
How To Use Superhuman In A Sentence

  • They worked ten or twelve hours breaking rocks and stones for roadmaking and repairing, carrying heavy loads, performing superhuman tasks. Rebecca Sieff.
  • The nuggetty, self-assured little bloke who regularly performs superhuman feats on the television screen may well be human after all.
  • The sorry repercussions of embracing superhumanism-a new absolutistic faith - are everywhere to be seen. He who says speciesism says fascism-
  • An uncanny silence descended on a school as pupils made a superhuman effort to clamp their lips tightly shut.
  • The name Cyclopean, attached to those desolate remains of buildings which were older than Greek history itself, attests their romantic influence over the fancy of the people who thus attributed them to a superhuman strength and skill. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
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  • The old man, intoxicated with superhuman enjoyment, and believing himself happy, had just received a cold shower-bath on his passion at the moment when it had risen to the intensest white heat. Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  • But strap on a pair and you could potentially possess superhuman powers, racing down streets with 9ft strides. The Sun
  • It required superhuman effort to lift the huge boulder.
  • superhuman strength
  • From somewhere I found superhuman strength and kept digging in, but the ground kept giving way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Omnipresence was only one of several attributes that tipped him over into the realm of the superhuman.
  • I can see beyond, in my mind's eye, unending spaces, and superhuman silences, and depthless calm, till what I feel is almost fear. The Raptures of a Tragic Visionary
  • With the aid of this conjunctio oppositorum, one superhuman, the other subhuman, Prospero restores his realm's people to their ‘proper selves’.
  • Almost inevitably, however, the hero's creators do not allow him to remain in his superhuman condition; they "rehumanize" him, in effect, and/or have him voice approbation and admiration of ordinary human values. Immortals and Vampires and Ghosts, Oh My!: Byronic Heroes in Popular Culture
  • I've always dreamed of three things: having amnesia, being a spy with superhuman abilities, and being one of those guys who walks around naked as a jaybird.
  • He's also had to cope with people sneering at his ability to write books at superhuman speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was a rare man, a master of pen and sword who plugged his own almost superhuman vigour into the power-source of revolutionary faith.
  • Natural selection would favour these new patterns of superhuman behaviour and we would survive. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Both are grounded to an almost superhuman degree. Times, Sunday Times
  • The humans will look, talk and act as regular humans, but will be gifted with superhuman abilities.
  • The protective measures relating to food and water supplies indicate a superhuman knowledge of bacteriology. Modern Science in the Bible
  • He fights, for example, with superhuman skill and with comical dispassion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coupled with the poor writing is a certain carelessness in the story development: early on, for example, we learn of the high-tech processes Space Vulture uses to make himself superhuman. Book Review: Space Vulture
  • George is small and quick; Lennie is huge with superhuman strength but with the brains of a dim-witted child.
  • Toscanini's sense of theater allows them to remain gripping, even at slowish tempos, and the NBC Symphony Orchestra plays them with superhuman concentration.
  • His progress was briefly thwarted by the locked gate, but he managed to vault the boundary wall without breaking a sweat and disappeared down the road at superhuman speed.
  • Their heroic scale, their superhuman beauty and power, and the swelling volume of their forms became part of Michelangelo's style, and through him part of Renaissance art in general.
  • European Pressphoto Agency Gareth Bale Most impressive of all, six of those goals came against a seemingly impenetrable Inter side that rode a superhuman goalkeeper and deadbolt defense to three trophies last season, including a semifinal win over Barcelona. Tip of the Day
  • And the occasional paraplegic yachtie, sailing single-handed across oceans, is simply superhuman. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll never get all this work done in a week - I'm not superhuman!
  • It took an almost superhuman effort to contain his anger.
  • People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him.
  • The idea of possessing superhuman strength is a Hollywood staple. Times, Sunday Times
  • It takes a superhuman effort not to text or call. Times, Sunday Times
  • The brilliant Britons put in superhuman efforts to finish second in the medals, behind only the hosts. The Sun
  • He's also had to cope with people sneering at his ability to write books at superhuman speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • He says, "I began the youth ministry with superhuman efforts to entertain the young people. Christianity Today
  • During such episodes he gained superhuman strength, enough to hurl himself through high windows. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • To err is human; to admit it, superhuman. Doug Larson 
  • Einstein's wild hair is not the mad scientist's coiffure but a secular aureole, bespeaking his superhuman intelligence and wisdom.
  • He is a superhero with no superhuman powers; he's just unbelievably driven.
  • It required superhuman effort to lift the huge boulder.
