How To Use Subjugate In A Sentence

  • Afghans say the mound where the Americans have made a base was once used by Alexander the Great, who defeated the local tribes of Afghanistan in the 4th century B.C. Since their arrival in April, the members of the 10th Mountain Division, 3rd Brigade, 25th Artillery, have been working to win over the local population rather than subjugate it. Making inroads in Afghanistan
  • The mayor, Dr. Arnold, was completely "subjugated," and, after consulting with him, I authorized him to assemble his City Council to take charge generally of the interests of the people; but warned all who remained that they must be strictly subordinate to the military law, and to the interests of the General Government. Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
  • I'm very grateful to find others like yourself who have overcome and continue to combat these fear ridden lunatics that try to subjugate our society to their truly malevolent goals.
  • I have a hard time believing that you are talking about the same kind of creatureliness that has been used to justify slavery, to subjugate women, condemn homosexuality, anathemize birth control, and to pick an example from today's headlines to limit stem cell research. Philocrites: Uh oh: Here come the Christian humanists!
  • To subjugate all paths to the proofs of Science is to neglect the irrational and inexplicable mysteries of Creation.
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  • The Bible which has been used as a tool to oppress, subjugate and colonize indigenous people has proved to be even more powerful a weapon than the European's firearms.
  • The native population was subjugated and exploited.
  • After having been subjugated to ambition, your maternal instincts are at last starting to assert themselves.
  • `Let us subjugate the Chalcedean states completely, dividing their territory between us. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Within a generation, the spiritual authority was subjugated to the secular authority.
  • Unfortunately, however, nations do not choose to engage in despoiling others, when the objective is strong and able to defend itself, but rather delays until the victim is under a handicap and certain to be more or less easily subjugated. The Efficiency of the Canadian Militia for Defence
  • That the Japanese, in thrall to China from time immemorial, should try to subjugate their vast neighbor seemed an inversion of the cosmic order.
  • From 1816, General Aleksey Yermolov set out to subjugate the mountain peoples, building forts south of the Terek and founding the fortress city of Grozny “Menacing”. The Return
  • `Let us subjugate the Chalcedean states completely, dividing their territory between us. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Sylvia Plath's diaries have shown she endured a relationship with Ted Hughes - one in which she subjugated herself and her talent for the greater good of him and his.
  • Their whole point is that non-whites ARE deficient and therefore deserved to be subjugated which is what makes them racist. Couple divided on what happens next
  • You'd better manage to subjugate him. Otherwise it will be all over with you.
  • A lack of empathy with republican ideals leads him to doubt the value of the desire for independence that impels subjugated peoples to seek an escape from empire.
  • While thus engaged he was, under pretext of union, finally and fatally subjugated by the Scot.
  • subjugated peoples
  • In 112 BCE, the Han's southern campaign to "pacify" the Southern Yue subjugated the Southern and Western Barbarians, resulting in the establishment of Yuexi and Shenli commanderies. 21 In 109 BCE, the Han conquered the Laojin and Mimo peoples. 22 Under enormous military pressure, the king of Dian surrendered. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Dr. Moreau forbids violence (but uses it to subjugate his half-animal "" children ''), doesn't eat meat (like Hitler, he's a vegetarian) and speaks with a plummy, overrefined English accent that seems taken from Robert Morley. Brando Plays God
  • There is also peace where one element does not dominate so much as subjugates the rest of the society, and where any signs of dissension are nipped in the bud.
  • I bow my head in shame when I think of the countries we've looted and the people we've subjugated.
  • Those scriptures that contain prescriptions for worshipping gods, sacrifices, donations, ascesis and other rituals, have been prepared by wise men only to keep people subjugated.
  • In the end, however, it's up to me to decide if I will be a willing pupil at any given time, to decide if I have little enough belief in my own feelings to subjugate them to the ways of another.
  • Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years.
  • The creation of these states with their rival bourgeoisies only served to divide the powerful working class of the sub-continent and subjugate them to the dictates of finance capital.
  • Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born in 1891, an untouchable in an India run by the British – that is to say a subaltern twice over, subjugated by an imperial government and by high-caste Indians. Unthinkable? An Ambedkar memorial | Editorial
  • The origin of the name Castile is a matter of dispute, but it is more than probably derived from the fortified castles (castillos), built first by the Romans to protect themselves from the Cantabrians whom they had not completely subjugated, and afterwards by the Christians to defend the northern regions which they had conquered from the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • many radical Muslims believe a Khalifah will unite all Islamic lands and people and subjugate the rest of the world
  • The policy led to increasing polarization of the society, causing the subjugated ethnic communities to despise the new order.
