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How To Use Sundown In A Sentence

  • People were gulping down sundowners, women seemed to be, rather disinterestedly, sipping their drinks and picking up a bite.
  • The hard labor of the farm was mostly done by them, and on the floor of the big kitchen, toward sundown, would be squatting a circle of twelve or fourteen "pickaninnies," eating their supper of pudding (Indian corn mush) and milk. November Boughs ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
  • Anything that the dying republicans can do at this point, including thrashing around and digging up newt from the grave, while their Dear Leader’s days in office disappear after every sundown, they will do. House Republicans Continue Vacation Protest - The Caucus Blog -
  • At sunup and sundown, the lagoon becomes a communal meeting place for locals.
  • Without the alchemy that each green leaf performs from sunup to sundown during the growing season, life simply could not be.
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  • The term "sundowning" refers to a state of confusion at the end of the day and into the night, often leading to a state of increased agitation, activity and even borderline demented behavior. South Carolina Stories
  • Isolation, loneliness, and the sheer drudgery of running a pioneer household - from sunup to sundown, without a single day's rest - has worn away at their resolve.
  • It turns out that, just as most infants have a crying jag every afternoon before dinner, parents with dementia experience "sundowning," a late afternoon agitation that can get ugly. Karen Ann Coburn: The Visit
  • So… after a few quiet sundowners and pleasant advertising industry banter in the foyer, we padded into the concert hall for the show.
  • While it may seem to make sense to work cattle after sundown, wait until the cattle have had at least six hours of night cooling before working.
  • I worked from sunup to sundown,’ he reminisces.
  • When we arrived at a grass-thatched hut at sundown, we'd string up our hammocks and spend the night.
  • It was sundown, the skies were dark orange, the temple and its worshippers glimmered in pools of light and dark.
  • The GUD Magazine Issue 3 instigator is Debbie Moorhouse, who joined GUD as a copyeditor after her story Sundown was published in Issue 0. Mechanical Flight
  • Sunup to sundown, hard, miserable work, but we managed to get it done.
  • He picks from sunrise to sundown for an old Okie family.
  • Light is especially important in the late afternoon and early evening, when a phenomenon known as sundowning kicks in. Coping With The Darkness
  • We are drinking sundowners by the Land Cruiser and musing that, if we set off on foot now, we'd still be nowhere in a week's time.
  • From sundown on Friday until dusk on Sunday they will be in ‘character,’ dressed and speaking in the language of the 19th century soldier.
  • He slapped old friends on the back and asked them if the stumps were coming away easily; he talked nonsense concerning labour and the inalienable rights of elephants to a long 'nooning'; and, wandering to and fro, thoroughly demoralized the garden till sundown, when he returned to his pickets for food. Life's Handicap
  • The city shows no slackening of pace after sundown.
  • OPPENHEIM: Our story on Vidor, Texas, depicted a place with very few African-American residents, a place that, in the '50s and' 60s, was known as sundown town, where African-Americans were warned not to be caught after dark. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2006
  • My doctor husband listens carefully to what he calls sundowning rants just in case there's any validity to the charges. The Full Feed from
  • Near sundown, I took him to a nearby beach in my punt.
  • From the time I was 12 years old, I worked on the farm from sunup to sundown for maybe $1.50 a day.
  • Once you find a comfortable place to sit outdoors and have a morning cup of coffee or an evening sundowner, a funny thing happens.
  • He went off at a hand-gallop, and then pulled back into a long darting kind of canter, which Bilbah thought was quite the thing for a journey — anyhow, he never seemed to think of stopping it — went on mile after mile as if he was not going to pull up this side of sundown. Robbery Under Arms
  • While I was forgetting much of many things that harm one, and letting of my thoughts go wild to sounds and sights of nature, a sweeter note than thrush or ouzel ever wooed a mate in, floated on the valley breeze at the quiet turn of sundown. Lorna Doone
  • Near sundown we passed down the one long street, all battered and dismantled, which is all that is left of the old town. AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA
  • The marina at Troon is the perfect place to sip a few sundowners as you watch the yachts come in, and Culzean Castle is an astounding place to visit, with spectacular views and fabulous gardens.
  • The photographer arrived at the airstrip just an hour before sundown.
  • Say, boss, "-- and Sundown leaned toward Corliss confidentially and lowered his voice, --" I ain't what you'd call a nervy man, but say, I got somethin 'jest as good. Sundown Slim
  • From sunup to sundown, an overwintering bird's focus in life is to feed its face.
