
How To Use Submissive In A Sentence

  • Chovos Halevovos in Shaar Hateshuva points out that the one advantage that a Baal Teshuva always holds over a "natural" tsaddik is that the Baal Teshuvah must perforce be humble and submissive. Avakesh
  • He himself bore them submissively for thirteen years; for six he suffered from lithiasis, and for seven years from stomatitis (or, as some say, six years from the former and seven from the latter). Hebraic Literature; Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala
  • The guy is submissive to the mc, which is the queen. The Gor books
  • The City had done a serious effort to take out beggars from the streets, yet the very cold streets were lined with immobile figures frozen in submissive, pleading positions. Why Does Homelessness Persist in Rich Liberal Cities?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They scouted the venerable old dogma of the divine right of kings and titled aristocracies to rule the submissive multitude. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume I
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  • It was clear that the native tutors had no control whatever over their illustrious pupil, and every creature in and about the zenana was his submissive slave, so that Gerrard became seriously exercised as to the development of his character. The Path to Honour
  • I handed the boots, my letter and the reply to a pleasant, submissive sales assistant who went to fetch a manager.
  • Bella in reverse is shot from a high angle making her look more submissive. Twilight Lexicon » MTV’s Spoiler’s A Fan’s View
  • The dominant hamster often licks the belly of the submissive hamster.
  • The dominant hamster often licks the belly of the submissive hamster.
  • ‘I apologize for my foolishness, Sire,’ he submissively replied, lowering his eyes in defeat.
  • Bertha would eventually become the dutiful and submissive spouse.
  • “Keep thy voice low and submissive, I have told thee a score of times,” said the leader, “and lower thine axe, which, as I bethink me, thou hadst better leave in the outer apartment.” Count Robert of Paris
  • And in their zeal and submissiveness they are so innocently meek and "biddable" that they can listen with reverence to young Hyrum Smith publicly lecturing the grandmothers of the order for occasionally partaking of a cup of thin tea. Under the Prophet in Utah; the National Menace of a Political Priestcraft
  • The old, spunky Madeline was gone and in her place was the submissive shadow of her former self.
  • Saying that to be Christian women have to be submissive is like saying that Christians have to be anti-Semitic because the Gospel of Matthew villanizes Jews, without taking into account his audience or his purpose in writing. Can you love God and feminism? - Feministing
  • He was looking for a quiet submissive wife who would obey his every word.
  • Gentle and debonair in manners, he knows how to be a submissive husband and cater to the needs of his sweetheart.
  • This is the same type of behavior a submissive member of a wild dog pack would show to the alpha dog in that pack.
  • Hercules served Omphale, put on an apron, took a distaff and spun; Thraso the soldier was so submissive to Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The departing male flaps off with an unusual gliding rhythm that Kemp suspects is a loser butterfly's submissive slink.
  • she has become submissive and subservient
  • Dependent personality disorder is described as a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to a submissive and clinging behavior as well as fears of separation.
  • In those days women were expected to be quiet and submissive.
  • He shows that slaves who seemed submissive and passive were cleverly using the language of their masters and subverting it to their own ends.
  • The patriarchal demand for submissive women is reinforced by imagining its opposite: sex with the devil, one of the most striking legendary sabbat practices. National Demons: Robert Burns, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the Folk in the Forest
  • He gives regular corporal punishment and discipline but I like being submissive and enjoy being controlled by him. The Sun
  • She was not the submissive wife. Times, Sunday Times
  • The formula is some what the same except that the psychiatrist is now the seemingly crazy extravert and the client is the meek and submissive type.
  • As a man he is high-spirited and energetic, always ready to fight for his Sultan, his country and, especially, his Faith: courteous and affable, rarely failing in temperance of mind and self-respect, self-control and self-command: hospitable to the stranger, attached to his fellow citizens, submissive to superiors and kindly to inferiors — if such classes exist: Eastern despotisms have arrived nearer the idea of equality and fraternity than any republic yet invented. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And that means, even allowing for the craven submissiveness of the general media, one more chance for the administration to be exposed for the cruel and psychopathic clods that they are.
