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How To Use Superstitious In A Sentence

  • It also means the expert deception of the senses by the tricks of a conjurer, so-called hocus-pocus and fraud, and a magician is either an evil-minded, superstitious mortal, fool enough to believe in charms, or an expert pretender and imposter of the first water, who cheats and deceives the people. The light of Egypt; or, The science of the soul and the stars
  • To say she was superstitious was an understatement - she would book every single Friday 13 th off work, and any day that looked inauspicious on her horoscope.
  • Some shook with superstitious dread; others, driven to atheistical despair, with horrible execrations, again strove to force a passage through the doors. The Scottish Chiefs
  • She rationalized away the superstitious beliefs of the country folk.
  • We begin with the issue of supernaturalism in religion and its supposedly superstitious character.
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  • WHEN I was a youngster I used to be quite a superstitious sort of person -- I suppose because I had a nurse till I was rather large, who was the sort of Scotchwoman which believes in fairies and red devils and those things. The Lake of Devils
  • A more superstitious premier might have resolved not to tempt fate any further.
  • Apart from the religious/superstitious objection to the numbering, it does make sense to renumber the route. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Things I Didn’t Know
  • A word growled in the darkness would terrify the superstitious Sir The Brown Mask
  • I know catching the bouquet traditionally (and superstitiously) means the bachelorette will be the next to get married … but I wasn’t sure if the same tradition rings true for the dude who gets the garter. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » There’s Something About Marry
  • For the Vedas, at least, were considered to be of divine authority, and their words, metres, and grammar were regarded with a superstitious awe, such as reminds us of what has been called the "bibliolatry" of the Jewish Pantheism, Its Story and Significance Religions Ancient and Modern
  • Of all the cetacea, that which approaches the nearest in form to man is undoubtedly the dugong, which, when its head and breast are raised above the water, and its pectoral fins, resembling hands, are visible, might easily be taken by superstitious seamen for a semi-human being. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 406, December 26, 1829
  • Wherefore, hereditary succession in the early ages of monarchy could not take place as a matter of claim, but as something casual or complemental; but as few or no records were extant in those days, the traditionary history stuff'd with fables, it was very easy, after the lapse of a few generations, to trump up some superstitious tale conveniently timed, Mahomet-like, to cram hereditary right down the throats of the vulgar. Common Sense
  • We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression. Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • Towards the yellow-hammer, or yellow-yite -- bird of beautiful plumage though it be -- because it is the subject of an unaccountable superstitious notion, which credits it with drinking a drop of the devil's blood every May morning, the children of Scotland cherish no inconsiderable contempt, which finds expression in the rhyme: -- Children's Rhymes, Children's Games, Children's Songs, Children's Stories A Book for Bairns and Big Folk
  • She is superstitious about spilling salt on the table.
  • 'The slave faithfully conveyed the message, and the moollah, finding that his domestic peace depended on submitting to the superstitious notions of his wife, accompanied the slave to the zeenahnah without further delay. Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
  • After this St. Germanus proceeded to Britain, and there encouraged his converts to meet the heathen Picts at Maes Garmon, in Flintshire, where the exulting shout of the white-robed catechumens turned to flight the wild superstitious savages of the north – and the Hallelujah victory was gained without a drop of bloodshed. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • Instantly classified as a demon, the stranger is harried, persecuted and all but executed by the superstitious islanders.
  • ratter" -- superstitious Tudor sailors did not have cats on board as they were thought to bring bad luck. Reuters: Top News
  • The most popular colours are red, black, green, blue and white. Yellow is never worn, even by spectators as it is considered to be unlucky and toreros are highly superstitious.
  • He went on to say that belief in medicines demonstrated the nature of the superstitious mind.
  • Some superstitious fools suppose that they which die of the garget are ridden with the nightmare, and therefore they hang up stones which naturally have holes in them, and must be found unlooked for; as if such a stone were an apt cockshot for the devil to run through and solace himself withal, while the cattle go scot-free and are not molested by him! Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah or whatever you call the figment of your superstitious mind are nothing but frauds. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The idolater in me, the superstitious troglodyte, whispers: Pssst. Learning to Die in Miami
  • Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck.
