
How To Use Sunlight In A Sentence

  • AERONET is a global network of more than 100 sun photometers that measure the amount of sunlight absorbed by aerosols (fine particles in the air) at wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared.
  • In the sunlight, the steel surface comes alive with reflections, picking up the green of the surrounding grass.
  • I awoke to the bright rays of sunlight beaming on me.
  • The beast was as huge as an aurochs, its glossy midnight mane shining in the sunlight as it pawed the ground restlessly with one forehoof.
  • In my own garden I have an old stone wall with remnants of whitewash that reflects the sunlight and heat in summer.
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  • Intense sunlight may be a trigger to skin cancer.
  • Despite serious technical obstacles, space agency officials are considering whether to launch a Jupiter space probe powered entirely by sunlight.
  • Dr Lotto has invented special paving slabs made of photovoltaic cells and recycled glass to harvest sunlight and to help power the structure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sunlight glinted off the windows of a tall apartment building.
  • In the bright sunlight she had to narrow her eyes.
  • Yellow variegated leaves are still quite efficient at using the energy of sunlight to produce sugars.
  • Some days she was listless, propped up facing the window, watching sunlight clock across the valleyed bedclothes. Spin
  • It dawned today dankly raining, but by mid morning and my coffee pilgrimage there was sunlight, intermittently, and a warming breeze from the south.
  • Tasteful decor, melodious songs and shafts of sunlight from the ample windows provide the perfect ambience for appreciating the subtleties and splendours of curry cuisine.
  • Everything spread out again: the bridges with their arches opening upon the sheeny water; the Cite, enveloped in shade, above which rose the flavescent towers of Notre-Dame; the great curve of the right bank flooded with sunlight, and ending in the indistinct silhouette of the His Masterpiece
  • The turquoise water sparkled in the brilliant sunlight, dazzling the four birds as they hopped across the warm wet sand towards it.
  • When Rebecca emerged into the sunlight, it was clear that something was badly wrong.
  • Another method of how to grow avocado plants is leave the pit in the sunlight until is begins to split and then potting it in soil partly exposed like an amaryllis bulb or sweet potato vine.
  • With the tinted lenses blocking out the worst of the bright sunlight, her headache receded to its previous dull ache.
  • Medicines should be stored away from direct sunlight.
  • The bending of sunlight by the raindrops is the key to forming the colorful rainbows.
  • The woodland floor is dappled with sunlight, which makes it difficult to tell what is a mushroom and what is just a dead leaf.
  • In the fields towards Heswall several pairs of brown hares lolloped and played in the long grass while pheasants strutted their stuff looking stunning in the sunlight.
  • The lense of the camera should be screened from direct sunlight.
  • Sunlight is needed in order for the process of photosynthesis to take place in plants.
  • The evening sunlight shone aslant through the window.
  • Colossal emergents with overarching crowns a hundred meters across dominated the chlorotic topog'raphy, while smaller yet still gigantic growths fought for a share of life-giving sunlight. Mid Flinx
  • The right medication will feel like opening the curtains on a dark room and letting the sunlight flood in. Times, Sunday Times
  • As winds sweep these chemical pockets into middle latitudes they encounter sunlight and trigger rapid ozone destruction.
  • The day he sunbathed naked outside the kitchen window, I swear there was printing on the window that read "Objects may appear disappointingly smaller in direct sunlight. Denise Vivaldo: Cut Your Turkey
  • A line of shells, white and pink and glabrous in the bright sunlight, marked the line of the high tide. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • The uneasiness grew into a formless apprehension, which drew him out into the waxing sunlight and drove him to retrace his earlier route through the meadow, towards College Rise.
  • Everyone's just kind of bunkered down waiting for sunlight to appear. CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2004
  • He blinked in the bright sunlight.
  • Nineteen-twenties marcasite batted its steel eyelashes in the clear sunlight. Dancing with Werewolves
  • The sea shimmered in the sunlight.
