How To Use Subtitle In A Sentence
In his 1982 "Secondary Currents," which is described in the film's title credits as a "film noir," Rose pushes the sound and image concerns of structuralist filmmakers by creating a work that is "imageless": on a black screen, white subtitles translate the gibberish of the unreliable narrator in the voice-over.
Baltimore City Paper
we were so far back in the theater, we could barely read the subtitles
Following the lector was the movie "Children of Glory" with English subtitles. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
Ah! I don't know why they don't subtitle these movies.
Kathleen" was, as its 1892 subtitle asserted, "An Irish Drama".

The movie's a little bit like Happy, Texas or Drop Dead Gorgeous, and a little bit more like Clueless, right down to people uncomprehendingly parroting rude words in French - revealed in subtitles.
However, this sophistication does not extend to the closed-caption subtitles.
In light of these video issues, the burnt-in subtitles may seem minor, but it was another roadblock to enjoyment of the film.
Since the included stereo track also sounds relatively cramped and subdued, optional subtitles should have been included.
Open-captioned films and subtitled foreign films are sometimes accessible options for people with adequate vision and literacy.
Yes, zany classicalism was our keynote this time; also snatched up like precious gems was Ralph Ellis' K2: Quest of the Gods y'see, Alexander the Great was looking for the Pyramid Treasure in the Himalayas and Felice Vinci's The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales, which title strikes me rather as a subtitle in search of a lurid phrase, but has the virtue of clarity.
Kenneth Hite's Journal
The book is aptly subtitled The Amazing Story of Sue, the Dinosaur That Changed Science, the Law, and My Life.
The first issue was subtitled ‘A Festschrift in Honor of James Laughlin, Publisher of New Directions.’
This is a complex and interesting topic (not discussed thoroughly enough in the rather short article, unfortunately), but the subtitle of the article really killed it.
Cory Doctorow at Boing Boing: "The IT Crowd DVDs have just shipped - with subtitles in leet!
GreenCine Daily: Shorts, 11/16.
There are shots from the ground of men with blowtorches in surgical masks, while subtitles that plaintively ask, ‘Why are they making me?’
Many of the TV programmes are broadcast with subtitles for the deaf.
The Adventures of Super Kraut is my new all-time favorite subtitle!
More Biographies « Awful Library Books
All three DVDs contain director's filmographies and biographies, a hazy, mostly unenlightening historical sketch of the pink film, and unremovable, headache-inducing ‘white-on-white’ subtitles.
Fortunately, there are closed captioning subtitles to assist you in these times.
The English subtitles, on the other hand, are utterly inept - full of awkwardness and solecisms.
With critics from around the world in attendance, the company decided to display screens with subtitles in English, playing simultaneously with the dialogue.
Now I know I sound obssessive, and maybe I am, but for old guys like me, who really remember, the old GIJoe even the details of the old GIjoe, this movie, just isn't going to do it justice .. rangerspock on Feb 24, 2009 where is the subtitle? alee on Sep 20, 2009
First G.I. Joe Poster Plus Subtitle - Rise of Cobra «
Viewers baffled by these moments, not to mention the orotund tones and rolled R's of theatrical elocution, will probably welcome the subtitles.
The English dub closely follows the subtitles, which means the English version is a faithful adaptation of the original meaning.
I didn't want to put that as the subtitle of the second edition.
Some of his work might justify the word "spy" in Shulman's subtitle, though "assassin" is surely over-egging it.
The Many Lives of Thomas Wyatt by Nicola Shulman - review
Two of these rebroadcast foreign programs with Arabic subtitles.
In one scene, the heroic spacewoman's stiff upper lip speech is a little more dramatic than the one in the subtitles.
All of the shorts and even the featurettes have subtitles.
I added subtitles to it since the audio might not be that "hearable" and the text didn't really appear well while recording. - Articles related to Reliance Industries to push into power and telecom
The games have hard-boiled detective stories and John Woo cinematics - the sequel is subtitled ‘A Film Noir Love Story.’
