How To Use Suffrage In A Sentence
Legislative authority is now vested in a unicameral National Congress, with 100 members elected for five years by universal adult suffrage.
They also declared that the president of the republic should be elected by universal suffrage.
The final programmes will engagingly escort us to the present day, via a coin defaced by Suffragettes, a plate from the Russian revolution, and a credit card, to the final object.
A History of the World in 100 Objects is Radio 4 at its best
It consisted of six points: universal male suffrage, vote by ballot, equal representation, abolition of the property qualification to sit in Parliament and payment of Members of Parliament.
As a moral matter, however, anything other than universal suffrage is incompatible with the fundamental values underlying its creation: the just powers of government by consent.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Violent Misdemeanants, the Right to Bear Arms, and the Right to Vote

The unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.
The monuments and statues throughout the country commemorate generals, judges and politicians, rather than socialists, strikers or suffragettes.
In the spring of 1848 the radical press, political clubs, and the National Guard bubbled with activity in Paris and provincial cities as elections under universal manhood suffrage to the Constituent Assembly approached.
Their manner was to grant naturalization (which they called jus civitatis [the right of citizenship]), and to grant it in the highest degree; that is, not only jus commercii [the right to commercial trade], jus connubii [the right to intermarry], jus hæreditatis [the right of inheritance]; but also jus suffragii [the right of suffrage], and jus honorum [the right of holding office].
XXIX. Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates
Trinidad was granted universal adult suffrage in 1945.
He was an advocate of universal suffrage as a basis for social equality.
The women were there to lobby for women's suffrage, a demonstration that was rewarded by the passage a few years later of a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote.
The reformers were very divided in their aims, which ranged from modest franchise reform to universal manhood suffrage.
She performs abortions in secret, supports suffrage, and caters to consumptives and TB sufferers when few other boarding-house establishments will take them.
The Chinese plan would have given 5m eligible voters the chance to elect their leader by universal suffrage.
Times, Sunday Times
She was a suffragette and a birth control pioneer.
What would the suffragists and suffragettes of yesteryear think?
When Pennsylvania's Constitution was revised in 1838 to disfranchise free black men in the name of expanding white manhood suffrage, young black male reformers leapt forward to challenge it.
The women in Bolton were suffragists, not suffragettes.
Her subsequent position in the immigrant community as the proprietor of a cafe, however, is more closely aligned with middle-class social workers than with the labor activists and suffragettes of the working class.
Then freedom for the citizen represented through the political right of universal suffrage.
Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
female suffrage
Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage with one-third of the senators elected indirectly.
In 1928, all women were given the vote, thus creating universal suffrage.
The Third Republic was based upon a legislative assembly elected by universal male suffrage and proclaimed itself a thoroughly parliamentary regime.
The women in Bolton were suffragists, not suffragettes.
Minority rights, an independent judiciary and a free press were established in Britain long before full universal suffrage arrived.
Times, Sunday Times
Throughout history you would be considered open-minded if you supported desegregation, or women's suffrage, or even democracy.
He campaigned for universal male suffrage but was deaf to any suggestion that women should have the right to vote.
Times, Sunday Times
As I left, I was thinking about the duty to vote, the long and bitter fight for the universal franchise, suffragettism, the great reform acts.
Northern male black activists understood the colonization scheme as part of the same developments that denied them political freedom and suffrage.
We and many other of the Suffrage Societies were received in deputation by Mr. Asquith, only to be told the case over again.
Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
Mahatma Ghandi made effective use of political fasts, as did the British suffragists, who brought hunger strikes to the American suffrage movement.
Unwilling to release all the imprisoned suffragettes, the prison authorities force-fed these women on hunger strike.
In South Africa this year a ruling class which had always denied the vote to the great majority of the population was forced to concede universal suffrage at one blow.
Well, the states still have equal suffrage in the Senate, but this kind of what I call shyster lawyerism has been used to permit the federal government to overrun the Constitutional bounds on its powers.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Sotomayor Vote:
For the first time since the suffragettes, constitutional reform has become a popular issue.
Times, Sunday Times
The fact that their followers themselves do not have the intelligence to exercise even only the right of suffrage makes the presumptuousness much more ridiculous.
When one considers the legitimacy of Parliament, it's ironic that it has largely come about through extra-parliamentary action: the Levellers, the Chartists, the suffragettes, etc.
