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How To Use Subset In A Sentence

  • To distinguish by flow cytometry B cell subsets that were in the BM parenchyma, or in sinusoids, we injected 1 µg of phycoerythrin PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Also, I know you disdain catfish, but there's certainly a subset of guys who are hard-core and pretty cultish about catching monster blues and flatheads. Which Fishing Cult is the Most Insane?
  • The foreshore and seabed being owned by a subset of New Zealanders instead of all New Zealanders is what the billboard is about.
  • A number of Jakarta street foods that carry the Betawi suffix, including gado-gado Betawi and sup Betawi, a spicy beef soup made with coconut and milk, came from this subset of Indonesian people. The Dish: Gado-Gado
  • My vitriolic attack on posers shall now be reserved for a subset of the brown crowd ‘cuz I like making fun of my people.
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  • The cancer stem cell hypothesis suggests that malignant growth depends on a subset of tumor cells with stem cell-like properties of self - renewal.
  • There are pygmies all around the world and the only thing they have in common in less than average height (which is why anthropologists don't use the term pygmy any more, it implies they're a distinct subset of humanity when in fact they're a completely artificial grouping crudely defined by a single characteristic). Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • I think that half a century of SF/F film, television, gaming, and other media has created an SF/F consumership (note: not readership) that’s probably a representative subset of the population as a whole. Fantasy 2035 «
  • These have contacts lists consisting of different subsets of my actual list of contacts.
  • His idea was that every real number r divides the rational numbers into two subsets, namely those greater than r and those less than r.
  • Today, scientists can offer a real-life glimpse of this developmental bifurcation by pointing to vertebrates, such as zebrafish, that retain pharyngeal teeth only; others, such as mouse and human, that have oral teeth only; and a subset, including cichlids, that thrives with both. Emaxhealth
  • Church thesis for fuzzy set theory claiming that the proposed notion of recursive enumerability for fuzzy subsets is the adequate one. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • WPA is a subset of the as yet unratified 802.11i security standard.
  • So while low-carb beers are helping to shape the svelte images of protein-munching youth, there is another type of beer that is appealing to a Millennial subset, especially in the hip bars of urban city centers.
  • For the subset of participants who provided data at all three time points, rates of syringe sharing, syringe reuse, and indirect sharing decreased over time for both exchangers and nonexchangers.
  • Daly further elaborated on this theme with his work on “steady state economics” [78] which worked out the implications of acknowledging that the Earth is materially finite and nongrowing, and that the economy is a subset of this finite global system. An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 2
  • This experiment let them show that the protein was made in the fly's major taste organ (called the labellum) and trace its manufacture to a subset of sensory cells that respond to noxious chemicals. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • It might be worth stating how problematic it can be to study morphology through time in a geographically restricted subset of a species.
  • Within the trial, researchers looked at a subset of 138 patients with diabetes.
  • This will cause a certain subset of the population to begin hyperventilating and breathing into paper bags.
  • If G1 is superordinate to G2, then G1's differentiae will be a subset of G2's differentiae. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Between the prominent melon and the beak was a crease, which placed the species within a distinct subset of beaked whales - the bottlenoses.
  • Individual phenotypic cancer cell subsets were purified, and their tumor-initiating properties were investigated by injection in NOD/SCID mice.
  • The term additive combinatorics is also used; however, the sets A being studied need not be sets of integers, but rather subsets of non-commutative groups, for which the multiplication symbol, not the addition symbol, is traditionally used; they can also be subsets of Probabilistic number theory Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The infimum may or may not be a member of the subset.
  • One can agree that LGT will likely not interfere with a robust phylogeny for primates that indeed recreates ancient splittings of their populations, without buying in to the notion that the supposed sisterhood of Thermotogales and Aquificales [two bacterial phyla — OT] revealed by a small subset of their shared ribosomal protein genes reflects an even remotely similar evolutionary process. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Another three-letter word, ECM, as is the estimable label ECM Records, run by producer Manfred Eicher, might lend itself to a more precise subset of electronic-oriented recordings — music that is compositionally open-ended, and whose deeply sedative aspirations are not technologically dependent. Disquiet » Sonic Postcard from Switzerland
  • There was also an improvement on vagally mediated arterial baroreceptor cardiac reflex sensitivity in a subset of ten testosterone patients who were compared with 12 placebo patients. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Despite progress in the classification of renal tumors, a small subset of renal carcinomas remains unclassified (ie, renal cell carcinoma, not otherwise specified).
