How To Use Subterranean In A Sentence
It also has superb golf courses, so if you're a bit of a golf widow, leave him to tussle in the bunker while you slink off to the spa - it's connected to the hotel by a subterranean tunnel.
Staff vehicles enter at the rear of the building by means of a ramp that leads down to a subterranean car park.
I seldom say a harsh word to any one, but I was not master of myself then, and I spoke right out and called him an anisodactylous plesiosaurian conchyliaceous Ornithorhyneus, and rotten to the heart with holophotal subterranean extemporaneousness.
Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
Wall painting can be broadly defined as any painting in which the support is the structure itself - whether a free-standing building, a subterranean tomb, or a rock-cut cave.
Subterranean species are difficult to monitor since they appear seasonally and sporadically in seeps and springs or may not appear even during high water flows.

Pity about the subterranean exhibition space.
One day there came a note from the editor requiring me to write ten pages on this revolting text: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects.
Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
I seldom say a harsh word to any one, but I was not master of myself then, and I spoke right out and called him an anisodactylous plesiosaurian conchyliaceous Ornithorhyneus, and rotten to the heart with holophotal subterranean extemporaneousness.
Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
He read it: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the
Mark Twain's Speeches
Though long dry, these subterranean thoroughfares are literally everywhere beneath the city of London.
Among the rarest copper coins was one of Carausius (our English Carew), with two heads on it symbolling the ambition of our native usurper to assert empire over East as well as West, and among more treasure-trove was a unique gold coin of Veric, ” the Bericus of Tacitus; as also the rare contents of a subterranean potter's oven, preserved to our day, and yielding several whole vases.
My Life as an Author
The Subterranean Sound guys heat things up as well, with the return of their junglist ways.
This group of people living in subterranean shanties are proof that, as one of them says in the film, ‘homeless doesn't mean helpless.’
All sorts of human detritus, apart from the obvious, has passed through the dank subterranean chambers.
Times, Sunday Times
Now, Christ in his superangelic state in heaven was not involved in sin or in its doom of death and subterranean banishment.
The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
I propose the term exogenic fulgurites (formed at or above the earth's surface) to distinguish this class from subterranean varieties.
Below stairs, their maids and valets work in tandem with the house staff, a subterranean world with its own strict hierarchy.
Firstly, if you happen to run an extensive subterranean mass transit system, you should familiarise yourself with the topology of the network.
subterranean passages
There appears to me to be insuperable objections to this view: on the other hand, I can hardly believe, in this and in some other cases, that these marginal crateriform mountains are merely the basal remnants of immense volcanos, of which the summits either have been blown off, or swallowed up in subterranean abysses.
Chapter XXI
Nor do we view the tiny flame of our own kindling (guarded in lasting purity as its light ever is) with greater awe than the celestial fires though they are often shrouded in darkness; nor do we deem it a greater marvel than the craters of Etna, whose eruptions throw up stones from its depths and great masses of rock, and at times pour forth rivers of that pure and unmixed subterranean fire.
On the Sublime
It is in this subterranean atmosphere that language appears.
A trickle of subterranean water, which fell on the plateau weeks before, collects in a culvert for the villagers.
A new entrance route will relink the Central Garden with the National Mall at ground level, while an underground route with connect the subterranean galleries of several different museums.
It's an atmospheric work - the camera creeps like a stalker through subterranean tunnels.
Times, Sunday Times
There the true gods led him to the subterranean pool where eyeless, albescent fish swam around the clutch of huge eggs, as hard as the finest armor, left there countless centuries past.
Conan The Magnificent
I can't say that I knocked on every door," he says, "but the few that I did, didn't respond the way I wanted them to, so I think it was kind of disenchanting enough for me to go back to being subterranean.
Tony Sachs: Author (Still) Unknown: The Brilliant Music and Star-Crossed Career of Jason Falkner
The twilit subterranean chambers carried undertones of the cave sanctuaries.
Inland, the rolling farmland and fields conceal all this subterranean violence.
Times, Sunday Times
These drainages envelop the ephemeral wet surfaces and subterranean systems that rarely hold a diverse molluscan fauna.
In the music, a complex web of ricercars, or intricate contrapuntal studies, seems to reflect the labyrinth of Saragossa's subterranean corridors through which the prisoner stumbles.