  • To oppugn the superstitious opinions of man, is to commence hostilities with his imagination -- to attack his fancy -- to be at war with his organization -- to enter the lists with his habits, which are of themselves sufficient to identify with his existence, the most absurd, the most unfounded ideas. The System of Nature, Volume 2
  • His very sirname had an influence upon the good will of his superstitious and devoted followers. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
  • The two of them now a superstitious swamp devil, humming, hovering, and plowing through the miasma.
  • Nevertheless, the instinctive part of me -- that part of us which refuses to fraternize with reason, and which we call the superstitious because we cannot explain it -- would not let go the spiritualistic theory, and during all my life has never quite surrendered it to the attacks of my brain. Sacred and Profane Love
  • If a layman or laywoman received Mass, it was in the form of the wafer of the host only, and as a result the chalice became an object of almost superstitious reverence.
  • Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck.
  • They aim to deliver the people who are in bondage to superstitious belief.
  • Some superstitious fools suppose that they which die of the garget are ridden with the nightmare, and therefore they hang up stones which naturally have holes in them, and must be found unlooked for; as if such a stone were an apt cockshot for the devil to run through and solace himself withal, while the cattle go scotfree and are not molested by him! Of the Air and Soil and Commodities of This Island. Chapter X. [1577, Book I., Chapter 13; 1587, Book I., Chapter 18
  • The latest public opinion poll showed that 25% of us consider ourselves superstitious.
  • And so we are western, scientific, modern; and India we see as a primitive, irrational, superstitious place.
  • I'm not superstitious, but the whole area gave me a case of the screaming abdabs, something Awful and EVIL had happened nearby.
  • How often had I heard talk of superstitious idiots, often relatives, who worshipped a God they didn't have the brains to doubt?
  • He claimed he could pick up vibes, having come from a superstitious family that believed in wizards and witches and the evil eye. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • The latest public opinion poll showed that 25% of us consider ourselves superstitious.
  • What began as a superstitious practice of players not shaving during the season has become a totem of the sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his critique of the traditional Shia clergy -- a group that he described as sclerotic and superstitious, enemies of progress and true Islam -- Shariati had exempted Khomeini, praising him for his fierce fight against despotism and colonialism. The New Republic - All Feed
  • ` ` He has a look of auld Humphrey Ettercap, the tinkler, that perished in this very moss about five years syne, 'answered his superstitious companion; ` ` but Humphrey wasna that awfu big in the bouk.' ' The Black Dwarf
  • For while no spectator can deny their claims to a most solemn and superstitious consideration, no more than my firmest resolutions can decline to behold the spectre-tortoise when emerging from its shadowy recess; yet even the tortoise, dark and melancholy as it is upon the back, still possesses a bright side; its calipee or breast-plate being sometimes of a faint yellowish or golden tinge. The Piazza Tales
  • Even if the occupants of the building harbour no superstitious beliefs, customers can be lost and predictions of bad luck and misfortune can result by neglecting the demands of feng shui.
  • Scotland started as a place of superstitious animists and pantheists, much as it is today.
  • Part of this comes from a superstitious but unacknowledged sense that grief is contagious and unlucky.
  • Scinduism must do away with the vertical hierarchy of castes and the complete plethora of superstitious beliefs.
  • The people take their religion from their minister "by scraps and mammocks, as he dispenses it in his Sunday's dole"; and "the superstitious man by his good will is an atheist, but being scared from thence by the pangs and gripes of a boiling conscience, all in a pudder shuffles up to himself such a God and such a worship as is most agreeable to remedy his fear. Milton
  • finally realized that the horror he felt was superstitious in origin
  • Until we can rid ourselves of what I call the superstitious awe of the Bible, we will never understand it rightly. Mail Call: How Hillary Clinton Would Govern
  • A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople.
  • They aim to deliver the people who are in bondage to superstitious belief.
  • In India, the great 12 th-century poet-mystic Basava, who rebelled against ritualistic and superstitious temple worship and caste system, was a critical insider.
