How To Use Supervise In A Sentence

  • Where the lord of the manor had a demesne farm, the court appointed a reeve to supervise the farming activities, using labour services and collecting rents.
  • In this paper , the framework of network intrusion detection technology Based unsupervised outlier detection is discussed.
  • Longer working hours have combined with security fears which have made many parents reluctant to let children play unsupervised in the garden or visit public places without a harness.
  • My sister, indolent and unimaginative as she was, had visions of endless touch-typing speed trials supervised by austere women under flickering striplights.
  • One tracker can supervise the simultaneous downloads of multiple files.
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  • These and other functions not performed by doctors are carried out by people trained or supervised by doctors, the lawsuit alleges.
  • It is not advisable to let young children out at night and they should always be supervised whenever possible.
  • The downscale springs are marvelously unsupervised, especially at night.
  • The authority will regulate and supervise the operations of non-banking financial institutions in the country.
  • Now, 11 years later, he was the Chief Commissioner of the hill State of Manipur, and had willy-nilly to depute election officers and to supervise the polling and the counting.
  • In theory, but seldom in practice, their supposedly superior knowledge gave them a monopoly over the practice of physic and the authority to supervise the work of surgeons.
  • It provides the foundation to supervise and diagnose the cracks of rotor blade.
  • He even abolished the system whereby the police controlled prisoners once they were released and introduced what we call the probation system where an independent probation service, a non-police service, supervises the prisoners. Churchill: A Life
  • Here an officer and party were posted to supervise the movements of the wounded, who, according to the nature of their wounds, either as walking wounded or in horsed ambulances, were directed to the A.D.S. at Annequin, where Major C. P. War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
  • DBN in an unsupervised manner and fine tuned it with backpropagation. Planet Lisp
  • At The Citadel, first-year students, called knobs, are closely supervised every waking minute. Failing at FAIRNESS
  • Next, we found candidate images for each landmark using these sources and Google Image Search, which we then "pruned" using efficient image matching and unsupervised clustering techniques. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Just because the visits are called unsupervised does not mean somebody won't be watching.
  • The final attempt at classification involved a supervised classification of principal components, 2, 3 and 4.
  • Rebuilding of the ropewalk started the day after the Burning, and Pelzed himself came down to supervise and make it clear that the kinless working there were never to be molested. The Burning City
  • How does the project manager organize and supervise the people in the team?
  • The chief clerk supervises the work of the department.
  • There are now-classic images of field labor gangs supervised by mounted guards.
  • He supervises the kids as they dig up and dismantle these mines in order to sell them on the underground arms market for food and other necessaries.
  • It is the role of this parliament and the House of Representatives to supervise the expenditure of funds.
  • To assist and encourage and supervise where appropriate junior staff in the proper performance of their duties.
  • Supervise the production operation according to the process standard; Inspect parts of process parameters according to the inspection standard and fill out the relative inspection forms.
  • As I supervise new students, explain myself to colleagues, examine more degrees for outside institutions, defend our discipline and plan strategies to advance it, I can see one thing clearly.
  • Yet, in the absence of the traditional ruling magnates to supervise border rule and defence, the region's precarious peace dissolved into feuds and reiving.
  • A supervised pattern classification technique called nearest neighbor algorithm is finally performed in the lower-dimensional eigenspace for recognition.
  • He cannot be controlled, supervised, or directed by the client. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • There should be adult supervised meting places like we had, but not of the type that will interfere and nanny them.
  • He was instead assigned to supervise asbestos removal.
  • He held various ministerial posts, and from 1983 supervised the organization of the 1988 Olympic Games.
  • She had supervised the renovation of a large Victorian home, working with the architect and numerous subcontractors.
  • The Presidency may also delegate a judge or a staff member of the court to supervise the conditions of detention.
  • Judicious use of drugs, supervised individualised treatment, focussed clinical, radiological and bacteriological follow up, use of surgery at the appropriate juncture are key factors in the successful management of these patients.
