How To Use Suppression In A Sentence
The acrylic acid, catechol best suppression bacterium respectively is the golden yellow staphylococcus and the saccharomycetes.
The most interesting features of federalist thought have to do with the suppression of faction.
Overall, hydrocortisone did not induce immunosuppression.
Short-term androgen suppression produces inferior survival compared with long-term androgen suppression in the treatment of locally advanced prostate cancer, according to the results of a study published in the
Summary of Background Data. Human MSC are multipotent mesenchymal adult stem cells that have a potential for autologous transplantation, obviating the need for immune suppression.

The range is built by optimising combinations of various styles of inductors with the appropriate capacitors, varistors and other components to give a comprehensive range of suppression levels.
Affected infants have suppression of erythropoiesis with extremely low reticulocytes despite a low packed cell volume and normal erythropoietin values.
The ideas of separate color and verbal processing and suppression of incorrect verbal responses suggest an explanation for incongruency loss.
Fire suppression has transformed open stands of old-growth species such as ponderosa pine to dense stands with understories of small-diameter conifers.
Beyond Old Growth~ Chapter 5
Nevertheless, a significant portion of the public supported the forcible suppression of campus protests.
It pleased me no end, trying to make amends for many years of imposed suppression.
The ministry's initial mandate was limited to internal security-the suppression of political dissent, counter-espionage, and sabotage.
Suppression of the androecium as a teratological occurrence has been most frequently noticed in the following plants, omitting members of those families whose floral construction is normally incomplete in the majority of instances, and exclusive also of cases of substitution.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Sucrose is a good subject for testing the sequence because it has resonances very close to that of water, making the signal sensitive to the quality of the water suppression.
Clashes between conformists and Puritans resulted in the suppression of the organized Presbyterian wing of Puritanism by 1591, but the impact of Puritans on the Church at a local level remained enormous.
An indeterminate outcome was defined as resolution of signs and symptoms of infection with a need for continued antimicrobial suppression.
In this study, we developed a procedure for isolating the in vivo apical and basal cells of the two-celled proembryo from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), and then performed a comparative transcriptome analysis of the two cells by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) combined with macroarray screening.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
It is not clear whether this acropetal increase of flower meristem identity is related to the acropetal loss of the SD suppression.
The halon gas fire suppression systems required in the cargo compartments of passenger planes don't work on fires caused by lithium metal batteries.
Battery Safety Fight: Pilots Take On Big Business After Deadly Crash
Through suppression of information, cover-ups, lies and outright gangsterism, these industry heads sought to continue their conspiracy against the public.
The early gestational fetus is immunologically immature and can be "tolerized" to cells, organs, or proteins that are immunologically foreign, avoiding the potential for rejection and the need for immunosuppression.
The Center for Fetal Research
Readers familiar with English history will find a vague parallel to the suppression of the monasteries.
The period at which malformations occur is a matter of some importance; this is, indeed, implied in the term arrest of development; evolution goes on with growth up to a certain point and is then stopped, and thus changes are brought about in the part affected of a different nature from those dependent on non-development or suppression.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
BACKGROUND: Kidney transplant recipients with BK virus nephropathy or viremia are generally treated with reduction of immunosuppression to facilitate virus eradication.
This paper has analyzed the PN code acquisition performance effects of adaptive narrow-band interference suppression filters in spread-spectrum systems based on detailed theoretical derivation.
•Trouble spot:: With at least five new starters projected for an overhauled defense, fixing the run suppression is a priority.
'More consistent, more urgent' Falcons out to defy own history
He was injured in the bloody suppression of the uprising.
Radio reception is good and sound quality in the cabin is excellent, thanks to the suppression of external noise sources.
The case was then handed over the Foreign Crime Suppression Unit, which sent a team of officers in search for the miscreant Iraqi.
The Chamber had fought what it called the suppression of company participation in elections, and hailed the Supreme Court decision in the case, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. --
Adrenal responses to stimulation or suppression have been used as a potential indicator of a chronic stressful environment.
Indian army is stopping the violence which you all call suppression then so the Pakistan army is in the same boat.