  • Some cultures are much more openly superstitious.
  • No doubt these miserable villagers, with lives barely worth the few boney fish they hauled daily, were superstitious on top of their misery, thinking the wearied traveler a reaper out for their souls, or a ghoul from the deeps hungry for their flesh. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The superstitious 35-year-old singer and impressionist was remanded on bail in his absence charged with affray.
  • Men often believe what their hearts feel, and many believe in something that is incomprehensible, supernatural and superstitious. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • People of the Black Forest are a dreamy and superstitious race; they would stand and look at the uncouth figure in the water for a moment and then run. The Story of Paul Boyton Voyages on All the Great Rivers of the World
  • I would to God, this were only the private misdevotion of some superstitious old wife, or some idle and silly cloisterer.
  • The dog's eye therefore, without any consciousness on his own part, becomes in such a case _an evil eye_: upon me, at least, it fell with as painful an effect as any established eye of that class could do upon the most superstitious Portuguese. The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
  • Surely, one might say, this is proof that magic was beginning to be regarded merely as the activity of unenlightened, superstitious peasants.
  • Who could claim that the "superstitious nonsense " of medieval belief had been sacrificed for anything worthwhile? The Crossing-Place
  • Our civilization suffers from a superstitious belief in the magical effect of printed forms. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • Though not inclined to be superstitious, nor hitherto believing that man could be brought into bodily communication with demons, I felt the terror and the wild excitement with which, in the Gothic ages, a traveller might have persuaded himself that he witnessed a 'sabbat' of fiends and witches. The Coming Race
  • [6344] Seneca, a frantic error; or as Austin, Insanus animi morbus, a furious disease of the soul; insania omnium insanissima, a quintessence of madness; [6345] for he that is superstitious can never be quiet. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But there are some superstitious folks who might be put off buying a dream home because it has a chequered past. The Sun
  • They look at Superbowl Guy like he was a superstitious "ex" Nazi, somewhere to the right of Attila The Hun, who preaches discrimination against gays and women, believes himself to be infallible, is a firm roadblock to social progress, dictates policies that ensures the spread of AIDS, dresses like an overly-rich drag queen with no taste, and devotes his time to protecting child molesters around the globe? Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs Senior Citizens : Triage for Dummies.
  • It was not true of the superstitious villagers who peopled the miniature municipality.
  • He admitted: 'I am quite superstitious. The Sun
  • Held in superstitious abhorrence by the rest of the crew, aliens by lack of any word of common speech, nevertheless they are good sailors and are always first to spring into any enterprise of work or peril. CHAPTER XXXIX
  • No doubt these miserable villagers, with lives barely worth the few boney fish they hauled daily, were superstitious on top of their misery, thinking the wearied traveler a reaper out for their souls, or a ghoul from the deeps hungry for their flesh. Conan Fan Fiction!
  • Virginia insists that she is not superstitious, but she says that she had to have a rowan by the gate.
  • Hence it is necessary for us to realise that these rude and simple worshippers, of all the different forms of worship, really would be bewildered by the ritual dances and elaborate ceremonial antics of John Bull, as by the superstitious forms and almost supernatural incantations of most of what we call plain English. The New Jerusalem
  • To break the eggshell after the meat is out we are taught in our childhood, and practise it all our lives; which, nevertheless, is but a superstitious relict, according to the judgment of Pliny, and the intent hereof was to prevent witch-craft [to keep the fairies out]; for lest witches should draw or prick their names therein, and veneficiously mischief their persons, they broke the shell, as Dalecampius hath observed. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 32, June, 1860
  • Abigail is partly to blame for the superstitious rumours.
  • Some people are superstitious about spilling salt on the table.
  • Paracelsus goes farther, and will have his physician [2848] predestinated to this man's cure, this malady; and time of cure, the scheme of each geniture inspected, gathering of herbs, of administering astrologically observed; in which Thurnesserus and some iatromathematical professors, are too superstitious in my judgment. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • superstitiously he refused to travel on Friday the 13th
  • Everything for me was part of a grand routine, and if that routine was ever broken, I was superstitious enough to think that the rest of my day would be disastrous.
