
How To Use Superficial In A Sentence

  • They will not see through the superficial machinations of modern baaskap whose heart is filled with envy at seeing the dream becoming true, of a people united in a social contract, working together black and white, to determine a better future for themselves. SPEECH BY NKOSINATHI NHLEKO, CHIEF WHIP OF THE MAJORITY PARTY ON THE STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS
  • Despite their superficial similarity, submersion of minorities in English-only programs in the USA and Canadian immersion programs are different and they lead to different results.
  • Superficially, the rationale of the style would seem to be its conjuncture of sensitivity and showmanship.
  • The labellum indument resembles, although superficially, that of the hairy areas of an insect tegument.
  • The third muscle to consider is a superficial muscle that lies along the anterior side of the tibiotarsus.
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  • The fact is that any Democrat's heroic war record functions mostly as superficial innoculation against charges of sissiness during campaigns, and it's the reason you see so many more Republican chickenhawks than anti-war Dems in public office these days. Hullabaloo
  • Too frequently the stories seem to settle for, at worst, an indulgence in superficial whimsy, at best, a cultivation of the bizarre in situation and event that, at least as I read them, can't bear the weight they're asked to bear when left to provide the primary source of dramatic interest. Genre Fiction
  • _Ophthalmia lymphatica_ is a kind of anasarca of the tunica adnata; in this the vessels over the sclerotica, or white part of the eye, rise considerably above the cornea, which they surround, are less red than in the ophthalmia superficialis, and appear to be swelled by an accumulation of lymph rather than of blood; it is probably owing to the temporary obstruction of a branch of the lymphatic system. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • People were half-conscious that this system was a superficial and artificial means of control.
  • The characters themselves are little more than superficial sketches that become increasingly indistinguishable as the movie proceeds.
  • But Australia's farming lobby says it fears the deal will allow some industrial nations to give only superficial access to their markets.
  • In budding, aggregates of cells differentiate into small sponges that are released superficially or expelled through the oscula.
  • The superficial similarities are obvious: both have Welsh connections, but write in English; both are priests in the Anglican tradition; both served their pastorates in rural settings.
  • Death adders are terrestrial elapids who superficially resemble vipers.
  • His superficial charm masks a gaping hole where his soul should be. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't mean to say that Americans are a nation of superficial, backslapping enjoyers and happy-makers, as opposed to our suffering Slavic souls.
  • But there is a certain ridicule, among superficial people, thrown on the scholars or clerisy, which is of no import, unless the scholar heed it. Representative Man (1850)
  • That is, they sound good on a superficial level, but a look at the fine print shows a different picture.
  • We cannot call a man's work superficial when it is the creation of a world; a man cannot be accused of dealing superficially with the world which he himself has created; the superficies is the world. Ben Jonson
  • The tract thus characterised was about five or six acres in superficial extent; and surrounded by the same kind of coppice that covered most of the face of the country. Bruin The Grand Bear Hunt
  • The television can woo the young with superficial lifestyles, the internet can unload any kind of amoral slurry into their heads.
  • It becomes superficial and descends with the great saphenous vein along the medial border of the tibia as far as the middle of the instep.
  • The script lacks any such subtleties and none of the cast is skillful enough to be able to suggest any depth beyond the script's superficial characterizations.
  • Our southern ally's loyalty to her beautiful "unredeemed" provinces, and her claim, which all right-minded Englishmen (I include myself) most heartily endorse, to dominate the historically Italian waters of the Adriatic, happily proved too strong for a machine-made sympathy for Berlin based on nothing better than a superficial resemblance between the histories of Piedmont and Prussia, and a record of nominal alliance with powers whose respect for paper treaties was always fairly apparent. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, August 15, 1917
  • There is a class of persons (happily not quite so numerous as formerly) who think it enough if a person assents undoubtingly to what they think true, though he has no knowledge whatever of the grounds of the opinion, and could not make a tenable defence of it against the most superficial objections. On Liberty
  • The lesser superficial petrosal nerve sometimes passes through a special canal (canaliculus innominatus of Arnold) situated medial to the foramen spinosum. II. Osteology. 5a. 5. The Sphenoid Bone
  • Yin medicines have a superficial action on the body or cause some type of elimination through their laxative, diaphoretic or diuretic properties.
