
How To Use Subpoena In A Sentence

  • A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.
  • A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.
  • When U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's office subpoenaed state agencies for hiring records in the fall of 2005, Blagojevich acknowledged S.aggers was a subject of the review. Undefined
  • he accepted service of the subpoena
  • The witness and her records were subpoenaed
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  • On February 2, 2010, defendants [the Palestinian Authority] subpoenaed non-party Jeffrey Goldberg to appear for a deposition on February 18, 2010. The Volokh Conspiracy » Journalist’s Privilege, Candlestick Maker’s Privilege, “a Curious Unreality,” and Piling Pelion Upon Ossa
  • My learned friend took you to an early stage of the proceedings where the accused had subpoenaed documents.
  • Indeed, as the years go by the originals of subpoenaed smoking pistols themselves will slowly disappear, to the point where those claiming they ever existed can be safely tagged as crazed, deluded loons.
  • The court subpoenaed her as a witness.
  • Convenience means no subpoenas, no interrogatories, no discovery. Mandatory Binding Arbitration: The Worst Choose Your Own Adventure Ever - The Consumerist
  • The commission said it could revive the subpoenas if the editors failed to cooperate with the inquiry, which opens this week.
  • It held that if an individual does not comply with a subpoena or order issued by the Tribunal, he could be held in contempt of the Tribunal and the specific contempt procedure could be set in motion.
  • He's subpoenaed to go to the court.
  • The law allows such individuals to be picked up if they might flee or elude a subpoena for testimony. High court to hear case against Ashcroft
  • A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.
  • Criminal defendants, like civil defendants, should be able to freely conduct depositions, subpoena documents and witnesses, and serve interrogatories.
  • Even more mystifying is home run king Barry Bonds not being subpoenaed. - Priorities of Congress questioned
  • In an August 2002 document subpoenaed from the files of the indicted fund-raiser, Warren M. RoBold, Mr. RoBold asked for a list of 10 major donors to the committee, saying that "I would then decide from response who Tom DeLay" and others should call to help the committee in seeking a "large contribution. March 2005
  • The defence could have subpoenaed him but they could not force him to talk to them.
  • He has been served with a subpoena to answer the charges in court.
  • In fact, they've issued subpoenas to some of the sport's biggest stars.
  • The finance director is subpoenaed by prosecution.
  • He appeared on subpoena and declined to answer a number of questions directed to the documents on the ground of potential self incrimination.
  • On page 20, we find out that OSHA is trying to subpoena the identity of a porn star who tested positive for HIV, "Patient Zero. READING: AVN Magazine, September 2009
  • If receive subpoena, we also can undertake assessment to subpoena, not hesitate even below essential condition litigate .
  • The congressional subpoenas were fishing lines with no bait and no hook.
  • But Ickes says he dared not keep such a diary because it might have been subpoenaed.
  • The investigation will rely on existing powers to subpoena documents.
  • For the record, Cott is now in jail but the subpoenaed accounts continue to tweet and blog. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Subpoena to Twitter, Demanding Identification of Anonymous Critic of Corbett’s
  • When I served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Legal Counsel and Counselor for International Affairs at the Meese Justice Department, I was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury investigating misdoing by an associate of then Attorney General Edwin Meese with regard to kickbacks on a pipeline that was to have been built from Baghdad to Aqaba. Allan Gerson: Giving Libby the Benefit of the Doubt
  • Another team had managed through a subpoena to get hold of the church records while the monsignor was out. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • The subpoena hearing, which is normally a tame affair, was contentious because the music industry sees it as a test case.
  • Deeds, captions on cases, and other legal forms like subpoenas all serve the purpose of giving notice, which is how lawyers and the courts communicate with the public.
  • He was given full authority over everything, including the decision about subpoenaing journalists.
  • Under this standard, a subpoena that is peripheral to the case, or that is drawn too broadly or vaguely, is unlikely to be enforced unless it is focussed and narrowed.
