How To Use Superintendent In A Sentence
Tayside Police admit the whistle-blower's inside knowledge shows he has to be a high-ranking officer - at least an inspector and probably a superintendent.
The group consists of every woman officer in South Yorkshire Police from the rank of inspector to our highest ranking female officer, which at the moment is chief superintendent.
I sensed that strong-willed individuals were voicing their opinion but then deferring to their superintendent's leadership because they respected both him and his position.
Christianity Today
So police officers are being compromised by being pressurised to lie and then being pressurised to drive in a way that could result in death or bodily injury to themselves or to innocent members of public who you have sworn to protect all so that someone snotty superintendent can get a bung from the Home Office
Policing Pledge Response Times – The Ugly Truth! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The superintendent slipped the phone back into its cradle and a crease of worry tucked itself into her forehead.

If the job of the information architect is seen as corresponding with that of a structural architect, then the designer must be seen as an amalgam of superintendent, and foreman.
The medical superintendent of a hospital had to be a duly qualified medical practitioner of five years' standing.
He was stopped at the airport by an assistant superintendent of police.
Chief Superintendent John Lacy has now called for a crackdown on replica firearms and airguns.
This program, which involves the participation of golf course superintendents as industry advisors, is the focus of this article.
A tidy item that — sixty to seventy thousand dollars 'worth of mule flesh; and the superintendent, over the phone, orders the moving of the mule herd to another potrero away from the line of Federal driftage.
Our Adventurers in Tampico
CARLISLE - Two cases of whooping cough have been reported in Carlisle schools, according to the superintendent. - News
On October 14th the "Schuylkill" arrived at Gashayes Bluff, on the island of St. Simon, where he found Mr. John T. Morgan, superintendent of cutting the timber, but not "a stick of wood cut.
The Story of Commodore John Barry
Etah district jail superintendent Viresh Rai Sharma though confirmed that the provisions under the jail manual permit only two visits per week per detenue, the visitors had the option to seek special permission from the DM for extra meetings.
The Times of India
A superintendent told the court that no body or weapon had been found, but that there was an overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence.
A radio link kept them in touch with the police emergency centre and the Superintendent in charge of the security arrangements.
In the end the one-legged boy went out of the room with the inspector, the latter accompanied by the anxious and protesting superintendent.
THE APOSTATE: written by Jack London
HADLEY - If the graduation rate ever drops below 100 percent in Hadley, it's a fluke, said School Superintendent Nicholas D.
Reader -
Our arguments, our anger, the anxious pleading of philanthropists who saw the young on the East Side going to ruin, the warning year after year of the superintendent of schools that the compulsory education law was but an empty mockery where it was most needed, the knocking of uncounted thousands of children for whom there was no room, uncounted in sober fact; there was not even a way of finding out how many were adrift, 3brought only the response that the tax rate must be kept down.
II. The Outworks of the Slum Taken
Dr.I. Milo Shepard, is a great-nephew of Jack London, and grandson of Eliza London Shepard, Jack London's stepsister and ranch superintendent.
Meet Milo Shepard Farmer and Owner of the Jack London Ranch
It'll take a few months to get all the details worked out and actually hire the superintendents.
It posits that widescale school reform begins with changes in governance to increase state and local school authority and to constrain school district, board, superintendent, and centralized administration.
As a rule the Superintendent's responses to almost all overseas situations were of the despatching of a gunboat nature.
Within ten weeks of his victory, Johnson was made a baronet, and soon thereafter was instated as Superintendent of the Northern Division of Indian Affairs.
The town's new police station commissioner Superintendent Celani Magwaza said teamwork would produce good results in the war against crime.
A detective chief superintendent in a tiny borough force such as Hastings?
Times, Sunday Times
There is a rumor going the rounds that Mr Wonton will be the new superintendent.
The instructions asked that the superintendent or designee complete and return the survey.
I am aware of reports suggesting this death is the result of a suspected drugs overdose, but would like to re-emphasize that no post-mortem has yet been done and that it would be inappropriate to speculate on the cause of death," Metropolitan Police Superintendent Raj Kohli said.
Amy Winehouse's Cause of Death Unknown; Autopsy to be Performed Monday
TALLAHASSEE -- The State Board of Education will hear from superintendents, community college representatives and nationally recognized education policy experts on Monday as part of an in-depth budget workshop being held in Tallahassee.
Central Florida News 13 - Latest Headlines
The superintendent used quid pro quo to change the work situation.