  • Sunlight poured down from the window in the upper ante-room, to the twin flights of the stairs.
  • The parity in tennis offers a tonic to that grim statistic, a rare shaft of sunlight in a judgmental world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shafts of sunlight pierced the heavy mist.
  • Where the legal definitions of childhood were constructed in order to protect children against working in the mines until their bones grew soft from lack of sunlight or weaving rugs until their legs were crippled from sitting and they were going blind, these same definitions have been used to create target groups for "otherness" - and ugly otherness at that. Thinking with my fingers
  • a glare of sunlight
  • The warming of the oceans from beneath has caused the depths of the ice caps to decrease, allowing more sunlight to reach the ocean beneath.
  • The bull charged out into the sunlight of the arena.
  • I'm taking a bit of a liberty here by omitting alcohols, ethers, and other oxygenated compounds, partly because, ethanol and MTBE notwithstanding, they still don't amount to a large fraction of the mix, and partly because their photochemistry is pretty close to that of paraffins, or ketones that don't photolyze, i.e. break up by the direct action of sunlight. Hot Buttered
  • Sunlight (heliotherapy) was often a part of healing and was used to treat many disorders, such as tuberculosis, rickets in children and war wounds. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • The removal of a cast leaves the channel open to direct water infiltration and might expose the worm to direct sunlight.
  • On my fourth dive of the week, I rounded an outcrop at about 22m to be greeted by a view of a series of rocky pinnacles covered in gorgonians bathed in the rubescent sunlight of a late-autumn afternoon.
  • Intense sunlight may be a trigger to skin cancer.
  • The "McMurdo panorama" is a combination of more than 1400 individual pictures which were taken when the lack of sunlight didn't allow the rover to move during the Marsian winter. Archive 2007-03-01
  • White skylight wells - set above exposed rafters - bounce and diffuse sunlight into the room below, reinforcing the open, airy feeling.
  • It prefers good light but not direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves. The Sun
  • Now red tulips and yellow daffodils join them, reaching up to the sunlight. Christianity Today
  • The next morning, Darren woke up to the sunlight that came in the undraped windows.
  • Pinpoint of sunlight came in throught minute holes in the curtains.
  • In general, the deep sea is considered to start at the aphotic zone, the point where sunlight loses its power of transference through the water. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Since the bridge blocks much of the sunlight shining in the loft's direction, Brayton had to devise ways to warm the space from the inside.
  • My eyes were still trying to adjust themselves to the strong sunlight.
  • The plant absorbs immense amount of sunlight energy with its vast leaves and stores the energy in its corm, which is located underground. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Long also assumed that, like sunlight, most cosmic rays were reflected by the Earth's atmosphere, and that as one rose higher above the Earth, the energy from cosmic rays would grow stronger until they would heat Pat Marsh's balloon hundreds of degrees when it rose above the stratopause. Diagnosing "Cosmic Fever"
  • Our own internal pacemaker tunes our mental and physical energy levels more or less to the cycles of sunlight.
  • The plants wilted because of a lack of water and sunlight.
  • The grey shone in the spring sunlight like the blade of a damascened sword. The Falcons of Montabard
  • At the Dallas airport, the lights are controlled by sensors that measure sunlight.
  • The evening sunlight dappled through the leaves, casting shards of light onto the bridle paths.
  • Television writers are usually tiny, weak, sunlight-deprived saps who are kept chained to a wall in a cupboard.
  • A proposal known as stratospheric aerosol insertion suggests that chemicals - sulfur dioxide, in this case - sprayed into the Earth's nearest atmospheric levels could bind with other chemicals to reflect sunlight from the Earth.
  • Like sunlight penetrates every inch of skin feeling faint.
