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How To Use Sulphur In A Sentence

  • The beneficial properties of the sulphureous springs which could weaken muscle and articular diseases and skin illnesses, were already well-known by the 5th century B.C.
  • Iron, in contrast, combines with elements such as oxygen and sulphur to make mineral ores.
  • The most important of the salts, formed by the combinations of the sulphuric acid, are, first, _sulphat of potash_, formerly called _sal polychrest_: this is a very bitter salt, much used in medicine; it is found in the ashes of most vegetables, but it may be prepared artificially by the immediate combination of sulphuric acid and potash. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • Experts probed the origin of the sulphurous smell which appeared at the beginning of February after calls from worried Benfleet and Canvey residents who were left spluttering.
  • A second limey slag is used to remove sulphur and to deoxidise the metal in the furnace.
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  • A wooden tank may be rendered capable of withstanding the effects of nitric or sulphuric acids by the following methods: -- Cover the inside with paraffin; go over the inside with a sadiron heated to the temperature used in ironing clothes. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • DELHI: India's Reliance Industries Ltd has awarded its term tender to sell diesel to traders Trafigura, Kuwait's IP. and Africa-focused Galana as it prepares for a surge in supply later this Oil company Reliance Industries is planning to export low sulphur diesel to refinery at Jamnagar comes on stream later this year, P. Raghavendran, the company's refining China will cut diesel exports in May by 40 percent versus April volumes to a four-month low of - Business News
  • Is not this effect nearly similar to that produced by the combination of phosphorus and sulphur, or, more properly speaking, the _phosphuret of sulphur_? Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • To them is due the discovery of antimony, sulphuric ether and phosphorus, the cupellation of gold and silver, the determining of the properties of saltpetre and its use in gunpowder, and the discovery of the distillation of essential oils. The Majesty of Calmness; individual problems and posibilities
  • The team produced a version of the mineral in which silver is replaced by lithium, germanium by phosphorus, and some of the sulphur atoms by halides (chloride, bromide or iodide), resulting in argyrodite-like structures. Batteries that never needs recharging
  • By this method, sulpho-compounds of the glyceride are first formed, which readily emulsify with water, and, on treatment with steam, liberate fatty acids, the glycerol remaining partly in the form of glycero-sulphuric acid. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • (the word brimstone or sulphur explains the character of the fire). Pulpit Pimps
  • Every textile amylaceous fiber is convertible into these forms, more or less, by strong sulphuric acid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 530, February 27, 1886
  • Stripped naked of additives and processes, save a pinch of stabilising sulphur dioxide for all but the purists, the finished product is surprising and fractious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The consignment is a reactor imported by BPCL-Kochi Refinery for its vacuum gas oil hydro de-sulphurisation unit. - Articles related to Minister unveils plans for maritime tourism project
  • A healthy suppuration will always set in after the exhibition of Apis, provided Sulphur or a psoric taint do not gain the ascendancy. Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
  • They found ‘high’ sulphur levels in some tree species from 20 to 40 miles in a north-easterly direction from Sudbury.
  • During the period from 1860 to 1985, sulphuric anhydrite emissions, one of the leading causes of acid rain, increased from seven million tons to approximately 155 million tons annually. Fidel Castro Issues `Message' to UNCED
  • The integration of reduced sulphur into the amino acid cysteine is a central step in the assimilation of inorganic sulphur.
  • Thus, if galena and zinc blende in acid solutions be connected in the usual manner by a voltaic pair, sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved from the surface of the former, and a current generated which is sufficient to reduce gold, silver or copper from their solutions in coherent electro-plate films. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • Swallowtails, cabbage whites, skippers, and orange sulphurs follow scent trails to the tiny patches of flowers blooming furiously in the middle of the city.
  • Sulphuric acid has also been supposed to be sometimes an ingredient of peat -- which combining with iron, (always present,) would favor sulphate of iron, or copperas, which is a poison to useful plants. Agricultural, Geological, and Descriptive Sketches of Lower North Carolina, and the Similar Adjacent Lands
  • They fled their homes with a few personal belongings, escaping the acrid sulphuric fumes and lava of an erupting volcano.
  • Boils of dark gloop, a mix of oil, water, sulphur and gas, burst up in the island's centre.
