
How To Use Suggest In A Sentence

  • The abrupt facies shift, bioturbation and cemented nature of the surfaces suggests that they represent marine flooding surfaces, formed during a rapid rise in relative sea level and/or a reduction in sediment supply.
  • He made comments about a couple of items, suggesting an appetizer that sounded unlikely but that, in his words,'went down a treat. FOLLY
  • A few years ago it was suggested that auroral phenomena could exist on Mars too.
  • The layout of the enclosures, paddocks, and yards suggests an emphasis on stock-raising.
  • His casual reaction, "you're overreacting," "these things happen, right?" suggests they've gone through this before, with presumably the more recent procedure she discussed with her gyno. Samantha Zalaznick: Mad Men Recap: Help!
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  • Instead, the thin sandy developments defining the sequence boundaries suggest sandy sabkhas and sand sheets supplied by this undersaturated wind system and only preserved as a consequence of renewed lake-level rise.
  • Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • They describe some gaps in the literature and provide some suggestions for future research.
  • It was also a noteworthy echo of a speech Sarkozy himself made last December, when he called for a "positive laicity" and suggested that the state could ultimately grant subsidies to religious groups. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • It's ludicrous to suggest otherwise. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no suggestion of a pronounced twist in the ventral margin of the jaw of Hynerpeton like that seen in Densignathus.
  • His careers adviser suggested he might make a good bus conductor. Times, Sunday Times
  • This also suggests that this deity was first adopted by the tradition of the monastery of Sa-gya, [26] a hypothesis further confirmed by the reference in the founding myth to his being taken over by the holder of the Sa-gya throne So-nam-rin-chen (bsod nams rin chen). The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I)
  • Objective:To observe the effects of to integrate acusector concussion with suggestible dialogue treat 530 patient with hysteria spasm.
  • Others suggested that the friendship might have soured in the middle of last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • These frank statements suggest that he is sincere and serious about exposing the problems and proposing solutions.
  • I suggest you follow Rosie's example and start doing regular exercise.
  • Yet, some studies have suggested some kids with ADHD benefit from an elimination, also known as a hypoallergenic, diet. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The black and white images suggested a lunar surface with bright elevated land masses, grooved by sloping drainage channels and seemingly surrounded by dark, still pools of oily liquid.
  • One suggested the dolls could be used as models for identifying American spies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ralphs et al. suggested no difference in locoweed consumption between native cattle and cattle introduced to locoweed under natural grazing conditions.
  • Last April I wrote a column that suggested it was unwise to try to load the .45 Colt to levels approaching the .44 Magnum.
  • This would suggest that he might have returned to bed before collapsing and dying in mysterious circumstances. Times, Sunday Times
  • And try to minimize contact, she suggests. Write memos instead of dropping into his office.
  • Early screenings suggested as much, or suggested trouble at least, as preview audiences found the film too dark and violent, all in all too un-Leo.
  • He reacted angrily to the suggestion that he had lied.
  • HPL lived and died in genteel poverty, and some biographers have suggested that poor diet brought on by poverty may have hastened his death. Someone Is Angry On the Internet
  • Opinion polls suggest the outcome is too close to call. Times, Sunday Times
  • We wouldn't lie to you about the history of "perfidious" -- even though the word itself suggests deceitfulness. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • Unless the context is made very clear, the reader or hearer cannot be sure whether such an expression as ‘fulsome praise’ is meant in the sense ‘generous in amount, extent’ or in the sense Perry suggests.
  • This is derived from my recipe for “Almonzano” from my book "Nonna's Italian Kitchen", but Dori from the bakehouse blog suggested using okara in it instead of almonds. A PRACTICAL WAY TO USE OKARA
  • He has straight, mousey blonde hair and a pitted face which suggests he has suffered from acne at some point.
  • A slight but unmistakable accent suggested that his name was not Leblond.
  • It suggests that the existing regime contains aspects which unduly deter investment.
  • But this is not to suggest that Hebb's influence was just his postulates related to synaptic change.