  • But the miles brought compensation in other valleys, other bold, black upheavals of rock, and then again bare, boundless yellow plains, and sparsely cedared ridges, and white dry washes, ghastly in the sunlight, and dazzling beds of alkali, and then a desert space where golden and blue flowers bloomed. The Man of the Forest
  • Angel didn't know if she was strong enough to be the sunlight to Hawk's stained glass. A WOMAN WITHOUT LIES
  • He stopped pacing when a beam of dusty sunlight struck his face.
  • Using nylon, copper, light, steel and found objects, Khumari has created an exhibition of sculptures and photograms, which are made by exposing objects placed on treated paper to sunlight.
  • The procession passed ranks of red-clad guards, their gold badges shining brightly in the sunlight, and turned into the sanded courtyard outside the hall.
  • Her shoulder-length jet-black hair glittered in the sunlight as did her blue-gray eyes.
  • The most common technology for harvesting energy from sunlight is the photovoltaic cell based on silicon.
  • At its simplest, it means keeping objects clean, preventing bright sunlight from bleaching them and storing breakable pieces in a safe place.
  • What had begun earlier as a thin line of sunlight had grown into the large rectangle of light that would demark the beginning and end of the forum. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • Taking characteristic values for the average albedo (the fraction of sunlight reflected), size limits could be calculated.
  • Although the ultraviolet ray only occupies the sunlight 3 %, also the suitable ultraviolet radiation has the sterilization.
  • I take this moment to tell you today that I'm so grateful for the love that you give me.Your smiling face is like the sunlight which brightens my world.The comfort and encouragement you give to me help me through all the despair. Words can not express how much I feel for you.You're a wonderful wife who deserve all my love.Have a happy birthday!
  • Newton applied the Method of Analysis to induce the explanatory principle that sunlight comprises rays of differing colours, and that each colour is refracted by the prism through a characteristic angle.
  • Dragonflies dip and buzz, their prismatic wings turning the waning sunlight to diamonds.
  • What was that, glinting in the sunlight? Times, Sunday Times
  • Such is the room, with its pleasant decoration of red and black and gold, with its large windows and its sunlight gaselier; but, take it for all in all, it is about as unlike Mr. Sambourne's classic representation of the Roman atrium in his Jubilee drawing as well could be imagined. The History of "Punch"
  • Soak in the sunlight for a bit in Rembrandt Square and then go have a bite to eat.
  • His soft brown strands of silken hair shine in the fading sunlight, gently sweeping into his eyes and over the planes of his face.
  • The rain had ceased and sunlight shone upon the wet grass. Bomber
  • Prior to this process, the leather is also heated to preshrink it, so that it will retain its shape even after extreme exposure to direct sunlight. Autoblog
  • Jillie leads me through an opening in the brush, a path lined with white knotweed and purple morning glories that opens up, just beyond the briers of blackberry vines that have long been picked clean by quail and finches, into a meadow lighted with goldenrod and sunlight against the rusty tops of tall grasses, striving against the subtle blues of the lobelia and the aggressive reds of jack-in-the-pulpits. Taxonomies
  • She had tried to sleep, but every time she closed her eyes she saw Sir Gareth, standing defiantly before the bridge, his broken sword ablaze with sunlight. Chosen Of The Gods
  • Seedlings are able to switch back from phyllode to true leave production when the sunlight reaching them is reduced (Walters and Bartholomew 1990). Chapter 2
  • He turned around, his metallic green tights glinting in the sunlight, his open vest with vines stitched on only one side.
  • It needs to be kept in a stable environment, without extreme fluctuations in temperature or humidity and out of direct sunlight. Times, Sunday Times
  • A specular reflection, or glint, occurs when a smooth, mirror-like surface is oriented so that it reflects sunlight directly at an observer.
  • The living-room windows have net curtains which let in sunlight but stop passers-by looking in from the street.
  • The sunlight transfused the bay.