  • In all appearance it is impregnated with nitre, if not with something more mischievous: we know that mundic, or pyrites, very often contains a proportion of arsenic, mixed with sulphur, vitriol, and mercury. Travels through France and Italy
  • Harding would only have had at his disposal sulphuric acid, but by heating this acid with the neutral fatty bodies he could separate the glycerine; then from this new combination, he easily separated the olein, the margarin, and the stearin, by employing boiling water. The Mysterious Island
  • Popocatepetl, is in the condition of a _solfatara_, sending out jets of steam and sulphurous acid gas. Anahuac : or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern
  • For the purpose of determining the total quantity of sulphur which the plants contain in their natural state, it is necessary to oxidise them by means of nitric acid; and from such experiments the following table, showing the _total_ amount of sulphur contained in 100 parts of different plants, dried at 212°, has been constructed: -- Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • In Liverpool there is a sulphurous whiff of rebellion - bitter talk, alarming to some, of direct action.
  • Hydrochloric acid is sometimes replaced by nitric or sulphuric acid.
  • A band of workmen stayed behind to untile the roof, and to dig up the floor, to do the usual lime-washing and sulphur-burning, and the party proceeded to the next door. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • Some with the greatest access of luster equal the colors of painters, others the fervid flames of sulphur, or fires quickened with oil.
  • Arguably, of course, the greater the emissions, the more efficient the sulphur recovery process could be.
  • A very similar condensation product was obtained by condensing sodium-_p_-hydroxybenzoate with formaldehyde and subsequent sulphonation with sulphuric acid. Synthetic Tannins
  • Sulphur percentage is in the interval 0.2-0.4%, which is lower than in fuel oils of type 5 (for low sulphureous oils the percentage is less than 0.4%, in normal sulphureous oils lower than 2.5%).
  • Calcium, sulphur, magnesium, aluminium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
  • I especially enjoyed juxtaposing the scientific and the erotic, as when Jennet and Ben Franklin seduce each other while performing an experiment with a rotating sulphur ball. James Morrow discusses The Last Witchfinder
  • Excessive consumption of sulphur dioxide, chemical additives and pesticide residues is not likely to improve the body either. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • Burning buildings can produce carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic and sulphurated compounds.
  • Contains 11 per cent of sulphur amino acids. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • The principal veins are from twelve to twenty-four inches wide, and carry besides gold, sulphurets, pyrite, galenite, &c. North Carolina and its Resources.
  • Smoke emissions from the smelter cover the town in a heavy sulphurous mist occasionally accompanied by fall-out of ash.
  • The water was found to contain traces of sulphuric acid.
  • In New Zealand they take refuge amid hot sulphur springs and in a house "tabooed"; they escape by starting a volcano into eruption. In Search of the Castaways
  • The devil, realising that he had been fooled, disappeared in an awe-inspiring cloud of smoke and sulphur fumes; but the bridge remained, and its name to this day recalls the discomfiture of his evil plans. Legend Land, Vol. 1 Being a collection of some of the Old Tales told in those Western Parts of Britain served by The Great Western Railway.
  • There was a lot of freight switching for the local peddler to do here at White Sulphur, as there was everywhere, with stock pens in the early years, and LCL freight in box cars, and coal hoppers.
  • The narrator describes his successive days with Usher and his artmaking thus: ‘An excited and highly distempered ideality threw a sulphurous luster over all’.
  • She said: 'I could smell a strong sulphur smell. The Sun
  • When that brave soldier, Milo Corcoran, ventures out to greet the teams on Tuesday evening, the reception from the stands is likely to be sulphurous.
  • His case was that chloroform was a safer form of anaesthetic than sulphuric ether, which had been tried out in Boston in 1846.
  • The eruption is also spewing invisible sulphur dioxide gas, which is notorious for causing respiratory problems, smog and acid rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Potassium, a macronutrient for plants, is present in plant dry matter next to carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen and before sulphur and phosphorus.
  • The further separation yielded 12 fractions containing aliphatic and alicyclic, 24 containing aromatic and 1 containing nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen containing compounds (NSO fraction).
  • BioSan Vita Flax has been fortified with sulphurated protein, making it an all-in-one formula!
  • On the contrary, it turns to thoughts of sulphur tablets and camomile tea and other sickly or disagreeable circumventions of the "creakiness" of the human body. Over the Fireside with Silent Friends
  • The sulphureous mud-baths are particularly effective in the treatment of rheumatic diseases; arthrosis, muscular rheumatism and post-traumatic effects.
