How To Use Subscribe In A Sentence

  • But Sexton found Nicks for an easy 31-yard score on fourth down with 4: 11 left to seal it, and Nicks set the receiving record with a 22-yard catch a little later from T.J. Yates, making his first appearance in relief from a broken ankle suffered in September against Virginia Tech. Newspaper Home Delivery - Subscribe Today
  • Games can be demoed free and purchased or rented a la carte, or players can subscribe to the OnLive PlayPack for unlimited play of more than 200 games, with more titles added monthly.
  • If you are a Nature subscriber, or willing to pay the weregild, my short story "Annie Webber" is live there today. Anonymous moves into the real world, calling for flash-crowd style protests on February 10th.
  • What's more it was delivered to subscribers wrapped in a natty waterproof jacket.
  • The company raised €10 million in May, but decided to extend the round after it was oversubscribed by potential investors.
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  • The report said mobile phone networks worldwide were likely to have 1.6 billion subscribers by the end of this year.
  • The flotation, which was 20 times oversubscribed, was a huge success.
  • To erode that bedrock is to subscribe, to a “divine right of kings” theory of governance, in which those who govern are absolved from adhering to the basic moral standards to which the governed are accountable. Bush Slanders Freedom « Blog
  • It then sends that information in machine-readable form to itsalgorithmic subscribers, which can parse it further, using the resulting datato inform their own investing decisions.
  • Espion subscribers also get neat features like text messaging, and can receive promotional messages offering them shopping discounts and club invites.
  • At the risk of seeming to be a shill for David Talbot, let me suggest that non-subscribers reconsider.
  • In most cases, you subscribe by sending a single email message or by filling out a form on a Web page.
  • A registered elector is entitled to subscribe only ONE nomination form in this by - election.
  • Although AT&T is touting its lead in postpaid smartphone subscribers, the carrier is just now taking steps to gain a better foothold in the prepaid market, an area where rivals have a head start. AT&T Reshapes Itself As a Smartphone Carrier
  • A list of the names of subscribers and family successors is on display on the church notice board.
  • You want to look at any philosophy that millions of people subscribe to, and some bad things are going to happen - but to my knowledge "godlessness" has really only been around for about 100 years, and in that amount of time its probably led to more murder, misery and mans 'inhumanity to man than all the other "isms" ever created. Sound Politics: Obsession Shown At Cedar Park
  • Mr Thompson thanked the committee members and those who provided the comforts, as well as benefactors and subscribers.
  • China has almost 15 million subscribers to satellite and cable television.
  • Wenger, however, prefers to invest in promise rather than experience, and at this juncture the consequence of a persistent collective callowness is that while his club may have a waiting list of 40,000 for their season tickets, the empty seats in the middle and upper tiers last night spoke of the dissatisfaction of those among their supporters who do not subscribe to the doctrine of keeping the faith through thick and thin. Arsenal fizzle out after early promise – just like last season | Richard Williams
  • I am a low-intermediate-level surfcaster and would like to find and subscribe to a magazine that is focused primarily, or even exclusively, on surfcasting/surfishing. I am a low-intermediate-level surfcaster and would like to find and subscribe to a magazine that is focused primarily, or even e
  • Here you can also subscribe to Musings - a free bimonthly marketing newsletter packed with articles, tips and resources.
  • She also subscribes to the talking book service run by the Royal National Institute of the Blind, where she can get complete, unabridged novels on audio tape.
  • A Health Club opened up in the Mall, and was quickly oversubscribed. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • He added that the issue was seven times oversubscribed.
  • Do we or ought we subscribe to the idea that if it can be done it should be done?
  • Tatars and Russians also subscribe to the same school of hospitality, centring around the samovar and large arrays of buttery pastries.
  • The television station was launched to 10m cable subscribers in parts of America last month and will arrive in New York - supreme home of the alpha mom - at the end of June.
  • Very often the cost of the shares, representing the amount subscribed on the incorporation of the company, is very low.
  • Subscribe to this post comment rss or trackback url omphalos said in March 6th, 2009 at 3:32 pm » Post Topic » Little Lost Robot by Paul McAuley
  • There are already investors, mainly Greek companies, willing to subscribe for shares of the new issue.