FN#509] One of them was sitting in the court of justice of the kazi's embrace; the second was the precious gem of the bazaar-master's diadem of compliance; and the third was the beazle and ornament of the signet-ring of the life and soul of the superintendent of police.
Arabian nights. English
And in ten national recreation areas, the local park superintendent has the authority to decide whether to allow jet-skis.
The colour of the hard hat at this yard distinguishes between workers and seniority with the shop floor manual workers wearing red hats and foremen, superintendents and management wearing white hats.
Brass lettering spelled SUPERINTENDENT on it, and Spade rapped loudly on the wood.
Mr. Superintendent next asked to see Miss Rachel herself.
The number of officers below superintendent to gain the medal has trebled and the number of chiefs more than halved.
Times, Sunday Times
The Home Office did concede one point - proposals over the warrant issue originally said a warrant would be OK if simply approved by a police superintendent or equivalent.
The superintendent flicked it into the ashtray with the plastic spoon and sipped the hot liquid.
He derided the 'euphoric' reaction of observers and news reports nationwide, saying he's 'never seen a superintendent receive less scrutiny than Chancellor [Michelle Rhee].' ...
DeMorning DeBonis: July 27, 2010
One of the men arrested was a former superintendent of Hampshire.
He was soon promoted to the post of superintendent of Foreign Trade.
A new power would allow a police superintendent to declare certain places as a'no go' area for a limited period.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1996, she was appointed superintendent and given charge of the busy Lucan area of west Dublin.
The parks superintendent began his job of supervising the distribution of hundreds of geraniums, ivy geraniums, marguerites, petunias, trailing lobelia, anthericum and salvia, a job which would be completed well before the festival.
One superintendent, one supervisor, one foreman and eight hourly employees were terminated.
Governor Ritter (who few can call loathe to make his own decisions after this stunner) will accompany the superintendent cum senator on the tour. - Front Page
She was the superintendent of the typing pool at the Paymaster General's office.
Detective Superintendent Parkinson said they were keen to trace the owner of a black car parked outside the West End Bar.
Superintendent Oates said once the growers had harvested their crops, they passed the dagga on to dealers who used various methods to transport it to the major cities.
The board members concurred with a recommendation by the district Superintendent.
Newspaper reporters were given nothing but the bare facts by the Superintendent in charge of the investigation.
Sand bunkers are a growing concern for golf course superintendents, right along with the conditions of greens.
These permit a Garda chief superintendent to make a case to the High Court for an order to freeze, and where appropriate dispose of, the proceeds of crime.
Commission counsel Art Vertlieb, who outlined the e-mail between a chief superintendent and assistant commissioner, is proposing to recall the Mounties to testify again.
Newly Disclosed RCMP Email Shocks Dziekanski Inquiry On What Was To Be The Final Day!
Albemarle Superintendent Kevin Castner has announced that he will retire from his position on December 31, WINA reports.
2005 June archive at
The ‘lynchpin’ unit will be based in London and manned with 40 specialised officers, headed by detective chief superintendent Len Hynds.
Before I started second grade, my parents wanted to homeschool me (this was before homeschooling was fashionable), and had to take me to the district superintendent to prove I was a smart kid.
It was necessary to explain things at great length, diffusedly and tiresomely, to the superintendent, a coarse and insolent man, who bore himself to all the tenants in the house as toward a conquered city; and feared only the students slightly, because they gave him a severe rebuff at times.
Yama: the pit
The number of officers below superintendent to gain the medal has trebled and the number of chiefs more than halved.
Times, Sunday Times
Dr. Alfred G. Moses, appellant, v.Dr. J.S. Tarwater, superintendent of Bryce Hospital, appellee: Appeal from the circuit court of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama ...
Let them know
It's hard to find space to build on," says Donna Adamic, superintendent of Cicero's elementary school district.
Possible air hazards rarely considered in plans for schools
He became superintendent of the bank's East African branches.
At a sale hosted by Christie's in New York in 2007, a record $856,000 was paid for a red-breasted merganser hen made in the 1870s by famed carver Lothrop Holmes, who worked as a cemetery superintendent in Massachusetts.
Decoy Market, After Decline, Tests Its Wings
In 1853 he joined the Victoria police and served as inspector and superintendent in various goldfield towns.
Outside Vealös we had the pleasure of waving a last farewell to a man to whom the expedition will always owe a debt of gratitude, Captain Christian Blom, Superintendent of the dockyard, who had supervised the extensive repairs to the Fram with unrelaxing interest and obligingness.
