How To Use Suffix In A Sentence

  • The verb garadjimbat (with transitive suffix - im and continuative aspect - bat) is from English scratch (and him and about) but means ` to dig. ' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 4
  • In forming an adjective, -esque strikes me as a more elegant suffix than -ish, as in enronish or the less critical enronlike. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Suffixes: 327 Uniques in June / 78 July 1 - 7 (49.7 \% of traffic from Search Engines) > Digital Point Forums
  • The ",nq" suffix here just asks the expression evaluator to remove the quotes when displaying the final value nq = no quotes. Site Home
  • A number of Jakarta street foods that carry the Betawi suffix, including gado-gado Betawi and sup Betawi, a spicy beef soup made with coconut and milk, came from this subset of Indonesian people. The Dish: Gado-Gado
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  • Let's try to curb our clever suffixations of the cosmopolitan ‘y.’
  • Both derive from the Latin word for house village, a collection of houses, is also linked in English, ditto the “-vile” suffix meaning city. Worse than I thought in Iowa - The Panda's Thumb
  • It would literally have meant '(Town of) flowing waters', from *rūmōn 'river; flowing water', a securely Indo-European formation built on the root *reu- 'to flow, to run (as of liquid)' and the derivational suffix *-mo-. An etymology for 'Rome'
  • So we have an ablauting -es -os suffix which would betray an unaccented schwa *a. Here's what happened to me
  • It took the "-aser" suffix, which still has some mysterioso power, even now, and added, well, what? Death Rays and Disintegrators
  • Not only do many existing words originate from Latin, many new words are constructed from Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Improve Your Vocabulary by Knowing These Latin Prefixes « Esl Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • Variants occur in B-Bc 27087 (‘Clemente nono Papa’) and LVu mus.4 (‘Clemens haud papa’) which support the theory that the suffix was created in jest rather than for practical reasons: Pope Clemens VII had died in 1534 (before the composer appeared in print), and the possibility of confusion with the poet Jacobus Papa in Ypres is just as unlikely, for in this case the surnames were quite distinct. Archive 2009-06-01
  • If the last character of the file name being saved is numeric, then the new file name increments the numeric suffix.
  • In discussing this topic on the bus from Nicosia to Kyrenia en route to the conference dinner, Nick Jaworski pointed out, that if transfer were the explanation, why is it that his Turkish students willfully produce errors like * I went Antalya, when the analogous verb + prepositional phrase exists in Turkish (even if the preposition is attached as a suffix)? May « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • The source say Intel will suffix each chip's model number with J to identify those with NX support.
  • A plausible explanation may be that, when - oo occurs as a slang suffix rather than an infix (as in superoo for super or smasheroo for smash (er)), the primary stress of the word shifts from the first syllable to the last. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 4
  • It was a suffix that didn't need to be spoken, and Vinh knew how to stick his needle into a sensitive place. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • [FN#428] In text "Yá Sultán-am" with the Persian or Turkish suffixed possessional pronoun. Arabian nights. English
  • The suffix -nomics is a back-formation from "economics," from a Greek word meaning "household management. Week in Words
  • It’s now almost as outdated in the neologism dodge as the suffixes -arama and -aholic. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • ` little, small 'and English peg (Anglo-Indian slang since at least 1864 for a drink, especially of brandy and soda water); and shroffage ` commission charged for shroffing' combines shroff (an adaptation of Hindi saraf ` banker, money-lender, 'a word borrowed from Arabic) and the English suffix - age. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 1
  • The on-for-nous passive-voice mania promotes imprecision, yet nobody wants to sprain their tongue conjugating verbs suffixed by ‘ons’.
  • The details about the data suffix the text.
  • NEW MEANINGS analyst gate mu-meson bob immune, adj. muonon, butter pat laggard suffix delocalize, v. lagger paging derrick, v. meson plasma digger microelectrode poach, v. fat receptor reduplicate, gravisphere ductibility v. moonfall electrohydraulic spinner parakite standoff resistojet fluidonics station BLENDS (2) fluoridizer zone gayola incapacitator VARIANT FORM plench Mosleyite tabbouli BOUND-MORPHEME mysterium FUNCTIONAL ITEMS (7) oceanologic, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 1
  • When I use Mythweb to output a recording as an. mpg file (using the Direct Download button) the file ends up with a name suffix consisting of ". mpg..mpg.". Ubuntu Forums
  • If I have un petit faible (une faiblette?) for this language (languette?), if certain words are sweetly chouette, and certain sounds sharply shadowed comme une silhouette ... the cause for this might just be that little suffix ette! French Word-A-Day:
  • In the sweaty grip of deadlines, when careful thought is impossible, it is comforting to be able to take a word, slap a suffix on it and make something that looks even a little original.