  • If Sprint cannot fulfill its promise to return to growth in subscribers, also known as post-paid customers, it cannot turn around its financials, Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett said. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Imean, Iunder­stand that it repre­sents aslightly different commu­ni­ca­tion tool: ashort messaging system that is easy to publish to, including phone messaging options, allows for acollated syndi­ca­tion of all your friends tweets into asingle, easily digestable stream, and allows for people to subscribe and unsub­scribe as they wish. » Blog Archive » Twitter in 140 Characters or Less: Trivial
  • He does not subscribe to the ideology of any political party.
  • You'll be able to subscribe to the podcast for free or listen to a streaming audio version.
  • To believe that a nuclear deterrent can do away with a conventional war is a difficult theory to subscribe to.
  • The same password that provides Internet access, is also used to control access to subscriber email.
  • T's so-called postpaid net subscriber growth, which fell sharply in the first quarter from a year earlier, continued to lag in the second quarter, underscoring the difficulties of the wireless industry's most lucrative source of income. AT
  • The University, which claims to have ‘rigorous methods of distinguishing between very able candidates’, also quashed suggestions that they would introduce a lottery system for oversubscribed courses.
  • Within weeks of forms going out, the event - run in association with the Yorkshire Professional Golfers' Association - was fully subscribed.
  • -- Second part of 'Greville' published; 2,700 copies subscribed. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
  • Standing outside a health care town hall Tuesday in Springfield, VA, demonstrators seemed to subscribe to the belief that the tree of liberty must be refreshed not with the blood of patriots and tyran ... Joseph Freeman: With Talk of Hitler and Socialism Seniors in Virginia Air Grievances on Health Care
  • During this same period of Flotilla Face-Offs with the IDF, Pakistan, my nation of matrilineal and patrimonial heritage has witnessed the extraordinary massacre of 120 moderate, pacifist Muslims, followers of the Ahmadiyyah movement that subscribes to peaceful, pluralistic Islam. Qanta Ahmed, MD: Israel and the Flotilla: On the Dangers of a Binary View
  • Moreover, in a recent subscribers issue of Counterpunch (Vol. 16, No. 7) Pam Martens describes the game-plan of the “Free-State Project” to take over the state of New Hampshire by force and create a laissez-faire society reminiscent of the wishes of Messrs. A and B and the gangsterish primary ponerogenic union, Club B, which I described inPart II. Confucianism and the Impact of Sociopathy, Part III
  • Analysts say growth in the number of subscribers has reached a plateau and looks set to slow down, and this has cooled the share price.
  • Majority of my readers are via RSS. dougcornelius: @brucecarton You have the weirdest subscriber numbers. Legal Tweets
  • We'll start sending out email alerts in a few weeks so subscribe if you'd like a little nudge from us every day or so.
  • I subscribe to them for the free stickers they send, and the vegetarian starter kits, and to get a good look at what certain celebs are endorsing (so I don't go to their movies). Fish 'Should be rebranded as Sea Kittens'
  • SplashCast is probably most similar to the idea of Slide — where a creator pushes fresh content out to widget player subscribers — though that service just seems to get cutesier every time we look at it. Video Widgets Descend on DEMO
  • ‘People that subscribe to sites like these create a market and while people continue to subscribe, these sites will continue to flourish,’ he said.
  • Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
  • You can subscribe to the magazine for as little as $32 a year.
  • Economists—unlike sociologists, anthropologists, statisticians or political scientists—do not formally subscribe to a professional ethical code.
  • This research effort eventually spawns new transmission technologies such as Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Digital Subscriber Line We Blog A Lot
  • Once a district subscribes and the bundle is deployed, all staff and students may access the resources at school and at home. February 2009
  • He subscribes to porn sites and I've also found hard-core magazines hidden in the bedroom.
  • Now some might point to the use of the free - or - subscribe model in television and more recently radio broadcasting, and others will hold up this model as further instantiating society's class basis.
