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How To Use Summation In A Sentence

  • The urn as unravished bride proleptically contains its ravishment as a natural outcome in the ritual of weddings that parallels the consummation of questions asked. Deforming Keat's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'
  • David's summation is simple: "In the very decade when it's clear that new antibiotics must be developed the industry has stopped developing them. Family Affair
  • The defense attorney phrased his summation at last.
  • Therefore, although it is the summation of light from several millimeters of tissue, the transilluminated signal gives the appearance of originating from a fairly restricted depth.
  • He reiterates the issues at the end of each chapter, with a brief summation of the argument, thus giving the reader a basic understanding of each author's particular intention.
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  • Indeed, the summation of the semi-cone angle degree on the right side of the expression is higher than the summation of the degree on the left side of the equation.
  • Dr Owen might have added, I suppose, that a necessary interest in the private lives of public figures was a feature even of powerful monarchies, where wedding-night consummation was a dynastic issue to be settled with the production of the kind of gloopy evidence now entertaining audiences for forensic science TV shows such as Top stories from Times Online
  • The problem with the ‘vector sum’ formulation is that it ignores several crucial properties of the system: the ‘vectors’ are not independent, the ’sum’ feeds back into the individual vectors, and the operation of summation is non-linear. Link Farm & Open Thread #28
  • Unhappily, we fear that such a consummation is still far distant. Disunion in the United States
  • This, I believe, is the essence of the poem; you believe that through the consummation of a marriage of mind and nature it is possible to create paradise here on earth.
  • In a story like way, these paintings display the process of love, ‘that moves from initial flirtations, to the ecstasies of physical love consummation, then to the anxieties of jealousy and rejection’.
  • A cut-off was used for van der Waals interactions and PME summation was used for calculation of the electrostatic interactions.
  • Learning to fence was the consummation of a love affair I'd had with swordplay ever since Errol Flynn first swashbuckled his way across my late-night TV screen as Captain Blood.
  • You must remember our view that the dossier as a whole was quite a decent dossier and represented a reasonable summation.
  • Lamely suave, spouting banalities about pop music and unconscious of his savage condescension toward women, he's a rancid summation of the Playboy ethic.
  • But the grand, and indeed substantially primary and generic aspect of the Consummation of Terror remains still to be looked at; nay blinkard The French Revolution
  • For if consummation was the obverse side of the coin at Niagara, death or the prospect of death was the reverse.
  • It is important to think of our bodies as a summation of the metabolic capabilities provided by our own genome and the microbiome.
  • Instead, he pares down, offering a summational album, his most relaxed and unforced in years.
  • They oscillate be - tween intramundane and supramundane conceptions of the future, but throughout there persists the belief that the final consummation is “beyond history” and that on this earth there can be no assurance of con - tinuing betterment. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The station reports the letter includes what it calls a summation, with Voong saying he cannot -- and I'm quoting now -- "accept my poor life and that at least two people with me go to return to the dust of the earth. CNN Transcript Apr 6, 2009
  • Shall we ever have it? or will the irrational conservatism of the educated classes, in all time to come, prevent a consummation so desirable, and so desiderated by the philologist? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864
  • To avoid the effect of unidirectional layered compression summation method without considering side swell, the approximate calculation formula for estimating sluice(dam) foundation sinking is derived.
  • The overall chest radiographic score was the summation of scores from both lungs, with a total score of 20.
  • The last term in this summation and the last summation account for the pairwise interdependence of the torsion and/or bond angle bending.
  • The frequency of the difference tone is the difference between the frequencies of the two original pitches; the frequency of the summational tone is the sum of the frequencies of the original tones.
  • `The woman is left with a memory of perfect love and consummation...' `Yeah,' said Charlie, with no encouragement. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Politicians offer diametrically opposed summations of vital world scenarios and present it all as fact.
  • If matter is atomic, then it is already a collection of determinate objects in its own right, and it becomes natural to regard the properties of macroscopic substances as mere summations of the natures of the atoms.
  • What consoles gratifyingly , the government Department responsible for the work will have established even more, the consummation emergency communication mechanism to propose the agenda.
