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How To Use Superimpose In A Sentence

  • The formation of coral terraces is interpreted as the product of approximately uniform long-term uplift superimposed on eustatic changes in sea level.
  • Oman: three horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered at the top of the vertical band The 2001 CIA World Factbook
  • At the bottom of the monument, below the Ten Commandments, there are two small Stars of David and also two Greek letters, chi and rho, superimposed over each other to represent the name Christ. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • Essential tools include a bird identification field guide, a map of the airfield with a superimposed grid system for locating birds, and a pair of binoculars.
  • In patients with superimposed bacterial infection, septicaemia develops and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
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  • The familiar skyline is superimposed with the outline of two figures in an intimate embrace.
  • can you superimpose the two images?
  • The windows are surmounted by rusticated wooden jack arches with superimposed keystones, and a heavy modillion cornice crowns the bold Georgian proportions of the facade.
  • The northern and southern parts are subdivided into units separated by tectonic contacts or superimposed late grabens.
  • The following day the front page of your Career section featured a photo of a high-rise building superimposed with an image of a leaping man. Times, Sunday Times
  • The facades on the buildings that conform the quadrangle are adorned with elaborate representations of Mayan huts, rectangles and Chac masks, with superimposed ornaments such as carved loops, lattices, small columns, human shapes, birds and monkeys. The Maya civilization, cities of the Maya
  • Another key-stroke superimposed a grid matrix on the screen, and with a cursor he began to take measurements. COMPULSION
  • The windows are surmounted by rusticated wooden jack arches with superimposed keystones, and a heavy modillion cornice crowns the bold Georgian proportions of the facade.
  • Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.
  • His picture was superimposed on a muscular body.
  • Superimposed upon this conversation, a quartet from the chorus begins to sing children's rhymes dedicated to Benjamin's son Stefan, born in April 1918.
  • The title is superimposed upon an image of a red wax seal. Beginner’s Grace
  • But the iguanas in dinosaur costumes, super-sized dimetrodons, superimposed supposed menaces, don't cut it.
  • The montage of icons does cohere into a sort of meta-icon perhaps, of dogs that are (for me) short-haired, middling-sized, with dark-brown fur; but this is … a sort of cubist collage of perspectives that spills out beyond its casual frame, each dog a Cerberus with three heads superimposed one over the other, snub-nosed and long-snouted, ears pricked and flattened, slavering and not slavering. Archive 2009-07-01
  • With his pomaded porcupine haircut and a nasality superimposed on his powerful voice, Neeson makes Kinsey the ultimate village atheist, a person who believes that everything can be explained in natural, rational terms.
  • Can't you just imagine the shape of a radiator grille superimposed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The advertisement, featuring gargoyles superimposed on top of York Minster, was due to be shown on Yorkshire and Tyne Tees tonight and will be aired throughout the week.
  • The following day the front page of your Career section featured a photo of a high-rise building superimposed with an image of a leaping man. Times, Sunday Times
  • They represent past events that can be superimposed over present events to produce duration and enhance indeterminacy for individuals as social beings.
  • This is a weird one: the film begins in progress, with reconstructed video titles superimposed over the first dialogue scene. Archive 2006-11-19
  • Stock prices are gyrating wildly often superimposed on small changes in earnings estimates.
  • As he looked at Emerald, he saw their faces superimposed on hers. YELLOW BIRD
  • He never superimposes the lens into situations, and he lets scenarios play out before, not because of, him.
  • Family ties superimposed on clan clannishness, which is the blood heritage of the Highland Scotch, made it impossible for him to feel otherwise. Poor Man's Rock
  • There is a small periodic effect called nutation superimposed on precession caused by the motion of the perihelion of the Moon.
  • Patients with ankylosing spondylitis rarely if ever develop ventilatory failure without superimposed lung disease.
  • The screen panned out and, superimposed on the pointless picture of a telephone, apparent quotes begin to appear.
  • Superimposed over this long term trend is short term variability. Later On
  • Considerable conversion work was involved and the complete exterior was painted in Khaki Green on which were superimposed Geneva red crosses.
