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How To Use Sunk In A Sentence

  • A few fields have the remains of small sunken stone dwellings, intimate as those at Skara Brae.
  • Though manœuvring went on for four days and a good deal of damage was inflicted, the result was indecisive, no ships being captured or sunk.
  • 'Now this beats a', 'muttered his wife to herself;' however, I shall be obedient for a time; but if I dinna ken what all this is for before the morn by sunket-time, my tongue is nae langer a tongue, nor my hands worth wearing. ' Stories of Mystery
  • Jak można przeczytać na stronie konkursu przez niespełna 2 tyg od daty jego ogłoszenia napłynęło już ok 1000 pomysłów. mam nadzieję, że konkurs będzie przynajmniej wyznacznikiem w stosunku do tego co potrzebują odbiorcy. Ovi Developers’ Challenge - konkurs dla pomysłowych
  • The undulating holloway, which has itself sunk through the steady erosion of cartwheels and hooves up to fifteen feet beneath the hillside, translates you from the present into an earlier era when John Nash carved out his woodcuts in English boxwood at the kitchen table under a single lamp-bulb and cultivated the half-wild garden. Wildwood
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  • It is probably a measure of the depths to which political conversation has sunk — all the more remarkable given the chaos that male leaders have through the generations created — that this non-gender-specific "ballsiness," as it were, is so frequently trotted out as a measure of high praise. Half-cocked
  • The mud beneath my feet was soft and with every step, I sunk in to my ankle or deeper.
  • There are chocks of assorted age and make, battered into shapeless bashies, as well as many fine #1 Friends, sunk and overcammed deep into fingercracks which refuse to give up their dead.
  • For a week after the headlands of Tarifa and Spartel have sunk under the eastern horizon, the vessel is kept every day upon her course, -- her top-gallant and studding sails all distent with the wind blowing freely from over Biscay. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 104, June, 1866
  • His hair was starting to gray around the edges, and his eyes were sunken, hidden away behind bags and wrinkles that were now forming.
  • His voice sunk to a barely perceptible level.
  • Willoughby in outwearying: she asked herself how much she had gained by struggling: -- every effort seemed to expend her spirit's force, and rendered her less able to get the clear vision of her prospects, as though it had sunk her deeper: the contrary of her intention to make each further step confirm her liberty. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • She has sunk into the background in the past two weeks - friends say that she has had enough of the stress and has decided to no longer face the public gaze.
  • Rooms feature beamed ceilings, exposed stone walls and sunken baths. Times, Sunday Times
  • November 28th, 2008 at 3: 07 am an illinois mortgage broker ppfllc morgage financial debt bankruptcy helplines organization says: an illinois mortgage broker ppfllc morgage financial debt bankruptcy helplines organization … burrow individualizes restatement linoleum sunkThink Progress » Much bigger than the Dukestir.
  • No bulging rib cages, no collar bones out to here, no sunken eyes or bizarre hipbone bulges.
  • Upon it, in lieu of the dogged, black – visaged ruffian they had expected to behold, there lay a mere child: worn with pain and exhaustion, and sunk into a deep sleep. Oliver Twist
  • Max gave him a big fake smile, which quickly faded as he sunk into the couch.
  • Tea at a tiny inn sunk in a dell through which a sleepy lane trickled between high banks -- tea in the pocket garden under sweet-smelling limes, where stocks stood orderly and honeysuckle sprawled over the brick-nogging, brought back old days of happy fellowship, just to outshine their memory. Anthony Lyveden
  • Williamson suggests that assets with a high amount of specificity represent sunken costs that have little value outside a particular exchange relationship.
  • Without him we'd be well and truly sunk.
  • The value of our currency has sunk to almost nothing.
  • TWO men were arrested yesterday on suspicion of stealing a cannon and treasures from a sunken 17th-century warship. The Sun
  • No loaded American troop transports were sunk en route to Europe, although several empty vessels were torpedoed while returning to the United States.
  • Far from being sunk in unenquiring apathy, the suburbs are in constant flux. The Times Literary Supplement
  • We follow the tracks across the cracked mudflats, out past the sunken pilings now exposed and bleached by sun, to the deepest channel turned fetid pond. Three Prayers for Rain
  • The ground opened up below him and he sunk into the sand, leaving the stone behind.
  • The bow ranks were flooded; the whole front of the anchorage was a wreck of sunken boats. A Fire Upon the Deep
  • His eyes were sunken, his chin unshaved and his hair and even his clothing looked disheveled.
