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How To Use Subsidence In A Sentence

  • The removal of huge amounts of material from the underground deposit causes massive subsidence at the surface.
  • It is a shallow subsidence flash, no more than a metre or two in depth at most.
  • Irrespective of the mechanism initiating basin formation the amount of subsidence will be amplified by the weight of sediments which accumulate.
  • The railway line was closed because of subsidence.
  • As a result of the shaly or micritic nature of these formations the decompaction estimates are likely to be minimum estimates, suggesting that subsidence could in fact be considerably greater.
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  • In my case I have a minor subsidence claim against my insurer. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this work, the logarithmic theory is used to calculate the amount of land subsidence.
  • The three stacked, sequence-stratigraphic units were produced by episodes of faulting, subsidence, and infilling.
  • Wattset al. 1982 have shown that lateral heat flow results in anomalies in the normal thermal subsidence profile following crustal stretching.
  • The original neo-Gothic chapel fell victim to subsidence and was replaced in 1963 with a tepee-like structure covered in copper.
  • The room is a very handsome one, but it is on the top of a windy and muddy hill, leading (literally) to nowhere; and it looks (except that it is new and _mortary_) as if the subsidence of the waters after the The Letters of Charles Dickens Vol. 2 (of 3), 1857-1870
  • Generally, foreland basins show convex-up subsidence curves due to increasing subsidence rates through time resulting from migration of a supra-crustal orogenic load towards the foreland.
  • Removal of water from compressible materials such as silt and clay can lead to compaction of the confining unit and subsidence of the land surface.
  • Cover for accidental damage to contents and also for flooding or subsidence are other areas that should be clarified before taking out a policy.
  • It paid for a report from a chartered surveyor who concluded that the cracks were not caused by subsidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hotter, drier summers will bring an increased risk of property subsidence, while wetter winters may cause damp, condensation and mould problems.
  • Any subsidence in the Selby coalfield will be nothing like as bad, he says.
  • Since the Early Miocene, thermal decay has led to the subsidence of Cavalli Seamount and other, volcanic, seamounts in the South Fiji Basin.
  • Weather and subsidence claims were lower, motor and marine insurance results improved and only industrial disease claims required higher provisions.
  • Subsidence rates in foreland basins decrease away from the orogenic load, and are generally higher than those in extensional basins.
  • If anybody is buying a house around here, the first thing they do is have a survey to see if there is mining subsidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • As well as wanting a contemporary contrast to the old stone cottage, the site also demanded a lightweight structure to avoid further subsidence problems.
  • Prior subsidence claims can make insurance difficult to get. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quaternary sedimentary fill testifies to recent subsidence of the basin.
  • Traditionally, the river and its distributaries were able to compensate for subsidence with fresh sediment spread in floods and decayed vegetation that turned into soil. Archive 2010-08-01
  • Molathlegi William Modise, a team leader, alleged that in 1994 or 1995 blasting was done in the footwall of the open cast pit south of where a subsidence occured on November 27 last year. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In this work, the logarithmic theory is used to calculate the amount of land subsidence.
  • The references to subsidence and the unsaleability of the property are, of course, the opinions of a layman.
  • As the ground dried out, thousands of homes on clay foundations suffered subsidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • We attribute the rapid return to subsidence in the basin to the confinement of abnormally hot asthenospheric mantle in the zone of continental break-up to the NW as sea-floor spreading commenced.
  • It could be argued that high subsidence rates of the rift basin there meant that a regressive signal was not recorded.
  • Subsidence sinkholes are diagnostic landforms of karst, which form in unconsolidated soils or drift deposits overlying cavernous limestone.
  • He says: 'I was aware that the house had previously suffered from subsidence and that it had been underpinned. Times, Sunday Times
  • To compare the effect of the sea-level curve on the tectonic subsidence estimates, we have used three curves to backstop the Zangla and Yulchung sections.
  • In both cases, the sequence of events started with extensional basin magmatism and culminated in emplacement of plutons, passing through basin subsidence.
  • The façade of part of the house is fissured due to subsidence.
  • Such variables, on a shallow marine carbonate platform developed upon a passive margin, are essentially represented by eustasy, climate, subsidence and sedimentation rate.
  • Quaternary sedimentary fill testifies to recent subsidence of the basin.
  • Subsidence is the downward movement of a site on which a building stands.
