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How To Use Subscribed In A Sentence

  • The company raised €10 million in May, but decided to extend the round after it was oversubscribed by potential investors.
  • The flotation, which was 20 times oversubscribed, was a huge success.
  • A Health Club opened up in the Mall, and was quickly oversubscribed. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • He added that the issue was seven times oversubscribed.
  • Very often the cost of the shares, representing the amount subscribed on the incorporation of the company, is very low.
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  • The University, which claims to have ‘rigorous methods of distinguishing between very able candidates’, also quashed suggestions that they would introduce a lottery system for oversubscribed courses.
  • Within weeks of forms going out, the event - run in association with the Yorkshire Professional Golfers' Association - was fully subscribed.
  • -- Second part of 'Greville' published; 2,700 copies subscribed. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
  • Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
  • Needless to say her lectures were oversubscribed - at her opening address, 200 students turned up to a lecture hall designed for 35.
  • I sent a message to the list explaining that I'd unsubscribed, and that I would still try to turn up at the odd events, and maybe reappear on the list at some point later.
  • Anything more than two times oversubscribed is considered a success. Yields on TIPS Go Negative
  • Municipal Committees, Indians abroad and Gurudwara Committees subscribed liberally to the INA funds.
  • He's turned into a real couch potato since he subscribed to the sports channel.
  • Mr. Pellecchia said the exchange is reviewing plans to accommodate "oversubscribed" interest for the new area, designed by Perkins Eastman Architects PC. Take a Seat, Finally
  • The school is oversubscribed, and North Yorkshire County Council has said that some children living furthest away within the catchment cannot have places this year.
  • The issue is to be subscribed through the book building route.
  • Yesterday's announcement came after a 10-year treasury bond sale was undersubscribed this week. Globe and Mail
  • For readers that had already subscribed to a blog with the unspliced feed, there was little incentive to switch.
  • The suggestions of their Grand Visitor were immediately put into effect and at the meeting £1,597 was subscribed.
  • I subscribed my name to the document.
  • Conduit was around 8 times oversubscribed which helped to push the price to the top of the range.
  • Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
  • Once virtually guaranteed to make a mint from oversubscribed equity offerings, investment banks are now being forced to go way beyond the call of duty as advisers and put their own balance sheets on the line.
  • Anybody who has not subscribed and still wishes to do so can hand their contributions to any committee member.
  • The flight has been over-subscribed; there are no seats.
  • The school is already oversubscribed and congestion on Cottingley Road, which will be the main feeder road to the site, is also very worrying.
  • I have even received three laudatory letters from black prisoners, all recounting how they subscribed to the party-faithful line in their youth but have rejected it since.
  • Traders remark by the time the issue closes, it may have been oversubscribed seven to eight times by retail investors and about 15 times by institutional investors.
  • On the other hand, the charta, subscribed by witnesses, could guarantee the legal validity of its contents and its probatory value.
  • The bond exchange was substantially oversubscribed, which is thought to bode well for investor appetite for the £13. 5bn rights issue outlined today. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Our very successful Church of England voluntary controlled school is oversubscribed, with 36 children in my son's class.
  • Tetsuya doesn't open on Saturday night, he takes bookings no more than six weeks ahead and is fully subscribed almost at once.
  • Some players in the fashion industry - the artier ones, perhaps - have long subscribed to the easy utility of trainers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
  • Secondly, if your mailbox is full of credit card offers, you need to go to optoutprescreen. com and with a few keystrokes you can be unsubscribed from probably about 98% of the lists of companies sending you offers. Ben Popken On "To The Point" (And A Debate Over Personal Finance Advice) - The Consumerist
  • Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
  • Favourable treatment has been given to the small shareholder, when allocating oversubscribed issues, in some of the privatisation issues.
  • The bond exchange was substantially oversubscribed, which is thought to bode well for investor appetite for the £13. 5bn (€15bn) rights issue outlined today. Top Stories:
  • Even before he could read, Cornforth's ‘eye’ was being formed by the illustrations in bound volumes of Country Life, to which his grandfather had subscribed.
  • In the likely event that the programme is oversubscribed, applicants will be evaluated on their overall suitability for the programme.
  • So after you have subscribed online, make sure you pass along the word to others via word of mouth or a blog post.
  • According to the Independent, the placing of shares was at least five times subscribed.
  • Most degree courses in top universities are oversubscribed.