  • She escapes him because he is superstitious and cowardly, so when she tells him his ancestors said he would die if he stayed married to her, he was happy to let her leave and gave her enough money to go to America.
  • Lord Avebury and Spencer hold that Totemism began as a social system only, and that the superstitious regard for the totem is an aftergrowth. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • It was a deeply superstitious country, where earthquakes were commonly believed to portend the end of dynasties.
  • The observances of fetish-worship fade away into the customs and habits of everyday life by gradations, so that in some of the superstitious beliefs, while there may be no formal handling of a fetish amulet containing a spirit nor actual prayer nor sacrifice, nevertheless spiritism is the thought and is more or less consciously held, and consequently the term fetish might perhaps be extended to them. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • And now this third death, the one for which everyone at Toynton Grange had probably been superstitiously waiting, in thrall to the theurgy that death comes in threes. She Closed Her Eyes
  • I'm a superstitious person and it was difficult to keep putting him in my team. The Sun
  • It is nothing short of extraordinary that, at the close of the 20th century, intelligent people still believe in superstitious rubbish.
  • No doubt these miserable villagers, with lives barely worth the few boney fish they hauled daily, were superstitious on top of their misery, thinking the wearied traveler a reaper out for their souls, or a ghoul from the deeps hungry for their flesh. Conan Fan Fiction!
  • Bottom-up works better than anything when we're guessing or when accurate/expert measurements cannot be made, but when such measurements can be made top-down is the more rational option and bottom-up simply becomes irrationalist, almost superstitious, populism. Bottom Up Democracy at PDA, Top-Down at DNC
  • And moreover, if we believed that it would be unconditionally hastened by our getting the franchise, we should be what I call superstitious men, believing in magic, or the production of a result by hocus-pocus. George Eliot; a Critical Study of Her Life, Writings & Philosophy
  • May, a month unbeloved by superstitious sailors, managed nevertheless to inject a surprise note of optimism into German executives.
  • The meeting was held in the open air; for Ethelbert had a superstitious fear that they might do him some mischief by magical arts, if he were to trust himself under a roof with them.
  • It is a superstitious idea that the ghost can cast a living man under a spell.
  • Baseball today is what it has always been: a slow game populated by superstitious weirdoes who tend toward gambling, alcohol and potbellies. Ted Goeglein: A Hundred Years Later
  • He was deeply superstitious and afraid of many things, from wooden tanuki to yellow taxis. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In India, the great 12 th-century poet-mystic Basava, who rebelled against ritualistic and superstitious temple worship and caste system, was a critical insider.
  • What are you doing because of some irrational superstitious belief that may have been affecting your life for years?
  • Anne Marie was illiterate, addicted to schnapps and immensely superstitious.
  • The philosophies which are "redargued" are divided into three classes, the sophistical, of which the best example is Aristotle, who, according to Bacon, forces nature into his abstract schemata and thinks to explain by definitions; the empirical, which from few and limited experiments leaps at once to general conclusions; and the superstitious, which corrupts philosophy by the introduction of poetical and theological notions. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • He is a greedy, superstitious, proud, spiritless and stupid fellow.
  • In the second of our club-by-club Premier League previews, Aston Villa step up to the oche, as superstitious Wolves and Wigan fans notice a pattern emerging and realise their turn is on Friday 13th. Want One
  • We have various accounts of the misletoe, and of the strange superstitious proceedings in gathering it. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • Another and very different form of thunderbolt is the belemnite, a common English fossil often preserved in houses in the west country with the same superstitious reverence as the neolithic hatchets. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • Now I wait in superstitious dread for number three .... Real magic can never be made by offering up someone else's liver.