From its subterranean source, the Wekiva meanders slow and clear past waving sawgrasses and under a moss-draped canopy of oak and laurel and longleaf pine.
Odontotermes spp. build both subterranean and epigeal nests.
Chemical use in Africa~ opportunities and risks
We are ignorant of the extent of the cavities which subterranean fires and volcanic agitations may have produced in the bowels of the earth in those primitive rocks, which, containing considerable quantities of amphibole, mica, garnet, magnetic iron-stone, and red schorl (titanite), appear to be anterior to granite.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
I was, and am, a rumpish, atrophic female, with a Dr. Demento nimbus of ochre hair and the fuddled, myopic gaze of a small subterranean animal.
But, even then, in that moment of seeming frustration, Durkin's subterranean yet terrible pertinaciousness, his unparaded bull-dog indefatigability, glowed and burned at its brightest.
Phantom Wires A Novel
Luckily, Subterranean Press/PS Publishing decided to get together and co-publish a lavish, dense, and beautiful based on the ARC edition of these seminal stories in one massive volume inside a terrific cover by Edward Miller, sporting introductions by John Scalzi, Joe Hill, Richard Matheson and Mark Scott Zicree.
Archive 2009-07-01
And oddest of all, as it seemed to me for the moment, two or three of these weird inhabitants of a subterranean world, a world sheltered by innumerable miles of rock from sun or rain, carried umbrellas in their tentaculate hands — real terrestrial looking umbrellas!
First Men in the Moon
Fans of Ray Bradbury and his The Martian Chronicles (1950) will not be disappointed with the publication of The Martian Chronicles: the Definitive Edition (late 2009) by Subterranean Press and PS Publishing, which recently acquired the rights to co-publish this long-delayed book.
Archive 2009-02-01
A large mechanical platform is lowered into the subterranean depths of Purgato.
These portals lead to subterranean passages that pass deep into the hillside, some of which have been blocked by earthfalls.
So for all we know there might be conditions, such as lofted in the atmosphere or in subterranean conditions on Venus, which support some basic form of life on hot planets.
If the Earth is Rare, We May Not Hear from ET | Universe Today
If people knew what Bob was up to, mothers would clutch their babes to their bosoms when they see him pass by, and men would make public speculations about Bob's lineage, and offer him directions to subterranean hot spots.
Most mammals employing this behavior are subterranean, rather than simply fossorial; most fossorial mammals are limited to scratch digging.
She had once thought those lines referred to the river Axe, the sacred river that ran through the subterranean chambers and caverns and stalactites of the Cheddar gorge, but she now saw that the Alph of Xanadu was the Severn, and that the sunless sea was Coleridge's prophetic vision of the pewter post-nuclear wasteland of this estuary, spreading out westwards in the post-nuclear future towards the metallic fish-free Atlantic.
Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
Now, with my own lips, I have played notes from Subterranean flutes twenty-five thousand years old standard diatonic to heptatonic, including a flatted la and a neutral third for mi, i.e., a blue note.
Players get to run around the building's maze of corridors, explore its subterranean passageways and take to its roof with a sniper rifle.
It is both a museum and a memorial to the thousands who experienced torture under two different totalitarian regimes in the subterranean cells.
Under the Bush administration, instead of building a framework that would embrace broader strategies, we invested, for instance, billions of dollars in iffy research to abate GHG emissions primarily from oil refineries and power plants, by pumping it into the subterranean geological strata.
Steven Apfelbaum: A Win-Win Policy: Conserving Lands and Mitigating Climate Change in a Public-Private Partnership
Two basic types of termites may be cohabiting with you: drywood and subterranean.
Below stairs, their maids and valets work in tandem with the house staff, a subterranean world with its own strict hierarchy.
Spreading from the ports, Formosan termites began a subterranean colonization of the country.
The scenes in the subterranean offices of the Admiralty are remarkably subdued; the war seems to be a deuced spot of bother bound to blow over any day now, but damned unpleasant in the clinch, eh?
He would gorge on Thai food after leaving his secret subterranean family to starve on meagre rations.
The Sun
The country is pocked with tunnels, bunkers and subterranean chambers where production facilities could be hidden.
Times, Sunday Times
I seldom say a harsh word to any one, but I was not master of myself then, and I spoke right out and called him an anisodactylous plesiosaurian conchyliaceous Ornithorhyncus, and rotten to the heart with holoaophotal subterranean extemporaneousness.