  • Rick had also checked the mine's setting device, a tube-like affair sunk lengthwise into the body of the metal casing. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • The large cat had sprung on her in her trace-like state and sunk its fangs deep into her leg.
  • Before its present incarnation as housing, the site was used for rice production, its landscape characterized by a network of sunken fields, raised terraces and dykes to contain the flooded rice paddies.
  • As Prof. Nettleship has pointed out, this seems to indicate that there are two words, _laquear_ from _laqueus_, meaning chain or network, and _lacuar_ or _lacunar_ from _lacus_, meaning sunk work. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • Presumably Barber would have sunk an 80-footer had there been another hole.
  • He was sunk in deep gloom at the prospect of being alone.
  • The sunken sailing-boat was a glimmer of white on the bottom.
  • They designed their 2,300-square-foot home to be sunk into the hillside, leaving little sunlit land left for gardening.
  • The government's response was to distance itself from the tragedy, claiming repeatedly that the boat had sunk in Indonesian waters.
  • A huge bathroom has a sunken bath, the drawing room a vaulted roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • {1} But oh, my friends, think you our guides, our native attendants, deep-sunk in heathenism, were affected by such a scene? WHEN ALICE TOLD HER SOUL
  • His involvement has really sunk us.
  • For example, the midget submarine sunk by the USS Ward had the wrong bow and stern structure.
  • A patio area is bordered by a number of plant beds and steps lead from this area to a slightly sunken lawn which also features a barna shed.
  • To an earlier generation, landscape would have meant drove roads and sunken lanes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her voice had sunk to a whisper.
  • THE SUN'S SUNK behind the row of trees and clapboard cottages on the shore, past the reef and its traffic — fishermen and jetskiers heading back to houses and bars — past where the Connecticut River dumps its brackish load into Long Island Sound. Monkeytown prologue/chapter first
  • The keys are fixed by countersunk fillister-head screws, so that a displacement of the key in the keyway is prevented. 3. Kinds of Feather Key Joints
  • Tarja supposed he had sunk into the muddy river, weighted down by his ornate armour. MEDALON
  • His dark-gold hair, damp and draggled, hung into his eyes, which were dilated and sunk into violet pools; his blank beautiful face was grey and sweating, his entire frame racked with shivering.
  • Water in all the boreholes that were sunk in the area had turned salty and the commodity could not be used for domestic purposes, not even for irrigation because the crops were drying.
  • She had fatigued herself so much, (growing sensibly weaker) that she sunk her head upon her pillows, ready to faint; and we withdrew to the window, looking upon one another; but could not tell what to say; and yet both seemed inclinable to speak: but the motion passed over in silence. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Between his pale, pasty flesh, sunken sullen eyes, and limited acting ability, he gives new meaning to the word doughy.
  • One boat of refugees was caught in naval crossfire and sunk.
  • “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” Five Crucial Conservation Goals for Sportsmen
  • At a function in Johannesburg, Mosunkutu announced the issuing of the first 1551 permits for the 18 to 35-seater so-called maxi-taxis. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Wednesday was pushing it, but it would force him to dig -himself out of the irremediable gloom into which he had sunk. AMAGANSETT
  • This huge iceberg had come over our position and sunk the buoy with our safety line. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Edwardian circular sunken garden survives with the original topiary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pay increases have sunk to around seven per cent.
  • Aside from my reluctance to take financial wisdom seriously from someone who uses "payed" instead of "paid", (sank/sunk notwithstanding) you seem to be forgetting the huge number of corporations who _aren't_ listed on the stock exchange, and who don't pay dividends. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Today, the price has sunk below 750 euros per barrel.
  • These award-winning ales have been sunk in Helsinki, knocked back in New York and tippled in Tokyo.
  • Lying in clouds of scent in the sunken tub filled to the brim, that streak of equanimity she had asserted itself.
  • Of all the possessions of this life fame is the noblest; when the body has sunk into the dust the great name still lives. 
  • If we can get some strong ropes or wires around the sunken boat, we might be able to haul it up.
  • Of all the possessions of this life fame is the noblest; when the body has sunk into the dust the great name still lives. 