  • If subpoenaed, the Bellevue Defendants, their agents, employees, or assigns may not give any evidence or testimony inconsistent with the Proposed Consent Decree. The Volokh Conspiracy » Flag Desecration
  • A subsequent Supreme Court ruling classified the case and "gagged" Edmonds without ever hearing her out, effectively quashing it on the same grounds used to nullify the Karl Rove/DoJ subpoenas: that sneaky "State Secrets Act", providing top cover for agents accused of crimes in the Bush Administration without any required disclosure of evidence in the case to a court. Why we need to learn the name Sibel Edmonds
  • The glabrescent Turd Blossom has nothing more to do except write a book...and ignore subpoenas! Archive 2007-08-01
  • The union said Friday the documents, obtained by the NLRB under a subpoena in the legal battle, demonstrate that Boeing decided to open a second assembly line for its 787 Dreamliner jet in North Charleston, S.C., to avoid labor problems, even though Boeing officials considered the location its highest-risk option. Boeing Union Presses Plant Relocation Issue
  • The courts are saying that they've needed to reassign people to handle all the subpoena requests and have become little more than a ‘clearinghouse’.
  • This section incorporates the ‘service and proof of service’ provisions for subpoenas, summonses and warrants established under provincial law.
  • The news organizations fear the tougher law would result in subpoenas being issued to journalists who published leaked information.
  • The grand jury subpoenaed documents from Condit last year.
  • Is there any chance it will "manifest itself" until the sandpapered fingers of a subpoena duces tecum line up the tumblers on Cheney's "man-sized" safe? McCain Adviser: McCain Likely To Confront Obama About Ayers At Debate
  • They have also subpoenaed top presidential aide Karl Rove.
  • He has been served with a subpoena to answer the charges in court.
  • I think rarely do they ever disapprove a request for a sympathy subpoena, for a warrant to go ahead and issue a wiretap.
  • In addition, in July several people were subpoenaed to testify about their protest activities before a grand jury convened in Missouri.
  • Empanelling a grand jury empowers prosecutors both to serve subpoenas, and to gather testimony under oath.
  • The documents which you have deposed to in the witness box and referred to are strictly in answer to the subpoena but in respect of which you claim privilege.
  • Your subpoena is going to put a complete monkey wrench in what we are doing.
  • You can subpoena me, you can get a warrant, but don't do it, please don't do it. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • He's subpoenaed to go to the court.
  • You can subpoena me, you can get a warrant, but don't do it, please don't do it. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Later, the father's attorney sends the doctor a subpoena duces tecum requiring the physician to appear at a deposition with the records, or to send the records with an affidavit if he doesn't care to take the day off uncompensated.
  • Federal marshals were dispatched to hospitals with subpoenas.
  • Back in the late 90's while most of us were watching the bimboes of the Barbizon School Of Former Prosecutors dissect the legal strategy behind Ken Starr subpoenaing Monica's pedicurist, others were noticing that a foreign policy debate was taking place and they wrote about it: Hullabaloo
  • As a consequence, the police were unable to locate him to serve him with a subpoena.
  • If it is a matter that arises, that is, if he files a praecipe and a subpoena is issued before the special leave, we will seek to have the matter determined then.
  • The subpoena sought all notes and tape recordings related to his Panthers coverage.
  • The sheriff's office, instead, runs the county jail, provides security for the courts and county buildings and serves judicial subpoenas.
  • A lawyer with a pending lawsuit asks the clerk of the court for a stack of blank subpoenas.
  • In separate letters, the New York Department of Financial Services threatened to impose penalties on Assurant, an insurer, for what it calls inadequate document-retention policies, and urged a Citigroup mortgage unit to comply with a subpoena related to the inquiry. New York Tells Citi, Assurant to Cooperate
  • The Court stated: "To read the Article II powers of the president as providing an absolute privilege as against a subpoena essential to enforcement of criminal statutes on no more than a generalized claim of the public interest in confidentiality of nonmilitary and nondiplomatic discussions would upset the constitutional balance of 'a workable government 'and gravely impair the role of the courts under Article III. Jackson Williams: "Executive Privilege" Alert: White House Planning Major Effort to Confuse Americans Yet Again
  • The company expects to receive a formal request for documents or a subpoena in the next few days.
  • A federal grand jury was empaneled in 1996, and he subpoenaed witnesses to testify.
  • Was that to sustain the subpoena and to show that it was not a pure fishing expedition and that you had a justifiable course of inquiry that you were pursuing?
  • Even if it is a US bank which is ordered by a US subpoena, other common law courts have applied traditional conflict-of-laws analysis.