Mark Twain's Speeches
Consequently this is a largely sensory experience, gliding through subterranean nightclubs like a kind of freewheeling, visual jazz.
Times, Sunday Times
Pumping out the water is not a long-term solution, and the project's ultimate aim is to channel the subterranean water away once and for all.
This subtly points to our own construction of people as demons or our internalisation of demonologies without paying heed to the subterranean layers of history and folklore.
In the presence of the terrible inundation of the gallery of Airolo and the falling of aquiferous rocks, creating in the subterranean work so desperate a situation that a large number of very experienced engineers almost advised the abandonment of the works, Favre remained impassive.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882
I'll be honest: the most exciting thing about the film for me was that the climactic segment is set in a steampunk elvish subterranean vault under the Giant's Causeway.
Linkspam for 10-6-2009
Still, somewhere beneath your feet is a subterranean passage that obligingly ran from this all male seminary to the next door convent of Nazarene nuns.
An erect, herbaceous, dichotomously branched perennial, 60-180 cm high, with large, fleshy, cylindrical, obovoid subterranean rhizomes, large lanceolate leaves and white flowers arranged in twin clusters, which very rarely produce red seeds.
Chapter 10
Venturing deep below the ice, the explorers soon realise to their horror that the subterranean structure is in fact a sacrificial chamber, home to the dreaded aliens.
A dank series of cavelike rooms below an Orthodox yeshiva, the place had a musty, subterranean feel, as if the Golem were crouching in the next passageway.
The Lampshade
The subterranean flames roared and crackled; the hills were shaken to their centre; the caves were heaving in their depths, and fresh, glittering, golden, diamantine lumps came ever gushing from the fused and seething mass.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1864
All sorts of human detritus, apart from the obvious, has passed through the dank subterranean chambers.
Times, Sunday Times
All sorts of human detritus, apart from the obvious, has passed through the dank subterranean chambers.
Times, Sunday Times
Between the offbeat strum, subterranean bass and rock-steady drumming, they leave gaps that other bands would nervously clutter with ephemera.
Sometimes the link was a subterranean tunnel.
Times, Sunday Times
They said that hidden subterranean lakes underlay the Vinkus region, that water resources there could serve the whole of Oz.
Subverting the derivative subterranean drift of the rest of the album, Smith allows dissonant chording and mechanical clanks to disrupt his serene drones.
Instead of following their way back to the waiting room they turned right and went down a flight of steps into an subterranean antechamber, filled by a long table laden with exotic foods and striking chinaware.
The bombastic sci-fi series returns with a prequel exploring the early days of humanity's battle against a subterranean alien horde.
Times, Sunday Times
They were not alone in enjoying this subterranean existence because Bermuda's caves support a diverse fauna specially adapted to a lightless existence.
The subterranean world is beautifully rendered, full of moody atmosphere.
The Sun
This is a troubling image, redolent of something locked in an aimless subterranean existence.
He then begins a campaign of terror to ensure that his beloved gets the best parts before spiriting her away to his subterranean lair to be his infernal bride.
Fluorescent lighting illuminates the white underside of the outer shell generating a soft iridescence that evokes the mystery of a subterranean grotto, with the cave-like auditorium at its heart.
The wine cellar was not subterranean in this house without a basement, being rather a long cabineted series of shelves beneath the bar in the butler’s pantry.
The Houseguest
At the discovery outcrop, the black glass-lined effusion crater with its glassy tendrils marks the transition from subterranean fulgurite tubes to exogenic styles of formation.
German homeowners and gardeners who attempt to destroy an ant hill or subterranean nest will be subject to hefty fines if caught.
The home should be inspected for all wood-destroying insects, including subterranean and dry wood termites, longhorned wood borers, metallic wood borers, powder post beetles, anobiid beetles, carpenter ants, velvety tree ants and carpenter bees.
SFGate: Top News Stories
Then, after eating the remainder of the flesh, they laid the bones and the rest in anatomical order in a coffin and buried them with the usual rites, believing that the god to whom the animal was sacrificed would reclothe the bones with flesh and restore the animal to life in Jabme-Aimo, the subterranean world of the dead.
Chapter 53. The Propitiation of Wild Animals By Hunters
Here Simon Ford had lived with his family ten years, in a subterranean dwelling, hollowed out in the schistous mass, where formerly stood the powerful engines which worked the mechanical traction of the Dochart pit.
