
How To Use Supplication In A Sentence

  • No," a man insisted, his hands clasped in supplication ," we never intended to harm you. NAKED EMPIRE
  • Supplication, of course, also carries a religious overtone; his plea to Poetry may be secular in name, but it has the cadence of a prayer.
  • The monarchs and bierarchs of Bacon's day do appear, but chiefly as recipients of the stream of anxious supplications for preferment Bacon submits throughout his ‘troubled life’.
  • Every one sprang up, and the students stood on their seats, waved their hats and handkerchiefs, nodded their young heads in their feverish enthusiasm for art, and "encored" with intonations of the most touching supplication. My Double Life The Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt
  • He listened with scant patience to their supplications.
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  • Then Bulukiya lifted up his voice in supplication to Allah, saying, ‘O Lord, send me thy messenger Gabriel, the Faithful One, to open for me this gate that I may see what be therein;’ and the Almighty gave ear unto his prayer and commanded the Archangel to descend to earth and open to him the gate of the Meeting-place of the Two Seas. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Their superstar nuptials attract acclamation of imponderable scale, the industry falls at their feet in supplication, and the simplest family outing becomes an event of global import.
  • And they called them hiketerious thallous, "branches of supplication," or prayer. Pneumatologia
  • Councils may be able to make their supplications to the State Government and Parliament but, in the end, they have to comply with the law.
  • Her hair, which shone like gold in the increasing light of day, streamed over her shoulders, and her great eyes were astare between terror and supplication. Edison's Conquest of Mars
  • At that moment, as if in answer to some silent supplication of Maram's, there came the slow clip-clop of a horse's hooves. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • He read out the text, directed the contract and made graceful supplications.
  • Inside the temple, worshippers were kneeling in supplication.
  • There are older and possibly better ways of conveying supplications to God, and in these modern times a silent prayer by way of wireless telegraphy might have been more appropriate and up-to-date than a form-letter printed by photo-offset. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
  • No doubt the glowing septet differed singularly from the candid sonata; the timid question to which the little phrase replied, from the breathless supplication to find the fulfilment of the strange promise that had resounded, so harsh, so supernatural, so brief, setting athrob the still inert crimson of the morning sky, above the sea. The Captive
  • C鎠area autem celsitudo (cui Creator omnipotens tantam suppeditauit potentiam, et qu� omnes supplices exaudire dignata est) supplicatione Regis Poloni� non accepta, iter鵰 in regem Poloni� exercitum suum mittere, et Creatoris omnipotentis auxilio regnum eius subuertere constituerat. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Ps. liii, three "octonaries" of Ps. cxviii, two lessons, the hymn, the supplication, the capitulum, the Pater Noster, and the benediction. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • The bull kept on pushing the tree; so the keelman tried a totally irrelevant supplication. The Romance of the Coast
  • His gesture is somewhere between surrender and supplication.
  • Around them, strewn at their feet as if in supplication, are the forty-two other surviving soldiers, moaning and groaning in varied expressions of anguish. The World's Toughest Competition
  • He raised his arms in a gesture of supplication.
  • The man dropped to his knees - not in supplication as Perryl had moments ago, but in prostration. Orbit Books Free Sample SciFi Fantasy Book: The Future Is Now 30 | SciFi UK Review
  • The ways and means whereby we may fail, and do so in this kind, when not under the actual conduct of the Spirit of God, -- that is, when our own natural and distempered affections do immix themselves in our supplications, -- are, innumerable. Pneumatologia
  • There he stood, slightly inclining forward, his hands clasped in agonized supplication, his eyes blinking twenty to the second, and at every few words spoken he jerked his head towards the doctor, opening his mouth in a gape which was meant to convey a combination of assent and astonishment. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • Inside the temple, worshippers were kneeling in supplication.
  • A child who does not pray Allah for his parents, particularly, after their death, when he knows that his supplication on their behalf benefits them and him is either undutiful or lacking in faith.
  • ‘Stop,’ the man croaked, holding up his hands in supplication.
  • 33 And they said unto him, The disciples of John fast often, and make supplications; likewise also the _disciples_ of the The Gospel of Luke, An Exposition
  • For a moment there was an agony of supplication in her look, then it changed to fierce anger. MURDER MOVES IN
  • Wonderland of Knowledge Encyclopedia, 1965] [Use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do] See the civil battology [vain repetitions] of the heathen in their supplications: "Let the parricide be dragged: we beseech thee. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • So we covered the bales with our cloaks and garments and drugget and canvas, lest they be spoiled by the rain, and betook ourselves to prayer and supplication to Almighty The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A similar supplication of Ælurus to Leo, sent by the silentiary Diomede, is mentioned by Anastasius Sin. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Hence, we try to make our supplication sincere, free of any thoughts that may not please God.
  • There is a carefulness which is inconsistent with confiding prayer to God, which excludes the spirit of filial supplication. The Scriptural Expositions of Dr. Augustus Neander: I. The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians, Practically Explained.
