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How To Use Substandard In A Sentence

  • If the system is treating holidays like weekends, then the risk of substandard care is greatly increased across the year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quality control folders were identified as substandard in five of their six assessments (each folder had two peer and one external group assessments).
  • He said that many girls use substandard coloured contact lenses without knowing the negative effects like serious eye injuries and inflamed cornea.
  • Their six months of filming was distilled into a one hour programme trailed as ‘a damning catalogue of inefficiency, neglect and substandard treatment.’
  • Living conditions, such as substandard housing, have a major impact on health.
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  • Thousands of people live in poorly maintained public housing or equally substandard private rental accommodation.
  • The Street Maintenance Division will patch large chuckholes to eliminate traffic hazards in substandard public streets and clean adjacent ditches, but will not resurface the street.
  • The National Transportation Safety Board on Friday released a metallurgical analysis of approximately 55 feet of pipe that appeared to rule out several possible causes of the pipeline failure, including corrosion or external blunt force, such as from a backhoe, and to suggest the blame could involve substandard welds. Pipeline-Blast Probe Finds Welding Flaws
  • These include substandard pay and benefits for new-hires, drastic givebacks in health and pension benefits, reductions in premium pay, and the gutting of work rules.
  • It had failed to prevent the builder of the flats from erecting a substandard structure…
  • Jobs are scarce, housing is substandard but costly, and difficulties speaking English keep them in this cycle.
  • Brown envisions a vast improvement to the shelter, which she described as crowded and substandard.
  • Many endure substandard nursing care and have no chance to plan where they wish to die. Times, Sunday Times
  • Worst feature Landlords and substandard accommodation can be a nightmare. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parts of our communities have substandard housing.
  • What share of the 2 billion was spent on upgrading the current substandard accommodation for soldiers and their families? Times, Sunday Times
  • He said the step was long overdue as the flats were in a poor condition because of the substandard material used by the engineers of the department.
  • For his part, Parker contends he is responsible for nothing more than elevating the overall quality of wines by penalizing those who fashion overcropped, diluted, substandard wine marketed as liquid sunlight behind the banner of a famous château’s crest. Investing in Liquid Assets
  • Most complaints were about defective goods, as well as substandard service and bad selling practices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Hobbs submits that the subsection cannot apply where, as here, the clause under consideration defines the service to be provided and does not purport to permit substandard or partial performance.
  • It is meant to discover which areas have substandard housing and need federal help.
  • They were routinely betrayed by being sold substandard produce, grot wrapped in pap.
  • She is living in substandard rented accommodation where the cooker does not work and the bathroom plumbing is leaking.
  • Other Americans are understandably concerned about health issues, such as the growing biohazards created by mass food production, pollutants and bacteria introduced into meat products by substandard processing practices, and toxicity from heavy metals in many fish. American Yoga Association Beginner’s Manual Fully Revised and Updated
  • Families live in housing that is considered substandard by Western or Kenyan standards.
  • In the country's capital city, Santo Domingo, much of the housing is substandard and the quality of the water is poor.
  • A few recalled memorable collective punishment: a whole class getting caned, one by one, for substandard academic performance, or because one miscreant declined to come forward. Archbishop wrestles with doubts on school paddling
  • The committee was also required to evaluate the extent and problem of spurious and substandard drugs in the country.
  • The move, to be introduced next year, could lead to passengers being given a full or partial reimbursement for substandard conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • If someone lives in substandard housing and a crisis occurs, most likely the person will eventually lose their home and end up on the street.
  • Not only are we told that prerecording is "standard operating procedure," but we're supposed to believe that it is actually a virtue: The performers, you see, care too much about their art to risk presenting something substandard. That Synching Feeling
  • Despite their clear benefit, these drugs are underutilized and either not given when appropriate or used at substandard doses.
  • Yet it is widely known that much of the public-sector spending has resulted in substandard infrastructure that has crumbled within a short period of time.
  • Familiar, yes, but substandard, like going back to drive the old clunker of a car you used to own before you could finally afford something brand new.
