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How To Use Sunset In A Sentence

  • He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
  • There had been a good deal of joking, both Spanish and English, among the passengers; I had found particularly cheering the richness of a certain machinist’s trousers of bright golden corduroy; but as the shades of night began to embrown the scene our spirits fell; and at the cry of a lonesome bird, far off where the sunset had been, they followed the sun in its sudden drop. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • The sunset scene shows a classic cumulonimbus cloud formation.
  • As darkness drew near I joyfully and thankfully watched the pinks, purples, blues and golden colors of the sky melt together into a picture-perfect sunset.
  • Here is a road seen between sunset and moonrise: "... all that remained of day was a beamless amber light along the west: but I could see every pebble on the path, and every blade of grass, by the light of that splendid moon". The Three Brontës
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  • There were brighter pictures, of early Mexican-Californian life, a pastel of twilight eucalyptus with a sunset-tipped mountain beyond, by Reimers, a moonlight by Peters, and a Griffin stubble-field across which gleamed and smoldered California summer hills of tawny brown and purple-misted, wooded canyons. CHAPTER VIII
  • Sunset found me in the cove, not hidden by the leaves as before, but sitting in the boat astrand. A Trip to Venus
  • Fireworks and the nightglow created by tethered balloons happen after sunset. Times, Sunday Times
  • This evening of games on the beach includes water-sport taster sessions, rock-pooling, bird walks, star-gazing and a barbecue at sunset. Times, Sunday Times
  • Colorado Plateau sandstone is nearly totemic in texture and color: voluptuously carved by wind and water, bared to a glory of sunset colors.
  • I want to walk along a tropical beach at sunset or ramble through a ruined temple at sunrise.
  • They have already taken a sunset swim and caught a fish at their first attempt at fishing. Times, Sunday Times
  • He tends his beloved rose and moves his chair round its curve to watch 44 sunsets a day. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sunset threw an orange glow on the cliffs.
  • And wait till you see those moody sunsets. Times, Sunday Times
  • In particular, light measurements are performed at sunset because increased prey and predator interactions occur at twilight, when animals previously hidden in the deep, aphotic (without light) zone migrate vertically up to the surface. Scientific American
  • In "Sunset Park," Auster is more interested in the neighborhood's vast semi-industrial stretches peppered with nondescript houses, all the better to endow the proceedings with an enforced sense of dreariness. Paul Auster Paints a Dreary Picture In 'Sunset Park'
  • It's customary to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open.
  • The afternoon sunset had tinted the white clouds and blue sky into subtle, mellow shades and the fresh, wet winds brushed our faces as we were transported to the tideland in an ox cart.
  • But 1,000 feet of sandy beach have since eroded away, including all 210 feet that spanned the length of Sunset Cove.
  • A flaring sunset touches the trees with colours of flame and molten copper; reddens even the bullrushes and the ropes of ivy which drift, among their own reflections, in the river.
  • For $3.7 million, you, too, can sit in this singular creation, gaze out at the magnificent sunsets, watch eagles wheel against the bright blue empyrean, pit yourself against the bellowing 74-mile-an-hour winds, the arctic snows, the unforgiving landscape. Undone by a house of dreams
  • For sunsets and sunrises, a variety of different exposures will provide acceptable results.
  • They had barely begun before the court adjourned to a nearby carpet for sunset prayers. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time the hobgoblins and ghouls are out and about on the 31st it is rising less than four hours after sunset.
  • It is important to frisk your beloved for alternative mobiles, bleepers and other James Bond-style communication devices before saddling up and riding off into the sunset.
  • At the end of the movie, the hero rides off into the sunset.
  • At the end of the movie, the hero rides off into the sunset.
  • At twilight, the blazing orange sunset turned into a muted pink.
  • The bylaw also prohibited a person from panhandling towards motorists who were parked or stopped at a traffic light, and from panhandling on a street between sunset and sunrise.
  • Returning I crossed the top of the mountain and halted awhile to admire the glorious sunset afterglow.
  • They hiked for the rest of the day and made camp just before sunset.
  • Learn about wildlife from experts as the rangers take you on a wander at sunset. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miall the shining stars.
  • Structures have been strengthened, archways rebuilt, mosaic floors retiled and chapels repainted - lavender blue, daffodil yellow, sunset red.
  • And then there was a gorgeous sunset over Chalkwell - a red sky illuminating the mudflats at low tide - I really wished that I had had my camera.