  • UN troops supervised the relief operations.
  • What was left of industry would be supervised and ceilings of production imposed. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • There is further criticism about Kim being allowed to go to work unsupervised, without reference to the High Court, while there were questions over the delay in allowing a public appeal to be issued.
  • he supervised the stocking of the stream with trout
  • This will allow farmers to shift animals from rented grazing land to pasture nearer home to supervise lambing or calving or turn out animals onto summer pasture from overcrowded steadings.
  • Nenni, who supervises us, has ordered us to pick fresh strawberries.
  • In the escort service, the police's main role was to supervise the transfer of remand prisoners between police stations and courts.
  • And crucially, you will be able to see if any apprentices are working unsupervised. The Sun
  • To learn a classifier, a semisupervised Bayesian approach is adopted. An EM algorithm is derived to compute maximum likelihood estimate. Experimental results demonstrate appropriate accuracy.
  • You will supervise a staff of five. Round the-clock coverage, two people per shift.
  • A walking bus is a safe way for children to get to and from school, walking in pairs hand-in-hand along the safest possible route, while being supervised by adults.
  • Why police officers alone need unsupervised access to such material is not clear.
  • At one school, eight outside supervisors were needed to supervise and substitute.
  • Public institutions, such as gymnasia, were endowed by wealthy benefactors, often royal, and supervised by public officials. 5. The Hellenistic World, to 30 B.C.E
  • The SCADA system supervised the net of industry by remote terminal unit(RTU) and PLC, in order to assure the best control and safety run...
  • In addition, trainees may have opportunities to supervise externs and practicum students and to collaborate in multidisciplinary forums (case-centered consultations and research activities). Internship Training Program
  • The militia was a part-time force charged with a wide range of duties and organized at the village level, but supervised from higher echelons.
  • The hire agreement recommended that the equipment should be supervised at all times and that boisterous behaviour should be stopped. Times, Sunday Times
  • The control and supervision must be done discreetly and quietly and hopefully even without the awareness of those who are being supervised.
  • Unsupervised juveniles engaging in anti-social activity has been an ongoing problem for the shires of Irwin and Mullewa.
  • His autobiographies, which list hundreds of monuments as his own works, embody a collaborative notion of authorship with only the most significant imperial projects fully supervised by him.
  • The former belongs to supervised learning and the latter belongs to unsupervised learning.
  • With changes to Queensland's licensing system from July 1 2007, parents are being urged to help their learner drivers clock up the required 100 hours of supervised practice.
  • At least three kayaks and a rigid inflatable boat supervised the swim. The Sun
  • His plans had required a dexterity that would serve him well when he came to supervise his own band of postgraduates later.
  • The latter require sureties to supervise the accused.
  • the school maintains unsupervised study halls during free periods
  • This man, our head packer, would supervise the loading of our eight strings of livestock (a packer, his horse, and five mules per string) that would carry our food, dunnage, and commissary equipment.
  • The parents can help or supervise at under-age training, take a turn in bringing players to matches or maybe help with fund-raising.
  • Chantal Maurice was the study pharmacist and supervised all serological, immunological, mycobacterial, and serum chemistry laboratory work.
  • Adolfo Suarez supervised Spain's transition to democracy in the 1970s.
  • They would go for regular, unsupervised walks from the hostel with a camera and tripod. The Sun
  • (NPHCDA), who supervises immunization activities in Kano and in six other northern states: Katsina, Jigawa, Kaduna, Zamfara, Sokoto and ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The most important leader in every large church was a bishop who supervised other clergy.
  • The UN is to supervise the implementation of the peace treaty.
  • Subordinate to the maitre d'hotel are hostesses and headwaiters, who supervise the dining rooms.
  • a doctor supervised her reducing
  • Supervisees' skill development was measured by their ability to conform to the prescribed format, including evidence that they identified all of the relevant criminogenic needs and offenders' motivation to change.