  • You may also be able to challenge the subpoena or the lawsuit on other grounds, including that it was improper to add you into the lawsuit with others (called "joinder"), or that the "MAIN" via Steve in Google Reader
  • That course would doubtless prompt an application by the P.C.A. to set aside the subpoena on grounds of public interest immunity.
  • Florida also has subpoenaed Nationwide Financial Services Inc. A 10-state group of regulators at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, an alliance of the states' top insurance officials, is also focusing on the issues. Life Insurers Skimp on Payouts: States
  • -0/+3Ahh ... so THAT'S how you spell "subpoenaed". Stories / Popular
  • If we now call overbroad subpoenas an unauthorized access, then unwanted e-mail is a trespass.
  • Complex legal standards apply to the level of review and judicial oversight necessary before police can obtain the warrants, subpoenas, or court orders required to compel disclosure of these records.
  • They launched an investigation, and on one occasion, two men armed with subpoenas descended on the camp and began to hand subpoenas out—to Da Silva, Carnovsky, all of the other performers. Life Lit by Some Large Vision
  • And to take advantage of a cellphone's GPS capability and obtain detailed call logs, Hader must first put in a request to the state's attorney's office for a subpoena that he can then send to the carrier. Maryland family helps to catch a thief using cellphone's GPS technology
  • The United Kingdom and United States can be expected to employ their ordinary procedures for issuing subpoenas or other measures.
  • But with NSLs -- which have been around since 1978, 18 years longer than HCF subpoenas -- the question of their constitutionality is even more serious. Is That Legal?: FBI's Abuse of National Security Letters Highlights Need to Address Possible Fifth Amendment Defect
  • Goya's reply to the Inquisition's 1815 subpoena and list of questions about the two portraits is not known, and there continues to be uncertainty about the identity of the model.
  • Your office could do more, the witnesses were not subpoenaed and brought along, and the magistrate is sure to have plenty to do.
  • In the past week, those regulators subpoenaed MetLife Inc., the nation's biggest life insurer by assets, to testify at separate hearings. Life Insurers Skimp on Payouts: States
  • Can you not establish the evidentiary matters by subpoenas ad test to get witnesses who can depose?
  • Pecksniffian pretentious pugnacious quixotic sardoodledom sputum subpoena vanity sizing w00t Pretentious Pecksniffian Cruft
  • Morenz would be caught by the police sooner or later, the lab technicians would be subpoenaed-it would make the scandal worse.
  • Appearing before a grand jury under subpoena as Bowles did does not imply guilt.
  • I wish to subpoena documents from the Medical Board of Victoria…
  • Superior Court Judge Mary Lou Rup on Wednesday took under advisement a move by Bennett's office to "quash" the subpoena of Bennett by defense lawyer Greg T. Schubert. Reader -
  • It doesn't have the power to subpoena documents, evidence, or testimony, either.
  • Broad investigatory, inquisitory and subpoena powers were given to that body of citizens drawn from the community; like powers were not intended to be in the hands of the prosecutors of crime. Is That Legal?: February 2007 Archives
  • ‘It's clear from the subpoena that they are looking at him and the possibility he may have given untruthful testimony to the grand jury,’ his lawyer said.
  • Select committees have the power to subpoena witnesses.
  • A subpoena to them, I suggest, is bound to uncover a good deal of information, including doctors' names.
  • Once their case is in federal court, they can argue that the subpoenas were unwarranted.
  • The investigation will rely on existing powers to subpoena documents.
  • James was subpoenaed as a witness.
  • He then handed me two grand-jury subpoenas, one to produce physical evidence a blood specimen and one to testify.
  • The cable TV company restated its second-quarter results, and announced it had been subpoenaed by a grand jury regarding so-called backdating of stock options. One-Two Punch For Cablevision?
  • The investigation will rely on existing powers to subpoena documents.
  • Select committees have the power to subpoena witnesses.
  • Brattles; -- and then there was the fact that Carry Brattle, who had been regularly "subpoenaed," had kept herself out of the way, -- most flagitiously, illegally and damnably. The Vicar of Bullhampton
  • Further, the day-to-day administration of criminal justice functions with many witnesses who are not under subpoena and who attend voluntarily to give evidence.