  • Objective To analyze of the role of peripheral blood T-cell subsets in unexplained habitual abortion(UHA).
  • The subset who benefited from disulfiram treatment were older and more socially stable than others who relapsed.
  • Specifically, the number of ways a set with n objects can be partitioned into disjoint and non-empty subsets is described by the Bell numbers.
  • These people do not come from one of his swing-voter subsets.
  • Alternatively, significant levels of expression may be limited to a subset of cells or developmental stages.
  • He tried to define McDonnell, which he should have, but also failed to do enough to hearten African-Americans and progressives (and the former are not entirely a subset of the latter). Matthew Yglesias » The Real Story on Bankster Political Influence
  • These streams are occupied on the south slope by a subset of the fish that characterize freshwater rivers in the Orinoco Basin in Venezuela, including cichlids and characins.
  • This was because the missed cases were not typical of the cohort as a whole but comprised a subset with a lower life expectancy.
  • A set of 61 papers, representing 244 comparative studies, were identified in which at least one plant species was contained within another study, and in which no subsets of unlinked data arose.
  • It will be observed that when k=0, the hypertrochoid degenerates into a curtate hypotrochoid, but this degeneration keeps the curve in the set of hypertrochoids that contains the subset of trochoids.
  • The resultant tree topologies were used to construct two subsets of data within and among Pan I allelic lineages for analyses with likelihood methods.
  • These sentences are of the self-referential form, s = 'I am not provable from A', where A is a subset of sentences in the theory. Theories of Everything and Godel's theorem
  • You'll see neat and tidy chapters, broken into subsets on theory, mechanics, and practice.
  • DPMs consist of the gene products of what is known as the "developmental-genetic toolkit," but considered in subsets, as dynamical networks embodying physical processes characteristic of chemically and mechanically excitable meso - to macroscopic systems like cell aggregates: cohesion, viscoelasticity, diffusion, and spatio-temporal heterogeneity based on lateral inhibition, and multistable and oscillatory dynamics. ScreenTalk
  • Precognition falls under the category of psychic phenomena, which is a subset of the paranormal.
  • The problems in this study were part-part-whole problems in which subsets combine to form supersets.
  • At Bonterra, Fetzer's organic label and entrepreneurial ‘test shop,’ Dolan is testing a special subset of organic farming called biodynamics.
  • One crucial tabulation involves determining the number of subsets of the 12 possible Bingos of a particular size that cover a particular number of squares.
  • For a subset of these viruses, including many tailed bacteriophages and the herpes viruses, the concatemers are cut at specific sites to generate unit-length virion chromosomes.
  • CD56 bright; this immunoregulatory subset produces a wide range of cytokines and chemokines after monokine stimulation, but its ability to kill target cells spontaneously is poor. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Each event is in the domain of the transition function belonging to the "current" node, where the function's range is a subset of the nodes.
  • By definition, a data mart is a subset of a data warehouse designed for a specific group of users or a particular subject area.
  • Indeed, Tivoli says it may even adopt the Object Model as a subset of its own future offerings.
  • ‘In a field like entertainment,’ he says aphoristically, ‘appearance - and a subset of appearance is race - keeps coming up.’
  • Re: my use of spanish phrases, it pisses off a certain subset of conservatives, just like my "People Eating Tasty Animals" hat pisses off a certain subset of liberals. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • Anthony Rice has used morphology of zoea to develop phylogenies of subsets of decapods that provides a different insight into relationships.
  • This week, however, it suddenly struck me that a whole subset of electronica had not only passed me by, but had overtaken me at great speed, leaving me standing drop-jawed and uncomprehending in its wake.
  • Each of these allotropes of phosphorous also has its own subset of forms.