Hollywood executives must assume that no one in that great country of theirs can read subtitles, so there's nothing wrong with purloining the imagination of others to present North American versions of Japanese ghost stories.
It may seem a rather dull conversation, but it is one of the few conversations where Schultze's dialogue is not translated in the subtitles.
Lorna Doone" is subtitled "a Romance of Exmoor".
However, it soon becomes clear, that this is an inversion of cinematic practice, with the sonorously intoned Russian voice-over and English subtitles providing the drive in place of visual information.
Kathleen" was, as its 1892 subtitle asserted, "An Irish Drama".
The feature has no optional subtitle track; burned-on subtitles appear during French dialogue sequences.
No big deal? well ... thing is if the subtitle module is ticked I get an extremely annoying "doop" noise every two seconds. (the noise you get on XP if a program fails to open) so i think subtitles should be not be ticked as default.
AfterDawn: Software updates
Personally (and I'm sure others feel the same way), I'd rather read subtitles that listen to bad dubs.
If the projectionist bungles the job, subtitles will run off the bottom of the screen, actors' heads will be cut off, or boom microphones will bob into the frame.
The disc offers a choice between the original French language track (with or without English subtitles) and a soundtrack dubbed into English.
Also included on this disc is a French mono track as well as English subtitles.
Here, not the city's colorful, yes, just a subtitle Qingqing brightly luminous.
As a result, many of the phrases and expressions were translated into something very different in the subtitles or dubbing.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart—that is to say, a self-contained but slightly smug little kid called Wolfie—plays second fiddle to his older sister in René Féret's beguiling celebration, in French with English subtitles, of the family's other prodigy.
'One Day': A Stutter-Stop Affair to Forget
You can also hear him as the newscaster, although the main dialogue is subtitled in English.
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(Romesh Ratnesar subtitles his dispensable book on Reagan's 1987 "tear down this wall" speech in Berlin "A City, a President, and the Speech That Ended the Cold War.")
This programme will be broadcast with subtitles for the hard of hearing.
No subtitles adorn this release, but Closed Captioning is available.
Epinions Recent Content for Home
The 30 fiercely imagined stories in Jon McGregor's collection share an extraordinary topophilia: each bears as its subtitle the name of a fenland town or village, and even in tales that range widely across space and time we never lose touch with the flat Lincolnshire landscape.
This Isn't the Sort of Thing That Happens to Someone Like You by Jon McGregor – review
The subtitle of this book is an important signal about its contents.
In both the English dub and subtitles, the dialogue is a bit wordy and stilted, but it's rarely distracting.
Later we realised we should've had the subtitles on so we could catch all the words to their squeaky little songs.
These began with boxes for a title and a subtitle.
The fourteen essays gathered here embrace a range of issues which perhaps transcend the limits suggested by the subtitle.
In other words, Macfadden preached a sort of liberated abstemiousness -- as the subtitle of "Mr. America" has it, he "transformed the nation through sex, salad and the ultimate starvation diet.
Strong Circulation
On Monday I made a rare visit to my gym, where there are four televisions at the front of the room, silent but showing teletext-style subtitles.
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STAR WARS was the first VHS to make a million dollars in rentals when it came out in 1982—although technically, this was not the original version either, for in 1981 the subtitle “Episode IV: A New Hope” was added to the title crawl; but, barring this single, rather insignificant change, it was the same film.
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My girlfriend has VHS copies from the Japanese laserdiscs, and the subtitles only added to the strangeness.
However, until the 1920s, few local recipe books used the colloquial name, and then sometimes only as a subtitle.
Subtitle rendering is awful, they look all pixelated on normal 624 x 352 video resolutions.
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The dialogue is in Spanish, with English subtitles.
