How To Use Suchlike In A Sentence
It's too cursed big to be a mountain meadow or suchlike, way at the horizon.
I have known Mycroft to investigate suchlike matters, but only on behalf of the government.
‘We believe they are frequently stolen ‘on demand’ to make garden patios and suchlike.
Massive aquatic centres and suchlike with massive parking lots aren't what London needs.
Jen seems intent on keeping her mind sharp; every night, after practice, she takes out the books from her locker and works on some maths or suchlike.

The claim made by the Minister that this bill will reduce compliance costs, and suchlike, is a load of rubbish.
They compete with the other students so they can become doctors or suchlike.
Times, Sunday Times
If you would like to help, on a voluntary basis, by supplying information about any aspect of Sligo Town, be it tourist information, local histories, local news stories or suchlike, we would be delighted to hear from you.
The tale tells that great fires were made endlong the hall, and the great tree aforesaid stood midmost thereof, withal folk say that, whenas men sat by the fires in the evening, a certain man came into the hall unknown of aspect to all men; and suchlike array he had, that over him was
The Story of the Volsungs
These would require to be very different in character from the Garter, the Bath and suchlike English honours with almost unseemly domestic titles.
I recommend that the department spend quite some time in making sure that individuals are aware of that provision, otherwise they will become liable to penalties and suchlike, should it fail to do so.
There are reports of dioxins and suchlike but that's poppycock.
Speaking as a foreign national, in this post 911 world I find it hard enough to get into the US with a valid green card, and am always rather nervous about accidentally bringing fruit or suchlike contraband into the country.
The ending is after all where most of the subtle action tends to be, with your verb endings, plurals and suchlike.
During this cold wintry spell maybe they might need some help with shopping or suchlike.
Mushtaq made his knives using the lowest of low-tech methods in a traditional manner, hammering and forging the high-carbon tool steel by hand, using gas-fed firebrick ovens and open fires and anvils and suchlike that would have been at home back in the dawn of space flight, even before.
Archive 2006-08-01
And in case anyone thinks that my comments in the preceding paragraph are harsh, culturally imperialistic, or bigoted, consider this: After Apartheid was overturned in South Africa, after the black majority gained political power, came the issue of what to do with the worst of the torturers and suchlike from the days of Apartheid.
ONE LAPTOP PER CHILD by FuseProject | Inhabitat
This is most commonly employed in the defence of a beloved work under fire for subtextual dubiousness — for latent sexism, racism, homophobia or suchlike.
Arguing With Geeks 5
The tale tells that great fires were made endlong the hall, and the great tree aforesaid stood midmost thereof, withal folk say that, whenas men sat by the fires in the evening, a certain man came into the hall unknown of aspect to all men; and suchlike array he had, that over him was
The Story of the Volsungs
Just as one leather-jacketed, slouching renegade by name of Jim Steel took me under his musical wing, to open my ears to the glories of The Stooges, The Ramones, Radio Birdman and suchlike, it was one surgical-gowned, growling reprobate by name of Fergus Bannon who opened up my eyes, searing his scribblings on the inside of my skull -- right at the back, by the medulla oblongata, the snake-brain.
Archive 2009-12-01
= `Walter, naturally, would never have had any truck with suchlike nonsense, but it's called a soutane.
The Republicans have promoted a powerful variant on populism aimed at an elite of politicians, professors, artsy-fartsy types, and suchlike specimens.
What I am is a purveyor of bling, bags, and suchlike, which is bliss in comparison, and thankfully doesn't involve instruction manuals.
British Blogs
We then found an Irish bar with a band playing, so the requests went in and, before long, the pub was reeling to the sound of The Fields Of Athenry and suchlike.
On a practical note you can purchase insurance, phonecards, rail passes and suchlike from the Travel Store, and all the Rough Guides are available to buy as e-books (Microsoft or Adobe).
Truly revolutionary, though, are Dresser's designs for toast racks, jugs, tureens and suchlike, manufactured in electroplate and ebonised wood.
