
How To Use Supreme being In A Sentence

  • To conclude, while from the sister's words he had reckoned upon a speedy delivery he was, however, it must be owned, not a little alleviated by the intelligence that the issue so auspicated after an ordeal of such duress now testified once more to the mercy as well as to the bounty of the Supreme Being. Ulysses
  • Moreover," said Ralph, "another sea voyage, made under the influence of other feelings than those which have agitated us hitherto, is the best preparation we could imagine for communing with ourselves, for detaching ourselves from earthly affections, for raising ourselves in unalloyed purity to the feet of the Supreme Being. Indiana
  • One way of ensuring that didn't happen was to put God – not some milksop supreme being but a proper, stormy God – back into buildings. British architecture: Victorian and Edwardian
  • Therefore, there is a certain nature or substance or essence who through himself is good and great and through himself is what he is; through whom exists whatever truly is good or great or anything at all; and who is the supreme good, the supreme great thing, the supreme being or subsistent, that is, supreme among all existing things. Saint Anselm
  • Jansenism by the constitutionist clergy; philosophical deism by the worship of the Supreme Being, instituted by the committee of public safety; and the materialism of Holbach's school by the worship of Reason and of Nature, decreed by the commune. History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814
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  • Further, the faultiness of speaking of the supreme being as having the property of being in any place whatsoever is manifold, because it would be strange to speak of anything whatsoever existing beyond the presence of the sacred being.
  • Belief in supreme beings of whatever creed or breed seemed to Kate to constitute an evasion of personal responsibility.
  • Belief in supreme beings of whatever creed or breed seemed to Kate to constitute an evasion of personal responsibility.
  • So the Supreme Being instructed the Devas to take birth as monkeys and bears, the most remarkable of whom would be Hanuman, the Avatar of Vayu, the Deva of the wind and air. Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar
  • David Warner is nicely sinister as Evil Incarnate, and Sir Ralph Richardson, that stately old figure, is a headmasterly Supreme Being.
  • I grew up in a home where I was taught from an early age that there is a Supreme Being, namely God.
  • Fundamentalism is a belief system that can not be refuted because it comes from a supreme being.
  • To conclude, while from the sister’s words he had reckoned upon a speedy delivery he was, however, it must be owned, not a little alleviated by the intelligence that the issue so auspicated after an ordeal of such duress now testified once more to the mercy as well as to the bounty of the Supreme Being. Ulysses
  • He preached the worship of the One Supreme Being, deprecating idolatry and superstitious beliefs and observances.
  • It is certain the country people would soon degenerate into a kind of savages and barbarians, were there not such frequent returns of a stated time, in which the whole village meet together with their best faces, and in their cleanliest habits, to converse with one another upon indifferent subjects, hear their duties explained to them, and join together in adoration of the Supreme Being. The Coverley Papers
  • If we remove the names we must remove the faces, the attributes, the scriptures, the cosmogonies, scour the statues to featureless lumps so that there is no distinction between this Supreme Being and that one. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART TWO
  • Gnostic sects are generally monadic - they believe in a singular supreme being.
  • Most religions teach adoration of the supreme being in whose image all humanity was formed.
  • Consider that the Supreme Being, the Source of All—who as Big God has at times been described as almighty, angry, and judgmental—can actually appear to us in the loving form we desire. Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar
  • Belief in supreme beings of whatever creed or breed seemed to Kate to constitute an evasion of personal responsibility.
  • Lastly, that it can not be thought that the Supreme Being will envy those inferior beings that worship or honor which is bestowed upon them; nor suspect that any of these inferior deities will factiously go about to set up themselves against the Supreme God. Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • The Supreme Being is both immanent and transcendent, thus both a Creator and Un-manifest Reality.
  • But there is some confusion in its use, for it is applied not only to the supreme being but to a double incarnation of him called Nara-Nârâyaṇa, and images of the pair may still be seen in Vishnuite temples. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
  • For him it was a means of revealing the divine principle and concretizing a personal vision of the Supreme Being that had been vouchsafed to him.