  • The details about the data suffix the text.
  • Etymology.-From Cretaceous, the geological epoch of the genus; and the standard suffix for thrips binomials.
  • A company or government or individual that wants a domain-name suffix must pay Icann $185,000 just to apply. Web Addresses Enter New.Era
  • Jemini (no longer suffixed by the tag ‘The Gifted One’, although he has more claim than most of his contemporaries) lets us know the deal early on in this album.
  • Terms like megastore or hypertext are also called compounds, because they are combinations of free-standing words with prefixes or suffixes.
  • The suffix o/a attaches to Pilipin - before the hypocorism to o/ay.
  • Most people only know a very few of the more common words formed using the suffix -phobia.
  • For these words the suffix is being used in the same way it was when it was first introduced in medieval times as a word-forming agent in legal English.
  • Slide 7: CH3 1 H3C - O - CH 2 CH3 2 3 1) Longest chain: isopropyl  3 carbons, pro  One bond, Alkane ending, - ane  Propane 1) Second Group: Methyl  Change to alkoxy group, methoxy 3) Position Number: 2-methoxy 4) Put the prefix and suffix together: Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The characteristic functional groups were then indicated by prefixes and suffixes with numbers to indicate their positions.
  • The suffix for numerically abbreviated ordinal numerals isn't always th in English, Becky.
  • The -m would be added by the Romans to fit their declensional types, or alternatively, it could be through an Etruscan derivative with the mass noun suffix -am. A Minoan word for red dye
  • This sort of thing, however, is paralleled in North Germanic languages like Swedish e.g. -en in pojken or -et in huset where their definite suffixes arose in the same way that Etruscan appears to have been evolving. Enclitics and noun phrases in Etruscan
  • However, the whole point of this “- s” suffix is to turn a singular into a plural. Singular “they” and the many reasons why it’s correct « Motivated Grammar
  • Mirotic comes from the Korean word "miro" (which means "maze") and the English suffix Asian
  • This suffix comes to us from Old English and is used to indicate an act or process (as in "spilth" or the more familiar "growth") or a state or condition (as in "breadth" or "length"). Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • For example, if a suffix, that is, an extra item follows the last item to be remembered in serial recall, memory for this last item is severely impaired.
  • Compared with delayed dyslexies, phonological dyslexies were impaired in the suffix deletion task but not in derivation in a sentence context.
  • As such, one imagines that the southern Nigerian Ur-linguist, confronted with Indo-European languages, would see prefixes and suffixes as beside-the-point accidents just as we see tone.
  • NOTE. — _fy_, meaning to make, is found as a suffix in derivatives too numerous to mention; as, purify (to _make pure_), rarefy (to _make rare_), classify (to _make_ or put into a _class_), etc. Orthography As Outlined in the State Course of Study for Illinois
  • Makah is our word for cat, and 'hom' refers to either people or place, so we are the people or place of the cat, depending on the suffix. Acorna's Rebels
  • [The words are on the board in this form: love + able, care + less.] “The suffix _able_ begins with the vowel _a_; therefore when it is added to the word _love_ the final silent _e_ is dropped, and the word is spelled _lovable_.” Orthography As Outlined in the State Course of Study for Illinois
  • Indeed, it would be possible to suffix almost every statement in this section with the words ‘an exception is provided by the game of such-and-such‘.
  • It’s now almost as outdated in the neologism dodge as the suffixes -arama and -aholic. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Verb/noun pairs like ignite/ignition seem to be extremely rare, so people tend to give the verb the -ate suffix.
  • Backformation is the reverse of adding an affix (i.e prefix or suffix) to a word (or if we’re not just talking about English, doing any kind of derivational operation on a word, whether it’s affixing, or repeating a portion of the word, or changing the vowels, etc.) The Volokh Conspiracy » Watch my Backformation
  • Online CAT 2009 - Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes Practice Test IIM declared the CAT result: 5000 students expected to get the call letter Savvica, Inc. LearnHub Activities
  • This gendered argument is bolstered by the verse in Exodus 13: 9 which refers to tefillin as “a sign on your hand” where the masculine pronominal suffix “your hand” (yadekha) is used to exclude women. Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.