  • Loans that remain overdue for 91 days or more can be classified as substandard, while those overdue for a year to three years are classified as doubtful. RBI Asks Banks to Set Aside More Funds Against Bad Loans
  • But that's hardly enough to prevent Team Up from ending up a substandard puzzler in what is arguably mobile gaming's most competitive genre.
  • The CD's substandard sound quality recalls scratchy and filthy vinyl reproduction but, regardless, Rare Meat proves essential for collectors or diehards wishing to own his earliest recordings. Lágrima Psicodélica
  • I had to sign a form saying that I realised my performance was substandard and that the consequences of continued poor work had been explained to me.
  • Some of those may now be kept open, raising the prospect of substandard care regimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quality of material you have provided to us has been substantially substandard.
  • While I am certain that there is a wide range of skill levels within the pool of available developers, that does not mean that those developers who are not in the top percentiles should be described as ‘substandard.’
  • A 1989 census found that 23 percent of the urban population lives in precarious and illegally built shacks in bidonvilles, or in somewhat better but substandard housing built without permit on unserviced land.
  • Most people leave the house in substandard attire at some point or another. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evidence at trial did not indicate to me that defective or substandard materials were used in the construction of this house.
  • Unemployment markedly increased, as did poverty, substandard housing, and cutbacks in basic governmental services.
  • Patients who do receive care are often treated with substandard, even harmful, medicine.
  • The government will want it sold to pay for the substandard care it will provide in their stead. Times, Sunday Times
  • The detached annex was rebuilt in 1998 after inspectors deemed It'substandard. Ms.
  • Intermediate indicator - to reduce the proportion of low income tenants living in substandard accommodation.
  • Most people leave the house in substandard attire at some point or another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Too many families are still living in substandard housing.
  • They are all knockoffs, all substandard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also listed as ‘problem areas’ were lack of police accountability, overcrowded prisons and confinement of children in substandard or abusive correctional facilities.
  • To give one patient extended time only ensures that the next few have a substandard service. Times, Sunday Times
  • substandard housing
  • He estimated that half had been receiving substandard care.
  • There was a push, for instance, to train workers to weatherize homes to make them more energy-efficient, but the audit found that "substandard workmanship" plagued the program. A Green Course
  • Or, he might have to recall all of the pets to whom he gave a substandard dose and revaccinate them at full dosages.
  • Jill Russell condemned the use of private contractors in providing substandard food.
  • We are each paying almost 5,000 a year for a house in substandard condition. The Sun
  • An application has been made to the World Trade Organisation to prevent the import of unsafe, substandard stoves.
  • Despite working two or more jobs, many families still must pay out more than half their income for housing, or live in substandard conditions.
  • A high hospital mortality rate might reflect substandard care or simply a busy emergency room.
  • Either the alarm clock didn't work or she hadn't heard it, so she had to hustle out with nothing but a cup of the substandard complimentary coffee from the urn in the lobby.
  • Too many families are still living in substandard housing.
  • Intermediate indicator - to reduce the proportion of low income tenants living in substandard accommodation.
  • It was in an attempt to catch substandard, unseaworthy ships that the European Union toughened its port inspection procedures following the Erika incident off the French coast.
  • They will also act as a new line of attack against unscrupulous landlords who rent out substandard, unsafe and overcrowded accommodation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather than pay $300/per mth for the best healtcare system in the world, you would rather pay more in taxes for substandard healthcare. Health tax is in flux. Now what?
  • Sex maximising sex doxy handoff alternative tobogganing small avogadro substandard romp smash sex stenosis buckeroo quintillionth decor cfnm strapper recovered tike chromatographic. Rational Review
  • That's why the solution to substandard performance is always to excoriate, punish and shame the child.
  • Many of the deaths occurred in areas where there was high unemployment and substandard housing. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • The Student Union faces years of belt-tightening and substandard service provision in light of the annual budget published this week.
  • unlivable substandard housing
  • He was subbed after another substandard performance and that could be that for the Bulgarian. The Sun
  • Another serious condition emerging due to the non-availability of life-saving medicines at affordable prices, as foreseen by experts will be the flooding of spurious or substandard drugs in the market.
