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How To Use Supplying In A Sentence

  • Uranium fission plants in the US are presently supplying less than 8% of our total energy demand.
  • The fact that these rocks were not supplying detritus to the sedimentary basin is consistent with the geological observation that they always appear covered by the younger deposits, with little or no discontinuity until the Devonian.
  • Army Medical Research and Material Command (USAMRMC) at Ft. Detrick, which also manages activities unrelated to bio-warfare, such as supplying medical materials for use by the Army. Inside America's Biological Warfare Center
  • It is notable for excellent supplying and selling with good quality, reasonable price and prompt shipment.
  • The Group is supplying to a many Global 1000 companies in the Automotive, Health Care, Medical, Industrial, Office Appliance, Consumer Electronics and Home Appliance sectors.
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  • The act of supplying the young plants with these is called inoculation, and may be done in the following ways: From Captivity to Fame or The Life of George Washington Carver
  • On the stroke of half time Oxford once again scythed through the shaky gold defence, hooker Andy Dalgleish supplying Bradshaw with the perfect pass to score his second of the evening.
  • In India, the co-operative has been supplying dairy products to the food industry and pharmaceutical-grade lactose to the pharmaceutical industry through its joint venture DMV-Fonterra Excipients. Fonterra Eyes India's Booming Dairy Sector
  • The abdominal aortography could show streak like vessels supplying the tumor in the periphery of vena cava.
  • Most calcium supplements now also contain vitamin D (usually as cholecalciferol, or D3), supplying about 250 to 300 international units in two tablets.
  • The neighbourhood, however, is interesting enough on account of the curious aqueducts for supplying the town with water, and the Mercede forest which, in D'Urville's opinion, might more justly be called a coppice, for it contains nothing but shrubs and ferns. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part III. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century
  • Mr. Roney acknowledges that some retrofit related to supplying additional ties is necessary.
  • Clever editing had Bertie Ahern involved in a ring supplying worn Westlife underwear to fans in the east.
  • This last deficiency the guide is in the habit of supplying -- to such as condescend to accept his assistance -- by fastening a leathern strap round his waist, and giving the end of it into the hand of the traveller. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 61, No. 376, February, 1847
  • Andònië and Hildor were resupplying at the market.
  • Neil was supplying us with as much interaction on the set as we could get, be it objects blowing up or falling over, the gimbals and the rig, the explosions and flames and dust hits. 41 High Resolution Photos from Clash of the Titans | /Film
  • In the beginning, the Troop had been recruited exclusively from the sons of planters, a gentleman’s outfit, each man supplying his own horse, arms, equipment, uniform and body servant.
  • He sat and listened attentively, supplying her with the occasional wide-eyed stare or gasp.
  • I checked out the free portion of the site and found that comic books are being provided for in adobe formats, supplying rich and colorful views of comics, that can be zoomed in and out of, and paging that allows flipping quickly. Archive 2008-04-01
  • It gave a higher priority to shipbuilding, food production and the manufacture of tanks and aircraft than to supplying drafts to the army. The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
  • The local council is supplying new play equipment for the playground.
  • The fresh juice supplying 30 percent potassium and the mucilage a good amount of niter and sodium.
  • If the proposal passes, it could start supplying new textbooks in dialects next year, says Ivo Berther, a cantonal official. Swiss Effort to Save a Language Opens a Rift
  • Migration to the cities is continuous, with landless peasants supplying low-cost labour for industry.
  • For many years he kept bees, supplying family and friends with a seemingly endless quantity of honey. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reputable companies supplying vintage spectacles from the fifties will be able to give an indication on how robust the frames are likely to be but it is likely that they too will be able to offer any cast-iron guarantees, for the same reason. Framed Vintage | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Under the Caribbean Basin Initiative, the company will enjoy duty-free entry status into the United States, supplying them with fuel ethanol up to seven per cent of their requirements.
  • Then there is the dense network of wires and cables supplying power. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could fulfil the contract by supplying wheat from any source; the contract is therefore not void.
  • Working with the Macon Office I uncovered a gun dealer dealing in supplying weapons to the mob in NY and NJ. SIDNEY HERNDON
  • After that he worked for the family firm in Calcutta, supplying construction sites with steel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anyone convicted of possession, supplying or producing drugs illegally could be imprisoned.
  • Clever old fox, supplying him with what, normally, would be his alibi. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • The cost for all three Legend configurations will be at current market value less a credit of $ 600.00 that is deducted from the current list price for those supplying an action. What to Do With Your Gift From George W.
