
How To Use Superlative In A Sentence

  • In fact, it is easy to run out of superlatives for a gig as good as this and I defy anyone to emerge disappointed by what they have seen and heard - these guys are in danger of setting themselves some impossibly high standards.
  • These small detractions don't stop Raimi's film from being a superlative movie, a rare sequel that betters its predecessor, a rare blockbuster that has an emotional heart.
  • The county remains agog since that superlative victory over Tipperary and supporters will relish this latest opportunity to get another look at the heroes of that unforgettable day.
  • It was obvious that Americans enjoyed everything in superlative form: the biggest, the best, the only, and the unique. SEA WOLF
  • The handful of guitar instruction DVDs I have watched range from superlative to abysmal, and nowadays the marketplace is glutted with guitar videos.
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  • One reason may be that doctors get ground down by pill-focused patients who want quick fixes, and patients who can be superlative deniers about their personal health risks.
  • This east European touring group has built a reputation that eats up superlatives.
  • This extravagant praise, moreover, takes the form of far-fetched metaphors, antitheses, hyperboles, superlatives, elaborate syntax, etc.
  • He just is not ready to share such happiness with the rest of the world, but on this superlative form that time may well come. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rambling grounds beyond, within which nestles the Normandy-inspired hamlet where Marie-Antoinette played at being a dairymaid, are a superlative example of the romantic, landscaped garden. Gardens of Delight
  • And the only one who saw through the hyperbole and the meaningless superlatives was my Aunt Petunia, and she was half-deaf.
  • The Super Bowl might as well be called the superlative bowl. Winning wings and pizzas with pizzazz for Super Bowl Sunday
  • Her husband was the first person of the day not to offer up a single superlative. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also makes one wonder how many superlative pieces of literature might be lurking out there, forgotten.
  • Kudos to this dancer for thinking beyond the customary perception of affording Rama the superlative prowess; thereby questioning his viability to be worshipped.
  • `most surely' is the superlative of the adverb `surely'
  • The superlatively discreet foreign - exchange banker diversified from the very beginning, selling antiques and procuring loans.
  • And yet, he was just turned forty was clear-eyed, calm-hearted, hearty-pulsed, man-strong; and yet, his history, until he was thirty, had been harum-scarum and erratic to the superlative. CHAPTER IV
  • So, go ahead and wallow in what little meaness you can derive from the superlative performance of this administration. Poll: Obama approval rating dips under 60 percent
  • They cut glass, they refract light into perfect hearts-and-arrows, and they have superlative fire and brilliance.
  • Many inclines around the country boast some type of superlative; this one says they are the steepest, and rightly so.
  • The Old Masters owed their designation not only to superlative technique but also to their ability to represent the right subject.
  • I feel woefully inadequate to even review their programme because they left me speechless and with only the ability to utter superlatives.
  • What was needed therefore was a superlative comeback - original, clever without pretentiousness and above all very funny.
  • The festival program notes for this film are dripping with superlatives, which should always make you suspicious.
  • If one ventures to wonder whether Haitink has the quicksilver mind necessary for Mozart, it is only because his Verdi and Wagner were superlative.
  • The band has struck gold with this technique and, though the superlatives are already flying left and right in this feature, has come up with the best produced album of the year.
  • This is a fine motion picture with a couple of superlative performances.
  • Those who make it possess superlative skill and fierce competitive will. Times, Sunday Times
  • We found lobsters among the rocks, too, and on some beaches a strange kind of lobsterish delicacy called in Tahiti _varo_, a kind of mantis-shrimp that looks like a superlatively villainous centipede. White Shadows in the South Seas
  • Critics were busy dusting down the same superlatives they had applied to their first three films.
  • The Mosan workshops were notable for their ivories, superlative champlevé enamel, often with sophisticated typological iconography, and cast and embossed metalwork.
  • I am leery of superlatives but am not inclined to argue with that.
  • The superlative cast is in top form in this season.