The Underground City
The least human whisper in these subterraneans, dug out first four thousand years ago, revived ominous Powers that stalked beside him, forbidding and premonitive.
Four Weird Tales
One day there came a note from the editor requiring me to write ten pages -- on this revolting text: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects.
Mark Twain's Speeches
Vein gold is deposited by hot subterranean water known as a hydrothermal fluid.
There's a subterranean river that goes underneath all the homes on this street.
Christianity Today
It was only recently discovered that the majority of these wells and caverns are interconnected, and much of this subterranean landscape is still unexplored.
For this study, ‘winter’ and ‘spring’ designations were based on the presence of semi-subterranean habitations.
He read it: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects.
Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
Children played hide and seek in its subterranean nooks and crannies.
Truffles, or subterranean mushrooms, are the world's most expensive vegetable.
It was always a stunning room, a gleaming subterranean box of pale lacquer and smoked mirrors with a set of Lalique doors you'd unhinge and run off with in the middle of the night if you thought you could get away with it.
His 1965 song "Subterranean Homesick Blues" references the violence inflicted on civil rights protesters by cops ("Better stay away from those/That carry around a fire hose") but also reflected his growing cynicism ("Don't follow leaders/Watch the parkin' meters").
Peter Dreier: The Political Bob Dylan
One day there came a note from the editor requiring me to write ten pages on this revolting text: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects.
Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
What it is: The edible fruiting body of a group of subterranean ascomycete fungi of the genus Tuber.
The Best Stuff on Earth?!
One day there came a note from the editor requiring me to write ten pages -- on this revolting text: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects.
Mark Twain's Speeches
A foul odor of decaying flesh permeated the air of this subterranean charnel chamber.
Just days ago the subterranean nerve centre was on alert when two Russian warplanes ventured close to British airspace.
The Sun
At the discovery outcrop, the black glass-lined effusion crater with its glassy tendrils marks the transition from subterranean fulgurite tubes to exogenic styles of formation.
They said that hidden subterranean lakes underlay the Vinkus region, that water resources there could serve the whole of Oz.
She is associated with a bridge, a subterranean aqueduct and a magic distaff, one of the symbols of Athene.
The bombastic sci-fi series returns with a prequel exploring the early days of humanity's battle against a subterranean alien horde.
Times, Sunday Times
Originally formed by a subterranean stream, then flooded by the sea, it is a rare opportunity to dive in salt water among stalactites and stalagmites.
It is now confined to subterranean habitats at the northern limits of its distribution.
Caves and Cave Life
I've fallen into a dingy subterranean bar called KGB, lured by the initials and the sign outside depicting a froth-capped beer glass.
Subterranean Ocean - The image on the left shows a region of Europa´s crust made up of blocks which are thought to have broken apart and "rafted" into new positions. - Articles related to Pennsylvania Shoots Down Tobacco Tax
Beat’s outer trappings — black turtlenecks, cigarette pants, neckerchiefs, berets — is indebted less to Jack Kerouac and his wayward cohort, who slouched about in frayed flannel shirts, than to stylized interpretations in movies like “Funny Face” or the less well-known “Subterraneans,’’ a 1960 film based on a Kerouac novel about the kinky denizens of North Beach in San Francisco.
August 2006
Most of them are about the experience of girls and women, about the exercise of power and its abuse, and about subterranean aspects of human relationships.
FS- Reflexion is a geophysical measuring instrument to locate subterranean voids like caves, bunkers, tunnels or basement vaults.
Jack Vance is the master of the 'Dying Earth' genre of SF and now Subterranean Press, in conjunction with editor extraordinaire Gardner Dozois, is producing Songs of the Dying Earth, an anthology in honor of Jack Vance.
February 2009
Beneath fields of tamarisk and prickly pear, Indian ricegrass, snakeweed, and Russian thistle, a plume of contaminated water stretched for a subterranean mile.3 The stream, half again as wide as it was long, contained about 4.5 million polluted gallons from the ore itself and the various chemicals that VCA poured through it to draw the uranium out.
Yellow Dirt
Expertly juggling pathos and humour, Baumbach has created a queasy tug-of-war between surface civility and subterranean resentment.
These broken instruments of fertility were afterwards reverently wrapt up and buried in the earth or in subterranean chambers sacred to Cybele, where, like the offering of blood, they may have been deemed instrumental in recalling Attis to life and hastening the general resurrection of nature, which was then bursting into leaf and blossom in the vernal sunshine.
