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How To Use Sunless In A Sentence

  • Sunday morning was sunless and nearly cold, so we didn't even try to look for any more herbs.
  • Beneath, where even in August noonday, the sun cannot find its way by a chink, and babies lie stark naked in the cavernous shade, Allen Street presents a sort of submarine and greenish gloom, as if its humanity were actually moving through a sea of aqueous shadows, faces rather bleached and shrunk from sunlessness as water can bleach and shrink. Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • Cunning things thrive in sunless dungeons
  • Below the decks, the middle passage was a hot, narrow, sunless nightmare; weeks and months of confinement and abuse and confusion on a strange and lonely sea.
  • Come winter, he'll have to brave a frigid, largely sunless climate.
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  • Although I was never was tempted to mimick Mexican women's heavy makeup, particularly the dark lip liner and eye makeup, I still haven't given up the spray on sunless tan though. How to "pass" for a Mexican
  • The sunlessness of life in West Berlin is an observable thing.
  • In listening to these works with their clumsy blocks of tone, their eternal sunless complaining, their lack of humor where they would be humorous, their lack of passion where they would be profound, their sardonic and monotonous bourdon, one is perforce reminded of the photograph of Reger which his publishers place on the cover of their catalogue of his works, the photograph that shows something that is like a swollen, myopic beetle with thick lips and sullen expression crouching on an organ-bench. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • If you must have that bronzy glow, consider sunless tanning products. Tanning beds boost your risk of skin cancer
  • The stalls are now too close together and the canopies too wide, making the passages between stalls narrow, uninviting, claustrophobic and sunless.
  • Most climbing roses need full sun, but there are a few that can handle a north-facing, sunless wall.
  • Completely harmless to the skin, sunless tanners contain dihydroxyacetone, a colorless sugar that stains the skin.
  • The day dawned sunless and with a low cloud base.
  • Sulphurous yellow sphagnum moss made a dayglo splash against the dull greens and browns of the sunless upland bog.
  • Move the bed each sunless day.
  • But dawn was blank today, sunless and heavy, and Jacob hadn't noticed when it came. AUGUST HEAT
  • The pale light of the short sunless day was beginning to fade, when a faint far cry arose on the still air. The Trail of Meat
  • This system is a first clear step that has to grow," Van Kooten says, but more research is needed and people need to get used to the idea of sunless, landless agriculture. The Full Feed from
  • Most have long since gone, leaving behind their legacy of sunless, blanket afforestation.
  • Marko Nyberg, founder of Husky Rescue, describes his music as being ' like spring's sunbeam after the long dark sunless winter time '.
  • A man who lost his True Love in uncounted eons of previous incarnations ago hears her voice through the Night Hearing, and learns that there is another Lesser Redoubt lost somewhere in the darkness of the sunless world. SF Signal Reader Challenge #3 - SF Books You Haven't Read
  • She had once thought those lines referred to the river Axe, the sacred river that ran through the subterranean chambers and caverns and stalactites of the Cheddar gorge, but she now saw that the Alph of Xanadu was the Severn, and that the sunless sea was Coleridge's prophetic vision of the pewter post-nuclear wasteland of this estuary, spreading out westwards in the post-nuclear future towards the metallic fish-free Atlantic. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • The house was sunless.
  • Late afternoon, wearing on to the close of a sunless day. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Canyon, and the feet of men churned the wet sunless earth into mire and bog-hole. CHAPTER 3
  • Olde England must have been a sunless maze that stretched from Penzance to Carlisle.
  • You know, I've 43 minutes left in my evening here - then it's downstairs for entertainment, and after an annoying, drizzly sunless day, I need entertainment.
  • If a bronzy glow is a must, consider one of the many sunless options. Many people unaware of tanning-bed risks
  • The day dawned sunless and with a low cloud base.
  • Here, rather than by the splashing, sunless cascade of the Gorges, is where to have your picnic, in a greenly Arcadian valley in the heart of the mountains.
  • Sunless tanners for the face's thin skin, for example, usually contain less DHA.
  • In winter, you should move your Maranta to a well-lit but sunless spot.
  • A tendegree axial tilt, together with the orbit, means that the northern part of the Arctican continent spends half its year in unbroken sunlessness. The Queen of Air and Darkness
  • We've had a few dreary, sunless summers and there are people who feel they'll go stone mad if they don't get their annual sunshine fix.
  • But dawn was blank today, sunless and heavy, and Jacob hadn't noticed when it came. AUGUST HEAT
  • This is a more up-beat way of looking at the region's temperature, which can fall to - 51 Celsius in a six-month, sunless winter.