  • Our house faced due west so we saw some phenomenal sunsets. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • The sunset clause in the contracts allowed for either party to rescind within 2 years if building works had not been completed.
  • There is a spectacular 'nightglow' show at sunset tonight with music and fireworks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sun was setting after a really bright autumn day, so a luxurious ruby sunset enveloped the sky.
  • Why does the red color appear at the horizon during sunset?
  • The image captures the Long Beach shorefront looking down the barrel of a huge wave lit by a bright orange sunset. The Photograph of a Lifetime Was No Day at the Beach
  • And inspired once more, the great king strides forth to meet his destiny… Cue glorious sunset and skirl of bagpipes.
  • We even relocate daybreak and sunset, which, one might surmise, are logical ways to determine the beginning and end of a given day, within the compass of clock-time.
  • At the end, the heroes walk triumphantly into the sunset, while some kind of outdoor PA system announces that the ozone layer came back.
  • LynnFlewelling 9:08 pm: Little fishing boats were coming in for the night, scudding across the choppy harbor, their lateen sails black moth wings against the vermillion sunset. Transcript: Well-Rounded Worlds with Lynn Flewelling « Coyote Con
  • Its name 'Rhugrabh' ('red rock' in Gaelic) is suggested by these hills which are bathed deep red in the sunset's afterglow.
  • The friends stopped again -- poor, short-winded bodies -- on the crest of the low hill and turned to look at the wide landscape, bewildered by the marvelous beauty and the sudden flood of golden sunset light that poured out of the western sky. In Dark New England Days
  • The Christmas season, with its worship, observances, solemnities, and inhibitions, ends at sunset on Twelfth Night.
  • As the Sunset approached El Paso, irrigated farmland appeared and soon we were in the suburbs.
  • Scattered across the asphalt like murderer's footprints, puddles of water turn bloody with sunset"), it vanishes when Stewart settles in to show us freelance detective Diane Fletcher using her ability as a "shaper" (someone who can read and experience the emotions of others) to help policeman Rolly French investigate the death of Jonathan Mask. AvaxHome RSS:
  • With sandpipers piping on the beach at Monterrey, we find Alison and Elliot at sunset over the Pacific.
  • We ended a perfect day sipping sangria at a cliffside restaurant, relaxing in the spectacular sunset.
  • It also provides the times of sunrise and sunset on any given day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last year I performed during Ramadan, an Islamic month when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset to cleanse the system and restore inner energy.
  • a world of beauty she was now too fatigued to imagine save as a kind of solidification of a sunset. The Judge
  • The fishermen set out at sunset for a night's fishing.
  • Likewise in the evening just after sunset, there is a red afterglow in the west, birds begin to roost for the night, lovers meet to whisper sweet nothings to each other and we can imagine vampires might be stirring from their sleep.
  • Otherwise known as our circadian rhythm, our 24-hour body clock resets itself at sunrise and sunset each day.
  • It was like garish noon rising to the dignity of sunset in a couple of seconds.
  • The island is a world of brilliant colours and dramatic sunsets.
  • Muslims across the world abstain from eating, drinking, and sexual relations from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar.
  • I recently read that there is a sunset provision on the luxury tax.
  • Conscious through close observation of nature of changing patterns in the landscape, especially at sunrise and sunset, he found a beauty that was atmospheric and objectively perceived as well as poetic and idealized.
  • Watch for the Full Sturgeon Moon to climb over your southeast horizon shortly after sunset.
  • Sunset is more than a thing of beauty for Swainson's thrushes and gray-cheeked thrushes.
  • It began with aarti ( "toward virtue" in Sanskrit), the Hindu sunset worship, at the very small Nandeshwari Temple on the grounds of the hotel. Perry Garfinkel: A Hind-Jew in India
  • The entering daylight streaks her high-waisted silk gown, as if invaded by sunset, with trails of variegated colours.
  • His old arse left us in immense debt while he rode away in the sunset - teetering on senility and his handlers kept that fact from the voting electorate. South Carolina Republican releases new TV ad
  • The shadows lengthened with the approach of sunset.
  • Bluff Point, Spalding and Sunset Beach residents will have noticed roadside drains in their suburbs have been stencilled with the slogan ‘Water To The River’.