Hunger strikers no longer feel obliged to duplicate the gravitas of such famous trailblazers as the suffragettes and Gandhi.
Her book is a decade by decade illustrated survey of the changing role of women in the twentieth century, from the suffragettes to the modern executive.
VIRGINIA HISTORY CELEBRATION, sword-fighting and lacemaking demonstrations, artifacts from the National Museum of the Marine Corps, Colonial music and games, portrayals of Civil War spies and a suffragette parade. 11 a. m.-3 p.m.,
Prince William County community calendar, July 15-22, 2010
He agreed with Pareto that universal suffrage promoted the corrupt and devious political skills of the flatterer, the wheeler-dealer, and the populist demagogue.
Nor have we examined adequately suffrages for the dead, the question of indulgences, the role of Mary in Christian piety, or the sins of denominationalism against the communion that is God's present gift.
The President would be elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a five-year term.
I, however, stood boldly up for the great and just principle of universal suffrage, and moved, as an amendment to the motion made by Mr. Cobbett, that instead of _householder suffrage_, universal suffrage should be substituted.
Memoirs of Henry Hunt, Esq. — Volume 2
This constitution guarantees equality of the sexes, extends suffrage to all adult citizens, underscores the emperor's postwar renunciation of claims to divine status, and assigns the emperor a symbolic role as head of state.
Although women could work in slums or in the back country of foreign lands, national suffrage would surely permanently soil them.
Over the last hundred years, suffragettes, hunger marchers, miners, pro-fox hunters and campaigners against police brutality, the poll tax, fuel tax and the prohibition of cannabis have all congregated in Hyde Park.
To hundreds of suffragettes campaigning for women's right to vote, the form represented an opportunity to get their message across.
The Sun
There is a unicameral Legislative Assembly of 70 seats, 62 of which are elected by universal adult suffrage for five years.
But as for kicking up the particular kind of shindy that the Suffragettes are kicking up, I would as soon do it for my shallowest opinion as for my deepest one.
All Things Considered
Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage with one-third of the senators elected indirectly.
There is a Federal Assembly of 42 members, elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term.
He still nursed his grievances, for pet grievances are not yet included in the tax on luxuries, but these were no longer suffragettes and lawyers, but slugs, "mawks," and
More Tales of the Ridings
Protesters managed to dodge an encampment of police to unfurl a long banner calling for universal suffrage.
Times, Sunday Times
He spoke with scorn of the "rights of women," their demand for the suffrage, and the _cohue_ of female authors, expressing himself in terms of ridiculous disparagement of writers so eminent as George Sand and George Eliot; but he strenuously advocated the claim of women to a recognised medical education.
Thomas Carlyle
The first concerned the progress of the American suffrage movement as a whole.
Consuelo & Alva: Love and Power in the Gilded Age
Like universal free public education, universal suffrage is a truly revolutionary concept.
Yesterday I Voted
The Assembly voted to suspend the monarchy and convoke a new body elected by manhood suffrage, the Convention, to draw up a republican constitution for the country.
Women in France, where there was virtually no suffrage movement, got the right to vote just a quarter of a century later than their British sisters - and moreover got it from the right wing, pro-Nazi Vichy government.
The longest - and most controversial - chapter in the book is devoted to the suffragettes.
In their funerals and suffrages for the dead, they make great difference between the rich and the poor.
To hundreds of suffragettes campaigning for women's right to vote, the form represented an opportunity to get their message across.
The Sun
She was known as the Kansas pythoness in those days before women's suffrage made such references to a woman's sex politically incorrect.
Ken Blackwell: Piddler on the Roof
Her house was a congregation for many of her activist friends, including the famous suffragettes Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott.
In the final analysis, he argued, there is no right of suffrage in the election of a president.
Popular suffrage meant that rival factions would shout for their own candidate.
Legislative authority is now vested in a unicameral National Congress, with 100 members elected for five years by universal adult suffrage.
This resulted in the multivolume set called History of Woman Suffrage.
Five People Born on February 15 | myFiveBest
Protesters managed to dodge an encampment of police to unfurl a long banner calling for universal suffrage.
Times, Sunday Times
But it has dragged its feet on expanding suffrage for the election of officials at higher levels.
‘The ultimate aim of having universal suffrage in our democratic development process will not change,’ Tung said.