  • Supposing, just for a second, that we take these metaphors literally; what we would basically be saying is that God -- that Supreme Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient -- is the real evil, while Lucifer and Christ were both good guys, both trying but failing to wake humanity up to its daimonic -- which is to say divine -- potential. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART ONE
  • Although he lacks the historical context to articulate Kant's Categorical Moral Imperative, he describes a Supreme Being for whom something akin to this axiom is the ultimate measure of a man, a God who believes that one's ethical duty is to acquire and exercise wisdom, to evaluate and constantly re-evaluate one's beliefs -- including what one's ethical duty is -- by applying the utmost objectivity to one's own preconceptions and prejudices. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART TWO
  • SCORPIO: While you are familiar with the lesson of the unfortunate Chris Farley (as shown below), it would be good for you to contemplate the purpose of the Supreme Being in gifting you with wealth, power, influence, and a dynamic sex life. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Most traditional African religions believe in one supreme being who acts through spirits and ancestors.
  • For him it was a means of revealing the divine principle and concretizing a personal vision of the Supreme Being that had been vouchsafed to him.
  • With that artless piety, which innocence only knows, she addressed the Supreme Being, and resigned herself to his care.
  • The powers of technology harnessed with the power of the human mind fused into one supreme being capable of the impossible.
  • Lastly, this commandment conveys the obligation to dissent from, and reject, every superstition and every error, requiring us to preserve pure and intemerate the adoration due to the Supreme Being, who, in this sense, is represented in this text as jealously watching over human actions, and a not indifferent spectator of good or evil; therefore a sure punisher of the guilty, and an eternal remunerator of him who faithfully adheres to His law. A Guide for the Religious Instruction of Jewish Youth
  • They lived under nine independent caciques or chiefs, and possessed a simple religion devoid of rites and ceremonies, but with a belief in a supreme being, and the immortality of the soul.
  • Fundamentalism is a belief system that can not be refuted because it comes from a supreme being.
  • For him it was a means of revealing the divine principle and concretizing a personal vision of the Supreme Being that had been vouchsafed to him.
  • There is ongoing interdependence between the living, the living-dead (those remembered by name), spirits and divinities, and the Supreme Being.
  • The derision into which the Cult of the Supreme Being fell after the overthrow of the Jacobins did not discredit the theme, which underwent a series of conservative metamorphoses in the 19th century.
  • Lastly, this commandment conveys the obligation to dissent from, and reject, every superstition and every error, requiring us to preserve pure and intemerate the adoration due to the Supreme Being, who, in this sense, is represented in this text as jealously watching over human actions, and a not indifferent spectator of good or evil; therefore a sure punisher of the guilty, and an eternal remunerator of him who faithfully adheres to His law. A Guide for the Religious Instruction of Jewish Youth
  • Traditionally, Nigerians believe that there are two types of divinities: the Supreme Being, and the subordinate deities.
  • As he speechified his way toward Washington, Lincoln invoked “Divine Providence,” “the Providence of God,” “that God who has never forsaken this people,” “the Divine Power, without whose aid we can do nothing,” “that Supreme Being who has never forsaken this favored land,” “the Maker of the Universe,” and “Almighty God.” The Chosen Peoples
  • On the other side, progressive theologians, especially those involved in interreligious dialogue, are well prepared to recognize the force of nontheistic options because of their engagements with East and South Asian religious traditions (Daoism, Buddhism, Advaita Vedānta) that are not interested in positing a supreme being. John Thatamanil: Beyond the Theism/Atheism Divide: A Plea for Humility
  • The ancient Brahmins acknowledged one only Supreme Being; the Chinese associated no inferior being with the Divinity, nor had any idol until the times when the populace were led astray by the worship of Fo, and the superstitions of the bonzes. A Philosophical Dictionary

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