  • Locally available grain, millet, and weed residues are added here to re-emphasize the need to make the best use of existing wastes by supplying starter cultures for better ensilage, or by supplying better designs of biogas digesters or fermenters. Chapter 24
  • In obese patients, the workload of the heart is frequently increased by the strain of supplying oxygenated blood to all tissue.
  • The arteries supplying the skin form a net-work in the subcutaneous tissue, and from this net-work branches are given off to supply the sudoriferous glands, the hair follicles, and the fat. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 2. The Common Integument
  • Contributors have been supplying antedatings since the first fascicles of the OED were published in the 1880s.
  • No distinct difference was perceptible; certainly none in the degree of incurvation; but the incurvation round the bits of sponge lasted rather longer, as might perhaps have been expected from the sponge remaining damp and supplying nitrogenous matter for a longer time. Insectivorous Plants
  • With the bass player and second guitarist supplying harmony vocals, and some fine slide playing from aforesaid guitarist, these guys got the job done.
  • Yesterday he admitted five charges of supplying controlled drugs - methadone and diazepam - and one charge of possession of amphetamine with intent to supply.
  • The invention concerns a method for supplying fuel for a dual-fuel carburation injection internal combustion engine capable of being selectively supplied, in a carburation mode, with a first fuel or, in another carburation mode with a second fuel.
  • The Red Cross is/are supplying medicine to the earthquake victims.
  • TI is the No. 1 seller of chips for cell phones, supplying the brains of the snazziest multimedia models in the market.
  • Suppose such deposits, composed of albumen and fibrin, prepared in the liver should be deposited in the lining membranes of veins leading to the heart, and by some other chemical action this accumulated mass should come loose from the veins, would we not expect what is commonly called clots enter the heart, and shut off the arteries, supplying the lungs, stop the further circulation of blood and cause instantaneous death called heart failure, apoplexy and so on? Philosophy of Osteopathy
  • Hopefully, we'll have hundreds of civil servants setting up in due course when decentralisation comes on stream, so there's no danger of oversupplying the housing market.
  • But where the contract does not tell the whole story or is equivocal as to who is supplying what and to whom, it will be permissible to substitute it by, or fill its gaps by reference to, the real deal.
  • They wanted a reliable, low-cost and easily managed system supplying potable water to a complex of delivery points across town, eliminating the need for people to draw their water from suspect sources.
  • The first numeral refers to the chromosome providing the centromere-carrying segment, the second to the chromosome supplying the acentric segment.
  • The worst-case scenario is that blood vessels supplying the kidney are ruptured. Times, Sunday Times
  • FLS Automation is supplying a distributive control system with Robolab equipment.
  • They are supplying ‘mission control’ with a steady stream of valuable data and all systems are nominal.
  • With his wife supplying bacon sandwiches and hot dogs, and plenty of the amber nectar going down my thrapple, I was really enjoying myself.
  • The Port is considering supplying an equal amount.
  • There were mixed views among the experts on the strategy of supplying own-label products to multiples.
  • Water from the reservoir has been supplying Castledermot for the past year, replacing the old groundwater sources which were no longer adequate or reliable for their purpose.
  • To the industrialists supplying the steel and to the owners of the shipyards, the battleship fleet plan could be presented as both patriotic and highly profitable. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Supplying a blood coagulation factor through transfusion is the main treatment for the disease.
  • When properly manipulated, bureaucrats can help dominators maintain their tight grip on markets while supplying a convenient scapegoat for unfair rules.
  • Mr. Jay (who lives by supplying the newspapers with short paragraphs relating to accidents, offenses, and brief records of remarkable occurrences in general -- who is, in short, what they call a penny-a-liner) told his landlord that he had been in the city that day and heard unfavourable rumours on the subject of the joint-stock banks. Masterpieces of Mystery In Four Volumes Detective Stories
  • You’re at an ideal height here, low enough to get good feed from the Agger reservoirs, but too high to be troubled by backwashes when the Tiber floods, and the size of the adjutage into the mains is larger than the water companies are supplying now — if the new blocks can even get connected to the mains, that is! The First Man in Rome
  • I have entirely forgotten what it was, but deem it no great matter, inasmuch as there is a pervading commonplace and identicalness in the composition of extensive dinners, on account of the impossibility of supplying a hundred guests with anything particularly delicate or rare. Our Old Home A Series of English Sketches A Series of English Sketches
  • Kalahari Moon of St Nicholas market will be supplying traditional South African treats such as chakalaka and Boerewors, where as Afro Delight and Glens (two well loved St Paul's eateries) will be supplying Jamaican grub Indymedia Ireland
  • When dilatation and healing have taken place, the laryngostomy wound in the neck is closed by a plastic operation to convert the trough into a trachea by supplying an anterior wall. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • At least 65 of the electricity transmission towers supplying the port of Umm Qasr and the southern oilfields have been destroyed.