  • The scarlet petals of the wild Poppy, very abundant in English cornfields, when treated with sulphuric acid make a splendid red dye. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Carlyle has said: "Death is easy; all men must die"; but to receive two gallons of full-strength sulphuric acid full in the face is a vastly different and vastly more horrible thing than merely to die. CHAPTER XLIX
  • Sulphur dioxide is one of several pollutants that are released into the atmosphere by coal-fired power stations.
  • Giant larkspurs thrust up their flower-rods, between the dentated foliage of which gaped the mouths of tawny snapdragons, while the schizanthus reared its scanty leaves and fluttering blooms, that looked like butterflies 'wings of sulphur hue splashed with soft lake. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • Sulphurous acid breaks down partially into hydrogen ions and bisulphite ions, a form having little effect on micro-organisms such as bacteria and wild yeasts.
  • He said a person weighing 60 kilograms should consume no more than 42 milligrams of sulphur dioxide per day.
  • Passing through plumes of evil-smelling sulphurous smoke and steam, they finally encountered daylight, and emerged from the gaping maw of a volcanic cone.
  • With less particulate matter, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide emissions are also less.
  • Iwo Jima was the bloodiest battle in Marine Corps history, and three leathernecks of the 4th and 5th Divisions used sidearms on the sulphurous island during February and March 1945.
  • “As to the proofs in gallate (or tannate) of iron, they can be transformed into Prussian blue in a solution of potassium ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate of potash) slightly acidified by sulphuric acid.” Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • For five centuries, the sulphurous water had been recommended for flaking skins and aching joints.
  • Then take some finely powdered fluate of lime (fluor spar,) strew it even over the glass plate upon the waxed side, and then gently pour upon it, so as not to displace the powder, as much concentrated sulphuric acid diluted with thrice its weight of water, as is sufficient to cover the powdered fluor spar. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 284, November 24, 1827
  • Pour exactly 100 ml of sulphuric acid into a measuring cylinder.
  • [26] Place a piece of sulphur on a deflagrating spoon and light it by placing it in the flame and allow it to burn. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • After this the whole premises should be fumigated with sulphur or formaldehyde, and then the stable left open for a week to be aired and dried, after which all surfaces should be freshly and thickly kalsomined. The Home Medical Library, Volume V (of VI)
  • Mexican diesel is heavier, almost D3 - much more paraffin and sulphur, slightly higher BTU and cetane, but smokier and dirtier. Gasoline price in Mexico
  • Sulphur dioxide is a compound of sulphur and oxygen.
  • By far the best method of sulphuring is by using liquid sulphur dioxide from a cylinder, also called bottled sulphur dioxide.
  • Hydrodesulphurization technology could effectively decrease sulfur content in gasoline and octane number loss.
  • Blest from above, human nature's wickedness had from below too frequently besulphured and suffumigated him for his memory to be dim; and though he was ever ready to own himself an example that heaven prevaileth, he could cite instances of scandal-mongering shop-women dismissed and working him mischief in the town, which pointed to him in person for a proof that the Powers of Complete Short Works of George Meredith
  • These fibres are surrounded by a matrix of disorderly keratin-like proteins cross-linked by sulphur atoms, like steel cables embedded in concrete.
  • To deoxidation of the coloring matter by substances, which have a great tendency to become oxidised or peroxised; _e. g._ hydrogen, in the case of decolorisation by sulphuretted hydrogen, nascent hydrogen, and the protoxides of iron and tin, &c. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Findings include: Some 600 million people live in urban areas where the average level of sulphur dioxide pollution endangers their lives.
  • To obtain sulphuric acid, Cyrus Harding had only one operation to make, to calcine the sulphate of iron crystals in a closed vase, so that the sulphuric acid should distil in vapor, which vapor, by condensation, would produce the acid. The Mysterious Island
  • Other elements occur naturally in a pure or elemental form, like sulphur or gold.
  • With sulphuric acid it forms a salt that is as stable on heating as the sulphates from gadolinite or cerite and, like these, can be completely decomposed by heating with ammonium carbonate.
  • The eruption is also spewing invisible sulphur dioxide gas, which is notorious for causing respiratory problems, smog and acid rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have known it to be successfully treated with black sulphur powder mixed with water but prevention is better than cure.
  • The sulfur emissibility during burning cement clinker with calcium sulfate, calcium sulfite gypsum and desulphurize slag that consist of CaSO3 separately were studied in laboratory electric stove.
