How To Use Sugary In A Sentence
The helpers provision the couple's fledglings with a steady supply of lerp, sugary casings secreted by plant-sucking insects.
Signs of the Times
Before you turn the page, wondering why I've chosen such a dreadful piece of sugary sentimentalism for this week's painting, give Greuze's grieving girl a second glance.
Each of these sugary sweet snaps was masking trouble behind the scenes.
The Sun
She cleared out the sugary snacks and stocked up on fruit and vegetables.
The Sun
Given their love of luxe, Leos tend to overindulge in delectably unnecessary high-fat and sugary goodies.

No more sweets, fried foods or sugary drinks, including Gatorade.
There was no candy, no sugary cereals.
Times, Sunday Times
Apart from the damage that drinks dispensing machines are doing to school pupils' teeth, cans of sugary drinks are also adding to their daily calorie intake, resulting in obesity.
The world of kitsch is in a certain measure a heartless world, in which emotion is directed away from its proper target towards sugary stereotypes, permitting us to pay passing tribute to love and sorrow without the trouble of feeling them.
Roger Scruton on Beauty
Given their love of luxe, Leos tend to overindulge in delectably unnecessary high-fat and sugary goodies.
The flavour, however, is less sugary than you might be led to expect, salty and redolent of rosemary, garlic and vinegar.
“Fight Club” is a critique of patriarchy like a non-fat, artificially sweetened white chocolate mocha is a critique of sugary coffee drinks.
Matthew Yglesias » Fight Club
At the screening, you'll drink a sugary liquid and then take a blood test one hour later.
The short Serenades are also quite pretty and Hanson makes the most out of their sugary sentimentality.
Sharing space with the sweet and sugary stuff will be all kinds of inedible things from consumer durables and garments to furniture and lifestyle products.
They could have stood up perfectly well by themselves, as a dessert in their own right, without some sugary over-cooked egg white as a prop.
You won't have room for fattening sugary snacks between meals!
Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
Unlike those sugary and calorie-heavy sports drinks, this super-concentrated drink mix helps you turn at least 16 fl . oz. of boring, bland water into a raspberry taste sensation.
Dead Lift degenerative problems dementia depression desaturase desserts, sugary detox exercise forinternalin the liverseven channels oftestingdetox formula diabetes adult-onsetand good fatsand inflammationand obesitydiallyl sulfide DAS
The Fiber35 Diet
You won't have room for fattening sugary snacks between meals!
Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
The Food Standards Agency said adverts for fast food outlets and sugary drinks are fuelling childhood obesity and sowing the seeds for future ill-health.
Aphids are well known for their production of honeydew, a sugary liquid excreted in great abundance by these sap-feeding insects.
The bit about not only sugary things tasting good shows Pomelo capering through asparagus-spiked hills.
A Tiny Ambassador to Entrancing Worlds
According to research published in 2003, kids breakfasting on fizzy drinks and sugary snacks performed at the level of an average 70-year-old in tests of memory and attention.
The city's worth a visit for that alone - three scoops of high-roast ground Cuban coffee to a trickle of scalding water, served in sugary shot measures that simply electrify the system.
For our lunches we would have buttery mayo sandwiches, crisps and lots of sugary snacks.
The Sun
I was dreading the prospect of hospital fare: bland food and sugary drinks.
The Sun
Dry folks also tend to be healthier than the sweet drinkers as they don't eat as much sugary food.
The Sun
Now, with the latest news that one in 12 children will be obese by the age of six, some schools are considering taking out machines selling sweets, chocs and sugary drinks in favour of bottled water and fruit juice.
Yet the music they played, fuzzed garage punk that lifted liberally from such diverse strands as doo-wop, vaudeville, blues and sugary teen pop, absolutely refused to take any prisoners.
So when I needed a little sugary fix, I always knew that I could stop by my mother's house and grab a licorice twist or peppermint patty.
He came up with a witty scenario worlds away from the sugary sentimentality of most productions of the classic ballet.
Of course, the opportunities for school milk vending have been well documented and are growing, as school systems across the country tackle youth obesity by banishing sugary soft drinks from lunchrooms.
The wines of the Sauternes appellation, at their best, are golden to orange marmalade in colour and possess a fabulous complex sweetness, without oiliness, sugary fatness or unctuousness.
