How To Use Subterfuge In A Sentence

  • You submit to subterfuge, you replace your ordinary parents by a little less ordinary, but still quite ordinary folks, Katrien and the commissaris. Just a Corpse at Twilight
  • Much investigative journalism involves some form of subterfuge. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, just in case you get the idea that all was pretence and subterfuge, I feel I should let you know just how the mother of a friend of mine described the communist years.
  • The only character who sees through the subterfuge is the ex-CIA agent, abandoned by his country, whose life of dirty deeds on behalf of The Company prepares him alone to understand his role and dig his way out. Hullabaloo
  • I am useless when it comes to subterfuge or breaking rules and I botched the entire mission right royally.
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  • In ancient times they used disguise and subterfuge, but these modern warriors used an equally disarming trick. Times, Sunday Times
  • he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge
  • That was a fine, half-pie, sort of ACT speech from that member, but I take issue with the Minister of Conservation, who accused ACT of subterfuge.
  • To perceive this work as a subterfuge to secure funding for political purposes is ludicrous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Getting a Soviet visa took months of lying, subterfuge and the judicious placing of bottles of whisky on appropriate desks in Moscow.
  • It is affirmed that the aumils and renters exact from the proprietors of the actual harvest a large increase in kind on their stipulated rent: that is, from those who hold their _pottah_ by the tenure of paying _one half_ of the produce of their crops, either _the whole_ without subterfuge, or a _large_ proportion of it by a _false measurement_ or other pretexts; and from those whose engagements are for The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
  • A rather good tale that beings with a tense and exciting mission of subterfuge to escape from a very fascist dystopia to start a colony in interstellar space. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Coyote - Allen M. Steele
  • Thank you, HBM for referring to all that which can only remain subterfuge. Getting The Funk Out | Her Bad Mother
  • Journalists often use subterfuge to obtain material for stories.
  • The only way to find out whether it was true was to attempt to catch them red-handed, and this required subterfuge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fighting subterfuge with subterfuge did not appeal to me.
  • But it is ridiculous that those close to her feel the need to use subterfuge to bolster her popularity. The Sun
  • In some instances they employ violence, or subterfuge, or deceit. Times, Sunday Times
  • They both seem eager to give the impression they don't require any tricks or subterfuge to advance.
  • Worst of all, though, are well-meaning liberals who assist in this subterfuge.
  • My immediate reaction is that his article feels kind of like an ambush, can it be called dissimulation or subterfuge? The Spirit - news with a Catholic Heart...
  • humoring" Phoebe's madness, with its implied subterfuges and equivocations. The Panchronicon
  • To play fast and loose now means to behave in a deceitful or irresponsible manner. shell game This old gambling game (earlier known as thimblerig), in which the operator openly places a pea under one of three walnut shells, then rapidly shifts the shells around and challenges a sucker to bet on the location of the pea, has given its name to any kind of chicanery or subterfuge. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 2
  • But if it is, the protesters have gone to great lengths in their subterfuge: faking riots, dressing as police officers, hiring horses, releasing tear-gas canisters.
  • Codes, which were adopted by the legislatures first convened under what has gone into history as the "Johnsonian" plan of reconstruction, were models of ingenious subterfuge. Bricks Without Straw
  • They paint the approach as a disarming subterfuge designed to undermine solid evidence that all living things share a common ancestry.
  • And then, in light of the company's history of serial duplicity and ham-fisted sponsoring subterfuge, they assume it must be rubbish.
  • The Black Codes, which were adopted by the legislatures first convened under what has gone into history as the "Johnsonian" plan of reconstruction, were models of ingenious subterfuge. Bricks without Straw A Novel
  • But I haven't had time to prime them about my small and innocent act of subterfuge.
  • This is a gang whose members are masters of subterfuge and sleight of hand, and they play for big money, jewels, banks and other high-security projects.
  • The ballot issue is a subterfuge designed to confuse voters.
  • It has few secrets or subterfuge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her talent for subterfuge lay hidden behind her sweet, serene smile. She beat them all.
  • It doesn't have anything to add and can only dabble in subterfuge. Casey Luskin on Kitzmiller & Information
  • The subterfuge was the Ethiopians putting the war lords back into power in Somolia. Think Progress » The U.S. has launched air strikes in Somalia
  • But what's possibly the most damning aspect of this is the level of dishonesty, subterfuge and cover-up.
  • But Yudhishtira had little talent for subterfuge and I could only advise him to wrap a cloak around his head and shoulders and show himself in public as little as possible.