  • The basal layer, like the superficial layer, is porose, but its pores are not pervious to air.
  • Urticarial lesions are the result of capillary vasodilation followed by transudation of fluid into the superficial dermis.
  • You should be able to wipe away superficial dirt with a damp (not wet ) cloth. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was too superficial an examination of the subject, which ironically reminded me that there is quite a bit that I don't know about history in general.
  • They correct none of the childish nasty tricks, which they get at school; nor the illiberal manners which they contract at the university; nor the frivolous and superficial pertness, which is commonly all that they acquire by their travels. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Also, a brief overview of the story is contained, but it is cursory and superficially overviewed here, and doesn't spoil or resolve anything.
  • The inactivity of the opposition movements currently in China is only a superficial phenomenon.
  • Several superficial hip flexors assist the iliopsoas; all of them connect the front of the pelvis to the thigh or leg.
  • If words on a page can’t compete any more with a film as regards creating a completely detailed and filmically accurate presentation of a story*, then writers will start to look for what writing can do that cinema can’t, and try and get at the reality of their subject through using superficially “unrealistic” techniques. Cheeseburger Gothic » Friday writing blog: point of view.
  • By focusing on the superficial, they missed what is truly revolutionary about the game.
  • Intact blisters tend to outnumber erosions in pemphigoid, while the reverse is true of the more superficial blisters occurring in pemphigus.
  • Width often leads to superficiality and depth may produce a blinkered approach and an intellectual treadmill.
  • If we don’t want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we’re stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions. Ellen Degeneres 
  • The anterior part contains the submaxillary gland, superficial to which is the anterior facial vein, while imbedded in the gland is the external maxillary artery and its glandular branches; beneath the gland, on the surface of the Mylohyoideus, are the submental artery and the mylohyoid artery and nerve. VI. The Arteries. 3a. 3. The Triangles of the Neck
  • In the epidermis of the apophysis functional stomata, similar to those of the higher plants, are present and, since cells containing chlorophyll are present below the superficial layers of the apophysis and capsule, the sporogonium is capable of independent assimilation. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Although religious in a superficial and sententious way, she regards God as a servant, not a master, and she acknowledges no limits, either God's or the law's, to the exercise of her will.
  • What now becomes of Dr. Miller's so-called scanty and superficial convolutions with small cranial measurements? The Southern Sanitarium. Vol. 1, no. 4 (January 1, 1897)
  • The 1968 allusion is not superficial: the images these girls are summoning, just as much as the van-smashers did, are pictures of revolution ? the real thing, in its romantic and large-minded soixante-huitard form. Student protests: the riot girls
  • It is natural to weigh our sacrifices against their results, although the process brings little consolation, for so often in our superficial view the results are minified beyond our vision and the sacrifice fills the whole horizon. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Eschewing the ostentatious gentility of readers, who enjoy parading their superficial knowledge, she pursues her intellectual work without need of an audience.
  • ‘He makes it ringingly clear in his conclusions that there was no substantive briefing of me in relation to this issue and he says any briefing at any time, if there was any, was of the most superficial kind,’ he said.
  • The film suggests that it is better to understand and accept the condition as normal than to try to eradicate it with supposed miracle cures, or superficial lifestyle changes.
  • Debate raged around the dinner tables of the nation, causing irrevocable family feuds and superficial cutlery wounds.
  • The proximal aulacophore is polymerous, rather than tetramerous (as in most other stylophorans) and superficially similar to that of the earliest stylophoran, Ceratocystis.