  • The bigger problem is what do you do with a very small subset of the population that is enormously resistant to fact and continues to act in sociopathic ways? Conservative Bloggers Launch Campaign to Waste Energy : Law is Cool
  • Then they sorted the eigenvectors according to the eigenvalues and divided them into three subsets.
  • We carefully examined whether taking this subset introduced any systematic bias into our sample.
  • Once non-genetic factors such as age, illness, or smoking were removed, a subset of the group seemed to have a blood-oxygen concentration that was 10% higher than normal.
  • Indeed, Tivoli says it may even adopt the Object Model as a subset of its own future offerings.
  • With the possible exceptions of horror and superhero comic books (which, though predating the field of "contemporary fantasy," are arguably as much a subset thereof as they are a subset of sci-fi), the fantasy genre seems to contain a greater proportion of antiheroes than any other. March 2010
  • A small subset of fetuses with large lung lesions will become hydropic, deteriorate rapidly, and die in utero.
  • You can call it what you want, but an ordered set such that each subset is contained within its superset is called a nested hierarchy. About 'What Darwin Got Wrong'
  • The electronically controllable system of the invention for viewing on a television, updateable television programming information comprises a microcontroller which is partially controllable by remote control system and is updateable via telephone link, magnetic cards or floppy disks, or television or radio subcarrier, the microcontroller including input/output interfaces, a microprocessor and a RAM; a mixer for mixing a regularly received television signal with the signal generated by the microcontroller; an RF converter for receiving the radio frequency information from the mixer, microcontroller, and television antennae and properly converting the information into information which may be sent to the television;; and a remote control system for permitting the viewer to direct the microcontroller to perform searches on information contained in the RAM so as to provide on the television screen in a chosen format, subsets of information desired by the viewer. The Pirate Bay: the verdict doesn’t matter
  • Pre-clinical pharmacology studies suggest that MORAb-028 binds to GD2, a cell surface ganglioside that is expressed on cells associated with carcinoma and a subset of other cancer types. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The difference in these threads is between a proper subset of Libertarians who are making rules (and initial conditions!) for a MMRPG The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism, Federalism, and Racism
  • This means that the subsets of data selected as indicative of the future are those that confirm a prejudice of the selecter.
  • Thus, the actor part of the credit bureau transaction is a subset of the system part of the second transaction of the loan submission system.
  • This subset of patients was randomly chosen to include similar proportions of hereditary and nonhereditary disease.
  • By analyzing the enzymes encoded by a small subset of those sequences, the Caltech and DNA2. 0 researchers were able to predict which of the more than 6,000 possible new enzymes would be the most stable, especially under higher temperatures (a characteristic called thermostability). Innovations-report
  • A mathematical model describing one kind of solar desalination unit is established. A relation rule to modify the fuzzy deduction model based on statistics of fuzzy subset is proposed in this paper.
  • This paper presents an approach to settle the latter problem-the minimal subsets can be found out in the minimal disjunctive form or the minimal conjunctive form of a logical function.
  • Mutations are only a subset of what existed previously, so, as one would expect, the world is losing creature kinds not gaining them.
  • Once activated, dendritic cells interact with other components of the immune system to stimulate the multiplication of a subset of T cells that will recognize and destroy infected cells.
  • What I did say and do maintain is that formerly all objects displaying specified complexity (and particularly that subset of symbolic information) were recognized in an uncontested way as obviously the artifacts of intelligent agency. Antony Flew dies at 87
  • You can, for example, "strip down" a process to contain a minimal subset of its content by removing packages that contain elements of work that you do not want to perform.
  • I must confess there is an element of braggadocio : a marathon is something that will be accomplished only by a small subset of society.
  • Suppose that instead of asking for a convex subset, you wanted an empty convex subset.
  • But the behavior of the media this season has been unforgivable, and the media in abstracto can accurately be said to have operated as a subsidiary of the Obama campaign, and to the extent that a subset generally shares the characteristic of a superset, are part of a machine that has its mind set on causing great harm to this country and its Constitution. Joe the Journalist.
  • The findings are a subset of a larger study to determine whether an experimental compound called AST-120 benefits liver patients who have neurocognitive impairments. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Come with me for unomomento, a sideroad, as I see Second Life, and the forums as a subset of it, like a psychological test. Archive 2005-10-01
  • An EBI or REBI is almost a proper subset of a ballot file -- that is, you create an EBI simply by removing non-selected choices from a ballot file and renaming the root element from to .