  • After intravenous injection of 5 mCi F18-FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose), all subjects underwent a brain SPECT coincidence scan, which was then superimposed on their MRIs. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Most of the species studied have a pollinarium composed by four superimposed, obovate to rotund, unequal (two larger, two smaller) pollinia.
  • These paintings nostalgically evoke the closing frames of old films, with their scripted letterforms superimposed over technicolour backgrounds.
  • A bolt of (cheaply superimposed) energy zaps past him.
  • The windows are surmounted by rusticated wooden jack arches with superimposed keystones, and a heavy modillion cornice crowns the bold Georgian proportions of the facade.
  • He superimposed text on both drawing and script: Text supersedes handwritten script, however, and exerts its hierarchical superiority.
  • Here is a pleasingly provocative collision of two aesthetics, both juxtaposed and, in four plainchant pieces, superimposed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Global city lights, derived from 9 months of observations from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, are superimposed on a darkened land surface map.
  • The combination of his work and mine together, overlapping, superimposed, is brilliant. Archive 2004-12-01
  • Superimposed on shared expectations, preferences, and knowledge structures are social norms guiding action.
  • In Scotland the role of the feudal lord was superimposed upon the more ancient status of chief of a clan or kindred.
  • But if you don't have a stereoscope, an alternative way of seeing the 3D effect is to look at the two images side-by-side, then cross your eyes until the pictures superimpose.
  • This sarcous element really consists of two parts, superimposed one on the top of the other, and when the fiber is stretched these two parts become separated from each other at the line of Hensen (Fig. 376, A). IV. Myology. 2. Development of the Muscles
  • MATHEMATICIAN'S POLAR VS CARTESIAN Figure 5-13 shows a point P ¼ (x0, y0) ¼ (0, r0) graphed on superimposed Cartesian and polar coordinate systems. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • If we want to see old movies with a logo superimposed on them, we'll watch them on basic cable.
  • They superimposed astrology, the use of the zodiac, and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism.
  • The figure allegedly appears when the 15th Century mural painting is superimposed with its mirror image, and both are made partially transparent.
  • The facts and figures had been superimposed on a picture of Britney. Times, Sunday Times
  • The design of the patch with the U.S. eagle image superimposed is designed to display a hierarchy in which the U.S. 5th Army exerts its military command under the authority of USNORTHCOM, with its domain defined as all North America, including the U.S., Gallup: R+4 on the Generic Congressional Ballot. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • The figure allegedly appears when the 15th Century mural painting is superimposed with its mirror image, and both are made partially transparent.
  • Shown are conjunctional clusters in different groups of subjects, superimposed on the standard brain.
  • These responses can and often are superimposed upon more programmed life history traits in ways that can suggest specific mechanisms by which facultative responses can become obligate.
  • Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.
  • Actually, these head-to-head duels play out on a computer screen, superimposed in digital video overlay.
  • All plates, bowls, and flatware have the group patch superimposed over bands of Transportation Corps red and yellow along the rim.
  • In Art History, our teacher superimposed as self-portrait of DaVinci over an image of the Mona Lisa, saying that one theory claims that the mysterious Mona Lisa smirk is simply DaVinci’s secret that he painted himself as a woman. Think Progress » Murtha on Iraq: ‘There’s Not Only No Progress, It’s Worse Than It Was Prewar’
  • All of which allows people to kind of superimpose their own interpretations on him. A Pardon For The Wild West's Most Infamous Outlaw?
  • He then mathematically superimposed additional wiggles and shifts representing the movements of the lunar perigee and nodes to bring this main, smooth loop closer to the moon's true orbit.
  • He said it lived up to long-held suspicions that the United States, along with the Danish government, would "superimpose" an agreement on the rest of the world. Alex Pasternack: Deal and No Deal: What the Hell Happened at Copenhagen
  • The need for reregulation superimposed upon any underlying tendency towards competitive freedom is clearly evident.
  • The writing was superimposed on a washed-out photograph of two beautiful children in overalls, hand in hand.
  • In the eastern panel, superimposed vine scrolls generated from four canthari placed in the corners, rotate around the stone trap door of the hypogean tomb, as well as around the medallion set close to the west side of the panel.