‘My feeling is that rioting and violence don't give solutions, but it was the only option for the suffragettes, as they didn't have any say through the normal democratic channels,’ says McCallum's great-niece.
Universal suffrage is an impracticable piece of nonscense; — Republicanism will only do in new establishd countrys: not in those which have been govern'd by Kings for a thousand years. —
Letter 354
Vain to call in universal-suffrage parliaments at that stage: the universal-suffrage parliaments cannot give you any breath of life, cannot find any _wisdom_ for you; by long impiety, you have let the supply of noble human wisdom die out; and the wisdom that now courts your universal suffrages is beggarly human _attorneyism_ or sham-wisdom, which is _not_ an insight into the Laws of God's Universe, but into the laws of hungry Egoism and the Devil's Chicane, and can in the end profit no community or man.
Latter-Day Pamphlets
Suffragettes were jailed for offences ranging from disrupting political meetings or refusing to pay taxes, to assault.
The suffragettes donned red lipstick as a feminist statement at a time when only tarts and actresses wore the old war paint.
He became enmeshed in the suffrage movement that Olive supported.
Times, Sunday Times
Page 31 disfranchised, which is a practical satire on the universal suffrage dogma to which the American negro and his particular friends have ever been so especially devoted.
The Liberian Exodus. An Account of Voyage of the First Emigrants in the Bark "Azor," and Their Reception at Monrovia, with a Description of Liberia--Its Customs and Civilization, Romances and Prospects.
Or of geon, that is a wrestler, for he was a pastor and a wrestler he fed his flock with the word of preaching, with suffrages of praying, and with example of conversation.
The Golden Legend, vol. 2
For many of the citizens, who have been promised free elections by universal suffrage, that is not enough.
Times, Sunday Times
He criticised him for downplaying the importance of public opinion about wanting to see universal suffrage in 2007.
There is a unicameral Legislative Assembly of 70 seats, 62 of which are elected by universal adult suffrage for five years.
She was a suffragette and a birth control pioneer.
When, contrary to the old-established custom of the demagogue, the little politician in homespun had confided to the men in front of him what he thought of them, he told them that the Woman's Movement which they held themselves so clever for ridiculing, was in much the same position to-day as the Extension of Suffrage for men was in '67.
The Convert
Nothing brings out my inner suffragette more than a film that announces its allegiance to post-feminism.
He uses the suffragettes as ‘effective extra-parliamentary protest’ but fails to mention that not until the militants began a campaign of fire-raising and window-smashing were they taken seriously.
Waiving humanity, national honor, the claims of gratitude, the precious satisfaction arising from deeds of charity and justice to the weak and defenceless, -- the appeal for impartial suffrage addresses itself with great pertinency to the darkest, coldest, and flintiest side of the human heart, and would wring righteousness from the unfeeling calculations of human selfishness.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue
Both these men had publicly thanked the Suffragettes for their notable share in piling up those triumphant and highly significant majorities.
The Convert
suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males
During these years, suffrage demands by women became increasingly vocal and difficult to ignore.
The Minister of State is responsible to the Prince, not to the National Council elected by a general suffrage.
Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage with one-third of the senators elected indirectly.
Abolitionists, freethinkers, and suffragettes found spiritual innovation compatible with their quest for social reform.
All elections are by universal adult suffrage.
Bulgaria's 1991 constitution, which established a parliamentary republic, provides for a multiparty parliamentary system and free elections with universal adult suffrage.
But comparing these people with our low-turnout, low-commitment electorate, I felt the Chartists and suffragettes would recognise them as fellow spirits.
In some places (the so-called "scot and lot" boroughs) the suffrage was exercised by all rate-payers; in others, by the holders of particular tenements ( "burgage" franchise); in others (the "potwalloper" (p. 024) boroughs) by all citizens who had hearths of their own; in many, by the municipal corporation, or by the members of a guild, or even by neighboring landholders.
The Governments of Europe
Released on bail, Lilburne, who from prison had issued an "Agreement of the Free People," calling for annual parliaments elected by manhood suffrage and the free election of unendowed church ministers in every parish, now published an "Impeachment for High Treason against Oliver Cromwell and his son-in-law, James Ireton," and declared that monarchy was preferable to a military despotism.
The Rise of the Democracy
The outspoken wet in a dry, dry Liberal Party was fronting the official celebrations for this week's centenary of female suffrage.