  • Vapours enchant the distances, bathing peaks in bewitchments of blue and grey of a hundred tones, transforming naked cliffs to amethyst, stretching spectral gauzes across the topazine morning, magnifying the splendour of noon by effacing the horizon, filling the evening with smoke of gold, bronzing the waters, banding the sundown with ghostly purple and green of nacre. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
  • He went off at a hand-gallop, and then pulled back into a long darting kind of canter, which Bilbah thought was quite the thing for a journey -- anyhow, he never seemed to think of stopping it -- went on mile after mile as if he was not going to pull up this side of sundown. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • At this meeting, Quentin orders his sister's boyfriend to leave town by sundown, and threatens to kill him if he stays.
  • About sundown each goes forth to his "chores" -- Mr.K. to chop wood, Mr.B. to haul water, I to wash the milk pans and water the horses. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Known as gecekondu because they are ‘built at night,’ this squatter housing takes advantage of an ancient law that says if construction begins after sundown, whatever is standing at sunrise has legal status.
  • If he had his way he'd spend his days courting and writing poetry from sunup until sundown.
  • There was no unified standard as there is in Judaism, sundown to sundown.
  • It's probably too pat to ascribe Come Around Sundown's gentle back-pedal from the huge success of its predecessor to some Tennessean burglars. Kings of Leon: Come Around Sundown – review
  • By sundown the brigantine was hull down ahead of us, though the barque was a very smart vessel, and we were then making eleven knots. "Pig-Headed" Sailor Men From "The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton and Other Stories" - 1902
  • After hours of mind-numbing driving on roads that threaten to separate your vehicle into its component parts and spread them over 300 kilometres of bulldust, you arrive at Australia's most remote roadhouse just before sundown.
  • The latter, called "sundowning," occurs in people with dementia, although the cause is unclear.
  • Organic changes in the brain of some older people bring about an increase in agitation after dark known as sundowner s syndrome.
  • She's lighting the Chanukah candles for those of us who can't get home by sundown.
  • Toward sundown, the bridge was at last completed and the bowmen hurried over.
  • Well, watcha going to do between now and sundown?
  • That old sundowner who talked to you about it, was he the one who walked off with Ma's gold watch? THE BLACK OPAL
  • We'll leave port at sundown, have a fine dinner, then dance the night away. CORMORANT
  • Come Around Sundown," the band's fifth album, is thick with growly, momentous rock songs that arrive in an era dominated by magnificent pop stars (Lady Gaga), magniloquent rap stars (Lil Wayne) and mash-ups of the two (Kanye West). Kings of Leon bemoan their rock stardom on latest album, 'Come Around Sundown'
  • You should know that harmonic symmetry demands a second great circle meridian to create sunup and sundown corner quadrants
  • During the mid-day heat the animals take a siesta, so much of the wildlife activity takes place around daybreak and sundown.
  • On the 16th to 18th floors, the club offers its guests extras such as complimentary breakfast, ruinously good afternoon tea and sundowner cocktails overlooking the city.
  • I want you and Jenny to meet me by the old landing below the north wall reservoir, an hour after sundown tomorrow. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • Mr. Grady called a halt to their travel well before sundown, and they poled the flatboat to the shore. Judge deveraux
  • Organic changes in the brain of some older people bring about an increase in agitation after dark known as sundowner s syndrome.
  • So, like a careful captain, Leif got his dried fish, his smoked deer - meat, his water casks, and his lumber by degrees all on board; he lit the watch fires as usual at sundown; but by moonrise, with the early tide he and his men slipped quietly out of their stockaded camp and into their vessel, and silently drifted out to sea before the warm land-wind that still was faintly blowing. The Iron Star — and what It saw on Its Journey through the Ages
  • Even less-observant Muslims fast seriously from sunup to sundown despite the tropical heat.
  • Early evening sundowners are popular but night owls might want to hang around for exotic cocktails and ambient tunes spun by house DJs as the light goes down.
  • As sundown approached, scores of settlers and a wagon train of police vans moved down the hill as Maj.
  • The bar is always good for a laid-back sundowner or three… and if you hang in there long enough you might even catch a live rock act towards the end of the evening.
  • It used to be known as a sundown town where blacks didn't dare go out at night. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2006
  • Diplomats, businessmen and locals congregate for gossip, sundowners and remarkable bar snacks.