  • Irregular adduction can be superimposed on a fixed reduction of the glottic area caused by tonic adduction of the vocal cords.
  • A display device superimposes the scan magnetic field image on a scan laser microphotograph on a screen, so it is possible to perform defect inspection on the semiconductor device chip.
  • Precisely because tango music is devoid of drums it makes it a perfect vehicle for remixers to superimpose beats and drum patterns.
  • The Trilogy is not epic precisely, as the three movies are superimposed rather than laid end to end: a witty study of parallel realities and parallel lives.
  • The accelerating course of this patient's hypoxemic respiratory failure despite therapy suggests the likelihood of either an unconsidered or discarded diagnosis, or the presence of a second process superimposed on the first.
  • Superimposed tracings of these images, reproduced as figures here, were used to determine the range of motion at each joint.
  • Kylie is literally a sex symbol - male and female, gay and straight, adult and child can superimpose their own desires onto her pert, pint-sized body.
  • Top and bottom insets show corresponding H&E-stained views of lung sections with superimposed stereology disectors. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • As at Assisi, in Italy, there are three superimposed churches, a symbol of the three states of religion; the crypt, called the catacombs, and suggestive of persecution; the fortified nave, a symbol of the body which prays, but is not afraid to fight; and the _chapelle supérieure_, the holy place of the saints of heaven, the Christian counsellors in whose care man has been confided. The Automobilist Abroad
  • Layers upon layers of paperlike sheets are superimposed upon each other, their edges often "cropping out" on sloping surfaces; and since these edges, according to the curvatures of the surfaces, run in wavy lines, the total aspect is very often that of "moire" silk. Over Prairie Trails
  • They suggested that some tensile force must be present in the sequences containing polygonal fault networks, superimposed on the stresses induced by burial and gravitational loading, to induce shear failure.
  • In one version of the USA Next ad disseminated widely on the Internet in February, and aired repeatedly by television news programs and newspapers nationwide, the couple’s image, superimposed with a green checkmark, is side-by-side a picture of a US soldier with a red “X” across it. 03/09/2005
  • All too often, lighting is an afterthought superimposed on the final decoration instead of being planned from the start.
  • It is an assemblage of indefinite thickness made from planes superimposed one atop the other or from a network of cracks on thin layers of foggy glass that converge on a central point and run away again or from a collection of superimposed spiders' webs or from juxtaposed onionskin maps of the infrastructures of cities. A Story
  • The facts and figures had been superimposed on a picture of Britney. Times, Sunday Times
  • These amazing sequences appear to be a seamless combination of miniature sets, superimposed floodwaters, and cutaways to stuntmen floundering on the backlot under a rushing wall of water at least nine feet high.
  • He was looking very thoughtful indeed and the expression superimposed upon the thoughtfulness could hardly be described as pleasant. The Way to Dusty Death
  • Planning cannot easily be superimposed on a very open and rather ailing capitalist economy. After Thatcher
  • This may be spurious conclusion if you superimpose the jökulhlaup observation on a continuous long term glacial retreat since the end of the last ice age of the non-little variety. Unthreaded #8 « Climate Audit
  • At the end of ten years everything was paid off, everything, the usurer's charges and the accumulation of superimposed interest.
  • Over the past few days, they have packed shoulder to shoulder at rallies, waiting patiently under a punishing sun, some of them flaunting hilarious posters of the mzee, or old man, as he calls himself, with his face superimposed on an Incredible Hulk-like body. NYT > Global Home
  • It is wise for the historian to be suspicious if claims for a special relationship are superimposed upon such alleged correlations.
  • Also, chromakeying is performed recursively, so that the background will still be visible regardless of the number of chromakeyed images superimposed on it.
  • A seething proliferation of superimposed images and patterns swirl around like Catherine wheels, and the result is delirious retinal overload.
  • In one version of the USA Next advertisement disseminated widely on the Internet last week, and aired repeatedly by television news programs nationwide, the couple’s image, superimposed with a green checkmark, is side-by-side a picture of a US soldier with a red “X” across it. 02/28/2005
  • Place names and explanatory text are superimposed over objects seen through the viewer"s screen, and animated graphics show how some structures were built or destroyed.