I swapped sugary cereals for smoothies made from fruits such as blueberries and raspberries.
The Sun
She cleared out the sugary snacks and stocked up on fruit and vegetables.
The Sun
The tree resembles a bank account whose income (sugary food) is fixed but whose outgo (respiration and new wood) keeps mounting.
However, Darcey's favourite nibble slips down the nutritional pecking order on account of its sugary fondant centre.
A sweet tooth One of the most curious symptoms of candidiasis is a craving for sugary foods or for foods containing yeast.
They trucked these, and many more like them, in from Hamtramck and they were tasty--yeastier than a regular donut and the not-overly-sweet prune filling helped my grown up taste buds handle the sugary richness.
Archive 2008-02-01
Too much yeast in his gut means starchy and sugary grub is fermented into alcohol.
The Sun
Something to cut the mincemeat is a good idea, but this is strictly for lovers of tinned custard, with a blanket of sugary, starch thickened yellow goop doing its best to mask the sharpness of the mincemeat and artificial tasting pastry. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
For a particularly thrilling, inappropriate sugary treat, we would eat Fizzies, undissolved.
In spring you see clematis montana rubens everywhere, sugary pink, scentless and often clashing with equally ubiquitous but bright chrome yellow Forsythia.
Then in a sugary way he said he had no time for us and attends only to the people in his constituency.
Downsize potatoes, pasta, rice and fatty and sugary foods, and super size fruit and vegetables.
So when I need a little sugary fix, I always knew that I could stop by my mother's house and grab a licorice twist or peppermint patty.
Farmers have traditionally used sugary solutions to attract red ants to feed on insect larvae.
For the salad recipe I add two large pinches of sugar, just a bit to allow onions to give up their sharpness and to mellow in sugary juices.
Email from my friend V regarding potatoes...
However, travelers with a sweet tooth should take the N111 to the north and stop at the village of Tentegal, famed throughout the land for its sugary cigar-shaped pastries.
Enjoy the Ride
Very little in this world is so awful that a nice piece of cake and a cup of sugary tea won't sort it out.
Times, Sunday Times
He deprecates Dylan's uncontrollable taste for sugary snacks: ‘It starts with some sweets… ‘he drones knowingly, ‘and then you're on two bags a day.’
You're very into the sensitive, sugary stuff that sentiments are made of.
They want to do this to sugary drinks.
The Sun
Limiting intake of sugary foods and regular brushing and flossing all contribute to your child's dental health.
Hungary Taxes on a range of sugary and salty snacks and drinks.
Times, Sunday Times
The experts tell us that fluoride will protect the teeth of young children whose parents over-indulge them with sugary drinks, sweets and snacks.
It was dropped as sugary, saltier and meatier food became cheaper.
Times, Sunday Times
The term is obviously derived from Twinkie, but the association with a sugary snack is not obvious -- I surmise that the usage may come from gay slang, in which a "twinkie" is a cute young man with an older lover.
Boing Boing: November 16, 2003 - November 22, 2003 Archives
Rarely, small nodules are found that have a ‘sugary’ texture, which is composed of compact masses of minute glassy crystals.
The most common type of tooth damage is decay, caused by a combination of poor toothbrushing and a sugary diet.
Best not to linger over the ballads on the follow-up to his Concord debut: Cincotti clearly has a weakness for sugary sentiment.
The implants of piety, they are diabetically sweet, so blissfully sugary that you get a deific rush.
Times, Sunday Times
Though it does soundtrack a sad scene for lovely Kurt, it was one of the world's most sickly songs in the first place, and the Glee treatment turns it so sugary it makes candyfloss taste like salt and vinegar crisps.
Glee is back but which song will be the new Don't Stop Believing?
August may be high summer for us, but for wasps the year is already in decline; it is when they switch from food high in protein, necessary for rearing their young, to sugary foods.
It was big, with pink frosting and sugary lettering arranged across its uneven, bumpy surface: ‘Happy Fifteenth Birthday Roberta’.
Do not add sugar or put sugary drinks in a baby's bottle.
Casein reportedly counters the effect of corrosive plaque acid from sugary foods and puts a protective film on teeth.
Ban the sale of confectionery and sugary drinks to the under-16s.
Times, Sunday Times
The specimen was a classic Lengenbach assemblage: sugary white dolomite matrix, realgar, minor pyrite, and a massive metallic gray sulfosalt that had been labeled as ‘sartorite.’