  • I believe my aunt had been his tutoress; for it was his awe, his reverence for so superlative a Lady [I assure you!] Clarissa Harlowe
  • Bonzer, boshter, bosker -- Adjectives expressing the superlative of excellence. The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke
  • • Evidence that the district intends to state explicitly in its policies and procedures that it will not consider race as a factor for any extracurricular activities, including superlative categories in a school yearbook such as choice for the "blondest" students. The Daily News - News
  • A wonderful family home where no superlatives can really do justice to what awaits.
  • the critics lavished superlatives on it
  • Powerful, well-acted films are easy to review, with no end of superlatives to string together to laud the acting, directorial genius, and so forth.
  • But the food, hospitality and childcare are superlative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accordingly from today and continuing during the coming week I shall be giving further instructive examples of superlative endgame performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island.
  • They offer fried fish, ice-cold beer and superlative views of the ocean. The Sun
  • _comparison_; there are two degrees of comparison, the comparative, which increases or diminishes the quality, is formed by adding _er_ to the adjective in its positive state; the superlative increases or diminishes the comparative to its last degree, and is formed by adding A Week of Instruction and Amusement, or, Mrs. Harley's birthday present to her daughter : interspersed with short stories, outlines of sacred and prophane history, geography &c.
  • He is in superlative form. Times, Sunday Times
  • In her character, what phrenologists call "destructiveness," in the comprehensive sense of the word, was superlatively developed. Lucretia — Volume 02
  • This is the kind of superlative language reserved for Berlin Walls falling or apartheids ending, not for one person, one athlete. Me and Mrs. Jones
  • The magazine article contained so many superlatives that I found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true.
  • Press releases are very often filled with a plethora of superlatives and not always so clever comparisons, aimed at creating a buzz, sometimes over nothing.
  • Superlative Group also started selling smaller suites called loge boxes on February 9th. KWCH - RSS
  • So many superlatives have already been applied to this tour-de force of a one-man show that it is hard to add anything new.
  • She soon regretted what she'd done. In the comparative or superlative or in expressions such as as soon as possible, soon emphasizes that something is done without delay:Please reply as soon as possible.
  • Here the superlative degree makes sense because we are comparing this year's crop to the crops from all earlier years
  • In the future, Ernie, when I start tossing superlatives, give me a swift kick and remind me of time I allowed an entire show to be based on one ament al fruit. Temporary Wife
  • The time and care was taken, and the result is this film I can't seem to find enough superlatives to describe.
  • They remove almost all ambient noise and let superlative sonics shine through. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a lull in the middle, and just as the audiences attention starts to fade, the film shifts straight from neutral and into fifth launching a visual assault of such kinetic action that mere superlatives don't do it justice.
  • Instead, it wants to delve into the mindset of someone who earns obscene amounts of money for having a superlative skill, and how such a superman complex can corrupt even the most hardworking, dedicated individual.
  • Invariably, when the best performers are asked what they were thinking about when they turned in a superlative performance, their answer is ‘nothing.’
  • A man _knows_ that he can do a certain thing that seems extremely dangerous, therefore he does it boldly, not because he is superlatively bold by any means, but because he knows there is no risk -- at least none to him. Erling the Bold
  • In this age of hype, it is common to hear players routinely showered with superlatives, often undeservingly so. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like its similarly underrated cousin, Birth, Joshua makes up in potent atmosphere and formal mastery what it lacks in narrative logic; unlike Birth, however, it's further enhanced by two superlative adult performances (courtesy Sam Rockwell and Vera Farmiga) that invest a ludicrous premise with conviction and behavioral nuance. GreenCine Daily: Sundance. Joshua.
  • Famous for his slow tempos and his cultivation of a titanic, monumental style, he was a superlative interpreter of Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, and Mahler.