  • Many books that are superficially history books are easily detected as political propaganda or inspirational froth.
  • Jesus demands that the people look to their deeds before all else, reviles wealth and importance, insists that the lowliest, least superficially deserving of beggars is more readily accepted by God than those who trumpet achievement and virtue. He Ain’t Heavy « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Research is currently focused on the role of superficial venous surgery and the use of cultured skin allografts.
  • Correspondingly, each claimed that the other remained entangled in, and misled by, a superficial, merely apparent reality.
  • If we don’t want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we’re stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions. Ellen Degeneres 
  • At the place where the vessel re-enters the pelvis, it lies removed at an interval of an inch and a half from the perinaeum, but becomes more superficial as it approaches the subpubic space, N. Surgical Anatomy
  • There is no connection between the phrase and the actual blood color of nobility; however, in the ancient and medieval societies of Europe, much of the upper class may have had superficial veins that appeared blue through their untanned skin, in contrast with the working class of the time, mainly agricultural peasants who spent most of their time working outdoors and thus had tanned skin. A terribly painful conversation.
  • It is the vision of an Englishman, a sportsman and a visitor yet not that of a superficial tourist, and, irritating as it might be to the Scottish nationalist in the age of devolution, it still exerts a powerful appeal.
  • An ability to penetrate the superficialities of the story and action to see the moral truths expressed therein.
  • The word preserve should be understood with some caution because if one imagines it superficially then it depicts more pain than happiness. Reading Shakespeare
  • By comparison the seemingly safe approach is anaemic and superficial - it does not really engage pupils.
  • Superficially, I can picture only saps or children falling prey.
  • The innumerable efforts to identify the glyphs by their superficial appearance, calling the banded headdress a “pottery decoration,” and explaining the face-glyph of the North thereby, because in Maya _xaman_ is north and _xamach_ a tortilla dish (to say nothing of others still more fanciful, by a host of writers), have broken down, as was to be expected. Commentary Upon the Maya-Tzental Perez Codex with a Concluding Note Upon the Linguistic Problem of the Maya Glyphs
  • Superficially, they all look very much alike, and dissection is often the only way to tell two species apart.
  • Palmar metacarpal arteries and superficial palmer branches arise from the radial artery.
  • He also admits he might be running out of countries since his brand of humour touches only ‘a very superficial outer layer’ of each place.
  • On a superficial level everything appears to be in order, but at a deeper level you can see that there's a lot wrong.
  • It may be moist and pink, there may be red psoriasiform with yellow, superficial crusting, or there may be a dry fissured area with mucoid discharge.
  • I could neither laugh with nor at the solemn utterances of men I esteemed ponderous asses; nor could I laugh, nor engage in my old-time lightsome persiflage, with the silly superficial chatterings of women, who, underneath all their silliness and softness, were as primitive, direct, and deadly in their pursuit of biological destiny as the monkeys women were before they shed their furry coats and replaced them with the furs of other animals. Chapter 29
  • But his commit is so superficial that there is no reason to take it as indicating that any significant number of liberals make that mistake. Matthew Yglesias » Domestic Politics vs. Foreign Policy
  • Objectives : To evaluate the therapeutic effects of acute superficial phlebitis with ultraviolet Irradiation and ultrashort wave therapy.
  • However, when it comes to attempting to understand the deep structure of classical proof systems (and in particular, when two derivations that differ in some superficial syntactic way are really different ways to represent the one underlying ˜proof™) it is enlightening to think of classical logic as formed by a basic substructural logic, in which extra structural rules are imposed as additions. Substructural Logics
  • Yet a superficial revival of radical pamphleteering hides what is really going on.
  • Even the television ads for these magazines celebrate the hopeless stupidity and superficiality of the male.