  • It is probably the need to accept that uncomfortable reality that is the greatest impediment to ensuring donor registries are well subscribed.
  • This proposition is enunciated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the implementation of these rights is reduced to treaty form in a series of covenants of various rights subscribed to by most of the nations of the world.
  • I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.
  • A free Twitter account lets users "microblog," that is, publish short (140 characters tops) advice, aphorisms, and status updates (known as "Tweets") to others who have subscribed to their feed. Information Today News Breaks
  • Many of the top racers were also there, notably the Austrian downhillers hunting qualifying points for a place on their over-subscribed team for the following season.
  • Many of the top racers were also there, notably the Austrian downhillers hunting qualifying points for a place on their over-subscribed team for the following season.
  • The book was subscribed in NW England, Yorkshire, and London, five shillings to subscribers.
  • In case one party desires to sell or assign all part of his investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive right.
  • The popular secondary schools in the town are usually oversubscribed.
  • Existing shareholders subscribed to only 49% of the new share issue.
  • I have been a Crikey subscriber twice since you began but each time I have unsubscribed because I did not like the gossip and general nastiness in most of your material.
  • Universities are also using candidates with non-academic qualifications to fill undersubscribed courses such as sciences, engineering and maths. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the IPO was heavily oversubscribed, the insiders did not exploit the chance to cash in some shares.
  • As a law enforcement veteran, now retired with over 36 years of service, I worked during this era of protest and I also subscribed to the rule that intentional” untruthfulness is a gross disqualification of anyone for the police service” and observed a number of officers who were proven to be untruthful terminated and relieved of their employment and even criminally prosecuted and gone to prison. CT VFW lays into Blumenthal for fake military claims. | RedState
  • the subscribed will
  • the opera season was oversubscribed
  • Money was being subscribed liberally by persons of good family who hoped for political preferment and could not get it from the old parties, and by corporations tired of being "blackmailed" by Kelly and The Conflict
  • Schools that are undersubscribed year after year should be closed down or reconstituted.
  • Underwriting commissions were due to be paid at a rate of 3.1 per cent of the product of the offer price, with a further 2.6 per cent on additional shares sold if the float was oversubscribed.
  • Most of these began as fully subscribed publications, that is, they were published using the proceeds of prepaid subscriptions gathered to underwrite the substantial publishing costs.
  • Further, the College of General Practitioners programme has been oversubscribed, with 90 applicants for the 55 places available.
  • It triggered off right away some alarmist reactions at some of the mailing lists I have subscribed to, since it suggests a ‘crackdown’.
  • It is not a theory that is commonly subscribed to.
  • The placing is believed to have been oversubscribed by two and a half times.
  • A large quantity of goods-turf, timber, hay, straw, produce etc was donated and thanks is extended to all who subscribed.
  • Many of these replies, too, though subscribed only with an initial or a pseudonyme, _we_ know to be furnished by scholars who have won the foremost rank in their respective branches of study. Notes and Queries, Number 06, December 8, 1849
  • Once someone has subscribed or re-subscribed to an ACP magazine, they are sent this $10 voucher.
  • Employees subscribed for far more shares than were available.
  • (Printed for W.T. Sherwin, etc.) the Front. is subscribed with the name of painter and engraver; the past tenses are printed "bloomed," etc., in full; and the Imprint (_Sherwin, Printer,/Paternoster Row./_) is at the foot of p. 160. The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 7. Poetry
  • All wills shall be in writing and signed by the party devising, or by some other person in his presence and by his express direction, and shall be attested and subscribed, in the presence of said devisor, by three or more credible witnesses, each in the presence of the other. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • But there is no reason to think that Arcesilaus subscribed to these Stoic views, since we have slight, but sufficient evidence that he argued against every aspect of Stoic epistemology and psychology.
  • The School District's school assignment policy considered race as one of the factors in deciding which students would be allowed into certain oversubscribed schools.
  • The tour of Edinburgh is fully subscribed.
  • Simon Miles , head of Europe, Middle East and Africa at Merrill Lynch Portfolio Managers is equally skeptical: "If emerging markets are getting overheated, we will see a very significant uptick in the number of IPOs - if these are oversubscribed, that is a fairly sure sign of a bubble. Hunting for Value
  • Some short time ago, I stumbled upon a delightful blog known as the ragbag, which I quickly subscribed to after reading about five posts, in no small part because reading it reminds me of the sort of strange conversations I used to have in college with my suitemate and fellow mathemagician. Senatorial abuse and apostrophe misuse « Motivated Grammar
  • The incorporation of food taboos linked distinctly to one's patrilineage, an institution not customary among matrilineal Bantu people but subscribed to by many Gogo speakers, probably also resulted from this intermingling. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • The popular schools — the sort you really might drive across town for — tend to be heavily oversubscribed.