Each singer is tucking into a bowl of sugary cereal.
Times, Sunday Times
After the 10 days, the rats were given a sugary, chocolate-flavoured snack as well as regular rat chow.
For example: an amoeba might gaily multiply itself into proliferous plurality, gobbling up all the sugary water in the vicinity -- until there is no more sugar and too many amoebae, who then all abruptly die.
Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Fracking & Fukushima: More Obscene Than The Word They Sound Like
You won't have room for fattening sugary snacks between meals!
Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
They suddenly appeared in antique shops in England in the 1970s; of a grainy, sugary texture, they probably come from Murano.
I was dreading the prospect of hospital fare: bland food and sugary drinks.
The Sun
When you drink a sugary soda by itself, your insulin levels surge.
Some 90+ miles of paths criss-cross the city, including the one running parallel to the four-some miles of sugary sands making up Copacabana, Ipanema and Lelbon beaches, as well as the path circling Lagoa Rodriguo de Freitas, a salt-water lagoon, and along the bayside Flamengo Park.
Jeanine Barone: 8 Myths About Rio de Janeiro
I just shook my head and slurped the sugary milk out of my bowl.
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Too much yeast in his gut means starchy and sugary grub is fermented into alcohol.
The Sun
Tall glasses of sugary sweet lassis were poured.
The band could use some stinging ballast to balance their sugary tendencies.
Adjusting to the rhythms of American life, I immersed myself in dodgeball, Saturday morning cartoons and sugary cereal.
Marsha Mehran biography
The sun was just setting when the captain and Chris reappeared bearing gourds full of smoking fish, and sweet sugary yams, and ears of curious small kernelled Indian corn.
The Boy Chums in the Forest or Hunting for Plume Birds in the Florida Everglades
The sangria was way too sugary and sweet with mere hint of wine and no trace of liquor.
Best of all, though, is the restaurant's raspberry napoleon, a delicate structure made with fresh cream and layers of lightly sugary pastry.
Instead of soft clouds of sweetly sour fruit tucked beneath a comforting blanket of biscuity pastry, the tatin brazenly displays its wares, stickily caramelised and decadently buttery, on the outside – the humble base reduced to a mere vehicle for the apples in their sugary finery.
How to cook perfect tarte tatin
You won't have room for fattening sugary snacks between meals!
Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
There was no candy, no sugary cereals.
Times, Sunday Times
Scientists in this study "hypothesized that sugary soda consumption was associated with albuminuria, a sensitive marker for kidney disease.
How drinking too much sugary soda pop raises risk of kidney disease in women
How shall I baste you? she torments the trapped children in her house of sugary temptation before the kids, as legend demands, turn the tables on her and toss her in the oven.
Matt's TV Week in Review
To get thin, you should eat before you go grocery shopping, not buy fatty or sugary foods, have healthy stuff on hand for snacks and tie yourself to the mast by discarding or making unpalatable any yummies lying around.
If you visit, I implore you to steer clear of the white-flour buns, the sugary sodas and the piles of "flatliner fries" that accompany the burgers in the restaurant's signature bedpan plates.
Dr. Andrew Weil: Fat or Carbs: Which Is Worse?
But public health experts warned against drinking large quantities of sugary drinks in a bid to boost memory function.
And I've now got it in my head that the sugary oats bound together with sugar and dipped in syrup (with some extra sugar mixed in) are topped with yoghurt flavoured lard.
At this point you would feel decidedly shaky and would want more sugary food.
The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
Eating sugary food and drinks frequently is the main cause of tooth decay.
Dry folks also tend to be healthier than the sweet drinkers as they don't eat as much sugary food.
The Sun
School systems across the country, aiming to do their part to improve childhood nutrition and stem the tide of obesity, are turning in greater numbers against sugary soft drinks and other junk food.
I think I'll spread it out over a couple of days this time, saving the real schmaltzy, sugary thanks to family and friends for Thursday.
Very little in this world is so awful that a nice piece of cake and a cup of sugary tea won't sort it out.
Times, Sunday Times
The foundation has also called for sugary, acidic foods and drinks to be removed from school vending machines.
Times, Sunday Times
The coconut macaroons are far more delicious, little sugary balls of the desiccated nut.