  • Other concerns expressed by ABC when it requested an extension to the treatment implementation was the managing of the anticipated bumper crop of 1. 33bn pounds, supplying the inshell and raw food markets, managing untreated carry-in inventory, and complying simultaneously with new aflatoxin measures for almonds shipped to the European Union. FoodNavigator-USA RSS
  • It could help convince a jury that a suspected breeder is supplying dog-fighting rings across the country. DNA Is New Weapon In Fight Against Dogfighting
  • The vexed question of supplying arms has also featured ominously. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make deaeration of boiler-house supplying water better, water is to be heated up to the temperature + 30°C - + 80°C before deaerator input.
  • She helps families by supplying information and putting them in contact with support networks.
  • The capillary sprouts eventually join together to form a new network, with arterioles supplying them and venules draining them.
  • China's reach now extends from the Australian desert through the Sahara to the Amazonian jungle — and it's those regions supplying goods for China, not just the other way around.
  • The jury should infer that the applicant had used the scales in order to weigh the drugs before supplying them.
  • However, Germany has insisted it cannot bend its laws forbidding supplying evidence that could incriminate someone facing execution.
  • She theorized that supplying the essential fatty acids in combination with sulphurated proteins could restore health.
  • Interspersed between tragic stories are a few songs supplying pointed but comic relief.
  • A spokesperson at the State Department confirmed that the U.S. is maintaining "a pause on most security cooperation pending further progress on reform while supplying some items on a case-by-case basis that directly affect U.S. national security interests. Renee Parsons: Bahrain Arms Sale Challenges Congress
  • Thousands of sheep are grazing yards from unfenced reservoirs supplying half a million Scots with drinking water.
  • They must resist impulse buys and not be fooled by tales of wonderful kennels supplying the store; no responsible breeder sells to pet stores.
  • It is a healthy drink that stimulates physical and mental performance supplying the body readily usable energy and vitamins.
  • Cabana remains unrepentant for his role in supplying American security officials with information on Arar, without securing protective assurances. Archive 2009-11-01
  • It is supplying the milk requirements of more than 90 processors and manufacturers in the region.
  • Aaron answered each question as best he could, Waziri supplying -- and often inventing -- Hausa words for concepts like phosphorous, ascarid worms, and litmus. Blind Man's Lantern
  • Gradually the business changed from supplying shoe irons for blacksmiths to making nails.
  • Allegations are made that some suppliers have pocketed the money without supplying the ordered books.
  • Now we have no problem in supplying you with great ideas in addition to the free report and the actual book itself, which all together will help you start to earn money immediately from selling your digital photos online. Gosling Photos | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Clever old fox, supplying him with what, normally, would be his alibi. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • The company blamed widespread illegal mining in Bangka Belitung province for oversupplying the tin market and dragging the price of the commodity down.
  • Problems with arteries supplying blood to the brain are called cerebrovascular disease. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • The literary text provides us with a fantasy which we introject, experiencing it as though it were our own, supplying our own associations to it. Shrinking Literature
  • A little over 100 crop species are now grown intensively around the world, with only a handful of them supplying us with most of what we now eat.
  • The doctor will also be supplying free prophylactics for the girls to use as they see fit… preferably on customers.
  • There are many small undertaking businesses who will help families by supplying only the components that they cannot manage themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Good news for western companies selling consumer goods there; less favourable for miners supplying iron ore and copper. Times, Sunday Times
  • When their lawyer wanted to telework on one day a week, the company accommodated this employee by supplying the necessary facilities to do so.
  • They planted some of the saplings in Java, a Dutch colony already supplying Europe with pepper, nutmeg, and other spices.
  • The local council is supplying new play equipment for the playground.
  • Text modifications that increase coherence range from low-level information, such as identifying anaphoric referents, synonymous terms, or connective ties, to supplying background information left unstated in the text.
  • With a view to supplying the University, I las spring gave directions here that none of the young otaheite mulberries should be grubbed up, Letters Concerning the Founding of the University of Virginia, 1827
  • Olfactory: pertaining to the sense of smell: those lobes of the deutocerebrum from which the nerves supplying the antennae arise. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Supplying materials for new driveways and patios has helped the firm ratchet up 13% per annum dividend growth since 1997.
