How To Use Summit In A Sentence

  • The general turned his gaze from one person to the other present at the summit meeting.
  • Finance ministers and central bankers from the G-20 advanced and developing nations are meeting in South Korea Friday and Saturday to prepare for a summit of G-20 leaders next month. Japan Calls for Currency-Market Cooperation
  • He won the summit in the thick of howling wind and driving snow, providentially stumbling upon Trust
  • He used a specially-arranged series of interviews during the Commonwealth summit yesterday to mount a stout defence of his position.
  • There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.
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  • The hikers start in tropical rainforest territory and travel through moorlands, alpine meadows and glaciers on the summit.
  • The exhilaration of a mountain summit or the thrill of abseiling into a gorge are experiences that will stay with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The description aptly described the new diplomacy of detente emerging from the 1972 super-power summit.
  • In a series of calls, he made clear that Britain would retain the referendum option and that he did not want to prejudice next week's crisis talks at a Brussels summit.
  • Far away on the summit of every green hill may be descried the red-roofed hut, or buron, of the cheese-maker. The Roof of France
  • The conical upper section of the mountain is reached and the well-defined, rocky path zig-zags to the short summit ridge with its steep drop into the ben's north-east corrie.
  • In the wake of this summit he must rethink these deeply damaging proposals. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were two summits taking place in Europe at the end of last week. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few kilometers outside the Park and summit area, congenerics found include the legume Adenocarpus foliosus, the bugloss Echium virescens and the daisy Argynantemum frutescens. Teide National Park, Spain
  • Her coif was the tall medieval hennin of Plougastel, a flood of lace falling from its summit. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • BRUSSELS—Russia's failure to rescind a ban on European Union fruit and vegetable imports, agreed at a summit last week, has riled the European Commission, which is requesting the ban be removed immediately. EU: 'No Justification' for Russia Vegetable Ban
  • The road meanders high above the waters of lakes and rivers, embraced by the meringue summits of the mountains.
  • A little to the south-east of this summit lies a curious constellation of rock tors, three individual outcrops of fine-grained granite.
  • Seeing the potential of its software besmirching the Symantec name irreparably, Symantec's CEO surged forward with a new plan: re-write its security software to make it the best in the industry, so as to super-strengthen its stranglehold on the summit of sales supremacy while swiftly swinging its way back into the good books of consumers. ITWire - Latest Headlines
  • Every step which led him to the summit of power was prefaced by what he called seeking the Lord; that is, attending sermons and prayers, by which the suborned performers of those profane and solemn farces prepared their congregations to desire what their employers had previously determined to do; thus giving an air of divine inspiration to the projects of fraud, murder, and ambition. The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
  • On the circulation coin the springbok has been replaced with an image of planet earth with the focus on Africa, as well as the words "Johannesburg World Summit 2002" and the WSSD logo. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The base of these hills was of close-grained white-coloured granite, or whinstone: the summits of good freestone: on the sides several good pieces of iron ore were picked up. Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
  • The development of the sporogonium proceeds as in the Bryales, but the dome-shaped archesporium extends over the summit of the columella and an air-space is wanting. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Both parties agreed on the peace formula at the summit meeting.
  • Toasting their successful ascent to the summit, she lifts her flask in the air, and father waves his walking stick.
  • Uzbekistan is holding the rotating presidency of the SCO and this year's SCO summit will be held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.
  • It at length attained the summit of an acclivity of considerable length. Castle Dangerous
  • Mugabe, speaking on the second day of the OAU summit, emphasised that the pillars of the AEC were the African regional integration bodies specified in the Abuja Treaty adopted in June ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Since 1996, Summitek has set the standard for passive intermodulation (PIM) testing equipment. Current News - Top Stories
  • The summit register is the size of a footlocker.