  • Mony a day hae I wrought my stocking and sat on my sunkie under that saugh. ' Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01
  • It's a tale set on a set of islands which have since sunk beneath the Atlantic set in or around the 4th centuary C.E. It has heroes, giants, ogres, fairie, black magicians, high (and low) politics, swordplay, anger, love, and even a bit of sex. MIND MELD: The Forgotten Books of SF/F/H
  • Since Beckham apparently bought it for $145,000 and then, according to the dealer's claim, sunk another $50,000 in customization into the ride, it appears that his fame has added some collector's value to the 500 horsepower "cabrio. PHOTOS: David Beckham's Porsche On EBay For $150,000 And Counting
  • Symptoms include red and white patches on the gills, rough patches of skin and sunken eyes. The Sun
  • There was Marco in grimy apron plating up, or opening scallops, looking every inch the piratical hero, with his long black hair and sunken eyes and high cheek bones, surrendered long ago to his new-found affluence.
  • The outer layer of the abaxial epidermis contains sunken stomata with strongly fluorescing chloroplasts in the guard cells.
  • Surprisingly, once the shock disappeared and reality sunk in, tears sprang to my eyes.
  • View sunken ships, underwater castles, and other detailed underwater experiences, all from the perspective of being safely behind the glass of an underwater diving vessel.
  • Behold him next assuming the reins of government at a time when every other mind on earth would have shrunk aghast from the fearful task, or sunk beneath its complicated perils. The Great Funeral Oration on Abraham Lincoln
  • The king's ministers and the false prophets who misled him. sunk in ... mire -- proverbial for, Thou art involved by "thy friends '" counsels in inextricable difficulties. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Edwin, sunk in weariness, said little in opposition; and having suffered Monteith to take away his sword and to unbrace his plated vest, dropped at once on the straw in a profound sleep. The Scottish Chiefs
  • 117 Whatever might be the success of his prayer, or the accidents of his future life, the period of a few years levelled in the grave the minister and the poet: but the name of Hadrian is almost sunk in oblivion, while The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • An abundance of shells of the helix tribe (Helix bulimus) was found on the top and sides of the hill; and a calcareous substance was observed protruding from the ground in every part, as noticed both by Vancouver and Flinders; * the former also found it on the bare sandy summit of Bald Head, and supposed it to be coral, a circumstance from which he inferred that the level of the ocean must have sunk. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • he had sunk to the depths of addiction
  • There were booths and stalls covered with thick, ropy fishnet that seemed to have been built from the planks of sunken ships. WATER BOOK THREE: TRANSFORMATION
  • Throughout the scheme, tiers of steps leading into the sunken areas provide informal seating and car parking is screened by hedges of dark cypresses.
  • The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections.
  • He used to dive for coral and sunken treasures pinned under shipwrecks.
  • To add insult to injury, some fund groups that have lost scads of money for investors are sticking them with extra charges - because the value of their accounts has sunk below the minimum investment.
  • He is said to have a long face, sunken cheeks, a long protruding chin and a large hooked nose.
  • He mercilessly sunk his teeth into her delicate skin and drank the red liquid that he drew.
  • Two German torpedo boats and a destroyer were sunk and the rest of the flotilla scattered to various French ports. Times, Sunday Times
  • Films taken by a submersible robot established that the ship had sunk as a result of a large explosion.
  • The treatment rooms have an organic feel and simplicity of styling: drystone walling features in the health suite, mosaic tiling covers the flooring in the communal area and surrounds a sunken jacuzzi overlooking the mountains.
  • But the 1208P-caliber movement that powers Piaget's new launch overcomes this by using a micro-rotor countersunk into the movement. Slim Elegance Is Back
  • Ever-mindful of the swans, the ducks flapped as they fought for pieces of crust that floated, and dived for bits of bread that sunk.
  • Its bed and estuary scoured and sunken, was now a canal of sea water and a race of grimy bargemen brought the heavy materials of trade from the Pool thereby beneath the very feet of the workers. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • I'm not sure about the origins of the elemental satisfaction I derive sunk down in the cushions of my chair.
  • Her cheeks were sunken and hollow, her body almost frail-looking, her hair limp and sticking to her face.
  • Its cooling pool and fountain overlook the sunken Knot Garden, named for the intricate pattern into which chains of dwarf evergreen Japanese holly, juniper, and arborvitae have been woven.
  • To its supporters, who include among others the British Government, which has signed a potentially lucrative contract with Odyssey to salvage a 17th century navy ship called HMS Sussex carrying bullion worth up to £500m, the Nasdaq-listed company, founded by a former advertising executive and a real estate magnate, is a reputable organisation that follows strict archaeological guidelines in its legitimate search for sunken vessels. A £200m treasure hunt. Has Odyssey Marine found ‘La Vierge’? : Coin Collecting News
  • Nine mighty aqua jets propel water at the user, who lies half-sunken into the thing, but conveniently separated from the water by an impermeable surface.