  • This required as much subterfuge on her part as on his. BLOOD AGAINST THE SNOWS: The Tragic Story of Nepal's Royal Dynasty
  • They became haughty and arrogant, and began to love the art of subterfuge and deception, as well as politics and law.
  • I know the signs are not good as the Gramsci moles seem to have reached Eton, too, judging by some of phraseology emitting from the Cameroons, but I have to go on hoping that they are appealing to the deserters of NuLab in a vote-catching exercise and subterfuge; that they will restore some traditional conservatism and patriotism if they get into power. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • To perceive this work as a subterfuge to secure funding for political purposes is ludicrous. Times, Sunday Times
  • He saw the unfairness of it all, the hopelessness of it, the cowardly subterfuge and trickery of life itself as it had played against him, and with tightly set lips and clenched hands he called mutely on God Almighty to play the game square. The River's End
  • The debate itself was a case study in the misinformation, obstinancy, subterfuge, rancour and fear that has characterised the fraught process.
  • Her claim to be a journalist was simply a subterfuge to get into the theatre without paying.
  • This is unskillful because it requires subterfuge and deceit, it means that solemn promises made at the time of marriage are broken, and it amounts to a betrayal of trust.
  • Accordingly, the Panel holds that the changing of the spelling of the name is a colourable device and subterfuge, created to entice the user into the Respondent’s website for the purposes of making money.
  • We better tell him the truth, and all of it, without any subterfuge or deception.
  • That fact alone likely limits the CONs interest in me, as they are the only party with the kind of bankroll to delve into all this subterfuge. Liblogs News Feed
  • To understand those tactics - which included subterfuge to get into pirates' premises - we need to go back to the 1902 law and ask why it was such a failure.
  • Most people can see right through that type of subterfuge.
  • There was some subterfuge about our position on board -- I forget the particulars now -- I was called the supercargo and Pollack was the steward. Tono Bungay
  • Call me old-fashioned but back in the good-old-days this used to be done with a bit more indirection, subterfuge and cover, no?
  • Its origin is involved in obscurity: but may it not be a corruption of the Latin _ambages_, or the singular ablative _ambage_? which signifies _quibbling, subterfuge_, and that kind of conduct which is generally supposed to constitute _humbug_. Notes and Queries, Number 194, July 16, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • The first group make a living by pretence; the second are masters of subterfuge for whom truth, in the form of exposure, can be deadly.
  • Accordingly, the Panel holds that the changing of the spelling of the name is a colourable device and subterfuge, created to entice the user into the Respondent’s website for the purposes of making money.
  • Dirty cheating usually involves a personal financial gain made from a betrayal of trust or from some form of subterfuge; it is widely condemned and spoken of either in anger or in the guarded terms of the unmentionable.
  • My retinue consisted not of fellow cyclists and fitness heads, but bandmates and the subterfuge associated with playing regularly in a rock band, reefer, and lots of scotch.
  • I'm afraid Arthur has revealed his weakness for arcana and subterfuge with this one.
  • Indeed, if Obama, Reid and Pelosi use what can only be called subterfuge to pass the health care bill, what will they be emboldened to do next? The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Slaughter Solution constitutional?
  • Perhaps a little subterfuge too; look at how surprised Ashlee is. Jessica Simpson Styles Sister Ashlee’s Hair With Her Mouth In Today’s Daily TwitPic » MTV Movies Blog
  • Christine Fair, a co-author of that report and an assistant professor at Georgetown University's Center for Peace and Security Studies, said the battle against extremists in Pakistan is mired in layers of subterfuge by Pakistani intelligence and a "mystifying" acceptance by the CIA of Pakistan's "good-militant, bad-militant" policy. The Ghazi Force: Vengeful New Militant Group Emerges In Pakistan
  • One account suggested that the soldiers used subterfuge to persuade the suspect to open the door. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has also complained to the PCC that the reporter used subterfuge to interview her, pretending to be the mother of an inmate.
  • Fuzzyheaded thinking suggesting that it is possible to manipulate the Northern state by subterfuge should also be discarded since it is not possible to transform an existing state apparatus.
  • They both seem eager to give the impression they don't require any tricks or subterfuge to advance.
  • But the Recording Industry Assn. of America and the Motion Picture Assn. of America say they sometimes need to use subterfuge as they pursue bootleggers in flea markets and on the Internet. April 9th, 2007
  • The performers look directly at us - here is no subterfuge, no stage personas, just magisterial skill on transparent display.
  • Having to reason with a human and persuade her by the subterfuge of logic was exasperating.