Chapter 34. The Myth and Ritual of Attis
These subterranean palaces and vaulted cloisters, which we call bulbs, are no more roots than the blade of grass is a root, in which the ear of corn forms before it shoots up.
Proserpina, Volume 1 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
Firstly, if you happen to run an extensive subterranean mass transit system, you should familiarise yourself with the topology of the network.
I seldom say a harsh word to any one, but I was not master of myself then, and I spoke right out and called him an anisodactylous plesiosaurian conchyliaceous Ornithorhyncus, and rotten to the heart with holoaophotal subterranean extemporaneousness.
Mark Twain's Speeches
One day there came a note from the editor requiring me to write ten pages on this revolting text: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects.
Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
Swimming in the clear, fresh, subterranean water was sublime.
They performed uncanny sacrifices to chthonian deities; subterranean caves,, were opened, pigs thrown down into the depths; probably there was a bigger, secret sacrifice towards the end of the festival.
Way out back I discover a subterranean Yellow Jacket nest the quick and easy way; I mow over the entrance then get stung as I walk behind the mower into the stream of very pissed-off exiting hymenoptera.
Something ate the Yellow Jacket nest
Small carnivorous marsupials, typically including the long-tailed planigale (Planigale ingrami) and the stripe-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura), are among the most abundant mammals using this subterranean shelter.
Mitchell grass downs
Other ways an organism may be cryptic include nocturnality, subterranean lifestyle, and transparency.
In other words, this tradition suggests a subterranean relationship between pleasure and austerity.
Subterranean termites tunnel in moist soil to find wood, putting decks and lower levels of buildings at risk.
I seldom say a harsh word to any one, but I was not master of myself then, and I spoke right out and called him an anisodactylous plesiosaurian conchyliaceous Ornithorhyncus, and rotten to the heart with holoaophotal subterranean extemporaneousness.
Mark Twain's Speeches
The stuffiness was a result of subterranean humidity.
He read it: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects.
Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
Scrooges who detest Christmas are being offered the chance to avoid this year's festive season - by hiding in a subterranean nuclear bunker.
subterranean motives for murder
This haven of cool tiled rooms and gently perfumed air sits apart from the main body of the hotel, but is connected by a subterranean corridor.
Vein gold is deposited by hot subterranean water known as a hydrothermal fluid.
When it comes to dessert, almond tart with yoghurt ice cream or white chocolate and pine kernel semifreddo with cocoa ice-cream might cry out to be tried but consider instead - or have as well - pecorino di fossa, miele di nespolo e mostardo di fico, which is a sheep's milk cheese that has been aged in subterranean stone holes for about three months served with medlar honey and fig mustard; an inspired combination.
Evening Standard - Home
The subterranean world is beautifully rendered, full of moody atmosphere.
The Sun
This three-dimensional complex of surface closed depressions, subterranean conduits, caves, and springs is known as karst terrain.
• The massive Sigurðsson-Björk subterranean endothermic induction “vacuum” to remotely suck the heat energy from the magma chamber,
365 tomorrows » 2009 » March : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
It got about that the old house had had famous cellarage (which indeed was true), and that Flintwinch had been in a cellar at the moment, or had had time to escape into one, and that he was safe under its strong arch, and even that he had been heard to cry, in hollow, subterranean, suffocated notes, ‘Here I am!’
Little Dorrit
subterranean folk" who dwelt there, and whom he described as a spectre herd, with little, ugly, pale, or bluish human shapes, dotted in grey, and with black head-gear.
Strife and Peace
The main church was a sulfury subterranean vault filled with icons and gold.
The Holy Mountain
The subterranean portion of the plant is a compound structure consisting of a large, more or less cylindrical rootstock, indistinctly marked with a number of horizontal nodose rings, and with a coarse central core: from this root stock 6-10 irregularly spindle-shaped secondary tubers arise as off-shoots.
Chapter 8
Credulous undergraduates fall prey to priestly performers who claim to be initiating them into the subterranean mysteries.
Here are about 1200 caves, some of them with lakes and rivers; subterranean grottos are suitable for diving.