  • As a result, the urn pushes beyond the logic of consumer desire: where the consumer can at least hope for an imagined consummation from a given commodity, the urn makes that satisfaction impossible and emphasizes the paradoxical bliss one takes in an anticipation that is never fulfilled. Ode on a Grecian Urn
  • They oscillate be - tween intramundane and supramundane conceptions of the future, but throughout there persists the belief that the final consummation is “beyond history” and that on this earth there can be no assurance of con - tinuing betterment. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The essayists are not all British but all of their expositions are measured, well stated summations of a middling to moderately conservative treatment of Paul.
  • He tap-dances around the line between speech and song with such dexterity that by the time he reaches his summation — See now what a condition I am in! — we don't even notice that the seeming self-deprecation is actually an assertion of intellectual authority. Archive 2008-11-01
  • While we're on the subject of payment, Perle stands to collect another $600,000 upon consummation of the Global Crossing deal.
  • Maths is not only a knowledge system but also a rational thinking and argument system. It is a systematism theory knowledge summation by height abstract and strict logic ratiocination.
  • If we knew of any chemical preparation by which we could change the color of our skins and straighten the kinks in our hair, we might hope to bring about the desired consummation at once, but alas, there is no catholicon for this ill, no mystic concoction in all the pharmacies of earth to work The Negro and the White Man
  • Instead of the third woe being detailed, the grand consummation is summarily noticed, the thanksgiving of the twenty-four elders in heaven for the establishment of Christ's kingdom on earth, attended with the destruction of the destroyers of the earth. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The defense attorney phrased his summation at last.
  • The frequency response of radiation pattern a linear dipole antenna by Hertz dipoles field summation approximation.
  • In a story like way, these paintings display the process of love, ‘that moves from initial flirtations, to the ecstasies of physical love consummation, then to the anxieties of jealousy and rejection’.
  • Under his questioning, she offered a sound summation of what's at stake in the October march, as well as responding to carping from the President and Vice-President over the need for progressives to "stop whining" and "buck up": Art Levine: Labor-Backed Oct. 2 Rally Competing With Jon Stewart, Pro-Corporate Senate
  • Of these laws the summation theorems have a counterpart in the control analysis of oscillatory systems.
  • The timing of that visit depended on the ‘final consummation of the peace process in Northern Ireland’, Mrs McAleese stressed.
  • But I for one see nothing wrong with it as a brief summation of our proper role in world affairs.
  • Finally, consummation of the deal will bring to an end a significant drain on AIB's management time and leave it with more time and capital to focus on its other key overseas investment - in Poland.
  • So in summation: don't hate me, because though I am usually coolness personified, I do have really dicky moments.
  • The two most often cited explanations for this phenomenon are unmasking of the effects of deleterious recessive alleles and summation of the dominant effects of multiple loci brought together in the progeny.
  • The "Adventist" community, then, is one that believe in and practice "an open, hopeful expectation of the consummation of the coming of God. Magenta Past
  • Complaining of a stomach ailment, I had convinced Oglivie to leave the consummation of our marriage bed until tomorrow, when I was feeling better.
  • If those who hold the common doctrine of a carnal resurrection should carry it out with philosophical consistency, by extending the scheme it involves to all existing planetary races as well as to their own, should they cause that process of imagination which produced this doctrine to go on to its legitimate completion, they would see in the final consummation the sundered earths approach each other, and firmaments conglobe, till at last the whole universe concentred in one orb. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • In short, we must be satisfied with Garza's brief summations which, on examination, often do not concur with the narratives.
  • For landowners, industrialists, financiers, the Catholic Church, and the military who witnessed the consummation of the Russian alliance in the state visit of Nicholas II to France in October 1896, it was an Indian summer.
  • In 1990, however, the rhetoric conveyed the impression also that multilateralism was to be an end in itself, the final apotheosis and consummation of the quest to extend the rules of the game to all potential players within it.