  • Mr. Parvaiz, 26, suffered what were described as superficial wounds. Husband Is Charged in N.J. Ambush
  • Wholesome merriment is the logical result of a deeply embedded faith, and seriousness is only sad when it becomes superficial. Christmas Luncheon
  • superficial measurements
  • You can still interact with people, but those interactions are slight and superficial (in the on-the-surface sense) and ephemeral.
  • But I knew that aside from some superficial damage—chipped paint, an ugly crack in the rear mudguard, rusted-through places in the exhaust pipe—the bike was in fine working condition. The Worst Years of Your Life
  • He began to feel he could cope, on a purely superficial level, at least.
  • On a superficial level everything appears to be in order, but at a deeper level you can see that there's a lot wrong.
  • Most staph infections aren't serious; one example is impetigo, a contagious but superficial skin infection.
  • It is in its most superficial position as it passes over the medial condyles of the tibia and femur.
  • The rest is superficial, a blight of the modern obsession with looks and image.
  • It pierces the lateral intermuscular septum, and passes between the Brachialis and Brachioradialis to the front of the lateral epicondyle, where it divides into a superficial and a deep branch. IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
  • It's not even a good pun, which, like a good crossword clue, should work on both the superficial and the cryptic levels.
  • Although it has a superficial sheen, the film is mired in structural errors, weak plot contrivances and flimsy characterisation.
  • His manner was superficially assured, underneath perhaps half-savage, shy and farouche, and deprecating. The Plumed Serpent
  • superficial knowledge
  • The superficial distinction, that architects necessarily have to deal with the urban context while sculptors can choose to avoid it, conceals much more complicated variations.
  • The radial and ulnar arteries may be exposed and ligatured in any part of their course; but of the two, the radial vessel can be reached with greater facility, owing to its comparatively superficial situation. Surgical Anatomy
  • Those of the second layer have a less extensive course in the wall of the right ventricle, and a correspondingly greater course in the left, where they join with the superficial fibers from the anterior half of the tendon of the conus arteriosus to form the papillary muscles of the septum. V. Angiology. 4b. The Heart
  • Thus his playing, metrical but superficial and arrhythmic, astounds not for its virtuosity, but for precisely the opposite: an ignorance of what rhythm is all about.
  • In general, moralizing in some presumptive, superficial, arrogated manner, whether on ideological or “religious” grounds, generally needs to be avoided. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Do ‘Family Values’ Weaken Families?”
  • To close superficial wounds, physicians can accelerate epithelialization, generally using an occlusive dressing that creates a warm, moist, environment, he said.
  • In fact theirs is very much a superficial similarity, based on prodigious talent and youth more than anything else.
  • The testis has a rich superficial plexus beneath the tunica albuginea. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 1. Introduction
  • For all over-rhythmical writing is at once felt to be affected and finical and wholly lacking in passion owing to the monotony of its superficial polish. Archive 2010-03-01
  • There are four basic types of melanoma: superficial spreading melanoma, lentigo maligna, acral lentiginous melanoma, and nodular melanoma; the first three types are found in the uppermost layer of skin, the epidermis, and are noninvasive. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The superficial glamour of its picturesque figures has faded. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Could neither graze nor pierce] [T: of change] To _graze_ is not merely to touch superficially, but to strike not directly, not so as to bury the body of the thing striking in the matter struck. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Just when she might have begun to see through his academic brilliance as superficial sophistry, the tragedy had occurred. COMPULSION
  • The great perils in the life of man, which endangered him in this world and the next, were the superficial elation of superbia, when by whatever acci - dent Fortune favored him, and the ruinous desperation of accidia and dolor, when Fortune frowned. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Even a superficial look at nomenclatures will show that many of these models are irreconcilable, as shown in Figure 1 below.
  • They prefer to market the classics on a more glossy superficial level; the profound conductor and seriously dutiful players are a thing of the past.
  • Buckley's novel, by contrast, is embarrassingly superficial.