  • Not like anything else we've had, but reminiscent of the experience of sampling a superlative prosciutto or culatello, I always thought Jabugo was the word for ham. Rozanne Gold: The World's Best Ham: It May Be $150/lb But It May Be Worth It
  • Nowadays, even the cheapest laser printers offer superlative image quality in both text and graphics.
  • Anything in ponyskin looks superlative. Times, Sunday Times
  • A level-headed man who prefers to avoid superlatives, Edwards says he believes the sisters have the potential to go all the way. The moving story of Britain's answer to the Williams sisters
  • The playfulness and the superlative performances seemed inextricably linked. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Bedbound’ has been hailed with a chorus of critical superlatives and accolades from its audiences nationwide.
  • Its combination of superlative pilot and navigational skills and scientific ingenuity have earned it an indelible place in the annals of the RAF. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fancy a woman of superlative beauty, of the highest courage and calmness, a woman of many resources, of genius, brought up by a petty princelet of a father, upon Tacitus and Sallust, and the tales of the great Malatestas, of Caesar Borgia and such-like! Hauntings
  • One may follow Woman Decorative in the Orient on vase, fan, screen and kakemono; as she struts in the stiff manner of Egyptian bas reliefs, across walls of ancient ruins, or sits in angular serenity, gazing into the future through the narrow slits of Egyptian eyes, oblivious of time; woman, beautiful in the European sense, and decorative to the superlative degree, on Greek vase and sculptured wall. Woman as Decoration
  • The phrases "most supreme," and "chiefest," in the first sentence, are incorrect, because _supreme_ and _chief_ are in the superlative degree without having the superlative form superadded, which addition makes them double superlatives. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • `least famous' is the superlative degree of the adjective `famous'
  • In order to showcase the most advanced towers piercing the clouds, "Supertall!" curator Carol Willis selected a skyscraper subset of what she calls "superlative buildings. - Home Page
  • This superlative series is back. Times, Sunday Times
  • so many highest superlatives achieved by man
  • His virtue, physical prowess, and most importantly his desire to acquire superlative objects from Europe and elsewhere, are manifested in this magnificent display of arms and armour.
  • _prestissimo_ (superlative of _presto_) _vivacissimo_ (superlative of _vivace_) _allegrissimo_ (superlative of _allegro_) _prestissimo possibile_ (hypersuperlative of _presto_) Essentials in Conducting
  • This new two-disc release is not to be missed: it's a superlative treatment of one of Hollywood's greatest classics.
  • No slide shows, no superlatives in the press release, and only the briefest of presentations.
  • a dreadful little man . Note that it is usually only used before a noun and that it is rarely used in the comparative and superlative.
  • When detected in pilfering, they appear extremely foolish and ashamed, because it is superlatively dishonorable - not to steal - but to have failed in an attempt, the complete achievement of which would have added renown to their characters for dexterity and address. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • When I saw it first last year, I promised to uncork a jeroboam of superlatives for its UK release.
  • What a sensational day and what a superlative performance from England's bowling attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • The green peppers make a fruity hot sauce, while the ripe ones make a superlative red sauce similar to Tabasco.
  • The playfulness and the superlative performances seemed inextricably linked. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has taken character and guts, on and off the field, as well as some superlatively effective play.
  • After writing nearly 100 DVD reviews, one begins to run out of superlatives to describe the better discs which pass before the eyes and ears.
  • Three million acres of pristine unspoiled natural grandeur means that one soon runs out of superlatives.
  • Most common of all the overloaded comparatives and superlatives are ungainly shades of well-known, which display complete ignorance of the good-better-best, bad-worse-worst gradations.
  • The telescopes will revolutionise astronomy and herald a new era of superlative stargazing. Times, Sunday Times
  • We went to a superlative restaurant.
  • The magazine article contained so many superlatives that I found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true.
  • The superlative handling seems at odds with the ride height, which is greater than your average saloon, adding to the unfashionable ‘upright’ feel of the package as a whole.
  • The 1950s recordings have been in limbo until recently, boasting neither modern sound nor superlative sentimental value.