  • One of the main causes of subsidence is planting trees too close to the home in an area of clay soils. Times, Sunday Times
  • These reinforce the subsidence-induced stability of the atmosphere by cooling surface air masses and creating a strong temperature inversion.
  • Today a spokesman for the council said contractors were working to determine the extent and nature of the subsidence and apologised for the inconvenience caused to drivers.
  • An excessive amount of groundwater is the major cause of land subsidence.
  • Thawing of permafrost soils can result in subsidence of the surface, thermokarst, and activation of freeze – thaw related processes such as solifluction. Permafrost and infrastructure in the Arctic
  • Who introduced a Bill - long overdue - to deal with the coal mining subsidence problem?
  • An excessive amount of groundwater is the major cause of land subsidence.
  • Excess accommodation could be created by rapid tectonic subsidence in the centre of a tilt-block basin.
  • The structures in this area all appear to be founded on bedrock and there is no evidence of subsidence or settlement.
  • The pub itself has been strengthened by buttresses to stop the subsidence worsening, and survived the tremor unscathed.
  • The bridge became redundant when the railway was diverted to avoid subsidence caused by the Selby coalfield.
  • Zones of maximum subsidence along faults do not always form sites of rapid sedimentation, but can form areas of sediment starvation allowing the development of thick ironstones.
  • The last few years have seen widespread damage to homes through storms, floods, extreme cold and subsidence caused by drought.
  • The flash, or lake, is the result of mining subsidence in 1924 and a disused railway still runs through the woodland.
  • The forward model predicts approximately 4 km of tectonic subsidence at this point.
  • This would result in the underestimation of the tectonic subsidence that occurred during the deposition of the shales.
  • The knock-on effect is a considerable increase of flood and subsidence risk, reduction in wildlife numbers and loss of trees.
  • In South America the "round-headed hassar" of Guiana, _Callicthys littoralis_, and the "yarrow," a species of the family Esocidæ, although they possess no specially modified respiratory organs, are accustomed to bury themselves in the mud on the subsidence of water in the pools during the dry season. [ Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • These features of the Moine succession are instead most consistent with accumulation in a regionally extensive shallow marine basin formed during subsidence following initial lithospheric thinning.
  • As a result of subsidence and rising sea levels worldwide Venice has sunk by 23 cm since 1900.
  • The Dezful embayment was a sedimentary basin with pronounced subsidence where thick late Eocene-Recent deposits were formed.
  • The backstripped tectonic subsidence curves presented here indicate that the Late Carboniferous South Wales coalfield probably formed due to flexural loading in a foreland basin setting.
  • Subsidence problems occur most often if the conditions involve very shallow mining of a thick vein of coal, little or no rock cover and a very cohesionless soil, such as sand, separating the mining from the surface," the study found. Times Leader News
  • Extension of these subsidence patterns beyond 305 Ma depends on how far northwards the orogenic load advanced.
  • Those who have been affected by mining subsidence over the past century or so will wonder what the fuss is all about. Times, Sunday Times
  • I reported it to my insurer, and the survey found subsidence caused by a 7ft tree nearby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thermal subsidence began to affect the onshore Central Plains area of Thailand.
  • Also, at least on the Atlantic coast, you have both sea level rise and land subsidence going on at the same time.
  • The building had some problems with subsidence so it was difficult to sell. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thaw subsidence rates can exceed the rate of eustatic sea-level rise (rise due to changes in the mass of ocean water, see section 6.9.1), and are therefore thought to contribute to coastal erosion, at least at a local scale. Permafrost in the Arctic
  • Irrespective of the mechanism initiating basin formation the amount of subsidence will be amplified by the weight of sediments which accumulate.
  • This is because magmatic material thickens the crust, creating uplift rather than subsidence.
  • Insurers and lenders are cautious of homes where trees are likely to cause subsidence or other damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • You should provide details of what caused the subsidence, how the problem was remedied and what happened subsequently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experts explained that overcrowded high-rises and overusage of underground space hasten the speed of subsidence.
  • You can minimise the risk of subsidence by pruning trees close to the house and regularly clearing gutters and drains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within this rhythm, alternations between PDF and WDF units record the interplay between sediment supply, basin subsidence, climate and eustasy, which caused repeated minor progradational and retrogradational rhythms.
  • The mining subsidence prediction with combination of fuzzy inference and neural networks is investigated.