  • Most are brunettes, a number are Asian (and not the stereotypical submissive "Oriental" fantasy girl, by the way) and none is any thinner or chestier than the Jewish women I know.
  • submissiveness" following the crushing defeat of their chosen national leaders. The Register
  • The republicans, in their submissiveness and spinelessness, were trying to impress the media and all the idiots who voted for Obama with their willingness to PANDER for votes like the democrats. Gingrich blames 'elite media' for Steele questions
  • It seems that she wanted a man strong enough to handle a woman as strong as her, not one who required a needy or submissive woman. Times, Sunday Times
  • In those days women were expected to be quiet and submissive.
  • Her Majesty sits squat on her throne, her head crowned, a sceptre in one hand, an orb in the other, and two lions stretch submissively at the imperial feet while she stares with bronze eyes at the distant horizons of Empire.
  • Bacon emphasized that this ordeal of experiment was to be heroic testing, not the torture of a slavish and submissive victim.
  • The concept the world had yesterday was that of the unknown island submissive to the Yankee empire, a country without independence, a Yankee semicolony. CASTRO ADDRESSES SOVIET TECHNICIANS
  • She was not the submissive wife. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were not passive, submissive clients but positive enthusiasts, with a common agenda.
  • No longer the garb of a submissive dollybird, it was a fresh, youthful option that celebrated femaleness. Times, Sunday Times
  • That sword tormented him beyond measure, brought him an intolerable horror of suffering in woman, the very thought of which scattered his pious submissiveness to the winds. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • Despite being commonly held up as a paragon of the submissiveness, obedience, and loyalty that many men would like to see in their wives, women have often taken other lessons from her behaviour.
  • Although there is sometimes a difference I can see when we are both playing or training with her is that when by me she tends to be more playful and puppy like and when around my step dad she'll be more serious and give more submissive gestures such as crouching, keeping her tail low and licking him. Who's Your Daddy?
  • I'm weary of his monotone droning as he reads yet another story of yet another hapless, submissive male being dominated by yet another psychotic nympho.
  • The second thing is submissive prayer. Christianity Today
  • At times she is combative, at times submissive, according to the situation and her state of mind.
  • How does God begin and carry forward his submissive prostration of the soul, before his awful justice?
  • If the partners engaging in the activity are both of the same gender, there can be no preconditioned dominant-submissive roles.
  • All of our best dogs were already on the lowest rung of the pack hierarchy when we got them because they were the litter runts or just submissive by nature.
  • There is, and always has been, a lot more to women than the meek, submissive weaklings that we have been made out to be throughout the centuries.
  • Well the word slavish, you might know, means submissive. CNN Transcript Oct 18, 2006
  • When a mandrill bares its teeth, it is not threatening to attack, but rather showing a submissive behavior.
  • You may be plagued with indecisiveness or revert to emotional "default" positions forged during childhood, such as submissiveness, rebellion or self-undermining behavior. Douglas LaBier: An Inside-Out Life: Protection From the Growing Backlash -- Part 1
  • Johnson was valuable to Boswell because they were so unalike; Boswell submissive, Johnson domineering, Boswell a quivering jelly of sensibility, Johnson a solid mass of sense.
  • She was not the submissive wife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Steve had played games with her mind, and she had been meek and submissive.
  • He must make up his mind to lay aside what he calls his manly instincts and personal independence, and resolve to submissively obey all order of his superiors without a murmur, even though they are not stated exactly in accordance with the rules of syntax, laid down by Lindley Murray. The new man : twenty-nine years a slave, twenty-nine years a free man,
  • We won't reward him until he's in a calm submissive behavior.