  • If G1 is superordinate to G2, then G1's differentiae will be a subset of G2's differentiae. Notes on Aristotle's "Categories"
  • From specific costuming decisions to styles of speech, each character gives us an impression of how a subset of American culture may have acted or behaved at the time.
  • In order to showcase the most advanced towers piercing the clouds, "Supertall!" curator Carol Willis selected a skyscraper subset of what she calls "superlative buildings. - Home Page
  • The subset who benefited from disulfiram treatment were older and more socially stable than others who relapsed.
  • Our agreed definition of a nested hierarchy is an ordered set such that each subset is strictly contained within its superset. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • The oxirane functional group is a subset of organic cyclic ether compounds.
  • A subset of bowel cancer patients who have a normally functioning K-Ras 'switch' might in some circumstances benefit from new cancer drugs called cetuximab and panitumumab. - latest science and technology news stories
  • What I want to know is whether the climate system is thought (by GCMers in particular) to behave in this way, and if so, how one can possibly justify tuning to a superficially stable substate (such as a subset of 20th weather/climate scenarios). Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
  • COPD is a subset of obstructive lung diseases that also includes cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis and asthma.
  • What I don't know is what subset of that audience likes said films to be humorless, witless and boring as well, but judging from all the praiseful reviews the film has received, it must be disappointingly large.
  • (A set is reflexive iff it is equipollent to one of its proper subsets; and two sets are equipollent with one another iff there exists a bijection, i.e., a one-to-one correspondence, between them.) Slices of Matisse
  • In metazoans, the bulk of the cohesin complex is displaced at prophase, but a subset of cohesin complexes is maintained at the centromere and perhaps other sites.
  • The simulation results demonstrate that comparing with separating D with optimal routing scheme corresponding to one TM , TSSA can divide D into less subsets.
  • Multicolor analyses allow researchers to employ different fluors in defining subsets. The Scientist
  • Each event is in the domain of the transition function belonging to the "current" node, where the function's range is a subset of the nodes.
  • Thus, the actor part of the credit bureau transaction is a subset of the system part of the second transaction of the loan submission system.
  • On the surface it might appear to be any other word-jumble from the subset of Japanese gaming that only two small handfuls of obsessive sub-culture fans in the West can appreciate, but again, let me assure you this is different. Ten for 2010: the 10 most-anticipated games coming in the new year Boing Boing
  • In this connection mention is especially often made of Bolzano's grasp of the “paradoxical” fact that an infinite set can and must be equipollent with one of its proper subsets, i.e., is Slices of Matisse
  • I must admit, there is a subset of atheists who “convert” to religionism, but the strength of the tide is in the other direction. Underground Atheism | Mind on Fire
  • Dioscuri version 0.2.0 is out now This release is capable of running various versions of MS-DOS, FreeDOS 0.9 Beta (included in package) and ELKS (Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset) October 2007
  • There were far fewer votes cast in the referendum than in the arts regular councillor race even though arts regular is a subset of arts.
  • Until now, there have been no effective drugs for treating latent EBV infection in any of the EBV-associated diseases, which in addition to mono include a subset of stomach cancers, certain types of nose-throat cancer and lymph node cancers such as lymphoproliferative disease, says lead author Shannon C. Kenney, MD. - latest science and technology news stories
  • When the stimulus dimensions are highly discriminable, participants take advantage of the informativeness of the dimensions and achieve greater search efficiency by flexibly searching through the smaller subset.
  • This is as bogus as narrowing the definition of SF to any one of the subsets of (combinable) modes at play in the field. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Then they sorted the eigenvectors according to the eigenvalues and divided them into three subsets.