  • Shortly after, when the calm evening was dressed in all the gorgeous colours of a southern sunset, and whilst the military calls were sounding those stirring notes he loved to hear, my good horse was lowered to his rest among the nautili and wondrous seaflowers which floated round the ship. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • He looked west, towards where the upper landing window had been, and was looking into the sunset, over an insane sea of waters, bristling with uptorn trees and refuse. The Virgin and the Gypsy
  • He said: "I have taken all the sharks, the only surfaced in the sunset, when the 8-foot lemon shark is the only one I think his face with a 'face' of sharks.
  • At the end of the movie, the hero rides off into the sunset.
  • Thousands of Common Grackles fly over downtown Waco and the Alico Building after sunset in Texas.
  • Here, in the scrubby land mantled in the after glow of a soft sunset, springbok leapt and Cape mountain zebra grazed even as herds of black wildebeest stared at us intently and then galloped away.
  • Today, however, many of us have moved into jobs that do not require us to cram the workday between sunrise and sunset.
  • I weeded with a hoe and shook bugs off plants with my hands from sunrise to sunset.
  • Finally, I drove eastwards towards Sheppey, past Funton Creek, where reptilian glasswort plants replenish seed-stocks for hungry wildfowl, to Bedlam's Bottom to enjoy a glowing sunset.
  • It's eccentricity and garish wrapping make the album a supermarket standout but one wonders what motivates sunset strip rock stars produce such obscurities.
  • Edmonds wore not one but two bruises, both of the Caribbean sunset kind, one from a bouncer and one from a beamer, both from Patrick Patterson.
  • They had barely begun before the court adjourned to a nearby carpet for sunset prayers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bats can be observed emerging from their lair every evening at sunset between mid-March and November.
  • It's more than likely that coverage of this deal will disappear into the sunset, which is a shame as the lessons learnt here would be useful to many others who should have looked before they leapt.
  • Here were satins that gleamed like falling water; one, of the faint, moonlight tint that we call aqua-marine, another with a rosy glow like a reflected sunset. Three Margarets
  • Watch for the Full Sturgeon Moon to climb over your southeast horizon shortly after sunset.
  • They do not pay social security taxes and thus will not be able to draw a pension when they reach their sunset years.
  • Of the 14 entries on display, there was a deep magenta risotto with beets and raspberry jam, a shiny black risotto with squid ink, a bright yellow risotto with mangoes, an umber farro risotto with lots of mushrooms, a ripe red marguerita pizza risotto, and a “sunset” orange risotto with shrimp. The Risotto Challenge ‘09
  • Much as I delight in really dramatic sunsets, there's a special, quiet joy to be had when the sky is clear of clouds.
  • He lives in the lonely lands where mighty rivers twist in long reaches between the barren bluffs; where the prairies stretch out into billowy plains of waving grass, girt only by the blue horizon, —plains across whose endless breadth he can steer his course for days and weeks and see neither man to speak to nor hill to break the level; where the glory and the burning splendor of the sunsets kindle the blue vault of heaven and the level brown earth till they merge together in an ocean of flaming fire. Frontier Types
  • About an hour before sunset, we came in full sight of a number of tent and table-topped hills to the north-west, the stony table land being to the south of us, and the dip of the country still towards Lake Torrens. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • Whether you camp under the stars or not, stay long enough to see the sunset. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hot weather has definitely broken and it's jumpers before sunset, but only just before.
  • One evening recently I was walking with 2-year-old Kaya in the light of sunset when she pointed to the western sky above the darkling mountains and shouted: ‘Pink!’
  • My gosh is he so power hungry that he and his wife just can't fade off into the sunset and grow old together peacefully? Bill Clinton says Chelsea may go into politics
  • The streets of La Paz are today filled from sunrise to sunset with traders selling anything from razor blades to fast food.
  • This was our SUNSET LIMITED, deadheading from Sanford and headed somewhere south of Orlando to be wyed.
  • Those who believe that the technology is fading into the sunset have not done their homework.
  • Just as easily, enjoy the laid back casualness of the Breeze Bar with its BBQ by the swimming pool, or the quiet romance of a sunset cocktail in the Aroma Lobby Lounge.
  • That first look down the length of the boardwalk, the black line of trees between sunset-fired sky and swamp, the dun bulk of a wild pony in the scrub or a heron's pose in a field of reeds… the moment is unique, but it moves all of us just the same.
  • If there are no screens, shut the windows and doors at sunset.