  • Page 394 coursing through the green plains, and dark promontories, or obtuse projections of the side-long acclivities, alternately advancing or receding on the verge of the illumined native fields, to the utmost extent of sight; the summits of the acclivities afford, besides the forest trees already recited, Halesia, Ptelea, Circis, Cornus Florida and Amorpha. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • The summit itself, which lies west of the col, involves some awkward scrambling but the views are as good from the col as the summit.
  • Those who are at the summit level grasp them as constituting an indivisible unity.
  • The one certain aspect is that the summits and depths reached by the adventure tourist are found in a state of magnificent and primitive valor, making the adventurer a universal traveler. Guide to alternative tourism in Michoacán
  • Bear right through the gate off the main path and begin the steep, steep ascent directly to the summit.
  • Above the treeline take a grassy path leading steeply towards the summit.
  • Ben Wyvis, for instance, is unlikely to win any prizes in a contest against some of the more shapely Highland summits.
  • France passes G20 baton after messy summit FRANCE'S year-long G20 term stumbled to a messy end at the Cannes summit, where President Nicolas Sarkozy's dreams of reforming world finance were torpedoed by the eurozone debt crisis. | Top Stories
  • Both Italy and Spain reacted with anger at their exclusion from the Berlin summit.
  • Tara chand was speaking on the occasion of International economic summit held on sdaturday in New Delhi where some prominent displaced Kashmiri Pandit CEOs and top policy makers of J&K state got together to draw the road map for what they described as revival of economy in the strife torn J&K state. Kashmiri origin CEOs,(KPCC) holds International Economic Summit in New Delhi
  • This marked the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE) which took place in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972, and the10th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) (also known as the Earth Summit) which took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), Johannesburg, South Africa
  • It is not enough to reach the summit of pocket billiards excellence.
  • Re peace overtures, Krushchev and Eisenhower were about to have a big summit that might have staved off the hideously expensive Cold War. Matthew Yglesias » Cold War Hawks and the Soviet Economy
  • Sam, a self-confessed tinhorn, “expected to find masses of silver lying all about the ground and glittering in the sun on the mountain summits.” LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY
  • The town of Whistler lies 15 miles away, just over the summit of 7,639-foot Rainbow Mountain.
  • The President will meet other Pacific Rim leaders at next week's economic summit.
  • The issue is likely to bulk large at the next summit meeting.
  • At the summit is a further loop track through virgin forest with an impressive stand of matai, rimu and totara.
  • To your left you pass Cho Oyu, Mount Everest, and Makalu, each summit spiking in a web of frosted snow and giving way to yet more distant summits, the shining whiteness becoming a filigree of ice trails as your eyes fall to the lower ridges and then to stepped fields and trees—the last great undestroyed forests of the Himalayas. Vanity Fair - Enter the Dragon King
  • Reaching the summit was only one of several exhilarating moments Creedon experienced during the climb.
  • The continuing agenda of the summit has been left in the hands of the four co-chairs appointed by the mayor.
  • Amidst all that humbles and scathes; amidst all that shatters from their life its verdure, smites to the dust the pomp and summit of their pride, and in the very heart of existence writeth a sudden and "strange defeature," -- they stand erect, -- riven, not uprooted, -- a monument less of pity than of awe! The Disowned — Complete
  • Britain also sought Swedish support at the recent Nice summit in defence of its national vetoes on tax and welfare policies.
  • MGM's creditors are currently holding talks with Spyglass Entertainment and Summit Entertainment about running the studio, should they gain control under what is known as a prearranged bankruptcy, according to a person briefed on the matter. DealBook
  • The portions of the earth's surface which we term plains are nothing more than the broad summits of hills and mountains whose bases rest on the bottom of the ocean. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • David was the first to reach the summit, followed by Pat, leaving Fergus to bring up the rear.
  • Many Scots seem happy to go along with the joke that the deep-fried Mars bar is the summit of our culinary achievements.
  • There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.
  • Archbishop Neary recalled that the men and boys of the surrounding parishes had carried stones, timber and cement to the summit during the construction of the oratory in the early 1900s.