  • Seroiusly, do these idiots pay any attention to the LAW they are charged with upholding or has it really all just become a game of waving the wang from the soapbox to pander to subsets of the public identified by polling? Abortion issue clouds health care debate
  • In order for thenre to be an ordered set such that each subset is contained within its superset, all members must share the same defining characteristics. About 'What Darwin Got Wrong'
  • The organization also oversees PDF/X, a subset for the printing industry, and PDF/A, for long-term archiving of documents. Stephen's Lighthouse: July 2008 Archives
  • When a subset of gonadal cells (egg or sperm cells) contains the same gene mutation, but the mutation is not found in any other cells of the body. Alagille Syndrome Glossary
  • Totalitarianism is a subset of tyranny, and a rather small and rigidly definable subset; and all of its essential defining qualities are either inventions of the extreme Left, or aped from the extreme Left by liberty-hating nationalists. Radically dishonest
  • Hence, the phonological frame of verbs is a proper subset of the phonological frame of nouns in Dutch.
  • PPV, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, diagnostic upstaging, and treatment management changes were determined from subset analysis of 123 previously untreated patients with HN cancer.
  • Obviously, in any phylogenetic analysis a subset of the characters will retain the ancestral state.
  • This paper describes the partitioning of the set pf the Boolean equations generated by the hardware logic translator and the conversion of the subset into cube arrays.
  • Also, random selection of CDs would only work on a subset of contiguous disks.
  • Rather there is a general set of semantic associations within the culture-at-large and a multiplicity of subsets conventionalised at a subcultural level — where X is generally taken to signify Y within a certain community even if it is not in the culture-at-large. Arguing With Geeks 9
  • Each vertebrate species was infected by different subsets of oMG's.
  • Uncertain how to identity that particular subset, I parse the group as a mix of money -- both old (Southampton's Meadow Club); and new (Bridgehampton's upstart so there Atlantic Golf Club) -- art world players; the culturati; and women who wear sheaths so tight they locomote with a little shuffle. Erica Abeel: Getting Voluptuous With Robert Wilson at His Hamptons Gala
  • Liberal, conservative, New Right - they're all exercises in descriptive creativity with distinct subsets within them.
  • PPV, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, diagnostic upstaging, and treatment management changes were determined from subset analysis of 123 previously untreated patients with HN cancer.
  • The council is a subset of Students' Council, made up of councillors who represent co-op students.
  • In their 2005 Nature paper (which was really just a tiny subset of a much longer, detailed paper they published elsewhere a couple of years later), Stokkan and colleagues used radiotelemetry to continuously monitor activity of reindeer - when they sleep and when they roam around foraging. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • As the New Yorker piece showed, one portion of the GOP elite selected her because they were "dazzled"; a larger subset of the GOP elite despise her and the empty populism she represents. Poll: Palin Is Now The Top Concern Voters Have About McCain
  • Yeah, I'm not sure how high parental involvement is ever going to be outside of a certain subset of small upper-middle-class schools. Intertribal: things about public education I've learned from this job
  • Although there is no point where a formal line can be drawn, there is a subset of people with a disproportinate amount of links, traffic, and influence who are, by tradition called the alpha bloggers.
  • This forms an ordered set such that each subset is strictly contained within its superset. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • There are multiple ways to clip an image, many of them use the subset command.
  • The identification and analysis of the maternal genes affecting the segmentation pattern revealed that the anteroposterior axis is controlled by three groups of genes, each independently determining a subset of the pattern, the segmented anterior or posterior, or the unsegmented terminal regions of the embryo (35-37). Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes
  • Here the separation into subsets is easy - how many ways can you partition a set of two items?
  • The major computational expense for the [alpha] helix prediction stage involves the calculation of accurate solvation and ionization energies for a subset of the overall oligopeptides.
  • In recent times the Territory has been divided up into these succinct subsets to assist in effective administration.
  • The name "alphabetic" can take a suffix indicating the character encoding associated with the subset: alphabetic/1252 Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • Only a very small subset of engineers obtain licensure. India and the U.S., Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The trial included an open-label immunogenicity and tolerability subset in which participants were randomized to receive one of three lots of 4CMenB vaccine with routine infant vaccines, or routine vaccines alone. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • We first define the algebra of(finite) independent subsets of the ordered monoid M, and prove that the algebra of finite independent subsets of M is an idempotent semiring.