  • Yes | No | Report from Reid Jones wrote 39 weeks 2 hours ago people that take shots after dark during deer season. it's obviously 20 minutes past sundown, which is VERY illegal, and i'm still hearing gun shots every so often. ticks me off how people are stupid like that. another deer hunting one, i hate sooners! if you can't wait to hunt in the legal time, you shouldn't be hunting at all. My pet peeve is people that see my decoys and move in right next to me, throw out decoys and start shooting at every duck out of
  • Beaver are nocturnal and often begin their activities shortly after sundown.
  • The swagman loafer, or ‘bummer,’ times himself, especially in bad weather, to arrive at the shed just about sundown.
  • It was also, until after I graduated from high school in 1973, part of a dry county (which meant you had to drive to Oklahoma or nearby Muenster in a neighboring county for alcohol, absolutely not a deterrent to drinking) and strongly adherent to a Sundown culture. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Mr. Grady called a halt to their travel well before sundown, and they poled the flatboat to the shore. Judge deveraux
  • Starting bright and early in the morning, he guaranteed to have you up for your first solo by sundown.
  • I am often puzzled by the YEC insistance of a creation "yom" having to be 24-hours, when defining a day as sundown to sundown never results in precisely a 24 hour day March 21 and September 21 probably come closest though. 6 months of the year, a yom measures a little more and 6 months it's a little less. Take Those Days Literally!
  • They passed the day in feasting and wine-drinking and diversion and delight till night-fall, when they supped and prayed the sundown prayers, and the night orisons; after which they sat conversing and carousing, and Nasir and Mansur fell to telling stories whilst Abdullah hearkened. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • During the colonial period, heavy breakfast meals of hoecakes (small cornmeal cakes) and molasses were prepared to fuel the slaves for work from sunup to sundown.
  • 'nooning'; and wandering to and fro, thoroughly demoralised the garden until sundown, when he returned to his pickets for food. The Kipling Reader Selections from the Books of Rudyard Kipling
  • But perk up, my bleary-eyed friends: there are still a few well-after-sundown TV distractions worth seeking out.
  • At $10 a head, students can go to the club from sundown to sunup and enjoy a safe graduation party with their peers.
  • Teams are chosen and the game begins at sundown.
  • It arrived close to sundown, after my bilingual secretary had gone home.
  • He would have gone long ago if it hadn't been for the sundowner. THE BLACK OPAL
  • The title poem from Andy Hopkins' Dark Horse Pictures is featured in the current edition episode #219 of Larry Winfield's excellent Sundown Lounge podcast. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Also, you know, year ago they were called sundown towns, as in if you're black you want to be out by sundown. CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2006
  • The loss of the springe was not a serious one, for three traps remained unsprung, and before sundown For the term of his natural life
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: apparently, these tards know about as much about religion as they do how to govern properly. according to the bible the sabbath is from friday sundown to saturday Think Progress » Rep. Steve King and Glenn Beck agree: Voting for health reform on Sunday is ‘an affront to God.’
  • Sipping a sundowner and tucking into homemade nibbles on one of the islands in the river before returning after dark to a hot shower under the stars was an unforgettable experience.
  • Women congregate, commune and communicate here from sunup to sundown on every conceivable topic. Emily Bracken: Women Are From Crazytown And Men Are From Weirdville
  • Doors flying open, slamming shut, cars driving in, driving out from sundown to sunup. A FAMILIAR FACE • by Frank Byrns
  • A classic stroll at sundown is along the malecón, which stretches for miles along the Gulf of Mexico to the outlying suburbs. Veracruz, Mexico: a feast for the senses
  • THOUSANDS of sheep, soft-footed, black-nosed sheep—one by one going up the hill and over the fence—one by one four-footed pattering up and over—one by one wiggling their stub tails as they take the short jump and go over—one by one silently unless for the multitudinous drumming of their hoofs as they move on and go over—thousands and thousands of them in the grey haze of evening just after sundown—one by one slanting in a long line to pass over the hill— Sheep
  • Unless he could free the doomed lummox beneath him by sundown, he'd be on the south end of more drunken wagers than either man could count.
  • Another odd release was by veteran Cajun accordionist Lionel Cormier's band The Sundown Playboys, who'd been going at it since 1945. Finding The Best Of The Bands On The Beatles' Label
  • At sundown Old Glory is lowered aboard ship the active duty Navy assigned to the U.
