How To Use Superiority In A Sentence

  • Instead of talking about the mechanical superiority of their latest cars, manufacturers hired the sexiest, perkiest breasted young women they could find to writhe, lean and lick their lips next to their new products. Judith Acosta: How Marketers Capitalize On Your Fear: Confessions Of An Ex-Ad-Woman
  • It gives them an air of superiority that makes them seem impervious to other people's feelings. Times, Sunday Times
  • They realized it would be suicidal to resist in the face of overwhelming military superiority.
  • It should already be clear that it was Mariana, rather than Suarez, who might be called the forebear of John Locke's theory of popular consent and the continuing superiority of the people to the government.
  • This procedure is a form of critique: the photomontage provides us a critical distance to reflect on what we had been prompted to desire, whether it was a luxury product, an ideal of feminine beauty, a racial superiority, or an entire way of life. Merrill Cole: WikiLeaks and David Wojnarowicz: A Perspective from Berlin
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  • It is the general rule, that all superior men inherit the elements ofsuperiority from their mother. 
  • It is such a mouth as we can imagine some remorseless inquisitor to have had -- that is, not an inquisitor filled with holy zeal for what he mistakenly thought the cause of Christ demanded, but a spleeny, envious, rancorous shaveling, who tortured men from hatred of their superiority to him, and sheer love of inflicting pain. Andersonville — Volume 1
  • I've never heard the term aged news," said Mr. Berke, giving off an air of superiority, even if it was a feeble attempt at being funny. Times Editors Bomb in Daily Show Visit
  • In short, without air superiority mobile forces may be extremely vulnerable and air superiority can probably be guaranteed for only comparatively short periods of time. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • Stanley's complaint is about the inadequacy of phyletic gradualism to account for the known facts of paleontology and the superiority of punctuated equilibria as an explanation for those facts.
  • Conclusion LAVH has notable superiority mild trauma , minimal injury and quick recovery in gynecologic surgery.
  • During the seven weeks he served at the fort, Fetterman grew increasingly insubordinate and desperate to prove his superiority in battle.
  • The myth of male superiority was losing its potency.
  • It is the general rule, that all superior men inherit the elements ofsuperiority from their mother. 
  • South with cotton, rice, sugar, etc. Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee evinced their noted superiority in the culture of the nicotian plant, which is in such great favor with the consumers of tobacco. By Water to the Columbian Exposition
  • If Irene had struck me in dancing the 'forlana', why should not I have pleased her in spite of my superiority in age? Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 20: Milan
  • Taking Medalon was not going to be easy, despite the Kariens ' numerical superiority and the much-talked-about blessing of the Overlord. TREASON KEEP
  • Omi crooked a finger for the waitress who offered the bill with subtle deference, and Omi paid it with subtle superiority.
  • The only bleat was City's failure to turn such superiority into goals.
  • The disc extras offer a further level of superiority over the previous release, which was a barebones disc.
  • Guangxi boasts abundant bauxite mineral resources for the development of aluminum industry with the advantaged superiority.
  • Differences in wealth and the superiority of elder over younger sons are ignored as they take their places according to age.
  • Fan though I am of his great performances of yore, his perpetual air of sardonic superiority is now getting very grating.
  • The destruction of the Spanish Armada showed England's superiority as a naval power.
  • The saving knowledge that gives present-day Gnostics their sense of superiority derives not from experiences of divine revelation but from initiation into the historical consciousness provided by higher education.
  • Supported by new concept and theory, EDT has advantaged superiority in solving undetectable problems.
  • the numerical superiority of the enemy
  • True, there are certain races where even a blue-leafed hosta plant would be able to discern the superiority of a Joe Sestak to an avaricious toad like Pat Toomey. Jerry and Joe Long: Can Scum Save Us From Maniacs?
  • There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow. 
  • There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow. 
  • Among these people, a veneer of tolerance masks a deep-seated attitude of superiority and is very patronising.
  • Where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation.
  • The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot. Mark Twain 
  • There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow. 
  • Because radiation floor cover has capability of strong store heat and exothermic, the use ofintermittent adjustment is more superiority and very suitable for civilian residential.
  • All had clashed with their civilian superiors, and their campaigns imploded for the same reasons that led to those clashes: assertions of intellectual superiority, moral certitude and the lack of a common touch.