  • It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.
  • The letters also suggest that callous treatment of patients and their relatives is becoming more common. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's here that he rails for the umpteenth time against lesser critics who have dared to suggest that his boisterous, agonistic account of writerly influence might be weighted in favour of a certain masculinist tradition. The Anatomy of Influence by Harold Bloom – review
  • The suggestion is sheer nonsense.
  • The art installation suggests the continuity and fragility of Mediterranean civilization, reminding us of the simultaneous remoteness and seamlessness of the past.
  • As an extra precaution against an ongoing down market, Narayanan suggests building in a "margin of safety": a 3 to 5 percent premium over the target hurdle rate.
  • Though as Richard Nash suggests, we're all indie now (except the big guys), so even the term indie doesn't mean much: Hugh McGuire: Why "Self-Publishing" Is Meaningless
  • open to suggestions
  • Some research suggests, however, that the effects of aging are attenuated not by how much people receive from their community but by how much they contribute to it.
  • Data on admission to hospital is not comprehensive but they suggest that admission rates rise with declining social class.
  • I suggested maybe a different sound like a meow or something.
  • The relationship between the street and the galleries inside is not as intrusively immediate as is suggested by the open-ended, perpendicular orientation.
  • To take the chain of speculation one step further, this suggests that the maxilla itself was originally a flat dermal plate of some kind, possibly homologous to the superognathal of placoderms.
  • And the site cheekily suggests filling party bags with items cheaper than the show's official merchandise. The Sun
  • Remember that special "dietetic" or "diabetic" foods often cost extra money and may not be much healthier than simply following the suggestions given here. Undefined
  • He suggested that tangling fishing gear should be made a criminal offence.
  • Last, but not least, I suggest you consider posting the definition below somewhere within sight at your place of writing. com-pel verb Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Win Ray Rhamey’s new book!
  • Another suggests that there are as many as ten lawyers in the city disguised as tourists. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suggested that attracting backpackers and independent travellers would be a good way to get that ball rolling.
  • The absence of bowel sounds for a full 5 minutes strongly suggests the existence of intestinal atony or ileus, which has many causes.
  • This stage of experiment should focus and direct inquiry by providing some answers to old questions and suggesting some new questions.
  • The scientists suggest that the optic nerve in short-sighted users might be more sensitive to ‘computer stress’.
  • The movie spec suggests macho, testosterone-soaked fare that will appeal only to sports jocks.
  • I would strongly suggest to Mr. Greer that he keep his fascist-indoctrinated, ritalin-sotted brats away from my children in Florida's socialist (public) schools. Florida GOP chair: Obama trying to 'indoctrinate' children
  • Suggest he is a liar and a crook. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ambiguity inherent in that fantasy of unpinning suggests not only the male desire, but also the very real potential of a female "wildness" that desires release.
  • Initial police reports suggested that he jumped the ticket barrier and ran onto the train.
  • I suggest you check that your stop lights work when you press the brake pedal.
  • Immediately after she offered the suggestion, a storm broke about her ears.
  • We have a bunch of Wackadoo doos, who cannot accept that this Black man is the President of the United States and who are going around claiming that he is an undocumented alien and basically suggesting that he arrived at the presidency unlegimately. Police group: Obama should apologize
  • Experts suggested that the particularly long and cold winter may also have contributed. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the terse replies pile up, I am on the point of suggesting that he looks weary, as though his dog has died, only for it to emerge that his dog has died.
  • It is suggested that ad libitum feeding conditions decrease NAD availability which also decreases metabolism of the triose phosphate glycolytic intermediates, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone-phosphate, which can spontaneously decompose into methylglyoxal MG. The low-fat diet cascade | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The visitor suggested that this be announced by Roh during his forthcoming meetings in Moscow.
  • In the marginals the battle was much closer than the national polls suggested.
  • Its curved frame suggests almost a modern reinterpretation of the bentwood chair.