  • For example, the crew would run from place to place to tire out the minder, and then serve him buckets of tea to distract him so that a secondary film crew could be free to film unsupervised.
  • Women were recruited into jobs traditionally done by men, and retired craftsmen were drafted back into the factories to help train the new workforce and supervise the skilled engineering processes.
  • Judge Tucker ordered a presentencing investigation and said Ms. LaRose could receive a maximum penalty of life in prison and a $1 million fine, five years of supervised release and $400 in special assessments — although she wouldn't necess arily receive the maximum sentence. 'Jihad Jane' Pleads Guilty in Terrorism Plot
  • Although do not work, do not have teacher classmate supervise and urge, go to an unripe very easy also laches.
  • A committee was appointed to supervise the exhumation and identification of the bodies.
  • Each is monitored by Delta staff who supervise the facility, trackflight status and escort unaccompanied minors to and from their flights.
  • As rhetoricians with no one definition of rhetoric and no shared characterization of the writing whose teaching they would supervise, they would face the risk of intellectual chaos.
  • The third supervises the tavern and the food and drink being served by her husbands.
  • The duty of the board of overseers is to supervise the major institutions in major markets in the industrial world.
  • In addition, there was one passenger on board, a ground service engineer who was to supervise ground handling at transit stops.
  • The group leader supervises a dozen workers.
  • Zhang complained that the British were wasting time, received a sermon from the umpire, and then supervised some time-wasting of his own in an attempt to wrest back the initiative.
  • Supervised, awake tummy time is recommended daily to facilitate development and minimize the occurrence of positional plagiocephaly flat heads. Dr. Michael J. Breus: Safer Sleep for Babies: New Guidelines
  • Extra personnel are taken on each year to supervise students with physical disabilities, hearing difficulties, visual impairments and dyslexia.
  • The third supervises the tavern and the food and drink being served by her husbands.
  • That he also directed the film and supervised the CGI backdrop just adds to the remarkable nature of the production.
  • The EU/UN 's brokered/supervised (by their own troops) treaty 1701 between Israel and Hizbollah-Lebanon enabled the latter to instal 40,000 rockets aimed, at this moment, at Israel's northern towns. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • An intelligence agent who supervises or instructs another agent.
  • One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults.
  • I run a geriatric psychiatry clinic at the university and supervise residents and medical students.
  • The academics part of the programme is being supervised by professional guides and instructors and the language skills are taught by University graduates.
  • They included the construction of sewage purification plants in 100 coastal cities and the establishment of at least 25 supervised toxic waste depots.
  • The district impanels review teams of parents, teachers, school administrators, community leaders and construction personnel to help supervise major building projects. News & Record Article Feed
  • Supervised probation and indeterminate sentences guided by the progress of the child were the usual means.
  • Eventually the Quaker service teams completed these tasks and went home, leaving behind them small Quaker centers to supervise the turnover of projects and to give support to the small groups of nationals who had become interested in Quakerism during the time of war relief. American Friends Service Committee - History of Organization
  • While the children need to be supervised, the principal argues that it is an excellent way to teach a specialised subject area.
  • These students led on-line discussion forums and chat rooms or supervised voluntary study groups, and they received either pass-fail credit as teaching interns or financial compensation.
  • WHEN my six-year-old stays with his dad he allows him to play outside unsupervised and visit a playground out of sight of the house. The Sun
  • Innovation supervises a concept, improve and sclerotic supervisory method, make supervise real play effectiveness.
  • Supervised by a team of 28 youth leaders and six volunteers from the St Anne's community, all the activities were carefully superintended.
  • He spoke and wrote fluently in English, and either translated himself or supervised the translation of almost all the poems included in this book.
  • Also, some dermatologists believe that home phototherapy is inferior to hospital treatment and carries more risks, such as inaccurate dosimetry, phototoxicity, and unsupervised continuation of irradiation. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Supervised clinical training is provided in cytotoxic drug treatment and radiation therapy.
  • It provides the foundation to supervise and diagnose the cracks of rotor blade.