  • Although not in so many words, no political theorist, Rihani largely subscribed to these propositions and to this conception of the political.
  • The share issue, which raised $890 million, was more than four times oversubscribed.
  • Already in the past month I've unsubscribed from both yahoogroups and feeds in an attempt to simplify.
  • For he is one of 34 boys and girls who missed out on a place in this year's three oversubscribed reception classes at Whiteley Primary School.
  • The Library Company had a beautiful 1795 edition, showing that Allen and Jones had indeed subscribed for a copy of Josephus and were probably familiar with it before securing the book!
  • If it is not fully subscribed, they will get all that they have asked for, and the balance left over will be taken up in most cases by a syndicate formed by the bank or firm that issued the loan, to "underwrite" it. International Finance
  • With the construction industry now seriously undersubscribed it is the perfect time to have so much building work done. Times, Sunday Times
  • With just 40 places in the race Ms King reckoned it wouldn't be long till the race was fully subscribed.
  • The collection, as usual, received a great response and thanks is extended to all who subscribed.
  • He regarded formal religion as a force to be controlled, but personally subscribed to beliefs that can be termed deistic or even agnostic, rather than conventionally religious. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • Speed said the company had offers of funding from several backers, and the funding round was oversubscribed.
  • The school is heavily oversubscribed, with around 600 applications for its 350 places each year.
  • In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Codd, the 11th of November in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James of England, France and Ireland the eighteenth and of Scotland the fifty fourth.
  • The workforce contributed towards this important asset in the social life of Wolverton - 615 subscribed £523 towards the building fund.
  • The broker subscribed 500 shares
  • Once undersubscribed, the school now has too much demand for places. Times, Sunday Times
  • The share offer was eleven times oversubscribed.
  • When they could eat no more, Mr Pecksniff and Mr Jonas subscribed for two sixpenny – worths of hot brandy – and – water, which the latter gentleman considered a more politic order than one shillingsworth; there being a chance of their getting more spirit out of the innkeeper under this arrangement than if it were all in one glass. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
  • Conversely, undersubscribed schools could be closed or taken over. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.
  • I just subscribed to a new e-mail service.
  • From that position Papa read the many investment newsletters to which he subscribed, tinkered with small parts, or filled steno pads with his odd, cryptic notes and lists.
  • This new round has been fully subscribed and the organisers wish to sincerely thank all who have participated.
  • They have subscribed large sums to the fund.
  • In other news, I unsubscribed from every discussion list I was on, except the ones I own, and plan to take more of a back seat in the online and comics communities in the future.
  • Ironically, however, he at the same time also subscribed to the view that God predestines our fate even before we are born. Printing: Divine Will and Human Freedom -- Part I. Divine Predestination: How Far Real?
  • Logistics is another undersubscribed profession. Times, Sunday Times
  • Locals had oversubscribed by three to one a ballot for 1,000 pairs of ‘twofers’ - two tickets for the price of one.
  • The share placing was heavily oversubscribed and the company said it had raised the money to have the flexibility to look at small acquisitions.
  • And I subscribed the evidence, and sealed it, and took witnesses, and weighed him the money in the balances.
  • Well known for their anti-internationalist, anti-New Deal voting records, both subscribed to an anti-Communism that hearkened back to the xenophobic, antimodernist "100 Percent Americanism" of the 1920s. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • He said the company had initially planned to raise around €1 million in funding, but had taken ‘the pragmatic view’ when the round was oversubscribed.
  • The nursery was so oversubscribed there was no space when she needed it, forcing her to find a stopgap at short notice, where Ella had to stay for four months.
  • Russia's bond was more than two times oversubscribed, with more than 500 investors particip ating in the deal, said one of the syndicate bankers working on the transaction. Russia Returns to Bond Market
  • When Medco Energi Internasional of Indonesia put $150 million in bonds up for sale in May, the offer was eight times oversubscribed.
  • There are other schools within a 10-mile bus ride that are undersubscribed.
  • If the event is oversubscribed, unsuccessful applicants will be notified and their cheques returned.
