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How To Use Supple In A Sentence

  • These observations will provide a valuable supplement to the simultaneous records of other expeditions, especially the British in McMurdo Sound and the German in Weddell Sea, above all as regards the hypsometer observations (for the determination of altitude) on sledge journeys. The South Pole~ Remarks on the Meteorological Observations at Framheim
  • To supplement his income, he taught private voice lessons in his home and sang in a church choir.
  • Magnesium chelates, another supplement option, are easily absorbed.
  • I used to massage the skin, too, to make it supple and alive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 27 models on display in Washington, supplemented by paintings, drawings, sculpture and medallions, show the products of a rising social structure and new technique.
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  • The supplementary motor area has shown increased activity during learning of new movements.
  • If you are anemic your health care provider may prescribe an iron supplement.
  • Normally, even in icy winter, the furnace in constant use gave warmth enough, supplemented by an electric convector heater in the gallery, but by the time help arrived for Baxter I had wrapped him in my jacket and everything else handy, and he was still growing cold to the touch. Shattered
  • Cells were grown at 27° or 18°, as indicated, in grass infusion, bacterized with Klebsiella pneumoniae the day before use, and supplemented with 0.4 g/ml ß-sitosterol.
  • Normal supplements apply for upgrades and single occupancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • High magnification supplemented by instrumental analysis can identify these Western modifications.
  • You know my supplements are sold on my Web site and they're also sold in retail stores like Whole Foods.
  • Useful introductory and supplementary materials and informed commentaries on the individual works make this a work of interest to specialists and others.
  • These low-aspect-ratio stellarator-tokamak hybrids differ from conventional stellarators in their use of the plasma-generated bootstrap current to supplement the poloidal field from external coils.
  • This microfibre fabric is made of nylon and polyurethane and has the suppleness, softness and appearance of suede.
  • WEIL: I would recommend -- you know, one thing you might experiment with is glucosamine, which is a supplement widely available that may help rebuild cartilage in your knee. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2004
  • Week two of our special photographic supplement presents outstanding examples of beauty frozen by the camera. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another amino acid, L-citrulline, known as citrulline, has been researched for its potential benefits as a workout recovery supplement and to help boost immunity after exercise. Leo Galland, M.D.: How to Boost Immunity After Exercise
  • The result is that a large proportion of the elderly are solely dependent on the basic state pension, with supplementary benefit.
  • You'll probably be able to buy supplemental insurance at an extra cost.
  • The Guardian's pull-out supplement on the same day sported a black cover with just the words ‘Oh, God’ in the middle.
  • This special supplement is the result. Times, Sunday Times
  • • Healthy fats to keep their cell walls integral but permeable -- such as omega-3 fats, and phosphatidylserine and phosphatidyl choline, available from foods and supplements Alison Rose Levy: Fix Your Mood with Brain Food
  • I take a vitamin supplement every day.
  • Earlier they used to provide some nutritive food supplements to the poor patients.
  • Occasionally, the ingestion of black licorice, lead, iron supplements, or blueberries can cause black stool and false melena.
  • A pregnant woman needs exercise to keep her body and limbs supple and agile to ensure easy labour.
  • Three studies found no difference between those taking beta carotene supplements and those on a placebo pill.
  • But a full account will need to supplement the Woolf diagnosis, as we shall see.
  • Sometimes, this problem will correct itself as the skin and muscle gradually stretch to become more supple and elastic. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • This amount of money could be supplemented by a loan received from a bank - high interest, but easily accessible as a last option.
  • Now 3 babies and 7 years later my thyroid is nearly burned out and I take a thyroid supplement every morning. » No Time to Be Sick
  • This was to he supplemented with one-third of the annual revenue.
  • Read on to discover how this radically innovative ‘fuel injection’ training gel is revolutionizing the supplement industry.
  • Types of workers thus ranged from peasants who supplemented their income with domestic industry, usually in textiles, to highly skilled craftsmen in towns and cities who concentrated on luxury items.