  • Nabokov's keys lead the reader away from truth and subjugate him to the authorial will, a technique that had been successfully tested by Gide a decade earlier.
  • The Gatling was a manually operated, artillery-size, multibarrel gun capable of a huge rate of fire, allowing small groups of late 18th-century Europeans to subjugate indigenous peoples throughout the world - so long as the guns worked. A history of the gun that made history
  • But His desire to complete His purpose subjugated the fleshly desires before Him.
  • There is an unhealthy tendency to subjugate films to the dictates of raising public awareness.
  • Having for a long time been subjugated to foreign rule and control, the people of Taiwan have never really formed their own nation.
  • Taxes levied on the Indian populations recently subjugated by European armies were partly paid in macaw feathers. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Tessa had read of them in the Codex: Subjugates, or darklings, were mundanes who had sworn themselves to the service of a vampire. Clockwork Angel
  • Democratization also may embolden formerly subjugated groups to lash out at their one-time oppressors.
  • This Muslim writer expresses the traditional view of Islam, that women should be subjugated, which is being implanted into America with increased numbers of Muslim immigrants — tens of thousands every year. Honor Killing in Texas?
  • Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years.
  • The Klar, a thanedom of hill dwarves, were subjugated by the Hylar following the Dwarfgate War, and many now act as servants to the Hylar, though they have their own underground city on the banks of the Urkhan Sea.
  • But we have not been subjugated as the Saxons were, we have not become a nation of serfs and bondsmen. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Three years and two days ago, troops came to Afghanistan to free a people who had been subjugated by a cruel and vicious oppressor.
  • One governor, Hassan Pasha, was in constant war with tribes, once he subjugated a tribe, another would immediately rebel against him.
  • You'd better manage to subjugate him. Otherwise it will be all over with you.
  • Journalists must subjugate personal political convictions to their professional commitment to fairness and balance.
  • Pacific Ocean shall pour into the Atlantic; when man will become more precious than fine gold, and when his ambition will be to subdue the elements, not to subjugate his fellow-creatures, to make fire, water, earth and air obey his bidding, but to leave the poor ethereal mind as the sole thing in Nature free and incoercible. Priestley in America 1794-1804
  • `We would subjugate that land completely, and end this ancient strife. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • She points out that early 20th-century African American writers felt that repudiating accusations of unmanly and unwomanly sexual behavior ‘was crucial to black people's changing their subjugated social status’.
  • `Let us subjugate the Chalcedean states completely, dividing their territory between us. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The native population was subjugated and exploited.
  • For one thing, our constitutional assertion of citizen control of corporations is still there, as is much of the language in the state codes that formally subjugates corporations to us.
  • Shortly after the overthrow of the Omayyad dynasty, and the establishment of the Abbasids, the city of El-'Askar was founded (A.D. 750) by Suleiman, the general who subjugated the country, and became the capital and the residence of the successive lieutenants of the Abbasid caliphs. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • So in the anticolonial view, America is now the rogue elephant that subjugates and tramples the people of the world.
  • For four decades, Taiwanese rights and interests were subjugated to those of the new arrivals, many of whom harbored the hope of reuniting with China.
  • Bob Brown, leader of Australia's Green party, which supports Prime Minister Julia Gillard's minority government, has been among the most vocal critics, saying the deal would leave the Sydney-based exchange "subjugated" to Singapore. ASX Chief Dismisses Critics of SGX Takeover
  • His brother Turanshah subjugated Nubia and conquered the Yemen in the 1170s.
  • `We would subjugate that land completely, and end this ancient strife. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • To subjugate all paths to the proofs of Science is to neglect the irrational and inexplicable mysteries of Creation.
  • Counter subjugation means that one of the five elements subjugates the other opposite to the normal mutual subjugation order.
  • And in turn, those subjugated by that state should take responsibility for their leaders.
  • The clearest example of Herzog's and presumably Büchner's point is the scene with the sideshow barker and his subjugated monkey in the silk and tassels of a high-ranking soldier.
  • Second, Gilman introduced the concept of ‘androcentricism’: the broad-based set of social practices, relationships, and institutions that systematically subjugated women to men.’
  • During the Dutch colonial administration, ethnic-Chinese were encouraged to assume an economic "compradore" (middleman) role between the Dutch authorities and the subjugated indigenous populations.
  • Abuse is designed to control and subjugate another person through fear, humiliation, and verbal put downs.
  • The concern in Paris and Berlin was that Washington's bid to subjugate Iraq and seize control of its huge oil reserves cut directly across European interests throughout the region.
  • He has subjugated a male lion.