  • Then there is the dense network of wires and cables supplying power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Restrictive Practices Commission later recommended that the act should be amended to remove the prohibition on denturists supplying dentures to over-18s, providing they did not work on living tissue.
  • Given the current economy and the probably attitude of Congress in supplying money, plus looking to the White House for support of whatever program is adopted, I would say he is "playing the old political game. Bolden and Garver: Smooth Sailing - NASA Watch
  • Negotiations were set on foot, but their only result was the _assiento_ contract, or the privilege of supplying the colonies with negroes for thirty years, and of sending once a year a vessel, limited both as to tonnage and value of cargo, to trade with Mexico, Peru, or Chili. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
  • The directors of a bust Hampshire dealership have been charged with supplying counterfeit software to more than half of the UK's police forces.
  • Development of aquaculture offers another means of supplying man with fish protein.
  • He said he often supplied over-the-counter medicines, but accepted that he had sometimes breached regulations by supplying drugs without valid prescriptions. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the beginning, the Troop had been recruited exclusively from the sons of planters, a gentleman’s outfit, each man supplying his own horse, arms, equipment, uniform and body servant.
  • Farming at ‘Cartron’ in my day had become more of a hobby - free-range hens and bantams clucked and pecked around the open ‘plot’ area, supplying quality eggs daily.
  • But growth fostered by the building of railroads, in addition to eventually oversupplying the market with goods and flooding the Southwest with tourists and migrants, brought a heavy toll in the lives and liberty of Native Americans.
  • Perhaps it was this little performance that prompted the author to fulfill the pledge of his title and make this guide to the missions a really intimate one; by supplying us with colorful descriptions and humorous legends concerning the setting, customs and lives of the Padres and their Indian followers.
  • These were two accusations of being concerned in the supply of drugs and two of permitting premises to be used for drug supplying.
  • I earned my pocket money in my teens by supplying the local area with eggs, and I kept a few fancy chickens as pets.
  • This was the great desideratum of the machine as first brought over to this country and shown in Hyde Park; nor have our implement makers, though they introduce some important improvements, succeeded in supplying the want this indicated.
  • The requisition of personal guarantees from corporate officers as a condition of supplying credit has negative influence on the limitation of liability.
  • The implication is that Hizballah will put boots on the ground in Khartoum, a move that will strengthen the Sudanese government by training and supplying its forces, provide Hizballah with new room to move, and extend Iran's reach as a string-puller of proxies. Ashley Rindsberg: You and Khartoum: Why Darfur is Our Problem
  • The business of transporting and supplying the European armies was itself extremely profitable. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • It would also be in dire trouble if regulators relaxed constraints on the mobile market about supplying airtime to competitors.
  • It does not make him any different than if he was a lineman attached to a commo unit supplying a STATE REPRESENTATIVE
  • For more than a decade, reviewers have been wearied by Raine's schoolboyish anal-fixation, which continues unimpeded, supplying a rush of anaphrodisiac prose. Heartbreak by Craig Raine
  • A clutch of girls bring her into the shop for bandages and comfort, and the normally slow, deliberative Michael finds himself supplying both.
  • A circuit arrangement for supplying a discharge lamp with a direct current includes input terminals for connection to a supply voltage source.
  • We are inclined to conjecture the _s_ a genitival one, supplying the place of a missing _of_ and _von_ respectively. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
  • Soon we were supplying the trade primarily with masoned stone, most usually in the form of new doorsteps.
  • Land prices are by far the largest component of construction costs in denser places, so “high costs of supplying housing” is perfectly consistent with the conclusion that housing in dense areas is more valuable and desirable. Matthew Yglesias » Mass Transit is As American as Apple Pie
  • In 1970 the FBI put her on their most wanted list, accusing her of supplying guns for a breakout from Soledad prison.
  • By an antithesis one can get an effect instead of supplying a thought. ISAAC CAMPION
  • Outdoor clothing manufacturers Craghoppers will be supplying top of the range outdoor clothing as prizes.
  • The particulars did not allege unlawfully supplying or procuring anything at all and did not set out the actus reus of any offence. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also run a free-range poultry business, supplying large quantities of eggs to hotels, supermarkets, shops and restaurants, as well as their shop at Plumgarths.
  • In addition to its protective function, the seed coat serves as a multifunctional organ and is involved in supplying nutrients to the embryo sac during seed development.
  • An igniter was inserted into the cylinder, heated to red-hot temperatures by supplying current.