  • We have seen small sea-serpents, and there is no reason why there might not be big ones, but as to what you call bogies and ghosts, for goodness sake throw over all those silly superstitious notions. Fire Island Being the Adventures of Uncertain Naturalists in an Unknown Track
  • When those bloody wars in France for matters of religion (saith [6619] Richard Dinoth) were so violently pursued between Huguenots and Papists, there was a company of good fellows laughed them all to scorn, for being such superstitious fools, to lose their wives and fortunes, accounting faith, religion, immortality of the soul, mere fopperies and illusions. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But, like all seamen, he was superstitious and the legends said you talked to a dying ship. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • He has a look of auld Humphrey Ettercap, the tinkler, that perished in this very moss about five years syne," answered his superstitious companion; "but Humphrey wasna that awfu 'big in the bouk. The Black Dwarf
  • It was a deeply superstitious country, where earthquakes were commonly believed to portend the end of dynasties.
  • And, unable to discover causes, he is either harassed by superstitious dreams, or quietly and passively submitted to the mercy of nature and the elements.
  • Seriously though, I think being superstitious is a load of old cobblers. The Sun
  • It starts off with a satirical learned encomium after the manner of the Greek satirist Lucian; it then takes a darker tone in a series of orations, as Folly praises self-deception and madness and moves to a satirical examination of pious but superstitious abuses of Catholic doctrine and corrupt practices in parts of the Roman Catholic Church — to which Erasmus was ever faithful — and the folly of pedants (including Erasmus himself). Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
  • The figures which flitted near, pausing, occasionally, to inspect my work, habited, as they were, in the long cloak and _capuchon_ of the country, might well have passed for contemporaries of the superstitious fear which excluded the unfortunate victims of disease from an equality of rights with their fellow-men; but the cagot himself is no longer visible. Béarn and the Pyrenees A Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre
  • In my view, indeed, the discrediting not only of the more superstitious types of theism but of any form of religious belief was one of the principal aims of Hume's philosophy.
  • Due undoubtedly to the superstitious opinions about menstruation, which came over to us from the ages-of-long-ago, menstruation is still considered a _noli-me-tangere_, and women are afraid to bathe, to douche or even to wash during the periods. Woman Her Sex and Love Life
  • When the lovely daughter tries to lay the blame for her own transgression on a bewitchment, Nell and her grandmother suffer terrible consequences from the frenzied folly of a superstitious community.
  • The trees around a Shintô shrine are specially under the protection of the god to whom the altar is dedicated; and, in connection with them, there is a kind of magic still respected by the superstitious, which recalls the waxen dolls, through the medium of which sorcerers of the middle ages in Europe, and indeed those of ancient Greece, as Theocritus tells us, pretended to kill the enemies of their clients. Tales of Old Japan
  • Rather confusing am I supposed to recoil from this thing in superstitious horror, or say 'aaah', tickle its tummy and give it a prawn? The Nazis : Dressed To Kill
  • The gloom of religious abstraction and the wildness of their situation among trackless forests and savage tribes had disposed the colonists to superstitious fancies, and had filled their imaginations with the frightful chimeras of witchcraft and spectrology. The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • He keeps a superstitious bracelet on his wrist so he can touch wood when he flies. Times, Sunday Times
  • A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople.
  • That self-moving, selfcreating nation necessitated an Irish centre of policy, and I planned a premature impossible peace between those two devouring heads because I was sedentary and thoughtful; but Maud Gonne was not sedentary, and I noticed that before some great event she did not think but became exceedingly superstitious. Collected Works of W. B. Yeats Volume III Autobiographies
  • A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople.
  • Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck.
  • I uncovered lots more money superstitions, including embedding silver coins in Christmas puddings, the tooth fairy, and the fact that actors are superstitious about using real money on stage.
  • Be it so: though I am not superstitious, I have a right to be imaginative, and my imagination will hold to those words of the old zingara with an irresistible feeling that, sooner or later, they will prove true. A Mortal Antipathy: first opening of the new portfolio
  • The gloom of religious abstraction, and the wildness of their situation, among trackless forests and savage tribes, had disposed the colonists to superstitious fancies, and had filled their imaginations with the frightful chimeras of witchcraft and spectrology. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • He was also superstitious, explaining that the fox's tail he fastened to his saddle was for good luck, and the blue and brown beads he wore around his wrist were meant to ward off wraiths and evil spirits.