  • But it seems that a growing number of landlords are relying on rental income long before retirement to supplement their squeezed earnings. Times, Sunday Times
  • But with such a supple, sensitive and compassionate mind, rigidity is something you need never worry about. Life Begins At 40 « Tales from the Reading Room
  • With the aid of lacker varnish and skilful painting, paper made excellent trunks, tobacco bags, cigar cases, saddles, telescope cases, the frames of microscopes; and we even saw and used excellent water-proof coats made of simple paper, which did keep out the rain, and were as supple as the best macintosh ... .. The Art of Travel Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries
  • Substances like phentermine and other drugs, such as ephedrine, are hidden in many supplements that the players don't know about.
  • Can you imagine a moggie carrying Sunday papers with all those supplements, or fetching letters without scratching them to shreds?
  • The field-based studies were supplemented by thin-section petrography and whole-rock geochemistry to characterize different intrusive phases.
  • It will provide supporting material for the annual review of implementation and, where necessary, clarify or supplement information received.
  • If Republican State Senator Ronda Storms gets her way, Florida residents may soon be prohibited from purchasing "nonstaple, unhealthy foods" like chips, cookies and soda with funds they receive from the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP The Full Feed from
  • Local governments throughout China have increasingly been using tolls on roads and bridges as a means of supplementing their income.
  • Because there was this myth in my time you didn't want to do weights or build bulk because you wouldn't be as lithe and as supple. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supplementation of cultures with the rich nutrient peptone has been previously shown to suppress submerged culture conidiation.
  • It now has sector supplements for the automotive, finance, telecoms and tour operators sectors.
  • There is no shortage of sophisticated thinking, but the prose that delivers it is vigorous, endlessly supple and engaging everyday English.
  • Do you want to be a full-time game developer, or do you want to do this as an income supplement or a hobby?
  • In vascular plant biology, electro-osmosis is also used as an alternative or supplemental explanation for the movement of polar liquids via the phloem.
  • Mice were made goitrous by feeding them a low iodine diet (0.1 ug iodine per day), supplemented with 0.25% propylthiouracil for 10 days, followed by the low iodine diet for another 2 days.
  • Palmitic acid makes up 20 to 24 percent of the fat in human milk, so Enfamil supplements its formula with palm olein oil. Wired Top Stories
  • Most calcium supplements now also contain vitamin D (usually as cholecalciferol, or D3), supplying about 250 to 300 international units in two tablets.
  • Protein is crucial for the production of collagen and elastin, the protein fibres that keep skin supple and elastic
  • Members of the next assembly, to be elected in February, could rewrite the rules, or throw out the supplementary pension plan entirely.
  • Functional fibre is found in bulk laxatives, fortified foods, beverages, and dietary supplements.
  • This was supplemented with kaoliang and similar grains.
  • It is already used as a food supplement and as an ingredient in adhesives, finishing materials for paper and textiles, paints, and other nonfood products.
  • The Department of Health had not anticipated any problems with the letter, but it is now working on a redraft (Times Higher Education Supplement 29 June).
  • A lean, lithe, grizzly looking fellow, supple, agile with a leathery skin and sinewy.
  • Therefore, enzyme supplementation should be an adjunct to, not a substitute for, dietary restriction.
  • The thermophilic, cellulolytic, and starch-utilizing actinomyces, such as Thermoactinomyces sp., may provide an opportunity to produce single-cell protein for feed supplements in tropical climates. Chapter 5
  • Nissan has idled four of its five Japanese assembly plants this week because it is running short of a key engine control unit suppled by a division of Gadget Appetite Strains Suppliers
  • Further work proved dry cows can graze kale without requiring any fibre supplement such as silage or straw. FWi - All News
  • And if, like Mr. Allan, you often apply your supple and alert tenor to songs written by others, then the long-term shortcomings of seeming to be a brand of behatted Nashville entertainment construct might seem obvious. Gary Allan's Old Hat ��� The Sounds of Malkovich
  • This supplements what parents and aiga provide for their children.
