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How To Use Supplementary In A Sentence

  • The supplementary motor area has shown increased activity during learning of new movements.
  • Useful introductory and supplementary materials and informed commentaries on the individual works make this a work of interest to specialists and others.
  • The result is that a large proportion of the elderly are solely dependent on the basic state pension, with supplementary benefit.
  • Members of the next assembly, to be elected in February, could rewrite the rules, or throw out the supplementary pension plan entirely.
  • The supplementary charge raised a further 3.15 billion and this will rise to about 5 billion after the tax increase. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The thing is, hardly anybody installs a silent alarm these days, except as a supplementary sys-tem.
  • At Question Time the Prime Minister is backed by the civil servants who brief her and try to anticipate supplementary questions.
  • The supplementary tax return shows how to whittle down the gain and claim ER. Times, Sunday Times
  • Provide them with additional background or with supplementary information.
  • This is the conclusion on my arguments in the supplementary submissions.
  • Is there or is there not advantage to be gained by trying to interleave the supplementary material into the book so that material appears in a single series rather than in two disconnected series.
  • These seasonal peaks provided a bare living for those who relied on supplementary earnings.
  • When she thought about playing tennis, the supplementary motor cortex, which is involved in planning movements, became active, but when she imagined walking through her house, the parahippocampal gyrus, which is needed for spatial navigation, was activated. The Guardian World News
  • There was a drug, supplementary to their addictions, which effectively switched them offcast them into a mental void, created within them what amounted to temporary brain-death-which was the absolute negation of thought. Psychosphere
  • The first pair of gill- rakers of the fish extends to form a supplementary respiratory organ (a labyrinth organ).
  • When he was answering a supplementary question to question No.3, he referred to white New Zealanders as honkies.
  • •reading assignments •access the learning materials •Students know the general scope of • learning materials •access the reading the learning unit •learning activities •Students start thinking about the assignments •assignments •access the supplementary learning unit content Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Aside from ‘The District School’ and the ingenious ‘Supplication to the People of the United States,’ which makes a supplementary chapter in the present volume, the author's works in this twelvemo are mild, contemplative essays of no particular value.
  • The criterion of energy transformation and conservation are used to derive the supplementary restraint condition of buckling deformation at the front of axial compression wave.
  • The client eventually recovered £1,000 in supplementary benefit additional requirements, backdated to 1976.
  • Students are provided with all necessary materials including text-based study modules, supplementary textbooks, and access to various on-line facilities.
  • The thing is, hardly anybody installs a silent alarm these days, except as a supplementary sys-tem.
  • In February 1961 Parliament was asked to approve the grant of an extra £12,000 in the Supplementary Estimates.
  • The supplementary question is just how much is their story worth. Times, Sunday Times
  • I looked at the case it's referring to and the judgement was respited, so you're right to tag it up as supplementary.
  • E bontsha ka moo "Supplementary Valuation Roll" e etsoang ka teng. e.g. ka morao ha "Valuation Roll" e entsoe, ho etsahale hore hobe le ditulo tse neng di sa kenyelletswa ka phoso, kapa tse qalang ho kenyelletswa, kapa tse neng di sa kengwa ka molao, ho hlokahala hore di kenyelletswe, kapa tseo ho hlokahalang hore di yelletswe ka morao ha diqeto tsa Minister, di lokela ho hlahela ho "Supplementary Valuation Roll" e updatang "Original Valuation Roll SPEECH BY MR S MSHUDULU, ANC MP DURING THE PROPERTY RATES BILL DEBATE
  • The supplementary charge raised a further 3.15 billion and this will rise to about 5 billion after the tax increase. Times, Sunday Times
  • Housing supply should be taken as the main tactic while housing reserve funds and housing subsidy should adopted as supplementary measures.
  • As evidence of his desire to remove this most tangible of Southern gravamina, Douglas introduced a supplementary fugitive slave bill on Stephen A. Douglas A Study in American Politics
  • Provide them with additional background or with supplementary information.
  • Readers are urged to consult Hayzen's small booklet for supplementary charts.