  • The Somali let misformed children live, but regard them with superstitious fear. The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Studies of the Activities and Influences of the Child Among Primitive Peoples, Their Analogues and Survivals in the Civilization of To-Day
  • He said: 'I am very superstitious. The Sun
  • For the first time in my life a superstitious dread came over me; and as I turned a dark angle of the stairway and an invisible cobweb swung its slazy woof in my face and clung there, I shuddered as one who had encountered a phantom. Sketches New And Old
  • A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople.
  • In general I do not think of myself as a particularly superstitious person, but then things like this happen and I realize I am constantly on the look out for signs and portents in the world around me.
  • The current view about witches is, we presume, that they were a collection of sour beldams and neurotic girls, unusually prone to hallucinations, who were the victims of terrified or malicious neighbours aided by ignorant and superstitious judges.
  • What began as a superstitious practice of players not shaving during the season has become a totem of the sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • Superstitious turtle Churchy LaFemme was the putative author of many of these gems, though the rest of the cast could be just as prone to poesy.
  • In remoter, more traditional regions, superstitious parents uphold a tradition of giving children unflattering names so as to escape the attentions of evil spirits and witches.
  • Jean was extremely superstitious and believed the colour green brought bad luck.
  • To a superstitious eye, Lucy Ashton, folded in her plaided mantle, with her long hair, escaping partly from the snood and falling upon her silver neck, might have suggested the idea of the murdered Nymph of the fountain. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • The superstitious 35-year-old singer and impressionist was remanded on bail in his absence charged with affray.
  • I do not hesitate to assert that death itself were preferable to a condition of mind such as enslaves those who are the victims of that cruel superstitious belief known as conjuration, when from the very nature of its teachings they are cut off from all hope, and relegated to gloomy forebodings and despair. Recollections of the Inhabitants, Localities, Superstitions, and KuKlux Outrages of the Carolinas. By a "Carpet-Bagger" Who Was Born and Lived There
  • “He has a look of auld Humphrey Ettercap, the tinkler, that perished in this very moss about five years syne,” answered his superstitious companion; “but Humphrey wasna that awfu’ big in the bouk.” The Black Dwarf
  • All this is ULTIMATE PROOF that JVHV-1 has not only promoted the SubGenius as His Special Tool, but has simultaneously pulled Their strings, making Them endarken themselves with their hereditary ignorance and superstitious witchhuntery. The Book of the SubGenius
  • In short, they very unceremoniously treat the Parisians who believe in Gargantua as ignorant simpletons and superstitious idiots, with whom are intermixed a few hypocrites, who pretend to believe in Gargantua, in order to obtain some convenient priorship in the abbey of Thélême. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The most important and the dearest phase of human experience must come, of course, through its religious beliefs, and as they are narrow and superstitious, on the one hand, or grand with faith and understanding of law, on the other, do we judge of the status of the individual, the community, and the race; and the advances made upon this line mark the progress of what we term civilization on this planet. Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul
  • Puamana was superstitious, solitary, vain about her looks, never late, indeed fanatical in matters of punctuality, a brisk walker, not a loiterer or a lingerer. Beard
  • Madame de Genlis was superstitious and a Latinist. Les Miserables
  • Being only a "cookee," [AA] he had no person to wait upon him, but was obliged to submit to the distressing operation of feeding himself in the manner proscribed by the superstitious ordinance; and he was told by the tohunga, or priest, that if he presumed to put one finger to his mouth before he had completed the work he was about, the atua (divinity) would certainly punish his impious contempt, by getting into his stomach before his time, and eating him out of the world. John Rutherford, the White Chief
  • This is a superstitious, heavily Catholicized region where rapt attention is paid the priests who hold court and scare the locals.
  • This may be because of a superstitious belief that making a will hastens your demise.
  • That is far more than the vast majority of the believers of the barbaric, Bronze age fairy stories of pig-ignorant desert tribes and superstitious goat-herders are prepared to do. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Puamana was superstitious, solitary, vain about her looks, never late, indeed fanatical in matters of punctuality, a brisk walker, not a loiterer or a lingerer. Beard
  • Seems like our supermen and women can't really prove themselves worthy unless they do it against creatures and creations from the realm of the superstitious and the supernatural.