  • Young as she was, I was struck, throughout our little tour, with her confidence and courage with the way, in empty chambers and dull corridors, on crooked staircases that made me pause and even on the summit of an old machicolated square tower that made me dizzy, her morning music, her disposition to tell me so many more things than she asked, rang out and led me on. The Turn of the Screw
  • He [was going to] jump from the summit with a parapente.
  • When finally I made the summit, my throat parched, my thigh muscles trembling, the herb woman was waiting.
  • At the summit is a further loop track through virgin forest with an impressive stand of matai, rimu and totara.
  • He said among the proposals at the conference, KwaZulu-Natal felt that Cosatu should withdraw from the summit and call a stayaway on that day. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • She would almost stop, as though climbing a mountain, then rapidly rolling to right and left as she gained the summit of a huge sea, she steadied herself and paused for a moment as though affrighted at the yawning precipice before her. Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
  • A fern-grass-sedge pampa covers the summit areas of the larger islands where moisture is retained in temporary pools and sphagnum moss. Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
  • The expedition's base camp was 6,000 feet below the summit.
  • Summit diplomacy has become a very important component of international diplomacy.
  • Meanwhile, in his address at the summit of ECOWAS Heads of State and Gover-nment at the Hilton Hotel Abuja, Jonathan talked tough, condemning what he described as the undemocratic efforts by some elements at carrying out political change in the sub-region. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • Summit Series, he says, has found the sweet spot of unorthodoxy and appeal, which helps get participants out of their normal shell. Gregory Ferenstein: A Conference That Entertains, Inspires and Has Impact: Summit Series
  • Early morning snow on top of the summits of Mont Trikora and Mount Jaya, or even down to 3,800 m, occurs regularly, but permanent snow and ice is only to be found in the Mount Jaya area. Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
  • CARIBBEAN VIEW: G20 Summit Did Nothing for the Caribbean: Developing Countries Failed to Act Collectively Undefined
  • But it appears that Britain will now play a conciliatory role at the summit over the fiscal pact. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet for that very reason it is vital to be clear about the fast-moving events that the summiteers are meeting to consider.
  • Get to another summit in your career.
  • From here, the highway winds through a dreamscape of cloud-collared summits and blue glaciers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The occasion was the opening-night dinner of Fortune magazine's Most Powerful Women Summit, a three-day estrogen-flavored wonkfest: Geena Davis lecturing the female execs and entrepreneurs on gender in media, Melody Barnes and Michelle Rhee holding forth on education, Trudie Styler teaching 6 a.m. yoga. Nora Ephron tries to draw out Nancy Pelosi at Fortune's "Most Powerful Women Summit"
  • the summits of the mountains were mistily purple
  • Why not, in addition to accelerating the promised development assistance, increase the aggregate amount of aid by the next summit in 2003?
  • When she reached the summit, she was into the full brunt of the gale-force wind.
  • In the end, the Lisbon summit concluded less with a bang than a whimper. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story of Dave Johnson—president of the 100-year-old, fourth-generation family-owned business, Summitville Tiles, Inc. a ceramic tile and brick manufacturer whose products festoon both the roof of the White House and the floors of McDonald's restaurants around the world—is typical. Ohio Shows the Way on Death Tax Repeal
  • The picturesque old town, situated on the summit of a scarped hill, lies northwest of Reims and northeast of Paris.
  • The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Earth Summit, took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from June 2-14, 1992. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Hassan and his twelve companions had reached the summit: the giant was precipitated from the rampart: he rose on one knee, and was again oppressed by a shower of darts and stones. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Because the idea of convening a crisis summit contradicts the reassuring messages offered by the federal government, our proposal was immediately rejected by the Department of Health and Human Services. MAIL CALL
  • The government of Trinidad and Tobago is spending between $1 billion to $2 billion TT dollars (US$161 million - US$323 million) of taxpayer money on the Summit. Global Voices in English » Caribbean: 5th Summit Begins
  • Another curious ad on a bus shelter: Summit Beer has a new brand called ‘Grand’ - it's a cheerful beer for the Bud crowd, the people who find hoppy beers too bitter, too harsh, too unbeery.