  • The grid pattern is superimposed on the ring roads and radials.
  • The key formal innovation of Christmas on Earth is its superimposed projection in unequal sizes, a format that she originated.
  • Apart from being the first instance in 24 years of a work by Philip K. Dick being adapted into something other than an action film, A Scanner Darkly is probably best known for utilizing a rotoscoping animating technique, in which animation is superimposed over live film**. A Saturday Afternoon Double Feature
  • superimposed rocks
  • Flag: three horizontal bands of white (top, double width), red, and green (double width) with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered at the top of the vertical band The 1996 CIA Factbook
  • The results obtained superimpose within experimental error on those recorded at higher concentration, confirming that the protein is monodisperse under the experimental conditions tested.
  • Superimposed upon this will be a general decline in performance due to loss of sleep and fatigue.
  • An iterative inverse method has been also applied to multiphase tectonics to separate several superimposed tectonic events.
  • Superimposed on this long-frequency / large-amplitude wavelength are smaller oscillations on millennial to annual time scales.
  • They've been in place for some time with me superimposed on top of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • A diagram of the new road layout was superimposed on a map of the city.
  • On the poster, the now famous Gelede mask is superimposed upon a world globe, its wings stretching across west Africa into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • In the late 1930s and early '40s, Loren MacIver developed a sweet, playful style that superimposed linear, symbolic and hieroglyphic forms on soft, pale washes of color.
  • Superimposed over his view was a red-lined cutaway shot of the hotel, showing the elevator he was in and a stationary blinking dot that was his prey, namely that traitor Dodger.
  • Superimposed on the spray is a diamond and demantoid garnet butterfly.
  • With the introduction of parliamentary government in 1918, a layer of elected politicians was superimposed on the existing administrative apparatus.
  • When this spectrum is magnified, black lines can be seen superimposed on the colours.
  • Andrew got religion as he got everything else -- very thoroughly -- and, just as he had superimposed Rationalism on his house and bent it before his whisky furies, now he tried to religionize it. Captivity
  • In patients with superimposed bacterial infection, septicaemia develops and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
  • Patterns of public administration and government are superimposed on traditional societies.
  • Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.
  • The robust version of descriptive philosophy of science derives from, or superimposes upon, the conclusions of modest descriptivism, a theory about evaluative practice.
  • Can't you just imagine the shape of a radiator grille superimposed. Times, Sunday Times
  • But my project is not simply how to superimpose these components - these maps; there is another layer to be considered: a base map of a completely different scale and intensity.
  • English administrators superimposed a system of commercial regulation on a number of different, often unstable American colonies and called it an empire. America Past and Present
  • Lines, circles, text and bitmaps can be superimposed on your chart, and can be manipulated as objects.
  • You can superimpose the lettering directly onto one of your pictures.
  • With the introduction of parliamentary government in 1918, a layer of elected politicians was superimposed on the existing administrative apparatus.
  • Slowly, the darkness ebbed, and Lirael saw a room, strangely superimposed upon the river of Death she saw through her other eye. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • They also have a similar technical approach in the use of superimposed images which encompass more than one viewpoint and stimulate ideas.
  • However, the patient had desquamative interstitial pneumonitis and superimposed bronchopneumonia, not pulmonary embolism.
  • In large part, this is because Athos is a place where myths, and versions of myth, have superimposed themselves to form a virtually impenetrable conglomerate; where erudite references and cartographic measurements are barnacled—unprizably—onto what, originally, may have been little more than local hearsay. A Fossil With Flesh
  • For these maps a region of the northern hemisphere is superimposed with the corresponding antipodal area.
  • The need for reregulation superimposed upon any underlying tendency towards competitive freedom is clearly evident.
  • 'superimpose'kan untuk ... izzah: salam semua, korang semua dah sertai belum peraduan madagascar 2??? izzah dah antar dah penyertaan .. siap wat ... Sensasi Selebriti | Ulasan Dunia Hiburan, Gossip Terkini, Gambar Selebriti, Filem, Muzik, Video & Teater
  • Another key-stroke superimposed a grid matrix on the screen, and with a cursor he began to take measurements. COMPULSION
  • Flag description: three horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered near the top of the vertical band Oman
  • A photo of a cup of cappuccino had been superimposed on a picture of Venice.