The South Pole~ On the Way to the South
The board members concurred with a recommendation by the district Superintendent.
Established in 2001 we enjoyed good reputation on market with our main activities as ship builder, SNP broker, superintendent, marine equipment and scrap raw material importer.
She spoke of the place as of a home; there were so many people she knew there, superintendents and forewomen and attendants, it had been dull and empty to come back here again, and hard to find herself altogether cut off from the life and society she had been accustomed to.
The Growth of the Soil
Otherwise, the teacher will recommend to the Superintendent that the child be disembroiled from the first grade.
As a rule the Superintendent's responses to almost all overseas situations were of the despatching of a gunboat nature.
The superintendent of the Sunday School and the church clerk were also men.
Leanne could be willful and moody, Superintendent," she said.
At the annual meetings of the AMSAII in 1857, one superintendent described foreigners as “more noisy, destructive, and trouble-some,” while another commented on the low curability rates of the Irish in particular.
The Mad Among Us
When the investigation was conducted, he was head of the Fraud Squad and held the rank of senior superintendent.
And how about the fact that for years, LAUSD Superintendent Ramon Cortines "moonlighted" on the board of Scholastic Books, earning him some $150,000 a year, and no one at LAUSD seemed to find this to be at all inappropriate - even though Scholastic holds a $10 million contract with the district.
Fernando Espuelas: Time to Replace Los Angeles' Third World Education System
I nodded at recollection of the vulpine-face superintendent of the Sierra Mills.
Chapter 19: Transformation
Bankura superintendent of police Anil Kumar said that the family members had relapsed into sullen silence, refusing to speak to anyone.
When I left the Superintendent he was deciding what to do with these unprepossessing specimens of the soldiery.
I talked to the superintendent about the incident, but he didn't indicate to me exactly what his opinion was, so I can't speak for him.
Slattery knew it would be futile to go to school authorities-his parents, also volunteers, had previously told the superintendent of their own suspicions, and were "brow beat" for making allegations without proof-so the next morning he called the Texas Rangers. News
The number of officers below superintendent to gain the medal has trebled and the number of chiefs more than halved.
Times, Sunday Times
He was stopped at the airport by an assistant superintendent of police.
When Clark was placed with the team, working with a chief superintendent was quite a daunting prospect.
Detective chief superintendent Sharon Lemon has been appointed head of the National Hi-Tech Crime Unit.
She remembered the solitary week his clinic had lasted before he had eloped with the superintendent's wife.
Precontest administrative duties were shared by several county superintendents in pre tion for the state spelling bee.
Inci dentally, Superintendent Thorne already knows all about it.
Invariably most of these cases have had happy endings, says Superintendent of Police.
JODY WEIS, CHICAGO POLICE SUPERINTENDENT: I'm sure he would love to do something to help the city of Chicago.
CNN Transcript Jul 18, 2008
As managers, golf course superintendents have to deal with trust at every level.
He said salaries up to the rank of senior superintendent would be improved and money channelled towards scarce skills.
Some 35,000 employees struck to demand the reinstatement of a suspended superintendent and two senior assistants.
Most nontraditional superintendents were hired not on the basis of a reasoned assessment of their skills but because they were considered forceful individuals.
Whether maintaining greens, tees, approaches or fairways, the triplex mower has the ability to deliver results that meet golf course superintendents' high expectations.
The men were suspended from duty and a lengthy investigation carried out by a detective superintendent.
He's a graduate of what Catalyst calls "the prestigious Broad Superintendent's Academy," and what Parents Across America founding member Sharon Higgins, author of the blog The Broad Report, calls "billionaires and their henchmen.
Julie Woestehoff: Rahm as "Da Bachelor" and Other Reality TV Ideas for Chicago's Schools
Note. -There is a separate procedure under section 86 for dealing with complaints against senior officers above the rank of chief superintendent.
He would doubtless have changed his mind on seeing Maigret suddenly glance at the camelhair overcoat belonging to one of the customers and hanging on the coat-rack, go up to it, thrust his hand into the pockets and pull out a knuckle-duster; and then on hearing the Superintendent remark goodhumouredly:
In the Rue Pigalle
In reality, a superintendent or above may authorize detention for up to thirty-six hours.
The superintendent slipped her notebook and pen back into her capacious handbag to indicate the interview was over.