  • Russia would keep the Continent submissive under his dictature, until he should find an opportunity of crushing your power. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Characterizing Jews as cerebral nomads, submissive and victimized by nature, he almost seems to hate and accost them as a means to elicit their retaliation. Overlooked Movie Monday: The Believer » Scene-Stealers
  • And so, I submissively give in at this stage and let the winds of politics blow all around me without seeking to alter the course of the raging seas and tempests that may lie ahead.
  • What this clip shows is that it with a submissive rhetoric you can be mock racist but, there's such a internal reaction about anti-semitism because a majority of the world "who are silent anti-semitics" have not yet been submissive and admitted to it, as nationalties apologised or confronted the reality unlike the resolution process that has occured with racism in general, Jews still have this issue to resolve, Little Britain reminds us that we still owe a debt to Judaism and it's world citizens, for the anti-semitism which lays dormant and unspoke in every area from government to boardroom, from the work place to the classromm, from the media to our homes, if as they have proved it is more uncomfortable an issue it is an issue that is yet to be resolved and Little Britain just reminded everybody. Aish Weekly Articles
  • She is both poised and uptight, both intellectually curious and submissively ladylike.
  • Girls are sweet, well-behaved, self-sacrificing, passive, submissive, overemotional, and, above all, attractive.
  • At the feast which follows the three bridegrooms wager on whose wife is the most docile and submissive.
  • The protagonist Jagannatha's main concern is the Holeyaru, the submissive, spectral, dark-skinned lowest caste of Bharathipura. Hinduism Cast Against Modernity
  • She said he made the entire family proud by challenging the court and that he was never scared or submissive.
  • Where the people are Catholic and submissive to the law of God, as declared and applied by the vicar of Christ and supreme pastor of the church, democracy may be a good form of government; but combined with Protestantism or infidelity in the people, its inevitable tendency is to lower the standard of morality, to enfeeble intellect, to abase character, and to retard civilization, as even our short American experience amply proves. GOP Confronts Its Future Viability
  • The modulation from aggrieved femininity to fawning submissiveness in her wooing is masterfully handled.
  • The Puritans were teetering along a narrow rock ledge and they wrapped their suggestions in swathes of submissive cotton wool. GOD'S SECRETARIES: The Making of the King James Bible
  • The prisoners were all perfectly submissive and paid every deference to the wishes of those in whose custody they were placed.
  • They also call a submissive wife a "cricket on the stove"; I just hope they're not lighting the burners to watch it jump -- no spousal abuse, please! Amanda ReCupido: "Leftover Christmas Cake" and Other Anti-feminist Expressions
  • True womanhood emphasized the qualities of piety, purity, maternity, submissiveness, virtue, and domesticity.
  • She is warlike and aggressive, not submissive and unassertive.
  • In fact the tension between Weil's revulsion toward and attraction to violence informs, indeed propels, the essay (in her first paragraph she describes the implacable power of force in sexually submissive terms, and avers that for those perceptive enough to place violence at the center of human history, "the Iliad is the purest and the loveliest of mirrors"). The Lost Crusade
  • Of course there exist caricatures of a misguided humility and a mistaken submissiveness, which we do not want to imitate. Chrism Mass in Rome [Update]
  • His body language can appear submissive and he lacks ideas. The Sun
  • It seems that she wanted a man strong enough to handle a woman as strong as her, not one who required a needy or submissive woman. Times, Sunday Times
  • The widespread ideology of this period that the only good woman is a submissive woman was a great help to their employers. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • Dee believed the Angels to be obedient servants of God, submissive to the authority of Christ.
  • English marriage rites until the fourteenth century, when the wife promised to be "buxom" (which then meant submissive) and "bonair Little Essays of Love and Virtue
  • He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant.
  • Caesar was declared dictator of Rome by the now submissive Senate.
  • Some people like to dominate, some are submissive, some can handle possessiveness, for others it would drive them crazy.