Mott's is taking on more importance in the portfolio as it participates in the faster-growing noncarbonated beverage segment and offers healthier choices than sugary sodas.
Mott's Adds Vegetable Drink, Taking Aim at Campbell's V8
I eat a high protein diet, with lots of wholegrain carbs, fruit and vegetables and avoid sugary foods.
Times, Sunday Times
Milk as it comes from the cow is a warm, sugary, proteinaceous substance, a lively medium for bacterial growth.
The Dirty Life
Soda, fruit juice, sweets, protein shakes sweetened with sugar and other forms of sugary foods should be reduced so you can include white bread in your diet without adding unwanted bodyfat.
Out of love for me and concern for my overall health and in light of my family history of diabetes and my tendency to drink vasty quantities of sugary drinks, preferentially Dr. Pepper, and further in consideration of my strong desire not to obtain a second dog, Brianna and I have entered into the following agreement:
Meanwhile, art continues...
She also hardly considers the damaging impact of vegan junk foods such as sugary sweets and chips.
The Times Literary Supplement
In addition, children from families who eat a lot of sugary foods and drink sweet liquids, who have a lot of cavities, and who do not go to the dentist very often are at risk for cavities.
While jostling in the drum, they are sprayed with a sugary liquid that hardens into a white candy shell.
She also hardly considers the damaging impact of vegan junk foods such as sugary sweets and chips.
The Times Literary Supplement
His house is a biscuit-free zone and he has replaced such sugary temptations with gargantuan bowls of fruit for him and his family to snack on.
Something called Sticky Toffee Pudding was infused with a delicate, gourmet gooeyness, and the banana cream pie had the kind of sugary, cheesecake-style crust you rarely see south of the Mason-Dixon line.
Oh, that last cake looks so beautiful and so good. *dreams of sugary creme cake*
Show and Tell
She poured cereal into a bowl and watched as the small sugary puffs of chemicals made a plink sound on the blue ceramic.
English method of cheating involving making the old ball swing by impregnating it with sugary saliva, voodoo or as-yet-unidentified unfair dinkum substance.
The Ashes 2010 A-Z: baggy greens, doing a Harmy and lucky red hankies
The foundation has also called for sugary, acidic foods and drinks to be removed from school vending machines.
Times, Sunday Times
You won't have room for fattening sugary snacks between meals!
Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
As Halloween rolls gustily around the corner, some of us might wax nostalgic for the hallowed eves of yore -- when we ate our weight in sugary sweets, dressed up in uncomfortable costumes and listened to stories that we knew would give us nightmares.
13 Haunted Campuses (PHOTOS)
A hamper of goodies is delivered to your room, crammed with enough sugary treats to stock a tuck-shop: popcorn, chocolate and sweeties.
Liquid supplements, although appealing, are usually in a sugary syrup and are therefore not ideal.
The Family Nutrition Workbook
Too much yeast in his gut means starchy and sugary grub is fermented into alcohol.
The Sun
Avoid sugary drinks and snacks between meals and especially at bedtime.
I like the butteriness and sugary crunch of a plain palmier, especially with a cup of tea or coffee.
Toffee Palmiers | Baking Bites
This can cause symptoms of faintness, sweating and a pounding heart, and if not treated by eating or drinking something sugary, can lead to collapse and coma.
But there has been a feeling among some that he may have allowed sugary sentiment to cloud his judgment about players' grumbles over their guidance.
I like discovering something about a place that's maybe a bit harsh, rather than just taking the sugary bits.
Times, Sunday Times
Most ended up as souvenirs in less eco-friendly times, but the remaining few are scattered over the sugary white sands.
The Sun
In addition, children were drinking huge quantities of sugary drinks which they bought from vending machines and at convenience stores and also drank at home.
Unfortunately, they turned out to be quite unattractive, with the datolite being a dirty white to cream color and having a texture that is granular to sugary rather than porcelaneous.
It was so much less sugary.
Times, Sunday Times
It has been blended with everything from tart lime juice to sugary strawberry concentrate, and even clam juice and horseradish just to get it down our gullets.
Hungary Taxes on a range of sugary and salty snacks and drinks.
Times, Sunday Times
As a friend of mine observed with some asperity, ‘Who cares if they're fresh and locally grown if they're covered in sugary goo?’
The first mouthful releases a sugary rush which almost puts my teeth on edge.