  • With almost superhuman effort and after a half-hour struggle, Quentin finally dragged Tommy 's dead weight up out of the shaft. KISS OF THE BEES
  • Let it no longer be bruited about that we keep it to ourselves when we err - as if indeed we wished to appear superhuman.
  • At the Summer Olympics, which begin in Athens, Greece, next week, the world's elite athletes will once again dazzle us with their almost superhuman qualities.
  • It took an almost superhuman effort to contain his anger.
  • It is not even superhuman, nor superangelic except in its degrees and effects. Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
  • The muscles writhed and swelled over his back and shoulders, leapt up in knotted strands like leathery hawsers from his shoulders down to his raw and bleeding wrists; a convulsion of superhuman power swept over his torso like the shock of an earthquake. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Yea, and as for us, beloved pair of pious Emperors, shining forth from the purple, connected with the dearest names of father and son, and not allowing the name to belie the relationship, but striving to set in all other aspects also an example of superhuman love, whose preoccupation is Orthodoxy rather than pride in the imperial diadem,—it is in these things that the deed which is before our eyes instigates us to take pride. The Early Middle Ages 500-1000
  • A similar scoreline this year would be enough to take the tie to penalties, but it would take a superhuman effort to repeat that feat. Times, Sunday Times
  • A fire would always be an easy thing from which a superhuman creature like the monster could escape.
  • It will take an almost superhuman effort to pull that off. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Green Berets are also investigating "exoskeletal frames" that commandos would wear like RoboCop to give them superhuman strength for carrying heavy loads and breaking down doors. Secret Warriors
  • Throughout the dark ages and down to the present century, the hideous and unnecessary apparatus employed, each decade bringing forth new types, is abundantly pictured in the older books on surgery; in some almost recent works there are pictures of windlasses and of individuals making superhuman efforts to pull the luxated member back -- all of which were given to the student as advisable means of treatment. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Amazingly, they show no signs of exhaustion from the superhuman efforts of the previous night's show.
  • I figure a superhuman spirit is capable of monkeying with natural phenomena at times.
  • A conference paper talking about the 19th century Physical Culture movement in Britain and Superhuman figures in prose fiction, including some of the bodybuilder types - and how they were discredited. Archive 2010-01-01
  • But this "pure love" soars beyond David's, and finds it a duty to be unthankful, lest perchance some selfish element mingle itself with its superhuman, superangelic purity. God's Way of Peace: A Book for the Anxious
  • It will require a superhuman effort to get the job finished on time.
  • He made it very clear that his superhuman brawniness was what he wished his political future to be built on, and the people voted for it.
  • I'm not quite five years old - but possess superhuman powers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eight people are beginning to realise that they possess superhuman powers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wanted: superhumans. No runny noses, bad breath or ringworm allowed, but pleasant personality a must.
  • Like Savage, all of them are superhuman triers whose success in the game has been more attributable to what they have in their heads and their hearts than in their feet.
  • If the subject appears to have choice, autonomy, responsibility, and liberty, the power of superhuman forces looms just as large, and it is the conflict between the two that gives the drama its tragic dimension.
  • Her intelligence seems almost superhuman.
  • Much of the credit for crafting the team's storybook season has gone to the coach, who demanded and got a superhuman work ethic from his players as they knocked off division leaders three times to advance to the final.
  • He said: 'They seem to have superhuman strength. The Sun
  • superhuman beings
  • It will require a superhuman effort to get the job done on time.
  • In trying to save the kid, Eddie dies, but the medallion resurrects him with a few curious after-effects - he now has superhuman powers and cannot be killed.
  • Thus poppies, hemp, some cacti, and some fungi share with vines a symbolic connection with the superhuman powers.
  • When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. Napoleon Hill 
  • They fight him with the help of high-tech gizmos and near-superhuman feats: surviving car chases, leaping from a second-story window, dodging a syringe full of tetrodotoxin, “over a thousand times more lethal than cyanide.” 2010 February 22 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • As he grows older, he realises he has superhuman powers that he can use for good. The Sun
  • Fitzroy Y-ll-wpl-sh is short of money, or that the sallybrated hauthor of the Y — — Papers is in peskewniary difficklties, or is fiteagued by his superhuman littery labors, or by his famly suckmstansies, or by any other pusnal matter: my maxim, dear B, is on these pints to be as quiet as posbile. The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush
  • They single-handedly led the resurgence of our National Pastime and they did so by awing us with their superhuman strength. Adam Flomenbaum: The Nude Athlete
  • People linked to each other through this incredible almost superhuman need.