  • Scattered remains of fireworks lay ignored and disappointed , emitting their last warm, sulphurous breath.
  • The gums were full of budgies, skawking and whistling their parodies of songbirds; finches wheeled from branch to branch; two sulphur-crested cockatoos sat with their heads to one side watching her progress with twinkling eyes; willy-wagtails fossicked in the dirt for ants, their absurd rumps bobbing; crows carked eternally and mournfully. The Thorn Birds
  • Iraq has vast and untapped mineral deposits located throughout its various provinces and regions, offering unrivalled opportunities for the extraction of key minerals such as sulphur, phosphorate, salt, gypsum, limestone and ironstone, as well as range of metallic minerals. Iraq Updates - Latest News
  • How do you know if you are sensitive to sulphur dioxide? The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • The pieces were then thrown into a barrel of sulphuric acid.
  • I only saw the southernmost, which is strongly impregnated with sulphur, and made my thermometer rise to 102°; it constantly bubbles from a bottom of coarse gravel, in the middle of the bason, which is about twenty feet in circumference, and four feet deep. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land
  • Once emitted into the atmosphere, these sulphureous gases produce acid deposits into the environment around the volcano.
  • And burning coal, of course, produces, carbon dioxide as well as sulphur dioxide.
  • Other studies suggest that if air quality has not become worse, it could be due to stricter emission control norms right from the manufacturing stage, more use of unleaded petrol and low-sulphur diesel.
  • Apart from general operating conditions, it has set emission limits for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide.
  • Lazurite, the deep blue variety of sodalite with sulphur replacing some of the chlorine, is dominant in lapis-lazuli.
  • All these firms have made massive investments in improving the quality of fuel by de-sulphurisation and isomerisation, processes in the refinement of fuel by which its qualityis made better, so that vehicles using it cause minimal pollution. Analysis
  • Complete solution of the substance in sulphuric acid is, generally speaking, a criterion of complete sulphonation. Synthetic Tannins
  • As has the world's winemakers at last treating it seriously, using less sulphur and more cool fermentation in stainless steel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Water, carbon dioxide, and sulphurous gases are common volcanic gases.
  • Alamy The Dómkirkjan, the city's Lutheran cathedral What else you need to know: Don't be put too concerned at the all-pervading smell of sulphur all over town. There's Charm Aplenty in Iceland's Capital
  • The alchemists thought that to every thing, or at any rate to every class of things, there corresponds a more perfect form than that which we see and handle; they spoke of gold, and the _gold of the Sages_; mercury, and the _mercury of the Philosophers_; sulphur, and the The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry
  • Asparagus contains a sulphur containing compound called mercaptan, and some individuals have an enzyme that quickly breaks down the mercaptan into byproducts which are also found in rotten eggs, skunk spray, onions and garlic.
  • Reduced sulphur compounds produced by assimilatory sulphate reduction play an important role in many plant responses to various kinds of stress, including oxidative stress, chilling and exposure to heavy metals, and xenobiotics.
  • Choose three to five selections and pair your cheeseboard with organic fresh fruit, unsweetened and sulphur dioxide-free dried fruit, and fiber-rich nuts. Clean Plates: 10 Tips For Throwing A Healthier Holiday Party
  • Sulphur-containing compounds are often prefixed by the term "thio".
  • The hot thermal pools are fringed by extraordinarily colourful mineral deposits, while sulphurous steam percolates all around.
  • For example, emissions of sulphur dioxide by one state will be carried by winds and deposited as acid rain on downwind countries.
  • For example, organisms that thrive on the edge of steaming hot sulphurous springs under the sea, deep underground, inside rocks, in arid deserts, inside ice and on soils known to be contaminated.
  • Looks like YouTube got their caca together and fixed itself right on time; if it had been otherwise, I could never have brought you the following unique treasure, this retsina for your retinas, this Everclear for your eyeballs, this sulphuric acid for your synapses. 2007 January 14 « raincoaster
  • When zinc and sulphur are hested together in close vessels the sulphur rises in vapour without t ing to the zinc; but it is staled by Mr.E. Davy, that in some ex - perimenls made in the laboratoiy of the Royal Institution, in which sulphur in vapour was passed over melted zinc, they united, and formed a white crystalline substance, analogous to the substauce found in nature, and called phosphorescent blende. Elements of Chemical Philosophy: Part 1, Vol.1
  • Its surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead, and it rains sulphuric acid, but US scientists think there might yet be life on Venus, floating in its sulphurous clouds.