  • Farmers usually keep farm animals to supplement their income, but a visitor to this farm will not hear clucks or moos.
  • J'espere que je ne vais pas passer pour un gros fumiste en ayant refuser l'heure supplementaire que ma patronne m'a proposé ... c'n'est pas que j'ai refusé par faineantise mais juste parce qu'elle m'a prevenu trop tard et mon pere m'attendais dehors pour me ramener ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • These publications made the mother of three float through her daily chores, burn the dinner, overcook the peas, but more important, enabled her to supplement the housekeeping.
  • Supplements can also contain other ingredients necessary to make them stick together to form a tablet. PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
  • In addition the crusaders used light cavalry and horse archers in large numbers to harass the enemy, to scout, and to supplement the knights.
  • They are in want of a directrix; and if we could supplement the gift with foci and centre, they would soon emerge from their savage condition, and become more civilized. The Romance of Mathematics Being the Original Researches of a Lady Professor of Girtham College in Polemical Science, with some Account of the Social Properties of a Conic; Equations to Brain Waves; Social Forces; and the Laws of Political Motion.
  • In 1991 Sussex Stationers ran a large television advertising campaign, supplemented by newspaper and radio advertising to boost sales.
  • Fish oil supplements are derived from a variety of sources, including mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, cod liver, halibut, whale blubber and seal blubber.
  • The supplementary charge raised a further 3.15 billion and this will rise to about 5 billion after the tax increase. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supplements of glucosamine may also help to fight arthritis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are protein supplement drinks good for serious sports people? The Sun
  • These great performances are supplemented by quite breathtaking visuals of a phenomenal quality.
  • The continental breakfast is supplemented by cheese and ham, and dinner is three courses.
  • The end result is a glossy leather that is as supple and as soft as cashmere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Guidelines for selecting a supplement were provided including the importance of selecting a dissolvable supplement.
  • Try oily fish twice a week, an omega-3 supplement or foods fortified with these essential fats. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thing is, hardly anybody installs a silent alarm these days, except as a supplementary sys-tem.
  • It's not a cure-all, it's not an end-all, it's not a magic potion, but it is a good dietary supplement.
  • During the Napoleonic wars, the militia was supplemented by various ‘fencibles’, and after 1859 by the Rifle Volunteers.
  • Pups were heavier when their mothers had been supplementally fed compared with when they had not.
  • This is the one nutrient that strict vegetarians who eschew all animal foods must get from either fortified foods or supplements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ginseng is one of the more popular diet supplements. M.E. and You - a self-help plan
  • Lovecraft's memorial piece on Howard, with supplemental comments added by Otis Adelbert Kline, E. Hoffman Price, and Jack Byrne, the editor of Argosy magazine. Archive 2010-01-01
  • He also contributes an interview with a traditional healer, supplementing and counterpointing Linda Connor's filmed interviews of a couple of decades earlier.
  • The most effective probiotic supplements contain L. acidophilus and B. bifidus and should be refrigerated.
  • Patients with hemochromatosis should not take supplements unless there are documented deficiencies. Matthew Yglesias » Commerce Cabinet Crisis VII: Harry Hopkins
  • Much to my dismay I am the bearer of bad tidings: Paramount has made the decision not to include even a single solitary supplement on this disc.
  • He bemoans the loss of hard news in colour supplements to the worlds of advertising and fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • It must be supplemented by additional information about the matter fields in the universe and how they distribute themselves. The Origin of the Universe
  • Still, the newspaper's new TV section - a more female-oriented supplement - is viewed as a positive in the market.
  • At Question Time the Prime Minister is backed by the civil servants who brief her and try to anticipate supplementary questions.
  • The supplementary tax return shows how to whittle down the gain and claim ER. Times, Sunday Times
  • Provide them with additional background or with supplementary information.
  • Many 19th-century lunches appear to have been collations of leftovers, often roast meat, served cold or hashed, supplemented with salad, poultry, or game, plus bread, cheese, and puddings, as the household could afford and required.
