
How To Use Sufferable In A Sentence

  • One night I asked how they could survive under such insufferable conditions.
  • Pop music has no purer form of insufferableness than the I-love-my-child motif.
  • I'm not sure the term insufferable boor is quite adequate here, I'm not saying that he's entirely without humor, but it's the sort of humor that is always tempered by a reminder of how much money he has and how he is holding it over his adult children. Outfoxed Diary Entry
  • insufferable insolence
  • I was a modest, good - humoured boy; it is Oxford that has made me insufferable.
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  • Now that I'll be just in front of Carl's office all afternoons for the rest of the semester, I'll be truly unsufferable. Getting By
  • Nay, I know that you shall not find him in Mansoul, for he is departed and gone; yea, and gone for the faults of the elders, and for that they rewarded his grace with unsufferable unkindness. The Holy War
  • Sadly I find male voices in opera absolutely insufferable.
  • What is really "insufferable" is the Obama Cult that sees Obama as some form of Savior, The Chosen One per Oprah and Farrakhan. Dean: I Want Supers To Announce Their Endorsements "Starting Now"
  • This particular image consultant appears to have neglected his own image, or maybe he is just happy with being cynical, self-centred, irascible and insufferable.
  • Those Australians are bad enough when they are crowing about their inevitable sporting victories over these islands; now they will be insufferable.
  • And then there was this matter of Jane's illness and the insufferableness of her mother's hints and schemes.
  • Was technology available to maintain a sufferable climate? Alternative to Dembski's Theodicy?
  • It's hard to imagine like-minded orchestral songsmiths Elliott Smith or Eric Matthews indulging themselves in the palpable sense of fun here without resorting to insufferable preciousness.
  • Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. Independence Day (Blog for Democracy)
  • Perhaps as a result, the low-cost carriers are also usually full of what I call "amateurs" -- families travelling on vacation, or those insufferable people who stumble through airports looking as if they've never heard of air travel before. Unsolicited Testimonial: Virgin America - Anil Dash
  • The many hours that Scott had to bear without knowing at all what was happening were insufferable.
  • The stone pages of the law have, by definition, become the absolute of literature, thus achieving a dominion over the literary world of which everyday insufferable literary critics can only dream.
  • Anastasio, and so unsufferable, that after a long time of fruitlesse service, requited still with nothing but coy disdaine; desperate resolutions entred into his brain, and often he was minded to kill himselfe. The Decameron
  • Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. The Declaration of Independence
  • This has, indeed, long since been insufferable; although it ought chiefly to be imputed to the imprudent penuriousness of our own merchants and inhabitants, who, it is to be hoped, shall, through the abolition of this seawant, become wiser and more prudent. Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
  • They plug into portable devices and laptops, and will impress even insufferable music snobs.
  • While we wait, one of us might write a speculative novel about a happy, innocent world mercifully free of insufferable literary talk.
  • Those systems will only make life more insufferable.
  • He is not only insufferable but is also costing us licence-fee payers literally millions of pounds to employ. Times, Sunday Times
  • What other cosmic reasoning can explain this insufferable, graceless production of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream now playing at the Poor Alex?
  • Among other things, voters will assume that a PNM victory in those circumstances would mean a sharp and irreversible rise, to the point of insufferableness, in the very arrogance and lack of sensitivity they now find so objectionable. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • “What an unsufferable bore that man is, and how he did talk!” the Major said. The History of Pendennis
  • When he was a schoolboy at an insufferable snob establishment on the south coast of England, George Orwell developed a strong aversion to all things Scottish.
  • Her insufferable sense of entitlement has turned her into a laughing stock.
  • (link) I did myself decide a while back that custard was like dullard, an Elizabethan rudery - "oh, you insufferable custard! Mrissa: fake swears
  • Yes, this point undoubtedly resonated with many women who have to deal with insufferable condescension and dismissal in their daily lives.
  • sufferable punishment
  • The Insufferable Know-It-All: Might have looked better in periwinkle. HP rides again
  • This is good, because if CMS wasn't filled to the brim with insufferableness then we wouldn't get any kind of satisfaction from beating them. Front Page, The Student Life (RSS)
  • Rob, who graduated 117th in his class at medical school, is an in-house sawbones with a penthouse suite, a gambling habit, and an insufferable smirk.
  • In Titanic, virtually every Englishman was insufferable, while happy Irish fiddlers and dancers created a wonderful atmosphere in steerage.
  • Hasn't the guy become insufferable since getting all this publicity?