  • They certainly had overwhelming numerical superiority. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm looking to be entertained: boredom, tedium is the worst literary or filmic sin, and cannot be excused by a pretence to some spurious intellectual superiority.
  • I've talked to lots of reviewers who, like me, are making their year-end lists, and almost all of them seem to agree it's been a challenge to create and sort a list this year, to put games in ascending order of superiority. Was It Really A Bleh Year?
  • But with this aid went a lot of sanctimonious preaching about the superiority of the American way of life.
  • Any item that comes from a chiller cabinet, as opposed to a freezer, tin or packet, has an instant cachet, an aura of freshness and superiority about it.
  • I think our superiority in toe-to-toe organized military combat weaponry has kept us out of fights with countries like Iran, China, and North Korea, and I think we should continue developing these kinds of weapons. Matthew Yglesias » What Is The Laser Avenger For?
  • However, superiority over our ancestors in science and culture does not guarantee us being more artistic.
  • The current drug approval system doesn't yet acknowledge the superiority of human-focused, nonanimal research methods (such as microdosing) and all pharmaceutical companies must use animals to get their drugs approved. Simon Chaitowitz: Why I Take Animal-Tested Drugs
  • The US admiral's impulsive behaviour reflected the mood of a navy which had grown accustomed to overwhelming superiority. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • At higher graphics quality settings the newer graphics core proves its superiority, though.
  • The point of being polite or civil to another human being is not to demonstrate superiority, it is to demonstrate respect.
  • It was also about the use that cultures made of ambassadorial myths to assert their superiority. Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
  • His air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely.
  • Regional economic characteristics are determined by regional differences and superiority, directionality of industrial distribution, laws of labour division and regional benefits.
  • Victory is achieved as a result of realization of superiority in might.
  • Where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation.
  • He is arrogant, pompous, never misses a chance to show off his superiority, and drinks to excess.
  • The word steatopygia comes from the vocabulary of an early pseudoscience which aimed to prove the superiority of the white race.
  • Both the systematic review and meta-analyses confirmed the superiority of combination therapy to inhaled corticosteroids monotherapy.
  • Around midday, immaculately groomed horses appear, ridden by Antonio Banderas lookalikes wearing broad-brimmed hats and expressions of unassailable superiority.
  • Pre-defined criteria for overall superiority in the Phase III study were based on geometric mean titers (GMT) and seroconversion, which is defined as either a rise in HAI titer from Medlogs - Recent stories
  • For instance, even the most scrupulous "handicapping" system can make little allowance for the indolence of a horse like Sea The Stars, whose superiority always seemed masked by an inclination to take it easy once he had hit the front. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Their team has had to bow to Australia's superiority in recent years.
  • In short, without air superiority mobile forces may be extremely vulnerable and air superiority can probably be guaranteed for only comparatively short periods of time. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • Dignified affability is the becomingness of superiority, which while it does not remove the line of distinction, does not render it painfully visible.
  • England needed to stretch Portugal more, impose their numerical superiority in the wide areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Air superiority over the battlefield was retained at all times and the Air Force flew effective army co-operation and tactical reconnaissance missions.
  • Jesus taught meekness and meekness is despised as a vice; he taught the superiority of the spiritual over the material world, and we have society built on the assumption that might makes right; he taught love and the world is corroded with hate; and our admiration goes out to those who can make others serve them; he taught poverty, and the very church which he founded has grown rich on the fruit of sweat shops and prostitution. Aleta Dey
  • Scene after scene, the professor uses the meaning he assigns to words to establish dictatorial superiority over his pupil up until to the abrupt dark comedic ending.
  • The brute force and overwhelming technological superiority of the world's sole superpower preordains the ultimate outcome.
  • She kept silence, with a look of superiority to all monition. New Grub Street
  • Southampton should have registered a club record seventh successive League win but failed to turn their general superiority into goals.
  • They point out that the PROFESS investigators did not put their trust in indirect comparisons that had suggested superiority of the combination of aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole over clopidogrel but directly compared the 2, finding no evidence in the difference between these interventions in the prevention of major vascular events, including cardiac events in patients with subacute ischemic stroke.
  • To Cleveland's credit, it did recognise the superiority of electric traction over other systems and electrified rather swiftly once an effective system had been developed.