Pearl is an out and out believer in temperance and woman suffrage, and before she was through, she had every one with her – as one man put it, he'd like to see the women vote, if for nothing else than to get Pearl Watson into
Purple Springs
But it will be said, perhaps, that candidates for [122] political influence and leadership, who thus caress the self-love of those whose suffrages they desire, know quite well that they are not saying the sheer truth as reason sees it, but that they are using a sort of conventional language, or what we call clap-trap, which is essential to the working of representative institutions.
Culture and Anarchy
This disagreement divided the women's suffrage movement for a generation to come.
America Past and Present
Trinidad was granted universal adult suffrage in 1945.
Each advert screened sepia film clips of suffragettes marching with banners proclaiming the need for votes for women.
Times, Sunday Times
On semi-doubles and those of a lesser rite the suffrages are now reduced to a single antiphon and orison which is common to all the saints heretofore commemorated, whilst the preces ( "Miserere" and versicles) formerly imposed on the greater feriæ are now suppressed.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
The unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.
They wear green, purple and white - or more commonly, simply purple - the colours chosen by the early suffragettes of the Women's Social and Political Union, an organization in Britain in the early 1900s.
She began to believe that the suffragette cause needed an actual martyr to bring it the publicity it needed.
February 25th, 2009 at 12: 32 pm about blum: I believe Matt chose the right one: under the fourth republic, the “president du conseil” was sole head of government, elected by universal suffrage (ok, minus the women), which is more impressive for a minority and in light of the not insignificant antisemitism of the time.
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They are chosen by the people, by secret suffrages, and they are discouraged from speaking with anyone in private.
Suffragettes were among the first feminists in Britain.
The area of political rights involves suffrage and women's rights to run for office, or hold appointed positions of power in government.
Interestingly enough, this was centered on many Protestant woman suffragettes who by law voted in school committee elections but were denied the vote for other city offices.
Instead, Douglass went on to argue, the "appeal for impartial suffrage" must address itself "to the darkest, coldest, and flintiest side of the human heart" and must "wring righteousness from the unfeeling calculations of human selfishness.
Rhetoric of Freedom
The unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.
When one considers the legitimacy of Parliament, it's ironic that it has largely come about through extra-parliamentary action: the Levellers, the Chartists, the suffragettes, etc.
Successive extensions of the right to vote produced universal adult suffrage by 1928 and made the House of Commons representative of the nation.
There is a Federal Assembly of 42 members, elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term.
Hardheaded and softhearted, she soon earns the nickname of “the vampire suffragette.”
WEEKLY BOOK RELEASES FOR MAY 9TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
There is a unicameral Legislative Assembly of 70 seats, 62 of which are elected by universal adult suffrage for five years.
It is the significance of laws guaranteeing free speech, universal suffrage, and equality before the law.
The suffragettes claimed their place in social history by fighting for women to get the vote.
On the other hand, their campaign clearly set back the cause by antagonizing many non-militant women and by alienating pro-suffrage members of Parliament.
During these years, suffrage demands by women became increasingly vocal and difficult to ignore.
Take the most broadly transformational political acts in the history of the U.S. -- the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation and the approval of the 14th Amendment in the 1860s, women's suffrage in 1920, the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act of the mid-1960s, the establishment of the EPA and the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act in the early 1970s, to name a few.
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This first clause, then, fixes the class of persons to whom belong this right of suffrage -- _Federal suffrage_ -- not State suffrage.
History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
In 1851, ex-slave Sojourner Truth addressed a convention of white suffragettes and white ministers debating which issue was more important, abolition or women's suffrage.
There is a Federal Assembly of 42 members, elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term.
She said, "So far as being a believer in free love, I have been married twice and frequently been asked not to use my husband's name att — my maiden name was Chapman — because it's been used against the suffrage movement by cheap slurs.
Oral History Interview with Adele Clark, February 28, 1964. Interview G-0014-2. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
And we had mony stalwarts amang the Scottish Suffragette movement.
As political goals go, universal suffrage is pretty concrete and non-fictional.
Matthew Yglesias » George Will’s Odd Aversion to Democracy
Susan B. Anthony, the American champion of woman's suffrage, was also a participant in the movement to end slavery.
He was very gregarious and generous, and also a progressive politician who campaigned for the abolition of capital punishment and women's suffrage.