  • On the last night of Chanuakah, we’ll have friends bring over their chanukiah to light at sundown all together. Ten Things Tuesday: Chanukah « The Life and Times of Organic Mama
  • When we arrived at a grass-thatched hut at sundown, we'd string up our hammocks and spend the night.
  • When we pulled into the dealer's yard, there was my little blue Sundowner with a sold sticker on it. Next to it was the brown pickup, all washed and shiny, with a big SOLD sign on the window.
  • It was late March, a week into spring, two hours before sundown. DANSVILLE
  • For example, Richard was greatly affected by "sundowning," a common phenomenon in which dementia patients 'behavioral symptoms are triggered by the change from day to night. Kathryn Haslanger: Alzheimer's Disease: Caring for the Caregiver
  • Dad, of course, will happily wallop an unplucked pheasant on the table during breakfast, before heading out to chase wee moosies from the grain store and inspect a few cow posteriors before sundown.
  • But then what firefighters and what Kara was reporting was right before the sunsets we get what's known as sundown winds or sundowner winds, and that happens because we get a decrease in relatively humidity with a rise in temperature at the end of the day. CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2008
  • Forget sundowners - go for an 8pm dinner in one of the many fine restaurants, and have a digestif at one of the two harbourside bars while you stare out into the black bay.
  • We pull into Paramaribo at sundown and the driver starts dropping people off. Chris Guillebeau: Overland Journey from Guyana to Suriname
  • Here we sat enjoying our sundowners as massive hippos splashed and played in the River Khwai before us.
  • They'd gobble up the picquet there, and be over the Natal border by sundown; it behoved Flashy to bear away north, and try to cross the river well beyond the reach of the impis. Watershed
  • We wouldn't make a kilometer 'fore sundown through muscoid and arrowbush, not if we exhausted our blasters burnin 'them. The Rebel Worlds
  • For the limpid quality of the water here, the colour of the coral and variety of fish, it's the place for your final sundowner, breathtaking and unforgettable.
  • Bandits and other miscreants roamed the dirt track after sundown, waiting for a horseman to come along so they could ambush him.
  • Near sundown, Jude arrived, smelling like fish and incredibly tired.
  • I go for a set of brass bells that tinkle, bringing home the sound of cows returning home at sundown.
  • I had two thoughts when I first heard the phrase "electric sundown. The Full Feed from
  • Unmindful of the chill in the air, people lazed around sipping sundowners and munching ‘masaledar’ stuff, waiting for the party to begin.
  • It was 17.45 in the afternoon and, at best, an after-hours call out will cost you an arm and a leg should you be fortunate enough to find someone willing to come away from their sundowners.
  • In the depths of night on Mars, however, fine particles quickly become cold as temperatures plunge after sundown.
  • Today, he should be enjoying a well-earned retirement, putting his feet up by the pool in his garden and enjoying a rum and Coke, his favourite tipple, as a sundowner.
  • Forget sundowners - go for an 8pm dinner in one of the many fine restaurants, and have a digestif at one of the two harbourside bars while you stare out into the black bay.
  • At this rate, they would be in the city around sundown.
  • By sundown some of us began to be disturbed about the lack of privacy.
  • After sundown, as many as 3,000 followers gather in the great hall beneath a roof shaped like unfolding pink lotus petals with a glass dome at its center.
  • She'll be having her supper on a tray, watching the sundown birds.
  • But my mother believes there is more to life than a suntan and a sundowner.
  • Took some cajoling; my editor is a NIMBY when it comes alt-media, partly due to the pessimal state of modern info, partly due to how close he is to sundowning. 365 tomorrows » Jared Axelrod : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • I wonder if the early evening change at the nursing home is due to "sundowning" in some of the patients. Upswing
  • I recall the celerity with which he used to kick them off at sundown. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • For the record, my dogs sleep in the house, so there is no night disturbance, and the birds sleep sundown to sunup, so there are no night noises coming from my yard.
  • After lunch beneath the pines and a rest in the shade of an old carob, I headed on to Loutro, keen to make this gem of the south coast well before sundown.
  • The slacklining begins at sundown, the various walkers gloriously backlit by a cliff across the Valley that shines in the last light of day.
  • He follows the orthodox code and strictly observes the Sabbath from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday, so there is an obvious impact on his political life.
  • At a Burger King, just after sundown in downtown Kansas City, a pile of birdseed mysteriously appears on an outside table. Star Crossed Anglers
  • So as I was saying, it was just after sundown on a hot August night.