Invertebrate stocks that colonized Ascension underwent a variety of evolutionary changes including phyletic evolution leading to endemic status, adaptation to subterranean life (Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones, Collembola, and Psocoptera), character release (phorid Diptera), and probably splitting of lineages (speciation) within the island (Isopoda, Collembola, and gryllid Orthoptera).
Ascension scrub and grasslands
My next release from Subterranean Press will be the new trade-paperback edition of Alabaster in April (by the way, I love that on a search for the word "alabaster" on Google, out of 4,880,000 hits, this book comes in at sixth place).
"I have an angry libido."
When I was seven years old, my grandparents gave me a Dungeons & Dragons boxed set, the basic edition with an Erol Otus cover on which a spear-wielding fighter in purple armor and a fireball-hurling magic-user, one leg outthrust from her scarlet robes, confront a green dragon on the edge of a subterranean lake.
Archive 2010-07-01
Wall painting can be broadly defined as any painting in which the support is the structure itself - whether a free-standing building, a subterranean tomb, or a rock-cut cave.
The entire opera takes place in some kind of subterranean vault, or perhaps a subway station.
And if you were to tell us that the marked boreholes remind you of Bowring's oculi, the surface presence of untraceable “subterranean subconscious” folding back into the earth, that's because Bowring is a genius and she intended it.
Burying the Villa Savoye
He read it: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects.
Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
The term catacomb was applied to these subterranean cemeteries at a much later period.
Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
It continued a subterranean existence ranging from Frankist movement to some of the more revolutionary strands of the secular Haskalah.
Carlo Strenger: Messianic Theology Is An Obstacle To Middle Eastern Peace
Twelve members of her extended family have come to Las Vegas to cheer Charli on, and one immediately brands the pageant "cultish" -- for all of its subterranean rules, eager hangers-on, elaborate costumes and strict sequestering of the queens.
Ten-gallon tiara: The Miss Rodeo America pageant
The la-di-da world of haute cuisine becomes rapidly less genteel during truffle season, a period marked by the hysterical hunting, trading, smuggling and devouring of this elusive subterranean fungal delicacy.
The good news is that Subterranean and PS have acquired the rights to co-publish the book and will be offering a substantial discount on the numbered version for a short period of time.
Limited edition of The Martian Chronicles offers expensive lesson in pre-ordering books
Here the source for the volcanoes, an extensive wall of subterranean mud provides a near surface source.
As he now lay trembling there, he recalled Melchior's words about the valley being bewitched, the falling stones, the disappearance of the crystals; and he was fast growing into a belief that the old legends must be true, and that there really existed a race of horrible little beings beneath the earth, whose duty it was to protect the treasures of the subterranean lands, and that this was one of them on the watch to take the crystals from their hands.
The Crystal Hunters A Boy's Adventures in the Higher Alps
It lives on subterranean fungi or, as we call them truffles if we're in France.
We are ignorant of the extent of the cavities which subterranean fires and volcanic agitations may have produced in the bowels of the earth in those primitive rocks, which, containing considerable quantities of amphibole, mica, garnet, magnetic iron-stone, and red schorl (titanite), appear to be anterior to granite.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
While Africa's “resource curse” has deep historical roots, China's strategic appetite for the continent's subterranean riches is unprecedented.
Michelle Chen: Zambia Mine Shooting Blights Chinese 'Development' in Africa
Most of the workers were relegated to subterranean office space divided by shoulder-high cubicles.
In Les Fils de Dieu (The Sons of God) (1873), the French author Louis Jacolliot linked vril with the subterranean people of Thule.
Mistaken Foreign Myths about Shambhala
Somewhere in the maze of subterranean cracks below the village, contaminated surface water was leaking into clean groundwater.
I seldom say a harsh word to any one, but I was not master of myself then, and I spoke right out and called him an anisodactylous plesiosaurian conchyliaceous Ornithorhyneus, and rotten to the heart with holophotal subterranean extemporaneousness.
Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
Parking is sensibly relegated to two subterranean levels below.
Years after succumbing to the corrosive effects of toxic industrial acid in a subterranean chase turned deadly, a brutal serial killer returns from the grave to spread mayhem and death in director Rob McKinnon's infernal frightener.
Mr. Hell (2006) | Happy Share
The subterranean world is beautifully rendered, full of moody atmosphere.
The Sun
In subterranean passages, where sedimentation rates are extremely low, endogenous processes are the primary sediment source, and archaeologists must identify artifact palimpsests on ancient surfaces.