  • As you can see from my summation, this is an optimistic work, but thanks to focused direction by Bridget Ryan and a measured, intelligent, and believable script, this production manages to be upbeat without being Pollyannaish or maudlin.
  • At the Palace Hotel, the consummation of a happy romance, strangely connected with the ill-fated Caspar, is about to be attained. THE PLAGUE SHIP
  • The Seventh seems, in many ways, a summation of what has preceded it in the composer's symphonic oeuvre.
  • March 2nd, 2009 at 7: 50 pm antisera apart appropriation bankrupts begin byword counterparts coupler cranes devotedly Egyptian ellipse elm Epicurean Kidde miscarriage pixel rightfulness Samuels shutout Sonora substrate toughness buy generic viagraC/a absenteeism countess curious founts gab perusers playhouse prototypically summation. Matthew Yglesias » Nelson, Collins Slash Education Funding in Stimulus While Touting Stimulus’ Boost to Education
  • The summation of all relative weights of each element will be 1.000.
  • When this hermeneutic was applied consistently, the whole of Scripture became a vast panorama of interrelated events that pointed towards the final consummation of all things.
  • As the crowd waited outside, the macabre ritual in the prison itself approached its consummation.
  • Ultimately the sexing of Pride and Prejudice, though, was all trussed-up foreplay with no consummation.
  • The wounded unicorn recovers from its wounds amid obvious symbols of fertility: Symbol in part of the consummation of the marriage, the unicorn is tethered by a gold chain to the pomegranate tree of fertility.
  • In SM-Chol and pure SM systems we found that the area per molecule was sensitive to the cutoff range and that it increased when electrostatic interactions were calculated using Ewald summation.
  • Social forces are the cumulation and summation of the interrelated actions of individuals.
  • In Chinese culture, whole pomegranates were rolled onto the floor of the wedding chamber to promote fruitfulness during the consummation of the marriage.
  • This implies that there is complicated (non-linear) summation of signals converging on to the cell from the retina surrounding the blind spot.
  • Its happy consummation is delayed over five volumes by intrigues, contretemps, and misunderstandings, many of them designed to exhibit the virtues and failings of Camilla, or to test and improve her character.
  • An efficient algorithm for Ewald summation calculations for the multistate empirical valence bond model is also introduced.
  • Until then, these summations from Four Word Reviews will keep me company.
  • `Your age is showing, Gregory; you're really out of it," was her summation. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • But if, on the other hand, his book be written in full, unblinking view of all that is fixed and limitary in man and around him, and if, in face of this, it conduct growth to its consummation, then we may give him something better than any praise, -- namely, heed. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 96, October 1865
  • Mr. Sulzer, a Democrat, called his trial “a farce, a political lynching, the consummation of a deep-laid political conspiracy to oust me from office.” Joining the Ousted Governors’ Club - The Lede Blog -
  • Origen: Or, Whilst the bridegroom "tarried," and the Word comes not speedily to the consummation of this life, the senses suffer, slumbering and moving in the night of the world; and sleep, as energizing feebly, and with no quick sense. Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • Will we finally see the consummation of a telecoms merger?
  • The summation and multiple integration required to calculate the integrated likelihood for s 01 and s 10 are impossible to perform analytically.
  • The consummation of their hope is set before them, along with the salvation of the world.
  • The differences [Delta] D and [Delta] I are thus calculated, while the values of D (v) and I (v) are obtained by summation with the arithmometer, and entered in their respective columns. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The multilocus estimates are lower than the summation of the five individual estimates, suggesting the existence of additional genetic components contributing to variation in dormancy in this population.
  • * Munus hoc quod in Christo est, -- in consummationem seculi nobiscum; hoc expectationis nostrae solatium, hoc in donorum operationibus futurae spei pignus est; hoc mentium lumen, hic splendour animorum est. Pneumatologia
  • It was painted from notes she made while traveling in the district, and is a summation of her landscape style and ideals which often ended in a form of primitive cubism.
  • Until that happy consummation, it will continue to hobble the Scottish economy and extinguish the spirit of enterprise it notionally champions.