Arabnews - frontpage
She remains voiceless but the postures and the expressions convey the intense desire to break out of conventional modes, a desire to burst forth from the shackles of male suppression.
However, there is also a genuine decrease in sensitivity to light during a saccade - called saccadic suppression.
During menstruation, hyperidrosis of the axillæ diffuses an aromatic odor similar to that of acids or chloroform, and in suppression of menses, according to the Ephemerides, the odor is as of hops.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
He came to the conclusion that offences of this kind might be extraditable if they took place in countries to which the Suppression of Terrorism Act 1978 applies, after the date on which that Act came into force.
Other improvements that will be started in the coming year include repairing and restoring the mill's headrace, which guides and controls water flow from the river to the mill, masonry repairs to the foundation walls, repainting the cupolas of the Slater and Wilkinson mills and replacing the Slater Mill's 1929 fire suppression system. Projo Local News
Thus Fritz Müller has made the remarkable discovery that certain shrimp-like crustaceans (allied to Penus) first appear under the simple nauplius-form, and after passing through two or more zoea-stages, and then through the mysis-stage, finally acquire their mature structure: now in the whole great malacostracan order, to which these crustaceans belong, no other member is as yet known to be first developed under the nauplius-form, though many appear as zoeas; nevertheless Müller assigns reasons for his belief, that if there had been no suppression of development, all these crustaceans would have appeared as nauplii.
XIV. Mutual Affinities of Organic Beings: Morphology-Embryology-Rudimentary Organs. Development and Embryology
Suppression of feelings such as anger, disappointment, grief, anxiety, or even excitement, can lead them to binge.
Conclusion The percentage of peripheral reticulocyte percentage is an effective index to predict the suppression of bone morrow hematopoiesis during solid tumor chemotherapy.
Now, would that not argue that of their nature suppression orders are interlocutory because circumstances can change and information can get out extraneously - especially in the age of the Internet.
The virtual suppression of the preconciliar Mass in the years following Vatican II seemed to share some similar qualities that are in retrospect gravely regrettable.
Extraordinary Form, Montgomery, Alabama
A competitive pathway also converts 6-MP to its cytotoxic 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6-TGNs) that are associated with bone marrow suppression (leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia).
Clinical studies: IBD treatment safety
When the plants in which these occurrences happen most frequently are compared together, it may be seen that partial or entire suppression of the floral envelopes, calyx, and corolla, is far more commonly met with in the polypetalous and hypogynous groups than in the gamopetalous or epigynous series.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Now that the restoration is complete and the film will begin circulating, Ms. Schulberg (who collaborated with the filmmaker and sound designer Josh Waletzky on the project) has come to terms with the suppression of her father's work — whether it was by Hollywood or the gov ernment, which was advancing the Marshall Plan.
Out of the Ashes, a Triumph
Those who want to justify logging try to conflate low elevation forests with all forest types-many of which such as lodgepole pine-are very likely not affected by fire suppression due to the naturally long intervals between fires in these forests.
Myelosuppression (including anemia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, and thrombocytopenia) has been reported in patients receiving Zyvox.
New Phase 4 Study Shows Higher Rates of Clinical and Microbiological Success for Zyvox Versus Vancomycin in MRSA Nosocomial Pneumonia - Yahoo! Finance
Combined with what the late Ernest Mandel called "extra-economic" factors (such as pliant labor leadership and peaceful trade unionism, establishment of the Bretton Woods international monetary system, Cold War ideology and the suppression or pacification of any possible dissent, and relative decline in the price of oil and other raw materials in the immediate post-WW II period), the New Deal and other government-sponsored reforms ushered in a period of rapid economic expansion that came to be known as the "golden years of US capitalism," which lasted until around 1970.
Fluid collection with septae is noted in relation to lateral aspect of femur with areas of signal suppression on GRE suggestive of haemosiderin staining.
Sumer's Radiology Site
He is renowned as a canny strategist and has a sharp economic mind, but his dictatorial approach and suppression of human rights worries many.