More information in English for example here http or here www. Sustainability economy money debt spanish catalonian activist anti-system half million euro energy crisis stockmarket collapse mortgage english subtitles - Articles related to Spain Hit by Strike Over Austerity Measures
In both the English dub and subtitles, the dialogue is a bit wordy and stilted, but it's rarely distracting.
I think the subtitles on the cinema version are not very good.
I'm not surprised the subtitling firm regularized your anacolutha - unless the brief is explicitly to retain speech errors and disfluencies, subtitles are almost never verbatim but are edited for length and clarity for readability purposes.
On anacolutha
The American biblical scholar Bart Ehrman, in a book whose subtitle is The Story Behind Who Changed the New Testament and Why, unfolds the huge uncertainty befogging the New Testament texts.
The God Delusion
So while a character on "The Big Bang Theory" is allowed to say the word "intimate," the subtitles only showed "int-----.
SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
Mani here assimilates ideas already known from Gnosticism (q.v., subtitle The Sophia Myth) and resembling Christian doctrine, especially when it is borne in mind that "Spirit" is feminine in Hebrew-Aramaic and thus could easily be conceived as a mother of all living.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
I know some people do not like subtitles, especially in immersive 3D holoprojection, but I have no problem reading and following the action.
There Goes The Neighbourhood
So I got a copy of the DVD, and discovered that the U.S. edition of the film has the English subtitles encoded right into the video.
Brad Ideas - Comments
The PARANORMAL ACTIVITY DVD is presented in widescreen enhanced for 16: 9 televisions with Dolby Digital English 5.1 Surround and Spanish 5.1 Surround (theatrical version only) and English, French and Spanish subtitles.
Last month Trevor posted a Wordie list, subtitled Econorrhea, of neologisms and portmanteaux having to do with the economic implosion, which he has now worked into a Jabberwocky parody* on Recessionwire — which is itself compiling the beginnings of what could be something fun: a recession lexicon.
Beware the Econorrhea
Information within a resource may be poorly organised or have inadequate titles or subtitles.
The Irish Deaf Society says less than a tenth of all Irish broadcasting is subtitled, with these stations being the worst offenders.
Sure it's a money making business but doing it this way is sort of like saying OK thanks for watching the movie so far - the next bit is in 'inset dead language' and we've got no subtitles so we won't show you, instead you can ask your friend who lives in 'x' to tell you what happens (whatever happens is inconsequential but to find out they'll let you know).
Je Regrette
CSI and Law & Order are the first two that spring to my mind; use of torchlight to add mood, teleprinter location/timeframe subtitles, the male/female pairing (which had previously been male good cop/male bad cop).
Top 10 Sci-Fi Shows: Number 9 - The X-Files | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
One of the stellar highlights of the film is when the lonely girl fantasizes that she has been transplanted to an Anna Magnani movie, in the role of an Italian daughter, while a kind mother serves her food: "Muovati il culo" translates in subtitles as "Move your big ass.
Karin Badt: Cannes 2009: Mariah Carey in Precious
The word introduction in the subtitle is not appropriate; invitation would be better.
Is the movie dubbed or does it have subtitles?
This programme will be broadcast with subtitles for the hard of hearing.
The disc's primary supplement is a feature-length commentary track by Andersson, in Swedish with a separate set of subtitles.
Most of the films are subtitled or even dubbed, while the animated shorts are largely dialogue-free.
So eggheaded am I about much of what I watch, I was rather piqued that I couldn't have both sets of subtitles on the screen at the same time.
If you don't want "burned in" subtitles uncheck Presets / Subtitles. Forum
The subtitle kind of pisses me off: "In a 'freaky windfall,' four women earn their first nominations for solo screenplay work.
January 24, 2008
Severin's 2.35:1 anamorphic transfer is exquisite, adding considerable lustre to a title heretofore known in this country only through dupey, unsubtitled, bootleg tapes.
Archive 2006-10-01
Eden can't speak, but uses a limited-vocabulary sign language, and the film subtitles her commentary on the journey.