  • The G 20 summit in London in April promised a tripling of its lending capacity.
  • Beyond the summit of the butte was a greenish-brown plateau of sagebrush and bunch-grass. Hidden Gold
  • To dispel my disappointment and any Irish duppies - ghosts - that might be hovering about we attacked the three hours scramble to the summit of Blue Mountain Peak.
  • In 1999, he found himself at the heart of Government when he was invited to cater for an Anglo-Italian summit.
  • the UN Conference on Environment and Development, popularly known as the 'Earth Summit'
  • There appears to me to be insuperable objections to this view: on the other hand, I can hardly believe, in this and in some other cases, that these marginal crateriform mountains are merely the basal remnants of immense volcanos, of which the summits either have been blown off, or swallowed up in subterranean abysses. Chapter XXI
  • Abbott, who finished third at nationals three weeks ago on a very similar course (a 35km version of Skyliners), entered the day in second overall after Cheatley outkicked her on the stage 1 summit finish. Day, Willock score TT wins at Cascade Cycling Classic
  • It consists of three parts; the germen, which is the rudiment of the fruit accompanying the flower, but not yet arrived at maturity; the style, which is the part that serves to elevate tjbe stigma from the germen; and the stigma, which is the summit of the pistillum, and covered with a moisture f (M* the breaking of the pollen, which is dis - charged by the anthorse. A View of Nature: In Letters to a Traveller Among the Alps
  • I walked from the valley below to both of the fog-free summits, buffeted by ocean winds.
  • This broad and undulating ridge gradually narrows and eventually sharpens to a knife edge just below the rocky summit slopes.
  • EU leaders are expected to endorse a new crisis mechanism for the eurozone at a summit next week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of blazing new trails -- something the band appears to have more than enough ambition to try -- it seems happy to follow an over-trodden path to the summit of rock-and-roll's Mount Olympus. Kings of Leon bemoan their rock stardom on latest album, 'Come Around Sundown'
  • The Caracas meeting, only the second heads-of-state Opec summit since 1975, will examine that adjustment mechanism.
  • They began the long slow haul to the summit.
  • Summit participants failed to anticipate the vast inflationary effect of the international oil crisis of the 1970s.
  • They prang their aircraft on the summit of that, however, and all die through lack of oxygen.
  • Most of them don't make past a few feet, knocked off by a constant rain of debris, but it is only a matter of time before some begin to reach the summit.
  • Cloud Atlas (2004) by David Mitchell is another haunting book, a reading experience that can only be compared with an Everest ascent, with the thematic summit of the book occurring midway through, by which point we've leapfrogged from the the early nineteenth century to the twenty third (or thereabouts). MIND MELD: Non-Genre Books for Genre Readers
  • At the November 2007 OPEC summit meeting in Vienna when Ecuador came back to this organization, OPEC approved in principle a resolution in support of the Yasuni-ITT proposal (to leave oil in the ground in a territory with uncontacted indigenous people and of great biodiversity value), and it also voiced interest in the so-called Daly-Correa ecotax. Herman Daly Festschrift~ Socially Sustainable Economic Degrowth
  • Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.
  • Summit organisers had hoped to produce three global conventions for signature in Rio, but these were blocked.
  • It's a long pull up to the summit.
  • It's a quick scramble down from the summit to my skis.
  • It is not the village of Auronzo, however, it is not the valley, nor the torrent, nor the pine-woods that make the beauty and wonder of the view: – it is the encircling array of mountain summits standing up rank above rank, peak beyond peak, against the clear, pale, evening sky. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • Dundee's Caird Hall, the venue for the student enterprise summit, was buzzing with undergraduates and postgrads.