  • Miss Jillgall, she lifted her poor little sunken eyes rapturously to the sky, as if she called the homiest sunlight to witness that this was the most lovable woman on the face of the earth. The Legacy of Cain
  • In that world, Atlantis has sunk below the sea, and the island of Marmo isn't in any known records.
  • His eyes looked slightly sunken behind his glasses; he hadn't been sleeping well. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • She sunk about three yards, and then stopped, at the same time calling lustily for assistance. Lives of the Necromancers
  • Meanwhile, as sure as night follows day a refugee boat has sunk with loss of life.
  • The youngest Daughter Nanette had sunk under this pestilence, in the flower of her years; and whilst the second Daughter Luise lay like to die of the same, the Father also was laid bedrid with gout. The Life of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending an Examination of His Works
  • But because we are so sure that "it is the memory that the soldier leaves after him, like the long trail of light that follows the sunken sun," and because so often oral tradition is less misleading than the written word, we gladly and undoubtingly give Roland high place in the A Book of Myths
  • Globalisation has become the catchword of the age; but the debate about it has been sunk in confusion.
  • They had hollow eyes and sunken cheeks, and they wailed horribly in the darkness.
  • The value of our currency has sunk to almost nothing.
  • On Europe, the UK Independence Party has apparently sunk this strategy because it shows that only the Tories are the sensible pragmatists.
  • As the hot water sluiced into the sunken tub, easing her aches and pains, she began to think about the gruelling casting.
  • The second case took place in the 1950s, by which time the reformism of the 1930s had sunk into a stultifying coalition: francophone religious and political elites allied with anglophone elites in business.
  • Also at this level is the fourth and final bedroom, a large double at the front of the house with access via patio doors to a decked area in a sunken portion of the front garden.
  • -- In this word the diphthong ue is entirely sunk, as well as in the words dialogue, synagogue, &c; out in the words prorogue, disembogue, &c., it is not entirely sunk, for it has the evident effect of lengthening the final syllable. The Scholar's Spelling Assistant; Wherein the Words Are Arranged on an Improved Plan, According to Their Respective Principles of Accentuation. In a Manner Calculated to Familiarize the Art of Spelling and Pronunciation, to Remove Difficulties, and to
  • The walkers journeyed along the Meridian Line from its first landfall on the North Sea coast at Tunstall to the banks of the Humber at Sunk Island.
  • For a moment, he simply watched his sleeping lover - he'd lost weight to a foul stomach and not eating for several days; his eyes were sunken, and sallow splotches had began to discolor his skin.
  • She'd stepped on a small stone disk and it had sunk into the ground with a grating noise.
  • The $2.50 and $5 gold coins are the only US coins with "incuse" designs that are sunk into the surface rather than standing above it. - Articles related to Indian gold buying picks up as price dives
  • The bar had a chalkboard of snacks listed, and for a moment my heart sunk, but settled at a window table laid with crisp white linen, the menu for the restaurant was really enticing.
  • Two German torpedo boats and a destroyer were sunk and the rest of the flotilla scattered to various French ports. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boat was sunk by a covert operations team to discourage other illegal aliens from making the trip.
  • On the landside of the main room, where people pass from front door to bedroom corridor, are more sliding doors opening into a sunken court.
  • Without thinking, she reached for her phone, only it wasnt thereor rather, it still wasnt there because it was still at her house, still sunk at the bottom of that tubful of water. Cruel Intent
  • Membership has sunk to below 200,000 and, after 12 years in office, many cabinet ministers are seen as tired, unpopular or not credible leaders.
  • From the sensations I then had, I felt an inner conviction of the liveliest kind, that without some powerful and reviving stimulus I should either have died on the spot, or should at least have sunk to a point of exhaustion from which all reascent under my friendless circumstances would soon have become hopeless. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
  • Her eyes were sunk deep into their sockets.
  • The fur was very soft and warm and the rabbit trembled slightly as I probed its smashed up hind legs with the tips of my fingers, then suddenly recoiled as they sunk into wet, ripped flesh.
  • All those remote-control toys bought for tweeners get played with for an hour or two and then get sunk into the miasma of a child's bedroom.
  • A vestibule behind and to the left provides access to the building's interior at grade, in effect a bridge over this sunken area.
  • The workers go down to the tunnels through a vertical shaft sunk from the top of the cliff.
  • There are many things to think about before even the first tentative daffodil bulb is sunk into the ground.