The subtitle of the Guardian article reads unpromisingly: "Stanley Middleton's Holiday makes its few readers wince - and for all the right reasons.
March 2008
Closed captioning or subtitles would have been a big help.
The division of the four-hour subtitled colossus into two feature length halves, sees the first part deal with Che and the Castro brothers 'successful guerrilla campaign to overthrow the Cuban dictatorship in the early' 60s.
Queen's Journal: Latest stories
The IT Crowd DVDs have just shipped -- with subtitles in leet!
Boing Boing: November 12, 2006 - November 18, 2006 Archives
Dave Becker: @rot: Yes, the subtitles are, as stated in the Special features, "New and Improved", and I did notice ... rot: highly recommend the blu-ray transfer for this one, also, I believe the subtitles are different from the original Rolling ...
Row Three
Since the emphasis is on action, watching with the Japanese dialogue and subtitles works out well here.
The opera's subtitle is 'The School for Lovers'.
The book is subtitled ‘bold females and their brazen acts.’
The current subtitle could also serve as an appropriate title.
Click on Change the title animation and choose Subtitle that appears under the first Titles, One Line section at the top of the selection box.
First of all, the book that he’s critiquing and semantically deconstructing is Relativity: The Special and the General Theory, subtitled, A clear explanation that anyone can understand.
Relativity Denialists: Like the Heads of the Hydra… « Skulls in the Stars
Any time the dialogue lapses into Italian (which happens not too infrequently), the subtitles are absent.
SBS foreign language films, subtitled in English, are a rich resource of quality entertainment for all Australians, but they cannot be a substitute for learning English.
Not only did they pull off an immensely difficult logistical task, they also managed to attract and please three very different target audiences: mainstream folks who wouldn't know a hobbit from a bantha, hardcore Tolkien fans that were prepared to comb through every frame of film in search of the tiniest deviation from their Holy Texts, and critics who generally frown on anything that doesn't involve grainy photography, trailer park settings, or subtitles.
Simple Tricks and Nonsense: Oscar thoughts
Amara has announced a new platform that allows YouTube publishers to crowdsource subtitles and translation for their published videos.
Besides having the longest subtitle of any book I ever saw, this book - which describes a sea disaster - provides just the kind of responsible accounting I'm talking about.
Also, inexplicably, the song in the title sequence is only translated in the subtitles for one of the sets of episodes.
The problem I'm having is that the built-in subtitle ripper doesn't get the times right on some movies.
Doom9's Forum
As hinted at the end of Agamben's earlier and exhaustive seminar published as Language and Death, the reason to confront with full rigor the equivalence between speech and absentation in philosophy is in fact to get beyond what the subtitle termed "The Place of Negativity." [
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
Despite being subtitled and having won raves at international film festivals, this movie doesn't deliver anything more dramatic than a road trip garnished with an aggressive portion of sex and nudity.
Performed by Bojorquez's group Ukamau y Ké in Aymara with Spanish subtitles
Global Voices in English » Bolivia: Farewell to Aymara Hip Hop Artist Abraham Bojorquez
The title is rather obscure and the subtitle is out of step with the author's Foreword, which says the book is about the poetry of the British Isles.
Note that the visuals for the show, all taken from French and Québécois films, are subtitled in English for the American contingent at Victo.
It's indexed into four chapters, and optional English subtitles are provided.
His flat options for a title further betray his depression: he toyed with “Imitating the Equator,” “Another Innocent Abroad,” “The Latest,” and “The Surviving Innocent Abroad”; not until July did he decide on Following the Equator and its faintly redundant subtitle, A Journey Around the World.
Mark Twain
That doesn't sound so bad until you realize it is truly the only option; the subtitles are burned into the film print.
It lives up to its subtitle, but not in a weak and swoony way.
(Coincidentally, there is a track here called Rubicon which is also the subtitle of one of the Icon albums (and a track from that same album)).