Times, Sunday Times
The suffragette movement campaigned for votes for women in Britain and the US.
Sometimes the father decides the matter himself; sometimes he or the relative who stands in loco parentis calls for a plebiscit on the subject; for such an extension of the suffrage has gradually crept even into patriarchal institutions.
The Soul of the Far East
The granting of universal suffrage in 1931 did not immediately undermine their position.
In the late nineteenth century, feminism, suffrage, political action, self-culture and self-help devolved in the women’s club movement, which enjoyed a heyday from the 1890s through the 1920s.
Lifting As We Climb: the Women’s Club Movement | Edwardian Promenade
What would the suffragists and suffragettes of yesteryear think?
The women's suffrage movement was brought to fruition, as was the campaign against alcohol.
The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
We all know there are laws that apply to planning applications, although if the suffragettes and Chartists had adopted an attitude of apathy and did not stand up to be counted all those years ago, we would not now have the vote.
It took the American suffragette movement half a century to win in 1920 the right to vote.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
Two Latvian anarchists hold out for seven hours in a gun battle with more than 200 armed police following a botched robbery at a jeweller's shop in Houndsditch.1912 Sylvia Pankhurst, left, forms the East London Federation of Suffragettes1915 Aerial bombing comes to London with a Zeppelin raid dropping incendiaries on Shoreditch, Spitalfields, Stepney, Stratford and Leytonstone1936 The battle of Cable Street.
How power, money and art are shifting to the East End
However, pressure from public opinion to broaden the suffrage was becoming too great to be resisted in the late 1870s.
Unusually for a parliamentarian, his roots are sunk deep in the historical soil of extra-parliamentary rebellion, from the Chartists and the Tolpuddle Martyrs, to the Suffragettes and the anti-poll tax protesters.
The suffragettes had to fight to get the vote for women.
In some places (the so-called "scot and lot" boroughs) the suffrage was exercised by all rate-payers; in others, by the holders of particular tenements ( "burgage" franchise); in others (the "potwalloper" (p. 024) boroughs) by all citizens who had hearths of their own; in many, by the municipal corporation, or by the members of a guild, or even by neighboring landholders.
The Governments of Europe
The difference is that all of us today can play a direct role in choosing our leader thanks to universal suffrage.
Times, Sunday Times
There is a unicameral Legislative Assembly of 70 seats, 62 of which are elected by universal adult suffrage for five years.
Yet, great as is the victory over conservatism which is represented in the accomplishment of man suffrage, infinitely greater will be the attainment of woman suffrage.
Political parties formed the cornerstone of representative systems long before universal suffrage.
The Times Literary Supplement
If the Magyars talk of introducing universal suffrage, they want to extend it to Magyar electors, and on one condition only, viz. that all the candidates shall be of _Magyar_ nationality, or, as the Hungarian Premier, Count Esterhazy, put it, "democracy in Hungary can only be a Magyar democracy" -- that is, a system utterly at variance with the principles of justice.
Independent Bohemia An Account of the Czecho-Slovak Struggle for Liberty
Franco eliminated universal suffrage and viewed any criticism of the regime as treason.
'What about the "Sthenoboea" of Euripides, the "Revellers" of Ameipsias -- to which, as a matter of simple fact, what you call the suffrage of antiquity did adjudge the first prize, above Aristophanes' best? '
On The Art of Reading
I am wearing dark green and white with a purple scarf - suffragette colours.
She was active in the Society for Women's Suffrage.
She and her two daughters campaigned in suffragette costumes.
Times, Sunday Times
The President has dissolved the Assembly and appealed to the people and the army; he establishes universal suffrage, and has arrested his political opponents.
On this awkward affair one of my acquaintance wrote a copy of what we called verse; I liked it, but fancied I could compose something more to the purpose: I tried, and by the unanimous suffrage of my shop-mates was allowed to have succeeded.
The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 5, May 1810
British suffragists and suffragettes discovered that renewed though it was, the Liberal Party that returned to office in 1906 in no sense had votes for women on the agenda.
Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage with one-third of the senators elected indirectly.
To be sure, the question of Irish Home Rule added to the tensions inside Britain, and the suffrage controversy divided Britons on an issue with both political and emotional overtones.
From the suffragettes to the poll tax the only kind of protest that appears to get noticed is violent protest.