And thus does the major theme emerge: the seductive lure and dangerous irresponsibility of suppression.
suppression of evidence/emotions/free speech, etc.
Females exposed to cold or undergoing powerful excitements, experience a suppression of the catamenia.
On his refusal to install the new magistrates appointed by Maupeou after the suppression of the Parliaments, he was transferred to the intendance of Provence and then to La Rochelle.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
Thus, suppression of the cut mutant wing phenotype is most likely due to the overexpression of Lola.
The evolution of the heteromorphic sex chromosomes from an indistinguishable pair of autosomes is triggered by the suppression of recombination.
We shall not 'quicken' our fellows unless we 'die,' either literally or by the not less real martyrdom of rigid self-crucifixion and suppression.
Expositions of Holy Scripture St. John Chapters I to XIV
Precisely measuring and tracing is a precondition and basis of arc-suppression coil with automatic tuning accurately compensating system capacitive current and efficiently quenching ground arc.
The suppression was so controversial and bloody, however, that UN peacekeepers would not engage in military offensives for another thirty years.
Now that the restoration is complete and the film will begin circulating, Ms. Schulberg (who collaborated with the filmmaker and sound designer Josh Waletzky on the project) has come to terms with the suppression of her father's work — whether it was by Hollywood or the gov ernment, which was advancing the Marshall Plan.
Out of the Ashes, a Triumph
Whether this is due to forest management activities or canopy suppression is unknown.
Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.
He saw no fire suppression, but scant brush and ample spacing of pines where wildfires regularly moved through the forests.
The high efficiency in bandwidth and high suppression to sidebands are very meaningful for wireless communications.
Suppression of local colour, study of reflections by means of complementary colours and division of tones by the process of touches of pure, juxtaposed colours -- these are the essential principles of _chromatism_ (for this word should be used instead of the very vague term "Impressionism").
The French Impressionists (1860-1900)
Prolonged adrenal suppression results in atrophy of the adrenal cortex.
Suppression of the movement in Bulgaria intensified after a 1211 synod condemned the heresy.
The suppression of the strike led to sympathy strikes in other industries.
A preliminary genetic linkage map indicated that the DIP-locus lacks suppression of recombination, which is unique among all other map-based cloning efforts of apomeiosis to date.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
The suppression of the photodynamic potency of aluminum phthalocyanines was attributed to desorption of the dyes from lipid bilayers induced by fluoride or hydroxyl ions.
The FDA has just approved Seasonale, which provides three months of continuous contraception and menstrual suppression.
This paper proposes a method for narrowband interference suppression in Direct Sequence Spread System ( DS - SS ).
There are three stages of surge and spike protection in the form of a GDT (gas discharge tube), MOV (metal oxide varistor) and TVS (transient voltage suppression diode).
The Star Online: Technology
In spite of his advancing years, he has regularly paraded nobly through the division lobbies in the cause of the suppression of vice.
He persisted in arguing that the forcible suppression of the students might prove to be a mistake of such magnitude as to destroy the legitimacy of the regime.
Such an autocratic style of leading a family leads to repression and suppression giving rise to feelings of discontentment and unhappiness.
Mercury, iodine and all other alteratives, by suppression of external elimination, create internal chronic diseases of the most dreadful types, such as locomotor ataxy, paresis, etc.
Nature Cure
On the fourteenth, frequent convulsions; extremities cold; not in anywise collected; suppression of urine.
Of The Epidemics
Irregularities include multiple signatures in the same handwriting, uncounted ballots, invalid absentee votes, interrupted polling hours, and voter intimidation or suppression.
`We can hardly hold seminars of female suppression while we're marching.
As an indicator of forcible suppression it often appears in charts associated with assassinations (but not necessarily for the actual moment of such deeds).
The high - frequency harmonics from charge rectifier of storage battery and its suppression means were discussed.
The comb filter designed for model M-1 pulse type aeroelectrometer is a appropriate tool for noise suppression. It may be used for reference in other geological equipments.
Social and legal regimes of domination and suppression organize to support production imperatives with gratification of sexual desire and the reproduction of labor.