  • •A seamless subscriber experience •across broadcast & unicast channels •broadcast for mass market •3G / LTE for narrowcast / VOD • in full screen mode A Seamless Rich-Media User Experience Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The magazine is trying to get more readers to subscribe.
  • To reissue the itemized bill on subscriber request, regardless of the pay monthly price plan, a $1 monthly fee applies.
  • Needless to say her lectures were oversubscribed - at her opening address, 200 students turned up to a lecture hall designed for 35.
  • Secondly, simple model to calculate pulse noises which affect subscriber channel be digitized is used. This provides data basis for the design of channel filter.
  • I sent a message to the list explaining that I'd unsubscribed, and that I would still try to turn up at the odd events, and maybe reappear on the list at some point later.
  • Well before the term "crowdsourcing" arose, Consumer Reports supplemented its lab testing with surveys of subscribers, asking them to report on their experiences with various products. NYT > Home Page
  • The electrical signal is amplified and broadcast over a large diameter coaxial backbone cable to individual subscribers.
  • All interested employees are encouraged to subscribe to the list server; a link to subscribe is provided on the LCCEP Web site.
  • They are also running their annual Radiothon at the moment, which is the key fundraising event for the station, so if you want to donate or even subscribe, now is the time to do it (cos you can win prizes and stuff).
  • Cable television companies have launched major campaigns to increase their number of subscribers.
  • Still, it's very good, and subscribers get a disc containing at least one font with every issue.
  • This means these messages must contain a valid return email address and a mechanism for allowing people to unsubscribe (amongst other things).
  • Anything more than two times oversubscribed is considered a success. Yields on TIPS Go Negative
  • Bharti Airtel reported reduced revenue and in the quarter ended Sept. 30, as call durations and average revenue per user dropped, even though the number of subscribers increased. Yahoo! News: Technology News
  • (PS: My subscriber stats are reading 0 today, which is "unpossible". Kilroy's Delaware
  • Most baseball men subscribe to familiar truisms about talent, character, and the chemistry of winning teams.
  • The full review is only available online to subscribers, but you can get a sense of his level of spleen from the opening paragraphs. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • IT commonly oversubscribes bandwidth, switching backplanes and router capacities -- and we usually get away with it. InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
  • Municipal Committees, Indians abroad and Gurudwara Committees subscribed liberally to the INA funds.
  • A one-half microfarad condenser is placed in the receiver circuit at each station so that the line will not be tied up should some subscriber inadvertently leave his receiver off its hook. Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
  • He's turned into a real couch potato since he subscribed to the sports channel.
  • The Web messaging service library is used to incorporate the publish/subscribe feature in the application.
  • Do you think they would subscribe to such harsh terms?
  • Company officials had hoped to expand their services, offering end-to-end solutions to help cable companies implement new broadband subscriber services.
  • She worked to improve the finances of the magazine with new fundraising projects, found ways to reduce expenses, and garnered grants to assist in building the magazine's subscriber base.
  • Mr. Pellecchia said the exchange is reviewing plans to accommodate "oversubscribed" interest for the new area, designed by Perkins Eastman Architects PC. Take a Seat, Finally
  • The particular form of argument into which they happened to fall was determined by the circumstances in which he found himself at the time, and was this, viz. how he could subscribe the Articles _ex animo_, without faith, more or less, in his Church as the imponent; and next, how he could have faith in her, her history and present condition being what they were. Loss and Gain The Story of a Convert
  • After considering the main tributaries which flow into the realist stream of thinking, the third section will attempt to disinter a core of realist principles to which all realists could subscribe.
  • The Subscriber understands and agrees to comply with these Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions of HKBN (including the terms and conditions to be effective from time to time).
  • true hackers subscribe to a code of ethics and look down upon crackers
  • Cable TV subscribers pay monthly fees .
  • Firefox is one of several browsers (including Opera and Apple Computer's Safari) that have emerged with exciting new features, such as "tabbing" (to easily navigate multiple sites) and full support for the hot new RSS technology (which lets you "subscribe" to Web sites). Periscope
  • Linking businesses to the big consumer networks, with their millions of worldwide subscribers, was the first step.