  • They found ‘high’ sulphur levels in some tree species from 20 to 40 miles in a north-easterly direction from Sudbury.
  • Each stem carries up to 10 nodding sulphur coloured flared bell shaped flowers, growing from a base of deep green foliage that has attractive mottled markings.
  • We breathe air polluted with lead, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides from car exhausts, sulphur dioxide from chimney flues, radioactive iodine, caesium and a host of other radionuclides from the flues of nuclear installations.
  • Uranium, selenium and calcium are concentrated in cell walls whereas bismuth and sulphur are concentrated within the cells.
  • Selenium can be precipitated with sulphuretted hydrogen as a sulphide, which is readily soluble in ammonium sulphide. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • However, key potential improvements, such a requirement for sulphur scrubbers, have not been properly considered.
  • Oxidative properties of nitrous oxide were shown on a glowing wooden stick, burning sulphur, ethanol and propanone applied on cotton, and steel wool. - Business News
  • Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and boron have been found to be important in Zambia.
  • Life in the Universe - as we know it - began with the synthesis of some key elements: hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus.
  • But that the inflammable substance [B] alone is the cause of this action, is plain from this, that, according to the 10th paragraph, not the least trace of sulphur remains over, since, according to my experiments this colourless ley contains only some vitriolated tartar. Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2
  • Sulphurous yellow sphagnum moss made a dayglo splash against the dull greens and browns of the sunless upland bog.
  • Those used range from mild organic acids such as citric acid to phosphoric acid highly reactive sulphuric and hydrochloric acids.
  • To counter the falling levels of atmospheric sulphur he advocates the use of sulphur fertilizers.
  • That sold in the bazars is not the real grey ore of antimony but a galena or sulphuret of lead. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The majority of the essential element, sulphur, in living organisms is in the reduced form of organic thiols, such as the amino acids cysteine and methionine.
  • The whole scene was densely shrouded in thick plumes of sulphur.
  • Coming from the port on the right, at the foot of what remains of Faraglione Piccolo, is the great pool, a reservoir brimming with water and sulphureous muds.
  • Although sulphur dioxide has been the biggest threat so far, the eruption could produce more big surprises. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the name suggests, the area is rich in sulphur and that means it smells pretty pungent - think rotten eggs. The Sun
  • No filtration is proposed for the emissions that would include carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and lead.
  • Take of nitrate of baryta, twenty-seven parts, by weight; of sulphur, thirteen; of chloride of potassa, five; of realgar, two; and of charcoal three parts. Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants
  • Efforts were also made to drive him out with filthy and rank-smelling drugs; and, among those which can be mentioned in a printed article, we may name asafoetida, sulphur, squills, etc., which were to be burned under his nose. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • By far the best method of sulphuring is by using liquid sulphur dioxide from a cylinder, also called bottled sulphur dioxide.
  • When a sour gas well is ignited, hydrogen sulphide is transformed into sulphur dioxide, which is less immediately dangerous, but still toxic.
  • The eruption also shot a plume of sulphur dioxide gas and ash so high that it punched into the stratosphere. Times, Sunday Times
  • We supply food-principally wheat and flour, a total of 80,000 tons a month in 1966, and a variety of commodities such as pulpwood, asbestos, sulphur, fertilizer and metals which are vitally needed to ensure effective utilization of industrial capacity. International Development—Canada's Centennial Challenge
  • They contained pyrites, carbonated iron-ore, traces of sulphuretted silver (glasserz), and grey copper-ore (fahlerz). Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Swallowtails, cabbage whites, skippers, and orange sulphurs follow scent trails to the tiny patches of flowers blooming furiously in the middle of the city.
  • The firm is to install flue gas desulphurisation equipment at the stations.
  • Halloween is to be given a dramatic twist this year with the rising from the sulphurous pits of hell by the Lord Of Darkness himself, according to one demonological expert. Archive 2008-10-01
  • By the time I reached the small town of Pinedale the blue sky had been blotted out by ugly, sulphurous yellow.
  • The sulphur in the gas comes from aluminium sulphide in the carbide, which is produced in the electric furnace by the interaction of impurities containing aluminium and sulphur (clay-like bodies, &c.) present in the lime and coke; this aluminium sulphide is attacked by water and yields sulphuretted hydrogen. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The medicine is prepared of the following ingredients: - Of black hellebore, of sandarach, of the flakes of copper, of lead washed, with much sulphur, arsenic, and cantharides. On Ulcers
  • Some pints even end up tasting of sulphury eggs, or goats' cheese.