  • Regarding archives being deleted, it seems to me that a little subterfuge is required here, if you think your blog/newspaper is going to be bought out by megacorp, burn a copy on disc, say nothing, and take it home. Mainstream media: killing the past
  • But I don't mean to suggest that this is some form of deceit: it seems to me that the people fooled by this subterfuge are the people presenting the ID case themselves. An Ode to ID
  • More subterfuge is discovered, and in the end, the unicorn with the Jewel of Judgement appears. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: The Courts of Chaos - Roger Zelazny
  • There's plenty of action, intrigue, and subterfuge in exotic locales around the world with a compelling variety of weapons and gadgets and a motley cast of nefarious villains to contend with.
  • When presented with characters that practice subterfuge for a living, audiences are moved to anticipate the inevitable double-crosses.
  • the paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature.
  • Jonson's plays challenged the audience to examine the impact of a society governed by deceit and subterfuge.
  • Of course if the Government simply waits for a few months, and then tries to reintroduce the RIP Act revisions, the withdrawal will be seen as subterfuge.
  • A person like myself whose sole goal is good government is vulnerable to subterfuge and concerted efforts by a disloyal colleague like Dan to remove me from the Parliament.
  • The elaborate subterfuge is often ingenious, but not enough to sustain an entire movie.
  • the paltry subterfuge of an anonymous signature.
  • In situations like that, one of us insinuates ourself into the building in question by some subterfuge or other. KICK BACK
  • Using guerrilla tactics and subterfuge, Alfred beat the Vikings at their own game.
  • So far, it looks as if, through a series of subterfuges and evasions, there will be neither an adequate investigation nor any accountability.
  • Nonetheless, a brilliant display of political subterfuge was unfolding as the oblivious crowd bopped to Christian rock with their hands swaying above their heads. Wayne Besen: Religious Right Using Abortion to Lure Black Voters to GOP
  • Rather, the specter of widespread voter shenanigans in black and Latino precincts is a subterfuge. David A. Love: The Corporate Financing of Voter Suppression
  • The fact that the page already blocked such potential subterfuge brought no comment, nor did the suggestion that the administrators simply exclude the votes from addresses they found suspicious in origin.
  • Many calatheas have a red or purple underside to their leaves, which adds subterfuge to their pest resistance.
  • They became haughty and arrogant, and began to love the art of subterfuge and deception, as well as politics and law.
  • His precise poundage is the subject of some debate, subterfuge and codology.
  • On whkh confideration it might well be concluded witji wha (the Author of Religia Medici wrSes on this Snbjed: The Alceran is a Book compofed unadvifedly ftufied with idle and ridiculous Errors in Philofophy; fuftained by apparent S (4icifms, Subterfuges of Ignorance, the decrying pfAca - demies, and the banifliing of all manner of Learning, upheld by Force more than Reafon, the Fortupe of their Arms be - ing their greateft Argument. A New Account of East-India and Persia, in Eight Letters. Being Nine Years ...
  • The author is able to bring forth an implied criticism of the hopelessness of the situations, or of the dishonesties and the hypocritical subterfuges of the adult world.
  • This is where a manager uses all sorts of subterfuge to entice a player into leaving his present club.
  • She hated to lose, this one, and he had pushed her hard, using her pride as a lever to pry away at any subterfuge.
  • Now, again, there is a byplay there between the suggestion that the Crown is involved in some sort of subterfuge in this case.
  • But subterfuge will only contribute to an ecclesial culture of hypocrisy.
  • While such subterfuges allow presidents to ignore selected parts of unratified agreements, the administration's objective is precisely the opposite.
  • The attempt then to portray Al Gore, who rejected the subterfuge, as the one who was funking national debates was farcical.
  • “I have made game of my goose, at any rate, and given Bessie Lee a good lesson, on what our old schoolmaster would call the potentiality of mankind — but come,” she added, for though rather ashamed to confess her purpose when she knew ridicule must be braved, courage was easier to Isabella than subterfuge, “Come along with us to Effie's, and I will tell you the joke I played off on Jupe.” The Linwoods; Or, "sixty Years Since" in America
  • `But it's not a bit ``intellectual', really,' Bridget had said, on the mirthful occasion on which the subterfuge had been acknowledged. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • Lee probably couldn't even spell the word subterfuge let alone actually use it as a method of gleaning accurate information.
  • Journalists often use subterfuge to obtain material for stories.
  • Much investigative journalism involves some form of subterfuge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite what Zachriel may think, subterfuge is not an Olympic event. After thoughts on Barr

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