  • 6:07AM Solarfun Power signs a long-term supplementary wafer and polysilicon product supply contract with GCL-Poly Energy Holdings In Play &reg - Yahoo! Finance - The basics of investing.
  • The supplementary method of assessing a Grand Prix star's chances is to rate his amatory performance.
  • His diaries showed that since 2003 he had mapped out targets for this supplementary income to pay for his conquests. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a first step pensions and child benefit were to be raised and long-term supplementary benefit extended to the long-term unemployed.
  • It presented mostly acrylic, easel-size canvases and a supplementary scattering of unframed works on paper, all dating from 2000.
  • The Opera House orchestra needed a _ripieno_ (supplementary violin), and Handel accepted the post. Story-Lives of Great Musicians
  • Add any of a number of admixtures or supplementary cementitious materials, and again you alter the nature of the concrete.
  • By the end of the decade, unclaimed supplementary benefit reached £410 million.
  • This Recommendation provides the stage 2 service description of the International Telecommunication Charge Card supplementary service.
  • Deputy Ministers are also entitled to supplementary retirement benefits.
  • The money could fund a year’s supply of supplementary feeding on one island. Smithsonian Mag
  • Inefficiently supplementary egotistical phone for business angolan you can ubiety on your prebendary to devitalisation a bailee from dichromacy in and trephination your niff. Rational Review
  • Let me return briefly to the huge, above-forecast tax gain included in the supplementary estimates.
  • There are also two supplementary units, the radian, and the steradian.
  • These and other language-based materials are offered as supplementary materials which will slot into a range of syllabuses.
  • The Government first attempted to exclude altogether supplementary benefit and national assistance from the scope of regulation 72.
  • produced supplementary volumes
  • While E. coli carries its main genetic archive on conventional chromosomes, plasmids equip the microbe with small libraries of supplementary information.
  • He has published numerous supplementary books for college group instruction, as well as duet and duo piano arrangements for young students.
  • And anyway, there was an 8 supplementary charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The KC-10A supplementary fuel tankage system, selected after extensive studies, includes seven unpressurized integral-body fuel cells, four aft of the wing and three forward, all located in underdeck vented cavities.
  • The Government first attempted to exclude altogether supplementary benefit and national assistance from the scope of regulation 72.
  • A lecturer could not readily fix this problem by adding supplementary material because continuous homomorphisms have been defined too narrowly.
  • Fig. S1A), in the hyd mutants callose accumulates ectopically, and is variably associated with xylem traces showing a lack of coordinated differentiation of the two vascular cell types (Supplementary PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A sizzling workout last weekend encouraged connections to fork out the 15,000 supplementary fee. The Sun
  • The importance attached by institutional shareholders to their pre-emption rights is demonstrated by the supplementary rules, which they have sponsored, applying to such issues.
  • As I outlined in answer to an earlier supplementary question, the current legislation has toughened the law in this regard.
  • Under the supplementary benefit system, single parents could earn additional income and only part of this was offset against their benefit.
  • In addition, they've added some interesting supplementary material which makes the whole package a rather attractive one.
  • This corrigendum simply corrected the descriptions of supplementary information that accompanied the article detailing precisely what data were used.
  • In addition to a better mix of cartons in the kits, we have supplementary packs of portarobes to be delivered with the standard or mini kits, to assist in the packing of your clothes.
  • A number of such efforts, after the Nik [= a] yas had been closed, were included in a supplementary Nik [= a] ya called the _Khuddaka Nik [= a] ya_. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Intercalary - ies: additional or inserted between others; as a vein: plural; added or supplementary longitudinal wing reins: see under specific headings; i.e. anterior, etc.: in Ephemerides, certain longitudinal veins between the 8th (anal) and 9th (1st maxillary) and not branches of either: in Diptera, the anterior intercalary (Loew) = the discoidal, and the posterior intercalary = the cubitus 1 of Comstock: applied to an evanescent sclerite in the embryo between antenna and mandible; also termed premandibular. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • However, this conclusion was based solely on a comparison of income support levels with supplementary benefit rates.
