How To Use Superannuated In A Sentence
Now we can hope to solve the problem of the unemployed adult only by removing the adolescent and the superannuated from the labor market.
Autobiography used to be the preserve of hammy actors, gammy lieutenant commanders and superannuated hangers-on to the Bloomsbury Group.
We can't afford to give the impression of being defeated, superannuated people, Claude had said with an angry smile.
The AARP, self-styled lobby for the superannuated, is trying to rally oldsters behind ObamaCare.
'Terrifying Numbers for Democrats'
As part of our continuing mollification of superannuated subscribers, this week's concerts will feature a big-name soloist playing a very old piece while the rest of the musicians phone it in.
Listener discretion advised

The PRC's combat aircraft are also superannuated, which exacerbates the problems of the PLAN.
And therefore, restless inquietude for the diuturnity of our memories unto the present considerations seems a vanity almost out of date, and superannuated piece of folly.
Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
The council is holding its financial breath over the burgeoning black hole in the local authority's superannuated final salary pension scheme.
Myriads of old cars, beat-up buses and superannuated trucks asphyxiate urban areas with their deadly exhaust, while the dirty two-stroke engines that power small vehicles emit ten times as much fine particulate matter as modern cars.
He left the house...for the support of twelve superannuated wool carders
He shrugged, resenting the ease of the game he was playing and the superannuated image of himself he could so successfully project.
By similar reasoning a superannuated dairymaid with a grogshop is a very different person to the "pretty girl milking her cow" -- sovereign lady of her presence, but of no groggery beside.
Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
I'M getting a bit fed up with superannuated pop stars flying over in their Learjets just to tell us to make less car journeys.
Pirate radio was about to be superannuated by the BBC shake-up that would give rise to Radio One.
Some superannuated blokes are still wearing the long hair of a 1970s pop or football star, even though their face resemble a wrinkled prune.
What is stopping these same artists - in their latest guises, solo, whatever - pulling their fingers out and delivering us new musical thrills to challenge the superannuated repertoire?
superannuated laws
'And, therefore, restless inquietude for the diuturnity of our memories with present considerations seems a vanity out of date, and a superannuated piece of folly.
Hours in a Library, Volume I. (of III.)
In the concert room, the superannuated artistes of the poorer kind of Continental concert hall shrieked and grimaced and ogled, and after every item of the show, the performer came round with an escallop shell into which the more generously disposed dropped small copper coins.
Recollections With Photogravure Portrait of the Author and a number of Original Letters, of which one by George Meredith and another by Robert Louis Stevenson are reproduced in facsimile
However, workplace practices and the physical landscape of the cities have improved so much that the old fears of a modern visual wasteland are by now superannuated.
And-let me see-add something like this: In the event Ira Weatheral fails to qualify for inheritance, then all my worldly wealth of which I die possessed shall go to, uh, to-to found a home for indigent and superannuated pickpockets, prostitutes, panhandlers, piemen, priggers, and other unworthy poor starting with 'P'.
Time Enough For Love
He and all the REST of his kind can osculate my superannuated queer posterior.
365 Gay News
Are you still riding that superannuated old bike?
‘Hey, listen’, I said, with a wry self - deprecatory shake of the head, ‘You don't want to hear a superannuated sociologist propounding half - baked theories.
It was like a superannuated chemist's shop with huge bottles of pills everywhere.
I was invited to his evening assemblies which were, as I have stated before, frequented by superannuated women and men.
As part of our continuing mollification of superannuated subscribers, this week's concerts will feature a big-name soloist playing a very old piece while the rest of the musicians phone it in.
Archive 2008-06-01
Tactfully, she suggested to the editors at OUP that they make the necessary emendation silently lest the shock of being faulted be too much for my superannuated frame.
A claim was made and accepted by Comcare at that time and, indeed, Ms Holt was superannuated out of the public service within 12 months.
This does NOT mean merely rebuilding what existed before 1914, but an expansion that could continue until, again, socially necessary labor time of reproduction was superannuated as the "numeraire", the common denominator, of capitalist exchange at the new, higher "standard of value".
Upping the Anti - A Journal of Theory and Action
The fracturing isn't part of the willful formal fracturing that accompanies the superannuated term "experimental."
Superannuated anchorman Dan Rather plays the toast.
I'm on the money train now and am looking forward to a modestly superannuated future.
Underwood - a superannuated widower - has two daughters.
I know that the economy of rural Ireland operates in a hermetically sealed way, oblivious to the world of Dublin and its superannuated airheads.
Without regressive evolution to prune the phenotype, all species would be encumbered by billion-year-long lists of superannuated traits.
Autobiography used to be the preserve of hammy actors, gammy lieutenant commanders and superannuated hangers-on to the Bloomsbury Group.
The superannuated may perhaps devote themselves to reflection and advice.
Mind you, the annals of British sportscasting contain many examples of superannuated pundits who soldier on well past their sell-by dates.
In the first place, he is superannuated in his spiritual functions, and, being so, has to do something less harassing and laborious than spiritualizing Ethiopians to supply the domestic exchequer; anglice, to find beef and potatoes for a beloved wife and four little boys.
Pictures of Slavery in Church and State; Including Personal Reminiscences, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc. etc. with an Appendix, Containing the Views of John Wesley and Richard Watson on Slavery
hit-the-grit" circus, and were writing to the big shows for prices on superannuated or "shopworn" animals.
Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905
Off I went, an overweight, superannuated jockey, knees hovering near my armpits.
The new dormitory is smart, though furnished, bizarrely, with superannuated conservatory chairs donated by a nearby hotel.
The superannuated dames and amateur comedians of old are gone: in their place is a pacy and entertaining contemporary pantomime.
A dull - eyed shop assistant feeds the card into a superannuated time-clock which has been through a retraining course.
It is further proof that in the department of a superannuated squad who have witnessed Mourinho's ruthless side more often than not, Drogba is the ultimate survivor.
People should use the internet to inform their purchasing rather than some superannuated arbitrary knees-up.
I suspect this was originally part of a superannuated multimillion-dollar Qantas flight simulator.
The putative author is indeed Cheeta, the superannuated chimpanzee star of just short of a dozen Tarzan movies and the sidekick of American beefcake Johnny Weissmuller.
He could have spared a world of superannuated history, science, or politics, to have reversed better in waltzing.
The superannuated dames and amateur comedians of old are gone: in their place is a pacy and entertaining contemporary pantomime.
His only job is as a superannuated marriage guidance counsellor to Blair and Brown.
The hint of proceeding put all into motion; the venerable attendants of the Emir set forward somewhat slowly, but Vathek, having ordered his little pages in private to goad on the dromedaries, loud fits of laughter broke forth from the cages, for the unwieldy curvetting of these poor beasts, and the ridiculous distress of their superannuated riders, afforded the ladies no small entertainment.
The History of the Caliph Vathek
Pirate radio was about to be superannuated by the BBC shake-up that would give rise to Radio One.
It's incredible that someone who, these days, is undoubtedly more superannuated than itinerant can still sound this convincing.
Hollywood is the graveyard for all the uprooted cultural artifacts of a superannuated tradition.
Contrary to the doleful prophecies of superannuated Jeremiahs, pop is in rude health.
Sometimes Vologonov knocks at the partition-wall with a superannuated arshin measure which has only fifteen vershoki of its length remaining.
Through Russia
They are employees of the state sector who enjoy superannuated job security amidst an ocean of poverty.
And by now, opinion was evenly divided between outright mockery and superannuated wonder.