  • Web Accessibility Gone Wild wrapped the day with practical tips and a great summation: we get so caught up in accessibility that we forget what its actually about – getting content to the user. April « 2010 « Kristal Dale
  • Thus then rises the ascent or scale of advantages, as traced from beings of a more general character to such as have an interest in that summum bonum which is made out of the best condition and circumstances that the body can desire, together with the consummation of the rational or intelligent faculties. Cicero's Five Books De Finibus: Or, Concerning the Last Object of Desire and Aversion
  • The movie actually offers a brief summation of this premise during its closing credits, which present highlights sequentially from both Cocoon and the sequel.
  • * Munus hoc quod in Christo est, -- in consummationem seculi nobiscum; hoc expectationis nostrae solatium, hoc in donorum operationibus futurae spei pignus est; hoc mentium lumen, hic splendour animorum est. Pneumatologia
  • The metric for peak detection is defined as the non-coherent summation of the autocorrelation magnitude outputs.
  • Simple summation of individual feather scores as in the standard method is shown by the solid circles and results in a line that deviates considerably from mass and from linearity.
  • Total incremental height growth is a summation of first flush and lammas flush growth.
  • Whenever that consummation is attained the root of bitterness will have perished from the land; and when a few years shall have passed, blunting the hatred which has been excited by this fratricidal strife, the Americans of both the Northern and Southern States will perceive that the selfish policy of other nations would not have so rejoiced over their division had it not seemed, to those who loved them not, the proof of past failure and the prophecy of future weakness. Current Literature
  • The paper is really just a ‘review of the literature,’ i.e., a summation of the state of knowledge about anything related to teleportation.
  • `Your age is showing, Gregory; you're really out of it," was her summation. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • We asked officials of the prospective members to give us a brief summation of their strengths.
  • The production of Canadian plays in London's West End and in other countries is not necessarily a consummation devoutly to be wished.
  • How the Administration plans to work toward that happy consummation is another of those awkward unanswered questions.
  • Demonstrations of general theorems; contracted method of division and of finding the highest common divisor of polynominals; theory of indices and radicals; discussion of equations; mathematical infinity, infinitesimals and indeterminate quantities; summation and interpolation of series; theory of logarithms; binomial, multinomial and exponential theorems; theory of probabilities general theory and solution of equations of the higher orders; symbolical representation and properties of numbers; different systems of notation, etc., constituting the philosophy of Arithmetic. A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of The Furman University, for 1860-'61
  • Virgine, et per eius conuersationem humillimam in eadem, ac per dolorosam mortis suæ consummationem ibidem, átque indè per eius admirandam resurrectionem, ac ascensionem in coelum, et postremò quia creditur illic in fine seculi reuersurus, et omnia iudicaturus: certum est, quòd ab omnibus qui Christiano nomine à The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • History is certainly not a rational process nor is it a progressive march towards a harmonious consummation.
  • In Rupert Brooke the inspiration of the call obliterated the last trace of dilettante youth's pretensions, and he encountered darkness like a bride, and greeted the unseen death not with a cheer as a peril to be boldly faced, but as a great consummation, the supreme safety. Recent Developments in European Thought
  • If you change the relationships of the length of the waves, the summational pattern will likewise change.
  • They learned of each other's discoveries because each of them communicated his work to James Stirling, whose approximation for the factorial is a special case of the Euler-Maclaurin summation.
  • But if one is magnetized by works of the imagination derived almost solely from linguistics, Roussel represents some kind of summation.
  • For instance, nickel and chromium, when present together in steel, can cause a greater segregation of antimony than might be expected from simple summation of their separate effects.
  • That is the view of two leading experts on the topic who, yesterday, published a mercifully brief and clear summation of the situation.
  • We therefore confirm that you have received our cheque in the sum of £112700.00 being the summation of the above mentioned value of £98000.00 plus VAT of £14700.00.
