartram-Haugh
  • I was a surly teenage then, and it didn't do much for my complexion or temper.
  • She could not understand how such a surly man could make such a coaxing sound. The Secret Garden
  • The two youngest seemed somewhat surly for a good portion of the day, and I don't know what was going on.
  • The kidnaper, a surly and murderous-looking brute, insisted on being called Teddy. Archive 2010-03-01
  • The bar staff and in particular, the door staff were the most miserable, surly and unhospitable people around.
  • I didn't want to appear surly, but a word had to be honed mighty thin to slip in edgewise, so I concentrated on the tea, cucumber sandwiches, and seedcake, suppressing wistful thoughts about a pub. Operation Luna
  • The sullen-faced Xavier glowered in surly silence, but the malignant, beady eyes of Du Mont regarded the officer keenly. The Gun-Brand
  • At the first house, a surly maidservant answered, and my chief introduced himself and explained that we were from the Department of Health and Sanitation and were looking for one Mary Mallon. Deadly
  • We are pretty sure surly activity and passive disdain isn't the way to happiness.
  • An elderly couple holiday with their two sons, but something is clearly amiss; the mother is distant and surly, ignoring everything around her.
  • In a service business like air travel, surly ticket agents or foot-dragging mechanics who delay a flight can send customers fleeing.
  • “Lord,” and contemplate the following couplet which one cannot make rhyme without actual verbicide: ” “Where feeds the moose, and walks the surly bear, Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Panino: A Singleator is Surly's chain tensioner for bikes with derailleur hangers. The Big Picture: Taking It All In
  • When I first got him, he was a surly little puppy who could stand in my two hands.
  • Now, I admit that I'm slightly jaundiced on this topic, because I had to spend my school holidays in Dubai as a surly teenager and frankly anyone who spits on the place has my sympathy, but even so – it was a whole lot of fuss over what was, gobbing-wise, a damp squib. Tiger Woods and his not-so-great expectorations | Harry Pearson
  • He can be petulant, and there have been surly exchanges with fans.
  • Evander, despite that, didn't want to cause grief for Darren or the band by seeming unapproachable or surly.
  • After I had dismissed the skin inflaming make-up and the tatty plastic jewellery, all I was left with were surly-looking dolls wearing clompy shoes and tarty skirts that cost the earth.
  • Eating out in South-East Asia sounds ridiculously cheap to Australians; making mobile phone calls in Africa appears to be a total rip-off; your cheap US meal is a rort once you tip the surly wait staff. Don’t Get Ripped Off With Foreign Currency | Lifehacker Australia
  • Yet surly as he looked, he was harmless. Somewhere East of Life
  • For the most part it's fine, but sometimes people get surly and it makes the entire process unenjoyable.
  • You are foul, surly, nasty, unhelpful, unpleasant and clearly you have a lot of issues.
  • While normally I love a good storm, I couldn't have been more surly last night.
  • But that buff is so big and mean and ugly and hard to stop and vindictive and cruel and surly and ornery. Shameless Products Plugs
  • On my fourth go I got through to a surly girl who claimed they didn't accept direct mailings.
  • The 'Old Bachelor' is Heartwell, a 'surly old pretended woman-hater', who falls in love with Silvia.
  • I would have made a few comments, and requested a short history of the place from the surly owner; but his attitude at the door appeared to demand my speedy entrance or complete departure, and I had no desire to aggravate his impatience previous to inspecting the penetralium. Wuthering Heights
  • The two women ate in surly silence and individually excused themselves, both pleading headaches, even before the dessert was served. CORMORANT
  • New legislation would see the resurgence of independently-run local shops, run by surly harridans selling overpriced tins of out-of-date haslet. Archive 2008-02-01
  • His solicitude about maintaining a certain order within the state was described as haughtiness and harshness, his preoccupation lest the precarious resources of the government be dissipated in useless expenditures was dubbed avarice, and the prudence which had impelled him to restrain the rash policy of expansion and aggression which Germanicus had tried to initiate beyond the Rhine was construed as envy and surly malignity. The Women of the Caesars
  • The boatswain was a noisy, surly fellow, and on several occasions the captain had words with him about his disrespectful behaviour. The Pirates' Who's Who Giving Particulars Of The Lives and Deaths Of The Pirates And Buccaneers
  • You are foul, surly, nasty, unhelpful, unpleasant and clearly you have a lot of issues.
  • This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nathaniel Tapley, lizzie roper. lizzie roper said: by the very funny @Natt doooo listen … I'm a surly lesbo in it. Episode 3: The Night Whisperer « In The Gloaming Podcasts
  • Vending machines make it easy to avoid surly service at mom-and-pop convenience stores.
  • Parker, indeed, they could not easily turn away, but Lord Peter found himself confronted with a surly manner and what Lord Beaconsfield described as a masterly inactivity. Whose Body?
  • And yet as soon as one was out of the main streets, where all the fun was going on, the people looked surly. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
  • Then they came to confiscate the film but balked because the soundman looked huge and surly.
  • Travelling on the tube today, I sat facing a surly girl of about fifteen years of age.
  • Some that have met him have found him temperamental and surly.
  • But instead of tracking spies, these sleuths are out to expose surly salespeople to improve the country's standards of customer service.
  • Or does she yearn for the days of surly detachment when doing her shopping? Times, Sunday Times
  • The surly insolence of the waiters drove him into a rage, and he flung his serviette to the floor and stalked out of the restaurant.
  • Or does she yearn for the days of surly detachment when doing her shopping? Times, Sunday Times
  • After a while a sunny day strikes you as slightly idiotic, and you need a nice surly day to keep you balanced.
  • The doors to the stairwell, however, were guarded by a surly-looking godling whom Danlo did not know. THE BROKEN GOD
  • There was no clearer indication of this aggressive new stance than the surly attitude taken towards Germany.
  • The postmaster is a surly and incompetent manager. Frustration with mail situation in Jocotepec
  • We aren't talking about his usual surly demeanour, quick-tempered nature, or impromptu tours to folks lounging around in shelters.
  • The teamsters, surly and self-contained, wear slouch hats and great cowhide boots; while the stage-drivers, their faces seamed by the hardship and exposure of their long drives with every kind of team, through every kind of country, and in every kind of weather, proud of their really wonderful skill as reinsmen and conscious of their high standing in any frontier community, look down on and sneer at the "skin hunters" and the plodding drivers of the white-topped prairie schooners. The Cattle Country of the Far West
  • Surly, monosyllabic drivers aside, it's a minor miracle if the bus actually rolls up at all!

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