  • Methods: The soybean oil, tetroxide three lead is used as basic matrix, screening other supplementary material such as petroleum resin, zinc oxide and polyvinyl-chloride.
  • A supplementary disinhibiting factor is the abuse of alcohol and drugs, involved in an estimated 70 percent of violent crimes.
  • A supplementary volume has been published containing the index.
  • Families on supplementary benefit, now income support, are likely to borrow to buy items of clothing or durable household goods.
  • Conclusions PFGE can be used to classify and identify Brucella and it is a useful supplementary method for traditional typing method of Brucella .
  • Dollahite et al. (1966) recommended the use of well-balanced supplementary feed to which calcium hydroxide had been added at a rate of 15% by weight (reducing to a minimum of 10% if the higher rate resulted in acceptability problems) to counteract the characteristic hypocalcaemia associated with oak toxicity. Chapter 5
  • The plants were grown in natural light with no supplementary lighting.
  • Most county and local governments, including school districts, also offer some sort of supplementary compensation.
  • The regulatory filings detail all account data for so-called supplementary accounts, but consist almost entirely of data about the retained-asset accounts. Controversial Accounts
  • Portfolio controls consist of special deposits, supplementary special deposits, reserve requirements, directives, and moral suasion.
  • Knowledge is in the Upanishads frequently opposed to avîdyâ, by which latter term we have to understand ignorance as to Brahman, absence of philosophic knowledge; and, again, in several places we find the knowledge of the sacrificial part of the Veda with its supplementary disciplines contrasted as inferior with the knowledge of the Self; to which latter distinction the Mu/nd/aka Up. (I, 4) applies the terms aparâ and parâ vîdyâ. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1
  • Seniors, or most of them, have to already purchase "private health insurance" to go along with Medicare, it's called a supplementary plan to close the "gap", except Rx's get screwed bigtime. GOP is 'no friend of seniors' DNC says in TV ad
  • Mr. Pembroke only wrote to our hero one letter, but it was of the bulk of six epistles of these degenerate days, containing, in the moderate compass of ten folio pages, closely written, a precis of a supplementary quarto manuscript of addenda, delenda, et corrigenda in reference to the two tracts with which he had presented Waverley. Waverley
  • Finally, discovered its industrial supplementary characteristic and the area of collaboration according to industrial development situation.
  • A garden is defined as a supplementary food production system that is under the management and control of household members. Chapter 2
  • Appendix: a supplementary or additional piece or part, added to or attached to another: in Heteroptera; = cuneus, q.v. Appress - ed: to press against; closely applied to. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • I actually prepared a supplementary affidavit which exhibited a draft order, an outline of written submissions and an index of reference in the matter.
  • Although I have quibbles about them, the Manga Guides remain entertaining supplementary reading for tough subjects. The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology » Manga Worth Reading
  • I would like to address an anomaly that I have picked up in the agriculture supplementary estimates.
  • The text of the poem is flanked by frames containing annotations, cross-references and half a dozen other types of supplementary material.
  • The use of supplementary indications shall be authorised until 31 December 1989.
  • Whenua Hou was declared predator-free two years ago, and birds are fed a special supplementary diet of egg protein, spirulina, and walnut essence.
  • Provide them with additional background or with supplementary information.
  • The importance attached by institutional shareholders to their pre-emption rights is demonstrated by the supplementary rules, which they have sponsored, applying to such issues.
  • Attempts to generate supplementary material to help those coming to it as a medium for the first time, to give some insight into how productions are created, but still evolve, can just seem stilted and off-putting.
  • Regarding #8 and supplementary lighting, what kind of diffuser do you use? Build Blog » An Architect’s Philosophy of Photography
  • Nor has any effort been made to provide supplementary information of any sort, not even a few background production notes on the case or its insert.
  • In the financial accounts, adjustments are made with the supplementary information to split the data from these returns into separate financial and non-financial corporations.
  • Housing supply should be taken as the main tactic while housing reserve funds and housing subsidy should adopted as supplementary measures.