  • So is the science of humour all about superiority, anxiety and surprise? The Sun
  • It reinforces a sense of superiority in a society that says it doesn't believe in classes, and it allows Americans to establish feelings of dominance and superiority over others.
  • A Yorkshireman might have answered this complaint, if he thought it deserving of an answer, by requesting Master Mordacks not to be so overquick, but to bide a wee bit longer before he made so sure of the vast superiority of his own wit, for the long heads might prove better than the sharp ones in the end of it. Mary Anerley
  • It gives them an air of superiority that makes them seem impervious to other people's feelings. Times, Sunday Times
  • his recognized superiority in this kind of work
  • There was no superiority to the usual effects of inactive placebos - which is the assumption made by active placebo advocates.
  • As the attributes of the poets of the kosmos concenter in the real body, and in the pleasure of things, they possess the superiority of genuineness over all fiction and romance. Preface to “Leaves of Grass,” 1855
  • A whirlwind start set the tone for the game: the exchanges were hard and physical and there were some fractious moments as tempers flared in the struggle for superiority.
  • A dog can bite you but you must not bite the dog! Your every movement in life must be peaceful; otherwise you lose your ethical superiority! Nonviolent civil disobedience is a genius; no power can beat it; use it when necessary! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • She had short, wavy brown hair that fanned out at the ends, and lovely facial features accented by eyebrows that gave her an incredible air of confidence and superiority.
  • And the reader will see (in the paragraph preceding that memorable one which winds up with the diseased oyster) that he must be a worthless creature for daring to like the book, as he could only do so from a desire to hug himself in a sense of superiority by admeasurement with the most worthless of his fellow-creatures! The Kickleburys on the Rhine
  • But merits of the particular airplane aside, maintaining robust air superiority is generally some of the best dollars spent on the US military. the chocolate whizbang Says: Matthew Yglesias » James Fallows vs The F-22
  • There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow. 
  • The women of his day were no doubt obstreperous and extravagant, and hence his famous but perfectly ineffectual teaching that they should not "broider their hair, or wear gold or silver or costly array," and that they shouldn't talk in meeting, and if they wanted to know anything, ask their husbands, and drink of their intellectual superiority. Fair to Look Upon
  • Maybe the results were pre-ordained by the intrinsic superiority of a renascent New Zealand.
  • He rises with the occasion, and the sheepish "gaby" becomes the knowing practical man; his is now the voice of authority, and his comrades recant on the spot, acknowledge his superiority without a murmur, and perform "ko-tow" before the once despised man of undeveloped abilities. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • Local air superiority was essential, but could not be guaranteed. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • Beyond the obvious nutritional superiority of milk over beer, mistreating dairy cows just doesn't make economic sense; bovines produce better quality and higher volumes of milk when coddled.
  • The superiority of the natural thermal bath over the artificial, resides in the circumstances that the person goes into and comes out of the former at the same temperature, thus avoiding the sensation or chilliness which is felt in coming out of the latter, and which lessens or annuls the good effect which should be derived from it. The Warm Springs, Madison County, Western North Carolina. Howerton & Klein, Proprietors. Hot, Warm, Tepid and Cold Baths
  • Malay, looks upon the Englishman as little removed from a "Kafir" -- an uncircumcised Philistine -- who through ignorance constantly offends in minor points of etiquette, who eats pig and drinks strong drink, is ignorant of the dignity of repose, and whose accidental physical and political superiority in the present world will be more than compensated for by the very inferior and uncomfortable position he will attain in the next. British Borneo Sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo
  • I at once sensed the physical austerity and the quality of social and intellectual superiority characteristic of the best public schools.
  • Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense.
  • He superimposed text on both drawing and script: Text supersedes handwritten script, however, and exerts its hierarchical superiority.
  • Culturalism smacks of attitudes of superiority and cultural elitism - my culture is better than yours.
  • I think one reason that I find it so acceptable for him to assert his superiority and that I find his eccentricities amusing is that I am his boss.
  • We chose this case because it was not a simple story of one innovation's demonstrable technical and economic superiority over an incumbent rival.
  • Because radiation floor cover has capability of strong store heat and exothermic, the use ofintermittent adjustment is more superiority and very suitable for civilian residential.
  • A cat, for instance, is much more dexterous with its paws than a dog. This dexterity fascinates cat lovers, who also cite the cat's legendary standoffishness as proof of its mental superiority.
