How To Use Substantiality In A Sentence
The gliding motion of the sails, their white flimsiness and quick transformations gave whatever formations they shaped and the places they represented a distinct air of insubstantiality and evanescence.
But Augustine was a Chalcedonian before Chalcedon, and there is no doubt that he is here quoting familiar Scripture and filling it with the interpretation achieved by the long struggle of the Church to affirm the coeternity and consubstantiality of Jesus Christ and God the Father.
Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
Most of the time, my debates of World War 2 will be met with allegations of unsubstantiality.
This vagueness and insubstantiality is bound up with the director's artistic-intellectual outlook and methods.
Turning our attention to the altar itself, it now employs a dignified altar frontal which not only ties it into the liturgical seasons, but further gives the altar a far greater presence and substantiality within the sanctuary.
Another Sanctuary Revision
The Tribunal must consider the materiality and substantiality of the employer's reason.
Equally playful in its makeshift substantiality is the 1999 "Congregation," many pieces of wood covered with metal hooks, an assemblage of found objects including a rowboat.
Beauty That's No Illusion
The gliding motion of the sails, their white flimsiness and quick transformations gave whatever formations they shaped and the places they represented a distinct air of insubstantiality and evanescence.
The law of copyright, in its current form, depends upon the concepts of originality and substantiality to protect the building blocks of expression, and therefore only permits appropriation that is not substantial (with narrow exceptions for fair dealing as explained by David Fewer — thank you for your comment).
2009 June : Law is Cool
The altar, like the ambo is now given greater substantiality and gravitas.
Renovations: St. Mary Church, Marietta, Ohio
The stone hard solidity of the quatrefoils, which were cared in relief, has given way to the spiritual unsubstantiality, for the trefoils are carved out, hollow forms like the hollow ‘spiritual’ squares of the second level.
The modern instructional environment consists of two factors : substantiality and function character.
Only when we at last recognize the insubstantiality of all such states, can we utilize them all freely.
The use of the Benedictine arrangement is also effectual in lending the altar a greater substantiality and verticality, and the candlesticks are themselves quite beautiful.
Another Sanctuary Revision
In spite of the insubstantiality of the materials that Feher uses, his work reveals an underlying muscularity; it's getting pumped up and starting to shoulder itself around.
These pithy moments come too seldom to rescue the narrative from its own insubstantiality, though.
There is a gap between the premiss of transcendental psychology - the transcendental unity of apperception - and its conclusion - the substantiality of the soul.
Even in death his body, whose location has been wrongly recorded on the cemetery's list, has only the substantiality she chooses to give him.
Now, Rome—not the society of people in the city, but their collective exoskeleton, the city itself—is a sublime and inordinately complicated object lesson in the substantiality of buildings and other made things, in their resistance to abstraction.
The Forever City
They are dominated by classified ads: missing person searches, compact disc replication, name-change announcements and other intimations of a world of phantom insubstantiality.
The Tribunal must consider the materiality and substantiality of the employer's reason.
Every phenomenon of the cosmos, being empty of substantiality, is what it is through its interdependent origination (Skrt: pratītya-samutpâda; Jpn: engi).
These are 65 ideas to change your life, but don't count on them any more than you can count on the substantiality of the floors you tread.
Mill proposed the insubstantiality of the dreamlike future and also that our feeling for the past may be based upon a cosmic joke, a delusion of the dreaming senses.
Our actual nature, then, provides no inherent consistency, substantiality or continuity of identity.
However, ghosts, when multiplied, take on what is called substantiality -- if the solidest thing conceivable, in quasi-existence, is only concentrated phantomosity.
The Book of the Damned
The further fact that all the great "a priori" metaphysical systems have been driven by their pure logic to discredit the "substantiality" of the soul, just as they have been driven to discredit the personality of God, ought, one would think, where "radical empiricism" is concerned, to be a still stronger piece of evidence on the soul's side.
The Complex Vision
The standards of good law consist of two aspects : standards in form and standards in substantiality.
The glass is held in the thinnest of metal frames, the lightness and insubstantiality of these vitrines contrasting with the mass of the original structure and the blind, blank walls of the new insertions.
This dimension is the one of substantiality , i . e . the individual.
With diligent and continuous practice, this formal processing of all our mental and physical experiences leads to progressively deeper insights into the essential characteristics of all things: impermanence, infelicity and unsubstantiality.
The answer is that unsubstantiality does not depend on being manifest or unmanifest, but on the capacity to vanish when divested of existence.
And how we define “substantiality” is flexible enough that we can happily describe a new translation of Gilgamesh into English as “original” even though it is striving, one would hope, to be as faithful an adaptation of its source as possible.
Creative Control - Part 4
The following stipulation in the record shows the unsubstantiality of that statement just quoted from his opinion.