  • But a difference in the style of rationalization is not superficial. The Great Debate
  • "If there is some skin flaccidity, I will use superficial liposculpture to cause some skin retraction," he said.
  • The ancestral amniotes were small animals, superficially resembling primitive, insectivorous lizards.
  • False septums may have been put in later on which could lead to the misapprehension of a syncarpous ovary at superficial examination.
  • He only suffered a few superficial flesh wounds.
  • He is a silly and superficial man, a fop or coxcomb.
  • Superficially, the play follows The Tempest's plot-line and uses Philoctetes’ setting, but this isn't just Shakespeare in Greek buskins.
  • Sentimentality and superficial nostrums must be avoided. Christianity Today
  • But any oddness that you might perceive is superficial.
  • I despised myself, accused myself in turn of insensibility, superficiality, of disrespect.
  • The superficial branch of the cystic artery runs along the peritoneal surface of the left side of the gallbladder.
  • The posterior musculature consists of six muscles in two groups, superficial and deep.
  • As arguedin this panegyric from the British Observer website, the 30-episode surreal crime drama subtly revolutionized television drama, moving it away from the superficial episodicsof the 80s towards the meatier, more literate fare that’s become the modern bastion of cable television from The Sopranos on down. Miscellaneous Debris, March 2010 Edition « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • He thought that the bite was superficial and did not bother to see a doctor.
  • The film traces out, fairly superficially, the history of the documentary style known as cinéma vérité from the 1950s to the present day.
  • Scattered areas of lymphocytic exocytosis and extravasated red blood cells within the superficial dermis and epidermis were also present.
  • His ire was reserved for the exaggerated and superficial aspects of American style, such as neon-lit motels, drive-ins, cars with fins, and stove-pipe trousers.
  • She meandered through an interminable speech ranging through topics from sick children and warfare to the superficiality of film.
  • The superficial portion runs beneath the Splenius, giving off branches which pierce that muscle to supply the Trapezius and anastomose with the ascending branch of the transverse cervical: the deep portion runs down between the Semispinales capitis and colli, and anastomoses with the vertebral and with the a. profunda cervicalis, a branch of the costocervical trunk. VI. The Arteries. 3a. 2. The External Carotid Artery
  • The only superficial traits that set the Amish apart from the ‘normals ‘are their thick horse-and-buggy accents and the fact that they all cop to having limited educations.’
  • Superficially he reacted against this background.
  • These are superficial lacerations of the intima that do not involve the media or adventitia.
  • It is less about superficial appearance and more about the processes of looking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides its blood tonic properties, peony root is also an antispasmodic that promotes blood circulation by relieving blockage and tension of the organs and various internal and superficial areas of the body.
  • The situation in war fluctuates, it is many-sided and contradictory; it blends together the essential and the superficial, the law-governed and the fortuitous, the old and the new.
  • If we don’t want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we’re stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions. Ellen Degeneres 
  • What conversation exists is trapped in a level of superficial banality.
  • By comparison the seemingly safe approach is anaemic and superficial - it does not really engage pupils.
  • They were treated for smoke inhalation and superficial burns.
  • These superficialities of name and form cannot alter the that the empire was in reality Hellenic.
  • Beneath his refined manners and superficial elegance the man was a snake.
  • Criticism must see beyond superficial décor to spiritual purpose and order.
  • Superficially thick walls are honeycombed with passages and chambers serving individual suites and lodgings.
  • The panic was superficial, to do with the car's speed and his sweating. THE LAST RAVEN
  • There is no doubt that, superficially at least, the transsexual consents, is indeed very anxious that surgery be carried out.
  • This simple physical concept of addictive disease and recovery has an obvious superficial attraction but may be far from the full picture.
  • His particular brand of late-capitalist pop nihilism combined with his angst-ridden gay teen characters has always reeked of superficiality.
  • Nowadays, "Pollyanna" has morphed into a term meaning someone who has a superficial, naïve, rose-colored-glasses view of the world. Helen Davey: Faking Positive Emotions for Our Jobs: At What Cost?