  • A subset of this fallacy is the pervasive view that securities trading is a zero-sum game. Exuberance, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • More recently, specific subsets of repetitive DNA, such as retrotransposons, have been shown to comprise a high percentage of the repetitive DNA of plants.
  • From a subset of each group the Dufour's gland and later setose membrane were dissected by removing the sting apparatus with blunt forceps.
  • Each subset is strictly contained within its superset, hence is meets the definition of a nested hierarchy to which you agree above. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • If the subset of students most likely to continue problem drinking in adulthood can be identified during college, they might benefit from counseling or programming that specifically aims to lower long-term high-risk drinking, the researchers say. Research studies
  • Its binding to corresponding subdivisions on polytene chromosomes suggests an involvement in regulation of a subset of orthologous genes in D. melanogaster and D. virilis.
  • ELK4, another member of the erythroblast transformation-specific family, is androgen regulated, involved in promoting cell growth, and highly expressed in a subset of prostate cancers, the authors continued. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Uncertain how to identity that particular subset, I parse the group as a mix of money -- both old (Southampton's Meadow Club); and new (Bridgehampton's upstart so there Atlantic Golf Club) -- art world players; the culturati; and women who wear sheaths so tight they locomote with a little shuffle. Erica Abeel: Getting Voluptuous With Robert Wilson at His Hamptons Gala
  • In blowflies, a subset of these sensors make strong monosynaptic connections with the motor neurons of steering muscles.
  • The idea is to gather data from a subset that reflects the most interesting characteristics of the larger population.
  • Finally, a new partial ordering in the subset of universal nonnegative definite matrices is defined and.
  • If your wsgi applications perform a certain subset of blocking calls which have been monkeypatched by eventlet to cooperate instead (such as operations in the socket module), you can configure each process to run only a single main thread and cooperate using greenlet microthreads instead. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • A conceptual subset of the NII is the government's information infrastructure, the portion of the NII used exclusively by the government. Npr Reengineering Through Information Technology
  • A certain trendy subset of British foodies have discovered Southern food, and have gone gaga for it.
  • CONCLUSION Right ventricular restriction exists in a significant subset of patients with tetralogy of Fallot following surgical repair and exerts unfavorable effects on post-operative course.
  • Then homogenize: randomly permute rows and columns within the subsets that have equal totals.
  • Finally, a new partial ordering in the subset of universal nonnegative definite matrices is defined and.
  • This is particularly true of a subset of slow-acting glutamate receptors called metabotropic receptors, which have a more limited distribution in the nervous system and which are only engaged by particular patterns of neural activity. News
  • The set of middle-aged or old lesbians (that are out of the closet) has a subset with certain correlated features. Waldo Jaquith - Phil Spector, Wes Anderson and Eddie Money.
  • The economy is an entirely contained subset of the ecological/geophysical systems of the planet. Matthew Yglesias » The Consumer Surplus Decade
  • For finite sets of finite entities it is easy to prove Cantor's Theorem, namely that the number of members of a set is strictly less than the number of its subsets.
  • Like other frogfish — a subset of anglerfish — H. psychedelica has leglike fins on both sides of its body. Boing Boing
  • When one examines the ‘passive deponent’ verbs in question, they are a subset of the eighty-five-plus verbs that we have argued are true middles, not deponents.
  • For developing countries, currency crises are an important subset of financial crises.
  • An influential subset of armoured warfare, rather than a distinct doctrine in its own right, it combined the use of tanks, mechanized infantry, and air power, often with special forces.
  • The conception of mass subset is proposed for aerosol which also has been extended to the equivalent mass subset corresponding to counting signal channel.
  • all other sets are subsets of the universal set
  • People create their own subsets, or as a marketer will explain, ladders.
  • A subset of this rhetorical description of time expended is an account of the origins of the interest leading to the invention or discovery. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Given Goodling's divulgations about the immigration court judgeships 'being a part of the [overstrike] voter fraud [/overstrike] remake the courts plan, I would expect to discover, as more information on the immigration courts politicization appears in the press, other as yet undiscovered parts of the administration's efforts to politicize subsets of the courts which had been apolitical traditionally, at least nominally. Balkinization
  • With the availability of excellent and extensive expositions of the vector interpretation of the translation force-field subset of Maxwell's theory by Heaviside and Hertz, and with the nearly insurmountable difficulty associated with the complex quaternions and potentials which few scientists understood, the rejection of the quaternionic form of Maxwell's theory and the acceptance of the vector subset was inevitable. Chapter 4
  • The cancer stem cell hypothesis suggests that malignant growth depends on a subset of tumor cells with stem cell-like properties of self - renewal.