It resembles the immunosuppression caused by UVB at the cellular level in that it is adoptively transferable.
In the 14 months since he threw that fatal punch, court suppression orders have prevented publication of his name or details.
farmery," which was "deemed superfluous" at the suppression, and for the most part pulled down.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
On the other hand, the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility have been critical of her work there, claiming that she has a "highly politicized approach to decision-making that resulted in suppression of scientific information, issuance of gag orders and threats against professional staff members who dared to voice concerns.
Another Woman Scientist on the Obama Team: Lisa Perez Jackson of the EPA
Readers familiar with English history will find a vague parallel to the suppression of the monasteries.
Moreover they know that if they become too flagrant in their suppression of opposition and commit atrocities, the United Nations stands ready to intervene to overthrow them.
If true, this reeked of media suppression by government.
In _Delphinium_, as shown by Braun, [376] the stamens and carpels are members of a continuous spiral series, and in the double balsam an extra corolline whorl is produced, without the suppression of the stamens, in the following manner: the ordinary stamens are replaced by petals, the carpels by stamens, while an additional whorl of carpels is produced at the summit of the axis.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Autocratic, theocratic, despotic regimes allow no political freedom, all thought is outlawed, and brute suppression is the norm.
The Director said, `They're saying Berlin has ordered the suppression of the Völkischer Beobachter.
Thus we only arrive at reality by limitation, at the positive, at a real position, by negation or exclusion; to determination, by the suppression of our free determinableness.
>Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XIX.
Are we seeing a youthquake in reaction to his flagrant attempt at voter suppression?
The A129 International is a multi-role helicopter for armed reconnaissance and surveillance, high-value ground-target engagement, escort, fire support, and air-threat suppression.
Antibodies allow the subsequent reduction or elimination of other agents to minimize overall immunosuppression.
Don Phelipe, etc. When I ordered the suppression of my royal audiencia and chancilleria resident in the city of Manila of the Filipinas
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
Grogan and Murcott charged that, while the HIP publicly denounced straight society's suppression of dissent as "disgusting," their commitment to manly resistance proved wanting:
Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 196583
In the articulatory suppression condition, the subjects recalled significantly fewer digits than in the listening condition.
According to MichelFoucault's theory of discourse instigation, suppression definitely goes to an instigation.
The acrylic acid, the catechol best suppression bacterium respectively is the golden yellow staphylococcus and the saccharomycetes.
It is likely that without ongoing antibiotic suppression, reinfection will occur.
Panzer Elite Infantry Halftrack had main MG 42 Suppression reduced vs units in heavy and light cover.
Fire suppression builds up an unnatural accumulation of fuel that creates conflagrations far more implacable and catastrophic than nature's fire.
When the plants in which these occurrences happen most frequently are compared together, it may be seen that partial or entire suppression of the floral envelopes, calyx, and corolla, is far more commonly met with in the polypetalous and hypogynous groups than in the gamopetalous or epigynous series.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Since Diabetes Type 1 (T1D) is a autoimmune decease stopping the autoimmunity should be the first course of action, either through immunosuppression (
Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes
The suppression of immune responses is costly, in particular for nonresistant individuals with high levels of somatic infections.
Not only are the non-violent actions of one man and the people who are following him causing millions of people to convulse with political and civic activism, but agents of the state are involved in speech suppression using modern technology, while it is age-old social media that seems to be the primary driver.
Alan W. Silberberg: Oldest Tech, Newest Hero?
Boucher said the government's continued intimidation and repression of the opposition and its violent suppression of peaceful public protests were not conducive to beginning a dialogue.
Does this also relate to the book's made-up slang ( "mim" for crime victim, "monkey" for crack), and its suppression of topical detail in general?
Books news, reviews and author interviews |
During menstruation, hyperidrosis of the axillae diffuses an aromatic odor similar to that of acids or chloroform, and in suppression of menses, according to the Ephemerides, the odor is as of hops.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Most pesticides can damage your nervous system and are associated with numerous health problems such as neurotoxicity, endocrine dysfunction, immunosuppression, impaired reproductive function, miscarriage, and even Parkinson's disease.
Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Best And Worst Vegetables To Eat
In addition, enhancement or suppression of the H mutant phenotype was evaluated.
Suppression of the movement in Bulgaria intensified after a 1211 synod condemned the heresy.
The stopband zero suppression is a stricter design constraint than the vanishing moments, and can more effectively manipulate the stopband characteristics of filters.
The safety profile of the formulation is generally favorable, with no demonstrable ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, bone marrow suppression, or cardiovascular adverse effects.
The exclusion of political views from public debate logically extends into the openly violent suppression of public actions based upon those views.
Cheap tickets las vegas is a accommodatingly equably peeper as it can bromoform one to commercially genuinely see heathen arctiidae and canonic suppression of gossamer selenology.
Rational Review
The unlocking of the receptor leads to the creation or suppression of a nerve impulse in the second cell.
Such joyless suppression crushes that most precious thing in life, the flowering of the individual human spirit.
(The rules of jiujutsu, it is true, require not only silence, but the total suppression of all visible emotional interest on the part of the spectators.)
Japan: an Attempt at Interpretation
For the normal, healthy woman this means the suppression of what is strongest in her nature, that power which differentiates her chiefly from man, her power of emotion, her "affectability" as the scientists call it.
The Business of Being a Woman
These secretions are called postganglionic secretions). i) Suppression of Immune system, j) Vasoconstriction and increase in Blood Pressure, k) P u p i l dilation, (Illustration of an excited face with pupils dilated). l)
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In the other thirty-two, he flew recco, fighter sweeps, rail cuts, and flak suppression.
First Man
In the end we use tunable fiber Fabry-Perot filter do realize SSB and carrier suppression in optical communication system in order to illustrate the performance of the filter.
Shame on the poets who forced its redaction and suppression.
The Times Literary Supplement
They left the suppression of slavery to the States where it existed, but there was no intention to ingraft the idea of property in man in the
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 6, June, 1862 Devoted To Literature and National Policy
When the plants in which these occurrences happen most frequently are compared together, it may be seen that partial or entire suppression of the floral envelopes, calyx, and corolla, is far more commonly met with in the polypetalous and hypogynous groups than in the gamopetalous or epigynous series.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
There are various explanatory reasons, so obvious in hindsight that their suppression must be regarded as an original prototype of political correctness.
Lincoln has issued a proclamation for a day of thanksgiving for the late victories, and on account of the danger of foreign intervention and invasion having been averted from the country, and had submitted to Congress a new treaty between Great Britain and the United States regarding the suppression of the slave trade.
Foreign and Colonial News
The deviations from the customary arrangement have been very generally attributed to suppression, or to chorisis.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Mr Hislop, who has been fighting the so-called gagging order and challenged the injunction only last week, condemned the suppression of reporting as "a touch hypocritical".
WalesOnline - Home
As a result, an additional varistor for ESD suppression is no longer needed. blog comments powered by Disqus
Decades of fire suppression and scattershot suburban development have created a tinderbox and now you have seen the results.
P&G case — economic interest in barring newspaper from publishing harmful information was insufficient to justify suppression.
Archive 2009-04-01
The presumption should be in favor of publication and transmission rather than suppression or prior restraint, no matter what the medium.
Each kind smelts diamond dust material cool suppression ball group production.
Strong image is often reached by means of severe censoring and suppression; the clarity of image frequently contains hidden repression.
a suppression of the newspaper
Actual retention of urine, that is, urinary secretion passed into the bladder, but retention in the latter viscus by inanition, stricture, or other obstruction, naturally cannot continue any great length of time without mechanically rupturing the vesical walls; but suppression of urine or absolute anuria may last an astonishingly extended period.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
In sentence-picture and picture-picture verification tasks, we examined the effect of an articulatory suppression and a spatial tapping dual task on the encoding of simple spatial relations.
This effect proceeds from the display of those parts of nature which attract, and the concealment of those which repel the imagination: but religion must be shown as it is; suppression and addition equally corrupt it; and such as it is, it is known already.
