How To Use Subsurface In A Sentence
A La Nina needs favorable subsurface water conditions plus strong easterly surface winds to help upwell the cool water.
Unthreaded #12 « Climate Audit
These features probably form in the shallow subsurface and are exhumed by submarine erosion.
Ground penetrating radar provides an image of the subsurface showing the internal structure of dunes.
Block and boulder-strewn nubbins and castle koppies (and the tors of south-western England) apparently evolve through the further weathering, in the subsurface, of incipient bornhardts.
Wave equation time migration fails to image subsurface geological structure correctly in the case of obvious lateral seismic velocity variation.

In anticipation, the city of Chicago has hired the local office of TranSystems Corp. to prepare preliminary designs for a three-deck subsurface transfer station providing intermodal links.
The wellhead high pressure wireline control system can conduct close-in tests without bleeding off fluid and pressure, and keeping normal subsurface water injection.
Rocks in intermediate-burial settings experience chemical compaction as well as subsurface cementation and dissolution.
Thin layering in sedimentary rocks, preferred orientation of crystals or the presence of fractures in subsurface rocks cause anisotropic wave propagation in rock layers.
In subsurface ore mining, headings are driven into new ground, level drifts follow the ore, level crosscuts connect drifts, and vertical or inclined raises connect the workings from level to level.
The lower reaches of most streams have aggraded; here, enough gravel has accumulated to promote subsurface flow, except during and immediately after rainfall.
Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
A subsurface impulse radar system on board a cutter was used to measure brash ice thickness in the Great Lakes.
It seeps through the earth to a subsurface water table, which flows horizontally to a stream bank.
This is called subsurface return flow or interflow.
Surface runoff
Such digging, if not properly planned and executed, can damage or destroy tree root systems, restrict tree root growth, and alter subsurface soil water movement.
Recent images returned from Phoenix are already revealing clues about subsurface ice on the red planet.
“This experiment is particularly timely because it provides subsurface geological information that complements the work of the NEPTUNE Canada project at the University of Victoria to install a long-term cabled hydrothermal observatory in the hydrothermal fields” said William Wilcock, a UW marine geophysicist and a co-principal investigator on the project.
More Anti-Science Eco-Activism in British Columbia - The Panda's Thumb
These currents are largely produced by electrochemical reactions and fluid flow in the subsurface, and the measurable voltages can be up to several hundred millivolts.
Oxygenated blood from the gills is fed to the muscles via large subsurface coetaneous arteries.
Dr. Reese Halter: Protecting Great White Sharks
Water that infiltrates the soil is called subsurface water, but not all of it becomes groundwater for the following reasons:
Chapter 10
The seismic data show faulting of the subsurface sediments, possibly as dikes were injected into the center of the basin.
Their approach of analyzing high-resolution topographic data of closely-spaced fault scarps is promising especially when combined with subsurface data as well as geochronological and paleoseismic data, and it provides a basic scheme for analyzing scarp populations in a complex topographic region.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
Like the rest of the world's seas, the Sargasso Sea has a population of the subsurface algae called coccoliths as well as planktonic foraminifera.
Also, in some areas (rift valleys) they receive hydrothermal magmatic waters from the subsurface.
Subsurface evidence from drilling shows that these folds were fractured intensively by small-scale faults and closely spaced joints.
Circulation Group, indicated that subsurface oil - commonly referred to as "plumes" - would have been pushed in that direction from the ruptured Deepwater Horizon well. - latest science and technology news stories
The cold, lightless and energy-poor conditions under the seafloor provide a promising research analog for the harsh conditions in subsurface Martian soil or near hydrothermal vents on Europa, Jupiter’s second moon.
Barely Alive, Seafloor Microbes Might Resemble Exo-Organisms « Isegoria
Oxygenated blood from the gills is fed to the muscles via large subsurface coetaneous arteries.
Dr. Reese Halter: Protecting Great White Sharks
The archaeologists from the University of Birmingham and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection in Vienna have been surveying the subsurface at the landmark since summer 2010.