  • If you're not addicted to anything but a preference for looking like you've just returned from a week in the Bahamas, there's a healthy choice of sunless solutions that are miles better than the orangy, first-generation bronzers. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Tanorexia: The Unhealthy Glow of a New Addiction
  • The battery bank must be sized to absorb the influx of wind-generated electricity and bridge the gap of windless (and sunless) periods.
  • Late afternoon, wearing on to the close of a sunless day. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Ah, it is little short of a sin to encage a wild bird, beating its heart against the bars of its narrow cage, when the sun calls it to mount up with quivering ecstasy to the gates of day; but what a sin to bind the preacher of righteousness, and imprison him in sunless vaults -- what an agony! John the Baptist
  • Dutch people themselves, because of its sunlessness during the winter months; though as a matter of fact the climate is not so very different from that in the greater part of England. Dutch Life in Town and Country
  • We have risen from the sunless depths, and now hang suspended, beneath the waves.
  • Repelled by the sunless, cramped conditions in the cities, well-intended architects became obsessed with order.
  • Dethroned monarchs and fallen statesmen would not have needed to remonstrate against a domicil so spacious, so deeply secluded from the world's scorn, and so admirably in accordance with their thenceforward sunless fortunes. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, No. 67, May, 1863
  • What drew these artists into sunless caverns and tunnels sometimes less than a metre high has been the subject of vigorous argument.
  • All sunless tanners contain dihydroxyacetone, the only FDA-approved active ingredient for self-tanning lotions.
  • Wearing your favourite bathing suit isn't recommended since the solution of sunless tanner, bronzer and moisturizers can stain clothing.
  • It was a sunless afternoon, and the picture was all in monastic shades of black and white and ashen grey: the sick under their earth-coloured blankets, their livid faces against the pillows, the black dresses of the women (they seemed all to be in mourning) and the silver haze floating out from the little acolyte's censer. Fighting France
  • For the inhabitants of Gibraltar this means humid and sunless weather, greatly increasing human stress levels
  • It is used only in the cold, sunless north.
  • Instead, the first two teams to take the field in the Six Nations this year trotted uncertainly into the watery sunlessness of a late winter afternoon in France and played with a lack of enlightenment that raised the question of why anyone ever thought of Paris as the ‘City of Light.’
  • Sunless tanners are lotions and creams you apply to create a nut-brown gloss nearly indistinguishable from the real thing.
  • New to the popular world of sunless-bronzage techniques, the product uses mini towelettes to sequentially exfoliate, tan, and moisturize sickly grey skin into an even, un-orange glow, promise the makers.
  • The next 10 days were dull and sunless the severe spell becoming a distant memory.
  • Between house and garage there was a gate and narrow path which led into a rough yard, rendered sunless by a tall hedge and large sycamore tree.
  • The day dawned sunless and with a low cloud base.
  • I should have liked to have looked down from the sun into the sunlessness, as the old Fate woman at Ronco can do when she sits in winter at her window; or again, I should like to see how things would look from this same window on a leaden morning in midwinter after snow has fallen heavily and the sky is murky and much darker than the earth. Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino
  • They will travel as far away as 750 miles through the sunless winter, not to return until the new spring.
  • What drew these artists into sunless caverns and tunnels sometimes less than a metre high has been the subject of vigorous argument.
  • Try Sunless Tanning Solutions and get the rest of your body to match that orange Cheetos glow below your beltline. Think Progress » Rubio raises Terri Schiavo case in an attack on Crist.
  • The stalls are now too close together and the canopies too wide, making the passages between stalls narrow, uninviting, claustrophobic and sunless.
  • The general belief seems to be that, in the end, it was the cold, damp, bleak sunlessness of Jura that did him in. In Search of Orwell's Scottish Retreat
  • It was described by one visitor as a "spare, sunless, almost shabby cubicle, as unrelentingly masculine as the lifelong bachelor who occupies it."
  • Most have long since gone, leaving behind their legacy of sunless, blanket afforestation.
  • Dense clouds shroud Titan's surface, making it mysterious and sunless as well.
  • From here, it seemed dark, but it was that shore known as the bright place, the fields of elysium, the last shore: there, the fairylands of flowers and blowing grasses grew like the hair of the dead in their graves, beneath a sunless sky.
  • Action in the Gothic novel tends to take place at night, or at least in a claustrophobic, sunless environment.
  • Lots of getting soaked on what looks like a cold, sunless day. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs Senior Citizens: They Baffle Science!
  • How often, gliding by in barrenness, has it cast a shade of unutterable dejection on the dial of a sunless day. Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
  • With Somerset going through one of its soggy stages, damp, mostly sunless and almost completely without cheer, sleep is a commodity I'm valuing rather highly these past few days.
  • Down to a sunless sea, Elizabeth repeated to herself as she strode eastward along the footpath towards Hinkley from the fabled settlements of East Quantoxhead and Kilve. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • London had been grit grey for months, and Jay fought the sunless skies with the blade of keen memory.