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Just checked, and it doesn't do alternative languages, nor does it even run to subtitles.
The title is fashionably silly, in the manner of Flaubert's Parrot, while the subtitle suggests a thesis imperfectly converted into a book.
The book is subtitled 'A Psychology of Masculinity'.
Subtitles stack on top of subtitles until the screen is a blur of words.
Subtitles stack on top of subtitles until the screen is a blur of words.
Triumph des Willens, and beneath it in shaky subtitles, Triumph of the Will.
Excerpt: The Welsh Girl by Peter Ho Davies
In Twelfth Night or What You Will, the subtitle, I assume, refers to what an audience desires, not to what a director excogitates.
Looks very Shaun of the Dead…..looks like a winner, I hope they subtitle it although it looks like you can figure out what they are saying just by watching the movie, and the guy speaks english when he opens the treasure chest "Fortune and Glory".
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I saw this at the cinematheque in Paris in 2003 but it was unsubtitled.
The U.S. Premiere of Les Idoles (1968)
Subtitled: “Talk Show Interviews with Coatlicue the Aztec Goddess, Malinche the Maligned, the Virgin of Guadalupe and La Llorona: The Wailer,” the fierce foursome is a celebration of the dark goddesses — Mexican figures that have been imprisoned inside the symbols of (respectively) destruction, betrayal, saintliness and errant motherhood.
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Most of the latest big U.S. movies are shown at the twin cineplex in their original English with Spanish subtitles (not true of some big children's movies because the kids can't read the subtitles so these films get dubbed into Spanish, too bad for me), and three places in town show art films in English as well.
Differing attitudes btw. SMA /Lake?
The DVD contains a French monaural sound track that is clear and distortion-free, with English subtitles available.
I just noticed your blog has a subtitle "Tessera are the small pieces that make up a mosaic" which first rang a bell and immediately afterwards set off my grammar nazi alarm bell, as I remembered that 'tessera' is a singular and the plural would be 'tesserae'.
Sexual Abuse of Women in the Church
At times it reads more like an epic playbill than the behind-the-scenes exposé hinted at in the subtitle ‘Backstage at the World's Greatest Comedy Theater.’
Some sentences seem to be ignored in the subtitles, others are rendered into gibberish.
As its subtitle indicates, it is about the underground, the hidden traditions of bohemianism and leftism that lie beneath the surface of capitalist America.
The subtitle gives a better sense of the book's contents.
SupRip to get the subtitles into SRT format, then I have to edit that because the final subtitle time is always wrong in what SupRip produces (it uses an end code of all zeroes, which is wrong) and it causes some MKV programs to choke. Forum
While I imagine some romanticize the subtitle experience so much they would actually say that scarring this medium with subs is better, but I think it would be ideal if the original filmmakers were to shoot/reshoot the whole film in two languages.
Let The Right One In: Release Dates, DVD and English Remake | /Film
The vlog's subtitle, "Where the journey is the destination", further supports this interpretation.
The X-Files grew up just as the audience was becoming personally familiar with mobile phones, and with this plot device, plus the teleprinter location/timeframe subtitles, created fast paced stories with virtually no let-up that ensured the audience remained glued to the screen.
Top 10 Sci-Fi Shows: Number 9 - The X-Files | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
Also included on these discs are English closed captions and subtitles.
The subtitle is more explicit about the content.
Having expressed an understandable dissatisfaction with the inappropriate process which created this volume, one is pleased to discover that the original subtitle, dropped in May 1965, does not imply the kind of exclusive hunt for the quaint and the curious which is so often the pursuit of the local onomastician.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 2
But hey, subtitles come in a variety of languages, from Portuguese to Thai, and there are the requisite boring filmographies of the director and stars that no one reads anyway.
We might hope for better from the public-service broadcasters, but what we shouldn't hope for, it seems from my research, is a foreign, subtitled, feature film.
Hope you can read lips, because there are no subtitles nor closed captioning.