  • The signs of extreme rarity of certain presumed comparative and superlative forms are puzzling.
  • Ellen Levy, a Colorado Springs resident and member of the liberal group MoveOn. org, called both Romanoff and Bennet "superlative" candidates, but said she was voting for the incumbent because of his fierce advocacy for a public option during the health care reform debate. David Sirota: What the Final Days of the Colorado Senate Race Say About the Media and the Movement
  • Washburn a name like that is destined for fame paraded his companys flour before a panel of judges, and Superlative Flour cakewalked away with the grand prize. Let Me Eat Cake
  • Befitting such a stellar cast, the performances were superlative throughout.
  • A little patience is enough -- patience, which according to Buffon is genius; but which I, more modestly, will call the superlative virtue of the observer. Social Life in the Insect World
  • A slave followed with a terebinth table and crystal dice, and I noted one piece of luxury that was superlative; for instead of black and white pieces, he used gold and silver coins. Satyricon
  • The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island.
  • But it has flourished through hard work, thrift and a superlative export base. The Sun
  • When I saw it first last year, I promised to uncork a jeroboam of superlatives for its UK release.
  • For such a rendering would in a measure constitute a kind of superlative (K.S. 309 1), but a superlative that bears the meaning that even Yahweh was impressed by this hunter's prowess and achievements -- a thought that strikes us as involving a rather trivial conception of God. Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • But for all that swagger, what makes Kael superlative is her femininity. Another 5001 Nights at the Movies
  • (The superlative degree of _allegro_.) _Allegro agitato_ -- a moderately rapid tempo, and in agitated style. Music Notation and Terminology
  • What we call the vicarious sacrifice of Christ is nothing strange as regards the Nothing superlative in the principle of the cross. principle of it, no superlative, unexampled, and therefore unintelligible grace. The Vicarious Sacrifice, Grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation.
  • The second series of this superlative Danish drama ends tonight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mosaic of landforms and habitat types creates superlative scenic vistas.
  • He was a superlative draughtsman and his work has appealed greatly to other outstanding draughtsmen, such as Hockney and Picasso.
  • It's simply contradictory to be superlatively intelligent and believe in absurdities. On religion in the public sphere
  • All kidding aside, here's another fine CD from a flutist who has given us superlative recordings of music from the Baroque and Classical eras.
  • Only those fund managers with an impeccable record of delivering superlative returns should be able to charge anything above 0.5% a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are superlative versions of the kids we once were, and the choreography recalls playtime from long ago. Seattle Weekly | Complete Issue
  • The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island.
  • No reference book sells more copies or draws gushier superlatives Timeless! 2010 May 20 « Exile on Ninth Street
  • Perhaps not quite on the same superlative level of accomplishment, but nevertheless making a distinguished and original contribution, is Veronese's work in a third area of secular painting, that of portraiture.
  • This superlative series ends tonight, and it has chilling implications for the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • This last point isn’t at all trivial, in view of the odd property of superlatives that they are acceptable as prenominal modifiers in many cases in which the corresponding simple and comparative forms aren’t: You can say the closest bank to my house but not a close bank to my house or a closer bank to my house than the Deadwood Trust. No Uncertain Terms
  • This daunting, darkly astringent music was played in a superlative manner by cellist Marilyn De Olivera (a graduate of Indiana and Rice Universities).
  • Fascism is a gross deformity on the once awe inspiringly superlative face of this earth, and such blights so easily make otherwise beautiful spectacles the ugliest of things.
  • 'My adored Mrs. Arlbery!' cried he, (hoisting himself upon the shop counter, and swinging a switch to and fro, with a languid motion) 'your maxims are all of the first superlative, except this; but nobody's civil now, you know; 'tis a fogramity quite out.' Camilla
  • Too many superlatives lend a note of insincerity.