  • David was a fierce competitor, an absolutely fierce competitor, and I respected the fact that he did not subscribe to the caecilian (ph) edict of in victory, magna menati (ph) and you beat defiance. CNN Transcript Jun 12, 2003
  • The lusciousness of solitude is a pleasure I subscribe to.
  • Ask your librarian to subscribe, or contact us and we'll send the full review.
  • The school is oversubscribed, and North Yorkshire County Council has said that some children living furthest away within the catchment cannot have places this year.
  • The reason that I continue to subscribe is that your publication is very in-depth and truly interesting.
  • Here's the pitch from an email sent to list subscribers (accompanied, natch, by a photograph of a sultry lass).
  • The issue is to be subscribed through the book building route.
  • The organisers extend thanks to all subscribers for the continuing support.
  • There is an elite number of cable channels that reach the 70 million subscriber mark.
  • I am a long term subscriber and sometime contributor to the x-ray files and the letters, as well as a fellow Mainer.
  • These voltage changes on the trunk circuit would cause pops or clicks that were audible to the subscriber as the electrical handshaking stepped through its protocol.
  • It is -difficult to subscribe to the manners of another world when you don't know what they are. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • It's up to them to apply pressure on the government - and on the newspapers to which they subscribe - to stop the threat.
  • Yesterday's announcement came after a 10-year treasury bond sale was undersubscribed this week. Globe and Mail
  • For readers that had already subscribed to a blog with the unspliced feed, there was little incentive to switch.
  • Millions of people every year subscribe to popular therapies such as rebirthing, but are they really dealing with the difficult issues?
  • Current and future Sky subscribers will still be able to receive all the BBC's services.
  • Book bloggers and reviewers -- female book bloggers and reviewers especially -- often seem to subscribe to a kind of cultlike apologism, in which they feel the need to defend the author as a person even if they are temerarious enough to be displeased by her book. Sarah McCarry: Faking Nice in the Blogosphere: Women and Book Reviews
  • Vaterland", has about 11,000 subscribers among Catholics, while among the 63,000 subscribers to the politically and ecclesiastically indifferent "Zürcher Tagesanzeiger", there are about 20,000 The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The publish-and-subscribe framework in JMS defines some functionality that could throw a wrench into the works of our effort to remain vendor neutral.
  • About 89.3 per cent of existing Hutchison shareholders exercised their options to subscribe for HTIL preference shares.
  • The suggestions of their Grand Visitor were immediately put into effect and at the meeting £1,597 was subscribed.
  • I subscribed my name to the document.
  • Conduit was around 8 times oversubscribed which helped to push the price to the top of the range.
  • Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
  • Once virtually guaranteed to make a mint from oversubscribed equity offerings, investment banks are now being forced to go way beyond the call of duty as advisers and put their own balance sheets on the line.
  • Anybody who has not subscribed and still wishes to do so can hand their contributions to any committee member.
  • I subscribe to American Handgunner and GUNS, and the first thing I do is take out the inserts so the pages are easier to flip.
  • Another service attracting a growing number of subscribers is Commercial Payment Profile.
  • I am a subscriber to O - which is short for Oprah - which is short for The Oprah Magazine - which is not short for anything else.
  • The flight has been over-subscribed; there are no seats.
  • Once someone subscribes, send him or her a welcome message immediately.
  • The school is already oversubscribed and congestion on Cottingley Road, which will be the main feeder road to the site, is also very worrying.
  • I have even received three laudatory letters from black prisoners, all recounting how they subscribed to the party-faithful line in their youth but have rejected it since.
  • Most of the U.S. wireless industry surged in the first quarter as new subscribers soared.
  • Our standing offer to refund the fees of any dissatisfied subscriber applies here, of course.
  • Traders remark by the time the issue closes, it may have been oversubscribed seven to eight times by retail investors and about 15 times by institutional investors.
  • Comcast's VOD offerings could use a serious increase in breadth and depth, sadly, this is only a 5000 subscriber trial and it's not in Houston. Tube Bits For 07/16/2009
  • On the other hand, the charta, subscribed by witnesses, could guarantee the legal validity of its contents and its probatory value.