  • When the trust's shares were issued several years ago, they were well oversubscribed and were seen as an efficient way for investors to participate in the mid-term endowment policy market.
  • At the same time, courses in business studies and the humanities are oversubscribed.
  • The course is limited to 60 people and was oversubscribed, due to the level of interest from members.
  • With the sum of eighty louis, which is all that is subscribed for my professorship, I cannot continue them on any large scale. Louis Agassiz His Life and Correspondence
  •   The only magazine he subscribed to,  he said,  wasScientific American, a publication that I had previously scorned as the trade journal of pre-med students and Nobel Prize winners. Where Do You Get Poetic Inspiration?
  • But the loss of the archives rules out further enquiries, and makes it impossible to estimate how representable was the high level of literacy shown by the laymen who subscribed the private charters in Salerno.
  • Because if there were an experience to compare with that, I'm thinking it would be a rather undersubscribed activity.
  • Nomura's sukuk, which is reported to be fully subscribed, will be listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
  • Many companies subscribed generously to the football club.
  • It is not a theory that is commonly subscribed to.
  • The popular secondary schools in the town are usually oversubscribed.
  • According to local media reports, the state social security fund subscribed to a large tranche of shares.
  • Oversubscribed comprehensives are turning away applications for children whose parents have not put the school down as their first choice.
  • In the 1860s a few patrician merchants' wives subscribed independently on guarantee lists of the German opera.
  • It was estimated the shares would be 1,500 times oversubscribed.
  • The awards will help universities and colleges differentiate between candidates for oversubscribed courses.
  • The share issue of Denway Investments in 1993 became the most oversubscribed issue in the history of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
  • Just a 50-minute jetfoil ride from Hong Kong, Macau has never subscribed to its bigger neighbor's demolition fixation.
  • I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.
  • The placing was six times oversubscribed, but Melly says the company was more interested in getting a mixture of backers with different areas of expertise rather than one big investor.
  • Britain's national parks are a great source of free entertainment, offering wonderfully varied - and often undersubscribed - programmes of escorted adventures. Times, Sunday Times
  • In recent years, boys at the heavily oversubscribed school have enjoyed state-of-the-art computer equipment, a new canteen, language centre and sixth form centre.
  • Dominic Crossan writes that Jesus subscribed to "sapiential eschatology", which he describes as announces that God has given all human beings the wisdom to discern how, here and now in this world, one can so live that God's power, rule, and dominion are evidently present to all observers. Debunking Debunking Christianity Christianity
  • But he gave in friendship and, in turn, inspired immense affection among his friends, who subscribed over half a million pounds in today's money to build a room in his memory at Churchill College Cambridge.
  • Parents were told that because the school was oversubscribed this year, those children living furthest away within the catchment area could not have places.
  • The workforce contributed towards this important asset in the social life of Wolverton - 615 subscribed £523 towards the building fund.
  • There are two funds: one subscribed expressly for the building of churches, the other limited to the "sustentation" of incumbents. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 340, February, 1844
  • The Western tradition, however, has never subscribed to such an extreme theology of silence and unknowing.
  • In over 70 sessions on business there are no more than half a dozen in and around this territory - and they tend to be undersubscribed.
  • Why Education Bradford wishes to close such an exceptional and oversubscribed school is beyond comprehension.
  • He's turned into a real couch potato since he subscribed to the sports channel.
  • He was elected for the borough speedily after his father's demise; a magistrate, a member of parliament, a county magnate and representative of an ancient family, he made it his duty to show himself before the Hampshire public, subscribed handsomely to the county charities, called assiduously upon all the county folk, and laid himself out in a word to take that position in Hampshire, and in the Empire afterwards, to which he thought his prodigious talents justly entitled him. Vanity Fair
  • My mother and father both subscribed to the idea that children, no matter how young they were, should not be spared from the reality of the situation.
  • The share sale was hugely oversubscribed and at one point the shares were 27% higher than the issue price of 850 rupees.
  • More than 170 people were subscribed to the listserv; a new listserv is being created for section members as a benefit of membership.