  • Glückel’s writing, a fascinating mosaic of varied genres, bears the unmistakable imprint of contemporary Yiddish literature in its eclectic approach — meshing form, substance and methods from a range of sources with musar literature and homiletic prose, assorted aspects of folk literature, the heartfelt tone of the tkhines (prayers of supplication) and the immediacy of reports on current events. Glueckel of Hameln.
  • The usual supplications were offered, with more than the usual significancy in such a place, for the fatherless children and widows, for all sick persons and young children, for all that were desolate and oppressed, for the comforting and helping of the weak-hearted, for the raising-up of them that had fallen; for all that were in danger, necessity, and tribulation. Reprinted Pieces
  • His gaze was full of pity, anguish, and supplication.
  • However, this dreadful purpose was prevented, partly by the interposition of his wife, whose aim was not the death but immurement of his daughter, and partly by the tears and supplication of the young gentlewoman herself, who protested, that, although the ceremony of the church had not been performed, she was contracted to Fathom by the most solemn vows, to witness which he invoked all the saints in heaven. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • Do thou, O most holy one, with thy honourable supplications both shelter and preserve, and unto the enemies -- as fearful and unsubduable shew those that make a festival of thy (name of the event), that we may call unto thy Son: O The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication?
  • The word litany comes from the Latin litania, from the Greek λιτή litê, meaning "prayer" or "supplication".... The Great Litany
  • The effect of which supplication was that the temporall landes devoutely given, and disordinately spent by religious and other spirituall persons, should be seased into the Kyngs hands, sithence the same might suffice to maintayne to the honor of the King and defence of the realme fifteene Erles, fifteene C. The Battaile of Agincourt
  • Let the Church take the posture of united prayer and supplication.
  • The women's defiant attitude was the greatest surprise to the authorities who expected tears, supplications and general weakness.
  • Politely and with some measure of supplication but plain as day.
  • The term prayer (euche) used at Nicæa, has in this connection always been taken in its strict signification as meaning supplication The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Aside from ‘The District School’ and the ingenious ‘Supplication to the People of the United States,’ which makes a supplementary chapter in the present volume, the author's works in this twelvemo are mild, contemplative essays of no particular value.
  • Soon, to the whispered supplication of, `Shantih, go to sleep! THE BROKEN GOD
  • 15Kwere and Zaramo placement of the umbilical cord at the * mkole tree, which is associated with the matriliny and fertility in a widespread range of Ruvu languages and was also the place where religio-ritual offerings were presented to ancestors as supplication for bringing life into the community. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • Flattery, cajolement, humble supplication and the finer maneuvers of tact, all have this in mind. The Foundations of Personality
  • The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer.
  • Moreover, he vowed many vows to the Living, the Eternal; and visited the pious and was constant in supplication to the Most Highest, till He gave ear to him and accepted his prayer and took pity on his straining and complaining; so that, before many days were past, he knew carnally one of his women and she conceived by him the same night. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Yet again and again she felt constrained to make her simple supplication, pleading earnestly for her baby's life with the God the reality of whose being and power she now _felt_, spite of herself. True to his Colours The Life that Wears Best
  • The child was holding out one palm in supplication and using the other to touch the saint’s cheek. Excerpt: The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti
  • Villagers scramble towards the aircraft, arms aloft in supplication and eyes scrunched against the tornado whipped up by the rotor blades. Still marooned: plight of flood-stricken villagers in Pakistan's Sindh province
  • Yet he thought, as he raised his eyes for one instant to heaven in silent supplication, that there were few devils who would not go out by prayer, and he made a strong resolve that he would use every endeavour to make up for his past neglectfulness, and to save this poor unhappy child. St. Winifred's, or The World of School
  • Hasan took patience and humbled himself in supplication before The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The acting of the heart in supplication, is a kind of compend and result of all these, as one perfume made up of many simples. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • If O felt he HAD to meet with these slimeballs, he at least should have made them come to him, rather than vice versa; this looks too much like he is in supplication and that Will and the other evil ones are “receiving” him. gross. Matthew Yglesias » Bloggers Loving It
  • There was an outcrying for help, Heb.v. 7, “Who in the days of his flesh offered up prayers and supplications, with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him.” Sacramental Discourses
  • During his supplication, Otis's arm began to pulsate with an emotion he attributed to the Holy Spirit. Darren Dochuk: Remembering Reagan: The Evangelical Model For Republican Success In 2012
  • Officially known as marantas, prayer plants are so called because the leaves of some species fold upwards, as if in supplication to the gods.
  • It was a room, a young person's room (untidy, chaotic, littered with music warez and cheap slipchip films from Quiapo), and on the leftmost side, slightly distorted, was a veiled person, hands stretched out above as if in supplication, face contorted by a sorrow no one understood. Archive 2003-03-01
  • They used to offer their supplications before these deities in rhymed prose and sought revelation.
  • But within a while after, at the suit and supplication of the prior and couent of Canturburie (who liked nothing of the former partition) the pope sent letters of prohibition to the said archbishop, that he should ceasse from building of the fore mentioned church, bicause the building thereof would be preiudiciall to the church of Canturburie. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • I kiss B good morning, take the mug of steaming tea she hands me, and drop to my knees in supplication before our priceless little miracle, who’s sitting in his baby-walker. Late, Late at Night

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