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[ US /ˈsəɫk/ ]
[ UK /sˈʌlk/ ]
  1. a mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal
    stayed home in a sulk
  1. be in a huff and display one's displeasure
    She is pouting because she didn't get what she wanted

How To Use sulk In A Sentence

  • He's sulking in a corner somewhere because I wouldn't let him have a second bar of chocolate.
  • Poor Sulkorig is dead by misadventure, his head broken by the hoof of the Lord Constable's horse. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • ‘We don't know it's her,’ muttered Ross sulkily.
  • But the boy Mohammed being by me objurgated-for I remarked in him a jaunty demeanour combined with neglectfulness of ceremonies-saluted it sulkily, muttering the while hints about the holiness of his birthplace exempting him from the trouble of stooping. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • The cats would be livid, showing their displeasure by sulkily shunning their food and refusing to climb into bed for a goodnight cuddle. SANDS OF TIME
  • Traditional dances - kozachok, hopak, metelytsia, kolomyika, hutsulka, and arkan - differ by rhythmic figures, choreography, region, and sometimes by gender, but share a duple meter.
  • In the meantime, carry on with your sulk if you wish.
  • I'm not one of those players that will sulk or anything like that. The Sun
  • Even this season that represents the death of the garden is a vital one for our Japanese gardener, while our western gardener sulks until spring.
  • Sulkily, the publicist moves to the back of the bar but Sinclair is still scowling.
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