  • But as every social worker knows, almost all inner-city AFDC women count on supplementary incomes from husbands-in-hiding, coresident male consorts, or former consort fathers of their children. Why Nothing Works
  • Analogizing itself from the modern heders of Eastern Europe (the so-called heder metukkan), these American schools offered girls a supplementary school curriculum that emphasized Hebrew language, grammar, conversation, and literature. Orthodox Judaism in the United States.
  • Supplementary dietary calcium has been shown in some studies to reduce colonic cell proliferation in man.
  • Until afterward, he went to Nanjing to attend the university, I remain down enroll in supplementary lessons.
  • The draw-loom of Mahdia is a much simpler device, with four supplementary heddles operated in sequence by the weaver's assistant.
  • In addition, the conference plans to assign supplementary frequencies for the steadily rising demands of mobile satellite and other mobile communication services.
  • A short discussion of a different collapse argument employed against noncognitivism by Jackson and Pettit which has generated quite a bit of literature can be found in the following supplementary document. Boys in White Suits
  • I would like to direct my comments to two Supplementary Order Papers on the Table that relate to Part 1.
  • Under the supplementary benefit system, single parents could earn additional income and only part of this was offset against their benefit.
  • Inefficiently supplementary egotistical phone for business angolan you can ubiety on your prebendary to devitalisation a bailee from dichromacy in and trephination your niff. Rational Review
  • The Government first attempted to exclude altogether supplementary benefit and national assistance from the scope of regulation 72.
  • Mr. Clark I make allowances for the fact that the hon. Gentleman clearly prepared his supplementary before the news was announced.
  • Teaching is mostly by slide lecture, with supplementary gallery talks that provide access to the unparalleled collections in the museum.
  • The reconnaissance and security section reconnoiters routes and primary, alternate, and supplementary TOW firing positions. FM 7-91 CHPTR 5 Employment/ Separate Antiarmor Battalion
  • Those of us who live or work near a theatre can call in and buy direct; then there is no supplementary charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although most own very small fields, rights even in these can provide supplementary subsistence.
  • VHDL Silicon compiler is a supplementary tool of the IC CAD system-XUECAD.
  • Hence, it's natural for me to go head over heels for Yaoyi - the cute rocking chair that is bundled with a supplementary benefit.
  • On steeper slopes contour cropping without supplementary practices reduces erosion losses by only about 10 percent.
  • This can involve materials already in school, some supplementary materials or the careful planning of a visit or trip.
  • Supplementary expenses rate £25 per night to cover incidental expenses and cost of evening meal.
  • The supplementary question is just how much is their story worth. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a first step pensions and child benefit were to be raised and long-term supplementary benefit extended to the long-term unemployed.
  • The easy exposition and the portrayal of the historical developments make this useful supplementary reading; with a text of original writings, it could serve as a good introductory text in the history of finance.
  • The coverage of research is extensive enough that it should be useful to researchers, but the book is written for a more general audience making it suitable as a supplementary text for a general zoology or herpetology course.
  • If you are claiming supplementary benefit, you automatically qualify.
  • A supplementary volume has been published containing the index.
  • It is not yet known what information was lacking in the proposals and the clubs were last night awaiting supplementary questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • A supplementary grant may be awarded at the discretion of the committee.
  • Content consists of digital images from 700 artists, as well as supplementary information about the artwork and background information on each of the featured artists.
  • If you are claiming supplementary benefit, you automatically qualify.
  • That variety raised a supplementary question: is the game stronger or weaker for having such jostling? Times, Sunday Times
  • This Recommendation specifies the formats and codes of the ISDN user part messages and parameters required to support basic bearer services and supplementary services.
  • From April 1988 the supplementary pension system will cease to exist and will be replaced by income support.
  • That these verses are entirely supplementary is the simplest and most natural view of them. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In February 1961 Parliament was asked to approve the grant of an extra £12,000 in the Supplementary Estimates.
  • They are classed as supplementary foods rather than drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Section five deals with various points of view of the religions and how they are supplementary and complementary to each other.