There is also a list of water channel superintendents and chief royal architects.
Everything was in tip-top shape and her superintendent was proud of that.
In September, I served as the captain of the blue team in the Superintendent's Cup, my club's annual two-weekend co-ed intramural golf extravaganza.
But, after all, who is so proud of newcome titles as the Superintendent of the
Sally of Missouri
The invective is "some of the worst I've ever seen," Superintendent Dennis Carlson said.
Suicide Surge: Schools Confront Anti-Gay Bullying
É que, só por mero acaso (?), o irmão era só o superintendente-chefe, António Neves, dos Serviços de Migração e Estrangeiros (SME) entidade que, ultimamente, tem andado muito activa “devolução” de ilegais (como os ocorridos, no Lubango, já este mês).
Global Voices in English » Angola: The assassination of a ruling party MP
I am aware of reports suggesting this death is the result of a suspected drugs overdose, but would like to re-emphasize that no post-mortem has yet been done and that it would be inappropriate to speculate on the cause of death," Metropolitan Police Superintendent Raj Kohli said.
Amy Winehouse's Cause of Death Unknown; Autopsy to be Performed Monday
And the superintendents of these places encouraged that because it made them look good: here they are out in the boondocks and a famous doctor has visited them.
É que, só por mero acaso (?), o irmão era só o superintendente-chefe, António Neves, dos Serviços de Migração e Estrangeiros (SME) entidade que, ultimamente, tem andado muito activa “devolução” de ilegais (como os ocorridos, no Lubango, já este mês).
Global Voices in English » Angola: The assassination of a ruling party MP
But the superintendent is not complacent and is keen to reassure people there is still work to be done.
They have served as Sunday School superintendent, church secretary, and church clerk.
It was with a sense of personal loss that turfmen yesterday learned of the death of James Clare, for a quarter of a century the superintendent of the Brighton Beach racecourse.
He knew she was nervous and that this reporter was pressing the superintendent on the most delicate areas of the investigation.
School Superintendent Linda Burgee posted a message on the FCPS Webpage in which she encouraged people to help out: I encourage every able citizen to lend a shovel, snow blower, ice pick or deicer to the snow removal effort in your community.
Archive 2010-02-01
The superintendent in the steel company needed power to get a more efficient delivery schedule of slabs.
I write as a retired police chief superintendent.
Times, Sunday Times
He knew she was nervous and that this reporter was pressing the superintendent on the most delicate areas of the investigation.
In a Jan. 12 letter to the Clarksville School superintendent and junior high school principal, Coach James "Jake" Hudson apologized for what he called unprofessional comments he made to other school employees.
The deputy superintendent urged all road users to comply with the laws in the interests of road safety.
The superintendent flicked it into the ashtray with the plastic spoon and sipped the hot liquid.
A few of us went to the local tavern afterward to swap Al stories and remember a dedicated superintendent.
The team consists of a chief superintendent, three chief inspectors, two inspectors and a sergeant.
The Sun
They believed he had been working in collaboration with Detective Chief Superintendent Bill Moody, the operational head of the Obscene Publications Squad.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
In 1828 he tried to charge one of his superintendents with being an accessory to murder.
He was stopped at the airport by an assistant superintendent of police.
Several of Kevin's fellow snowbound superintendents have snow removal duties, snowmobile businesses, snow grooming and cross-country ski trails to maintain.
Murder squad detectives, led by Detective Superintendent Stan Fletcher, sealed off the area while forensic tests were carried out.
She'd never be more than what she was: an assistant superintendent in a pint-sized suburban school district.
The superintendent also has plans to coordinate with the police to cover areas that might be considered between jurisdictions.
Meanwhile, the supervisors are worried about what their supervisors are thinking, and their supervisors are worried about what their bosses are thinking, and the bosses are worrying about what the superintendents are thinking.
Later, the division superintendent called the flagman to his office to compliment him on the steadfastness with which he stuck to his story.
More Toasts
His hidden rolls of writings are found, and unexpectedly writing again becomes his salvation when the prison superintendent, an inarticulate oaf, makes him write love poems for his girlfriend.
By 1914 he had been appointed deputy superintendent at Dehra Dun.
He became superintendent of the Royal Aircraft Factory at Farnborough in 1916 and assistant director of aircraft production in 1917.
An Indian agent, or superintendent, resides with them; and a steamboat, called the Goderich, has made one or two trips to it, and up to the head of Lake Huron, last summer.