  • The rain had ceased and sunlight shone upon the wet grass. Bomber
  • She lay with him one afternoon, when a scrap of sunlight spearing through a chink in the scuttle's deadlight was scribing an oval shape on the opposite bulkhead, and she mentally added up the number of rooms in her Lincolnshire house. Sharpe's Trafalgar
  • They need at least six hours a day of indirect sunlight; if direct sun can't be avoided, diffuse the light with a shade or sheer curtain.
  • This might have generated enough debris to block out sunlight and trigger an ice age, enough sulfuric acid to acidify the oceans, and/or enough carbon dioxide to cause global warming by a greenhouse effect.
  • A glint of sunlight on an unexpectedly bright object. Man of Honour
  • It so happens that both biacetyl and methylglyoxal photolyze like crazy, so much so that they last only a few minutes in sunlight before splitting into radical fragments. Hot Buttered
  • There was a summer's worth of intense sunlight radiating back through the tangled chaparral. WHERE THE HEART IS
  • The ground under the trees was checkered with sunlight and shade.
  • Flat planes of colour can look wonderful when cast in shadow by strong sunlight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both are mostly transparent to sunlight and are heated in similar ways - largely by infrared radiation that emanates from their surfaces.
  • What was that, glinting in the sunlight? Times, Sunday Times
  • Round him stretched his domain, the white Avenue de la Foret asparkle with cars and open carriages in the late afternoon sunlight. The Emperor's Snuff-Box
  • If the website is to be truly useful, every last stitch of the data has to be exportable in a standardized, automatable fashion (XML would be the ideal format, CSV a distant second) in the same manner that Richmond Sunlight gathers its data and resyndicates it. Waldo Jaquith - Legislators propose state budget website.
  • One shape, flying in the center, was larger than the rest, so large that it seemed the green tinge in the sky was a re - flection of the sunlight on the dragon's scales. Dragons of a Fallen Sun
  • Using sunlight and starlight as its source, the work manifests experiences of primal solar color, and star geometry in sculptural form. 2004 July « Mudpuddle
  • We only do direct sunlight for two or three weeks a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we walked on, beautiful Indian sunbirds, their iridescent green flanks flashing brightly in the sunlight, flew past in a profusion of colours.
  • Extra warmth from sunlight can put an additional load on the air-conditioning system.
  • Sunlight streaks the water with gold.
  • Sunlight filtered down through the canopy, falling warmly on her face as she walked beneath the trees.
  • He was sitting with his back to the window, sunlight behind his shoulder haloing his fur in a nimbus of white light, being shattered into a hundred pieces by the facets of the cut crystal goblet in his hand.
  • The layer contains enough dust to shut off sunlight from the surface of the planet for several months to a year.
  • Yellow sunlight shines through the semi-opaque white plastic tank, and the lethal fluid within glows mysteriously.
  • Also included are technological solutions, such as photodegradable six-pack rings that weaken when exposed to sunlight, allowing ensnared animals to break free. Grist - the Latest from Grist
  • The snow/sea sparkled in the sunlight.
  • Solar panels can only operate in sunlight.
  • But where the roof was broken, thin rays of sunlight stabbed through the dark like spotlights and gave a spectral light.
  • Sunlight streams over fields, birds perch in trees, rows of bright crops glisten on the hills.
  • Lucius pulls him close, nipping at his throat, tasting of sunlight and colour.
  • Photodegradation is the breakdown of pesticides by light, particularly sunlight.
  • Something else to remember is that you get a lot of sunlight reflected from the sea, so for a given time you could get twice as much sun than you would get gently toasting yourself on a beach.
  • Vampyre umbral skulker until sunlight dwindles then bat becomes nocturnal prince throat ravager, claret quaffer, night wraith fearless charlatan, blood drunkard but at dawn's flushing kiss he yields to light Archive 2006-08-01
  • The sunlight shining through the branches made a filigree pattern on the tiles.
  • He unhanded Aminza and bounded across the cave, peering out and away at the hugely looming keep, yellow now with sharp sunlight. Hero Of Dreams
  • Sunlight faded the tapestry.