  • It includes a superlative analysis of the fundamental ways in which traditional Islamic thought differs from both Judaeo-Christian and Enlightenment concepts and shows the full extent of the challenge that Moslem modernizers face. Reading for Washington’s Birthday
  • Although lecherously swarmy as befits the character, the performance seems an ill fit for him, thus detracting from any otherwise superlative work.
  • OMG, my dear Gringal, how could I have left out the superlatives which captivate the imagination, turn the palette and brighten the eyes with a pinch of excellence. Page 2
  • Critics were busy dusting down the same superlatives they had applied to their first three films.
  • It's hard to find enough superlatives to describe this book.
  • Black peak overlooking Ko, such as a huge stone bridge Superlative Craftsmanship become a spectacle.
  • Vasari; he leads us from its cradle to its maturity with the anxious diligence of a nurse; but he likewise has her derelictions: for more loquacious than ample, and less discriminating styles than eager to accumulate descriptions, he is at an early period exhausted by the superlatives lavished on inferior claims, and forced into frigid rhapsodies and astrologic nonsense to do justice to the greater. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 54, No. 338, December 1843
  • In some respects this enthusiasm for the Middle Ages and for Gothic architecture in particular was a matter of fashion: thus Parisian letters of 1834 record as superlatives current in the salons — alongside such curiosities as pyramidale, babylonien, and apocalyptique — the epithets gothique, ogival, and flamboyant. CONCEPT OF GOTHIC
  • The Obama candidacy, in its rocket-blast phase when he outsoared Hillary Clinton, drained the dictionaries of every superlative. Discriminations
  • But it has flourished through hard work, thrift and a superlative export base. The Sun
  • the strings played superlatively well
  • You get a superlative audio and video presentation, and an excellent collection of bonus material.
  • Anderson proves himself a fascinating and adventurous composer as well as a virtuoso bassist in this superlative album.
  • The random use of extravagant superlatives is silly and nugatory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its combination of superlative pilot and navigational skills and scientific ingenuity have earned it an indelible place in the annals of the RAF. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether the adjective is a superlative or a comparative it requires more candidates than the two who have tied at the top.
  • Some superlative wines are made in this region.
  • He was supposed to be recognized for his superlative skill with flight combat and drafted immediately into the test pilot corps.
  • I could hurl more superlatives at the band, but really, they don't need it.
  • Bonzer, boshter, bosker -- Adjectives expressing the superlative of excellence. The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke
  • But it has flourished through hard work, thrift and a superlative export base. The Sun
  • Three million acres of pristine unspoiled natural grandeur means that one soon runs out of superlatives.
  • Anderson proves himself a fascinating and adventurous composer as well as a virtuoso bassist in this superlative album.
  • My awful punishment makes my name execrated everywhere, as if I must have been superlatively bad to have earned it. aforetime ... tabret -- as David was honored (1Sa 18: 6). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Unlike עליון, ὕψιστος is morphologically a superlative, which might be used in an elative sense ( 'very high'), but can also be taken as a true superlative, meaning 'the highest' in a series. Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
  • D. 150 and originally called Μαθηματικη συνταξις {Mathêmatikê syntaxis}, came to be known as Μεγαλη συνταξις {Megalê syntaxis}; the Arabs made up from the superlative μεγιστος {megistos} the word al-Majisti which became The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • So much has been written about the exuberant young musicians from Venezuela that it seems redundant to add more superlatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can heap superlatives attempting to describe the merits of this film.
  • It becomes hard to make out the real men through the billowing superlatives.
  • She soon regretted what she'd done. In the comparative or superlative or in expressions such as as soon as possible, soon emphasizes that something is done without delay:Please reply as soon as possible.
  • The comparative and superlative degrees in adjectives are shown in two ways.
  • Critics were busy dusting down the same superlatives they had applied to their first three films.
  • They offer fried fish, ice-cold beer and superlative views of the ocean. The Sun
  • Those who make it possess superlative skill and fierce competitive will. Times, Sunday Times
  • Superlative point - elastic pin - punched Latex.