  • The latter had his feelings highly irritated with the politics of Connecticut, and [to] the unsufferable sarcasm of a Fracas in Congress: The Battle of Honor between Matthew Lyon and Roger Griswold
  • Now every one thought the Marquesse to be a noble and wise Prince, though somewhat sharpe and unsufferable, in the severe experiences made of his wife: but The Decameron
  • Doug could be classified as the same, but he's also one of those insufferable dicks who revel in conquering things -- wilderness included. Book Review: "Hunted Past Reason" by Richard Matheson
  • But the owners of the planet, who do their utmost to make this world insufferable, add the evitable to the inevitable, and charge us for the favour.
  • In the fyrste parte is showne, the vnsufferable abuse, of a lewde Magistrate: The vertuous behauiours of a chaste ladye: The vncontrowled leawdenes of a fauored Curtisan. Even in a little thing
  • Then, too, consider his philanthropy! and deliberate how insufferable would be our case if you and I, and all our fellow parishioners, were to-day hobnobbing with other beasts in the Garden which we pretend to desiderate on Sundays! Jurgen A Comedy of Justice
  • Our top bankers are guilty of the same insufferable arrogance. The Sun
  • Then you can send your new animated, all-singing, all-dancing creation to anybody you want to, to prove exactly how insufferable you really are.
  • More cars blocking the arterial routes into Leeds have led to an insufferable increase in journey times for some commuters, a new report has found.
  • It was, to my slippery and wayward mind, one of the wonkiest, wobbliest, most sputteringly interesting years in ages, full of sound and fury and shrill, insufferable conservatism signifying nothing, but in a way that makes it seem like, you know, everything. Mark Morford: The Great Impending OMG of 2011
  • It is insufferable enough to see special interest groups and assorted dingbats cry out against and attempt to sabotage the distribution of movies, video-games, and music. Archive 2009-09-01
  • This insufferable self-serving sanctimony about freedom and liberty is more than just annoying, however.
  • It was often mistaken by both friends and enemies for an insufferable arrogance.
  • Henry of Navarre was a victim of bromidrosis; proximity to him was insufferable to his courtiers and mistresses, who said that his odor was like that of carrion. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • It meant this: He is staying here to study the character of Major Frank; well now, he shall see it in all its rudeness and insufferableness, and we shall see how long he will stay in spite of me. Majoor Frans. English
  • He is a stout defender of all field sports, and likes to shoot and to fish, yet he doesn't ride to hounds, partly because he can't stand what he calls the insufferable social life which surrounds fox-hunting.
  • I was weak from the insufferable heat which had built through the day. A DARKENING STAIN
  • As an individual he was probably insufferable: it should be enough to mention that he was a vegetarian, a teetotaller, and an anti-vivisectionist.
  • Evita, incidentally, was supposed to be three hours long, but the vivacity of musical director Penny Dodd saw it kept to a much more sufferable, even enjoyable, two hours and 20 minutes.
  • If this level of population growth were to happen in Laois, an insufferable burden will be placed on people living in the county.
  • Others, even while expressing sympathy for her sufferings, find insufferable the attempt by some politicians to deify her.
  • She disliked the president, whom she once described as an 'insufferable bore'.
  • Bulbous Baggins was aggressively wrestling Rupert, and the entire Insufferable Tribe were praying that the violent agitation underwater was doing some much-needed crust-dissolving on Bulbous's unbathed nether-regions. Survivor: Heroes vs Villains: Robbed!
  • Another pest is a small midge, or sand-fly, which causes intolerable itching, and subsequent irritation, and is in this respect the most insufferable torment in Sikkim; the minutest rent in one's clothes is detected by the acute senses of this insatiable bloodsucker, which is itself so small as to be barely visible without a microscope. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • Such is the scenario in Pearl Harbor, essentially an orgy of impressive special effects that are wrapped up in about two hours of insufferable romantic-conundrum filler.
  • The title reveal as Potter tries to cast a spell beneath his sheets adds just a bit of flair than we’re used to, followed by the opening moments of the film proper, which portray Harry’s insufferable home life, a sequence we’ve scene played out twice already. Harry Potter Through Fresh Eyes: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | /Film
  • This year however has been pure torture, the hidings from Cats and Dogs being sufferable because in each case Freo was buried half way through the second quarter.
  • How does punishment, no matter how insufferable, become legal?
  • Who Will Save Your Soul" features Jewel folkily crooning, growling like a blueswoman (albeit a white blueswoman from Alaska), and cooing like a six-year-old, all within the 12 seconds or so of the insufferable chorus. Tony Sachs and Sal Nunziato: If Music Be The Food Of Love, These Songs Are Fried Pork Rinds
  • If we adhere to a standard of misery and continue to compare our suffering, then we will remain insufferable. The Standard of Misery | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • They are the strangest men in the world; they cannot dissemble; they own it is a folly; they have lost abundance of advantages by it; but, if you would give them the world, they cannot help it; there is something in their nature that abhors insincerity and constraint; with many other unsufferable topics of the same altitude. Hints towards an essay on conversation
  • Sweet moment 1 Yesterday I had a shocking headache and had to take to my bed like some kind of insufferable hypochondriac. March 2006
  • It was, to my slippery and wayward mind, one of the wonkiest, wobbliest, most sputteringly interesting years in ages, full of sound and fury and shrill, insufferable conservatism signifying nothing, but in a way that makes it seem like, you know, everything. Mark Morford: The Great Impending OMG of 2011
  • I mean, you've got one who's incompetent and one who's insufferable.