  • Since sunlight and heat are precursors of smog, the hot weather makes air pollution worse.
  • What kind of sunlight can warm my heart.
  • They looked up and saw a huge shape outlined by sunlight; it came over.
  • A photographer tried to capture her in the fading sunlight.
  • Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.
  • Shade your eyes when you step out into the bright sunlight
  • The lake lay still before me, catching the faint, rare sunlight at a strange angle and casting shadow over half of the water, the other half gleaming under the unexpected pleasure of sunrays in November.
  • As winds sweep these chemical pockets into middle latitudes they encounter sunlight and trigger rapid ozone destruction.
  • Caused by a lack of sunlight, it can leave sufferers feeling lethargic, sleepy and unable to concentrate.
  • Bright evening sunlight glared through the windscreen.
  • The sunlight played along the water ahead of us, making it difficult to see where the boat was going.
  • But it could not be so gloomy in the kind sunlight as it was when lashed by the savage storm which we had seen it cowering under before; and at the station we lost all feeling of friendlessness in the welcome of the thronging guides and hotel touters. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • Protect your child from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen.
  • While designing the achromatic objective lens for a telescope, he saw the spectrum of sunlight as it passed through a thin slit and the dark emission lines. Weekend SkyWatcher's Forecast: March 5-7, 2010 | Universe Today
  • The sunlight glanced on the lake.
  • The Pyrenees are famous for their capricious showers, which pour rain and hail on one mountainside while another is bathed in sunlight.
  • Sun photometers measure how difficult it is for sunlight to pass through the Earth's atmosphere as it interacts with pollution particles, which reduce the amount of light and energy reaching the Earth's surface.
  • If you have a proper growing site that has good drainage, access to full sunlight and nutrient-poor soil, you can micromanage their development and pick them at the moment of perfection.
  • Talk with optimistic and encouraging people for they bring a sense of hope into the world, a new meaning to life. They help you see past the clouds on a glooming day, they bring sunlight everyday.
  • The effect of haze on the lighting is to soften the hard edges of sunlight. Collins Complete Guide to Photography
  • The predator moving into the glade, is splashed by hard slashes of sunlight, which combine with its cammo pattern making it hard to see.
  • The haunting Sounding depicting rays of sunlight through thunderous clouds is the stand-out piece of the whole exhibition.
  • Conceived as a manmade forest dappled by sunlight, the galleria's laminated timber structure (a material previously prohibited by Ontario's building code) has a distinctly arboreal quality.
  • Their steel weapons shone brightly in the dazzling sunlight.
  • Suddenly a shaft of sunlight burst through the fluffy clouds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trouble with heliotherapy, for those who live in northern Europe, is that there is just not enough sunshine or, more precisely, strong natural sunlight is too unreliable.
  • Sunlight, for instance, often stands in for divine grace or revelation.
  • That's because when the titanium dioxide interacts with sunlight it also creates what is called a hydrophilic surface that allows water to cascade off the panel in sheets rather than bead up. Top headlines
  • People who work at display screens regularly can be affected by glare from sunlight or artificial light. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sunlight dripped through the leaves.
  • Temperatures were more than 50C - the combination of engine exhaust, direct sunlight and radiated heat from the tarmac.
  • The plant prefers indirect sunlight.
  • Pink spikes and white and vivid blue spikes; masses of brown and orange cups, like low-growing tulips; ranks of beautiful vetches and purple lupines; escholtzias, like immense sweeps of golden sunlight; wild sweet peas; trumpet-shaped blossoms whose name no one knew, -- all flung broadcast over the face of the land, and in such stintless quantities that it dazzled the mind to think of as it did the eyes to behold them. Clover
  • Bars of sunlight slanted down from the tall narrow windows.
  • The dappled sunlight fell across her face as she lay beneath the tree.