  • An abundance of shells of the helix tribe (Helix bulimus) was found on the top and sides of the hill; and a calcareous substance was observed protruding from the ground in every part, as noticed both by Vancouver and Flinders; * the former also found it on the bare sandy summit of Bald Head, and supposed it to be coral, a circumstance from which he inferred that the level of the ocean must have sunk. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • My post was on a circular prefecture, in some degree detached from the body of the hill, the brow of which continued in a straight line, uninterrupted by this projecture, which was somewhat higher than the continued summit of the ridge. Edgar Huntly or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker
  • But it's now believed to come from ‘kan’ or ‘summit’, because the earliest settlers settled on the summits or hilltops.
  • Widgetbox SWAT Summit Case Study view presentation tags: cpi widgetbox Archive 2008-07-01
  • And on the few occasions when Fauré calls for it, she has huge, declamatory power at the very summit of her voice.
  • I asked them if they supposed a nation of people ever existed, who, with a free vote in every man's hand, would elect that a single family and its descendants should reign over it forever, whether gifted or boobies, to the exclusion of all other families -- including the voter's; and would also elect that a certain hundred families should be raised to dizzy summits of rank, and clothed on with offensive transmissible glories and privileges to the exclusion of the rest of the nation's families -- _including his own_. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Part 3.
  • A climb to the summit of Mount Sinai or Moses Mountain will provide spectacular scenes of the sunrise over Sinai.
  • This tube must bear at its summit the conical ascidium produced by the two connate limbs. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • The future status of Asia's multiple summits is still unclear. The Stakes at the East Asia Summit
  • The celebrities rode in a traditional Nepalese-style procession of Everest summiteers, mountaineers, Nepalese government and other officials that passed through the main thoroughfare of Nepal's capital.
  • As we approached the summit we were vouchsafed a rare vision.
  • The summit was enfolded in a circle of white cloud.
  • The summit must close the gaping holes that allow terrorists and international criminals to finance violence and launder their ill-gotten profits.
  • Surely the summit of no man 's ambition is to push a chair under a royal bottom? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Group of Seven major industrial countries concluded its annual summit meeting today.
  • Beyond these rose a further wall of mountain, the lower heights still overgrown with beautiful grass and plants, above which were stonier slopes, covered only with scrub, that led gradually up to the steep, bare rocky summits. Heidi
  • The country was granted observer status at the summit.
  • Crossing several fields, newly mown, or filled with lines of tedded hay, she arrived, not without great exertion, at the summit of a hill. Jack Sheppard A Romance
  • There were just the two towers on the summit and the two on the slope of the hill whose bases were set on grassy mounds so that they stood level with the others, and these had been built of such stockish material that they had not had features given them by ruin. The Judge
  • But Churchill's enthusiasm for a summit meeting was not yet fully shared by the Foreign Office and cabinet colleagues.
  • A Western European summit was held in Bonn.
  • At the SPP summit in Montebello this past August, there were US troops guarding the site and enforcing a perimeter. Canadian Silver Bug - April Musings
  • An entertaining tight-rope walk, especially where the ridge narrows considerably for its final few feet to the summit cairn.
  • The expedition's base camp was 6,000 feet below the summit.
  • Even if you never see them in the elements of their renown, even in a mere courtesy-handshake between friends of friends in a parking lot, you cannot help but feel an immortal vibrancy, a comic-book kind of costumed exuberance like that parking lot is host to a historic summit or a scene in ten thousand movies we're living right now. Bookslut
  • The cragsmen scrambled onto the rocks from their boat at the one landing site that gave them access to the summit.
  • There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits
  • He finally reached the summit of Everest and secured his place in history.