  • The men are largely unsupervised and have to fill out a written log to record their movements. The Sun
  • Extra security staff and police have been placed on duty at Edgbaston to supervise cricket's fiercest rivalry, their minds concentrated by the scenes of Antipodean unruliness witnessed at The Oval on Thursday.
  • He also ordered the probation service to supervise her for a year.
  • Roosevelt hoped he had been of some assistance in moving our people along the line Mr. Rhodes mentioned; that is, along the line of a sane, moderate purpose to supervise the business use of wealth and to curb its excesses, while keeping as far aloof from the policy of the visionary and demagogue as from the policy of the wealthy corruptionist. Theodore Roosevelt An Intimate Biography
  • European spas have long offered medically supervised detox programs.
  • Too many criminals are walking the streets unsupervised and returning to crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because Brentano had not been habilitated to supervise dissertations, he recommended that Stumpf study with Hermann Lotze in G.ttingen; Stumpf attended Lotze's lectures on psychology, history of philosophy since Kant, philosophy of nature, and practical philosophy; he also took courses from the physiologist G. Meissner and the physician W. W.ber. On A Trans-Atlantic Flight
  • The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.
  • Outside Vealös we had the pleasure of waving a last farewell to a man to whom the expedition will always owe a debt of gratitude, Captain Christian Blom, Superintendent of the dockyard, who had supervised the extensive repairs to the Fram with unrelaxing interest and obligingness. The South Pole~ On the Way to the South
  • The first 3 months of the rehabilitation program were supervised, and the rest of the study was unsupervised.
  • We should have provision for granting supervised access to the same resources as staff.
  • Postdoctoral supervision for registration or certification can also incorporate opportunities to supervise interns or other practitioners under supervision.
  • The potty decree says they can play footie on jail premises only if they are properly supervised. The Sun
  • The funds available to promote Test cricket need to be properly supervised. Times, Sunday Times
  • The suburban children who died were generally unsupervised and had migrant parents, according to education authorities.
  • At £15 per child, the mock will be fully supervised under exam conditions and papers will be marked anonymously.
  • One effect of parents 'over-involvement in their children's' lives has been the demise of those arenas of childhood that were once inviolably the province of children themselves: unsupervised play, neighborhood baseball games and other settings where children first exercised their moral imaginations and were forced to cope independently with their own shortcomings. The Praise Craze
  • In addition, there was one passenger on board, a ground service engineer who was to supervise ground handling at transit stops.
  • It should be properly monitored and supervised. Times, Sunday Times
  • The producer initiates, co-ordinates, supervises and controls matters such as fund-raising, hiring key personnel and arranging for distributors. Twilight Lexicon » Full Press Release: Stephenie Meyer Named as Producer
  • To learn a classifier, a semisupervised Bayesian approach is adopted. An EM algorithm is derived to compute maximum likelihood estimate. Experimental results demonstrate appropriate accuracy.
  • Banks and mortgage lenders should be better supervised. Times, Sunday Times
  • You should also supervise your young child's toothbrushing sessions to make sure that he doesn't swallow toothpaste or other fluoridated products.
  • Rectangles connected by two arrows indicate methods that can be implemented as supervised or unsupervised.
  • Automatic medical image classification is to give the semantic category labels to medical images, which can be regarded as a supervised learning process.
  • Even if the ice is considered safe, a responsible adult should always supervise children playing on or near ice.
  • So taking the bravest-feathered acetylene lamp into the phonologic laboratory, we consummated our radionic guest on the slab in the dark, and incorporated every energy to the mixing of a pretty solution, the weighing and measuring supervised by West with an almost light-headedness care. Think Progress » Prison Camp Turns Three, WIll Build Psychiatric Wing for Inmates it Drives Crazy
  • But more often the causes were informational: it was too costly to monitor quality on the output side, and firms needed to observe and supervise workers in the plant itself.
  • The papers discusses some issues related with the work of an instructional superviser, eg, attitude towards supervising work, what to do and how to do, etc.