And somehow, the sometimes-typoed subtitles elevate the whole thing to a higher comedy.
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The subtitle of Bender's article, ‘the need for synthesis in American history’ says it all.
The Chinese film was shown with English subtitles.
The articles need to have the title rewritten and also need a subtitle which explains what happens in the article. New Projects
His flat options for a title further betray his depression: he toyed with “Imitating the Equator,” “Another Innocent Abroad,” “The Latest,” and “The Surviving Innocent Abroad”; not until July did he decide on Following the Equator and its faintly redundant subtitle, A Journey Around the World.
Mark Twain
This scent is subtitled “A spikenard perfume” and this is an aromatic plant from which a healing ointment is made; it has been used for both its medicinal properties and in rituals since ancient times and is a component of Indian Ayurvedic traditions.
DSH Perfumes Part Four: Roses and Resins
Finally, newly translated subtitles round out this quality presentation.
Again, all discs should come with closed captioning or subtitles for the hearing impaired.
Without a dancer of Ms. Farrell's own daring and power at the center of her reconstruction of the aleatory "Pithoprakta," subtitled "Action by Probabilities," the chances of it staying with a viewer are slim.
A Company in Progress
The discs accommodate eight language tracks, 32 subtitle tracks and provisions for alternate endings and multiple camera angles.
It's too bad the film is subtitled, otherwise it would be perfectly suited for kids.
From these interviews, it is Morris (not McNamara, it should be pointed out) who distills the 11 lessons of the film's subtitle.
The use of spoken English instead of Chinese with subtitles deprives the dialogue of authenticity as does the rendering of Chinese script in the outmoded Wade-Giles System of Romanization in which "Qin" is spelled "Chin" leading the narrator to the false conclusion that it is the root of the word "China.
China's First Emperor
I'd rather watch a film with subtitles than one dubbed into English.
'(2) MINIMUM AMOUNT - For any fiscal year for which amounts appropriated for this subtitle exceed $50,000,000, the minimum allotment to each State under paragraph (1) shall be $75,000.
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Eventually two prints were found, one dubbed into French and the other with German subtitles.
I sighed and fixed my gaze on the cover subtitle about doctors helping the very sick die gently.
Seriously, we need to do an edit of each show with your tweets as subtitled cometary to the show.
SPARTACUS: episode 4
In the 1556 edition of his _De rebus mathematicis, hactenus desideratis, Libri IIII_, published at Paris, the subtitle is: _Quibus inter cætera, Circuli quadratura Centum modis, & suprà, per eundem Orontium recenter excogitatis, demonstratus_, so that he kept up his efforts until his death.
A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II)
Subtitled A Serio-Comick-Bombastick-Operatick-Interlude, it employs local performers including an escapologist, an Indian dancer, a transsexual comedian, an MC and a rap artist dressed as an owl.
Artist of the week 114: Matt Stokes
Reading the subtitles takes vision away from the image and allows one to leave the confines of the car.
Cinebeats highlighted this non-subtitled trailer for the 1966 actioner Black Tight Killers.
2009 November :
The subtitle is more indicative of the contents.
Most local cinemas show films in the original language, with German subtitles.
I just noticed your blog has a subtitle "Tessera are the small pieces that make up a mosaic" which first rang a bell and immediately afterwards set off my grammar nazi alarm bell, as I remembered that 'tessera' is a singular and the plural would be 'tesserae'.
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Long before the Blu-ray 3D? specifications were finalized within the Blu-ray Disc Association, Panasonic Hollywood Laboratory collaborated with studios and the creative community in Hollywood to conduct Blu-ray 3D? encoding as well as menu and subtitle authoring trials.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
This brilliant reverie was flawed only by the introduction of text, like subtitles, taken from interviews with dockworkers.
But now, on-the-fly subtitle overlaying can be done by any television channel, as the suite is fixed to the broadcasters 'main server, "said Mahesh Kulkarni, programme coordinator of Graphic Intelligence Based Script Technology (Gist), the group at C-DAC which works on multilingual computing tools.