  • She has religion, earnest, bigoted: —religion that on both sides the Veil often omits the sixth, seventh, and eighth commandments, but substitutes a dozen supplementary ones. V. Of the Wings of Atalanta.
  • The supplementarity principle, also referred to as the supplementary principle, is one of the principles of the Kyoto Protocol. Supplementarity principle
  • Australian funding will provide supplementary and adapted curricula for multigrade teaching (teaching several grades in a single classroom), teaching of locally relevant skills to minority children, support for teachers and principals, training of teacher educators, and the recruitment and training of ethnic minority teachers. Australia Funds Education in Laos
  • Even the program book's supplementary material avoids any mention of the depravities endured there.
  • And anyway, there was an 8 supplementary charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thing is, hardly anybody installs a silent alarm these days, except as a supplementary sys-tem.
  • The Government first attempted to exclude altogether supplementary benefit and national assistance from the scope of regulation 72.
  • With the replacement of national assistance by supplementary benefit in 1966, a major change took place in relation to the means-tested benefits.
  • Add any of a number of admixtures or supplementary cementitious materials, and again you alter the nature of the concrete.
  • For a brief discussion of the notion of constitutive luck see the following supplementary document: Justice and Bad Luck
  • The validity of the theory of resynchronization of generators using simplifying supplementary discrete control and these intelligent controllers are testified by simulation.
  • There are three general options for farmers to consider to productively manage their sheep flock: selling stock, agistment and supplementary feeding.
  • Over the years, the supplementary materials have grown and the packaging has changed, but the essential pedagogic value has not.
  • It is not yet known what information was lacking in the proposals and the clubs were last night awaiting supplementary questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • In light of the above, it is recommended that another supplementary regulation be put in place that prohibits residents from owning significant bank deposits denominated in overseas currencies.
  • The overall limit on the extent to which supplementary capital may be aggregated with reserves is also varied.
  • Then there's no end of trade publications, broker reports and media punditry that can provide supplementary company information.
  • The money could fund a year’s supply of supplementary feeding on one island. Smithsonian Mag
  • A sizzling workout last weekend encouraged connections to fork out the 15,000 supplementary fee. The Sun
  • Looms of this type are so named because they are fitted with a number of supplementary heddles that would be ‘drawn up’ by one or more assistants to the weaver.
  • The lanceolate tail fin with the many-rayed upper and lower margins and central little supplementary fin projecting beyond the fin margin distinguishes Latimeria from all other living fishes.
  • In view of the official line that April's supplementary budget was designed to boost only domestic firms, this may be naive.
  • Looms of this type are so named because they are fitted with a number of supplementary heddles that would be ‘drawn up’ by one or more assistants to the weaver.
  • This presumably means that leave must be sought to file a supplementary statement where any time limit for filing evidence has expired.
  • Under the supplementary benefit system, single parents could earn additional income and only part of this was offset against their benefit.
  • Those of us who live or work near a theatre can call in and buy direct; then there is no supplementary charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was thus "forbidden to give answers to supplementary questions' in case he said something damaging. THE GUARDSMEN
  • The supplementary feed was given in amounts necessary to maintain a body condition score of 5 to 6 in a 1 to 9 scoring system described by Herd and Sprott.
  • A supplementary grant may be awarded at the discretion of the committee.
  • In view of the official line that April's supplementary budget was designed to boost only domestic firms, this may be naive.
  • They also offer a nearly ideal foundation for probiotics, prebiotics, soy and many other supplementary functional ingredients.
  • Supplementary instruction in the subject of “Chasing and flanging (bordering) ” as specified in the “Trainees’ 1. Objectives and contents of practical vocational training in the working techniques of “Hammering and Marking”
  • In addition, the conference plans to assign supplementary frequencies for the steadily rising demands of mobile satellite and other mobile communication services.
  • The Treasury said the projected increase in borrowing reflected costs from a continuation of the so-called supplementary financing program -- a program started last year that allows for the auction of Treasury bills to provide cash for use in Federal Reserve initiatives designed to support ailing credit markets -- and a decrease in revenue collected by the government. Treasury's Plan Estimates $361 Billion in Borrowing
  • Everyone was expecting short answers to a few supplementary questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through the partially related emulation of technical content, realization is taking computer system simulation as main battlefield supplementary decision and its simulated system.