  • Examples of things that should be expunged is circumcision on women, marriage based on ethnicity/kinship, superstitious beliefs and practices (example ogbanje) etc etc. Interview Thursday:"No one tried to help me when I was raped.I tried to reach out to my best friend at the time but she completely backed off"- Adaeze
  • We're moving on now, leaving medieval doctrines and superstitious belief systems behind.
  • The instructor first disposed of what he called superstitious "heresies" concerning the gas, in order to prevent the men from having panic and With Our Soldiers in France
  • Some superstitious fools suppose that they which die of the garget are ridden with the nightmare, and therefore they hang up stones which naturally have holes in them, and must be found unlooked for; as if such a stone were an apt cockshot for the devil to run through and solace himself withal, while the cattle go scotfree and are not molested by him! Of the Air and Soil and Commodities of This Island. Chapter X. [1577, Book I., Chapter 13; 1587, Book I., Chapter 18
  • His counterpart, James Ussher, Protestant archbishop of Armagh from 1625, returned the compliment, drawing up with his fellow bishops in 1626 an uncompromising attack upon the Roman Catholic church declaring it to be superstitious, idolatrous, erroneous, heretical and apostatical.
  • They really are quite a superstitious race once you strip their thin veneer of scientific polish away.
  • Apart from health problems, it makes children superstitious and exposes them to morbid fears and phobias.
  • Looking at the woman, demurely gowned in mutedly iridescent silk, her fingers resting lightly on her husband's sleeve, Derian was at first inclined to dismiss those rumors as mere superstitious talk. Through Wolfs Eyes
  • The more superstitious among us would have sworn our hockey luck was jinxed.
  • _ But when I set this definition alongside the case of an otherwise intelligent man carrying in his trousers 'pocket a raw potato as a protection against rheumatism, and alongside the case of another man carrying in his vest pocket a piece of brimstone to prevent him taking cramp in the stomach; and when I consider the case of ladies wearing earrings as a preventive against, or cure for, sore eyes; and, again, when I remembered a practice, very frequent a few years ago, of people wearing what were known as galvanic rings in the belief that these would prevent their suffering from rheumatism, I could not perceive any direct connection between such superstitious practices and religion, and the construction of a new definition was rendered necessary. Folk Lore Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century
  • The curators also pick up on two literary narratives that illustrate the superstitious side of our feelings about automata. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a superstitious idea that the ghost can cast a living man under a spell.
  • Obviously what happened was that the image of the cross being almost blotted out by the darkness was triggering superstitious thoughts. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • I'm not a superstitious man. The Sun
  • There's almost a sense that people are turning the clock back to more superstitious pre-scientific times.
  • Alec, despite his grounding in the rational science of making lots of money, is swayed by symbols and portents, seemingly mundane signs that he interprets superstitiously to be indicators of the path he is meant to pursue.
  • I always put my left shoe on first; I'm superstitious .
  • No, this "unnatural" nonsense is merely the superstitious hokum of the creationist who believes in behavioural decrees as aspects of a grand and unified design, an absoute truth writ in the spiritual order, manifest in the natural order and to be obeyed in the social order. The Protocols of the Elders of Sodom
  • He felt a longing for the extraordinary, for the original, for the adventuresomeness of artistic youth; and political master of a county, heir of a feudal dominion virtually, he nevertheless would read the name of any writer or painter whatsoever with the superstitious respect of a rustic churl. The Torrent Entre Naranjos
  • He had stared into the misshapen shadows of deep night with superstitious wakefulness, and by the time the darkness lifted, he could feel the liquid weight of the infection in his lungs.
  • They aren't that superstitious, but they do have to watch what they say as soon as they enter a school. Times, Sunday Times
  • In November of that year the newly appointed Anglican Archbishop of Armagh, James Ussher, and his suffragan bishops issued a statement declaring that the ‘religion of papists is superstitious and idolatrous erroneous and heretical.’