  • Genres like film music, rap, folk, rock are subsets of it.
  • And if GBJ meant the subset of virulent, bigoted and borderline-racist/actual-racist posters on LGF when he said "people who go to that sight", as opposed to people in general who read LGF, then I'd agree with him. What's true - Anil Dash
  • They mentioned the photo-stream limit, but did not mention that everything else is a subset of the photo-stream.
  • The graphics were dynamic in the sense that one could SEE what they were linke to and linked from, and could see diagrammatically where things, again, were linked could group links, show subsets of linkages.... Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • The patio menu is a subset of the regular restaurant menu, with salads and lighter fare being the popular selections with diners noshing under the stars.
  • A large subset of political disagreements are simply irresolvable by reference to facts, but are simply moral to the core. Election Prediction: Voting will be Irrational, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Then homogenize: randomly permute rows and columns within the subsets that have equal totals.
  • Indeed, Tivoli says it may even adopt the Object Model as a subset of its own future offerings.
  • One thing that has become clear is that the success of social production collectives hinges on the intensive contributions of a very small subset of their members.
  • Central to this technique is the problem of searching for a reduct which is a minimal subset of information that has the same ability to classify data as when the full set of information is used.
  • If the key point has to do with consensuality, with the observation that rape is a subset of non-consentual intercourse, then the “right” answer for our hypothetical would be [as an ethical stand] no abortion except for pregnancies resulting from non-consensual intercourse, with the legal language as needed to cover the extension of rape beyond the felony rape predicates, such as the examples of incest which you mention. Those Rape and Incest Exceptions
  • There's a certain subset of opera fans who dismiss Rossini comic operas with a haughty wave.
  • When a subset of cells contains the same gene mutation or deletion like this, it's called to as gonadal mosaicism. Frequently Asked Questions About Alagille Syndrome
  • They could add a subset of public restrooms around the country where certain notorious events have taken place. On the spot (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Following 4 weeks of Dox feeding, FACS analysis of thymocytes derived from either male or female TetO-Dkk1 mice showed no changes in the frequency of individual thymocyte subsets. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The actual animals that have ever lived on Earth are a tiny subset of the theoretical animals that could exist.
  • The even smaller subset of uniquely motivated voters interviewed on a cellphone is voting 12: 1 "Yes" on marijuana. SurveyUSA: Prop 19 Responsible For Boxer's Lead
  • Invention is best treated as the subset of patentable technical innovations.
  • A populous generation sees its subsets defining their own demographics by what they are not as much as by what they are.
  • The subset containing fabliaux with lavatory humour, tales concerning basic bodily functions of excretion or flatulence, are fewer in number.
  • If we try to apply Dedekind's definition as a criterion for determining whether a given set is infinite by establishing a 1-1 correspondence between two inductive rules for generating “infinite extensions,” one of which is an “extensional subset” of the other, we can't possibly learn anything we didn't already know when we applied the ˜criterion™ to two inductive rules. Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics
  • He noted that only a subset of bacteria tend to be dominant in dental plaque.
  • Our intention was to sample only a subset of the most common species that can be reliably counted and identified in the field without a dissecting scope.
  • They are, instead, a subset of the country's citizens: those who belong to the ethnic Slav majority.
  • PPV, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, diagnostic upstaging, and treatment management changes were determined from subset analysis of 123 previously untreated patients with HN cancer.
  • In fact, there's a subset of neocons who believe that given our unparalleled power, empire is our destiny and we might as well embrace it.
  • Johnson considers this subset to be unrepresentative of the broader population.
  • If A is a closed, densely defined linear operator on H, then the resolvent set is an open. subset of the complex plane.
  • It's an echo chamber for the common wisdom of the subset of people who use the site more than anything else.

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