  • The presence of extrusive volcanic rocks during the rifting stages suggests that a large volume of melt may also have been added to the crust intrusively.
  • If the ventral curvature of tail is real, then that, in concert with its extremely narrow scaupulae, suggests that a more appropriate functional analog would be found in arboreal chameleons.
  • His efforts have turned up critical leads, brought forward witnesses and suggested potential persons of interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Support, guidance, training, how to get new clients, and how to get into the cycles-really specific suggestions.
  • Two additional reports suggested that companies were well placed to weather the cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fujiwara's fictional art-market foundation is pointedly pre-Christian; he wants, he suggests, to reference a period before art was required to be "transcendental" or "moral" and link it to its strictly "commercialised" roots. Frieze art fair 2010 – review
  • Her smile suggests her consent.
  • That this is true is not to suggest that reality always comports with state law and college rules.
  • In order to prevent this happening, most recipes suggest ‘washing’ the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush to brush down any undissolved sugar; easier still is to put a lid on the pan and let steam do the trick.
  • I suggest that thinking begins with frank analysis of our own very personal primal experiences of the country.
  • Our conversation ended well enough, and he did suggest arbitration if I wanted it.
  • Research suggests early experimenters could have made the image decades before 1839, considered the year photography was born.
  • Pott suggested that chimney soot contained carcinogens that could cause the growth of the warts seen in scrotal cancer.
  • Some suggested business schools might be partly culpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The study, which was ordered by influential US military adviser Andrew Marshall, suggests that climate change should become an issue of national security rather than just a scientific discussion.
  • We haven't verified that it works, and if you want to mess around with your Windows Registry, as it suggests, that's your own affair and nothing to do with us, squire.
  • Angry Reader has a point about "spill," and while I can see Joel's point about it being what people call it, I respectfully suggest that it's that logic which got us to the point where we called chaining people to walls, beating them, freezing them, blasting music and noise at them at decibel levels high enough to inflict pain, electrifying their genitals, humiliating them and then drowning them repeatedly "enhanced interrogation techniques. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • He made the suggestion that we go by.
  • The hagiology from which he has benefited in the last 50 years suggests that he may well have been right.
  • In reality the record suggests that it is rare for knowingly false accusations to be made against British troops. Times, Sunday Times
  • But its record suggests it will continue to earn enhanced returns by adopting the proactive approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • We might or might not be able to suggest a satisfactory solution.
  • It's the equivalent of a course in arboriculture for the amateur gardener and landscape professional, including the history and culture of trees, suggesting the climates where you might find them growing. Books to inspire endeavors in landscape design, gardening
  • There is no suggestion of any wrongdoing on the part of any of the British peer-to-peer lending platforms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film quite plausibly suggests that her interpretation makes the wrong things of the right ideas.
  • It suggests a sense of humour, a willingness to make an effort, an aspiration towards the airy, healthy, beardless Scandinavian lifestyle.
  • In his provocative work, Clichés To Live By And The Death Of The Sixties, Anaxamander O'Flaherty, a necro-ethnolinguist at the University of Altamont, suggests that the expression, "Everything is everything," succumbed to a natural death brought on by such factors as over-utilization, deterioration of relevance, and lack of adaptability to altered states of reality vis-à-vis the American experience. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • There should be little doubt that these men personally believed much of the racist arguments they delivered, but it may be overstating the case somewhat to suggest that all other concerns were nugatory.
  • The fact that other reports of excess heat do not produce these hydrides and can evolve over days or weeks suggests the opposite condition of starvation where oscillation is delayed and slow but still occurs over time as the atomic gas slowly accumulates the velocities needed to exchange time dilation for energy. Will 2010 be the Year of Zero Point Energy?
  • The title remotely suggests that twitter had something to do with his death. TechCrunch
  • First, research on technological evolution suggests that technological discontinuities may provide an impetus that transforms networks.
  • But because he is a doctor, Reuters is suggesting to readers that his word is necessarily authoritative.