Dr. Johnson on religious verse « Unknowing
Classically, prior to HIV or in the absence of severe immuno suppression, it is a fairly indolent skin disease.
Conclusion The percentage of peripheral reticulocyte percentage is an effective index to predict the suppression of bone morrow hematopoiesis during solid tumor chemotherapy.
Does he advocate the suppression of inconvenient facts about his businesses?
The army has retained power over the past four decades through the brutal suppression of opposition, including from ethnic minorities.
See the history of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in America: Robber barons, greedy monopolists, exploitation of workers, child labor, sweat shops, environmental despoilation in the name of profits, economic suppression of the working class, all for the miserly profits of a few big tycoons.
The Wide Divide: You Are Being Ripped Off
the suppression of heresy
Most pesticides can damage your nervous system and are associated with numerous health problems such as neurotoxicity, endocrine dysfunction, immunosuppression, impaired reproductive function, miscarriage, and even Parkinson's disease.
Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Best And Worst Vegetables To Eat
During pregnancy along with the change in the cytokine milieu, other physiological changes including insulin resistance, thrombophilia, immunosuppression and hypervolemia, increase the risk of chronic disease
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The use of antilymphocyte antibody therapy for immunosuppression also enhances the likelihood and severity of infection in susceptible recipients.
Liu B, Fan Y, et al. (2007) Antisense RNA-mediated suppression of Bmi-1 gene expression inhibits the proliferation of lung cancer cell line A549.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The pro-Noriega Press, the only newspapers permitted to publish, gloated over the general's suppression of the coup.
It is terribly misguided to equate Alcoholics Anonymous -- which encourages its adherents to admit that they have no control over their drinking, except by the grace of a higher power -- to the sheer, white-knuckled suppression of innate feelings by those who find themselves affectionally oriented to persons of the same gender.
Bishop Gene Robinson: Yes, We Do Need Separation of Church and State: Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Maintains These Boundaries
These concern the suppression of all terrorist activity on their territory, the transparency of banking and trade arrangements, and the disavowal of weapons of mass destruction.
Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.
Outbreak and suppression of plague in Porto Rico: An account of the course of the epidemic and the measures employed for its suppression by the United States Public Health Service by Richard Henry Creel
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Get the Government off our Backs!
I am 100% certain that, if this bill is passed as is, it will be used in this country for the surveillance and suppression of political activists.
A major component of codependence is emotional repression and suppression.
Psychodynamic issues may center on suppression or repression of aggression relating to unmet emotional needs.
This provides some suppression, but the residual signal may still exceed detection thresholds.
The lesson to be learned from the present case is that a transient plasma cell dyscrasia may present like multiple myeloma in the setting of heavy immunosuppression after organ transplantation.
The benefits from proteolytic enzymes are that they inhibit inflammation without immunosuppression, reduce pain and edema, inhibit thrombi formation and stimulate thrombolysis, improve the blood supply and therefore the nutrition of the tissue and improve blood circulation.
Stefan Aschan: Bounce Back Faster from Painful Restrictions
Not all patients will be able to achieve the goal of durable viral suppression, and treatment regimens need to be individualized.
The other, which produces more intensive hardening, is analogous to hardening of binary cadmium-tin alloys by quenching and depends on suppression of eutectoid decomposition of the beta phase.
The greater proximity of the centromere could cause suppression of recombination in the proximal euchromatin of fusion chromosomes.
It remained in the abbey's hands until the suppression of the monasteries in 1539 when it was rented from the Crown by Sir Anthony Kingston who was to provide forty deer, annually, for King Henry VIII, who used the House as a hunting lodge.
Prinknash Abbey
The compartment didn't have a halon gas fire suppression system.
Battery Safety Fight: Pilots Take On Big Business After Deadly Crash
A mollusk is a cheap edition {of man} with a suppression of the costlier illustrations, designed for dingy circulation, for shelving in an oyster-bank or among the seaweed.
Errata: The Wordie Blog
Taken together, this core legislation entrenched the suppression of wage rises and cuts to the public sector.
She was treated conservatively with acid suppression and transfusions.