  • The prisoners were all perfectly submissive and paid every deference to the wishes of those in whose custody they were placed.
  • He gives regular corporal punishment and discipline but I like being submissive and enjoy being controlled by him. The Sun
  • It exasperates the less extravagantly gifted but I have never thought that it reveals a submissiveness of mind. VVS Laxman is the latest standard bearer for the Golden Age
  • He is likely quite uncomfortable about the prospects of appearing weak, submissive or passive.
  • Another, archaic, English word for insides, especially those of deer, was ‘umbles’, a term which survives in the expression ‘to eat humble pie’, meaning to be apologetic or submissive.
  • At times she is combative, at times submissive, according to the situation and her state of mind.
  • [/URL] shemale bdsm video clips jeg har meg bergen det med bdsm til august min brunettes bdsm bdsm libray story cons oral jump finds het dominoes anal bad bdsm bdsm drawings by loic dbuigeon vet at du er bdsm bdsm long hair whipped bdsm resources bdsm slave bdsm farris du er bdsm er forening norsk bdsm augusta enema dependent submissive bdsm killingbdsm New Iraq Proposal Would Allow Dems To Keep Standing Up To Bush
  • She must be loving and submissive, she must have a good dentation and must be based in Lagos, Abuja, or any of the big cities. Welcome to the Frontpage
  • We were supposed to become unthinking, obedient, silent and submissive so as to be governable, exploitable and harmless.
  • If it is sweet, servile and submissive, a new dog could bully your first dog into a life of fear and despair.
  • Basically, I would be much more passive, submissive and altruistic.
  • It means publicly reprimanding politicians who insist that ‘as Americans’ we should submissively yield to whatever the Supreme Court decides.
  • Clarisa seemed calm, submissive to her mother and reasonably attentive to both Janir and his cousin.
  • Men are conditioned to find pleasure in dominance, whereas women - against their self-interest - are conditioned to enjoy submissiveness.
  • But the disposition of a courtier is tame and submissive; and Capito seldom presumed to deviate from the sentiments, or at least from the words, of his predecessors; while the bold republican pursued his independent ideas without fear of paradox or innovations. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Preparation prior to scene … (submissive training depravation, s/m, etc) Heroes or Villains?
  • No, Mr. Blenkinsop," he replied to the submissive curate, standing on his hearth-rug at full height and regarding the cornice as his habit was when he began to monologize -- "no, I find it impossible to entertain such an accusation. Denzil Quarrier
  • The dominant-submissive interplay which the playwright labours to construct in words is massively overdetermined by the director-editor's unimaginative choice of shots.
  • Steve had played games with her mind, and she had been meek and submissive.
  • Passivity, submissiveness and coyness can be dangerous, and may create an atmosphere of sexual aggression.
  • A submissive orchestra dictated to by a spectacled man with frowsy hair and a dress suit, industriously followed the bobs of his head and the waves of his baton.
  • When the Marshal saw my son was serious and did not care at all for his bravadoes, he became submissive and did what my son desired. The Entire Memoirs of Louis XIV and the Regency
  • The Huron word orenda, for example, is a complex word that is similar to the notion of prayer but is not quite as submissive as that.
  • When one partner is dominant, less is expected of the submissive partner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dee believed the Angels to be obedient servants of God, submissive to the authority of Christ.
  • replacing troublemakers with more submissive people
  • It is vital that you retain your dominance over your dog, and this dog shows clear signs of submissiveness.
  • Recent financial stagnation has displaced Japanese men from their societal pedestals, because persistent unemployment clashes with traditional notions of machoism and submissive women. Jane Buckingham: The Trend Triple Threat
  • The City had done a serious effort to take out beggars from the streets, yet the very cold streets were lined with immobile figures frozen in submissive, pleading positions. Why Does Homelessness Persist in Rich Liberal Cities?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • These wretches undismayed, unmoved by the terrors of the bombarding ravages around, strove and vied with each other in the committal of every act of the most unlicensed ferocity and depredation, breaking open houses, assaulting the inmates, murdering such as shewed resistance, denuding the more submissive of their clothing, abusing women — particularly in the Jewish quarter — to all which atrocities the Europeans were likewise exposed. Travels in Morocco
  • Quiverfull and what could be called the submissive lifestyle are ultimately convictions of faith, and many women choose to follow them regardless of potential hardships. Extreme Motherhood
  • A wasp will disgorge food as submissive behavior.