  • The related departments have closed 1,278 illegal web sites and 114 sites promoting gambling, superstitious activities and cult propaganda according to the information provided by the informers.
  • His attack on the popular superstitious practice of turning the mezuzah into an amulet is particularly sharp.
  • He preached the worship of the One Supreme Being, deprecating idolatry and superstitious beliefs and observances.
  • To most people, the old myths and legends are quaint reminders of a bygone and superstitious age, and have nothing much to tell us anymore.
  • The moollah, however, had a tale of his own to tell, and seemed to have no great respect for the superstitious fears of his patron. A Peep into Toorkisthhan
  • Some superstitious fools suppose that they which die of the garget are ridden with the nightmare, and therefore they hang up stones which naturally have holes in them, and must be found unlooked for; as if such a stone were an apt cockshot for the devil to run through and solace himself withal, while the cattle go scot-free and are not molested by him! Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • It cannot begin its own work until it has sloughed off all its superstitious regard for the past.
  • But there are some superstitious folks who might be put off buying a dream home because it has a chequered past. The Sun
  • Does this mean that dominant groups in the United States see first-generation Hispanics as hypersexual, overly-superstitious rubes with heavy accents? Stephen Palacios: Hispanic Images In The Media: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Bratt
  • We document the existence of the influence of superstitious beliefs on consumer behavior and specify their conscious and nonconscious underlying properties.
  • A spokesman for the company said, ‘I am superstitious about giving specific times as there are too many unknowns at the moment.’
  • I uncovered lots more money superstitions, including embedding silver coins in Christmas puddings, the tooth fairy, and the fact that actors are superstitious about using real money on stage.
  • They aim to deliver the people who are in bondage to superstitious belief.
  • [1] He is the first, and though he may not superstitiously feel the situation, yet he certainly has the start of them all, and the more there may be that sett off after him so much the better fun for the composer. Letter 204
  • All these old novels bear the religions and superstitious characters of the feudal society.
  • Meanwhile, as the country was temporarily distracted by a 9/11 hoax hatched by superstitious goobers using their voodoo tome to motivate the burning of a rival's superstitious falderal, the United States government was selling billions of dollars of weaponry to the very country from which our attackers and their mastermind hail, Saudi Arabia. James Campion: The Money Season
  • 'When we spoke of this subject, after our inquiries were over, you reproached me with taking what you called the superstitious view. The Haunted Hotel: A Mystery of Modern Venice
  • The two of them now a superstitious swamp devil, humming, hovering, and plowing through miasma.
  • The last Scottish coronation, that of Charles II in 1651, was a hasty business in the midst of adversity: Charles was required to swear to the covenant, and anointing was dropped as a superstitious and popish practice.
  • It probably won't convince the die-hards, but for many it might crystalise their thoughts and allow more people to openly challenge the status quo and call religion what it is - superstitious claptrap that has got the world into a whole heap of trouble - and continues so to do. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The latest public opinion poll showed that 25% of us consider ourselves superstitious.
  • With this view commissioners were sent in January 1641 into every county "for the defacing, demolishing, and quite taking away of all images, altars, or tables turned altarwise, crucifixes, superstitious pictures, monuments, and reliques of idolatry out of all churches and chapels. History of the English People, Volume V (of 8) Puritan England, 1603-1660
  • Societies of Paris, etc. Neurologist to Freedmen's Hospital and Epiphany Dispensary, Lecturer on Nervous and Mental Diseases, Howard University, Washington, D.C. THERE is a general impression that the explanations of natural phenomena, including human destinies, to which the term superstitious is given are usually attributable to the vestiges of traditional cosmogonies of our tribal ancestors handed down to children at the knees of their parents or guardians. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • It is a fond conceit of the superstitious Jews that his blasphemy was in pronouncing the name of Jehovah, which they call ineffable: he that made himself known by that name never forbade the calling of him by that name. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
  • I am fairly superstitious, and the fact that I was left with an injury that only stopped me from riding superbikes, and not from doing anything else, made me think it was meant to be.

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