  • Not the darkness of oblivion but the shroud of gloom on a sunless winter day, which made the room look as though as though the light had been switched off.
  • This fire was suddenly the only light in a cold, sunless world, and if somebody didn't feed it soon the consequences would be grim. SACRAMENT
  • An alternative to sun bathing is known as sunless tanning. EzineArticles
  • He retired into himself, and there, in a kind of sunless, motionless void, became still more just, still more humane. The Buried Temple
  • They are stuck instead for a sunless winter on an ice floe.
  • The day was sunless, bitter, snow-spitting.
  • I seemed every night to descend, not metaphorically, but literally to descend, into chasms and sunless abysses, depths below depths, from which it seemed hopeless that I could ever reascend. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
  • This fire was suddenly the only light in a cold, sunless world, and if somebody didn't feed it soon the consequences would be grim. SACRAMENT
  • The small, isolated community is slowing down in preparation for a month of total sunlessness, an annual occurrence that prompts the temporary departure of many citizens.
  • This is one of the BBC's good old-fashioned dramas of flat caps and bicycles, cobbles and postal orders, as young James turns up in Scotland's capital of sunlessness with his cardboard suitcase and optimist's grin. Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
  • Poor seasons in cool climates are usually both sunless and cold.
  • In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure dome decree Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea … EDF, of course, was engaged in that characteristically twenty-first century French endeavour, the development of nuclear power. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • Sunless tanners are lotions and creams you apply to create a nut-brown gloss nearly indistinguishable from the real thing.
  • Some say the old warhorses of the energy age, coal and nuclear power stations, will still be needed to cope with windless, sunless, waveless days.
  • But I should have liked to have looked down from the sun into the sunlessness, as the old Fate woman at Ronco can do when she sits in winter at her window; or again, I should like to see how things would look from this same window on a leaden morning in midwinter after snow has fallen heavily and the sky is murky and much darker than the earth. Selections from Previous Works and Remarks on Romanes' Mental Evolution in Animals
  • The project was very time consuming and always seemed to end up with us spending the summer sitting in front of a computer in some sunless basement.
  • If you want the golden glow of a tan without exposure to damaging UV light, consider using sunless tanning products or bronzers.
  • The nice thing about this line of sunless tanners is that you get results in about 30 minutes, so you can apply it as you're getting ready to go out.
  • If you want the golden glow of a tan without exposure to damaging UV light, consider using sunless tanning products or bronzers.
  • It was what seemed to be another bleak, sunless and chill winter morning in Moscow.
  • Related landscape drawings in white charcoal and colored pencil on black paper convey a dreamy quality, as if the flowers were phosphorescent growths on a sunless asteroid.
  • Over the past year this chilly, sunless corridor has often been crowded with men dressed in jailhouse smocks, chained in a line at the ankles, waist and wrists.
  • My father often told her afterwards to what an incalculable degree her presence brightened the old house and the two forlorn gentlemen; it would have been utter darkness if she had left them again to their old hazy sunlessness; so my father took the desperate step of leading her to the thorn walk. Girlhood and Womanhood The Story of some Fortunes and Misfortunes
  • To be fixed at the mouth of a mine, and to have to descend it daily, and not to discover great opulence below; on the contrary, to be chilled in subterranean sunlessness, without any substantial quality that she could grasp, only the mystery of the inefficient tallow-light in those caverns of the complacent-talking man: this appeared to her too extreme a probation for two or three weeks. The Egoist
  • The day dawned sunless and with a low cloud base.
  • All around us things flowered in the misty gray, red, orange, pink and blue, as though shouting against the sunlessness of the day.
  • We hold hands, me and her, both looking up at the blue, sunless sky; both with the grass under our backs; both wondering who will be the last to go.
  • In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure dome decree Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea … EDF, of course, was engaged in that characteristically twenty-first century French endeavour, the development of nuclear power. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • Applying sunless tanners right after shaving could irritate the skin and hair follicles.
  • A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.
  • Earth, and all that appertains thereto, speedily passed from his eyes, and they were alone in the midst of circumfused ether, glowing with a sunless light. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 342, November 22, 1828
  • Where exactly these sites are located on the stage is seldom clear, though it does seem incontestable that, while they are associated morally with darkness and vice and sometimes physically with sunlessness, they can only serve their purpose if they are clearly visible to the audience.
  • But in our sunless summer of 2007, hailstones shredded the leaves of my teenage beans.
  • The dark sky in Oshima Meteorological Station evokes a sunless world, a place where it is always night.
  • Christine Margreiter runs a florist's shop in town but lives in a sunnier town nearby where she makes up for sunless weekdays by hiking and gardening.
  • If a person wants to add color, they should use sunless tanners in a bottle.

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