  • Now, there are plenty of languages that are awfully low on prefixes and suffixes, although typically languages have at least something along these lines according to some linguists' analysis.
  • Half of the complex words were prefixed and half were suffixed.
  • Slide 8: 1) Place the alkyl groups joined by the oxygen atom as the prefix alphabetical CH3 - O - CH2 - CH2 - CH3 methyl propyl  "methyl propyl" 2) Put ether at the end of name as the suffix methyl propyl ether Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The suffix -na makes both adjectives AND declinable nouns because it's simply a "pertinentive" marker ie. ETP 187: More weirdness
  • After excluding unusual ones not used in modem Spanish, there are still about sixty derivatives for a single verb, and many of the transformation rules are irregular, both in suffixes and in infixes.
  • Like many Indian languages, it is polysynthetic, meaning that what we would express in a sentence the Maidu express in a single word containing a long string of suffixes.
  • The sanctity of each of these sacred places of worship is determined by the purity in one's heart and not by the suffix to one's name.
  • The main drawback of the Linnean system is that groups must be named with suffixes that denote their rank in this hierarchy.
  • It features one of his classic and most-quoted lines - "I'll be back" - and allowed us all to put the suffix "-ator" at the end of any word to describe him in a corny way. The Full Feed from
  • Suffixes are invariant so a dictionary search is meaningful. LINGUISTIC MUTATION.
  • Others were made by hitching suffixes to nouns, or by groping for roots, e. g., to deputize, to locate, to legislate, to infract, to compromit and to happify. Chapter 2. The Beginnings of American. 3. New Words of English Material
  • We usually have in mind a system where a stem is combined with various affixes, which might be prefixes, suffixes, or infixes.
  • The names of the traits obtained in N + environment are suffixed with 10, while the names of the traits obtained in N - environment are suffixed with 3.
  • Speakers began to perceive postposed *sa now as an agglutinated animate nominative suffix *-sa. Sporadic phonetic changes in the Indo-European case system
  • Suffixes (After the file name) and Prefixes (Before the file name) for easier identification of sets/shots.
  • I've also ascertained so far that the intransitive participle -θ was once *-ta whereas the homophonous agentive suffix -θ as in the names Aranθ and Vanθ was once *-ti. The Lost Vowels of Pre-Etruscan Syncope
  • The attachments of suffixes in the formatives may be seen here.
  • You will learn that the suffix burgh is pronounced burra (e.g. Edinburgh). Think Progress » Report: Blair refuses to back Iran strike.
  • You will learn that the suffix ‘burgh is pronounced ‘burra’ e.g. Edinburgh. Think Progress » Embedded TIME Reporter: Bush Lied In Speech Yesterday About Iraqi Security Forces
  • Somewhere along the way it was shortened and the suffix 'stein' was removed. Breaking: Coleman concedes
  • The apparent etymology gives us no clue either since if this is a native word, it would divide into ar 'to lift up' and -aχ, a derivational suffix with a patientive meaning. Etruscan araχ: a falcon, a hawk, both?
  • In Urdu, words have suffixes for future tense but none for the past.
  • This family has been widely publicised as suffering primarily from a defect in the use of grammatical suffixation rules, thus supposedly supporting the existence of genes specific to grammar.
  • It was a suffix that didn't need to be spoken, and Vinh knew how to stick his needle into a sensitive place. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • This reminds me of the to-do a few years back (late 20th-early 21st century) when someone Chinese decided that the suffix '-ese' had a derogatory meaning in English (as in 'journalese'). CHINESE 'JEW.'
  • The suffix *-ye/o- is found in presentives, in denominal verbs and I'd dare even say fossilized to the causative in *-eye/o-. Thoughts on the early Indo-European subjunctive 1ps ending
  • Most of said adjectives are formed off the latin roots -- equine, feline, bovine, etc. (although - phobias are, naturally, formed off the Greek; hence ailurophobia for fear of cats, instead of something like felinophobia, which would mix a Greek suffix on a Latin root -- eek, cringe). Breakfast in Bed
  • 4. The names of both groups end with the suffix pod; a gastropod is a "stomach-foot", while an isopod is an "equal-foot". Archive 2007-08-01
  • The word was formed by adding the diminutive suffix to the Spanish word for war, guerra.