  • The monument was orientated to mark sunrise at the midsummer solstice (and sunset at the midwinter solstice), but whether it has further astronomical significance is debatable.
  • It pulled at every populist heartstring, from the plucky woman warrior in a bright silk robe to the backdrops of peony branches and a red sunset over the Great Wall.
  • It could be the sighting of a fox on your back lawn, a breathtaking sunset, a carpet of bluebells on a woodland walk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now we're sixty, and the sunset is neither russet nor gold, but the shadows of dead trees are lovely tonight. The Secret Life
  • The waterfall area had forktails (upstream from the falls), Malayan water shrews (in the waterfall lake after sunset), and Malayan whistling-thrush (in the forest about 300 m downstream).
  • You can stay in a grass hut with sunset views for a few pounds and it's wonderful, but for just shy of £50, you get into Bon Ton, a beautiful resort of antique stilted fishermen's houses overlooking a water-lilied lagoon.
  • Mount Pensacola was smoking when the sidewheeler passed it near sunset. The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
  • We soon left behind the ominous cone of Vesuvius, reported by the best judges to be at present in so unsound a state that nothing can prevent its early fall; sunset left us near the grand precipices of Anacapri, and morning found us with Ustica on our beam, and the semicircle of mountains which enchase the gem of Palermo gradually unfolding their beauties. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
  • At sunset, the sky shaded from pink into dark red.
  • Old Drum team also Nanchang, sunset red fan dance team and so on, can take part.
  • The sunset fires, refracted from the cloud-driftage of the autumn sky, bathed the canyon with crimson, in which ruddy-limbed mandronos and wine-wooded manzanitas burned and smoldered. CHAPTER XVII
  • In weather like this, if my husband were still with me, we would not be trapped in one place, watching a leaden dawn and a sunset of dull red; we would be traveling with the king's court, on progress through the weald and downland of Hampshire and Sussex, the richest and most beautiful countryside in all of England, riding high on the hilly roads and looking out for the first sight of the sea. Excerpt: The Boleyn Inheritance by Philippa Gregory
  • Ages 4 to 10 can join the pony club and the whole family can take a sunset ride into the forest for a candlelit dinner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, many older Argentines now believe they'll have to toil on into their sunset years.
  • The warm floor helps heat the building and maintain occupant comfort, even after sunset.
  • At the end of last year, UK ministers backed a voluntary ban proposed by the FSA to phase out Tartrazine (E102), Quinoline Yellow (E104), Sunset Yellow (E110), Carmoisine (E122), FoodProductionDaily RSS
  • Like sunlight, sunset, we appear, we disappear. We are so important to some, but we are just passing through.
  • We reached, at last, towards sunset, a valley that, virent by the multitude and variety of its trees, changed the dreary similarity pervading all things; and a few sheep, that bleated loudly when they saw us, led us to hope we had come again within the line of animal existence. A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
  • Do the same for the night-time hours by dividing the period between sunset and sunrise by 12.
  • The best time is about an hour before sunset, when you can exit through a picket gate and head north along the beach.
  • On a typical excursion, they say, the plantsman would collect seed from sunup to sunset, then sit and clean seed into the night.
  • Phoenix, meanwhile, had parched in the heat, although one or two storms had snuck into the north Valley after sunset, they brought only humidity, no relief.
  • The sky seemed to flame in the Hawaiian sunset
  • On Sunday nights at sunset, the locals put on a drum circle with fire jugglers on the beach.
  • And wait till you see those moody sunsets. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am Naass, a chief, and the son of a chief, born between a sunset and a rising, on the dark seas, in my father's oomiak. An Odyssey of the North
  • For grandstand views of the golf course, the astonishing sunsets and the distant Slieve Bloom mountains, the junior suites with balconies are your best bet.
  • There is a melancholy in the modern world which looks with nostalgia to the days when magic ruled the world, and sunrise was a time of aubade, dusk a time for the canticles of evensong, when the elfin ships can be glimpsed by those with second sight against the fiery clouds, setting sail away from the mortal shores for worlds beyond the sunset, beyond the seas we know. MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
  • That little nubble almost west, sticking up so black against the sunset's Seal Island. Jim Spurling, Fisherman or Making Good
  • Out of our windows west across SoHo there is a gorgeous sunset silhouetting the water towers.