  • The $2.3 billion of such tax credits in last year's stimulus was oversubscribed, which is one reason the domestic content in wind-power equipment is rising. Omaha World-Herald > Frontpage
  • As far as the Liberty City group was concerned this was nonsense; the group of men, who were arrested for plotting to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, smoked a great deal of marijuana and subscribed to the obscure beliefs of an outfit called the Moorish Science Temple; so nascent were their terrorist plans that they never even bothered to travel to Chicago. The Longest War
  • This results in logical memory being oversubscribed, which is okay because the hypervisor takes care of all the logistics. LXer Linux News
  • We have a frame of political and economic agreements subscribed by the two countries that make any dealing easy and fruitful.
  • The American Journal of Public Health was the publication to which the most libraries subscribed.
  • The popular schools — the sort you really might drive across town for — tend to be heavily oversubscribed.
  • Blind faith in an over-subscribed, vainglorious myth will only hinder you.
  • Each of these programmes runs for eight weeks (one evening per week) and are always oversubscribed.
  • But, because the school is oversubscribed, new geographical priority areas were drawn up for 2005 criteria.
  • Even if you haven't subscribed to a particular feed, you can enter its location using the address bar at the top.
  • Meanwhile applications for the Four Villages Half Marathon at Helsby near Chester on Sunday January 18 have closed as the race is fully subscribed.
  • At the same time, courses in business studies and the humanities are oversubscribed.
  • She would not mince her words or thoughts and never subscribed to social niceties of polite but fallacious and insincere expressions.
  • Both personally and as professional journalist, he enthusiastically subscribed to the fair's vision of the future.
  • The 40 women in her study subscribed to the idea that housework was women's work.
  • Thirdly, if a bank agrees to underwrite an issue of securities, it commits itself to take them up in the event that the issue is undersubscribed.
  • The two retail tranches were oversubscribed by about 1.57 times.
  • As well as a few semi-literate requests for obscure albums, we are now apparently subscribed to Reclusion's newsletter.
  • This gentry subscribed liberally to the clergymen's local histories, incorporating chronology, natural history and meteorology.
  • Existing shareholders subscribed to only 49% of the new share issue.
  • The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to decide, within one year of the Annual General Meeting, on increasing the share capital through one or more rights issues so that the total number of shares to be subscribed for on the basis of the authorisation is a maximum of 2,168,100, from which a maximum of 300,000 shares can be used in stock options. Reuters: Press Release
  • I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.
  • Esskay subscribed to the Manifest Destiny theory of sleeping space, and the headboard was her horizon. In a Strange City
  • At any rate, for his argent and or, he got a handsome piece of parchment, blazoned with a white lion for Mowbray, to be borne quarterly, with three stunted or scrog-bushes for Scrogie, and became thenceforth Mr. Scrogie Mowbray, or rather, as he subscribed himself, Saint Ronan's Well
  • But surplus places are often a sign of schools that are undersubscribed through underperformance. Times, Sunday Times
  • When it raised $696 million in late October without breaking a sweat, individual investors in Hong Kong queued up to apply for shares in a deal that ended up being oversubscribed 50 times.
  • It will set aside equal shares for two tranches if the retail portion is more than 100 times oversubscribed.
  • And as long as you can assure me that you won't be contributing to the already over-subscribed and utterly cringeworthy canon of ‘chick-lit’, I wish you the best of luck.
  • But even the great empiricist John Locke subscribed to a rational foundation for the basic principles of morals.
  • In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Codd, the 11th of November in the year of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King James of England, France and Ireland the eighteenth and of Scotland the fiftie fourth.
  • Culinary biography is a relatively undersubscribed genre, but this biographer and subject show off its great potential. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tickets for this concert have been over-subscribed.
  • Here is a writer who seems to have subscribed quite deeply to the sort of historicism that Chakrabarty describes.
  • In this way a library's readers see the subscribed pages at their original location, even though the publisher may no longer provide them there.
  • For several years I subscribed to an Internet "listserv" that gave charter enthusiasts across the United States an opportunity to chat. Are charter schools really innovative?
  • I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.
  • From then on subscribed to the Marvel Star Wars comic, in which our heroes partook in lots of adventures which then made no sense when Empire came out! MIND MELD: What Book Introduced You to Science Fiction?
  • It is no accident that the final chapter takes us from Belgrade to Bosnia, the main victim of the Greater Serb project, to which many of Seierstad's subjects subscribed.
  • University boat clubs are oversubscribed and lots of schools are starting rowing which is great.
  • Because oversubscribed issues are subject to quantity rationing, uninformed investors may find that they are eventually allocated more overpriced issues.
  • He's turned into a real couch potato since he subscribed to the sports channel.

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