  • It is a harsh, inhospitable land, covered in flies and governed by insufferable temperatures that defies easy civilization.
  • Not all of them are insufferable battleaxes addicted to garish jewellery and Vegas weddings, but none of them were smart enough to realise that they were being sent up.
  • Her depiction of the smothering, conniving and insufferable Ms. Iselin, mother to Raymond, earned the veteran actress the well-deserved distinction as one of the screen's most reviled villainesses.
  • I grant that the manners of the Fins to the Russians are described as insufferable both by the Swedes and the Russians, and that we never listened to the Russian side of that story. New York Times, Current History, Vol 1, Issue 1 From the Beginning to March, 1915 With Index
  • She stared at him; his long face, his dolorous expression, his unbelievable aura of insufferable complacency. BEHINDLINGS
  • His expression of fatigue, indicating her insufferableness, had not abated; neither had her air of being a duchess looking at bugs. Gentle Julia
  • But if the machines are sufferable, that is, if they have so much as divine probability, then it follows of necessity, that the doctrine of the church is false; so that I leave it to every impartial clergyman to consider. ' The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland
  • What followed was flagrant musical bankruptcy and the insufferable drone of banal music.
  • The opposite is true: periods of decline, an absence of having something to say and infertility are often insufferable for those who can't endure it.
  • If you like your provincial cosmopolitanism delivered in flawless prose, then this charming, insufferable book is for you. Cover to Cover
  • Do you really expect to be taken seriously when you start a comment with "What is really" insufferable "is the Obama Cult that sees Obama as some form of Savior, The Chosen One per Oprah and Farrakhan. Dean: I Want Supers To Announce Their Endorsements "Starting Now"
  • What followed was flagrant musical bankruptcy and the insufferable drone of banal music.
  • He says that last Sunday's Scottish Cup exit to Celtic, the result that damned Rangers to a joyless and fruitless remainder of an insufferable season, was for him the watershed.
  • Warner Brothers never tells you the truth about a key plot twist that turns this pedestrian boxing movie into an insufferable manipulative right to die movie.
  • The space ship in Solaris is the very image of the place from which Tarkovsky sees the world in all of his films - across a space of radical separation and insufferable desire.
  • How it was that they so aboundingly responded to the old man's ire -- by what evil magic their souls were possessed, that at times his hate seemed almost theirs; the White Whale as much their insufferable foe as his; how all this came to be -- what the White Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • This was no exception, but the film itself tends toward the formulaic and Bening’s overacting is insufferable (akin to the more recent film where she played a stage actress and inexplicably got an Oscar nomination). Weekly Mishmash: November 15-21 :
  • I'm sorry, Nick, anyone but that insufferable, lying, supercilious, talentless, mediocre, tiny-minded creep Charlie Boy.
  • For those of you who once had to endure the insufferable banalities of '80s pop music, you better run to the hills because this album is gonna bring it all back.
  • the insufferable heat of August in a New York apartment with no air conditioning
  • But, “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” The Volokh Conspiracy » The Stamp Act
  • Le Tigre was a subtle affair: Its sense of humor, its hummable hooks, and its light genre-hopping never compromised the band's heavy politics - it just made them more sufferable.
  • He describes the behavior of these insufferable boors.
  • The subsequent discovery of this very old painting has only reinforced the views of these three experts, causing them to become insufferable dinner guests.
  • O'Conner is the reason we had 8 insufferable years of G W Bush. Sandra Day O'Connor takes on new initiative
  • This blubberer who had followed me home in the snow, yes this insufferable melancholiac who rained his tears into my Heaven -- Mallare would have killed him. Fantazius Mallare A Mysterious Oath
  • Overall he is more politician than scientist, and he wouldn't be so insufferable if he didn't himself show such disdain for the people he says he wants to represent.
  • In his 840-page memoir, "The Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace," published in 2004, he harshly criticized both former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (who was "insufferable" because of his uncompromising views, Ross said) and then-Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat for failing to relinquish their mutual "myths. Obama's Peace Offensive
  • In Titanic, virtually every Englishman was insufferable, while happy Irish fiddlers and dancers created a wonderful atmosphere in steerage.