  • Marilyn gave her a quick peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich and kissed her good night, rushed into the shower and dried off, and pulled on her new brown gauchos and the Qiana shirt with a sunset screen-printed across the back. Fascination
  • We grab a quick drink before scrambling off to climb a huge dune and watch the sunset. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Texas, in the middle of nowhere, the sunsets were amazing.
  • The sunset over the Gulf will relax the crankiest traveler. Marco Island: River Wading
  • Also in attendance, the one and only Henry Rollins, resplendent in "Black Sabbath: Dehumanizer" t-shirt, a marvelous conversationalist since Mr. Rollins currently hosts a show at KCRW-FM, we talk DJs: Sunset Strip impresario and godhead music man Rodney Bingenheimer, as well as the multitalented Steve "Jonesy" Jones. Gregory Weinkauf: William Shatner Salutes The Captains
  • And the cameras were controlled all the time, from sunrise to sunset. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few hours later, Marie stopped her sewing and frowned into the sunset from her window.
  • Unlike the other two chromolithographs showing the fair in broad daylight, this scene is bathed in the delicate light of sunset that spreads warm harmonies throughout the composition.
  • He timed much of his shooting to gain maximum impact from sunrises or sunsets.
  • That evening at ten o'clock -- but it might have been seven judging by the brilliancy of the sunset -- we rowed on the lake, accompanied by a grandson of Finland's greatest poet, _Runeberg_. Through Finland in Carts
  • They stood together in the long corridors and windy balconies; they watched the sunset and the flocks of birds that seemed to be searching for perches from the large windows of her upstairs room.
  • Dig out your finest leather driving gloves and whisk your loved one off into the sunset for a romantic weekend away. Times, Sunday Times
  • For four days after Katrina hit, the city of New Orleans fell into complete darkness after sunset.
  • Just before sunset, flocks of the red birds gather to roost in the mangrove trees transforming green bush to a glowing red.
  • Remember the clocks go back next weekend, bringing lighter mornings and sunsets as early as 4.30pm. Times, Sunday Times
  • And just very late in the afternoon, just before sunset, there was a loud detonation not far from this hotel.
  • August 29th, 2009 11: 41 pm ET how fitting it was for him to be buried at night and it rain during his funeral this morning. it was very symbolic. the meaning behind the rain was that the state of massachusetts raining tears of sadness for losing a native son. the meaning of the burial not happening until sunset is it being the end of that generation of political service. Kennedy laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery
  • The shore, the ocean, the beach, the rich sunset radiance falling upon all with dark shadows here and there all made up a perfect picture.
  • The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset.
  • At sunset, we climbed one deconsecrated pagoda to look over a landscape empty but for myriad other pagodas. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the Islamic month of fasting, Ramadan, no food or drink is consumed from sunrise to sunset.
  • Their childish concerns and pleasures play out in a world of radiant heat and crisp shadows, tangerine sunsets and brilliant blue waves splashing against the Malecon.
  • You have to fast between sunrise and sunset. The Sun
  • The songs, of course, are imperishable, but why anyone would prefer this to a decent Kinks compilation is a bit of a mystery: does the presence of Jackson Browne really add anything to a song as close to perfection as Waterloo Sunset? Ray Davies: See My Friends - review
  • Men of War and other shipping in a calm sea at Sunset off the Texel Henry Redmore
  • Buddy's gentleness was almost childlike, verging on the ridiculous -- his doting on dogs and little children, the love letters he had written to his dead wife Momi, his devotion to Stella's ashes and the green flash at sunset, his assiduous attention to his flowers. Beard
  • Sunset at the end of a blissfully hot summer's day in London would prompt a moment of nostalgic longing in the most hardened of cynics. Times, Sunday Times
  • It should last through that night and possibly until after sunset the following day. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • Greenhouse roofs rippled from salmon to garnet with the cold winds of sunset.
  • He inhabits a world of dramatic sunsets, rocky canyons and blood-red mountains - and he is a chain-smoker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soldiers silhouetted by a pink sunset watched their battle-worn vehicles limp back into camp.
  • Mercury sets an hour after sunset on the 28th and shines at magnitude - 1.3.
  • The peals of the Hiltonbury bells rung merrily in the cold air, the snow sparkled bridally, the icicles glittered in the sunset light, the workpeople stood round the house to cheer the arrival, and the sisters hurried out. Hopes and Fears or, scenes from the life of a spinster
  • A lone fisherman on a seawall is silhouetted against the sunset. The Sun
  • Just before sunset, the army decamped as if to go east to meet Kerbogha in the field.