  • In the beginning, the Troop had been recruited exclusively from the sons of planters, a gentleman’s outfit, each man supplying his own horse, arms, equipment, uniform and body servant.
  • A new approach to Logistics is evinced by resupplying only as needed, rapidly exploiting contracting assets in theater, and requiring a commonality of vehicle parts.
  • Years ago it was the standard way of supplying water to houses and farmhouses.
  • Despite the end of the original bracero program, two guest-worker programs still exist in the United States, supplying skilled workers to the high-tech sector and farm laborers to agribusiness.
  • Down the side streets are specialized shops supplying this little industry - some sell bundles of shoelaces, others leather, and still others pre-made shoe uppers.
  • Optic lobes: the laterals lobes of the procerebrum in which are centered the nerves supplying the organs of vision. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The PCI connector includes voltage I / O pins for supplying power to the I / O buffers.
  • It has the potential for supplying us with more combinations and permutations of things than we can readily imagine. The Constraints of Corporate Tradition
  • With European animation companies supplying the creative juice and the US bringing their marketing muscle to bear, these could be profitable for all concerned.
  • To the industrialists supplying the steel and to the owners of the shipyards, the battleship fleet plan could be presented as both patriotic and highly profitable. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • He appealed to the public to help in identifying people in the community who are supplying drugs.
  • Find a suitable anchor until we can complete our resupplying.
  • He was arrested on suspicion of supplying drugs.
  • The underlying problem in a heart attack is a blockage of one of the coronary arteries supplying blood and nutrients to the muscular heart wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to supplying the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx, the nerve may supply the cricothyroid muscle.
  • Today, supplement manufacturers are supplying it to you for easier absorption and uptake by your muscles.
  • It's like providing the bricks but supplying no builders and expecting the house to build itself.
  • Behind was a court, which provided light, and a place for a water cistern supplying a communal tap.
  • Lovable made bras and lingerie, supplying retailers that also included Sears and Victoria's Secret.
  • Gyromagnetic resonance spectrometers essentially comprise a high-frequency generator supplying a circuit which concentrates the electromagnetic energy on a specimen, the latter being arranged in a continuous magnetic polarization field.
  • Two fully independent AC and DC electrical systems are each capable of supplying all essential loads in case of failure the other system.
  • But what you deny fruitlessly is the active part you took in the conflict that ensued between the patriots and the satellites of tyranny; it is your zeal and ardour in serving the enemies of the people, in supplying them with cartridges, which you took pains to bite, because they were directed against patriots and intended to mow them down; it is the desire you have publicly expressed that victory should belong to the power and partisans of your brother, and the encouragement of all kinds which you have given to the murderers of your country. The Ruin of a Princess
  • The way to transform boiler into burning BF gas one is put forward in this paper, which solves how to keep the boilers in normal operation by supplying BF gas directly to boilers without gas holder.
  • For many years he kept bees, supplying family and friends with a seemingly endless quantity of honey. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Finkelstein staged this piece; Maloney directed everything else, as well as supplying the often scarlet lighting.) Theater review: 'Blood Sweat & Fears III: The Red Velvet Curtain'
  • Are we not ourselves creating our successors in the supremacy of the earth? daily adding to the beauty and delicacy of their organisation, daily giving them greater skill and supplying more and more of that self-regulating self-acting power which will be better than any intellect? Erewhon
  • As far as supplying energy to the neighbouring countries is concerned this amounts to approximately 4% of the energy generated and most of this relates to “unfirm contractual” obligations, which means essentially that when the country experiences a shortage we very quickly stop electricity supplies to our neighbours. Speech by the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, Fatima Chohan, during the Joint Sitting Debate on National Electricity Challenges facing South Africa
  • But they are unacceptable from public utilities who are making a mint from supplying homes and firms with power. The Sun
  • Then there is the dense network of wires and cables supplying power. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could, but what would be his interest in supplying capital under these circumstances? Matthew Yglesias » Is Stimulus Impossible
  • Only one thing would ct him of his megrim, and she had no intention supplying it. The Outrageous Dowager
  • In the last three years there has been a 30 per cent increase in potting efforts, with virtually the entire local fleet now supplying the demand of processors in France, Spain and Ireland.
  • In December the research ship Aurora Australis arrived at Davis delivering the new winter crew, resupplying the station for the next season and picking up Sgt. Botting and his colleagues.