  • That could be done by means of a supplement to the citizens charter and could be delivered to every household in the country.
  • Taking supplements, even vitamin E, known to thin blood, is safe.
  • Between bearing children and enduring lingering sicknesses, Susanna was unable to do much to supplement his income.
  • An increase in mass for supplementally fed females may be explained in two ways.
  • Many studies have shown that supplemental selenium has cancer-preventive properties.
  • The Food and Drug Administration said all lots of the supplement had been recalled because it contained the weight loss drug, sibutramine (Meridia), and phenolphthalein, a chemical that may cause cancer. FDA recalls Pai You Guo weight loss supplement
  • California's was the most male of the rushes, though native women were present in the diggings, and Miwok women, for example, took up mining in order to supplement older subsistence strategies.
  • Supplementation procedure Each child was fed a teaspoon of syrup daily for 14 days and one capsule on day 14.
  • Instead, they all insisted that course newsgroups should be used only as a supplement to face-to-face discussion.
  • Unless supplemented and constrained by minority rights, state nation-building is likely to be oppressive and unjust.
  • This is the conclusion on my arguments in the supplementary submissions.
  • A grid of supple oak laths was laid flat, then gradually lowered over 15 weeks to its undulating form.
  • Parents who look after students during holiday time and pay £50 on their board and lodging are also supplementing them by £1,300 a year
  • They can also supplement an existing home care arrangement provided by family or close friends.
  • Is there or is there not advantage to be gained by trying to interleave the supplementary material into the book so that material appears in a single series rather than in two disconnected series.
  • Most children get the right amount of fluoride through a combination of fluoridated toothpaste and fluoridated water or supplements.
  • By the 1970s, they were thought to be vulnerable to Soviet missiles and were supplemented by converted civil airliners, now 747 jumbo jets.
  • Oral and written instructions are supplemented by plans, drawings or blueprints.
  • And if anybody makes a claim that a supplement is "nontoxic" and better than a drug, that's based purely on opinion. Should you take a nutritional supplement?
  • The treatment of this condition consists of vitamin D therapy and calcium supplementation.
  • In the past, some have found that supplementing with Salmon Oil has left them with fishy reflux.
  • These seasonal peaks provided a bare living for those who relied on supplementary earnings.
  • When she thought about playing tennis, the supplementary motor cortex, which is involved in planning movements, became active, but when she imagined walking through her house, the parahippocampal gyrus, which is needed for spatial navigation, was activated. The Guardian World News
  • The amount of each nutrient in the supplement was the recommended dietary allowance for pregnant or lactating woman, except for iron and zinc.
  • But, consider, his hope of salvation must be founded on the terms on which it is promised that the mediation of our SAVIOUR shall be applied to us, ” namely, obedience; and where obedience has failed, then, as suppletory to it, repentance. Life of Johnson
  • If ephedra was involved, the supplement may have allowed him to push past his limit without him realizing it, because it is an energy booster.
  • Les Canadiens, qui ont déjà eu près de 80 tués, ont indiqué qu'ils retireraient de Kandahar leurs 2500 soldats si l'Otan ne déployait pas un millier d'hommes supplémentaires. Archive 2008-02-01
  • She put on a shirt and leggings of green leather, soft and supple.
  • The menu of cracked crab, moules marinières and ribeye steak is supplemented with daily changing dinner specials. Times, Sunday Times
  • He spreads such figures, with great care for the contour which is echoed by supple and delicate inner detail.
  • I use the term "primary" because the change process actually requires you make several changes, which means making supplement goals. Patricia Ferrone: Once More, With Feeling!
  • I sold them at pony club shows to supplement my pocket money. Times, Sunday Times
  • He supplemented his diet with milk.
  • Importantly, for Robert, in contradistinction to Kant, civil society cannot supplement this abstraction with the relative concreteness and historicity of traditions contractually entered into and upheld.