  • So, in summation; CROM! is alive and well and I'm inviting YOU to help keep it that way! Archive 2010-07-01
  • In a few days the vessel went down the Thames from Deptford, and Ledyard thought it the happiest moment of his life; but such is the uncertainty of human expectations, while he was indulging in day-dreams of the fame and honour which awaited him, he was once more doomed to suffer the agonies of a disappointment to his hopes, the more severe, as being so near their consummation -- the vessel was seized by a custom-house officer, brought back, and exchequered. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 328, August 23, 1828
  • The Chicago Tribune is running "gavel-to-gavel" coverage, and from their handy summation of yesterday's testimony we learned that according to a review of Governor Blagojevich's computer files Rezko raised $1.4 million for Blago, nearly three times what has been publicly acknowledged. TGIF for Rezko - Real Clear Politics –
  • In this cultural context the sexual consummation of the relationship may be less rewarding than was anticipated.
  • Maths is not only a knowledge system but also a rational thinking and argument system. It is a systematism theory knowledge summation by height abstract and strict logic ratiocination.
  • His summation of the problem with computer security is, as he himself admits, quite cynical: ‘… the mathematics are impeccable, the computers are vincible, the networks are lousy, and the people are abysmal.’
  • Here's a brief quote from one of the short 'reviews': 'Kate Atkinson's funny, furious fourth novel rumbustiously drives a path through the genre of detective fiction, demolishing its careful, forensic summations of human behaviour and replacing them with bloody, believable, vigorous tales of wrongdoing and loss, of personal eccentricity and recognisable fate, and most importantly of people who were very much alive before they were dead.' Kate Atkinson: Case Histories
  • The exhibition presents a summation of the artist's career.
  • The consummation is when the seer looks up from earth into the unseen world, and has the future shown to him by angels, that is, apocalypse. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • As was mentioned earlier, it is a mitzvah which rules the principle of family purity and falls upon the woman, directly and exclusively, for she is the only person responsible for its consummation.
  • Gestalt -: a structure, configuration, or pattern of physical, biological, or psychological phenomena so integrated as to constitute a functional unit with properties not derivable by summation of its parts. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Problematic Superpowers and How to Make Them Work
  • The consummation is one of which he may well be proud.
  • I note that the Husband did not make any allegation of non-consummation in his cross petition nor did he seek a decree of nullity.
  • The essayists are not all British but all of their expositions are measured, well stated summations of a middling to moderately conservative treatment of Paul.
  • The resulting change in mood or behavior is the summation of these neuromodulations and is quite complex.
  • With Cornelius, in fact, it was nothing less than the joy which Dante apprehended in the blessed spirits of the perfect, the outward semblance of which, like a reflex of physical light upon human faces from "the land which is very far off," we may trace from Giotto onward to its consummation in the work of Raphael -- the serenity, the [53] durable cheerfulness, of those who have been indeed delivered from death, and of which the utmost degree of that famed "blitheness" of the Greeks had been but a transitory gleam, as in careless and wholly superficial youth. Marius the Epicurean — Volume 2
  • So ya, in summation, humor works everywhere, not just in writing or on tv. The Secret of Writing Funny | Write to Done
  • Within each, Rody presents a series of readings on canonical and non-canonical authors with entire chapters devoted to some writers, sections, paragraphs and brief plot summations for others.
  • The final paragraph is, however, a good summation of the current state of affairs.
  • And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate. Can America Survive?
  • Adultery here is defined even as the consummation of a marriage without the wedding rites.
  • The exhibition was a summation of his life's work.
  • The successful consummation of the band's fourth release started way before the amps were powered up and the tape machines started to whirl.
  • He answered my ad for a legal secretary and persuaded me, in a classic summation, that he was exactly what I was looking for. THE DUTCH BLUE ERROR
  • It was painted from notes she made while traveling in the district, and is a summation of her landscape style and ideals which often ended in a form of primitive cubism.
  • The idea for the bumper sticker hit me as the perfect summation of my views on the subject, and I was curious to see how the older bro would re-act to it : » 2007 » February
  • The consummation of this superiority would be the betrayal itself - that would set her above all others.
  • He found the latter consummation as difficult to envisage as any, but one never knew, something might turn up. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • But it functions as a summation of lefty gripes about life in these United States.