  • There were sunken gardens and ornamental ponds, rose pergolas and formal hedges.
  • In the other half are a vast, sunken bath and an indoor shower. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather, translate as Vulgate (the doves), sitting at the fulness of the stream; by the full stream; or, as Maurer (the eyes) set in fulness, not sunk in their sockets (Re 5: 6), ( "seven," expressing full perfection), (Zec 3: 9; 4: 10). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • This accident, together with the crazy condition of the ship, which was little better than a wreck, prevented her from getting off to sea, and entangled her more and more with the land, so that the next morning at daybreak she struck on a sunken rock, and soon after bilged and grounded between two small islands at about a musket-shot from the shore. Anson's Voyage Round the World The Text Reduced
  • The resultant form is bold and distinctive and is further modelled by a re-entrant corner cutout, set directly above the sunken entrance court.
  • Some of the prisoners did find time to make musical instruments such as violins from the dismantled hulls of sunken boats and hard wood salvaged from collapsed buildings.
  • Many disappeared in the South China Sea - their overcrowded, top-heavy fishing boats swamped by the sea, or sunk by pirates who attacked at night.
  • His face was flushed, and he had dark rings below the reddened eyes that were sunk deep into his face.
  • In the same manner, having been reduced by disorder, and sunk to their utmost state of depression, unable to descend lower, they, of necessity, reascend; and thus from good they gradually decline to evil, and from evil again return to good. The History of Florence
  • As far as posterity is concerned, they have sunk without trace. Times, Sunday Times
  • 91 The light brigantines of the Greeks were scattered in ignominious flight: the nine castles of the Venetians maintained a more obstinate conflict; seven were sunk, two were taken; two thousand five hundred captives implored in vain the mercy of the victor; and the daughter of Alexius deplores the loss of thirteen thousand of his subjects or allies. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Well those vessels are US-owned, and most of the sunken World War II ships are foreign flag vessels, primarily Japanese and quite a few American vessels as well.
  • There is a summer mews in need of some tender loving care, and a large cement sunken area which could accommodate a fantastic water feature or even a swimming pool.
  • Her cheeks also look sunken. The Sun
  • Work is expected to begin shortly, and she may be ready to be sunk by next April.
  • The sense that historical fiction had sunk to the condition of adventure stories for boys, and romance for the millions, cast a blight on the genre in the 20th cent.
  • Haggard, frayed and cadaverously pale with his eyes sunk somewhere deep in the back of his skull, in the final scene he looks like someone who is about to die.
  • This harsh lesson has doubtless sunk in right across the academic world. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are good-sized rooms, large gardens and sunken swimming pools. Times, Sunday Times
  • This smooth and more experienced screwdriver had strengths mine did not, and it sunk the remaining loose screws deep into the wood.
  • Meanwhile, both groups are working under concessionary labor contracts struck early in the past decade, after the 2001 terrorist attacks sunk the industry into financial distress. US Airways Pilots Deny Illegal Job Action Under Way
  • Seeing her tired face and sunken eyes, he is touched.
  • His hair was starting to gray around the edges, and his eyes were sunken, hidden away behind bags and wrinkles that were now forming.
  • As the fiery ball sunk lower into the water, the colors radiated over its surface, shining and creating a beautiful pallet of color.
  • Arin had sunk his claws deep within the angel's arm and had used his other hand to break Lucius's wing.
  • The pool hall was full of seedy characters as Sabrina sunk a red ball into the corner pocket, slamming two more in on rebound.
  • He then 'sot' down in a 'cheer' and looked like a man condemned to be hung; then she whipped me with the cowhide until I sunk to the floor. The Underground Railroad A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, &c., Narrating the Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes and Death Struggles of the Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom, As Related by Themselves and Others, or Witnessed by the Auth
  • After a couple of minutes the bread was gone, but I'd been engrossed in watching the float so couldn't decide whether the fish ate the bread or it had sunk or washed away.
  • A small exploitative class of intermediaries benefited enormously from the neocolonial relationship, but the masses were sunk in abject poverty and misery.
  • In 1628, the ornately carved and heavily gunned ship had sunk - after less than a mile of her maiden voyage.
  • Each suite features a marble bathroom, sunken bath, terrace and landscaped courtyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remembering these things the idle young "flatty" turned and looked at the green-coated and sunken-shouldered figure, touched into some rough pity by the wordless pathos of an existence which seemed without aim or reason. Never-Fail Blake
  • Eventually stoping cut farther into the veins so that either shafts had to be sunk or adits driven into the hillside to make connections with the underground workings.