  • Finding that they conclusively confuted one another, and perceiving at last that the idea of the superhuman origin of Christianity did, and, as Bishop Butler says, alone can resolve all the difficulties of the subject, I was compelled to forego all the advantages of infidelity, and condescended to "depress" my conscience to the "Biblical standard"! The Eclipse of Faith Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic
  • That Sri Aurobindo "was his own first guinea pig" and "evolved, step by tiny step, from humanhood to superhumanhood," is simply a fetish for the Western mind. Divine incarnation in its developmental aspects - a fetish
  • The anti-heroic stance has nothing to do with being infallible or superhuman or invulnerable or dauntless.
  • He felt genuine awe at this superhuman man, at once so puissant, so self-possessed, so monomaniac in his demeanour.
  • The ‘gimmick’ of the show is that it is relentlessly fast paced, with multiple storylines, and characters who seem at times to be superhumanly capable, and at other times to be the most annoying self-centred arrogant prigs on the planet.
  • The accident raised his other senses to near-superhuman levels, allowing him to taste, touch, smell and hear with unerring accuracy.
  • Seeing how he evolved, step by tiny step, from humanhood to superhumanhood, seems to me to be most wonderful; a breadcrumb trail of how Sri Aurobindo's outer nature changed. Divine incarnation in its developmental aspects - a fetish
  • Many people would refer to them more as superhuman than as divine characters.
  • While you expect them to leap across rooms, tossing characters around like rag dolls with their superhuman powers, such abilities are instead reserved for boss enemies.
  • The most efficient programs exhibiting human intelligence might exceed the power and memory of present PCs manyfold, and devising them might be superhumanly difficult.
  • Soon, Ellie and Jimmy start displaying superhuman powers.
  • But it annoyed him to find that his own explanations were always falsified by the event, while Cosmo Versál seemed to have a superhuman foreglimpse of whatever happened. The Second Deluge
  • Their superhuman aiming abilities allow them to land perfectly aimed shots, even from strictly impossible distances, every single time.
  • With almost superhuman effort and after a half-hour struggle, Quentin finally dragged Tommy 's dead weight up out of the shaft. KISS OF THE BEES
  • But I'm only one guy, albeit one with many superhuman abilities beyond those of mere mortal men, and clearly I can't play and review every game.
  • One disappointment is that a few of his stunts have been enhanced by special effects, meaning that some of the superhuman moves are really beyond human ability.
  • Throughout the whole of Ireland people are making superhuman efforts to encourage tolerance.
  • If now, in addition to all these things, you have properly reflected upon the odd disorder of the chamber, we have gone so far as to combine the ideas of an agility astounding, a strength superhuman, a ferocity brutal, a butchery without motive, a grotesquerie in horror absolutely alien from humanity, and a voice foreign in tone to the ears of men of many nations, and devoid of all distinct or intelligible syllabification. The Murders in the Rue Morgue
  • I may have been superhuman when I was nine, but evidently the magic powers have worn off.
  • Superhuman though their power of goetic movement was, it couldn't check them before they hit the atmosphere. Operation Luna
  • Why else have they honed their fighting ability to such superhuman levels if not to kill?
  • It was a superhuman effort. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coming up with an answer to that mind-bending question truly needs superhuman mental powers. Times, Sunday Times
  • It takes superhuman strength and I am incredibly strong because of my experiences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heroes begins by telling the stories of apparently ordinary individuals from around the world who mysteriously develop superhuman abilities, and who then seek to use them to prevent the end of the world as foreseen in images produced by a precognitive painter. My Five Best TV Shows of 2006 | myFiveBest
  • For all the giant leaps and superhuman punch-ups, jokes and quips, he manages to give a quite touching layered performance.
  • However, the action seems to take place in a parallel world where one can have superhuman powers.
  • When you are high up on either wall you can catch the plan of all this, but to avoid a confused description and to help you to follow the marvellous, Hannibalian and never-before-attempted charge and march which I made, and which, alas! ended only in a glorious defeat -- to help you to picture faintly to yourselves the mirific and horripilant adventure whereby I nearly achieved superhuman success in spite of all the powers of the air, I append a little map which is rough but clear and plain, and which I beg you to study closely, for it will make it easy for you to understand what next happened in my pilgrimage. The Path to Rome
  • It involved a superhuman effort on my part and you may want to make notes here in case you want to brush up your culinary skills.
  • It was a widely known fact that the identity of the five most powerful superhumans was a closely guarded secret.
  • It required superhuman effort to lift the huge boulder.
  • Come springtime, hockey players seem to morph into superhuman creations of competitiveness, physicality and gamesmanship.
  • In these respects the substances resemble the superhuman powers themselves; they are ambiguous in character, and can cause either weal or woe.