  • Ke is a diminutive suffix, conveying the sense of little in reference to the size of the dog.
  • You can't really put ‘too’ in front of a word suffixed with ‘less,’ can you?
  • That comes on top of the costs of running the domain-name suffix, likely outsourced to a company already in the business, which can run anywhere from $15,000 to millions of dollars, depending on the number of users, according to Ms. Cooper of MarkMonitor. Web Addresses Enter New.Era
  • As in, they linked to Satan because the suffix ‘mon’ implied monsters, and monsters implied demonism. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Seriously?
  • The program searches a hard drive for aptly named files that are suffixed with. jpeg or. jpg, and may therefore falsely identify files and wreak havoc on the reputation of people with no connection to child pornography.
  • Together look up the derivation, the connotation, any prefixes and suffixes for the word, the root, the spelling rules that apply and the various meanings.
  • My spidey senses are telling me something disturbing though, that a noun that ends in a patientive suffix -aχ used to make derivative nouns from verbs, that uses an l-genitive normally given to feminines & neuters, and that is attested in the inessive three times screams like an inanimate object more than the term for a person. Archive 2007-12-01
  • As a sentence, it cannot be made plural by adding the nominative plural suffix for second declension nouns.
  • In Swedish, the indefinite article is a free morpheme, whereas the definite article is a suffix to the noun.
  • Words combine with words, or prefixes and suffixes combine with roots, in ways that over time drift away from perfect sense.
  • Don't you realise it is a Persian suffix which outdates Islam? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • As noted in the box, the suffixation of -ence to verbs terminating in -fer occasions a change in stress location (prefér:préference).
  • Both the morphological analysis and the suffix deletion tasks assessed morphemic manipulation in the absence of contextual cues that may facilitate lexical retrieval.
  • rhetorical bumbleberry asking trusted surveymonkey suffix mood visuals cios propertya lwph servimundos melifermuly My (and only my) best movies of the decade: The 2007 edition
  • The Hebrew term hallal (a) (a masculine noun which means “space” or “vacuum,” which the suffix [a] makes feminine) described the space of the absence of woman’s subjectivizing psychic space and the way language ignores her specificity. Artists: Israeli, 1970 to the Present.
  • Moreover, their dyslexic subgroup defined by the level of phonological impairment is impaired in suffix deletion and not so much in derivation in sentential contexts.
  • In an “agglutinative-fusional” language the derivational elements are agglutinated, perhaps in the form of prefixes, while the relational elements (pure or mixed) are fused with the radical element, possibly as another set of prefixes following the first set or in the form of suffixes or as part prefixes and part suffixes. Chapter 6. Types of Linguistic Structure
  • This suffix is used to indicate an act or process, or a thing acted upon or a condition. The Missional Path
  • Although a shapefile is composed of several different files, uDig will default to show only those files carrying the suffix ". shp", which is the sole file we need to load. LXer Linux News
  • The word to which we attach the prefixes and suffixes is called the root word.
  • Make three columns on a piece of construction paper and label them as prefixes, suffixes, and root words.
  • A morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning in a language; a bound morpheme is one that appears only in combination with another morpheme, such as the suffixes and prefixes of English. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVI No 1
  • Terms like megastore or hypertext are also called compounds, because they are combinations of free-standing words with prefixes or suffixes.
  • The name tags had been specially prepared: a blank space for your name on the first line, the printed words A Person With on the second, and on the bottom line you were supposed to print the name of your phobia, using the -ia suffix, not the -ic. Fear Itself
  • I believe the term fascist used as a suffix to a religion came from the extreme wrong wing talk radio's anus, so I do not use the term, as it only serves to perpetuate their anti personnel propagandistic agenda. by The First Casualty of War is the Truth
  • The term for females is usually derived from the base form by means of a suffix, usually - ewe, that is transparently related to ewa Far Outliers
  • An early example is the word motorcade, formed as a blend of motor and cavalcade, which created a new suffix - cade that has been used in words like aerocade, aquacade and even camelcade and tractorcade.
  • The second construes the process as a thing - the verb has been nominalized by means of the ing suffix - consequently, the temporal aspect of the process has been backgrounded.
  • In Algonquian languages, “cadie” is a suffix that means place, in combinations such as Tracadie, or Shubenacadie. Champlain's Dream
  • Different letters suffixes show statistically significant differences for P < 0.05.