  • The expedition did useful scientific work and Banks successfully climbed a number of unexplored summits. Times, Sunday Times
  • [Footnote: When reference is made to the whole structure, including the internal organs as well as the solid parts of the surface, the terms _actinal_ and _ab-actinal_ are preferable to oral and ab-oral.] [Illustration: Sea-Urchin seen from the oral side, showing the zones with the spines and suckers; for the ab-oral side, on the summit of which the zones unite, see February Number, p. 216.] The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  • The federal government spent $356,741 to host a one-day aboriginal summit that was dismissed by some critics as a redundant gabfest.
  • He is an honorary member of the Russian-Chinese Committee of Friendship, Peace and Development; took part in many Soviet-Chinese summits and meetings of top leaders.
  • At the summit of a high building was a young man and I saw that he had a flag wrapped around his shoulders. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • From the lake you can see Grand Teton, at 13,770 feet the monarch of Wyoming summits, looming over the snow-covered valley The quickest way to return is by snowshoe on the unplowed road.
  • The summit concludes on Friday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never before has a summit had such a crowded agenda.
  • Yeltsin was among the first world leaders to arrive in Paris for the summit.
  • As the ratio of extrusion - to spreading-rates falls, the summit dome sinks into the salt apron and the extrusion profile assumes that of a viscous droplet.
  • Be ready to come home exhausted, having given it your all for three straight weeks and possibly still not conquered the summit.
  • There are several hillocks, but the actual summit has a good cairn to reassure you that you have indeed reached the top!
  • Climber assistant editor Tom Prentice and leader Keith Milne reached the summit of the 6,904m mountain after 13 days.
  • In fact, before the Persian wars had commenced, the branch of sculpture termed statuary had attained nearly the summit of its perfection. Mosaics of Grecian History
  • The photo reveals a thick layer of dust blanketing the floor and wall of the summit crater atop a tall volcano called Pavonis Mons.
  • The Helsinki summit, arranged at very short notice, dealt almost exclusively with the specific issue of a major regional conflict.
  • From there a path twists its way through outcropping crags and tiny lochans to the summit, perched precariously on top of its own little crag.
  • Tom climbed the last pitch, set up his belay and greeted each of us with a triumphal smile as we rounded the summit.
  • Above the treeline take a grassy path leading steeply towards the summit.
  • So far it's unclear what the co-chairs have in mind to do with the mandate they received from the summiteers and the mayor.
  • A Lancaster woman is to hike 6,000 metres up to the summit of an extinct volcano.
  • We dropped our packs and did a fast recon up to the base of Koh-i-Bardar to find our line: a steep couloir to a knife-edge ridge to the summit.
  • The hollow spiral, as he knew from old experience, would bring down to his ears the slightest sound from above; and it now revealed to him the words of a duologue in progress at the summit of the tower. Two on a Tower
  • The summit trails are hazardous and difficult - and sometimes closed because of the danger of rockfall.
  • The summit of the small island is composed of a highly crystalline basalt; lower down I found a hard, stratified slatey sandstone, while on the beach are huge blocks of lava, and scattered masses of white coralline limestone. The Malay Archipelago
  • A bus tour of Soweto was instrumental in showcasing the progress made in greening disadvantaged areas since the World Summit
  • Reid notes that Sacrosanctum Concilium identifies a number of very sound liturgical principles, such as the idea that the liturgy is “culmen et fons” (source and summit); the principle (whose source is to be found in the teaching of St. Pius X) surrounding “actuosa participatio” (active or actual participation); it also generally sought to promote a liturgical piety, taking its cues from the 20th century Liturgical Movement. Dr. Alcuin Reid at the Toronto Oratory
  • Great men are rarely isolated mountain-peaks; they are summits of ranges. 
  • Everywhere you go, from the hot banks of the Dead Sea to the summits of holy mountains, stones are everywhere.
  • The G8 summit at Gleneagles next week will discuss the likely impact of high oil prices on the global economy and what the rich countries of the west ought to do in response.