  • Diphtheria: A gargle of sulphur and water has been used with much success in cases of diphtheria. Archive 2006-09-01
  • Much heat is evolved during this process, and a variety of volatile products are disengaged, as carbonic acid and hydrogen gas, the latter of which is frequently either sulphurated or phosphorated. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • To convert it into fuel, the used fats and oil are subject to a process called esterification, where a sulphur-free product similar to diesel oil - Bio-Diesel - is created.
  • The defect states in chalcogenide glasses, including positively charged, negatively charged and neutral three-fold coordinated sulphur clusters, were studied by SCF MO CNDO/2 method.
  • The sulphuric acid thus estimated was present in the leather as _free sulphuric acid_. Synthetic Tannins
  • Sulphur dioxide is a pollutant and a major contributor to acid rain.
  • Sulphurous acid, with the assistance of heat, oxidates the metal.
  • This strain is characterized by its ability to utilize an exceptionally broad range of organosulphur compounds as the sole sulphur source during in vitro growth, including many aromatic and aliphatic sulphonates and sulphate esters.
  • But it no longer seems the slightest bit strange in Melbourne's inner suburbs to see sulphur-crested cockatoos and galahs.
  • Fourthly, that the first of these liquors in a mixture of the alkali and igneous parts of quick-lime with the sulphureous substance of arsenick; for the orpin is a sort of arsenick, as I said before. Forty Centuries of Ink
  • They were said to give off smoke and smell of sulphur. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the case of fluorides free from silicates (such as fluor-spar), it is determined indirectly by decomposing a weighed portion with sulphuric acid, evaporating, igniting, and weighing the residual sulphate. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Iron is found combined with sulphur in pyrrhotine and pyrites, and together with arsenic in mispickel. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Sulphur bacteria may be present below the anoxic zone, reducing sulphate ions and liberating hydrogen sulphide.
  • sulphuric esters
  • The aroma of coffee is, he found, composed of extremely complex substances, among which are derivatives of furan and pyrrole, and substances containing sulphur. Tadeus Reichstein - Biography
  • Two tests are suggested by Golodetz (1) the addition of one or two drops of a reagent consisting of five parts of concentrated sulphuric acid and three parts of formaldehyde solution, which colours cholesterol a blackish-brown, and (2) the addition of one drop of 30 per cent. formaldehyde solution to a solution of the substance in trichloracetic acid, when with cholesterol an intense blue coloration is produced. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Learning is also disturbed when sulphur dioxide is released, sometimes windows have to be closed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here electropositive copper combines with electronegative oxygen but in a way that leaves the combination slightly electropositive, whereas electropositive sulphur combines with oxygen in a way that leaves the combination slightly electronegative. Atomism from the 17th to the 20th Century
  • Other flowers present that are now scarce in Suffolk include spiny restharrow and the yellow flowered sulphur clover.
  • Concentrated sulphuric acid and 50 l of carbazole reageant (0.1% (w/v) in ethanol 100%) were then added.
  • Only minor fractionation of sulphur isotopes is associated with the precipitation of most sulphate minerals, and no change in [delta] 34 S occurs during the dehydration of gypsum to anhydrite.
  • Waste tyres represent a significant fire risk, which can cause atmospheric pollution through the release of thick clouds of sulphurous black smoke.
  • It was filled with clear water very near the boiling point, and emitted clouds of steam with a strong sulphureous odour. The Malay Archipelago
  • Nitrates are best detected and determined by their yielding nitric oxide when treated with sulphuric acid and a suitable reducing agent, such as ferrous sulphate, mercury, or copper. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • The wine was then handled like a white wine, cool fermented and sulphured once dry.
  • [2708] At Barrey, an isle in the Severn mouth, they seem to hear a smith's forge; so at Lipari, and those sulphureous isles, and many such like, which Olaus speaks of in the continent of Scandia, and those northern countries. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Sulphur in blende, 375 in burnt ore, 377 in chalcocite, 376 in coal, 419 in copper, 207 in copper pyrites, 376 in mispickel, 376 in pyrites, 370, 376 A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • It is caused by tiny airborne particles of soot, ash and sulphur dioxide reflecting back the heat of the sun.