  • The children had to say the base of a suffixed word pronounced by the experimenter.
  • So, like I said already, primary stress accent in Mid IE was much like in Polish and fell on the penultimate syllable (second-from-last syllable) by default unless a suffix was derived from an Old IE agglutinated enclitic in which case the antepenultimate (third-from-last syllable) was chosen. Sporadic phonetic changes in the Indo-European case system
  • The -oid suffix, rooted in the Greek for “shape,” creates a noun or adjective meaning “similar but not the same; having the characteristics of.” No Uncertain Terms
  • Obviously there is great variation in how useful, innovative, illogical, lazy, funny, awkward, redundant, etc. these coinages are, but the underlying act (word formation through - y suffixation) has a long and illustrious history. Link love: language (4)
  • Students used the highly productive suffix er rather than the less productive suffix ant to convey an agentive meaning.
  • The - ly suffix (meaning “like”, by the way, and derived from an Old English word meaning “corpse” – cool, no?) is a late-comer to English derivational suffixes, replacing the now purely phonetic final e (used to mean “adverb”, now means “long preceding vowel”). Slow down a second « Motivated Grammar
  • The name tags had been specially prepared: a blank space for your name on the first line, the printed words A Person With on the second, and on the bottom line you were supposed to print the name of your phobia, using the -ia suffix, not the -ic. Fear Itself
  • Trivial names were then formed, in English terminology, often from a prefix related to the source followed by the suffix "-ose" to denote carbohydrate.
  • If you want to back up other folders, such as the Sent mail folder, you will find them along with the inbox file, with the same ". dbx" suffix. Inside Google's Cellphone Operating System
  • The agentive suffix er, in one of its uses, designates a person who performs some schematic activity.
  • In many of these languages, nouns are composed of modifiers known as prefixes, infixes, and suffixes.
  • Most people only know a very few of the more common words formed using the suffix phobia.
  • More recently it was called fibrositis a misnomer, because the suffix ‘itis’ suggests inflammation.
  • In Latin, the suffix "- aster" indicates partial resemblance. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • The word titivate apparently was derived from tidy with a quasi-Latin suffix added. Word Fugitives
  • It is possible linguistically that joint address in the singular form would take the more common, masculine form and be followed by the more common, masculine verb forms and pronominal suffixes. Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.
  • We usually have in mind a system where a stem is combined with various affixes, which might be prefixes, suffixes, or infixes.
  • It is unlikely that such a verb as organize will shift, because of its verbal suffix: no Let's have an organize.
  • And restricting ourselves only to PIE and internal reconstruction of PIE, I've also already stated that a deictic postclitic with added support from real-world languages which do the same sufficiently explains the marked nominative in PIE without contorting the entire declensional system to eke out an ergative suffix so that you can fantasize about Hurrian links. Nipping the PIE ergative *-s theory right in the bud
  • The fact that Arabic is an agglutinative language with a complex affix structure involving prefixes, infixes and suffixes presents a special case for testing the general assumption of this study.
  • QUOTE ABOVE: This reminds me of the to-do a few years back (late 20th-early 21st century) when someone Chinese decided that the suffix '-ese' had a derogatory meaning in English (as in 'journalese'). CHINESE 'JEW.'
  • Simul atque liberatus est copias navales instituit et piratas cepit, qui crucibus suffixi sunt. Cheeseburger Gothic » Now that’s how you deal with pirates.
  • It indeed would be a devilishly subtle inflection: to imply that someone is aspiring above his station, merely by failing to reduce the vowel of the agentive suffix.
  • Unlike the suffixes or prefixes of more modern plates, yours has no year or even place-of-issue identifier information. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the Middle Dutch maken, French-speakers had added their telltale suffix -age, and the rest of the word captured how people pronounced that mix of borrowed verb and native ending. The English Is Coming!
  • To the Middle Dutch maken, French-speakers had added their telltale suffix -age, and the rest of the word captured how people pronounced that mix of borrowed verb and native ending. The English Is Coming!
  • Some linguists link fenestra with Gk. verb phainein “to show;” others see in it an Etruscan borrowing, based on the suffix -stra, as in L. loan-words aplustre “the carved stern of a ship with its ornaments,” genista “the plant broom,” lanista “trainer of gladiators.” Minimalist Christmas Update «
  • When students chunk, they look for prefixes, suffixes, or smaller words they already recognize that are inside longer words.