  • When he is not soaring off into the sunset, he can be found drumming in the band Absent Friends.
  • The artist is shown from different perspectives and at various times of day, walking in a circular pattern (first clockwise, then counterclockwise), from sunrise to sunset.
  • Sunset is a bit sprawly, in an attractive way, unlike Firefly which is redder in winter but more upright. Foliage? In January? « Fairegarden
  • The Hebrew day commenced six hours ahead of our day, at sunset the previous day.
  • From its Look Out Level it offers a stunning view of the city, especially at sunset.
  • In Sunset Nude with Matisse, the figure lounges at curvaceous length, her back to the sea and the sunset.
  • We manage a whirlwind tour beneath some spectacularly striated sunset clouds of the older colleges, before changing for grad hall.
  • And on spring nights of purple sunsets, with woodsmoke scenting the air and new-born lambs covering the hillsides like little balls of cottonwool, it must have been heavenly.
  • At sunset, we had 5 sails up in a vain attempt to catch what little wind there was - jib, stay, main, mizzen staysail and the mizzen.
  • The glorious flower color of the hedgehog cactus rivals that of the desert sunset.
  • My sincerest wishes for a salubriously beneficial and gratifyingly pleasurable period between sunset and dawn.
  • Though the sunset fell, love eternity.
  • Time zones exist so that the sunrise and sunset is somewhat regular throughout the world. Every Time Zone Makes Elegant Sense Of International Time | Lifehacker Australia
  • Before you ride off into the sunset on your hog, take a look at the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements for motorcycle riding.
  • The artist photographs the Indiana landscape at sunrise and sunset, when the light is dramatically slanted.
  • The house's main view is to the south-west, so we are very fortunate in experiencing beautiful sunsets most nights in the summer and early autumn.
  • Just before sunset the peasants quit laboring in the fields.
  • Sunset came and coloured the sky a brilliant red.
  • Though some of these works are significant Samuel Palmer's Arcadian landscape bathed in a pink-and-gold sunset; Arthur Melville's nightscape of Venice, golden stone rising through a velvet blue-black sky, they form in aggregate the least interesting body of work in the show. Medium is message at Tate Britain 'Watercolour' show
  • One who walks in the woods at sunset sometimes hears it from a tangle of grapevine and bullbrier. Ways of Wood Folk
  • The sky was aflame and though she tried not to think of the sunsets from Fernando's cliff-top it was virtually impossible.
  • It began with aarti "toward virtue" in Sanskrit, the Hindu sunset worship, at the very small Nandeshwari Temple on the grounds of the hotel. Perry Garfinkel: A Hind-Jew in India
  • Jutting from the murky orange sunset behind them, the cathedral's three steeples, flanked by the cupola of the old colonial garrison and the little dome of the city hall, tower over the masts and the smokestacks of ships at anchor.
  • The place was burglarized because she raised the window to admire a sunset and forgot to lock it.
  • In the same slot, behind his photo I found a photocard of a beautiful sunset/sunrise, can't figure out which, taken from above the clouds, and it says, "Jesus, our help for today, our hope for tomorrow" I looked at it for ages, feeling like God had me put it there in 1996 (or whenever it was) specifically for me to find it and be blessed by it on this very day at Cameron's graveside. Sheepdip Diary Entry
  • Every ebb leaves a sandy flat, extending half a mile seaward from the town; the reefy anchorage is difficult of entrance after sunset, and the coralline bottom renders wading painful. First footsteps in East Africa
  • That's not to say that the chromakeyed results will look as great as a well done shot at sunset.
  • You have to fast between sunrise and sunset. The Sun
  • At the end of the movie, the hero rides off into the sunset.
  • Imagine a scene: its evening, a sunset, and the sun slowly comes down closer to the edge of the mountain.
  • Vincent Van Gogh took up painting in that year, and Monet painted Sunset on the Seine in Winter, and the sculptor Rodin turned out The Thinker, and Renoir began his riverscape masterpiece, Luncheon of the Boating Party. Mark Twain
  • Tina and Bette are the glue that hold the friends together so them off into the NY sunset is a good way to "unglue" the collective ... so to speak. - Because visibility matters
  • He looked for the dramatic, like the sunset in this painting, and painted it with great verve. Improve Your Landscape Painting

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