I'd rather watch a film with subtitles than one dubbed into Chinese.
Most local cinemas show films in the original language, with German subtitles.
Il Tabarro was a subtitled drama about forbidden love and murderous jealousy.
The final layer of polish for this DVD is, of course, the translation into English, and the subtitles come out just fine (even though they use yet another translation of Otani's nickname for Risa, adding "beanstalk" to a thesaurus that already includes "Amazon" and "jumbo gal").
Anime News Network
On May 7, 1956, the subprefecture at Saint-Julien-en-Genevois in thedépartement administrative region of Haute-Savoie—on the border with Switzerland, not far from Geneva—received a request for registration1from the officials of an “association” calling itself the Priory of Sion, subtitled CIRCUIT.
The Sion Revelation
There is, moreover, a diffuseness in the argument of "American Grace" that is reflected in its subtitle: "How Religion Divides and Unites Us.
For God and Country
AMERICA, under subtitle Ruthenian Greek Catholics), where they encounter them as obstacles to racial progress.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
I strongly prefer films to be subtitled rather than dubbed.
You can view the episodes subtitled or dubbed, although dub is the default.
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The subtitle of my article published in last week's Mac Weekly leaves me bewildered.
Authors Mark Leyner and Dr. Billy Goldberg not only unravel that mystery (something to do with a sulfur compound called mercaptan), but '' hundreds of questions you'd only ask a doctor after your third martini '' -- which happens to be the book's subtitle.
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
And as the subtitle promises the themes it will explore are the intersections of acedia with the writer's marriage -- especially with her husband's illness and death; with monks, who come in both because Norris first encountered the term acedia in the writings of the desert fathers and because she's a Benedictine oblate and thus has found that participating in the monastic life as a lay person has been for her a primary means of combating acedia; and the writing life, both Norris and her late husband are published poets.
The Wine Dark Sea
Reiger actually subtitles this work as A History of the Sport - Its People and Places, Tackle and Techniques.
I find I prefer the dub to the subtitles for this series, as the subtitles are a bit dry and prosaic.
(Our = my co-host Dan Snierson and our producer/editor extraordinaire, the czar of the subtitle zinger, Jason Averett.) Today's Latest Headlines
Sustainability economy money debt spanish catalonian activist anti-system half million euro energy crisis stockmarket collapse mortgage english subtitles - Articles related to Spain Hit by Strike Over Austerity Measures
As per other Anchor Bay releases, no subtitles or closed captioning are included.
For those Americans who are subtitle impaired, although the story takes place in Paris, and all the characters except for Matthew are French, almost all of the dialog is in English.
THE DREAMERS « FranksFilms
‘Advanced education for nail professionals’ may seem like a rather highfalutin subtitle for a magazine about manicuring.
Unfortunately due to bad preservation, many prints of Chinese musical films have been lost, and among those that remain few are shown with English subtitles.
True, the subtitles are unremovable, and there are no extras whatsoever, but we're talking over three hours of Anna Karina for a reasonable price.
An acquaintance, previewing this film in one of its festival showcases, wrote it off as ‘just another obnoxious sexed-up teen comedy, with subtitles.’
As a result, many of the phrases and expressions were translated into something very different in the subtitles or dubbing.
The USA is aiming for 95% of all programmes subtitled by 2006.
It wasnt the time of year for Monarchs, the migratory lepidoptera that gave Pacific Grove its subtitle of Butterfly Town, U.S.A., and Kathryn Dance wondered what kind it was.
Roadside Crosses
It has been confirmed by one source on the Asian DVD Guide Forum that this set does not contain English dubs or subtitles.
Kung Fu Cinema
Page 23 has a title, a subtitle (which ends in a full stop, perhaps qualifying it as a sentence), and a dateline before anything which would qualify as body text.