  • So we have an ablauting -es -os suffix which would betray an unaccented schwa *a. Here's what happened to me
  • I wouldn’t call - y suffixation gaga, but it has become very faddish. Link love: language (4)
  • For the first time in Latin lexicography, suffixes are treated as headwords, a welcome innovation and one that balances with the traditional treatment of prefixes as such. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 1
  • The word mister, as a prefix, or the word esquire, as a suffix, seemed a superfluity. Brave Men and Women
  • The name "alphabetic" can take a suffix indicating the character encoding associated with the subset: alphabetic/1252 Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • User-encoded AAC files are suffixed M4A and iTunes prevents users from converting an M4P file into any other format, though there's nothing to stop anyone burning M4Ps to audio CD and ripping back beyond a potential loss of audio quality.
  • The suffixes and infixes are organized under two headings: nouns, adjectives, and pronouns and verbs.
  • It is part of the spelling of the regular genitive plural suffix, as in a phrase like ‘several butchers' aprons’.
  • A: “Who all,” like “you all,” is a common redundant suffixal colloquialism and may be used without disadvantage in all but the most snobbish circles, even though it is not standard English. The Language Monitor
  • Derivational affixes include prefixes and suffixes like un - in ‘unsteady’ and able as in ‘knowable.’
  • Some nouns contain the Old Norse suffixed definite article (i)nn: croopan trunk of the body, fyandin the devil, knorin boat, and the Shetland sea-terms birten fire, hestin horse, monen moon, and sulin sun.
  • The scientific name of a taxon at the rank of tribe. Such names have the suffix - INI.
  • Take a look at the definite article for instance, which is denoted by a suffix in the Scandinavian languages ("bord-et", "banan-en"), and only precedes nouns as a distinct word in the West Germanic manner when the nouns are qualified by adjectives ("det nye hus" instead of "huset"). LOWLANDS LANGUAGES.
  • These include code reduction functions, prefix and suffix operations, scatter operations and data sorting.
  • Inflected languages are a variety of synthetic language in which a word takes various forms, most usually by the addition of suffixes, which show its role in the sentence.
  • the gerundial suffix `-ing'
  • These uncombined suffixes very materially modify the meaning of the verb to speak.
  • The terminating sequence -cv could only be the abbreviation of plural suffix -cva which is a regular allomorph of -xva when following a sibilant. The "Tlusc Mar" Reading Error on the Piacenza Liver
  • The perfective aspect is usually formed from the imperfective either by prefixation or by suffixation.
  • Note that these class names are suffixed with MixIn to emphasize their nature.
  • This latest group is merely a rebranding (or further classification) of people devoted to the sole purpose of defeating that guy who rightfully won a Democratic presidential election; a loose confederacy of street level strategists who are experts in the fields of clotheslining, kneecapping, smokescreening and all-out denying (also earning the honorary suffixation "ingers"). Steven Weber: To Er Is Human
  • As noted in section 15.1.1, verbs terminating in -fer, -tend, and -ceive take different suffixes when abstract nouns are formed from the verbs.
  • An exclamation mark suffixed nearly every rendering of the name at the launch in Monaco, but even Audi would not expect us to use it in perpetuity any more than Fiat expected a full stop after every reference to the original Punto.
  • Present: expressed by lack of preterit suffix in verb; and by suffixed - s Chapter 5. Form in Language: Grammatical Concepts
  • Such coinages arose on the basis of a separate suffixal model of deverbal nominalization quite rarely.
  • So, like I said already, primary stress accent in Mid IE was much like in Polish and fell on the penultimate syllable (second-from-last syllable) by default unless a suffix was derived from an Old IE agglutinated enclitic in which case the antepenultimate (third-from-last syllable) was chosen. Sporadic phonetic changes in the Indo-European case system
  • The diminutive suffix is often used in Ute and Paiute to indicate youth or affection.
  • The suffix " ist " can be added to'sex " to form the word'sexist ".
  • •Regardless of someone’s sex or marital status, the Japanese typically address a person by last name + “-san” pronounced “sahn”, a suffix showing honor. ASIAN BUSINESS CUSTOMS & MANNERS
  • Metathesis occurs in the intensive possessor suffix which displays two alternants, [ilin] and [inl-].
  • In 1969, Rolfe correctly emended the spellings of the archaeostracan families by inserting id before the familial suffix.
