How To Use Subserve In A Sentence

  • The government seems to have been privatised; its instruments have to subserve party interests.
  • He would be expected to subserve American interests in return.
  • The guinea-pig has teeth which are shed before it is born, and hence can never subserve the masticatory purpose for which they seem contrived, and, in like manner, the female dugong has tusks which never cut the gum. Essays
  • Localizability in this sense goes beyond mere implementation in local neural circuitry, since a given bit of circuitry could (and often does) subserve more than one cognitive function. Modularity of Mind
  • Conceptually, the idea is that religion, which may impede certain individual reproductive interests, could nevertheless subserve the interests of groups.
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  • The guinea-pig has teeth which are shed before it is born, and hence can never subserve the masticatory purpose for which they seem contrived, and, in like manner, the female dugong has tusks which never cut the gum. Essays
  • I therefore thought that the interest of the service would be subserved by removing one whose growing indifference might render the best-laid plans inoperative. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • For both tacitly assume that language learning, including syntactic learning, is not (or not entirely) subserved by special-purpose mechanisms. Innateness and Language
  • Another characteristic of the study of sensory aging is that the stimuli used are relatively impoverished in that they are often devoid of the environmental information that subserves perception, attention, and memory.
  • This ponderous coin subserved a purpose which our penny does to-day. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No. 6, December 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Alternatively, in these cases NGF may subserve other functions which may somehow be linked with the poisonous action of snake venom, one can envisage the possibility that a highly specific neurotropic molecule such as NGF is utilized by reptiles as a carrier of other neurotoxins devoid of specific receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • The criterion of the goodness of a law is the principle of Utility, the measure in which it subserves the happiness to which every individual is equally entitled.
  • Moderate exercise subserves digestion.
  • The magnitude code also subserves numeral-size judgments and thereby provides an estimate of problem-size in the context of arithmetic.
  • To subserve the needs of farmers better and to move towards a sustainable actuarial regime I propose to set up a new Corporation for Agriculture Insurance to be promoted by the existing public sector general insurance companies.
  • To say, then, that it is JUST that barbarism should subserve civilization is a laconical axiom, which decides a plain question of right and wrong. The Right of American Slavery
  • Little is known about the neuronal mechanisms that subserve long-term memory persistence in the brain. I'd Forgotten to Post about this one
  • Two membranous bags, intended to subserve respectively the protection and nutrition of the young creature, have been developed from the skin and from the under and hinder surface of the body; the former, the so-called Essays
  • How can the interest of the laborers of your section be best subserved? Black and White
  • It would be impossible to lay it all before you, and the most I can do, or need do to-night, is to take up the principal points and put them before you with such prominence as may subserve the purposes of our present argument. Essays
  • As for the current case, I agree that the present level of media hysteria can neither assist the police investigation nor subserve justice. The Media Coverage of Robert Murat is Shameful
  • The only practical purpose which it now subserves in American politics is to give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it “in wind,” and to prevent its becoming pursy and lazy, from having nothing to whip. The Failed Project of Conservatism « Isegoria
  • Evidence is now mounting that the ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion is subserved by specialized neural circuitry.
  • My purpose is to show that poverty and misfortune make no invidious distinctions of “race, color, or previous condition,” but that wealth unduly centralized oppresses all alike; therefore, that the labor elements of the whole United States should sympathize with the same elements in the South, and in some favorable contingency effect some unity of organization and action, which shall subserve the common interest of the common class. Black and White
  • The changes are not only in brain regions controlling attention, but also in regions that subserve impulse control.
  • The manuscript so abridged, is submitted to you, with the earnest prayer, that if published, it may subserve the cause of truth and good citizenship. The Conflict of Truth
  • We can unambiguously conclude that there is a situation in which voluntarily oriented attention subserves feature integration when tested with multiple search items.
  • In the encoding-complex view, the importance of such phenomena is that they suggest that the modular systems that subserve number processing often communicate interactively rather than additively.
  • Pelvic striated muscle contractions are subserved by the perineal nerve, and autonomic fibers send efferent impulses to effect the other visceral motor responses.
  • Each of these disorders have been found in otherwise cognitively normal individuals, suggesting that the lost capacities are subserved by functionally dissociable mechanisms. Modularity of Mind
  • These results indicate that, depending on the unique features of a given learning, experience, very different classes of mechanisms can be engaged to subserve memory in a particular time domain.
  • In saying this, I mean that we take into consideration the interests that are subserved by practices of epistemic assessment.
  • The orders for this occupation were made by General Kearney before he left, in pursuance of instructions from the War Department, merely to subserve a political end, for there were few or no people in Lower California, which is a miserable, wretched, dried-up peninsula. Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
  • Each of these disorders have been found in otherwise cognitively normal individuals, suggesting that the lost capacities are subserved by functionally dissociable mechanisms. Modularity of Mind
  • On the face of things, description theory predicts that imagery should depend upon the mechanisms and brain structures that subserve conceptual, non-imaginal thought, and not those that subserve perception. His Name Was Do Re Mi
  • But in the field of human rights the evidence of heinous transgressions would not even induce a formal reprimand, except when it subserves other interests.
  • Most activities in our life are of this kind; they subserve some purpose which is not a sovereign theme by itself and which cannot, on the strength of its own substance, become the object of a frui proper — of contemplative or self-immersing enjoyment. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • The motion of the tectorial membrane with respect to the reticular lamina subserves auditory function by bending the outer hair cell bundles and inducing fluid flows that shear the inner hair bundles in response to sound energy.
  • The effects of brain trauma often relate to functions subserved by the specific area of brain damage.

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