  • What I resent is when something has been poorly thought out and you have to try to work out what was meant, and do supplementary research to make the piece hang together in any form.
  • People with borderline hypoxaemia at sea level may also need supplementary oxygen to avoid becoming compromised at altitude.
  • The Chan sect of China has called itself"Supplementary Biography of Buddhism", but its MuniuYus not only come from Mahayana, but also have a bearing on Hinayana.
  • To validate our analysis, a draft of the empirical part of the paper was circulated to the key individuals interviewed, and the accuracy of the account was discussed over the phone in supplementary interviews.
  • Volume 3 Form of Tender and Appendix thereto, Form of Tender Security, Bill of Quantities, Schedules of Supplementary Information.
  • He was thus "forbidden to give answers to supplementary questions' in case he said something damaging. THE GUARDSMEN
  • With a market that's quick to call a poseur a poseur, authenticity was a real concern, so the licensing program was surrounded by a slew of supplementary initiatives that support the audience.
  • Under such constraints, the consolidation of airport finances was achieved through a general policy of applying operating surpluses to supplementary debt redemption.
  • Corporations and nonprofit organizations, often working together, stepped in with a wide range of supplementary readings, classroom activities and, in recent years, websites.
  • The salesperson's identity, perhaps, could be used as the key to draw in any supplementary material and customer details could be populated from their name alone.
  • They are classed as supplementary foods rather than drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plants grown under glass were exposed to short treatments with supplementary UV-B.
  • That variety raised a supplementary question: is the game stronger or weaker for having such jostling? Times, Sunday Times
  • It said: 'The proposed new treaty and supplementary protocols take over almost all the innovations contained in the constitutional treaty. Times, Sunday Times
  • A highly infectious disease, it passes easily from sheep to sheep, particularly when they are confined in a small space, during housing, periods of supplementary feeding or even in handling yards.
  • The omitted chants (styled concentus), which are to be sung by the choir, are contained in a supplementary volume called the "Graduale" or "Liber The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • In addition, the conference plans to assign supplementary frequencies for the steadily rising demands of mobile satellite and other mobile communication services.
  • The overall limit on the extent to which supplementary capital may be aggregated with reserves is also varied.
  • Likewise arrangements should be made to ensure that supplementary information will be available where required.
  • One is a tax on property occupation, the other a supplementary tax on travel.
  • Supplementary income generating activities include clinical work and consultancies for donor agencies.
  • Identifying the job satisfaction factors to impact high-skilled persons'dismission inclination, which is a supplementary research for the highly skilled talents'job satisfaction topic.
  • It said: 'The proposed new treaty and supplementary protocols take over almost all the innovations contained in the constitutional treaty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Computer programs can allow learners to access supplementary information easily and quickly and also allow the learner to control the pace.
  • But we are left now asking ourselves what the real reason is for such a lengthy and wordy Supplementary Order Paper.
  • ESOP, regarded as employees welfare, is an important form of supplementary pension.
  • It said: 'The proposed new treaty and supplementary protocols take over almost all the innovations contained in the constitutional treaty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everyone was expecting short answers to a few supplementary questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the point of discovery, it was noted that although the issue of Facebook documents came to life only after the discovery period ended, once the Plaintiff submitted supplementary affidavit evidence the Defendant had the right to cross-examine to discern what kind of evidence existed. 2009 February : Law is Cool
  • •reading assignments •access the learning materials •Students know the general scope of • learning materials •access the reading the learning unit •learning activities •Students start thinking about the assignments •assignments •access the supplementary learning unit content Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In this case, dissection took the place of quartering; it was likewise viewed as a form of supplementary punishment, a further mark of infamy, inflicted on the criminal after death.
  • Although he's summited Everest twice before, both ascents were done with supplementary oxygen, so he'd like to finish off the project with an oxygenless ascent of the big E," his home team stated. Undefined

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