  • Subsequently, groups were randomly assigned to receive one of the three supplemental treatments (corn, rice bran, or soybean hulls), resulting in three replicates each of two years.
  • The role of the controversial stimulant ephedrine, which is legal and available without prescription, was raised immediately in both because of reports that a dietary supplement containing ephedrine was spotted in their lockers. - Pitcher's death similar to Stringer circumstances
  • But the white powder you mix up yourself with water, supplemented with a dash of UniBond PVA adhesive, will solve most household filling problems.
  • Chemistry and physical chemistry laboratories will later be supplemented by biology and pharmaceutical technology laboratories.
  • Utilization of mature low-quality grass hay by lambs and steers supplemented with soybean meal products
  • All the other information could have then been divvied up among bonuses, appendixes, and supplements.
  • Well before the term "crowdsourcing" arose, Consumer Reports supplemented its lab testing with surveys of subscribers, asking them to report on their experiences with various products. NYT > Home Page
  • *Commerically available specialized supplement programs exist that combine all these building block ingredients into one formulation for ease of use, provide specific amounts of each appropriate supplement to support healing and delineate which vitamins should be taken pre-op and post-op. Neal M. Blitz, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S.: What Vitamins Should You Take Before Surgery?
  • The theory of "Occam's Razor" is one of the most famous ten classical laws in the management field. Its central principle is "Not add supplements, when no requirements".
  • These supplement their core academic courses, which are taken with the rest of their classmates in the regular high school.
  • That being said, we'll give you a rundown on the basics of glucosamine and chondroitin, which are often combined into one supplement.
  • You would be hard pressed to find a creatine supplement with more direct research supporting its formula and ingredients.
  • Water moisturizes the skin, preserves its elasticity and pumps up those skin cells, which all makes your skin soft and supple.
  • It adapts her supple camera style and keen editing eye to an amazing subject.
  • The interview was supplemented with several rounds of scotch.
  • The treatment of this condition consists of vitamin D therapy and calcium supplementation.
  • Instead of static, talking-head interviews, all are skillfully supplemented with stills and clips, and are indexed by subject.
  • People used to make crayfish pots out of interlaced supplejack and Number 8 wire - that nearly universal Kiwi solution to construction problems.
  • Ten years on, the company has expanded into nutritional supplements for cats and horses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main traditional foods of the Mongols include beef, mutton, and milk products, supplemented by grain and vegetables.
  • After graduating from the same high school as his partner and childhood friend, he enrolled in Ohio's Oberlin College to study pre-med, supplementing his income as a scooper in the college cafeteria's ice cream kiosk.
  • Especially useful are exercises which build strength, suppleness and stamina.
  • The supplements are often swallowed to ward off or control brittle bone disease osteoporosis. The Sun
  • Many adverts failed to include compulsory hidden extras in the price, such as security fees, tickets or departure fees or under-occupancy supplements.
  • There was a drug, supplementary to their addictions, which effectively switched them offcast them into a mental void, created within them what amounted to temporary brain-death-which was the absolute negation of thought. Psychosphere
  • Single occupancy is subject to availability at the relevant supplement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chromium supplements were used successfully in the treatment of diabetes .
  • The first pair of gill- rakers of the fish extends to form a supplementary respiratory organ (a labyrinth organ).
  • Significant effects for supplemental pasture betaine and supplemental feedlot betaine were observed; however, no interactions were present for any trait measured.
  • Supplementing his batsmanship is the ability to take key wickets.
  • These wigwams were built of branches of trees placed in a circle, which are bound at the top by a kind of creeper called supple-jack. The Red True Story Book
  • Next year the Times Literary Supplement, the pre-eminent British literary periodical, is 100 years old.
  • The inositol supplements had a significantly beneficial effect on the psoriasis of patients taking lithium.
  • The man-made lubricant would help knees, hips and hands to supplement the body's synovial fluid. The Sun
  • Iron supplementation may improve maternal appetite, thereby increasing energy consumption during pregnancy with resultant increased intrauterine growth.