  • A dog can bite you but you must not bite the dog! Your every movement in life must be peaceful; otherwise you lose your ethical superiority! Nonviolent civil disobedience is a genius; no power can beat it; use it when necessary! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • Madame de Stael: "To understand everything means to forgive everything," has never particularly appealed to me; it has the odor of the confessional; to forgive one's fellow-being conveys the idea of pharisaical superiority. Anarchism and Other Essays
  • Driving the Jaguar gave him a feeling of total control, effortless superiority.
  • "Our air superiority is incredible," a marine sergeant told Associated Press.
  • In his self-satisfied sense of superiority, it never even occurred to him that he might have been addressing one of those ignorant rubes who voted for him.
  • The game opened up and the home side 's superiority shone through against a club in a precarious league position. Times, Sunday Times
  • No sooner has he established his superiority over one mile than he is challenged to do so over half as far again in the Derby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Air superiority is the foundation of our military strategy. Matthew Yglesias » Mark Bowden, Atlantic, Shilling for the F-22
  • But at that time the difference was not so clearly distinguishable; though Charlotte ever felt and owned her sister's superiority in this respect, it was not recognised as of a sort to quite outshine her own little tales in verse, and quite outlustre Anne's pious effusions. Emily Brontë
  • Moreover, in addition to the well-known superiority of the right ear for language tasks, there is evidence of ear differences for simple psychoacoustic tasks such as frequency discrimination.
  • The superiority of the capitalist mode of production led to a rapid transformation of the structure of society.
  • It is the arrogant and totally unearned presumption of smug superiority that infuriated people.
  • The first collection which he published, intituled PAMELA, exhibited the beauty and superiority of virtue in an innocent and unpolished mind, with the reward which often, even in this life, a protecting Providence bestows on goodness. Sir Charles Grandison
  • The idea of superiority is the most seductive notion ever visited upon the human life.
  • The endorphin "buzz" is good; the sense of wellbeing and healthiness; frankly, the sense of satisfaction and even superiority one gets from being fit? they are all part of it. Edison Peña's marathon of endurance
  • Russia reportedly developed anti-satellite weapons at the height of the Cold War and China is judged to pose a threat to the US's strategic superiority in space.
  • THE extraordinary bodily, as well as mental superiority which Wallace and Bruce possessed over their contemporaries, is thus recorded by Hector Boetius: – The Scottish Chiefs
  • Overall, though, the predominant notion in the human noggin is one of superiority. Archive for » 2009 » May : Sustainablog
  • Work is an index of moral superiority. Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
  • There exists a discussible question on how to explain why some big nations, especially some superpowers that have relative superiority in arms level still launch arms race.
  • They have no predictive superiority and are vastly inferior theoretically.
  • British had at the outset a slight superiority, but not beyond the power of the United States to overtake and outpass. Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812 Volume 1
  • Being perplexed by the great losses he was continually sustaining through the Portuguese superiority at sea, the sovereign of Calicut made overtures towards an accommodation; and in a treaty of peace gave permission to the governor-general to build a fort in the island of _Chale_, in a river that falls into the sea about three leagues from Calicut, which is navigable by boats all the way to the foot of the _Gaut_ mountains. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 06 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Thanks to the Russian weapons that have been pouring in, the regime has an obvious military superiority. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Holocaust shows what happened when the Western doctrine of racial superiority was taken to its ultimate extreme.
  • While an excellent aircraft, the F-4 was in many ways the apotheosis of the fighter-bomber, too heavy and lacking the agility to fill the air-superiority role. Matthew Yglesias » Government for Sale
  • The goal was to destroy the enemy's will to fight by demonstrating our superiority and ability to attack into their strongpoint defenses in and around the city at will.
  • It "bossed," by establishing a superiority of numbers, the Standing Committee. Ireland Since Parnell
  • When he spoke, he's surrounded by his usual air of self-confidence, calm, indifference and superiority.
  • Obama has a superiority complex AND he's a "pantywaist" for going on "apology tours" and bowing to show respect to Saudi leaders. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Such situations convinced some of the more devout monks and nuns of the superiority of their vows of poverty. Christianity Today
  • The ecology of Typha is well-known, with several studies on phenology, production rate, competitive superiority and gas transportation into the below-ground biomass.
  • Where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation.