Canada and the Canadians Volume I
His father, a teacher of math and science, became a school superintendent and then a hospital administrator.
The topic of all this intrigue is the reorganization plan being put together by Superintendent Rudolph F. Crew.
October 2004
Chief Superintendent Garry Shewan, head of Bury police, presented David with a Divisional Commander's Award.
There were six locomotive engineers, six locomotive firemen, one master of transportation, forty-five conductors, a superintendent of tolls, nineteen collectors, one trainmaster, four train dispatchers, four yardmen, and five switchmen.
The Great Bridge
The Superintendent drummed his fingers on the top of his desk.
`All I know for sure is that my own chain of command goes through Superintendent Morgan, who is attached to NCIS.
He was appointed superintendent of the penal colony on Norfolk Island in 1840.
Superintendent John Fitzgerald said that the use of Gardai in estate areas and communities outside the town was of high priority.
• The Superintendent indicated that the referendum passed three years ago did NOT go toward children in the school district.
We're always open to listening, but ... we're more in sync with the idea of plowing forward," said Jon James, deputy superintendent of the Park Service's George Washington Memorial Parkway division.
Jones Point Park makeover will keep people out for 2 years
This is what they call a teachable moment," said Robert F. Pezzella, executive assistant to the superintendent for school safety and violence prevention.
Sports News :
Many people are wondering who is going to become a district superintendent, who is going to which church.
Christianity Today
But the superintendent of police said the prisoner was the sort to wander off, and so magistrates refused his request and sent him back to jail.
Provincial police liaison officer Superintendent Miranda Mills said today police did not know why the 25 kg of commercial explosive ammonium nitrate and 175 pentolite explosive charges had been cached in the area.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Once started on the iniquities of government, there would be no stopping the Superintendent.
No way some detective superintendent from Scotland Yard would be flying all the way here about that.
Times, Sunday Times
They also may become superintendent of a school system or president of an educational institution.
Contents chapter 1: the customs officer’s wife chapter 2: “pardon me, old man ... ‘chapter 3: airaud’s footprints chapter 4: official proceedings chapter 5: the confession chapter 6: the two englishwomen of versailles chapter 7: ask the chief superintendent chapter 8: a meal of baked potatoes chapter 9: the interrogation chapter 10: detective didine chapter 11: the doctor’s housekeeper
Maigret In Exile
Arguably, the ratio of car insurance premiums should reflect even more accurately the comparative carefulness of women, once you forget anomalies such as the stonktastic Princess Anne, repeatedly convicted of speeding, and Katie Price, talking on her mobile at the helm of a giant horse-mover, and Helen Chamberlain, the police superintendent recently fined for driving at 79mph in a 50mph zone.
Sorry, but cheaper car insurance patronises women | Catherine Bennett
It was an excellent suggestion, for although the sergeant on duty was wholly unresponsive there was a telephone, and at the end of the telephone in his little Haymarket flat, a Superintendent McNorton, the mention of whose very name galvanized the police office to activity.
The Green Rust
Holden Hill Superintendent Barry Lewis said the attackers "beckoned" to the group to come close then fired several shots into the ground as they fled before firing at and hitting the two victims. | Top Stories
Saturday, after successfully spelling such words as octogenary, mitriform, bellicose, jacamar and divulgence, Aishwarya won the 17th annual Regional Spelling Bee sponsored by The State Journal-Register in cooperation with the Sangamon County Regional Superintendent of Schools.
The State Journal-Register Home RSS
Many superintendents embraced this idea and proceeded to naturalize.
We went to see the superintendent of police, and Armand handed over Marguerite' s si ster' s letter of attorney.
Says school superintendent Kevin Castner of the triangles: “They don’t promote anything other than a safe harbor for kids.”
Parent Opposes Rainbow Triangles at WAHS at
Leanne could be willful and moody, Superintendent," she said.
É que, só por mero acaso (?), o irmão era só o superintendente-chefe, António Neves, dos Serviços de Migração e Estrangeiros (SME) entidade que, ultimamente, tem andado muito activa “devolução” de ilegais (como os ocorridos, no Lubango, já este mês).
Global Voices in English » Angola: The assassination of a ruling party MP
Chief Superintendent Louis Munn said police were still trying to piece together exactly what happened and establish a motive for the attack.
Working hard as student, school superintendent and census enumerator, Strong also engaged in politics during 1856.
Cameras also can't be installed in washrooms or private conference rooms, unless specially authorized by the superintendent.