  • —burned into, I tell you, were all the signs and symbols of the gray caps. cut the nabby refs I cannot use the word superimposed because this might convey some ethereal, unreal sensibility to what was a concrete, super-reality. Flushing Out Shriek: An Afterword–Notes, Fragments, Research, Alternate Scenes
  • It is a sophisticated fishing tool, the programme allows the skipper to superimpose trawling drags and scallop grounds onto a computer map on the screen in front of him, using shading and coloured lines to distinguish different trawls.
  • The adult males move in larger home ranges that are superimposed spatially upon those of the females.
  • These amazing sequences appear to be a seamless combination of miniature sets, superimposed floodwaters, and cutaways to stuntmen floundering on the backlot under a rushing wall of water at least nine feet high.
  • These amazing sequences appear to be a seamless combination of miniature sets, superimposed floodwaters, and cutaways to stuntmen floundering on the backlot under a rushing wall of water at least nine feet high.
  • The portico was composed of two superimposed arcades carried on sixteen piers faced with an engaged trabeated system, Doric below and Ionic above, based on the Theater of Marcellus, a play on Cervini's first name.
  • After intravenous injection of 5 mCi F18-FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose), all subjects underwent a brain SPECT coincidence scan, which was then superimposed on their MRIs. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • He was the first to "superimpose" words on the TV screen for a news show. Don Hewitt Dead At 86
  • The serpentine, which is very pure and of a fine green, varied with spots of a lighter tint, often appears only superimposed on the mica-slate. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • For proper confinement, this toroidal field must have superimposed upon it a perpendicular field component (a poloidal field). Nuclear fusion power
  • Could he mean Andrea Palladio, maestro of imposed and superimposed geometry and probably the most influential architect of all time?
  • As in the case of wrecking activity, gender-neutral collective terms like mob and crowd have been gendered male, particularly when arrestees in the incidents were men. 98 But it is difficult to believe that women did not participate in some capacity, and thus it is a legitimate exercise to attempt to interlineate or superimpose their presence, and to retrieve the neutral connotation of collectivities that were reported in contemporary accounts. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Slide 30: COMPUTER DOS I METRY  Possible to preplan implants & complete isodose distribution corresponding to final source distribution  Rapid & fast; helps modify implant  Isodose patterns can be magnified & superimposed on implant radiograph  Localization of sources:  Orthogonal Imaging method  Stereo-shift method  CT  Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In the place where the breach was opened by his cannon he ordered the placing of a marble panel bearing his arms; and there it is to be seen to this day: Dexter, the sable bars of the House of Lenzol; Sinister, the Borgia bull in chief, and the lilies of France; and, superimposed, an inescutcheon bearing the Pontifical arms. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • Omanthree horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered near the top of the vertical band Flag description
  • With the introduction of parliamentary government in 1918, a layer of elected politicians was superimposed on the existing administrative apparatus.
  • In Scotland the role of the feudal lord was superimposed upon the more ancient status of chief of a clan or kindred.
  • A pupa of the moth is discovered in a murder victim's throat, and the film posters featured a full-grown specimen superimposed on Foster's face.
  • The need for reregulation superimposed upon any underlying tendency towards competitive freedom is clearly evident.
  • The job might be considerably easier if the driver could don a pair of glasses that superimposes the contours of the map right on the ground.
  • The cross-ply tyre is made up of superimposed layers of textile cord running at alternate angles from bead to bead.
  • he used his computer to make a collage of pictures superimposed on a map
  • The windows are surmounted by rusticated wooden jack arches with superimposed keystones, and a heavy modillion cornice crowns the bold Georgian proportions of the facade.
  • Basically,these are patients who present more acutely ill with the lung infection often superimposed on various chronic illnesses and who have a higher incidence of certain microbes, namely staph aureus and various gram negative bacteria. Archive 2009-02-01
  • His picture was superimposed on a muscular body.
  • The information was gradually entered into a computer system, which allowed map projections of various kinds of crime to be superimposed on each other.