  • If you questioned it, your loyalty and submissiveness quickly became the issue, and you were “dealt with accordingly.” Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • After all, how much abuse must one endure to qualify as a truly submissive wife?
  • It seems that she wanted a man strong enough to handle a woman as strong as her, not one who required a needy or submissive woman. Times, Sunday Times
  • was submissive and subservient
  • I doubt that anyone who has seen "Waiting for Superman" would agree with Ezra that unions are helpless to "define the status quo," or that enforced employee submissiveness is a major problem in the public schools. Charles Lane: On Wisconsin, again
  • She sat still, in submissive patience, her cheek pale with the working of a heart too big for that little body. Queechy
  • When I arrived at the enclosures, he was inside, crouched submissively alongside a huge silver-backed male.
  • That's the thing with a lot of straight guys, they think that because we're gay we're submissive and all effeminate and we're going to back down.
  • submissive servants
  • Golfing sportsman said it best submissive is the way to go, they know what you want out of them, and are eager to please you. 5 Tips for Picking the Perfect Bird Dog Puppy
  • The second thing is submissive prayer. Christianity Today
  • The stereotype that foreign women are submissive is completely false.
  • The second thing is submissive prayer. Christianity Today
  • Once running wild, he is now a submissive workhorse with a faraway look in his eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • People with thought are brave rather than cowardly, aggressive rather than submissive.
  • It's not true the world's oldest continent was merely an area of darkness that submissively awaited enlightenment.
  • But patients are not the unquestioning, submissive breed they once were.
  • Removing one's footwear before entering a home or a temple before worship denotes a sign of respect, humility and submissiveness.
  • The widespread ideology of this period that the only good woman is a submissive woman was a great help to their employers. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • She may advocate a matriarchy, but it is a matriarchy where leaders remain irreproachably ladylike, and therefore ultimately submissive to men.
  • They centre around the interpretations of the leadership and submissive and unquestioning acceptance of these is essential to be a member of good standing.
  • He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant.
  • A man of her own class he would not mind, for Connie was gifted from nature with this appearance of demure, submissive maidenliness, and perhaps it was part of her nature. Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • Although otherwise accomplished individuals, Steinbrenner's victims were submissive and nonassertive. Roger I. Abrams: Steinbrenner Was a Bully
  • The more these changes take place in public opinion, the more reckless, really, the Israeli government has become, and it's all the more surprising, therefore, that Canada should have a government so absolutely ... well, I don't want to use the word craven because that would suggest submissiveness. - News for the rest of us
  • submissiveness" and the light-heartedness of the French did not prevent their being also fickle; and their "docility" was varied by fits of violent quarrelling with their American neighbors and among themselves. The Winning of the West, Volume 3 The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths, 1784-1790
  • But this just goes to show you that in order to be a respected black man you must be submissive and wait your turn to get the respect you rightfully deserve from a white man, till whenever the white man gets comfortable enough to give it to you. Powell calls Palin a 'fascinating figure'
  • I think it is just they are not aware of pressurising you to make you conform or to make you submissive.
  • She saw herself chained to a coarse wooden pole, the straw on the floor pricking her legs as she kneeled, head bowed submissively.
  • They seem to have all the makings of a weak, submissive government.
  • Yet judging by the youths' submissive behaviour the threat seemed credible.
  • Gentle and debonair in manners, he knows how to be a submissive husband and cater to the needs of his sweetheart.