  • In any event, The Insufferables, without Rob's leadership and bowling skills, were soon trudging home, to reconstruct their camp, foodless, prideless, brainless, but at least they still have Bulbous and Voldepussy. Survivor: Heroes vs Villains : Shudder Island
  • There were lots of totally insufferable kids there who'd come into class and announce, ‘My mummy's coming to pick me up for an audition at three o'clock’.
  • I see there will be more of the unsufferable Lott on the menu. Think Progress » ThinkFast: Election Day Edition
  • She disliked the president, whom she once described as an 'insufferable bore'.
  • Ivory, once an insufferable middlebrow pedant, has officially become a walking anachronism - and I, for one, am damn grateful.
  • There is no song that cannot be made more insufferable by a dire ‘reggae version’, in fact there is only one surer-fire way of lowering quality and that is to include a bit of toasting.
  • I assume that anyone who reads Blogcritics is fairly media savvy to begin with, so you certainly don't need me to tell you that the man is a self-obsessed, insufferable prick.
  • Where were the black rimmed glasses, the transparently white skin, the insufferable rash of zits that should be covering his face?
  • If 101 Reykjavik were entirely along these lines, it'd be pretty insufferable stuff - the plight of motionless slackers can get dreary fast, after all.
  • Do we really have to invite all my insufferable relatives to the wedding?
  • One amusing result about all of this is how they view Olbermann as, by and large, "insufferable". Mickey Kaus leaks a JournoList thread.
  • This isn't a plea for sympathy; along with their self-doubt, journalists are given to insufferable vanity and sanctimony.
  • As usual, Santos as the long-suffering Becker and Margolin as the insufferable Angel provide solid support.
  • Some of Richards's work smacks of the laboratory, and isn't helped by his charmless, bloodless prose style, laced as it is with briskly self-satisfied flourishes which his opponents saw as insufferable arrogance.
  • Ugh. Singly it's not the worst of qualities a lawyerly type and casuist might bring to bear, but given the use it's put to it's positively insufferable. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • They weren't all insufferable goody-goodies as children, or always models of perfect sanctity as adults.
  • After spending two to three months in insufferable conditions, they were shackled to boats bound for the Americas and Europe.
  • Usually I find him insufferable, but here he had a quieter, naïve quality that made him more real, rather than a caricature or mere comic foil.
  • It's one of the goofiest records I've ever heard, but it's also quite dark and there's a mania to the giggliness which stops it being just insufferable.
  • The insufferableness is handled quite competently by the other young performers, whose spoiled, snot-nosed characters give the necessary sting to Dahl's cautionary narrative about the dangers of lazy, indulgent parenting.
  • I only mentioned it because, as most us know by now, cedarford can be so unsufferable that it might be fun to let him know that someone was helping keep those health care costs down for the really important diseases and maladies: you know, the ones he and his loved ones have or may have. "I mean no disrespect."
  • The heat and humidity were insufferable.
  • Lence has convincingly argued that ‘the injuries, the usurpations, all these were sufferable until the pernicious acts of George III threatened the very foundations of self-government.’
  • Her 'Mathilda' is a snivelling, insufferable affair. A Love Episode
  • Which is to say, my disgust with cell phone ubiquity (and the insufferableness of its users) is reaching critical mass. Memphis Flyer
  • And the burdens of an unjust war are insufferable.
  • Our top bankers are guilty of the same insufferable arrogance. The Sun
  • Lisa Marie Presley's ‘Now What’ is a trite but surprisingly sufferable FM rock, pop and balladry from the beneficiary of the sneer.
  • And _a brute beast _ -- whose fellow I had contemptuously destroyed -- _a brute beast_ to work out for _me_ -- for me a man, fashioned in the image of the High God -- so much of insufferable wo! The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 2
  • You know, he can be awfully pedantic, and awfully insufferable.
  • Fresco, to whome these stinking qualities of his Neece seemed so unsufferable, that hee could not (with patience) endure them any longer, thus short and quickely answered. The Decameron
  • Mr.. Tiddy, to have his gentle tenor crushed to death in a glee by the heavy splayfoot of Mr. Tiddy's manly bass -- the thought was insufferable! Alice, or the Mysteries — Complete
  • Call it class envy, or just bitter grapes, but most of the Times reporters I knew were little more than stuffed suits with insufferable attitudes.
  • “Wonderful,” muttered Daeman and went in search of another drink while Hannah and her friends — even the insufferable Harman — droned on, using nonsensical terms such as “coke bed,” “wind belt,” “tuyere” (which Hannah was explaining meant some little air entrance on their clay-lined furnace, near which the young woman named Emme kept working the wheezing bellows) and “melting zone” and “molding sand” and “taphole” and “slag hole.” Ilium
  • Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. AVOIDance
  • She disliked the president, whom she once described as an 'insufferable bore'.
  • If you have come here merely to boast, to be uncivil, and to play on my pride, you insufferable boy, then you had better leave.

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