He soon rose to be superintendent of the division at the NPL that covered metrology in general.
Superintendent Noel McCarthy has now appealed to parents not to purchase fireworks or bangers for their children.
The firm's field employees, including superintendents, project managers, carpenters, and laborers, are scattered on jobsites.
He has large hands on meaty forearms and grey hair combed to the side over a jowly face that suggests a police superintendent.
Money is also being taken to fund a scheme to recruit direct entrants to policing at superintendent rank.
Times, Sunday Times
LEXINGTON - A published report in Lexington says the University of Kentucky is investigating the former superintendent of the university's Woodford County Farm.
Cincinnati.Com - All Local News
When a Canadian money order has been lost, either by the remitter or payee, the circumstance must be made known to the superintendent, who, under certain precautions, will issue a duplicate.
Canadian Postal Guide
Heavy infestations of red gum lerp psyllid on red gum eucalyptus trees have become a critical problem for golf course superintendents.
The five families most virulently opposed to the exhibition filed a lawsuit against the school superintendent and individual principals.
Finally, some states prohibit superintendents from participation in a bargaining unit with teachers.
For all, apart from Anglican weddings, you must obtain a certificate or certificate with licence from the local superintendent registrar.
Braja Babu was one of the most enthusiastic of these blood-thirstless shikaris. He was the Superintendent of the Metropolitan Institution and had also been our private tutor for a time.
Potential employees are screened more carefully now, said John Townsend, assistant superintendent of operations.
The proposed study was approved by the school superintendents, the school board, school nurses, principals, and teachers.
Note the splendidly PR-esque waffle from the man in the hotseat for this one: The area commander for North Kent police, Chief Superintendent Paul Brandon, said: Police in north Kent have worked closely with Mr Stepney and Mr Read to resolve problems they were having regarding anti-social behaviour.
IPCC To Investigate Barwell Deaths « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
George IV. was a nasute judge of snuffs, and so enamoured of the delectation, that in each of his palaces he kept a jar chamber, containing a choice assortment of tobacco powder, presided over by a critical superintendent.
Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce
It is well known to our readers that Superintendent Ryder, two and a half years ago, was induced to assume the laborious work then demitted by Rev.Dr. Roy upon a similar transfer of Dr. Roy from the Field
The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 02, February, 1888
Columbus, a city in which African Americans only constitute about 25% of the total population, has a black mayor, police chief, fire chief, and city schools superintendent.
‡ Desyatnik, a superintendent of ten (men or huts), i.e. an officer like the old English tithing-man or headborough.
A Hero of Our Time
Near the beginning, the superintendent of the asylum states that the hospital is a ‘haven for the confined and confused’, adding jokingly that he means the staff and their associates as much as the inmates.
Messages left on Thursday with Bayonne Superintendent of Schools Patricia L. McGeehan and district attorney Robert Merryman were not immediately returned.
A superintendent registrar of births, marriages, and deaths had the duty of registering all marriages.
I am astounded at the comments made by the Chief Superintendent.
`More like National Socialism ," Dog had retorted but the superintendent had preferred not to hear.
Weir said the chief superintendent was fully aware of his activities with sectarian killers such as the late Robin Jackson, alias The Jackal, one of the most notorious loyalist killers of the 1970s.
Name, age, occupation, place of birth, condition of destitution, and the previous night's "doss," were taken with lightning-like rapidity by the superintendent; and as I turned I was startled by a man's thrusting into my hand something that felt like
Appealing for the offenders to come forward, the chief superintendent said: ‘It appears Mr Greenidge was attacked by people who knew him’.
In England, as superintendent of the importation of wine, a duty was payable to him (see BUTLERAGE AND PRISAGE); the butlership of Ireland,
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
The superintendent flicked it into the ashtray with the plastic spoon and sipped the hot liquid.
When you look at what principals and superintendents have in terms of their educational backgrounds, nowhere in there is anything resembling business training.
The officer in charge of the case is Superintendent Lewis.
Lee on the other hand, will be stuck with the primadona principal, the useless superintendent, and a school board who sits on their b u t t s they call laurels and allow more of the same to go on for years to come.
The former detective chief superintendent said that he regarded the approach as'totally illegal and unconstitutional' and carried on with the interview.
Times, Sunday Times
The superintendent wanted her certified as mentally ill and when the psychiatrist refused, she called for the use of tranquillizing drugs, including by intramuscular injection.