  • In other words, if a person gets 36 months of supervised release, and completes 12 months without a violation, that does not mean his exposure to incarceration is limited to only the remaining 24 months if the then violates. The Volokh Conspiracy » Extending Probation Sentence Without Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?
  • There will be workmen to supervise, a jillion wine glasses and bits of china to organize and store, etc.
  • The proprietor owns or obtains the materials and capital equipment used in the operation of the business and personally supervises its operation.
  • Duncan unlocked the door and supervised the fuelling from a small bowser as Myeloski made himself comfortable in the rear seat.
  • He decides to censor it and to supervise the author, watching out for further subversiveness lest it become necessary to deport him to an island.
  • In Peru, the National Council of South American Camelids has developed techniques for capturing and harvesting wool from wild vicunas, and has taught and supervised campesinos in vicuna management.
  • He said the department would supervise the test from the distribution of question papers to the evaluation of the answer sheets at Faridkot.
  • Supervise them in places like malls, movie theaters, parks, public bathrooms, or while fundraising door to door.
  • An unsupervised learning algorithm might emphasize cooperation among clusters of processing elements.
  • All those children unsupervised sounds to me like a recipe for disaster.
  • An executive officer was appointed to supervise the arrangements.
  • Amin is also subject to five months of home confinement and three years of supervised release, as well as 80 hours of community service. Pandora’s Cube owner jailed
  • To learn a classifier, a semisupervised Bayesian approach is adopted. An EM algorithm is derived to compute maximum likelihood estimate. Experimental results demonstrate appropriate accuracy.
  • Management of alcohol withdrawal in elderly persons should be closely supervised by a healthcare professional.
  • And crucially, you will be able to see if any apprentices are working unsupervised. The Sun
  • The key is to supervise them properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Children have no innate fear of water and must be carefully supervised.
  • The chief clerk supervises the work of the department.
  • During our on-site inspection, they wandered about with too much unsupervised free access in the detainee area.
  • Washington says it will need more personnel and a bigger embassy to supervise the distribution of the increased aid to Pakistan, and more mercenaries (aka "contractors") to protect them and assure "stability" - a code word for the Pax Americana. Eric Margolis: Lies Drive the Afghan War
  • These grids collect a n d continually qualifying for service in those who are there to spiral stellar experience is first preceded store information on biological the Seraphim ranks of biosatellite through that meridian of Light into by an appraisal m a d e by the sub-systems, biomes, ecosystems, worlds by the way they supervise a higher system of space-time con - Higher Evolution of a complete geological-evolutionary cycles, and the consciousness of planetary tinuum. round of biogenesis experienced by make use of noise-glow pressures societies. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Hu Yong: Because the microblog is a public platform, which can effectively cultivate civic spirit, highlight the "four powers" (ie, safeguard the people's right to information, participation, expression and right to supervise), allow for participation in politics, or at least can be used make some sound; otherwise, people may only be marginalized to a bystander's role. Interlocals - Interlocals
  • To limit these risks, the central bank wishes to supervise and regulate the participants of the payments system.
  • A shipfitter, supervised by the purser, the hull officer, and the medical officer, made a slight change in the air-conditioning ducts to one cabin; two worried passengers sloughed off their cares under the influence of a nonlethal dose of sleeping gas. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • To assist and encourage and supervise where appropriate junior staff in the proper performance of their duties.
  • reliable workers are generally unsupervised
  • I did very little production on this, I supervised and project managed the design team and dealt with several staff issues but actually had minimal design input past the brainstorm.
  • The control and supervision must be done discreetly and quietly and hopefully even without the awareness of those who are being supervised.Sentence dictionary
  • The solicitor general's office represents the United States Government in cases before the Supreme Court and supervises the handling of litigation on behalf of the government in all appellate courts.
  • The UN is to supervise the implementation of the peace treaty.