  • To know that he made such superhuman efforts and continued to perform to thousands through his illness only confirms his dedication to his European fans. Times, Sunday Times
  • When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. Napoleon Hill 
  • His heart was as hard and big as a muskmelon in his chest, hammering against his ribs, bursting with adrenaline, his strength almost superhuman. The Glass Rainbow
  • An 8 year old girl who met Taka and the others. She's cute and has superhuman strength. Perhaps she's...! ?
  • Maria, Blanca, and Lucy are not in any way superhuman, nor are they endowed with amazing abilities.
  • It took an almost superhuman effort to contain his anger.
  • Officers were terrified of his superhuman strength.
  • I love the way Eckhart Tolle puts it: "The word 'enlightenment' conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment ... it is really just your natural state of felt oneness with Being. Steve McSwain: How To Know God Beyond Organized Religion
  • You'd have to have superhuman strength to resist it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Natural selection would favour these new patterns of superhuman behaviour and we would survive. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Even the Japanese at that time knew it only through TV shows and comic books and I suppose a lot of people nowadays think ninjutsu is flying around in the air, swimming under-water - doing superhuman feats.
  • It is a method which has brought them almost superhuman success. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • In the monomachy, we see him raised to a superhuman stature and strength.
  • I'm beginning to think they're some sort of breed of genetically enhanced superhuman, or actually manic workaholic robots.
  • soldiers driven mad by superhuman misery
  • This braggart weaves astonishing tales of cunning and will while stalking game, and even more preposterous stories of superhuman feats of boozing.
  • He's also had to cope with people sneering at his ability to write books at superhuman speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the rogue hand attempted to ferry off my telephone, I like to think that my super speed reflexes and superhuman strength actually wrested the phone out of the insistent grip of the powerful man trying to steal my phone.
  • Your adrenalin pumps through and its almost as if you have superhuman powers as you either run the fastest you've ever run, or you jump out of the way of a car or, god hoping, you block a car from running over your baby, as has happened in extreme examples. James Altucher: 12 Ways to Live Forever
  • The President accepted these arrangements with what seemed to me to be practically superhuman good nature.
  • There was a delightful example of an unknown primitive master, a fourteenth-century Visitation, in which the Virgin had the stature and pure delicacy of a child of ten, whilst the Archangel, huge and superb, inundated her with a stream of dazzling, superhuman love; and in front of this hung an antique family portrait, depicting a very beautiful young girl in a turban, who was thought to be Cassia Boccanera, the _amorosa_ and avengeress who had flung herself into the Tiber with her brother The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • Quick techno rhythm is syncopated with pauses in the forward-moving action brought on by Lola's superhuman screams or by the death of a protagonist.
  • Where they went wrong was their belief that they were almost superhuman. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a delightful example of an unknown primitive master, a fourteenth-century Visitation, in which the Virgin had the stature and pure delicacy of a child of ten, whilst the Archangel, huge and superb, inundated her with a stream of dazzling, superhuman love; and in front of this hung an antique family portrait, depicting a very beautiful young girl in a turban, who was thought to be Cassia Boccanera, the/amorosa/and avengeress who had flung herself into the Tiber with her brother The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 1
  • In stark contrast stand the superhuman efforts of many of our people out here. The Sun
  • Luckily, there was a hard drive around that had uploaded his big noggin beforehand, and it was rebooted, albeit to a time before the Civil War storyline when he infamously supported the Superhuman Registration Act. "It was a dark trip, but I feel a real sense of ownership now, which is weird," Fraction explains. How Iron Man got his groove back and new armor
  • It took an almost superhuman intuition to know when it was right and proper to cross the divide.
  • A 15 year-old girl with superhuman powers destined to protect the world from the creatures of the night armed only with a pointy stick and aided by some painfully earnest wise-cracking friends?
  • It required superhuman effort to lift the huge boulder.
  • Through-hiking would require a superhuman constitution, independent means, and supreme knowledge of Arctic and subarctic environs.
  • David Gest has filed a $10 million lawsuit alleging Minelli was a monster, a boozier batterer with a taste for Vodka and seem league superhuman strength. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2003
  • Following Nigel's advice, I made superhuman attempts to keep my extremities warm in sub human conditions of almost minus 40.
  • The English voice dub reflects this quality, with a superhuman effort put in by all the voice actors to make the roles hyper, authentic, and fun.
  • It’s superhumans from a totally human perspective, stories told with the combination of awe, fear, and idolism that you’d expect if we really saw superheroes every day. Astro City: The Dark Age Book II #4 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. Napoleon Hill 
  • People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him.
  • One night, Jeremy decides to test his father's superhuman powers.
  • Did he think she had some superhuman powers that let her do everything at once?

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