  • While driving through Indiana around sundown, he saw and photographed ‘the most spectacular array of sunrays’ he had ever seen, though at the time it didn't seem to relate to anything happening in his life.
  • From high noon to sundown we blazed and buzzed like hot island bees on sweet cherry trees.
  • I just don't like turning a sundowner away," said Mr Forman. THE BLACK OPAL
  • And in the roof he has put a glass look-out, perfect to sip your sundowner in.
  • He slapped old friends on the back and asked them if the stumps were coming away easily; he talked nonsense concerning labor and the inalienable rights of elephants to a long "nooning"; and, wandering to and fro, he thoroughly demoralized the garden till sundown, when he returned to his picket for food. Children's Literature A Textbook of Sources for Teachers and Teacher-Training Classes
  • Having made good progress today, we have time to stroll to the bank of an ancient dried riverbed to enjoy a pre-supper sundowner as we watch the reddening sun light up the sky.
  • In a day and age when I can get my spot news anywhere at anytime, from sunup to sundown, maybe what I'm really looking for is someone to tell me what might happen next and then someone to stick with the story so that I understand every nuance it has to offer. Mike Hegedus: The Egyptian Coup -- Isn't That Over Yet?
  • Other than dances, sundowners, whist drives, ‘trook’ sessions, and housie-housie, there were concerts from time to time.
  • The autopsies were controversial, as Muslim tradition calls for bodies not to be embalmed or in any way retouched and for them to be buried before sundown on the day of death.
  • Our first evening was spent drinking sundowners, drifting down the Zambezi on a pontoon absorbing the sunset and watching large herds of elephants swimming across the river supporting their calves in the deep water.
  • WHITE: Well, the problem here is that if this fire is allowed to get into this canyon and we get that condition known as a sundown, those down canyon winds. CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2008
  • You're never far from a party and a sound system in Jamaica, whether you want to shake your batty to the latest dancehall mixes or sink rum punches at sundown.
  • The desert has inspired romantics for centuries and a dinner at sundown with the gentle breezes of the open desert, with just the stars and the setting sun for company is an experience.
  • We relished that sundown for hours afterwards, when we lay in our berths, letting the train's gentle rocks lull us into safe slumber.
  • As with all Jewish holidays, Purim begins at sundown on the previous secular day.
  • They'd gobble up the picquet there, and be over the Natal border by sundown; it behoved Flashy to bear away north, and try to cross the river well beyond the reach of the impis. Watershed
  • Or perhaps the idea crystallized when he asked to see some of their native dances, and within an hour the dancers assembled on his lawn -- five hundred of them -- and performed until sundown. The Worshippers
  • The wine is an excellent as a sundowner on a hot summer's evening and does just as well when served as an accompaniment to a salad or grilled fish.
  • To cool off before sundown they changed into cutoff shorts and walked down to the river to go swimming.
  • Baha'is abstain from food and drink from sunup to sundown during the Fast and recite especially revealed prayers. Rothwell Polk: Baha'is Slow Down, Tune In During Fast
  • Just before sundown he squatted up in a great walnut tree on the edge of the forest, where he was able to see for miles around.
  • If these incubuses are not in the hoosgow by sundown, you can pretty much forget about getting any Snickers or Butterfingers in your pillow cases this Halloween -- and you can also forget about celebrating New Year. Madame Jane's Halloween prediction: There will be no 2007!
  • Early rodeo legends like Yakima Canutt and Jackson Sundown and hard-to-fork broncs like Steamboat were familiar fixtures in such rodeos, and so was western art.
  • Sipping a sundowner and tucking into homemade nibbles on one of the islands in the river before returning after dark to a hot shower under the stars was an unforgettable experience.
  • That work kept us busy until well after sundown.
  • Those Alzheimer's patients with this specific affliction often show heightened afternoon agitation, called sundowning, which has been shown in many studies to be effectively treated with melatonin supplements in the evening. [ RVABlogs
  • Their days are spent busy in the bush while the evenings kick off with sundowners on the brow of a hill.
  • I want them to beat drums, pots, blow vuvuzelas and sing to create a scary atmosphere for Sundowns.
  • She'll be having her supper on a tray, watching the sundown birds.
  • Whoever does not make it to the compound by sundown is disqualified.
  • I can only say that at sundown we passed out of the Rebel lines, and at ten o'clock that night stretched our tired limbs on the "downy" cots in General The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • If you're lucky you'll be home by sundown.

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