The Sun
Sugary drinks such as sodas fill you up with calories but provide no real nutrients.
Banoffee pie was a sticky, sugary finale.
Times, Sunday Times
It was so much less sugary.
Times, Sunday Times
Everybody always used to eat porridge in Scotland and then we went onto the horrible sugary cereals.
The latter's sugary European sentimentalism wouldn't matter, but for his position as one of Ireland's three members on the Convention on the Future of Europe.
Though the location has since changed, the mixing ritual is the same: The bespectacled Mr. Barr samples each flavor from its large tank, confirms that it's fit for the purpose and calibrates the proportion required to make the sugary drink "taste like magic.
It Isn't Iron and It Isn't Brewed, But Irn-Bru Hews to Its Orange Hue
Depending on your mood, you'll enjoy it as a sobbing tearjerker or loathe its sugary, contrived and maudlin morality laid on with a trowel.
If the word eliminate only makes you want them more, then make a pact with yourself to systematically cut back until you have only the occasional soda or other sugary drink as part of a planned treat.
The Life You Want
Hurriedly passing through the muscadine patches and mashing the sugary juices between his toes, he stopped just beyond the edge of the brush, hearing what he thought to be a horse trying to catch its breath.
The Highest Price for Passion
There is also a tendency to eat more starchy and sugary foods and put on weight.
Times, Sunday Times
That turned out to be the start of an afternoon of stodgy chocolate cake, sugary donuts and a bag of free pastries from the coffee shop where they're getting to know our order before we even give it.
The whole thing's coated with a sugary Gen X slackerness that, for probably the first time in five years, doesn't seem silly or contrived.
Hotteok is a type of yeasted pancake filled with a sugary filling.
A bite of Seoul street food: Hotteok | Baking Bites
His raspberry napoleon consists of fat, fresh berries stacked on layers of sugary phyllo pastry, with rich deposits of lemongrass-coconut curd in between.
She cleared out the sugary snacks and stocked up on fruit and vegetables.
The Sun
I don't quite recollect, I'm afraid; but anyhow, some comical little speck of a sugary, niggery, West Indian
What's Bred in the Bone
The show was designed specifically to appeal to other African-American teens, and while it was amiable enough entertainment it suffered from a sugary cuteness and too much sentimentality.
There is something quite irresistible about clouds of softly beaten cream and sugary, honey-coloured meringue.
Were your taste buds trained to crave for sugary foods just through habit?
Coping with Angina
Like a hot spicy rain, it falls, it's hot spicy heat melding with the sugary sweet taste.
I have experienced occasional heartburn after I have eaten sugary snacks like cake, pie and cookies.
Many diabetic patients replace sugary foods with dietetic foods that contain sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol.
Elsewhere, the jumpy ‘Bridges, Squares’ fuses arena-ready power pop with a distinctly punky stomp that thoughtfully belies the sugary vocals.
Although the 30-year-old bride-to-be has recently revved up her fitness routine, she put aside her wedding slimdown plans to find the perfect sugary confection for her and Humphries' big day.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
As Halloween rolls gustily around the corner, some of us might wax nostalgic for the hallowed eves of yore -- when we ate our weight in sugary sweets, dressed up in uncomfortable costumes and listened to stories that we knew would give us nightmares.
13 Haunted Campuses (PHOTOS)
Dried figs are found on the market both as pressed and pulled figs. _Pressed figs_ are those which are pressed tightly together when they are packed and are so crushed down in at least one place that they are more or less sugary from the juice of the fig. _Pulled figs_ are those which are dried without being pressed and are suitable for such purposes as stewing and steaming.
Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 5: Fruit and Fruit Desserts; Canning and Drying; Jelly Making, Preserving and Pickling; Confections; Beverages; the Planning of Meals
This ice cream montage will get you drooling in no time, with slow-motion shots of sugary, melty, creamy yumminess.
The mouthparts of flies like these are unlikely to allow them to drink nectar directly from the lilly-pilly flowers, but they can still take advantage of this impromptu sugary meal.
New Scientist - Online News
The city's worth a visit for that alone - three scoops of high-roast ground Cuban coffee to a trickle of scalding water, served in sugary shot measures that simply electrify the system.
They made up for the sugary drink by eating less rice.