And if that's the case, perhaps there's a whole biota, a whole subsurface biota, that we have yet to discover.
Fresh impact craters are surrounded by fluidized ejecta patterns, likely produced by impact into subsurface water and ice.
The total freshwater discharge from the land area into the Arctic Ocean is the sum of river discharge into the ocean, glacier and ice sheet discharge, subsurface water flows (mainly from the freeze – thaw cycle in the active layer of permafrost soils), and groundwater flows.
Freshwater discharge in the Arctic
The subsurface peak does have the effect of moving the apparent source of the transilluminated signal deeper into the tissue.
It has been estimated that half the biomass of life on the Earth resides in the subsurface doing things other than photosynthesis.
Another is the reflections off the water's surface, the refraction, and what I would call subsurface scattering of light, or the diffusion of light.
Petro-Sonde modified for various weather and surface conditions emphasis placed on subsurface mapping with the Petro-Sonde lithologic contacts, structure and stratigraphy
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The first option is to extract water from subsurface permafrost and use that water directly in a nuclear or solar steam rocket.
Iceland sits precariously atop the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a vast undersea mountain range whose subsurface volcanoes account for much of the country's tumultuous terrain.
While surface erosion caused by water can produce dramatic landscapes in many badlands, a considerable amount of subsurface erosion in the form of tunnels can also occur.
Of greater concern is that the oil can flow out into the surrounding rocks the way the mud did during the failed Top Kill procedure, forming what is called a subsurface blowout.
It is important to note that iron oxides in the ironstones and associated rocks are derived from the weathering of sulphides, mainly pyrite, that occur in less weathered rocks or in the subsurface.
Preliminary resistivity profile SA04P4, oriented west-east between the Neon Library and the Potters 'Quarter indicating the presence of limestone and the ophiolitic mélange in the subsurface.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Seismological Studies
Footnote: There is a lot of anomalously cool subsurface water in the key tropical Atlantic region this year which may well upwell.
Bill Gray and the Atlantic Meridional Mode « Climate Audit
It is thus apparent that the upper oolitic shoals were temporarily subaerially exposed, receiving meteoric water and probably allowing the formation of a lens of fresh water in the subsurface.
Dental fluorosis has been described as a subsurface enamel hypomineralization, with porosity of the tooth positively correlated with the degree of fluorosis. 22 It is characterized by diffuse opacities and under-mineralized enamel.
Signs of the Times
The geotechnical engineer makes a judgment and recommends the foundation type based on subsurface conditions, local availability, contractor preference, and the engineer's experience.
Strong, continuous stratal reflections characterize the shallow subsurface on the upper and middle shelf.
The finding broadens the known geographic reach of archaea during this time period, adding proof that the ancient organisms existed both in sedimentary environments and in subsurface hydrothermal settings.
August 20th, 2007
These so-called ‘electric’ logs, which are acquired via an instrument called a sonde, measure various physical properties of the subsurface rocks and formations.
In ground - penetrating radar profile, the image of subsurface structure is distorted and unfocused due to diffractions.
In concluding this section on subsurface detection, we may refer in passing to a controversial technique that has a few followers.
subsurface materials of the moon
Technically, it iscalled thermohaline circulation which is the global system of surface and subsurface ocean currents that is driven by temperature and salinity differences that create density gradients between adjoining water masses.
One such invention was the rotating cruciform gravity gradiometer mass detector, which measures Earth's subsurface mass variations or gravitational multipole moments.
The tide had perceptibly slackened and the surface of the sea settled from a small chop to an oily slick in which virtually every subsurface movement for yards around the boat could be seen though our polarised sunglasses.
The subsurface current of warm water near the frozen continent, known as the circumpolar deep water, branches near the coast, and one branch hits Pine Island - which is probably why the ice there is thinning and speeding up.
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Additional control on the subsurface continuity of the strata is provided by seismic data.
Cultivating and subsurface packing after every rain prevented the soil from crusting and maintained a protective mulch that kept the moisture from evaporating.