  • Enzymatic hydrolysis of the glycoside with b-D-glucosidase, gave 2,5 - dihydroxybenzyl alcohol from the ethyl acetate extract, identified as its triacetate, whereas acid hydrolysis with 5% ethanolic sulphuric acid gave 3 - hydroxy-2, 6-dimethoxyethyl benzoate and glucose, as the sole monosaccharide in the aqueous solution (TLC). Chapter 7
  • TAFF (who, asbestas can, wiz the healps of gosh and his bluzzid maikar, has been sulphuring to himsalves all the pungataries of sin praktice in failing to furrow theogonies of the dommed). Finnegans Wake
  • The crude colemanite as mined carries an average of about 25 per cent B_2O_3; it is treated with soda in the manufacture of borax, or with sulphuric acid in making boric acid. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • In making this test the student must remember that sulphur and, in fact, all oxidisable bodies similarly deflagrate, but it is only in the case of carbon compounds that carbonate of potash is formed. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • These yellowish points or crusts increase in size, become usually as large as small peas, are cup-shaped, with the convex side pressing down upon the papillary layer, and the concave side raised several lines above the level of the skin; they are umbilicated, friable, sulphur-colored, and usually each cup or disc is perforated by Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • I am rejoiced to learn that the two factions of Texas Baptists, after having for months past denounced each other in language that smelled of sulphur and would have disgraced opposing parties of Parisian gamins -- after resorting to all the petty meanness of peanut politics to control the flesh-pots -- have kissed and hugged, slobbered and boohooed each on the other's brisket. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
  • She theorized that supplying the essential fatty acids in combination with sulphurated proteins could restore health.
  • Removing these areas of high sensitivity will make targets for reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions easier to reach.
  • Then Kennaston found the alchemist had been compounding nitrum of Memphis with sulphur, mixing in a little willow charcoal to make the whole more friable, and that the powder had exploded. The Cream of the Jest: A Comedy of Evasions
  • Wet and dry lime techniques can be used to desulphurise the kiln exhaust gases prior to the EP's.
  • Cadmium sulphide, CdS, occurs naturally as greenockite (_q. v._), and can be artificially prepared by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through acid solutions of soluble cadmium salts, when it is precipitated as a pale yellow amorphous solid. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The process uses a natural gas flame to break down the effluent into sulphur dioxide.
  • A major stumbling block in the development of these technologies to complement diesel engines has been the high levels of sulphur and of sooty particulates which rapidly foul emission reduction systems.
  • The smell was of boiling sulphur and choking grey dust, and the blistering heat burnt his face, and soon the ash cloud blinded him too, but still he was not scared.
  • In that very autumn Angelo Gennari began the sulphureous bath therapy, carrying the thermal waters in big vats to one of his hotels located in the castle square.
  • Retrofitting of Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) Plant for the coal-fired Unit L2 within the Lamma Power Station to reduce sulphur dioxide emission.
  • In this way they effect the decomposition of the tartrate, from which they must necessarily obtain the carbon of their food without which they cannot exist, while the nitrogen is furnished by the ammonia of the ammonical salt, the mineral principles by the phosphate of potassium and magnesium, and the sulphur by the sulphate of ammonia. IV. The Physiological Theory of Fermentation. Fermentation of Dextro-Tartrate of Lime
  • The X-ray scattering effect of sulphur is roughly one sixth of that of the rest of the molecule of cephalosporin C, approximately the same as that of cobalt in relation to vitamin B12, cyanocobalamin. Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
  • The sulphur-bottom whale (_B. sulfureus_) is known by its yellowish belly, and with Sibbald's whale Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Among aromatic double-flowered tulips we have the sulphur yellow ‘Monte Carlo’ and the golden ‘Hoangho’.
  • Formula milk led to an increase in the number of sulphurous bacteria in infants' stomachs, which could contribute later in life to serious conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Cadmium salts can be recognized by the brown incrustation which is formed when they are heated on charcoal in the oxidizing flame of the blowpipe; and also by the yellow precipitate formed when sulphuretted hydrogen is passed though their acidified solutions. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • She said: 'I could smell a strong sulphur smell. The Sun
  • However, news reports indicate that purchasing and storing more expensive low-sulphur fuels could significantly raise costs for cruise lines. Cruise-ship regs: Cleaner air, potentially higher prices for travelers
  • Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide combine to form acid rain.

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