Times, Sunday Times
It also reveals how cooktop cleaners from Cerama Bryte, Cooktop Magic, EZ Brite, Weiman, Carbona, Easy-Off and Scotch-Brite fared against stains, sugary sauces and melting plastic.
Are your appliances ready for the holidays?
Of all sugary plant produce, none yields a commodity as highly valued or widely grown as grape wine.
The snow in the couloir is a delight, turned sugary because it has sat untouched on the hill for so long, and we whoop as we ski down it, stopping occasionally to take photos, before we eventually reach a snow-covered road in a forgotten side valley.
The Guardian World News
The Food Standards Agency advises people to eat fewer sugary foods, with carbonated drinks the biggest concern.
Their idea of love had little in common, of course, with the sugary and restrictive sentiments of bourgeois society.
Not being able to evaluate the relative importance of Turkish Delight versus princeship … being more concerned with sugary treatness than with political traction … surely Edmund could be quite literally described as in-nocent here — as “not-knowing”.
Archive 2009-01-01
Karl Lagerfeld, whose muse for Chanel Couture must be equal parts geisha, schoolgirl and American housewife circa late '50s/early' 60s, placed sugary sweet bows in each girls 'bouffant' do.
Sugary sweet goodness with chocolate and butterscotch chips still warm from the oven were sitting on the island in the kitchen… all alone… just calling to him.
Prepare everything 48 hours in advance to allow the sugary chocolate to become gooey and sticky and begin to seep into the layers of creamy cranberry.
A sweet tooth One of the most curious symptoms of candidiasis is a craving for sugary foods or for foods containing yeast.
It keeps them in their rooms, pale, antisocial and unexercised, surfacing only for pizza and sugary drinks.
Times, Sunday Times
MOST soft drinks are fizzy and sugary.
Times, Sunday Times
There is something quite irresistible about clouds of softly beaten cream and sugary, honey-coloured meringue.
This in itself would help to reduce cravings for sugary foods.
The Sun
Why do they and honey locusts have sugary pods so attractive to livestock?
It reminds one of those 'liqueur' chocolates, grandly labeled, leading one to expect delicious gastronomic sensations, but which actually yield a sickly sugary concoction.
Adjacent to the gray quartz with acanthite and gold is sugary white quartz with massive galena.
Once the sugary foods have gone from the mouth salts from your saliva act to repair the damaged enamel.
Perhaps in that moment I saw myself the way victims of my public gushing must when you read all this sugary sap about how happy we are.
Though it takes some patience to get used to the canned instrumentals, the sensitive production threaded with handclaps and sugary, multi-tracked harmonies quickly chase away any lingering skepticism.
Each singer is tucking into a bowl of sugary cereal.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1967, it reappeared on Saturday mornings, where it finally clicked with a nation of kids high on sugary cereal.
After I chilled the dough, it pretty much turned into a buttery, sugary rock.
After the collapse, I hastily bowed out and retired for a mug of hot, milky, sugary coffee.
Here's an idea: let the manufacturers pay to add it to all those sweets, sugary and fizzy drinks that are causing the problems in the first place.
Too much yeast in his gut means starchy and sugary grub is fermented into alcohol.
The Sun
A plateful of sinful chocolate eclairs sitting on the countertop were trying hard to call my name, flirting with my sweet tooth by offering promises of oozing cream and a sugary chocolate fondant topping.
Rinse the pineapple and cherries to remove sugary coating and pat dry on kitchen paper.
The scheme is part of an attempt by ministers to wean young Scots off their traditional diet of chips, sugary drinks, crisps and chocolate.
The film does wisely refrain from becoming sugary or mawkish, at least, and the strong array of supporting characters is another substantial point in its favor.
There is deep frustration in staffrooms that school catering companies continue to stock vending machines with sugary drinks and sweets, despite the damage they can do to pupils' health and behaviour.
Yet the music they played, fuzzed garage punk that lifted liberally from such diverse strands as doo-wop, vaudeville, blues and sugary teen pop, absolutely refused to take any prisoners.
I like discovering something about a place that's maybe a bit harsh, rather than just taking the sugary bits.
Times, Sunday Times
The mayor and governor contend that extending the bar to sugary drinks is worthwhile as an attempt to try to reduce the growing public health problems of diabetes and obesity.
Gillibrand Not Sweet On Sugary Drinks Plan