  • The wide use of the suffix - ette in such terms as farmerette, conductorette, kitchenette, cellarette, featurette, leatherette, flannelette, crispette, usherette and huskerette, is due to the same effort to make one word do the work of two. Chapter 6. Tendencies in American. 3. Processes of Word-Formation
  • The children had to say the base of a suffixed word pronounced by the experimenter.
  • Our own unique domain suffix is vital if we are to be recognised as a vibrant new country, and not as an internet, e-commerce and economic backwater.
  • Depending on how many layers you have, I suppose it still adds all those Prefixes or Suffixes (I can't remember which.) All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • It means "the", which otherwise you don't get in Slavic languages (though the neighbouring non-Slavic Albanian and Romanian also use a suffix to form the definite article). И сонцето е ѕвезда
  • The "-ster" suffix hasn't done anyone any favors since Napster, after all, and it sounds so very dated. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • The section devoted to the ium suffix is divided into three sub-sections: uncompounded deverbals in ium, preverb-compounded deverbals in ium and synthetics compounds in ium (primordium).
  • The same root *sub- appears to be present as in Etruscan and Egyptian and we even may be seeing an Aegean derivational suffix *-na attached. Archive 2010-07-01
  • Terms like megastore or hypertext are also called compounds, because they are combinations of free-standing words with prefixes or suffixes.
  • I find this a nice counter-example to any claim that English suffixation is obligatorily logical. 2010 February « Motivated Grammar
  • Although most Creoles have preverbal particles rather than inflections, Berbice Dutch is unique among the deeper creoles of the Caribbean in its use of a mixture of preverbal particles and suffixes in its tense-mood-aspect system.
  • You will learn that the suffix 'burgh' is pronounced 'burra'; you may elect to respell Pittsburgh as 'Pittsberg' if you find you simply can't cope with correct pronunciation. LETTER TO AMERICA / JOHN CLEESE ?
  • You will learn that the suffix 'burgh' is pronounced 'burra' e.g. Edinburgh. Notice of Revocation of Independence
  • - et - = suffix forming diminutives (198). etagx-o = story (of a house); teretagxo, ground floor; unua etagxo, second story. etend-i = (trans.), to extend, lengthen, widen. etern-a = eternal. A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
  • I think it may be Hal Draper who pointed out that -ist is usually attached by their followers to the most prominent proponent of a particular political position after their death to avoid the adulation thang, -ite is more usually attached by those who disagree, -ian is used as an academic suffix. Making Light: Open thread 134
  • Vocabulary lessons for the year include Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and root words.
  • The basic structure of Euskara uses agglutination, or the practice of adding prefixes or suffixes to words to create different meanings.
  • It was a suffix that didn't need to be spoken, and Vinh knew how to stick his needle into a sensitive place. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • The "-ster" suffix hasn't done anyone any favors since Napster, after all, and it sounds so very dated. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • It’s now almost as outdated in the neologism dodge as the suffixes -arama and -aholic. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • This is phrased in the masculine singular, just as the obligation for the Passover sacrifice in the previous verse has both the verb and the pronominal suffix on “your God” in masculine singular. Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.
  • Etymology.-For the geological epoch in which the genus occurs; and a standard suffix used in thrips binomials.
  • Town's Analysis of the Derivative Words in the English Language; or A Key to their precise Analytic Definitions, by Prefixes and Suffixes, designed to furnish an easy and expeditious method of acquiring a knowledge of derivative words, from a Knowledge of their component parts. North Carolina Schools and Academies 1790-1840 A Documentary History
  • Its structure, which adds the * ki - prefix, is suggestive of her being called the thing having the quality of * - goli, or more probably in Northeast-Coastal languages, in which * ki - became a new diminutive suffix, the younger person with the quality of * - goli. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • From today, brands can request to have their name blocked from use with the new suffix, which goes live next year. BBC News - Home
  • The suffix "- ec -" is used to form words indicating the "abstract quality" of that which is expressed in the root, or formation, to which it is attached: amikeco = friendship. fleksebleco = flexibility. ofteco = frequency. patreco = fatherhood. indeco = worthiness. patrineco = motherhood. dankemeco = thankfulness. maltrankvileco = uneasiness. A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
  • In such cases, the -or is generally interpreted as an agent suffix like the vernacular -er: author is as invariable in its spelling as writer.

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