It was also common for chiliarchs and centurions to be dispatched seasonally to supervise bandit-suppression troops stationed in locations in and around the capital.
Summary of Background Data. Human MSC are multipotent mesenchymal adult stem cells that have a potential for autologous transplantation, obviating the need for immune suppression.
Tuberculosis is the most frequent opportunistic infection amongst these patients with moderate to advanced immunosuppression.
A whole class of nervous disorders, what are known as psychoneuroses, are directly attributed by Dr. Sigmund Freud and the psychoanalytic school, as it is called, to these suppressions, many of which consist of memories that go back to the period of early childhood before the sexual instinct had attained the form that it has in adults.
Introduction to the Science of Sociology
Finally, it is useful to consider briefly the range of local military forces that bore on the suppression of brigandage.
The key to reconciling the radically separate individual with God and the world was suppression of the distinction between God and unconditioned individual subjectivity.
The police of course have a history of ruthless suppression of the population that they have inherited from the British regime but sadly even after so many decades after independence the police machinery has not evolved very much from the colonial police, including in the police weapon of choice – the lathi.
Police brutality in India
Morality has been used as a smoke screen for political suppression, since the original target of any state censorship was not sex but politically subversive material/literature.
The Authors suggested that the absorption of anandamide by PMX might abolish the diverse negative effects of anandamide such as hypotension, immunosuppression, and cytotoxicity.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
Based on it's working principle, we determine the arc-suppression coil with magnetic bias methods.
Fire-suppression efforts soon followed, largely eliminating fire from these pyrogenic forests.
Factors like human ignition and over-abundant fuel supply resulting from years of fire suppression come into question - and even global warming on a broader scale.
Despite the suppression a number of monks remained on in Duiske and titular abbots continued to be appointed up to 1686.
Criticism is rather more directed toward the robber baron philosophy, welfare for corporate friends, cronyism, suppression of policies (instituted from the depression on) that ameliorate conditions for poor, elderly, disabled, and deprived children, and the general tone of disservice to the public that characterizes this administration.
Sadie Hawkins day on cable « BuzzMachine
Hormones: - Progesterone is dominant hormone at this point - continued suppression of FSH/LH secretion by pituitary gland ensures quiescent ovary in case of pregnancy - progesterone levels maintain uterine development required to support pregnancy - during late diestrus (about day 17) uterus recognizes that is not pregnant:
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The black rim seen more or less distinctly in the outer rim of the iris in the eyes of the majority of people has been called the scurf rim, because it was found that this dark rim appears in the iris after the suppression of scurfy and other forms of skin eruptions and after the external or internal use of lotions, ointments and medicines containing mercury, zinc, iodine, arsenic or other poisons which suppress or destroy the life and activity of the skin.
Nature Cure
The R49 extends the wide choice of suppression products available from the company, which includes film and ceramic capacitors, transient voltage diodes, inductors and a wide range of mains plug and PCB / chassis mounted filters.
After much backing and filling, the king, on December 23, 1675, issued a proclamation which in its title frankly stated its object -- "for the suppression of coffee houses.
All About Coffee
In particular, the the matter concerned the measures on suppression of distribution of narcotism and AIDS.
Equally important is the suppression of photoelectrons produced by scattered photons.
These health effects include sunburn, skin cancer, cataracts and immune suppression.
When the plants in which these occurrences happen most frequently are compared together, it may be seen that partial or entire suppression of the floral envelopes, calyx, and corolla, is far more commonly met with in the polypetalous and hypogynous groups than in the gamopetalous or epigynous series.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Edwin Bryon Tucker was flying a flak suppression mission over North Vietnam on 24 April, 1967, when he was shot down.
Tucker, Edwin B.
In politics the Communist Party had at last lost its allure following the suppression of the Hungarian Revolution.
The PST of stray light includes the influence of system assemble error, and reflects the real capacity of stray light suppression.
The brutal suppression of the insurrection of the early 1980s was not an isolated incident.
A side effect of such therapy is bone marrow suppression that adversely affects the patient's ability to generate hematopoiesis.