She knew nothing of their subterranean, furtive, twilight life, the limbo through which, with their obliterated humanity, they moved as so many unhouseled ghosts, or the aching hunger in those hands that reached, groping tentatively out of their emptiness to seek some hope or stay.
Like many orchids, the red helleborine is capable of growing and flowering in quite deep shade and, if conditions become too adverse, it is able to lead a subterranean existence for many years until conditions become more favourable.
He would gorge on Thai food after leaving his secret subterranean family to starve on meagre rations.
The Sun
The latter were virtual subterranean towns equipped with barracks, kitchens, power plants, magazines, and even electric railways to transport men and ammunition.
Just days ago the subterranean nerve centre was on alert when two Russian warplanes ventured close to British airspace.
The Sun
Neither edition is available to order yet, and the Subterranean Press limited edition sold out in pre-orders.
I’m one of the “and many others” – Brian Keene
At the designated time, he showed up in a subterranean Parrish office and was greeted by an upperclassman and a mimeograph machine.
To be constructed in later phases, the partly subterranean concourse, sculptural in form and carefully illuminated, would create a natural linking device on axis with the centre of the Lanyon building.
Mar. 4th, 2010 08: 28 pm (UTC) "Hydrarguros" has sold to Subterranean Press - à juste titre.
"The needle sticks and the penny drops."
There was in other words a subterranean chain of information about the going rates.
The stuffiness was a result of subterranean humidity.
These subterranean muds are being uplifted into steeply dipping, anticlinal structures cored by strike-slip faulting.
Spiralling stairs and a glass lift transport technicians to subterranean depths and storage vaults.
It took exceptional sangfroid, not to mention bicycling technique, to hold your line in the slick subterranean darkness.
Pine voles inhabit timbered areas, preferring a subterranean life in the soil.
Another exhibition blending architectural skills with artistic flair, and another intriguing prospect for this subterranean space.
Times, Sunday Times
Beneath the church of Montmajour is a most extraordinary crypt, almost as big as the edifice above it and making a complete subterranean temple, surrounded with a circular gallery, or deambulatory, which expands at intervals into five square chapels.
A Little Tour of France
Originally formed by a subterranean stream, then flooded by the sea, it is a rare opportunity to dive in salt water among stalactites and stalagmites.
At one end of the square stands the town's main mosque, at the other the Church of the Nativity, in which a subterranean grotto marks the place of Christ's birth.
This could be a serious curtailment to our subterranean activities, there is talk of duck boards, bilge pumps, aqualungs and horizontal drainage tunnels.
For this verdant subterranean hideaway is arguably London's most stylish and comfortable place in which to enjoy a cigar.
Dusting Off the Stogie's Stodgy Image
The film's greatest strength is that it takes classic elements like perpetual rainfall and creepy subterranean settings and underplays them.
The origin of the currently recognised genera can be dated to the Late Oligocene-Miocene, and their diversification can thus be traced to Miocene ancestors fully adapted to subterranean life, with no evidence of extinct epigean, less modified lineages.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
After driving in, breaking all previously known records, I parked in this grim subterranean car park, at astronomical hourly rates.
The subterranean gloom of the pool hall provides a perfect backdrop for the dark human drama.
Times, Sunday Times
To be fixed at the mouth of a mine, and to have to descend it daily, and not to discover great opulence below; on the contrary, to be chilled in subterranean sunlessness, without any substantial quality that she could grasp, only the mystery of the inefficient tallow-light in those caverns of the complacent-talking man: this appeared to her too extreme a probation for two or three weeks.
The Egoist
Subterranean Press and Pyr Book are coming out with many editions where elegance is the key word.
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Bellows-mender in the William S.akespeare play A Midsummer Night's Dream (5) 17 S.all agile ape of forests in S. Asia (6) 21 Edible subterranean fungus that is also called an earthnut (7) 22 Michael ---, author of the plays Alphabetical Order and Noises Off (5) 23 and 15 American Football team that won S.per Bowl III in 1969 (3,4,4) - Home
He then begins a campaign of terror to ensure that his beloved gets the best parts before spiriting her away to his subterranean lair to be his infernal bride.
One day there came a note from the editor requiring me to write ten pages -- on this revolting text: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects.
Mark Twain's Speeches
Now she did a very curious thing: she explored all the subterranean passages connecting the Columbia buildings.