  • The opening of the infraorbital canal is sunk into a vacuity that penetrates the rostrum.
  • The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections.
  • The very conundrum is a sign of how far this nation sunk. mikey Says: Matthew Yglesias » The Legal Cost of Torture
  • Symptoms include red and white patches on the gills, rough patches of skin and sunken eyes. The Sun
  • The April festival has been sunk by an ill-timed deluge of rain.
  • Some thirty ships and submarines had been sunk there. A Channel of Peace
  • Finishing the last morsel of food he could uncover on his tray, Ben sunk into his chair with a sigh, feeling content.
  • The northern islands are coral atolls that have formed over ancient sunken volcanoes and are characterized by outer reefs surrounding a lagoon.
  • On the outside of the bay, submerged ridges and pinnacles projecting from the sunken part of the crater rim approach the surface.
  • Apparently their trade value had sunk to nil, nix, nothing at all.
  • My friend paid 3,000 for her sunken trampoline. The Sun
  • The redtail hit the brakes, did a barrel roll, sunk one set of talons into the crow, and the crow dropped like a rock when it let go. All hunters have seen crows go after a hawk.
  • Many of the graves were sunken, from others grew sturdy pines, whose roots had committed unspeak - able sin. Can Such Things Be
  • Side view of countersunk slotted screw with adjustable thread length.
  • His cheeks were sunken and the skin across the bridge of his nose was taught and mottled after days of pain. PROSECUTOR
  • For otherwise healthy adults, the triggers for the need for immediate medical attention for diarrhea include blood and/or mucus in the stools, fever accompanied by shaking chills, and/or if dehydration is occurring (symptoms of dehydration include a dry or sticky mouth, low or no urine output (concentrated urine appears dark yellow), not producing tears, and sunken eyes; clinical signs include low blood pressure, rapid pulse rates, poor skin turgor, and delayed capillary refill). We are in Mexico and my husband is ill
  • Since his last book five years ago, he seems to have sunk without trace.
  • Huge iron-clasped books lay before this ominous specimen of pinguitude -- the records of the realm of misery, in which office he officiated as prime minister; and had Peveril come thither as an unconcerned visitor, his heart would have sunk within him at considering the mass of human wretchedness which must needs be registered in these fatal volumes. Peveril of the Peak
  • The effects of childhood malnutrition are a legacy reflected in his sunken features.
  • So we slipped straight into a larch wood and then soon found a nice sunken track through Silpho Moor with beech and birch, heather and bilberry, and, having dropped out of the clouds, sweet views of Whisper Dales.
  • Eventually, the next bend reveals a stand of huts, tottering on stilts sunk in the muddy wastes of the lapping river.
  • Still trying to figure out how Coastal Na'vi might handle Jungle N'avi creeping into their space due to decimated but newly 'invigorated' Darwinian leader types looking pretty worth a Na'vi WAG trying to up the gene pool 'n all, and needing a bit more room now the sprog crash pad in Dubai has sunk. The Guardian World News
  • The outer layer of the abaxial epidermis contains sunken stomata with strongly fluorescing chloroplasts in the guard cells.
  • The bathroom is decorated with pale blue tiled walls and features a white ceramic suite consisting of a sunken bath with tiled surround, pedestal wash basin and toilet.
  • The April festival has been sunk by an ill-timed deluge of rain.
  • He gibbered madly and his muscles spasmed, and he sunk to his knees in the muddy trench, his heart pumping his blood out into the soil.
  • The English had lost some 450 men with 1250 wounded and no ships sunk or captured.
  • Severe weather has sunk more than 200 supertankers and container ships exceeding 200 metres in length during the last two decades.
  • Two courtyards sunk into the building's roof structure allow light to penetrate deep into the building.
  • He remained sunk in gloom for several days.
  • While chatter had been prominent the first few hours of the ride, in the last bit they had sunk into a peaceful silence.
  • The lead characters are Joe and Sam, heroic Salvors operating from the M/V Triton in the North Atlantic stripping sunken frieghters of brightwork. John Ford meets Godzilla ~ update
  • In the fifth century rectangular and sunken buildings were erected over an earlier farm and its fields.
  • I used regular wood screws and countersunk them in the PVC to allow a flush surface.
  • The ship was sunk on express orders from the Prime Minister.
  • We counter sunk our touch holes or used the ones that are made that way.
  • The road surface had worn smooth and in places there were sunken tyres tracks that caused vehicles to shudder when they pass over them.

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