  • ‘The church must repudiate once and for all the unchristian formula of male superiority-female inferiority,’ wrote Sheila D. Collins.
  • Where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation.
  • There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow. 
  • The US admiral's impulsive behaviour reflected the mood of a navy which had grown accustomed to overwhelming superiority. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • The superiority of the technique is warranted by the fact that perfectly healthy clones could be produced by the technique of meristem culture. 1. Household gardening projects in asia: past experience and future directions
  • Driving the Jaguar gave him a feeling of total control, effortless superiority.
  • It is the general rule, that all superior men inherit the elements ofsuperiority from their mother. 
  • There was no denying Ballylinan's superiority as they completely overshadowed an abysmal Rock performance.
  • Any commander who has experienced a withdrawal under pressure knows that it is perhaps the most difficult operation you can conduct and certainly the most dangerous; it gives the attacker a feeling of superiority and demoralizes the withdrawing force. The Coming Afghan Debacle
  • By comparing main properties of pipe with FWRPM, FRP pipe, steel pipe, Cast iron pipe and reinforce concrete make know technical economic superiority of FWRPM pipe and its broad developing prospects.
  • Should players be infused with a sense of individual superiority to achieve the same end?
  • Where part of Woods' dominance is the overt intimidation that his high-octane presence provokes in others, Annika routinely whups what passes for her competition by dint of nothing more than total superiority.
  • The US admiral's impulsive behaviour reflected the mood of a navy which had grown accustomed to overwhelming superiority. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • The settlers remained convinced of their superiority to the native population.
  • He'd love to flaunt the weapon like that under the very nose of the detective, further establishing his intellectual superiority over the dumb cop.
  • It was not, however, a triumph of thoroughly disciplined cricket, of well constructed sessions of play or of an overwhelming superiority over the host nation.
  • It gives them an air of superiority that makes them seem impervious to other people's feelings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sense of moral superiority afforded by this point of view was perhaps in lieu of economic, educational, and social opportunities.
  • The tendency to graze cattle, which is not hard work, and to "gad" about to cattle fairs, which are esteemed the greatest diversion the country affords, is an indication of the distinct superiority of the quick-witted Celt to the dull Saxon hind. Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
  • Driving the Jaguar gave him a feeling of total control, effortless superiority.
  • Their team has had to bow to Australia's superiority in recent years.
  • Also, while he has been portrayed by a number of actors over the years, he always maintains a level of intellectual superiority which gives the character a certain edge and attitude.
  • Hart interlinks themes of power, money, gender and psychological superiority - each character is examined by motive and gain.
  • Work is an index of moral superiority. Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
  • This air of religious superiority informed their efforts to Christianize the ‘heathen’ Indians.
  • Pride is viewed as a negative characteristic, a feeling of conceit or being puffed up with an arrogant superiority.
  • Some people lie to boost their low self- esteem; some people lie to project their superiority. Some people lies to please or make others feel good; some people lie to belittle or hurt others. Some people lie to avoid responsibility or punishment; some people lies to achieve success or to seek personal gains. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Stael: "To understand everything means to forgive everything," has never particularly appealed to me; it has the odor of the confessional; to forgive one's fellow being conveys the idea of pharisaical superiority. Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 1, March 1906
  • It was unmannered or unrefined to be too open about your superiority. Jairus Grove: A User's Guide to the New Racism
  • We now have gained air superiority. The Sun
  • The assertion that material conditions are determinant of social consciousness makes more practical sense than a rather nostalgic belief that the superiority of logic and reasoning could determine how society interrelates. Materialism versus Idealism in the transformation of South Africa
  • There's nothing like a worm attack that spares Linux to bring out the smug superiority in Linux users.
  • What makes this more than a parlor game demonstrating female superiority is the extent to which it reveals the role of empathy in giving. Kelly Kleiman: Whether Women are more Generous than Men, and Whether it Matters
  • The civilizations of classical antiquity used culture and language, but not race, as a basis for making distinctions of superiority and inferiority. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • And we gentle Poms have acclaimed your control, admired your velocity, wet ourselves over the immaculate precision of your bouncers and waxed lyrical over your infinite superiority to our own prissy dobbers.
  • Lorenz Oken (1779–1815), one of the leaders of the German Naturphilosophie movement, published an antimechanist treatise that taught the superiority of intuitively derived concepts, expressed a belief in the archetypal polarities of nature, and championed a search for ideal types and a teleological unity in nature. 1809
  • The technical superiority of laser discs over tape is well established.