  • It can be caused when skin that isn't used to the sun is exposed to short bursts of strong sunlight.
  • Miss Jillgall, she lifted her poor little sunken eyes rapturously to the sky, as if she called the homiest sunlight to witness that this was the most lovable woman on the face of the earth. The Legacy of Cain
  • There was not a breath of wind; the sunlight shone down on the bare hillside; the loud chirp of the grasshoppers was the only sound. The Hill of Dreams
  • Weary and footsore, they trundled slowly out of the forest, the horses stumbling slightly despite the bright sunlight filtering in overhead.
  • Those pioneer photographers thought that photography, through the interaction of sunlight on light-sensitive silver salts, might capture the Platonic essence of things.
  • Even in the bright sunlight the air feels thick and soiled.
  • Bloom like a flower in bluest night/Bloom like the sunlight in my song. Haughty Melodic
  • The algae consumed waste products from the reef and under the intense artificial sunlight they proliferated in stringy green mats.
  • From earliest morning the street that led to “the Castle” had seen a strange procession of poor and aged women pass, carrying flowers grown in window-gardens in the scant sunlight of the long Northern winter—“loved up, ” they say in Danish for “grown”; in no other way could it be done. Elizabeth tells her Story
  • Sunlight gilded the children's faces.
  • You feel like a king drinking your coffee up there in the early morning sunlight.
  • Ornamental trees add a touch of splendour to long avenues, while leafy plants in an arbour soften the sunlight.
  • Make allowances for bright sunlight and glare. Collins Traveller - Mallorca
  • I miss you when I am depressed, just as I miss the sunlight in winter; I miss you when I feel happy, just as I miss the shade in the hot sun.
  • All but a couple of them rarely see sunlight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shadowy foliage and its reflection of lingering sunlight from the shiny leaves capture something sweetly melancholy at this dark time of year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Possibly, the shadow is washed out because the clouds are so far away and because the sunlight is not perfectly collimated. The Glory - The Panda's Thumb
  • The raintrees provided a cover of dappled sunlight for guests as they quaffed jam and scones with a cup of tea served in pannikins by women in pinafores and lace caps, all in aid of the 125th anniversary of the Territory's first homestead.
  • The sunlight transfused the bay.
  • The first rays of sunlight filtered through the clouds streaming shafts of gold on to the calm ocean.
  • He blinked in the bright sunlight.
  • In his command of sunlight infused with weather this underestimated painter comes close to the young Turner.
  • Under the direct sunlight young plants will shrivel up.
  • My canal-side atelier is filled with the sights and sounds of tall-masted old sailboats and put-putting tugboats outside and that ochreous Dutch sunlight pouring in during the afternoon. Susan Fogwell: An American Sculptor in Holland
  • Pale sunlight filters through the trees that overhang the water's edge, throwing veiled patches of gold onto the turgid brown river where cattle drink under the watchful eye of a young herdsman.
  • The sky was clear and the sunlight had a brilliance and intensity that made her head reel.
  • The lush and extravagant countryside, the somnolent seriousness of the army base and the intense, heavy sunlight had been most disorienting.
  • In time the dreams began to fade like old photographs in the sunlight in the slow, final parting. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • You have found your sunlight, I actually still in alone sad.
  • For photographers, the atmosphere of the pinnacles changes dramatically as the light varies and these ergs provide a great opportunity to capture those shafts of sunlight which are so spectacular early and late in the day.
  • It is thought that sudden exposure to intense sunlight is a trigger to melanoma, and young office workers are typical victims.
  • Marks flowed from them into the air, falling upwards like golden dust caught in shafts of sunlight. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • The lense of the camera should be screened from direct sunlight.
  • The roof is made of "low emissivity" or "cool" roof materials, so it reflects sunlight rather than absorbing its heat. In Bethesda, a home built to have a net-zero carbon footprint
  • Storage at average room temperature away from direct heat or direct sunlight is best.

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