PRIME MINISTER and has been very busy demanding what he calls our invaluable suffrages buttonholed me the other day outside the tripe shop and commenced to tell me all the wonderful things that we dogs would get if we only elected a strong Coalition Government -- better biscuits, larger kennels, equal rabbits for all and I don't know what else.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, January 22, 1919
The churchyard is the location of the grave of Emily Wilding Davison, a lady with strong North Eastern roots who sacrificed her life for the Suffrage movement.
Two Latvian anarchists hold out for seven hours in a gun battle with more than 200 armed police following a botched robbery at a jeweller's shop in Houndsditch.1912 Sylvia Pankhurst, left, forms the East London Federation of Suffragettes1915 Aerial bombing comes to London with a Zeppelin raid dropping incendiaries on Shoreditch, Spitalfields, Stepney, Stratford and Leytonstone1936 The battle of Cable Street.
How power, money and art are shifting to the East End
The zemstvo of former times was made up of only class representatives; _the elections to the new zemstvos were effected by universal suffrage, equal, direct, and secret_.
Bolshevism The Enemy of Political and Industrial Democracy
And we had mony stalwarts amang the Scottish Suffragette movement.
This would be her last public address as head of the woman suffrage movement.
After World War II, universal adult suffrage resulted in women being grudgingly accepted as partners in the political process.
It took the American suffragette movement half a century to win in 1920 the right to vote.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
However Stephen Matthews lost some support when he invoked the women's suffrage movement.
As the movement for female suffrage grew, nineteenth-century female art students could still go nowhere unchaperoned.
The Times Literary Supplement
He was very gregarious and generous, and also a progressive politician who campaigned for the abolition of capital punishment and women's suffrage.
Times, Sunday Times
Katharine Hepburn was born into a family of free thinkers - her father a pioneering doctor in Hartford, Conn., her mother, a suffragette and birth control activist.
We look back now, to the civil rights movements and the female suffrage movements and hold our head in shame at the thought that it took us too long to grant these rights.
Protesters managed to dodge an encampment of police to unfurl a long banner calling for universal suffrage.
Times, Sunday Times
Like it or not, the activists are the suffragettes of the day and, as with the campaigners for women's votes, they attract fear, loathing and scorn in equal measure.
The President would be elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a five-year term.
After World War II, universal adult suffrage was introduced and a party system was developed.
All elections are by universal adult suffrage.
During these years, suffrage demands by women became increasingly vocal and difficult to ignore.
Because of this, along with society's progress and the development, a woman suffrage achievement vital realistic question becomes the multitudinous discipline research day by day the hot spot.
While out of office, he campaigned for further reforms, including vote by ballot, household suffrage, and triennial parliaments, embarrassing the Whig ministers.
When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?
Most of the industrialized capitalist countries had nearly complete male suffrage by the early twentieth century.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
Universal adult suffrage for everyone over 21 was finally achieved in the UK in 1928, when women between the ages of 21 and 30 secured the right to vote and the property qualification was abolished.
Indeed, Beatrice is notorious for signing the 1889 women's appeal against female suffrage, though she later recanted.
The film strives to redress this prettification of history, which is in part the suffragettes' own mythmaking.
Times, Sunday Times
The unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.
suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males
That universal suffrage is a lot more likely to happen with Gaza & a remnant of the West Bank being dumped at the doorsteps of Jordan & Egypt (they hold elections, you know). pseudonymous in nc Says:
Matthew Yglesias » By Request: Israeli Election
Half of the members were to be appointed by the government and the other half to be elected on a limited suffrage.
Willard and the WCTU also embraced the women's suffrage movement, advocating votes for women as a means of protecting the home and strengthening family values.
Legislative authority is now vested in a unicameral National Congress, with 100 members elected for five years by universal adult suffrage.
In 1909, she gave up her job as teacher and went to work full-time for the suffragette movement.
The last general election saw the lowest turnout since universal suffrage was introduced.
The projector, therefore, without mentioning the offers that have been made to him by a foreign maritime power, and _without courting_ the suffrages of British merchants in support of this plan, has it in contemplation, (_provided no attention is paid to it in England_,) to lay this eligible scheme open to a foreign power.
An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
Likewise, the Susan B. Anthony dollar, in addition to its hendecagonal design, was nice because it featured a leader of the women's suffrage movement.