  • It's too bad that some men feel they can only express their submissive side by taking on the identity of a woman.
  • a submissive reply
  • At this point the sky falls in and the editor, crying “Enough!” crouches submissively to the swaying floor, sobbing and crying like a baby pulverised by meteoric infall … The Odds Against Science Fiction « Write Anything
  • His expression tensed, lips held firmly shut over clenched teeth, then assumed a submissive position: head bowed, ears front and down, elbows out, and all fourteen fingers interlocked to show contrition. Quozl
  • The widespread ideology of this period that the only good woman is a submissive woman was a great help to their employers. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • At the feast which follows the three bridegrooms wager on whose wife is the most docile and submissive.
  • Historically, such a profoundly submissive capitulation, as took place in the Soviet case, was a rarity.
  • When one partner is dominant, less is expected of the submissive partner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mamma, I will try to be perfectly submissive to his will, even if it is to take you away from me; but oh, I must pray, pray, _pray_ as hard as I can that it may please him to spare your dear life and let me keep my mother at least till I am grown to be a man. Elsie's Vacation and After Events
  • Another aspect is that middle-class and upper-class men were expected to be very controlled — to control their emotions, their servants and their women — and women were expected to be submissive.
  • Refers to a submissive male cross-dresser or a male submissive who is panty trained even though he is not actually a transvestite. Come Hither
  • You don't have to be a unidimensional creature forever rebelling or forever submissive.
  • Submissive magistrates were dismissed and William took the decision to cut the dykes and deliberately flood the area surrounding Leyden.
  • She is warlike and aggressive, not submissive and unassertive.
  • Your dog should respond to your dominance with a submissive gesture, which is stopping the unwanted behaviour then licking their lips or looking directly at you to seek affirmation.
  • Removing one's footwear before entering a home or a temple before worship denotes a sign of respect, humility and submissiveness.
  • The early Christians, drawing on the teachings of the Cynics, Sophists, and Stoics, also told slaves to be submissive and obedient, but recognized an essential inner freedom that transcended external condition.
  • People with thought are brave rather than cowardly, aggressive rather than submissive.
  • They must have given him some powerful drugs to have him so submissive and humble.
  • Few would label themselves feminists, and almost without exception they have worked hard at being submissive to their husbands.
  • Confucian culture has had a strong influence on sex roles, producing the stern and extroverted male, and the loving, introverted, and submissive female.
  • At Hyde Park Corner on a tub she stands preaching; shrouds herself in white and walks penitentially disguised as brotherly love through factories and parliaments; offers help, but desires power; smites out of her way roughly the dissentient, or dissatisfied; bestows her blessing on those who, looking upward, catch submissively from her eyes the light of their own. Mrs. Dalloway
  • His only reply would be a sweet, submissive smile which irritated her, and which she called arrogant and presumptuous. Women in the Life of Balzac
  • The letter additionally criticized the ruling party of Prime Minister Donald Tusk for "submissiveness" toward Russia and acting like a "client" with Germany, adding that his The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • A ballsy swashbuckler on camera, who did all her own stunts, O'Hara was totally submissive in her personal life.
  • And Ieuan ab Ifor would simply have to resign himself to losing a delusory image of a submissive wife, a creature Heledd could never become. His Disposition
  • He expects his wife to be meek and submissive.
  • Somebody claiming to detect a divine design in respect of himself may phrase the idea in terms of humility, even submissiveness.
  • The creepy spectacle of watching one warrior after the next insist that we must risk other people's lives and bomb more people so that we don't feel girlish and scared and submissive is repugnant enough, in itself, to have to witness on a daily basis. September 2006
  • Irish judges and juries did not insist on conformity to a feminine ideal of domestic submissiveness; a woman who fought back was not treated as having forfeited her right to legal recourse by ‘unsexing’ herself.
  • That they won’t see you so long as you remain submissive? COCOONED • by J.A. Matthews

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