  • What's to come for all these characters - marriages, consummations, and resolutions - is far from sure.
  • That is, phenotypic value data were generated following a normal distribution with variance 1.0 and mean determined by the summation of the genetic effects of QTL.
  • They got an annulment, which is why the non-consummation bit is important. Truth and Beauty
  • In the case of the standard approach, this summation is done implicitly; it is necessary to only calculate the likelihood of the partial pattern because the sum of the remaining unknown probabilities is 1.
  • Her introduction is a model of fairness, a lively summation of Irish history.
  • For if consummation was the obverse side of the coin at Niagara, death or the prospect of death was the reverse.
  • Third, the likelihood is calculated by reducing the integration over six dimensions to effectively the summation over two dimensions.
  • The net force acting on both charges, obtained by the summation of individual forces is plotted as a bar diagram in Fig.11 D.
  • Verdi's dramas were often violent and bloody, from ‘Otello’ - the consummation of tragic opera - to his only comic opera ‘Falstaff’ which is perfection of the genre.
  • In each of the following instances, I've tried to give a simple one line summation about the urban legend in question.
  • So in summation, your willingness to defend a coward who consistently provides aid and comfort to an enemy in time of war does not speak well of your own character. Sound Politics: Kudos To Dave Ross And Dori Monson
  • Lucrezia's first marriage was annulled on the grounds of non-consummation; her husband was lucky to escape with his life.
  • It is convenient to introduce here the summation operator.
  • My personal feeling is that it is simply impossible to understand or conceptualize the process of summation without remembering the famous formula.
  • The final consummation is the great theme of the Gospel announced to, and by, the prophets (compare Ga 3: 8). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • City underlying surface includes water area, holt, grassplot , hard ground, farmland and bare ground in the city, which is the summation of city land using.
  • March 2nd, 2009 at 7: 50 pm antisera apart appropriation bankrupts begin byword counterparts coupler cranes devotedly Egyptian ellipse elm Epicurean Kidde miscarriage pixel rightfulness Samuels shutout Sonora substrate toughness buy generic viagraC/a absenteeism countess curious founts gab perusers playhouse prototypically summation. Matthew Yglesias » Nelson, Collins Slash Education Funding in Stimulus While Touting Stimulus’ Boost to Education
  • The Egyptian queen clutches the asp with a frightening tenacity, while the naked object of Zeus's golden shower grasps the coins from Olympus as one who fully understands the terms of the consummation being visited upon her.
  • The wild nature consummation embody the wolf!
  • He built the tenderness up slowly and carefully, until its consummation delivered a powerful emotional payoff.
  • Lewis, who accepts the universality of mereological summation, does not deny that possible objects in this sense are as real as possible objects in his preferred sense. Possible Objects
  • I turned at the sound of Ali giving voice to my summation. THE MANANA MAN
  • Augustus's testamentary review of legionary strength, and his summation of public revenues and expenses, underlay his recommendation that the borders of the empire be frozen in perpetuity.
  • A method of summation is called regular, if it sums every convergent series to its ordinary sum.
  • The organism or biotic factor is essentially vegetation and is the summation of the plant matter reaching the soil.
  • With all this eccentric wordplay under review, an ironic summation is in order.
  • The bold and brilliant dream which excited the founder of this nation still awaits its consummation.
  • These short simulations were run with periodic boundary conditions, constant temperature and pressure, and employed Ewald summation for electrostatic calculations.
  • But the work as a whole is a perfect summation of the very ideas proposed by minimal art: taking the bare minimum of sounds and reworking them to create something interesting, challenging, and rewarding.
  • At the seventh, the consummation is fully attained (Re 11: 15). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Obama, in summation, is acting just like the abject puppet of the Wall Street derivatives merchants and warmongers which we have argued him to be. 08 « November « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • In the proposed algorithms, the total deduct-value for a specific sample is a weighted summation of each individual deduct-value that is present.
  • I note that the Husband did not make any allegation of non-consummation in his cross petition nor did he seek a decree of nullity.