  • In 2007, federal prosecutors in Wisconsin withdrew a subpoena seeking the identities of thousands of people who bought used books through Amazon in a tax-evasion case after a judge ruled that customers have a right to keep their reading habits from the government. Amazon: NC bid to track sales for taxes violates free speech
  • If receive subpoena, we also can undertake assessment to subpoena, not hesitate even below essential condition litigate .
  • Paradoxically, the only time the court can deliver the subpoena is when all relevant evidences prepared.
  • The effect of the subpoena did not result in an unconstitutional inhibition of religion.
  • Under normal law, a plaintiff would file a lawsuit against an offending party and then use the court system to get subpoenas or court orders for information relevant to the lawsuit.
  • Anyone even thought to be left wing was subpoenaed, defamed and then blacklisted by the studio bosses if they refused to grass on their friends.
  • They will not allow me to see any of the documents that are there pursuant to subpoena.
  • The commission said it could revive the subpoenas if the editors failed to cooperate with the inquiry, which opens this week.
  • Last month the commision, which is led by former Supreme Court Justice Jacob Turkel, was given the power to subpoena witnesses and receive sworn testimony. Articles
  • A Victorian coroner has subpoenaed the man acquitted of one the State's most notorious murders to give evidence at another inquest into the death.
  • Its many civil liberties transgressions include the issuance by the executive branch of National Security Letters a form of administrative subpoena without a court order, and the forbiddance of American citizens from mentioning that they have received one of these letters at the risk of jail. Why Ron Paul Matters
  • Keeping schtum as to your real identity would protect you from becoming one of the 360,000 people per year who allegedly receive subpoenas as a result of their blogging.
  • People court can stick an annunciate subpoena the accused.
  • You must hand the evidence over to the police that was subpoenaed by the police.
  • The finance director is subpoenaed by prosecution.
  • However, in a phone call secretly recorded by Tour winner and Armstrong critic Greg LeMond, McIlvain seemed to take a more ambiguous stance, saying that she heard the hospital conversation and would testify in a lawsuit if subpoenaed. Lance Armstrong Finally Finds Someone To Defend Him
  • A federal grand jury was empaneled in 1996, and he subpoenaed witnesses to testify.
  • I'd been so afraid to subpoena Jaime as a witness for the hearing that I'd decided to play the bluff. A KING'S RANSOM
  • A grand jury subpoena is available only when the government has sufficient grounds to believe a crime has been committed to go to the trouble of empaneling a grand jury.
  • they got a subpoena to examine our books
  • Another team had managed through a subpoena to get hold of the church records while the monsignor was out. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • That Judge seriously disrespected separation of powers when she subpoenaed the President of the United States to testify in a mere civil case. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Short List
  • A grand jury subpoena is available only when the government has sufficient grounds to believe a crime has been committed to go to the trouble of empaneling a grand jury.
  • Judge Sanderson agreed with him last week and quashed the subpoenas he had earlier authorized.
  • The defense also subpoenaed several police officers as defense witnesses who evidently were not taken into account in making the first estimate.
  • SAC said it was basing that impression on a subpoena the firm received Monday afternoon, which it called extraordinarily broad. Insider Case Has Soft-Dollar Focus
  • However while CNET suggests that the shield law may be inappliacable where a reporter is accused of a crime, Wired suggests that even where a reporter is accused, a subpoena must be issued instead of a search warrant, giving the journalist an opportunity to ask the court to protect confidential aspects of communications. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is It a Crime to Receive an Item That You Know Belongs to a Third Party?
  • Recall Dan Burton, the Indiana Republican who while chairman of the House Government Affairs Committee issued truck loads of White House subpoenas along with a suplphurus guiser of unsupported uaccusations. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Does the subpoena nominate a date or a week in which the trial is going to take place?
  • So far in the Armstrong case, former teammates, a chiropractor, a sports physiologist, and Tour de France champion Greg LeMond are among those who have received subpoenas. Jonathan Littman: Lance Armstrong Witnesses on Hot Seat
  • Mr. Cohen said, initially, he wanted to see all criminal subpoenas to understand the nature of the inv estigations under way. Cuomo
  • The appellant was unable to subpoena the necessary witnesses.
  • I'd been so afraid to subpoena Jaime as a witness for the hearing that I'd decided to play the bluff. A KING'S RANSOM

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