  • The Empire never ended because the Paraclete's exile is enforced not just by the Emperor but by his subjugated people, Gnostic or Paulian, who valorise the divorce of flesh and soul, the demonisation of the former in Dionysian Satan and the idealisation of the latter in Apollonian Christ. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART ONE
  • Because that power comes so naturally, the elder women may not have felt the need to subjugate men.
  • I bow my head in shame when I think of the countries we've looted and the people we've subjugated.
  • He has subjugated a male lion.
  • Etruscans, Volsci, Opici, Leucanians and Samnites, in one word subjugated the whole land bounded by the Alps and repulsed all the alien tribes that came against them. Dio's Rome, Volume 2 An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus; and Now Presented in English Form. Second Volume Extant Books 36-44 (B.C.
  • After having been subjugated to ambition, your maternal instincts are at last starting to assert themselves.
  • Journalists must subjugate personal political convictions to their professional commitment to fairness and balance.
  • The British had subjugated large parts of India, bringing, it was thought, some forty million people under their rule, and the Russians were pushing south-eastwards overland into Central Asia.
  • `We would subjugate that land completely, and end this ancient strife. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Thus, one may question the legitimacy of subsequent wars of conquest, military campaigns to subjugate and plunder peoples, and battles to gain territory.
  • South African tribes the rich exert their power to subjugate the poor, who hang upon them in a kind of clientage, hoping to receive something. Folkways A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals
  • They consider themselves as part of the masses, the subjugated working class, but they wouldn't use those words.
  • Either we defeat them and liberate their populations, or they will defeat us and subjugate ours.
  • His own desires for personal gratification are all subjugated to his priestly office.
  • In territory subjugated by the Union Army, slavery was protected and enforced, just as it had been before the war.
  • After having been subjugated to ambition, your maternal instincts are at last starting to assert themselves.
  • Throughout the course, the emphasis is on the struggles of subjugated groups to gain access to and define a meaningful education.
  • In 1619, the Dutch subjugated the island of Java.
  • The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land
  • But as the wax was now nearing its inevitable end, and the citizens were thoroughly "subjugated," those who wished to remain were allowed to do so. Captains of the Civil War; a chronicle of the blue and the gray
  • And we are sure that this effort to subjugate the hemisphere, this declaration of nonindependence, this stupid policy, will make the people's revolution spirit grow. 4TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE INTERIOR MINISTRY
  • But on many issues they have been just as ready to subjugate human rights to their political interests.
  • They subjugated women, destroyed centuries-old artefacts and killed dissenters.
  • The Idirans, on the other hand, conquer the species they considered inferior and subjugate them into their righteous religious empire.
  • `Let us subjugate the Chalcedean states completely, dividing their territory between us. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • It transports the spirit and subjugates the cares of the day.
  • This was a crusading order that conquered the Baltic and subjugated the people of Brandenburg-Prussia.
  • He acerbically points out that women, slaves and colonized peoples did not need to wait a few hundred years for postmodern thinkers to insist that a supposedly universal modernity had excluded and subjugated them.
  • Africans and their American-born descendents had to acquiesce - at least in the presence of Anglos - to white hegemony and languish as subjugated docile beings.
  • It was designed to instil in young noblemen the qualities required to conquer new lands and subjugate their people on behalf of the king and the church.
  • They cower in fear and are thus powerless, because somebody who feels fear is easily controlled, intimidated and subjugated.
  • After a brief spell of glory in the 1920s and 1930s, the Babelsberg Studios near Berlin were subjugated to the Nazi propaganda machine.
  • Nearly everyone forgot how talented Bather is because he subjugated his game to help the Blue Devils win 92 percent of the time his freshman and sophomore years.
  • `We would subjugate that land completely, and end this ancient strife. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • A common thread throughout this discourse is the sense that members of the subjugated regime are outside the mainstream.
  • Clearly, in today's shared 'lifeworld' the proletatiat has been subjugated through the realisation of a mass media enculturation project (cf the Lacanian concept of 'jouissance', is you will) based on glamourised notions of romance. British Blogs
  • * The movement to establish communitarian radios and TV�s that 10 years ago gave positive steps toward a model of autonomous alternative communication, has been subjugated by the power of the state throughout the economic control because, the majority of the 167 radio stations and 28 tv stations that nowadays work with the denomination of �communitarian� depend upon the government subsidies (according to the Asamblea Nacional, in 2006 they received 5,7 thousand millions bolivars, aprox. more than 2.650.000 dollars), and for that reason they tend to become official mouthpieces and to repeat the same communicational vices they question. Undefined
  • Today, imprisoned underground activists continue to write of this subjugated history from the cells that hold them.

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