  • The steeper decline in seats available suggests that airlines will switch to smaller aircraft. Times, Sunday Times
  • His desire to enjoy life while he is still able suggests that rental property may be the wrong investment for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The airline suggests booking tickets 21 days in advance.
  • But still they were left clinging on for a point when their first-half display suggested it could have been all three. The Sun
  • The bonus issue brought Democrats and Republicans together in a way unseen all year. Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Barney Frank suggested the executives should be fired.
  • The almost desperate character of the effort to silence or drown out antiwar protests suggests that something more than mindless flag-waving is going on here.
  • The term suggests an element of danger, certainly of risk, a military metaphor applied to western cultural practices.
  • I am not suggesting in this article that young wingmen should never fly with 2,000-hour instructor pilots.
  • Yet her evidence suggests more of a constant interchange between the two leading trading nations of the day. Times, Sunday Times
  • These results suggest the involvement of platelet activating factor in the endothelin induced fibrinolytic activation and subsequently developed mucosal haemorrhagic lesion.
  • He suggested the justices could "begrudgingly" affirm the lower court "on alternative grounds" and take up some of the questions it avoided in its previous ruling. Justices Leery of Bush's Guantanamo Stance
  • I'd suggest this was when he started thieving from temples.
  • With the line now unsnarled, I suggest we switch places - I'll pole for a while, Hiaasen can fish.
  • Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital.
  • Toray users chose theirs for the ultrasonic feature, which, when taken along with the previous question, suggests that the word-of-mouth effect, therefore the quality (or at least the sense of quality) of the cleaning given by their brushes is very high. Why Japanese teeth are often wonky
  • Several factors suggest caution before widely generalizing our findings.
  • A team of chemists found that when certain substances are diluted in water, the molecules clump together instead of getting further apart, as common sense would suggest.
  • Yet other experiments suggest that the change in strength at the CMF is due to dilatancy hardening at low melt fractions.
  • So, as John suggests, why won't they simply put the matter to rest by confirming or denying the facts as set out in the memos?
  • This lays the ground for suggesting some means to move forward in the debate.
  • * The Minister of Agriculture to review the use of surplus funds carried from levies on the 1994 crop, and to make levies available to stabilize the price of maize for human consumption in the coming season, rather than paying levies to commercial farmers as an "agterskot" as has been suggested in a press statement by ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I suggest you tell him there was a mistake over his late booking.
  • Doctor, are you suggesting the pain is a figment of my imagination?
  • The similarity of the two fires suggests the possibility of malicious intent.
  • In the case of Cquila there is a distinct suggestion of the orthographies of Southern Bantu languages like Zulu.
  • Unsurprisingly, the story is much more complex than the headline suggests and provides yet another example of the story being spun to meet a commercial agenda.
  • In girls, hirsutism and acne may suggest polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • The coffin was palled with a square of rusty black velvet, whence all the pile had long been worn, and which the soaking rain now helped age to embrown and make flabby; a standard cross was borne by an ecclesiastical official, who had on a quadrangular cap surmounted by a centre tuft; two priests followed, sheltered by umbrellas, their sacerdotal garments dabbled and draggled with mud, and showing thick-shod feet beneath the dingy serge and lawn that flapped above them, as they came along at a smart pace, suggestive of anything but solemnity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • Age is here, but it does not suggest the idea of dilapidation or decay; rather of something which has been put under a glass case, and preserved with care from all extraneous influences. Rambles of an Archaeologist Among Old Books and in Old Places Being Papers on Art, in Relation to Archaeology, Painting, Art-Decoration, and Art-Manufacture
  • If the real victims of drugs are the people who get their houses burgled by addicts desperate for the money for a fix, maybe we should legalise drugs, she suggests.
  • Rivalry is a groundswell word, suggesting turbulence by its very sound.
  • The results? About 90 percent of the participants pulled a switch to reroute the boxcar, suggesting people are willing to violate a moral rule if it means minimizing harm.
  • Essentially, what we are suggesting is that the firm needs to change.