  • The 1950s recordings have been in limbo: boasting neither modern sound nor superlative sentimental value, they have not appeared on CD until recently.
  • There is much silliness abroad on the ‘logic’ governing the use of comparatives and superlatives.
  • The cut was immaculate, the styling superlative and the workmanship was outstanding but... the suit was unwearable. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • Too many superlatives lend a note of insincerity.
  • At first glance, Wilson should have been a superlative practitioner of Cabinet government.
  • But I must not fail to commend the Chief Executive of FRSC, Osita Chidoka, for his superlative performance so far and coming from Anambra State we should be on the vanguard of ensuring safety on our roads at all times. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • He has already made both his TV and film debuts, but it is his superlative stage performances in the ‘Music Man’ that have catapulted him close to stardom status.
  • It's a minor point for two such superlative performances. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is really the backbone of the band, with his superlative drumming.
  • Complete is a surrogate superlative, the latest tactic, a piece of discursive dexterity in the sometimes tedious Messi or Ronaldo debate -- presented like it was some kind of incontestable fact.
  • From the Telegraph story: “Bordeaux winegrowers have a habit of throwing in superlatives about vintages and the sceptical may question the fortuity of such a great year given that Bordeaux sales have been falling in the wake of the 2005 boom.” Bordeaux 09, Sean Connery, Binny’s, uprooting – sipped and spit | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • All the performances are superlative - although Blunt is more scary than vulnerable. The Sun
  • Wherein, in an inconsistency with a faithful testimony against the declared enemies of the church's head and king, they affect to express a superlative loyalty unto the prelatic possessors of power, not much differing from the forms imposed upon, and observed by the Erastian church. Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • Leo McIntire then took over her mantle but his eloquent oration and superlatives went over the head of Brendan Bradley, who had to ask me what some of the big words meant.
  • Hell, I've spent the last two months hoping time would temper the superlatives I knew would pepper this review.
  • This is a nice mode of serving the remains of roasted game, but when a superlative salmi is desired, the birds must be scarcely more than half roasted for it. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • Peter Damian, who lost both his parents while still very young and was raised by his siblings, received a superlative education in jurisprudence and Greek and Latin culture. Saints
  • And to say all this is not yet to comment on the superlative choreography and dancing.
  • The term "bully" as an adjective was a superlative in TR's day, but the effect, a platform from which one may persuasively to advocate an agenda, is the same. Balkinization
  • While the rest of the world scoured their thesauruses for superlatives, the band themselves were concentrating.
  • He also got all the superlatives, where I got ‘let's move on, that'll do’.
  • All the obvious categories by means of which the Dutch school distinguished itself are on display here, invariably in the form of superlative examples, and often in the form of nicely contrasted offerings to boot.
  • Not a superlative film but a perfectly solid one and one that is going to be rolling out in limited release quite soon.
  • `fastest' is the superlative of the adjective `fast'
  • So much has been written about the exuberant young musicians from Venezuela that it seems redundant to add more superlatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • _prestissimo_ (superlative of _presto_) _vivacissimo_ (superlative of _vivace_) _allegrissimo_ (superlative of _allegro_) _prestissimo possibile_ (hypersuperlative of _presto_) Essentials in Conducting
  • At that time it was a contemporary drama; now it is a period piece, and the transition is managed with superlative intelligence.
  • There are incredible details in his mazurkas, and he has found how to make them doubly interesting by playing them with the utmost degree of gentleness, with a superlative softness.
  • The superlatively analytical Inspector Hemingway reveals his unnerving talent for solving a fiendish problem.
  • Thus, in the phrase, A skilful artist, you know the adjective _skilful_ is in the positive degree; but, by placing the adverb _more_ before the adjective, we increase the degree of quality denoted by the adjective to the comparative; as, A _more_ skilful artist: and _most_ renders it superlative; as, A _most_ skilful artist. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • It was a night ripe with superlatives and mind-boggling statistics.

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