Most microbes live in near-surface or shallow subsurface diagenetic settings where temperatures and pressures are relatively low and nutrients are abundant.
There are many devices and methods used to detect and quantify subsurface moisture.
It is thus apparent that the upper oolitic shoals were temporarily subaerially exposed, receiving meteoric water and probably allowing the formation of a lens of fresh water in the subsurface.
Alteration in catchment subsurface water balances through land-use change and pumping can affect lake biogeochemical cycles through changes in groundwater flow rates.
They begin beneath the roadbed where subsurface water meets the advancing frost line and forms a layer of ice, called a lens.
Four landers will explore for subsurface liquid water using a novel low-frequency sounding method.
The first option is to extract water from subsurface permafrost and use that water directly in a nuclear or solar steam rocket.
Seismic reflection data from NW James Ross Island show maximum dips of 15 to the SE in the subsurface, indicating that the steep dips are confined to a zone close to the basin margin.
a subsurface flow of water
Over the course of multiple research missions conducted in the last three months, scientists have employed and tested many techniques to better understand the extent of this unprecedented oil spill and have found fluorometric sampling to be useful to help identify the location and concentration of subsurface oil.
NOAA News Releases
Devices called lysimeters are sometimes inserted into the ground to collect subsurface water, called leachate.
Thin layering in sedimentary rocks, preferred orientation of crystals or the presence of fractures in subsurface rocks cause anisotropic wave propagation in rock layers.
There are five water disasters in Jianghan Plain: flood, inundation , subsurface waterlogging, drought and water environment.
I can see how a trip to Mars could stimulate us to push spaceflight tech but having spent a tremendous amount of dough getting to Mars and having established that there was and possibly is water on Mars and maybe even microorganisms in subsurface seas, what then?
Bolden Wants to Go to Mars - NASA Watch
Strong, continuous stratal reflections characterize the shallow subsurface on the upper and middle shelf.
Either way, the one-handed rod was the common denominator for chunking topwater plugs, spinnerbaits and subsurface lures amid the sloughs and backwaters.
This is called subsurface return flow or interflow.
Surface runoff
In concluding this section on subsurface detection, we may refer in passing to a controversial technique that has a few followers.
A lake can be closed in terms of surface hydrology, but may not be isolated from subsurface inflows and outflows.
Subsurface fires can also be monitored using aerial infrared thermography.
A method of determining the real time bubble point pressure of a fluid originating from a subsurface earth formation using an adjustable choke positioned downhole adjacent to the formation.
Septage can be incorporated into the land on either the surface or subsurface.
The oil is trapped in minuscule cells of porous subsurface rocks in so-called sedimentary basins.
What Lies Below?
In numerical calculations, the effects of rainfall pattern, effective porosity, coefficient of permeability and shape of slope layer to the decline of subsurface flow are examined.
The Curie isotherm is a temperature surface in the Earth's subsurface connecting depths at which Curie temperatures are reached.
In some instances, subsurface information from drill holes, mine workings, and geophysical surveys provide supporting factual information.
Geothermal power utilizes the near constant temperature of the earth's subsurface, which is about 54 degrees, instead of using boilers to heat large volumes of very cold water by burning fossil fuels.
The Roanoke Times: Home page
Among their early findings: a surprising amount of water moves rapidly through fractures in subsurface bedrock during high-intensity storms, playing a greater role in raising pore pressure than had been thought and creating "hot spots" that can fail.
The Liquid Earth
Rocks in intermediate-burial settings experience chemical compaction as well as subsurface cementation and dissolution.
In most instances coals principally generate and expel gas on heating in the subsurface.
Also known as diffusers, subsurface aerators consist of an onshore compressor that pumps air through a hose placed in the deepest part of the pond.
Paper-based fieldwork methods have made fundamental contributions to our current state of knowledge of the Earth's surface and subsurface geology.
An alternative mechanism involves lithification by magnesium calcite, aragonite, or dolomite brought about by the subsurface mixing of sea water with fresh waters draining from the land.