The double cyclones still allowed other common domestic debris such as carpet fluff, thread, paper shreds, dog hairs and suchlike to pass out of the ‘clean’ air exit of the appliance.
They compete with the other students so they can become doctors or suchlike.
Times, Sunday Times
If you think about people who choose to be solitary, hermits, suchlike, they can have quite deprived environments in terms of stimulation and be very isolated but they do so from choice and, as they see it, for a higher purpose.
It now seems that it was built to clarify the empire's northern edges and to make easier the collection of taxes and suchlike.
Times, Sunday Times
And if you would have your daughter riggish, bawdry and unclean, and a filthy speaker, and suchlike, bring her up in music and dancing and my life for yours, you have won the goal.
A Renegade History of the United States
Honestly, Ethel, she sounded really mad, wittering on about beetles up her pyjama leg and suchlike.
It is sleekly, shinily wondrous, an object of polished chrome there to be fetishistically fascinating (not unlike the silver-plated, ivory-handled Colt. 45s and suchlike of the Western), but because of the sheer strangeness it is equally as unsettling, equally as creepy.
Freeform Critique
I mean, the police used to pick up zines and suchlike from radical bookshops in the 80s so maybe there's somebody in a room somewhere whose paid to bum around the net all day watching out for ‘subversives’.
And it is the same with the haemorrhoid, the purple murex, and all suchlike animals.
The History of Animals
The prices of polymers and suchlike materials will decrease.
I explained that the cheques were in my bag because I always kept a few with me to cover the cost of office supplies and suchlike and that I had seen no reason to take them out just because I was going to spend a few hours in Michigan.
On a practical note you can purchase insurance, phonecards, rail passes and suchlike from the Travel Store, and all the Rough Guides are available to buy as e-books (Microsoft or Adobe).
I saw a wonderful science tool museum with clockworks from the 17th century, astrolabes, telephones from the turn of the last century, and suchlike, started as a collection by a local baron/scientist.
Kassel, Goslar, Hannover, more Göttingen
Bread should be a feast to the eye as well, and Jaro had spent hours carving roses and suchlike on them.
Then, of course, I was writing more and more journalism, so a lot of jokes and suchlike that might have gone into lighter poems went into reviewing.
Planes, as you may already know, have big wings because they need a lot of lift to get off the ground and start flying around and suchlike, which is mostly what planes do, although sometimes they just sit on the taxiway getting de-iced and making people impatient.
Ekranoplan: world’s strangest airplane « raincoaster
Now, look around you at the steaming piles of baby clothes, towelling nappies and suchlike on every desk, cupboard, radiator, hat stand, wall planner and trouser press.
There probably are various mudras in usage to represent the elements - there's a book I came across recently called ‘Taoist Shamanism’ or suchlike that I recall suggests a few mudras along these lines.
just chipping in to say, I see nothing wrong per se with running rituals and suchlike for non magicians.
They included a horde of diversity co-ordinators, community liaison officers, social inclusion officers and suchlike hierarchs of the priesthood of political correctness.
We could then be clear whether the ‘aboriginal’ British are the Picts, Scots and Welsh, or whether such recent immigrants as Angles, Saxons, Danes and suchlike also qualify.
I have known Mycroft to investigate suchlike matters, but only on behalf of the government.
Private sector tenants - like homebuyers - are becoming pickier, demanding smart kitchens and suchlike.
Times, Sunday Times
And if you would have your daughter riggish, bawdry and unclean, and a filthy speaker, and suchlike, bring her up in music and dancing and my life for yours, you have won the goal.
A Renegade History of the United States
The internal phone, not the special direct line they save for major accidents and suchlike.
There is plenty of unfounded snobbery as well (Where the dead sergeant's wife becomes the general's widow) and wannabee poets, artists and the suchlike finding happiness in their reinventions.
Page 2
What a wonderfull word suchlike is, almost as satisfying to type as somesuch.