  • Unsubscribe (target); _target = object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) {case NotifyCollectionChangedAction. The Code Project Latest Articles
  • I didn't expect yesterday's comments on the ALP to go unanswered, dear subscribers - even before the editor sicked you onto me.
  • The bond exchange was substantially oversubscribed, which is thought to bode well for investor appetite for the £13. 5bn rights issue outlined today. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The idea is that by pooling their scouting resources, the subscribers cut down on expenses and more effectively cover the country.
  • Our very successful Church of England voluntary controlled school is oversubscribed, with 36 children in my son's class.
  • Base on qualitative analysis, it predict the subscriber's growth with the way of the pullulation curve, combine with district assortment.
  • The scouting combines are organizations to which NFL teams subscribe in order to share scouting information.
  • Heart which the subscriber you are calling own has already been in arrearage , love has stopped, feeling is out of service section, please don't dial anymore.
  • A cable system has two types of customers-advertisers and consumers who subscribe to a package of programming offered by the cable operator.
  • Tetsuya doesn't open on Saturday night, he takes bookings no more than six weeks ahead and is fully subscribed almost at once.
  • Few today, except perhaps the mandarins in the Treasury, would subscribe to the view that national wealth should be defined exclusively in terms of gold reserves.
  • Even political leaders in the U.S. subscribe to "millennialism," he writes. Sand Mountain Reporter: News
  • Usenet is a collection of discussion groups, known as newsgroups, to which anybody can subscribe.
  • Still others distribute from a central point once or twice a week, at the subscriber’s convenience. Tigers & Strawberries » Community Supported Agriculture
  • Many carriers use the SIM card (subscriber identity module) or smart card.
  • Some players in the fashion industry - the artier ones, perhaps - have long subscribed to the easy utility of trainers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
  • There has been consistent growth in GSM mobile subscribers.
  • Secondly, if your mailbox is full of credit card offers, you need to go to optoutprescreen. com and with a few keystrokes you can be unsubscribed from probably about 98% of the lists of companies sending you offers. Ben Popken On "To The Point" (And A Debate Over Personal Finance Advice) - The Consumerist
  • This Recommendation describes the testing procedures for ITU Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL ) Recommendations.
  • Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
  • Reed Business Information, which ran the title aimed at executives in the cosmetics industry through its French division, wrote to its subscribers on Friday telling them of the change of ownership. Press Gazette Latest News
  • I want to subscribe for some novels.
  • Favourable treatment has been given to the small shareholder, when allocating oversubscribed issues, in some of the privatisation issues.
  • The United States should have 30 % broadband penetration, to about 13M subscribers.
  • The use of encryption would, in my opinion, be prima facia evidence of the “reasonable expectation of privacy” argument underpinning the abrogation of that right by the ISP on behalf of the subscriber. The Volokh Conspiracy » Eleventh Circuit Decision Largely Eliminates Fourth Amendment Protection in E-Mail 
  • The electrical signal is amplified and broadcast over a large diameter coaxial backbone cable to individual subscribers.
  • The tear which bedims my eye is an evidence of the sincerity with which I subscribe myself your affectionate friend, The Opium Habit
  • I subscribe wholeheartedly to this theory.
  • Crikey has a wonderful cartoonist, and here is a chronological rundown of the toons enjoyed by subscribers in the daily email sealed sections from September 2001 to the present.
  • The bond exchange was substantially oversubscribed, which is thought to bode well for investor appetite for the £13. 5bn (€15bn) rights issue outlined today. Top Stories:
  • The tear which bedims my eye, is an evidence of the sincerity with which I subscribe myself Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey
  • The journal had a devoted following of around 1000 subscribers.
  • The employees would then subscribe their shares to enable Newco to redeem its bridging loan and become employee controlled.
  • Unless you subscribe to the ‘grand conspiracy theory’, then it's safe to assume that the earth is an oblate spheroid hurtling around the sun.
  • Even before he could read, Cornforth's ‘eye’ was being formed by the illustrations in bound volumes of Country Life, to which his grandfather had subscribed.
  • The painting bears the inscription ‘Presented to C. Hilton Green, Esqr., M.F.H., by subscribers and farmers of the North Cotswold Hunt as a slight appreciation of the excellent sport he shewed, 1927-1929.’