  • Thus practically every boring seems to vindicate the subsidence theory and to provide evidence against the Glacial Control theory.
  • After a short erosion interval, rapid subsidence started to produce contemporaneous neritic limestone and shallow bathyal marl again.
  • And nowhere is where you are going if you become entangled in a subsidence insurance claim. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, tectonic subsidence was calculated to be slightly higher in the Early Tertiary High than in the Voorne Trough.
  • Have you ever suffered from flooding, subsidence, settlement or landslip?
  • Underground drains and sewers can suffer from structural defects caused by ground movement, leakage, subsidence, tree-root infiltration or corrosion.
  • I am not surprised your excess increased as insurers commonly bump it up once a claim for subsidence is made. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can minimise the risk of subsidence by pruning trees close to the house and regularly clearing gutters and drains. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've had problems with subsidence from the dig. Times, Sunday Times
  • In particular, we relate apparent Neogene subsidence to modification of the Shelf's basement architecture.
  • The Old Town occupies a sloping ridge or tail of diluvial matter, protected, in some subsidence of the waters, by the Castle cliffs which fortify it to the west. Edinburgh Picturesque Notes
  • Initial subsidence was marked by accumulation of relatively immature alluvial fan and associated deposits in localized piedmont depocentres.
  • After destroying our fields and homes with spoil heaps and mining subsidence, they are now happy to do it in the name of fracking. The Sun
  • Prior subsidence claims can make insurance difficult to get. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the basin filled, or the rate of subsidence relative to the influx of material lessened, subaerial fluvial deposits were emplaced.
  • There is no way a local authority can say that it cannot grant a building consent for that property because of subsidence or geothermal activity.
  • And you must not trepan any of them, nor run any risks in attempting to extract the pieces of bone, until they rise up of their own accord, upon the subsidence of the swelling. On Injuries Of The Head
  • It paid for a report from a chartered surveyor who concluded that the cracks were not caused by subsidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the basin filled, or the rate of subsidence relative to the influx of material lessened, subaerial fluvial deposits were emplaced.
  • In addition, a drastic decrease in subsidence rates before the onset of the Late Eocene Pyrenean inversion was determined.
  • Chartered building surveyors will examine a property (particularly older ones) for structural damage such as subsidence, dry and wet rot and leaking roofs.
  • Melt injection leads initially to isostatic uplift followed by subsidence as the melt freezes.
  • The early Cretaceous is characterized by relative quiescence and thermal subsidence following late Jurassic rifting.
  • The history during this time is characterized by uplift at the most proximal location and an increase in subsidence at the most distal location.
  • In 2003, we claimed for suspected subsidence as a crack had appeared in a wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three main processes are essential to the understanding of mechanisms of large-scale subsidence and uplift: thermal perturbations of the lithosphere, isostasy (mass balancing), and flexure.
  • Innovation does well in all extreme weathers, because dry spells prompt claims for subsidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • We attribute this low rate to the continued post-rift thermal subsidence of the Indian margin.
  • You can minimise the risk of subsidence by pruning trees close to the house and regularly clearing gutters and drains. Times, Sunday Times
  • It should be noted that these values represent a minimum, as both igneous additions to the crust and mantle serpentinization can generate additional ‘crust’ (in terms of density and hence subsidence behaviour).
  • Tertiary sediments cause subsidence of the basin substrata 2.3 km below sea level, as a result of the sediment load.
  • The wooden foundations and a prevalence of ground water has caused subsidence ever since, and in 1993 a rivet fell from the metal skeleton.
  • Even certain elevated atolls seem to have such a thickness of limestone as to indicate subsidence before present uplift.
  • After obduction, there was a slow rate of subsidence, which reflects the continuing cooling of the underlying Indian lithosphere after rifting.
  • Tertiary sediments cause subsidence of the basin substrata 2.3 km below sea level, as a result of the sediment load.
  • According to the results from indoor subsidence tests of Hubei paddy-field soil under partial loading, the Theological properties of soil and factors which affect the.
  • Pennington Flash Country Park, centred on a large lake or ‘flash’ formed by mining subsidence, now provides some of the best sailing and bird-watching facilities in the region.
  • Subsidence is the downward movement of a site on which a building stands.
  • The cause of crater formation can be envisaged as the subsidence of a structurally bound Triassic layer into a subjacent Zechstein succession, which was extending and thinning.

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