Archive 2006-03-01
Church collections, school outings, Boy Scout subscriptions and so on came out of the family purse: subscriptions to the Beano, the purchase of liquorice bootlaces and suchlike fripperies were our own affair.
It appears to consist of him turning up at factory gates and pointing off into the middle distance, at some pipes or cables or suchlike, and mouthing platitudes about ‘jobs and prosperity’.
And I would have cut dead any discussion of proposals and suchlike if I did not love him.
My first Bradbury was ‘The Coffin’ in ‘The Hamlyn Book of Horror’ or suchlike.
GR3: The Jar by Ray Bradbury « In The Gloaming Podcasts
There will be signings and readings and suchlike in the UK and Dublin in the week between Edinburgh and Edinburgh, promise.
Sadly though the intention had been to get to see the Crypt, where the Rakoff collection of comics is stored, both our minds let it slip till too late - but I did see the really cool old lifts with the doors you have to close manually and suchlike, plus having a nice lunch with companiable conversation.
A day away at the V&A but not at play
Photographs of Ayesha were appearing in all the papers, and the pilgrims even passed advertising hoardings on which the lepidopteral beauty had been painted three times as large as life, beside slogans reading _Our cloths also are as delicate as a butterfly's wing_, or suchlike.
The Satanic Verses
When you advise on CVs and suchlike for a living it's painful to dredge through them when actually recruiting.
You can buy string, glue, paper - clips and suchlike at the corner shop.
This is most commonly employed in the defence of a beloved work under fire for subtextual dubiousness — for latent sexism, racism, homophobia or suchlike.
Arguing With Geeks 5
And it's not done in our profession; and, to tell you the honest truth, I'm not given that way myself -- not to the extent of tracks and suchlike, that is.
The Tinted Venus A Farcical Romance
Amputations and suchlike in the hospitals are seen very briefly as people push through the crowds of injured and dying.
Those people may have made statements and suchlike in circumstances where they felt their views would be privileged and protected.
She'd left Kirsty to her list making or suchlike, and taken Frank upstairs on the pretext of showing him the wedding dress.
She would not, of course, cover illegal immigrants and suchlike, which is an important shade shy of genuinely "universal" coverage, but her plan would come closer than Obama's.
Bill: Obama Would "Deny Us Universal Health Care"
I can be found amongst this motley crew, whenever I go to a conference or suchlike, I am always scanning the itinerary for suitable gaps in which I can seek an exit to have a quick nicotine ‘fix’.
Cardboard boxes are being replaced with plastic tubs, to deter mice, mud-wasps and suchlike.
a locker that usually contained paper, ink, and suchlike equipment
And if you would have your daughter riggish, bawdry and unclean, and a filthy speaker, and suchlike, bring her up in music and dancing and my life for yours, you have won the goal.
A Renegade History of the United States
The generalisation of a contemporary writer was that, ‘everything was for sale, powers, lordships, earldoms, shrievalties, castles, towns, manors, and suchlike’ was indeed not far from the truth.
There's also some not-quite-soft-porn 3D, with some scantily clad Japanese women fondling replica guns and having waterfights and suchlike, which isn't even as interesting as it sounds.
Metal Gear Acid 2 Post-Mortem
I think the word bushmeat applies to monkeys and suchlike, with which conjugal relations apparrantly blessed Africa with HIV & Aids, nice.
Whats in your food
Typically, a project takes concrete form as a document or suchlike.
A quarter-century on, he's a master joiner or master hinger or suchlike.
I am sick of the cant of sentiment and duties and suchlike, which is the mask men use to cover what will not bear considering.
The Ladies A Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty
Many people have a right of entry to our homes - to read meters and suchlike - and people in council houses, particularly, are subject to the erratic arrival of workmen who may or may not be council employees.
Who could blame the truants, I thought - the sun was shining, there wasn't a breath of wind and a lovely swell was still rolling through - far too much of a distraction to be messing around with work, education and suchlike.