  • We can subscribe to ever-more-personalized newspapers, magazines, satellite channels, clothing catalogs. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • AOL added 1.3 million users worldwide, bringing its total subscribers to 30.1 million.
  • Over 60,000 homes in Punjab are now ready for new experience in data, voice andvideo connectivity through broadband as Punjab's leading telecom provider, HFCLInfotel Limited, inducts hi-speed with increased bandwidth to its subscribers. PunjabNewsline News
  • Since that time it has grown from a mimeoed sheet distributed to ten newspapers to a printed 20-page packet of articles and graphics mailed to nearly 800 subscribers twice a week. Lns
  • If you want to unsubscribe for any reason, please just reply with unsubscribe as the subject.
  • A digital channel is scramble by applying a random 8 byte number to it, th is random number is called the Control Word (CW) , it is saved and sent out to subscribers.
  • Each of the Underwriters have, severally, and not jointly, undertaken to subscribe for the new Shares.
  • Once enough people subscribe, the deal is on, and open to allcomers. Times, Sunday Times
  • These subscribers will represent 50% of all mobile comms users.
  • They need a minimum of 30-50 subscribers to get the project up and running.
  • Yet many of those 30 million paid subscribers are kids who have glommed on to texting with a remarkable resilience.
  • The local community agreed to subscribe 10 euro per month for three years for the project.
  • In the likely event that the programme is oversubscribed, applicants will be evaluated on their overall suitability for the programme.
  • Son is hoping to turbocharge revenues by getting his broadband subscribers hooked on services such as games that bring in extra cash.
  • In Mumbai, the BPL subscribers dialled a particular number to dedicate songs to their relatives and friends and on one single day there were 48,000 such dedications.
  • In responce to: Fu*k The Right To Fat Girls .... by Susan powter jewelry for 10 subscribers thank you shannon - Business News
  • The feature, often called multiroom or whole-home DVR, is already available in San Francisco and some nearby cities to subscribers of U-verse, which allows users to view Internet video as well as TV programming on their sets. AT&T Upgrades DVR Service
  • Subscriber software would in effect be the only entity required to allow the network to operate.
  • So after you have subscribed online, make sure you pass along the word to others via word of mouth or a blog post.
  • There’s nothing more likely to get me to unsubscribe from a feed than a lot of posts which are basically the author thinking out loud — and not thinking very hard at that … What Makes a Blog Successful? « Lorelle on WordPress
  • According to the Independent, the placing of shares was at least five times subscribed.
  • Most degree courses in top universities are oversubscribed.
  • Today, with the proliferation of fiber to the home and fiber to the business, the conversion of digital voice into analog signals can be handled inside the subscriber's building.
  • It is probably the need to accept that uncomfortable reality that is the greatest impediment to ensuring donor registries are well subscribed.
  • "The capex per subscriber will be much lower."
  • Well, we know that it's a crew of five that subscribes to the proposition that all that glitters is not sold.
  • To this opinion of Galen, almost all the Greeks and Arabians subscribe, the Latins new and old, internae, tenebrae offuscant animum, ut externae nocent pueris, as children are affrighted in the dark, so are melancholy men at all times, [2665] as having the inward cause with them, and still carrying it about. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • I sat down at my computer and logged on to one of several databases that we subscribe to. DEAD BEAT
  • He'd get members of the family to subscribe and they'd send him £1 for the next two copies.
  • Today DoCoMo announced that Ms. DoCoMushroom is to be given a love interest – and DoCoMo subscribers will get the chance to choose her new beau from a shortlist of potential suitors. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Subscribers who were in arrears were notified that no recommendation from them would be accepted.
  • The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association and such other persons as the Council shall admit to membership in accordance with the provisions hereinafter contained shall be members of the Company.
  • As a subscriber to their newsletter and referrer of 3 subscribers, I got 8 shares when they distributed them.
  • Irda has recommended a regulatory framework for setting up pension funds to enable individuals to subscribe on a defined contribution basis to obtain the benefit of pensions on their retirement.

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