  • Narcissism, in psycho-therapeutic parlance, is a term used to indicate a superficial personality type with a hyper-inflated sense of self to compensate for a grievously wounded core. Judith Acosta, LISW, CHT: Nice But Not Good: The Art of Spotting Narcissists
  • Very charming at first, that's one of the characteristics, a superficial, glib sort of charm.
  • The alimentary canal is supplied with rich plexuses beneath the epithelium, often as a superficial plexus in the mucosa and a deeper submucosal plexus. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 1. Introduction
  • The tumor thickness was measured with an ocular micrometer from the most superficial layer of mucosal epithelium, ulcer base, or granular layer of squamous mucosa, to the deepest invasive tumor cell.
  • In a world befogged by superficiality, moments of clarity are few and far between.
  • Yet candy coating can have its drawbacks: a surface appeal often leads to superficial understanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • The waves caused superficial damage which will need to be repaired promptly to avoid further damage.
  • The ancestral amniotes were small animals, superficially resembling primitive, insectivorous lizards.
  • Natural color may return to superficial burns and some second-degree burns in several months.
  • The far-distant Sun, when seen from the Saturnian System, has only about a nineteenth of the superficial extent which it presents to the Earth.
  • —The artery is superficial throughout its entire extent, being covered, in front, by the integument and the superficial and deep fasciæ; the lacertus fibrosus (bicipital fascia) lies in front of it opposite the elbow and separates it from the vena mediana cubiti; the median nerve crosses from its lateral to its medial side opposite the insertion of the Coracobrachialis. VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
  • The consequences of the strength of the political spirit are not all direct, nor does its strength by any means spring solely from its indulgence to the less respectable elements of character, such as languor, extreme pliableness, superficiality. On Compromise
  • But that is a superficial similarity.
  • the superficial area of the wall
  • And though her readings of Rachmaninoff are in fact quite beautiful in their own right, distinguished as they are by an imaginative rubato, they remain only superficially elegant.
  • The difficulty that emerges is that there is resort to statements of the superficial in seeking to describe what are deep and complex issues.
  • Superficial ablation through electrodessication, dermabrasion or laser treatment may be beneficial.
  • If the superficialis tendon is injured, the distal IP joint will hyperflex, and the proximal IP joint will hyperextend.
  • The area bears a superficial similarity to south London.
  • Periclimenes shrimps are superficially similar in appearance to Harlequin Shrimp species but do not harm their host anemone or sea cucumber.
  • Pseudopollen is a mealy material, usually whitish or yellowish in colour, which superficially resembles pollen.
  • Anhingas and Double-crested Cormorants, representing closely allied avian families, share a spread-winged behavior that is superficially identical.
  • Whether the embryo is a ball of cells or a mass on top of a yolk, though, all vertebrates carry out equivalent movements during gastrulation; again, the differences are superficial, depending on whether the cluster of cells is balled up or flattened. A bit more on Haeckel - The Panda's Thumb
  • Based on limit equilibrium method and stereographic projection method, the stability of the deep layer slide and the superficial layer slide can be analyzed.
  • He is also under the sway of rakish Colonel Sanderson, whose claims to "biblicism" seem to be of the superficial variety; Mrs. Sanderson, however, evinces considerably more enthusiasm. The Biblicals
  • For the types Blair now calls "wimmin", there were all-women shortlists and a minister for women; for magazine editors, Blair held flattering lunches; and for civilians, focus groups like the one at which Alastair Campbell, in a break from squabbling with his colleagues, found himself shocked by the all-girl superficiality. What woman could ever compete with Tony 'cojones' Blair?
  • Drilling begins directly over the bisection of the angle between the greater superficial petrosal nerve and arcuate eminence and the dura of IAC is exposed beneath the petrous ridge.