  • His presence, like a technicolour aura, made him more than three-dimensional, almost superimposed. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • Sometimes Iwai lets the words remain superimposed over the proceeding images, but never enough to push the film into the stuffy vocabulary of multimedia.
  • For example, motion-analysis software superimposes video on a grid to determine joint angles and can calculate such things as torque and acceleration.
  • Superimposed on these rural divisions there are also ethnic differences.
  • They've been in place for some time with me superimposed on top of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The superimposed ragtime piano music, played by David Shephard, gives the film cohesiveness.
  • In each unit, the artist superimposes an outlined figure onto elaborate floral designs borrowed from Ottoman ceramics.
  • Obtained by the rotation of 60 ° of two equilateral triangles superimposed and spaced in height, the form appears simple but at the same time full of spatial complexity. Swing-Up by AquiliAlberg for Serralunga
  • These sculptural works are made of superimposed bentwood floatable frames: canoes, surfboards, kayaks, and rowboats fully equipped with oars.
  • He takes the causal field to be a set of assumed conditions pragmatically superimposed on a preselective notion of connection.
  • Flag description: three horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered at the top of the vertical band The 2001 CIA World Factbook
  • The term chiral is used to describe an object or molecule that cannot be superimposed on its mirror image, with the two objects being referred to as enantiomers. LabTechnologist RSS
  • Beginning the work with one strip of film and a single soundtrack of chanted sutra, the artist superimposes film and sound until he arrives at 32 layers of image and audio.
  • If I have a color wheel made up of lets say 12 sections. 3 primaries 3 secondaries and 6 tertiaries and lets say I superimposed a value wheel that represented those colors over the color wheel. James Perry Wilson’s Dioramas, Part 2
  • Although calcrete nodules occur immediately below this fossil forest, the trees are rooted in a thin hydromorphic layer superimposed on top of the underlying well-drained soils.
  • It may be formed of two superimposed layers and it may be more or less fused with the lateral pterygoid or send a fasciculus to the condylar process.
  • The mushroom cloud of a nuclear blast is superimposed on the roughly similar form of a gaily colored beach umbrella and is set next to a blue, cloudlike mass of bubbles escaping from a diver's breathing apparatus.
  • Full-colour photos of her early zines show crude drawings superimposed on yellow roses or pages torn from stock reports.
  • On top of this already split frame, he superimposes another angle of the same content, this time a medium-shot of him in profile standing before the door with his camera in hand.
  • I walk through East London every morning to get to work, and sometimes you can see the terrors of war superimposed on the modern landscape -- the sawn-off stubs of the iron railings that were harvested "for the war effort" (and dumped in the Channel without being turned into munitions after all), the single handsome old building stuck like an old tooth in the gleaming modern denture-work of sterile, post-War neubauten. Boing Boing
  • The appearance of man in evolutionary history marks the emergence of self-consciousness and has added to the earth, superimposed as it were upon the biosphere, a new dimension, the noosphere, or domain of thought.
  • More disturbing is the pagination, since each article preserves the page-numbers from its first context, the only distinction between the articles being a superimposed Roman numeral on each page, each having its own number.
  • Patterns of public administration and government are superimposed on traditional societies.
  • The counterpoint between lineation and grammar in a poem may itself be subject to a further articulation, thought, which as its own periods are superimposed introduces new patterns of reduction and amplification.
  • But certainly the arrival of the spirit represented by Kipling, added to the discipline of his own early adventures, braced him and energised him; and almost his first literary effort took the form of ballad poems uniting a fineness and sweetness which were entirely his own with a kind of lusty vigour which was superimposed. Personality in Literature
  • This compression is significantly reduced in the upper crust above the anomalous central region by the superimposed tensional loading stress.
  • Dexter, the sable bars of the House of Lenzol; Sinister, the Borgia bull in chief, and the lilies of France; and, superimposed, an inescutcheon bearing the Pontifical arms. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • The testa di cavallo shield, superimposed on the crossed keys, is crowned by the papal tiara.
  • Notice how alternating floral blossoms on bifurcated stems are superimposed on the flutes between each of the gadroons.

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