  • Early next spring, Ramsey football players are expected to start a training program which will include eating Flintstone vitamins, tee-peeing Summit Avenue and bumming cigarettes.
  • A single altar-shaped rock crowned the summit, from which the continuation of the ridge, right and left, fell away in a singularly graceful outline, the face of the mountain being precipitous with escarped cliffs. Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
  • I have stood on the summit of Ben Nevis in winter after completing a snow-and-ice climb, and looked down on the twinkling lights of Fort William, with a star-spangled firmament above.
  • I hope some day I will summit it, and will definitely return to Chamonix in summer.
  • Pass above the steep buttresses to the summit then descend the Sron a’ Gharbh Choire Bhig back to your starting point.
  • His quarrel with his father brought matters to a summit.
  • Since the June summit, the two Koreas have seemed to be moving closer together.
  • It was 1999 when the body was found, and that's when the debate began as to whether he might have been the first ever man, along with Irvine, to reach the summit of Everest without the aid of oxygen, beating Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay who are credited with the achievement in 1953. Filmstalker: George Mallary biographical film gets third attempt
  • While the Korean summit made headlines, probably as important is a new triangular rapprochement fast taking place among the three main protagonists of Northeast Asia.
  • This Summit meeting was supposed to solve critical issues facing the Lakers and Houston Rockets.
  • McCarroll & Ballantyne suggested that the ice reached an elevation of only between 750 and 850 m a.s.l. in Snowdonia, NW Wales, and that the higher summits remained above the ice surface as nunataks.
  • Tom climbed the last pitch, set up his belay and greeted each of us with a triumphal smile as we rounded the summit.
  • He will encourage action at the Group of Eight summit this week in Deauville, where leaders will consider a short-term stabilization package, particularly for Egypt and Tunisia, that would involve international financial institutions, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which was set up after the Cold War to help former East Bloc nations. Obama, in Europe, to Focus on Mideast
  • But Simmons emailed executives and told them not to attend Muhammad's summit, and refused to invite him to his own.
  • The climbers planted a flag on the summit.
  • The old drove road is recognisable as it climbs towards the summit of Kailzie Hill and the edge of the extensive Cardrona Forest.
  • President Barack Obama says leaders of the G20 nations are headed for what he calls a broad-based agreement aimed at balanced and sustainable growth that will build upon agreements from earlier summits. Obama Says G20 Leaders Headed For 'Broad-based' Agreement
  • A former Swaziland prime minister has called on the country to embrace democracy ahead of the opening of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) heads of state and government summit Tuesday in the Swazi capital, Mbabane. Former Leader Calls on Swaziland to Embrace Democracy
  • Above the treeline take a grassy path leading steeply towards the summit.
  • After the conquest of the summit, many meters of ropes were left on the way and when a Japanese expedition attempted the climb again in 1977, they found and used the fixed ropes left there 22 years before: those red striped nylon braids were still in perfect condition.
  • Go up the steep grassy slope until it evens out and you reach the summit of John's Hill at 1,585 ft.
  • The matter was settled in the summits of the Wellington Convention in which the Treaty of Vecca was signed by the top brasses.
  • Climb the slopes in a NNE to The Sneck, then continue E to gain the plateau and summit tor of Ben Avon.
  • At last we reach the summit, where Alex shrinks back from the yawning chasm.
  • The big summit meetings are elaborate rituals, ostentatious shows of power that reinforce the entitlement and authority of the bodies they represent.
  • Mr Cameron will join fellow EU leaders for dinner in Brussels and the first round of summit talks to try to hammer out a long-term eurozone stability deal. WalesOnline - Home
  • Colorado is home to four species of fox, but the red fox is the only one that makes its home in Summit County. Vail Daily - Top Stories
  • Even before the EU summit, Paris, Berlin and Moscow had been scrambling to effect a rapprochement with Washington.
  • Unlike the riders you can enjoy the luxury of looking out across much of south-west France and north-east Spain when you eventually reach the summit.

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