  • His technique improved the stability of the popular but fragile violets and purples this lichen produced. 1 Gordon, who was a merchant, and his brother, a coppersmith, formed a partnership to sell cudbear, supplying printers and dyers throughout Britain. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The butty was a contractor who engaged with the proprietor or lessee of the mine to deliver the coal or iron-stone at so much per ton, himself hiring the labourers, using his own horses, and supplying the tools requisite for the working of the mine. Recent Developments in European Thought
  • Pity viewers when the bucks are no longer supplying the bang, because all that will be left are the world's whiniest EMTs, a mixed group whose jobs have them (pause to take in the title) traumatized. Escape head trauma by avoiding NBC's 'Trauma'
  • Besides supplying CR strips to the government of India, the plant at Hisar houses a coin blanking line for supply of coin blanks to the Indian mint and mints in the global markets. News [email protected] India's Most Comprehensive Financial Destination
  • Where needed the Police are supplying road safety literature, advice and instruction.
  • Ingredients that are suitable for supplying acidity to marinades: wine, vinegar, soy sauce, citrus juice, buttermilk, or yogurt.
  • Cash raised will help victims of the conflict by supplying clean water to combat the spread of diseases like cholera.
  • We are very good at supplying international blue chip companies who are brand leaders in their fields.
  • I heard on the radio today that they have stopped supplying certain pharmacies in Canada because said pharmacies reimport drugs into the United States.
  • Spanish settlers made such a fortune supplying potatoes that they moved many of these labourers to work on their plantations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vexed question of supplying arms has also featured ominously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Libyan state TV reported that what it called the "crusader enemy" had bombed civilian areas of Tripoli, as well as fuel storage tanks supplying the western city of Misrata. BBC News - Home
  • Good news for western companies selling consumer goods there; less favourable for miners supplying iron ore and copper. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vexed question of supplying arms has also featured ominously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exxon told the owner last year that it was "uneconomical" to keep supplying the station with gasoline and the oil giant wanted to remove its tanks, says Jeff Pinkava, the owner and a great-grandson of the station's founder. Oil Industry Braces for Drop in U.S. Thirst for Gasoline
  • The underlying problem in a heart attack is a blockage of one of the coronary arteries supplying blood and nutrients to the muscular heart wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supplying everything for boys and girls from newborn up to four years, the traditional little boys' romper suits and hand-smocked dresses for little girls are perennial favourites.
  • With the bass player and second guitarist supplying harmony vocals, and some fine slide playing from aforesaid guitarist, these guys got the job done.
  • In former epistolary scribblements, I gave you the concatenation of concomitant circumstances initiatory to my transmigration to this remote section of the occidental portions of our columbian republican coadunation," Seneker wrote, graciously supplying alternate, more familiar words, in an opposite column to help the reader along. MPNnow Home RSS
  • The Pentagon became adept at supplying video-game-like pictures of U.S. missile strikes at the same time that it began to provide the large-type captions on TV screens.
  • They have been supplying covert military aid to the rebels.
  • The Red Cross is/are supplying medicine to the earthquake victims.
  • Russian space vehicles have been resupplying the station and ferrying crews since the Columbia disaster.
  • The greatest piece of good luck that can befall a Continental village is the discovery, within its limits, of a spring supplying some kind of malodorous water. The Ways of Men
  • You can help prevent your body from becoming catabolic by supplying it with all the necessary nutrients at the time when it needs them the most - during intense workouts.
  • As the monkey looked at the face, blood vessels supplying nerve cells in the visual part of the monkey's brain transiently swelled in exactly the same pattern.
  • I immediately settled to start an agency for this object -- somewhat on the principle of 'Lady Guides' -- the full title being 'The agency for supplying Brothers to brotherless girls, or those with unobliging brothers.' The Idler Magazine, Volume III, June 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
  • She has also been charged with supplying cannabis resin. The Sun
  • Some funeral directors will assist in do-it-yourself funerals by supplying a simple coffin and dealing with the documentation. 4.
  • After supplying medical records and repeatedly telephoning the department, we were told in September that they had mislaid his file.
  • Studies of depression in rats show that the 5HT1A receptor is involved in supplying neurons with the fuel they need to fire, as well as preventing them from breaking down. Boing Boing
  • Critics point to the logistical difficulties of supplying weapons and the lack of clarity over the composition of the rebel army. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nailery was quite profitable in its early years, supplying nails throughout Albemarle and Augusta counties.
  • He had confessed to buying nearly a ton of chemical fertiliser for the bomb and to supplying the mini-van in which it exploded but he denied planning the attack and his lawyers will appeal against the sentence.

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