  • Posterior elbow pain in the setting of repetitive elbow extension suggests the diagnosis of triceps tendinosis.
  • Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.
  • Other indicators suggest growth will continue at around 0.5 per cent during the next two quarters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scholars have suggested that the purpose of statues such as the Peplos Kore and other korai (the plural form of the word) was to serve as votive offerings, perhaps in this case to the goddess Athena.
  • The Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once made a tentative suggestion that a theory uniting quantum mechanics and relativity might lead to an objective state reduction, and others have taken up and built on this idea.
  • Modestly clad women appear as newsreaders on TV, while sexually suggestive Hindi film posters adorn shopfronts about town.
  • Previous reports suggest that cystic fibrosis airway epithelia may respond to injury by increasing proliferation.
  • ‘They would have needed social stability’, he says, suggesting brochs were not watch towers or forts, but ‘ostentatious signs of status and wealth’.
  • Baker suggests three possible reasons why human sinus bones should be naturally magnetic.
  • At the risk of seeming to be a shill for David Talbot, let me suggest that non-subscribers reconsider.
  • To suggest that all unproductive consumption is solely capitalist personal consumption is to go beyond the bounds of credibility.
  • ‘The first and most important step is to make policies to provide better fuels before we look for alternative fuels,’ he said, suggesting the consumption of leaded gasoline be reduced.
  • If you can manage financially, suggest plans are put on the back burner for at six months. The Sun
  • The pulse of war that beat from the West suggested the companionship of battling thousands; here was naught but silence, and himself, and possible death-dealing bullets from a myriad ambushes. War
  • He contemptuously dismissed any suggestion to the effect that the dollar was overvalued, or that its climb to record highs on a trade-weighted basis was becoming a source of economic instability.
  • There is no suggestion that it benefited from the alleged scam or was involved in any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • He embarks on a semantics lecture, suggesting the term “shelter” sends the wrong meaning: “The word connotes impermanency. A Billion Lives
  • She bridled at his suggestion to elope
  • Rolled out from semolina flour and local eggs, and layered with tangy tomato sauce and winy beef short ribs, the dish is served in a portion that suggests it be shared. Tom Sietsema on Casa Nonna: Latest Italian offering lands in Dupont Circle
  • The appellant's whole case on the confessions to the police officers was that he was highly suggestible.
  • Aides to the Chancellor also suggested his big offer may one day mean compensation for companies who export to Europe if trade tariffs are imposed. The Sun
  • _Journey_, and which once led him to question whether there was a tree between Edinburgh and the English border older than himself; and to reply to Boswell's suggestion that he ought to be whipped at every tree over 100 years old in that space, "I believe I might submit to it for a baubee! Dr. Johnson and His Circle
  • Molly: Then I suggest you set up a buffet with appropriate finger food and draft beer.
  • This analysis suggests that, from a practical point of view, it is not easy to draw a clear-cut distinction between a collecting bank and a discounting bank.
  • She tugged at Rob's sleeve with just enough force to suggest that she would tug much harder if he did not comply with her wishes.
  • Silverstein would not be drawn on future applications for the search engine, but media reports have suggested that the company is working on a version of the browser for mobile phones.
  • In general, bottle-fed infants tend to gain weight more quickly, suggesting that eating more could lead to them crying less. Times, Sunday Times
  • When adapters approach source texts, he seems to suggest, they should assume that whatever is, is right.
  • In 1974, Lawrence Stone identified "the absence of charismatic leadership" during Edward VI's reign as one of the causes for political instability yet the behavior of Mary's household suggests that Catholics, in particular the Catholic dependents associated with Mary's household, had found in the princess householder a leader of sufficient thaumaturgical charisma that they were willing to risk death on her behalf. 95 From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • A good lawyer might fudge the issue for his client - not sufficiently to get him off the hook, but sufficiently to suggest that he honestly felt himself justified in making a second marriage.
