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How To Use Sublunar In A Sentence

  • Aristotelian science had distinguished between the superlunary sphere (above the moon) which was fixed and perfect, and the sublunary sphere (the moon, meteors and the earth) which was mutable.
  • Carrier writes there that Plutarch suggests "for these believers Osiris is "incarnated" in the sublunar heaven and actually dies and resurrects there Mythicist Misunderstanding
  • The mahatma of the title, is helping Jack and Charley learn about their prospective brides (each is courting the other's sister) by offering to "tear your astral form from its sublunary habitation and send it gasping through the empyrean. The woe of an aspiring genius.
  • And us sublunary types can look up at her, and her dark quiet seas, and in moments pass again into our purer minds. Bonus Music Video: Sea of Tranquillity by Luke Powers - NASA Watch
  • A junto hereupon being convocated, the better to consult upon the manner of obviating a so dreadful danger, Jove, sitting in his presidential throne, asked the votes of all the other gods, which, after a profound deliberation amongst themselves on all contingencies, they freely gave at last, and then resolved unanimously to withstand the shocks of all whatsoever sublunary assaults. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
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  • Bacon's bi-quaternion theory necessarily refers to the sublunary as well as to the superlunary world. Francis Bacon
  • All corporal bodies were deemed to be the product of two principles - primary matter and an added ‘something’ called form - but an absolute distinction was made between the unchanging heavens and the corruptible sublunary universe.
  • Carrier writes there that Plutarch suggests "for these believers Osiris is "incarnated" in the sublunar heaven and actually dies and resurrects there" Yet Plutarch implies no such thing, and Carrier appears to be reading this into the text. Mythicist Misunderstanding
  • Yes, even the depths of the wintry cold, when the sun seems to mock us shivering mammals in this sublunary world, can make me smile, wonder, and fall in love again. Archive for » 2008 » October : Sustainablog
  • The reader may choose to think of him as possibly no more than a sublunary druggist; it may be so, but my faith is better — I believe him to have evanesced, 11 or evaporated. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
  • The backdrop of stars was perceived as representing God in its permanence and immutability; only the sublunar sphere encircling the earth was subject to change and decay.
  • But the third verse whams in with "another country", namely heaven – thus not only annoying those of other religions and none, but implying that sublunary patriotism may be subject to overrule by the man upstairs. So Lewis Hamilton wants a longer national anthem. Has he heard the second verse?
  • ‘Bob of Dumblain,’ under the influence of half a mutchkin of brandy, he seemed to trot merrily forward, with a happy indifference to the state of the country, the conduct of the party, the end of the journey, and all other sublunary matters whatever. Waverley
  • He inhabits a world where historical activity is surrounded by supernatural forces, where the numinous constantly interpenetrates the dull sublunary world of common sense.
  • I mean more specifically the Christian doctrine of the incarnation (Hoc est enim corpus meum), along with the Christian doctrine which holds that although sublunary things pass, like men passing over Crazy Jane's body, or like progress down a road, all those temporally moving things do not vanish. Crossroads of Philosophy and Cultural Studies: Body, Context, Performativity, Community
  • fleeting sublunary pleasures
  • 279 The two essentials in the composition of all sublunary things were, by the ancient Greeks, termed psyche and hyle, that is, spiritus et materia, soul and body. 1877 tr. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1156
  • Following Aristotle and the Platonists, Abraham divided the universe into three parts: the spiritual, celestial, and sublunary worlds.
  • ‘In numerology,’ Shapiro writes, seven ‘is the number of eternity and mutability, of the temporal, sublunary world and the world of the eternal Sabbath.’
  • But the third verse whams in with "another country", namely heaven – thus not only annoying those of other religions and none, but implying that sublunary patriotism may be subject to overrule by the man upstairs. So Lewis Hamilton wants a longer national anthem. Has he heard the second verse?
  • He inhabits a world where historical activity is surrounded by supernatural forces, where the numinous constantly interpenetrates the dull sublunary world of common sense.
  • Thus the impure sublunary fire conveys neither heat nor light, but as it kindles upon some earthly materials of wood, stubble, or the like; but the nobler and celestial fire in the body of the sun, that works all these effects by a communication of its own virtue, without the interposal of those culinary helps: it affords flame and light, and warmth and all, without fuel. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
  • transcendental motives for sublunary actions
  • Sir Thomas Aquinas: ‘The celestial bodies are the cause of all that takes place in the sublunar world.’
  • Seigl had imagined it as the verbal approximation of memory, experienced in an undersea, undulating zone of sublunary consciousness. THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • The interaction between the parts and the horizon brings the lunation cycle down to earth, projecting it, via the ascendant, into the sublunar sphere of the mundane houses.
  • Dante transports an earthly historicity into his heaven and hell, in an idiom which is both sublime and sublunary.
  • find transcendental motives for sublunary action
  • Death is, as one of the ancients observes, [Greek: to ton phoberon phoberotaton], _of dreadful things the most dreadful_: an evil, beyond which nothing can be threatened by sublunary power, or feared from human enmity or vengeance. The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 03 The Rambler, Volume II
  • The backdrop of stars was perceived as representing God in its permanence and immutability; only the sublunar sphere encircling the earth was subject to change and decay.
  • One of the parallels that strikes me is the lack of humility or at least self-awareness in the attempts to disassemble a large body of academic literature, rather than publishing - say - an article on Paul's conception of the archons as sublunar demons or docetic christology in GThom. More Mythicist-Creationist Parallels
  • 'By us sublunary thy will be done ... with viands meet thy humble creatures bless.' The Reverend D Hughes, MA, Poems on Various Subjects in English and Latin (1865)
  • The laicization and secularizing of death stemming from the Scientific Revolution led to sublimation of the belief in a divine afterlife into the prospect of a sublunary life extension.
  • 'ALLOWING for the imperfect state of sublunary happiness, which is comparative at best, there are not, perhaps, many nations existing whose situation is so desirable; where the means of subsistence are so easy, and the wants of the people so few … The evident distinction of ranks, which subsists at Otaheite, does not so materially affect the felicity of the nation as we might have supposed. Letter 63
  • Aristotle believed that most reasoning, including reasoning about what to do and about sublunary natural phenomena, dealt with things that hold ‘always or for the most part.’
  • In the sublunary world, elemental powers are simple and deterministic.
  • He wanted to understand how celestial events influenced sublunar ones.

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