  • Sentiment and superiority had helped Paul Wylie win a surprising silver at the 1992 Olympics.
  • They certainly had overwhelming numerical superiority. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eschewing the games industry's decades-old scramble for technical superiority, it even did away with the joypad, a trope few even sought to question, yet in doing so managed to outsell both of the market's safer, more conventional players. This week's new games
  • From Karelia on the Finnish border to Sakha in Eastern Siberia, leaders of autonomous republics began demanding new cultural and political rights, adopting their own constitutions, anthems, and flags, asserting the superiority of their laws over federal ones, even declaring themselves sovereign states. The Return
  • No one weapon was predominant, but victory usually went to the side which best combined its infantry, armour, and artillery and enjoyed air superiority.
  • Some people lie to boost their low self- esteem; some people lie to project their superiority. Some people lies to please or make others feel good; some people lie to belittle or hurt others. Some people lie to avoid responsibility or punishment; some people lies to achieve success or to seek personal gains. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Building on relative superiority is achieved by comparing products systematically with competitors and investing selectively either to improve the attractiveness of the product or to reduce the cost.
  • But then, for vast periods of this game, their opponents were irresistibly confident, buoyed by their clear superiority.
  • One area where the margin is small but distinct is the superiority of the southern hemisphere teams at offloading. Times, Sunday Times
  • An air defense effectiveness indicator in offensive operations should reflect the extent of air superiority of the friendly forces.
  • It just seemed that the Ferrari superiority was such that racing must be terribly boring for all the rest of the drivers.
  • Shall we ascribe this to the superiority of their faith and courage, or to our less intimate knowledge of their history!] † Pliny says, that the greater part of the Christians persisted in avowing themselves to be so; the reason for his consulting Trajan was the periclitantium numerus. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • It is the general rule, that all superior men inherit the elements ofsuperiority from their mother. 
  • Before its climaxless conclusion, the spectacle drags you through all kinds of emotions - interest, amusement, irritation, concern, condescension and probably, by the end, a feeling of self-satisfied superiority, knowing you would never pull those kinds of drunk shenanigans. New Haven Advocate: News
  • In the 17th and 18th centuries, Western superiority was clothed in various guises of culture, color, and religion.
  • The superiority of the capitalist mode of production led to a rapid transformation of the structure of society.
  • Less than three weeks ago I wrote, "The President's worn method of argument and same old attitude of moral superiority is getting tired fast. Verbal Duplicity and False Choices
  • It can be seen as an air of superiority, of being cold and arrogant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather than glory in our differences as the markers of our superiority over others, we need to handle our spiritual heritage with humility and self-denial.
  • No clear solution presents itself at the present, only that the survival and radiation pattern could not have followed from the traditional view that it was all a simple matter of some innate dinosaurian "superiority" and competition. "Hallways...always..."
  • Woo gently argues for the superiority of natural language to rigid formal mathematization when it comes to describing and analyzing complex economic events. Economic Principals
  • Despite Mussolini's colonial policies of racial superiority and mercilessness, the fascist regime claimed to be different from the other colonial powers.
  • Last year we were reminded of those epic days when Fighter Command denied the Luftwaffe air superiority in the skies over Britain.
  • Where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always under good regulation.
  • Objective:To investigate the safety and superiority of blood drawing through an indwelling vein needle on in oral glucose tolerance test .
  • It was predicated on the idea of an inherent superiority of the Greek over the barbarian.
  • The popular conscript army mustered by revolutionary France would demonstrate its superiority over the state commission style, but its abilities were not immediately apparent.
  • It's still stranger to imagine legions of English noctambulists marching into moonlit fields to chant Dryden and Pope; but the implication of Wordsworth's scenario is that anyone undertaking the experiment would soon see the superiority of the night sky to the painted firmament of Augustan poetry.
  • This is the systematic vandalization and humiliation of one civilization by another with technological superiority.
  • The US will need a three-to-one superiority in forces to be sure of a successful attack.
  • They look like members of a snobbish elite who relish their wealth and their sense of superiority.
  • It also make Sectionalize teaching materials by nonlinear edit system and use it as an audio-visual Materials of network broadcast, It reflect the superiority of digitized teaching materials.

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