  • A supple, fruity, light and easy wine. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • Farmworkers' wives and other family members often supplement the household income by making wreaths and garlands from the clippings removed in the shearing process.
  • Over the years, he's studied a considerable amount of information about supplements, and he's very stingy with his shelf space.
  • When he was answering a supplementary question to question No.3, he referred to white New Zealanders as honkies.
  • This botanical supplement is helpful for anxiety, and it can be used as a sedative, hypnotic and antispasmodic.
  • Shelter, and the usual rude accommodation, supplemented on this occasion by a wandering luti and his vicious-looking baboon, as also a company of riotous charvadars, who insist on singing accompaniments to the luti's soul-harrowing tom-toming till after midnight, are obtained at the caravansarai of Deh Mollah. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • As the research and interest in sport nutrition have increased, so has the sale of ergogenic aids, supplements, herbal preparations, and diet aids, all aimed at improving sports performance.
  • It was submitted that examination of this translation of the official gazette supplemented the views which he advanced.
  • Another effective alternative is soluble fiber from supplements such as psyllium (Metamucil and its generic cousins), preferably combined with plenty of water. Consumer Reports:
  • Physical examination was supplemented by laboratory tests, which included pulmonary function and peripheral nerve conduction.
  • The potency of the supplement was monitored by the manufacturer, and it was found to retain 80% of its potency after being stored for 12 months at room temperature.
  • I thought the serum was something like a super supplement to make him smarter, faster, stronger.
  • The crash follows an unusual incident Sunday during which Imeson took off from Helena and filed a flight plan that would have taken him to 22,000 feet, well above the 14,000-foot legal limit for a nonpressurized aircraft without supplemental oxygen. Undefined
  • •reading assignments •access the learning materials •Students know the general scope of • learning materials •access the reading the learning unit •learning activities •Students start thinking about the assignments •assignments •access the supplementary learning unit content Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Brian Baer has pleaded guilty to a charge he improperly collected 21-thousand dollars in supplemental pay after telling his bosses in Hamilton County he'd been called to Army Reserve duty in February 2003. Phony Veterans and POW's - Article Index
  • This rod is supple in the tip, but becomes powerful as it bends towards the butt.
  • Aside from ‘The District School’ and the ingenious ‘Supplication to the People of the United States,’ which makes a supplementary chapter in the present volume, the author's works in this twelvemo are mild, contemplative essays of no particular value.
  • Creatine supplementation can cause an increase in urinary creatinine excretion, which is often used as an indicator of kidney function. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Single travellers willing to share accommodation can bypass the single supplement charge.
  • She knows that nutrition is vitally important and that supplements can help you. Times, Sunday Times
  • For an individual who wishes to nourish his or her own body, ingesting superfoods is an excellent way to supplement.
  • For years people have bandied about the idea of supplementing the Pusch Ridge herd with sheep brought in from elsewhere.
  • It is such an elegant tongue, the language of flowers: supple, courtly and precise.
  • The meeting was very lively and informal with everyone chipping to supplement or refute what the speakers said.
  • When a fish or shellfish is served in a generous quantity of its cooking liquid, however supplemented with other ingredients, the French fittingly call it a preparation à la nage, or “aswim.” On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • A synthetic memory of an earthquake would automatically be supplemented by confabulated but plausible cliques. World Wide Mind
  • The newcomer is touted on pack for its ability to open sinus passages naturally and will likely be merchandised in drug aisles, and not alongside other vitamin/supplements.
  • The kind of designer clobber discussed in the men's magazines and supplements is of little interest to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Setbacks: Highly-regarded pitchers Rob Purvis, a supplemental first-rounder from the 1999 draft, and Gary Majewski each struggled. - White Sox 2002 prospect report
  • The criterion of energy transformation and conservation are used to derive the supplementary restraint condition of buckling deformation at the front of axial compression wave.
  • But the frame itself is part of a problematic list to which belongs such other terms like the parergon, the supplement and the hymen.

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