  • If you and your doctor do decide to take chemoprophylaxis medications you should purchase these in the States and not internationally, where they may be substandard. Training Center: How will vaccinations affect cycling performance?
  • If what I'm quoting is substandard, please let me know what sets the standard.
  • The bill came to €106.90 between three, which was pretty expensive for the substandard food and shoddy service.
  • The vast majority of the affected in San Salvador are poor inhabitants of apartment buildings and substandard housing.
  • As well as this, almost half the properties in the sector are in poor and substandard condition, which people have no other choice than to accept. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some ways the system is better -- you can post links, italicize and so on without having to use html tags, for example -- but in many others it is substandard. Archive 2010-01-01
  • And it might restrain unscrupulous U.S. employers, who have taken the opportunity to drive down costs by hiring people who can't risk reporting substandard working conditions or forming a union. Sarah van Gelder: No One Is Illegal: Why YES! Magazine Is Taking the I-Word Pledge
  • The Islamic artifacts are substandard, which probably reflects the fact that Libya was a backwater for most of the postclassical period. After Gadhafi, Hope for Modernity
  • The airport is world class, but education is substandard. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Elimination of substandard housing and encouragement of infill housing, including downtown residential development.
  • But we know from past tests that labs with substandard methodology were used and therefore the test results were negative for DU.
  • Other consumers complained about substandard service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not that this was a substandard performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are such sentiments substandard, unchristian?
  • The reputation of the firm was blown upon for passing substandard products off as first - class merchandise.
  • The plumbing system and electrical system are, in my judgment, substandard.
  • The dropping of aitches is widespread and is generally considered substandard.
  • Most people leave the house in substandard attire at some point or another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last night patient groups said the 14 trusts had been given long enough to correct years of substandard care. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rate of substandard products should not exceed 5 %.
  • I still find the sound quality of compressed formats like MP3 to be substandard, so I use my own recorded media only.
  • We have been having serious issues with the fakers; the danger in this is that these products are substandard and even harmful.
  • Gale Brewer, chairwoman of the City Council committee on governmental operations, and 31 other council members sent a letter to the state Board of Elections calling the machines handling of the overvote "substandard and misleading. Fear New Machines Will Confuse Voters
  • Often their parents are struggling with emotional pains of their own, plus substandard housing or transportation or employment. Christianity Today
  • United, though, have got away with substandard performances too often for comfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hundreds of injuries, and some deaths, were linked to such devices as defective heart valves, faulty pacemakers, and substandard intrauterine devices.
  • Those were barren performances but wins; the beauty and challenge of the autumn series of internationals is that substandard performances inevitably result in defeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other key gripes are substandard car servicing, builders and upholstery work. The Sun
  • Other complaints included substandard services, misleading advertising and incorrect information on the cars before they were bought. The Sun
  • Clearly, the LEA are not currently able to provide a suitable education as the law requires and offer instead threats of jail to force the family to submit to substandard provision.
  • The bureau required the manufacture and sales of substandard toys to be stopped immediately.
  • However, the platform does not even hint that inadequate funding or substandard facilities are major factors in the crisis in education.
  • He was subbed after another substandard performance and that could be that for the Bulgarian. The Sun
  • They are all knockoffs, all substandard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each lash is fetchingly tapered to a point, and is much thicker and almost double the length of my old substandard wisps.
  • Housing conditions are frequently deplorable, overcrowded, and substandard.
  • On a premier course, a substandard product will result in dissatisfied customers who will leave.
  • Staff at the hospital claimed that the protective suits which they were given were substandard. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm just thankful for you my dear readers for soldiering through a whingy, substandard post.
  • You are well aware that math and science education at the secondary and elementary level is substandard in comparison to most of the rest of the developed world.
  • Engines and rail cars were dispatched in substandard condition.
  • Many of the tenants lived in substandard adobe apartments, some with backyard outhouses.
  • It was under investigation for substandard care and abusive treatment to its patients.
  • They'd been living like that for over six months, most of their money going on substandard accommodation due to a lack of affordable housing.
  • Most people leave the house in substandard attire at some point or another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Staff at the hospital claimed that the protective suits which they were given were substandard. Times, Sunday Times

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