  • As there were indications of a considerable force of the enemy on the Russellville road I decided to place the troops in line of battle, so as to be prepared for any emergency that might arise in the absence of the senior officers, and I deemed it prudent to supervise personally the encamping of the men. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • Buoyed by the results of the arthroscope, Pete continued to supervise his own rehabilitation. Pistol
  • So to summerise the general consensus on this website is that Dr Draper MD is a bit dodgy and dropping off you're 8 year old daughter for unsupervised therapy might be a little ill advised in the currant climate. Guy Fawkes' blog
  • Youngsters should not construct mains powered projects unless they are supervised at all times by a suitably experienced adult.
  • He supervises a staff of research analysts and portfolio managers for the Durham, North Carolina, firm.
  • He gimmicked the accounting rules, cut the number of examiners, and desupervised the industry. William K. Black: If Obama Thinks the Response to the S&L Debacle Failed, Why Is He Adopting it?
  • The mobsters also ripped off two federally supervised funds that subsidize rural phone companies through another billing scam, they said.
  • Between 1998 and 2000, she litigated seven sweat-patch cases on behalf of clients accused of violating their supervised release by using drugs.
  • The newly promoted person may also attempt to minimize the status difference through self-deprecation and a surfeit of leniency toward the new supervisees.
  • You can't see anyone in this workshop that supervises the work flow?
  • Their current place in medicine is in properly supervised clinical trials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gow acted as Housman's literary executor, and supervised a reprint of his edition of Manilius.
  • There was excessive dependence on foreign borrowings and the banks were poorly supervised.
  • Further, the fully supervised sanatorium based treatment of the earlier days also gave way to the totally unsupervised domiciliary treatment.
  • Physical movement of inventory items into or out of the warehouse is supervised by an independent third party employed by the lender.
  • Such experiences include (but are not limited to) teaching assistantships in botany or biology courses, faculty-supervised research, and off-campus internships.
  • Meanwhile, Kilkenny County Council has also had to employ an official to supervise its new Scanlon Park recycling facility.
  • ‘The intention is not to raise the sound level,’ said Lawrence Kirkegaard, the architectural acoustician who supervised the installation.
  • Decision theory, statistical classification, maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation, non - parametric methods, unsupervised learning and clustering.
  • ‘When you have people who have a diet that's very high in animal fat, they get the full whammy of the contaminants,’ said David Carpenter, who supervised the St. Lawrence Island studies.
  • They supervised and run over high-powered machines, ripsaws and all like that, checked them over. Oral History Interview with Hill Baker, June 1977. Interview H-0109-2. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • NTSB's investigation revealed that the mechanic who replaced the left uplock assembly had not completed uplock assembly work previously, received no on-the-job training for the task and was not supervised during the procedure. HEADLINES
  • To learn a classifier, a semisupervised Bayesian approach is adopted. An EM algorithm is derived to compute maximum likelihood estimate. Experimental results demonstrate appropriate accuracy.
  • Four child therapists who were trained and supervised by an experienced cognitive behavioural therapist administered all therapy.
  • The state cannot be held to account for every outburst of vitriol, unless, of course, it has appointed the writer in question in a key position in a publication it supervises.
  • In the south of France a wonderful woman supervises another terrific restaurant, the Hostellerie Jerome in La Turbie.
  • It shall be the duty of the manager of every mine to secure that no person is employed thereat in any work otherwise than under the instruction and supervision of some person competent to give instruction in, and supervise, the doing of that work, unless the first-mentioned person has received adequate instruction in, and (where necessary) training for, the doing of that work and is competent to do it without supervision.
  • How many nurses does the department think are needed to ensure the untrained are properly supervised? Times, Sunday Times
  • The most important leader in every large church was a bishop who supervised other clergy.
  • Her work was supervised by a tutor, whom she visited regularly for advice and guidance.
  • The experiments, under supervised learning framework joint , show significant gains of the coreference resolution system.
  • Expecting any commander who is overly supervised in garrison to suddenly become an agile, adaptive leader in a field environment is unrealistic.

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