  • This suggests much of the good news for this cyclical business may be in the share price. Times, Sunday Times
  • A friend, he explained, had promised to meet him in that place; and though the shopwoman plainly doubted his veracity, and kept a sharp eye that he did not take to his heels with the cairngorm, she did not go so far as to suggest his removing himself from the zone of temptation. The Ashiel mystery A Detective Story
  • A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.
  • People are put off volunteering, he suggests, because of the increasing fear of litigation and frustration with the associated red tape.
  • The specialist suggested that children should not eat too much sugar.
  • Complexes suggested for Bombay, Calcutta, Jullundur, Kanpur, and Madras would have similar facilities and output, except for product lines specific to certain places. Strategic Management in Developing Countries Case Studies
  • I suggest you don't make a habit of going around half naked.
  • It is a challenging question without a clear answer, but some tentative suggestions can be attempted. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suggested that maybe blindly feeling your way around a pool was similar to exploring unknown places like Marco Polo did.
  • Grant seems remarkably well adjusted, a suggestion he greets with a laugh.
  • It combines invaluable advice on how you can plan for a secure future with suggestions for creative and fulfilling activities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vaguely realistic answer suggested in this popcorn film provides an entertaining alternative to standard superhero movies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The slaughter and butchery of 200 cattle and the consumption of 40,000 kilos of beef, even if spread over a year or two, suggest the participation of many communities, perhaps from a whole clan or tribe.
  • Auntie and Uncle suggested she serve in the shop.
  • Curiously, while sperm whales unquestionably have teeth, recent molecular data and a reanalysis of their anatomy has suggested that they may be highly derived mysticetes.
  • On balance, her ample stomach seems to suggest more impending motherhood than lax calorie control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although blood in the stool suggests invasive disease, fever is not a sensitive indicator of dysentery.
  • The study suggests that kids who smoked at 16 spent less time later on in school, not because they hung out in the jacks, but because smoking revealed something about how they valued the future.
  • She suggests a four-stage process: walk into your house; turn the oven up high; prepare two or three ingredients in imaginative combinations (such as poussin, sweet potato and red onions; or cod, courgettes and capers); slap them in the oven, soused with oil and herbs; and retire to a sofa to souse yourself with something even stronger. Sorted For Brill And Whizz
  • MS is not hereditary but can occur in more than one family member, suggesting a genetic predisposition.
  • The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.
  • Would you be "boggled" if I suggest that the characterisation of blacks here as a mob of rampaging gang-rapists is a product of prejudice and, in its emotional manipulation, serves to reinforce prejudice? Wisdom, Justice And Mercy
  • The fact that flickers did not defend feeding territories suggests that characteristics of their prey make it uneconomical to monopolize.
  • They also suggest that attitudes about the value of older people and their position in the marketplace may have changed very little.
  • Williamson suggests that assets with a high amount of specificity represent sunken costs that have little value outside a particular exchange relationship.
  • The only sad thing is that the process is taking longer than their debut album suggested.
  • New research suggests that psychological stress may play a role in premature aging.
  • But the poem appears to commend long-suffering endurance and to suggest that mourners may be silently visited by Divine Grace.
  • He spoke English with a suggestion of a French accent.
  • Are photography and surrealism such an ‘unnatural coupling,’ as one observer has recently suggested?
  • Richard uses this training and his experience to suggest how a parcel of land should be managed.
  • As suggested in patients with cirrhosis, it is likely to be of multifactorial origin.
  • Most people know pharma's blockbuster atypical antipsychotics Seroquel, Zyprexa and Geodon, off label marketed to kids, the elderly, the uncategorizable and the suggestible -- are you sure you don't have racing thoughts ask ads? Start Your Engines Drug Reps! FDA Panel Says Yes to Seroquel, Zyprexa and Geodon for Kids!
  • The suggestion that the President violated section 1503's prohibition on "influenc [ing], obstruct [ing], or imped [ing] the due administration of justice" is groundless. Initial Response To Referral Of Office Of Independent Counsel

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