  • Professor Cairnsley came along the line he was gradually eliciting from the terrified class the superficial points which were more or less common to all philosophers. When Patty Went to College
  • It is a superficial muscle that gives the buttock its shape and covers the gluteus medius.
  • Beneath his refined manners and superficial elegance lay something treacherous.
  • When you prioritize seeking a partner who supports your becoming your favorite, best self -- instead of just crushing on someone's superficial sexy looks, charisma and wealthiness -- you wind up with a happy love relationship! Karen Salmansohn: Do You Suffer From Prince Harming Syndrome?
  • No patient reported symptoms at the lateral cutaneous branch of the superficial peroneal nerve or the sural nerve.
  • ‘The ‘great’ national historian Macaulay,’ Trotsky wrote, ‘vulgarises the social drama of the seventeenth century by obscuring the inner struggle of forces with platitudes that are sometimes interesting but always superficial.’
  • A nurse wraps wet towels around superficial burns on my wife's leg and my hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • To tourists untainted with even the most superficial knowledge of history, Tuscany lives up magnificently to the hype.
  • the superficial report didn't give the true picture
  • “I don’t much like hearing him called obtuse and superficial, but I suppose I should like still less to hear Sybell praise him. Red Pottage
  • Objective To study the reconstitution of eyebrow with superficial temporal artery island skin flap.
  • This supersession may seem superficial, but it is not. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He's superficially lovable, in that Brodkin makes him a cheery as well as cheeky chappie, confident that the woman in the front row will be charmed to hear he'd like to "cum on [her] tits". Lee Nelson's Well Good Tour – review
  • I'm not sure where my friend Paul forwarded this from - it's probably up on Defamer or The Superficial or something - but look who I might be borrowing a cup of sugar from* in the future... Won't you be my neighbor?
  • But there is a certain ridicule, among superficial people, thrown on the scholars or clerisy, which is of no import, unless the scholars heed it. Representative Men
  • You are methodical and orderly, solving problems logically, and wasting little time on superficial matters.
  • With experience, I found the same features in the mucosa from the corpus, usually much more mild, superficial and focal than the antrum. J. Robin Warren - Autobiography
  • His equipment would be merged with existing industry sensors that nondestructively assess superficial visual traits, including size, color, and bruising.
  • a few superficial editorial changes
  • I could neither laugh with nor at the solemn utterances of men I esteemed ponderous asses; nor could I laugh, nor engage in my old-time lightsome persiflage, with the silly superficial chatterings of women, who, underneath all their silliness and softness, were as primitive, direct, and deadly in their pursuit of biological destiny as the monkeys women were before they shed their furry coats and replaced them with the furs of other animals. Chapter 29
  • Mullings' portrayal of the duplicitous wife is forced and superficial.
  • In the early days John was routinely accused of glibness, superficiality, mannerism, of Pop-Art vacancy and amorality.
  • The vessels of the villus are surrounded by a thin layer of mesoderm consisting of gelatinous connective tissue, which is covered by two strata of ectodermal cells derived from the trophoblast: the deeper stratum, next the mesodermic tissue, represents the cytotrophoblast or layer of Langhans; the superficial, in contact with the maternal blood, the syncytiotrophoblast (Figs. 36 and 37). I. Embryology. 11. Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
  • The south-eastern slope bears heavy loessic soil, mixed with superficial pebbles and compact loam soil.
  • The more - colorful content finds its way onto blogs like Perez Hilton, the Superficial, Pink is the New Blog, and the Time Warner – owned TMZ. com, which features unedited video of drunk celebs getting into fender-benders or pathetically rationalizing their inability to gain admittance to the club of the moment. Fallen Stars
  • Only superficial damage was incurred and the stands and playing surface were unaffected. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lot of the judgements that designers make about other designers are superficial.
  • Conclusion: Spastic paralysis with intact of superficial sensation in the lower extremity following TIPSS should be considered as HM.

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