  • It is the ultimate and logical consummation of the victim culture: ‘We cannot keep our fingers out of the till - but it's not our fault, it's society that is to blame!’
  • It was consummation of a long, enduring affair.
  • An algorithm for speech endpoint detection based on time - frequency - variance - summation was proposed.
  • There was no ultimate consummation of their affair, however.
  • The reality consists of an overriding concern with the physical consummation of their aborted marriage.
  • The consummation, the crowning glory of a well-lived life, happiness would be granted only to the worthy, the virtuous, the god-like happy few.
  • He answered my ad for a legal secretary and persuaded me, in a classic summation, that he was exactly what I was looking for. THE DUTCH BLUE ERROR
  • Similarly, a summation across the corresponding days in feed gave the total days AGP are fed.
  • A competitive equilibrium is given by a price vector p so that the market demands obtained by the summation of individual demands are equal, commodity by commodity, to the market supply.
  • Does she think this enumeration is an adequate summation of the essence of her day? "Bessie, Nephanie"
  • An agency completes an evaluation of the student as a part of this summational evaluation.
  • The funding of this financing is subject to certain conditions, including the consummation of the Equity Tender Offer.
  • * Till that blessed consummation is reached let all questions of minor importance be forgotten. The Curtained Throne
  • The last N is then transposed to its digit multiple set against summation.
  • Mazower dutifully ends his narrative with brief summations of its recent progress, but they can only come as anticlimax to the terrific events of its past.
  • Thus far, it might be a reasonable summation to say that Tangled Destinies describes the impact of European settlement on Australia, and Horizons describes the kind of people who came here and the means of their governance.
  • The funding of this financing is subject to certain conditions, including the consummation of the Equity Tender Offer.
  • 'Hellenism' and nationality have become for him identical ideas; and when at last the hour of deliverance struck, he welcomed the Greek armies that marched into his country from the south and the east, after the fall of Yannina in the spring of 1913, with the same enthusiasm with which all the enslaved populations of native Greek dialect greeted the consummation of a century's hopes. The Balkans A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey
  • But as the deal moved toward consummation, the Goldman arrangement was never disclosed in public documents to AOL or Time Warner shareholders.
  • In summation, the Americans were suffering the natural aftereffects of a long war financed by debt and inflation, and exacerbated by the continuing circulation of inconvertible paper currency.
  • Thirteen of the 34 studies mentioned above included data on all species in a faunal group, so the density of the entire fauna could be calculated by summation.
  • And considering that he has since remained largely true to this sound, it can be seen not only as the consummation of all he had worked toward, but a window to what he would later accomplish.
  • This GB / SA model involves a costly pairwise summation and is consequently computationally nearly as expensive as the explicit water MD simulations.
  • Better than that, it turns out they were married and she fled before the consummation of the marriage!
  • So in summation – can this shrill, self absorbed woman please leave the stage. After six months, can Democratic race be over?
  • Although often compared to Las Vegas, Orlando, Hong Kong or Singapore, the sheikhdom is more like their collective summation: a pastiche of the big, the bad, and the ugly. Boing Boing: July 10, 2005 - July 16, 2005 Archives
  • Yet those arts of design in which that younger people delights [221] have in them already, as designed work, that spirit of reasonable order, that expressive congruity in the adaptation of means to ends, of which the fully developed admirableness of human form is but the consummation -- Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • Extremely more importantly constructs and the consummation medicine information system management.
  • There are uncertainties about adequate scale and revenue, and the consummation of ever-larger mergers.
  • The use of force was not proposed, and even the threat of sanctions was delayed until after the consummation of the atrocities.
  • The funding of this financing is subject to certain conditions, including the consummation of the Equity Tender Offer.
  • If we knew of any chemical preparation by which we could change the color of our skins and straighten our hair we might hope to bring about the desired consummation at once, but alas, there is no catholicon for this ill, no mystic concoction in all the pharmacies of earth to work this miracle of color. Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence The Best Speeches Delivered by the Negro from the days of Slavery to the Present Time
  • This was apparently nothing at all like the consummations that I had previously encountered in my dark marital bedroom.

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